k-jngin · 9 years
ø: Our muses cuddle by the fireplace with hot cocoa. 
jongin likes christmas, he sort of likes winter –– mostly because it's nice and he loves snow (he's a huge fan of snowmans and snowball fights). but he's never been too into the whole winter thing because it's cold and jongin being well jongin, he doesn't have much to keep him warm during this cold season.
but he's not too sure when he's decided that he loves winter and that it's more than just 'bearable.' he scans the apartment –– the one that looks nothing like his own and he leans back into the cushions, sipping on his hot cocoa before placing it aside. 
his eyes are half lidded and he's slowly starting to doze off when he feels something shift beside him, followed by warm hands settling onto his arms, as if pulling him closer. he blinks his eyes open and laughter nearly spills out of his lips almost instantaneously when he spots kyungsoo beside him –– snuggling as if the empty spaces were meant only for him.
"no questions," kyungsoo replies curtly and perhaps it's the light reflecting off of the laptop screen ( the one with a fireplace screensaver that jongin had practically begged for kyungsoo to download ) but he spots a tint of red –– or is that pink? –– adorning kyungsoo's face and he feels a surge of warmth spread throughout him. for a moment he thinks his own face is tinting a nice shade of pink as well, mirroring kyungsoo's,  but he ignores it –– instead opting to place an arm around kyungsoo's shoulders, easily pulling the smaller male closer.
"what are you ––?"
"it saves space and keeps us warmer," jongin replies as though completely unfazed by the sudden proximity. somehow kyungsoo buys this excuse and nods his head, before he rests it against jongin's shoulder and –– fuck fuck fuck boys should not be feeling this way when another boy decides to put his head against your shoulder! 
but jongin's gaze falls onto kyungsoo's small frame –– and jongin could think up a million excuses as to why this isn't very normal between casual 'friends' but he pushes the thought aside and instead he decides to rest his own head atop kyungsoo's. 
"jongin what are you doing?"
"nice tiny hyung," he hums under his breath, kyungsoo's hair soft against his chin. ( 'boys really shouldn't be feeling this way about other boys,' he tells himself but then he throws the thought out the window because fuck it –– he really likes this and he doesn't want to let this moment pass at all ).
"you take that back kim jongin! don't be rude to your elders!"
jongin laughs and the embrace he has on kyungsoo tightens, his own eyes crinkling up into crescents. 
perhaps, he thinks as he looks on at kyungsoo small frame, this was one of the reasons as to why he started finding winter more than just 'bearable'. 
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k-jngin · 9 years
(sms→jongin) it's cold. (sms→jongin) and by that i mean i need cuddles. (sms→jongin) ...if you make any smart comment over this i'll kick you and not let you in.
[ text » tiny hyung ] its winter hyung
[ text » tiny hyung ] oh 
[ text » tiny hyung ] youre so straight to the poin –– deleted!
[ text » tiny hyung ] hahahaahaha youre so cute hyung okay okay how could i ever say no to that
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k-jngin · 9 years
THE ULTIMATE HOLIDAY THEMED ASK MEME {part of: ❄ twenty-five days of elle} 
▲: One of our muses tries to catch snowflakes on their tongue. ☾: Your muse asks for help decorating a gingerbread house. ♪: One of our muses inviting the other for a Christmas duet. ♦: Our muses wrap presents together. ☃: Our muses build a snowman together. ✈: Our muses travel somewhere for the holidays. ✎: My muse’s Christmas card to yours. ✘: My muse runs into your muse while trying to buy them a Christmas present.  ✆: My muse calls your muse while drunk on eggnog.  ツ: Our muses go caroling.  ✿: My muse gives your muse a Christmas present. ø: Our muses cuddle by the fireplace with hot cocoa.  ✌: Our muses argue over which Christmas movie to watch.  ♡: Our muses kiss under a mistletoe.  ♛: Our muses kiss at midnight on New Year’s.  ➸: Our muses decorate their house together. ♘: Our muses put up a Christmas tree and decorate it. ✰: My muse invites your muse to dance to Christmas songs. ☼: Our muses volunteer to help out for the holidays. ∞: Our muses go tree shopping. ❖: Our muses go ice skating together. ☁: Our muses go sledding.  ✉: Your muse hits mine with a snowball in order to start a snowball fight.  ϟ: Our muses bake Christmas cookies together. ↺: Our muses doing something holiday-themed with their kid(s).
"Look! It’s snowing!" "Do we really have to leave cookies for Santa?" "Santa’s not real! There, I said it!" "Where do we hang the stockings if we don’t have a fireplace?" "You really don’t have to get me anything this year." "Do we really have to go to your parents’ house for Christmas?" "Let’s just sit in our pajamas and watch Christmas movies all day." "You’re gonna become huge if you keep eating all of Santa’s cookies." "Oh, put some mistletoe on my butt and kiss it." "This is the best Christmas I’ve ever had." "This is the worst Christmas ever." "Is that mistletoe?" "You look cold. Here, take my scarf." "I’m just not a fan of the holidays." "You’ve had the Christmas radio on non-stop for five hours."
[text]: I just accidentally told our son/daughter that Santa isn’t real. [text]: The Christmas tree is on fire. [text]: So cold. Need cuddles. [text]: Christmas is a time to be honest, so this is it — I’m in love with you. [text]: I may or may not have eaten the entire gingerbread house we made two days ago. [text]: I just saw two people dressed as Santa fist fighting in a mall. Christmas is ruined! [text]: I’m may or may not be wearing mistletoe underwear. Wanna find out for sure? [text]: I made an oopsie and let’s just say we have over 500 candy canes in our apartment right now.  [text]: I can’t believe I have to spend Christmas Eve in a hospital.  [text]: So what if I made out with a guy dressed as Santa Claus?! I was drunk! [text]: I know it’s been a while since we’ve spoken, but Merry Christmas. [text]: Just fought a 50 year old lady over a pair of gloves for my dad. He better be grateful, because she almost clawed my eyes out.  [text]: If I see one more picture on Instagram of a snowman with Frozen lyrics underneath, I’m gonna explode up in this bitch. 
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k-jngin · 9 years
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k-jngin · 9 years
[ txt ; kyungsoo hyung ] best tiny hyung!!!  [ txt ; kyungsoo hyung ] no  [ txt ; kyungsoo hyung ] no never youre not at all  [ txt ; kyungsoo hyung ] i love spending time wit -- deleted!  [ txt ; kyungsoo hyung ] is something wrong?? 
(sms→jongin) …okay. i’ll do that for you (sms→jongin) jongin.. (sms→jongin) do you —— deleted! (sms→jongin) have you ever thought i’m —— deleted! (sms→jongin) do you think i —— deleted! (sms→jongin) god fucking damn —— deleted! (sms→jongin) am i bothersome? 
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k-jngin · 9 years
giantbxby replied to your post:
[txt: jongin] hurry im dying
[txt: jongin] ps choc mint pls
[ txt ; cyrus ] hmmm.... HMMM.... is that good enough reason to leave the comfort of my almost broken single sized bed..... HMMMM 
[ txt ; cyrus ] okay have fun tell god i said hey
[ txt ; cyrus ] ew choc mint is gross im bringing caramel choc okay 
[ txt ; cyrus ] ALSO THE FORT IS AMAZING
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k-jngin · 9 years
xntsoo replied to your post:
(sms→jongin) but tomorrow i won’t remember
(sms→jongin) i don’t want to forg —- deleted!
(sms→jongin) how many times have i forgotten you? —- deleted!
(sms→jongin) i’m sorry. i just
(sms→jongin) nevermind
[ txt ; kyungsoo hyung ] i wont forget
[ txt ; kyungsoo hyung ] let me be the one to remember this instead okay?
[ txt ; kyungsoo hyung ] put on a sticky note "movie date night with handsome broke college neighbour tomorrow"
[ txt ; kyungsoo hyung ] deal hyung?? come on im looking forward to this!!
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k-jngin · 9 years
[ txt ; jonghyun ] WHATS THE EMERGENCY 
[ txt ; jonghyun ] DOES GOTHAM CITY NEED ME
[ txt ; jonghyun ] also is strawberry flavour okay
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k-jngin · 9 years
[ txt ; cyrus ] dudE 
[ txt ; cyrus ] okay maybe i am what flavour do you like the most 
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k-jngin · 9 years
[text]: Maybe I just feel like spending my night with you.
[ txt ; kyungsoo hyung ] yeah? 
[ txt ; kyungsoo hyung ] me too hyung 
[ txt ; kyungsoo hyung ] it's kinda lonely without you here haha but i have to send in this essay if not i'll fail 
[ txt ; kyungsoo hyung ] i like spending all my time with you –– deleted! 
[ txt ; kyungsoo hyung ] i'll bring in the iron man movie tomorrow and we can watch it together 
[ txt ; kyungsoo hyung ] i won't forget hyung
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k-jngin · 9 years
[text]: Haha, no. I’m not giving it back.
[ txt ; yumi ] please? 
[ txt ; yumi ] pleeeasssseee? omg im rly sorry okAY BUT I REALLY WANT MY COMIC BOOK BACK 
[ txt ; yumi ] please please please please please please please 
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k-jngin · 9 years
[text]: Is teasing me the only purpose of this conversation?
[ txt ; kyungsoo hyung ] mmhmm 
[ txt ; kyungsoo hyung ] its the best part of this conversation!!! 
[ txt ; kyungsoo hyung ] okay i take it back your height is your charming point
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k-jngin · 9 years
[text]: Is that suppose to be a threat?
[ txt ; myungsoo ] well it wasnt supposed to be a threat AT FIRST
[ txt ; myungsoo ] but if its scaring you then 
[ txt ; myungsoo ] yes it is a threat u wanna fite 
[ txt ; myungsoo ] except not really... idk how to fight...
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k-jngin · 9 years
[text]: Don’t get too comfortable.
[ txt ; ] :-(
[ txt ; ] i'll try my best no promises
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k-jngin · 9 years
send my muse one of the following to see how they react:
[text]: What the hell are you saying? [text]: Does that mean you aren’t coming back? [text]: Oops, I brought spandex instead of leather.  [text]: Come on if you’re coming.  [text]: Are we going to do this or what? [text]: Tell me now..so how often have you had sex dreams about me? [text]: Don’t get too comfortable. [text]: S.O.S. [text]: Do you have to text me at three in the morning? [text]: Shouldn’t you be sleeping? [text]: Is that you’re way of saying you miss me? [text]: Is there something I should know? [text]: Party. My house. Tonight. Bring Alcohol. [text]: Is that suppose to be a threat? [text]: Haha, no. I’m not giving it back. [text]: Time for someone to go grocery shopping. [text]: I’m not going with you to see that. [text]: EMERGENCY: BRING ICE CREAM [text]: Send me another picture like that and see what happens. [text]: Is teasing me the only purpose of this conversation? [text]: Soo..does that mean you feel the same way? [text]: Just admit it..you missed me. [text]: I was hoping you would go with me. [text]: You’re dead meat. [text]: How do you feel about a threesome?  [text]: Maybe I just feel like spending my night with you. [text]: We are not going there.
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k-jngin · 9 years
AUs I’m dying to do:
01. Stuck inside an elevator AU.
02. Neighbors who become really close friends AU.
03. You’re the first to recognize me as someone famous on the street AU.
04. I fell in love with you playing that instrument AU.
05. You see me ordering the same thing at the cafe everyday AU.
06. I pass by this place and see you there everyday, but we’re shy to talk AU.
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k-jngin · 9 years
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                        ❝ in the wise words of troy bolton ––                                  get your head in the game. ❞
                               KIM TAEHYUNG. EIGHTEEN.                     STUDENT WANNABE BASKETBALL STAR
                                                ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘
                                 REBLOG. LIKE. FOLLOW.
                                           theme ▶︎ song.
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