kagomecritical · 2 years
Every time I am about to admire Kagome, I remember her choice of the trigger word used to punish Inuyasha and how often she uses it.
And most often, she says boy afterwards.
She never reaffirms why she says it. She never says sorry. She never tries to find another trigger word for the beads.
She thinks its funny to use it.
He becomes SCARED of her and her using the beads against him.
ESPECIALLY in Yashahime.
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kagomecritical · 2 years
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so anyway here’s the thing abt izayoi: this is a woman who was murdered, brought back to life while flames razed the castle she was inside of, watched her husband die, and then presumably had to find shelter despite having just given birth. while barefoot, in the snow, holding a screaming hanyou infant. 
basically if u dont think this woman was a fearless, badass motherfucker after that idk what to tell u.
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kagomecritical · 2 years
this will be a post complaining about the pathetic InuYasha group. I have to say it because it’s boiling inside me.
I remembered episode 6-7 the final act. This whole group of inuyasha are pathetic and I forgot how much I hate them. Really?? LOL. Any honor ?? Sango was so desperate to ask the woman for the she complained because of “she was taking her friend’s boyfriend” (as if inuyasha was just a kagome ftw), she was asking THESE same woman to save her pathetic future husband. The Kagome who hates Kikyou had no decency and asked to save Miroku knowing that it was hard for her, Kikyou’s presence, and then again acted like a total bitch and also desperate to be between InuKik and as AGAIN inuyasha wasn’t around she had to he saved her ass because she fell into an illusion like ftw?! 
This whole group is miserable, they did not support poor inuyasha in his tragedy, they did not even try to put themselves in his shoes, but they had a tendency to reproach and do anything to make Inuyasha feel guilty about meeting Kikyou, to go to apologize to Kagome. None of these people ever sided with Inuyasha while he was suffering, only with Kagome, because HER suffering was ALWAYS the most important! The most important of all in the group.
Inuyasha supports them very much and Inuyasha understand Sango the situation with Kohaku, which cannot be said about Sango, does not support him like she said.They didn’t support him when he needed it, they weren’t there for them when he was sad, broken. Ehh … Inuyasha for them yes.
Inuyasha deserves Kikyou and deserves better friends because those people are not his friends, but kagome friends. 
There are many annoying situations and traits that make this group so annoying. They really are the main cast, but they are so pathetic, stupid, and not unpleasant that I can’t speak. For me, the only tolerable people in the group were Kirara / Inuyasha and nobody else.
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kagomecritical · 2 years
Shippo was annoying as hell. Like telling "Inuyasha thinks about Kikyo!" Like he doesn't how to shut up, THEY'RE USED TO BE LOVERS DUH. Shippo was also useless like Kagome. And honestly same to the gang, I feel they don't care about Inuyasha's feelings for Kikyo and always "apologize to Kagome-sama/chan" they always only care about Kagome which is annoying.
Your message surprised me. I really thought I was the only one on Tumblr who thinks that.
Shippou is an annoying brat who is worth nothing. He loves Kagome because Kagome pampers him with various sweets from the future.
Of course, he will love her and will be on her side because Kagome always pampers him and defends him when he provokes inuyasha, and then when inuyasha hits him, he pretends to cry and is immediately "osuwari" and he enjoys his mean face.It must be really fun to bully Inuyasha DUH. The brat could never close that annoying mouth, many times I wanted someone on the team to punish him, but that never happened, but he was pampered for it. He was only useful when it came to glorious and darling Kagome, she had to have more people to adore. Shippou is the only anime / manga pet that I personally despise.
Sh / pou doesn't know tact. He doesn't know when or what to say. He doesn't think. He is Kagoome's pathetic kissing asshole. Many times i REALLY WANTED HIT HIM SO MANY TIMES  for what he says.
What you say about Sango and Miroku is true, but it's worse. Kagome manipulates because she is always the greatest drama queen in the series. She makes herself the victim and the biggest victim because Inuyasha went to see Kikyou. Seriously?! And this whole group of adoration, this whole gang, act like INUYASHA is Kagome's boyfriend who is cheating on Kagome. And Kagome acts like a saint, graciously allowing inuyasha to be with Kikyou. Kagome is "holy" to them. Relax. They weren't together at that moment, so neither Kagome nor they had a right to these words, as if inuyasha was her boyfriend, really ?! DUH That's right. They have NEVER sided with Inuyasha in Kikyou's situation, they just did everything to make Inuyasha feel more guilty, went to Kagome and apologized to her. As if he didn't feel guilty anymore because Kagome got hurted and ran home because Inuyasha and the right to be with Kikyou. And if Kagome really loved him, she would support him! Nothing of that! Her feelings were always the most important! She never put her feelings above his to support Inuyasha, but she gave him more pain, and her GANG helped with that.They just knew Inuyasha's situation, but neither of them supported Inuyash, but he supports them all the time.
Sango.DUH. She had a similar situation to Inuyasha and said that she would support Inuyasha, but what we see?! is How she stands by Kagome! She and Inuyasha have a similar situation! No support! Only Kagome gets support from them. 
This is so fucked up.It's annoying because only Inuyasha is guilty and Kikyou is also guilty because she's back, isn't she?
No one on the team thought how hard it was for him! Inuyasha  and Kikyou. Goddamn it. They didn't break up with each other. they betrayed themselves.she pierced him with an arrow and he fell asleep. She died, then Kikyou comes back as an angry ghost and they both learn that it was Naraku's plot. Not to mention, everything Inuyasha experienced was fresh to him. He went through so much coffin and continued to be supportive and loving to the team as a true friend, but the same cannot be said for Sango, Miroku, Sh // pou
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kagomecritical · 2 years
Hot take, blind hatred of men, or those who are AMAB doesn’t make you a feminist. It just makes you a misandrist and a TERF.
In case you’ve forgotten, feminism fights for the equality of ALL genders. Not just bio/cis/AFAB women.
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kagomecritical · 2 years
TERFs are the epitome of morons who think they're so much smarter than everyone else. Conservatives use them as their pawns, and they happily run along with it.
When biologists and archaeologists and historians and so on agree that trans people are real and have existed since humanity has, they assume we've just duped them all somehow! Like an overwhelmingly impoverished minority has that kind of power!
They think that women's rights and trans rights are inherently in opposition, when there are multiple radfems throughout history who have said trans people are key to gender liberation, and by proxy women's liberation.
They cannot comprehend being a part of an oppressed group (women) while also being a part of a privileged group (cis).
Really, it's a miracle their brains work at all! Jellyfish have more impactful ideas on the world than TERFs ever will.
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kagomecritical · 2 years
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kagomecritical · 2 years
Do non-white terfs not realize how inherently racist terf-ism is????
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kagomecritical · 2 years
Just making sure this is very fucking clear
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kagomecritical · 2 years
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Why does she still use the beads ?
No wonder he hides things from her . Whenever she gets annoyed , she abuses him
This hypocrite should take a hard look at herself. She wants him to have more faith in her ? Where’s her faith in him when she uses the beads ?
This relationship is disgusting . She treats him like an animal that she wants to tame
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kagomecritical · 2 years
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Wow ! This is so pathetic
She’s jealous of a dead woman !!
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Why he refused to put you down ?
Because you are a useless damsel in distress
Why he would be different with Kikyo ?
Because she knows how to fight . She isn’t useless. Inuyahsa can depend on her
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Does she not have any shame ? She knew her useless self will be in danger and Inuyahsa will have to save her yet she still wants such situations to happen making Inuyahsa do more unnecessary work
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kagomecritical · 2 years
Do people not realize why Inuyasha acted the way he did? It never was described in detail, but all we knew is that Inuyasha grew up as a product of love between a human princess and a demon. His father died protecting him and his mother, he grew up hearing the words "half breed" and being treated like a monster by humans and demons alike.
His own mother's court treated him with disrespect, mocking him and ostracizing him, even when he didn't know what they meant.
And when his mother died, leaving him all alone and a cold-blooded older brother who wanted nothing to do with him? He most likely got kicked out or almost killed.
All his life, he spent running from humans and demons for just simply existing. Considered neither human nor demon- considered a mistake, an accident never meant to happen.
He most likely grew to fear all those he encountered and despise humans more than demons, as it was in a demon's nature to be out for themselves, while humans have always been known to band together?
When he met Kikyo, he finally found someone who understood what it meant to be recognized as a byproduct of the world and just another passerby. They found solace in one another. And then, it was all ripped away from him when yet again, somehow- the first person he trusted in a very long, long time betrayed him.
Imagine that.
This is why I despise Kagome and her "relationship" with Inuyasha. Treating him like he isn't a living person with hopes and feelings. Like a DOG. Exactly how all other humans treated him from the start.
Even Kikyo paid mind to his trauma and didn't give him the Beads of Subjugation. She TRUSTED him and believed in him.
He deserved better than an immature girl who physically and verbally abuses him.
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kagomecritical · 2 years
Inukag is an abusive relationship. Kagome is an abuser . People who support this ship are clearly fans of Kagome . If Inuyahsa was their 1st character in term of favorite, they would hate the treatment he unfairly gets
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kagomecritical · 2 years
Despite the creator of Inuyasha saying so, Kikyo will always be stronger than kagome as she never surpassed her.
As a priestess in charge of defending a powerful jewel, Kikyou was automatically far stronger than Kagome. She was an excellent fighter, a better protector, and miles more cunning than her reincarnation. What little archery skills Kagome had were due to the soul that resided within her.
On top of that, Kagome was notoriously hesitant when it came to battle or dire situations. She was reluctant in the heat of the moment, which was frustrating for Inuyasha and the rest of their team. She always waited longer than necessary to fire an arrow or two, which makes Kikyou the ultimate protective lover.
Since she was raised in the feudal era and had the guard a powerful item, Kikyo was a badass fighter. She was a demon slayer and could shoot an arrow with a lot of distance and precision. In this manner, she was an equal with Inuyasha. Kagome can eventually fire arrows but never like Kikyo. In most of the fights, Inuyasha is the one doing all the work. In the few scenes where Kikyo and Inuyasha fight together though, they are on equal ground.
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kagomecritical · 2 years
What I always loved about Kikyo is that she managed to continue her life as it is with complaining or being a brat she sacrificed her love for the better good and still the fandom go after her for no reason like saying that she obsessed and selfish and she wanted to change inuyasha into a human for her agenda and so, instead kagome is the perfection she loves inuyasha like he is and nonsense ;the injustice perpetrated is mean and sad.
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kagomecritical · 2 years
I don't feel sorry for Kagome, she knew from the beginning what Inuyasha feels for Kikyo. And even knowing that she decided to stay by Inuyasha's side. Everything could be so different if she was mature enough to let Kikyo be around Inuyasha, but no she choose to be the third wheel (a very annoying and jealous one) and then suffers the consequences from it. Well girl got what you wanted, assume the pain that goes with it, which in part she does, but it bothers me to much that all the gang just focus in her pain, which was optional, but had 0 tolerance with Inuyasha's pain, which wasn't a choice for him, the women he loved was brutally killed, have some respect for goodness sake.
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kagomecritical · 2 years
Didn't Kagome even admit that she wouldn't have been able to follow Inuyasha in death the way Kikyo did? She was really like "I would do anything for love, but I won't do that".
Inuyasha and Kikyo just have a more organic, passionate and intense bond that even I admit, is quite intimidating. I mean, who just willingly jumps at the chance to go to hell with a woman? You don't do that for just anyone. Koga said it right when he said that Kikyo carried that man's soul in her hands. Their energy is just way different.
Kagome, on the other hand, needs all the reassurance she can get in order to have any level of certainty that her bond with Inuyasha is strong, but even towards the end, her belief seems questionable, even if she seemed to have convinced herself that they're equals.
Especially when she begins to cry hearing the flower demons interpretation of Inuyasha's feelings for Kikyo. Like okay....so we're just gonna throw that whole 'we're equals' revelation into the trash then.
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