k-copeland-blog · 7 years
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This photo was taken on November 12, 2017; the day of my initiation into the Alpha Iota chapter of Phi Mu. This is Martha Hardaway Redding’s gravesite. Martha is one of the three founders of Phi Mu Fraternity, the second oldest women’s fraternity in the nation. Before being initiated, we took a history tour since Phi Mu was founded at Wesleyan College here in Macon, Georgia. This was particularly special to me because we’re the only chapter of Phi Mu who gets to see the history of our vibrant sisterhood so vividly. Seeing the original pins and chapter room of our founders encourages me even more to “practice day by day love, honor, truth.” LIOB
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k-copeland-blog · 7 years
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While I️ was walking just now, a leaf fell on my shoulder and stayed there . It was as if God put his hand on my shoulder and said “it’s gonna be alright.” I’m stressing about a test in the morning, but he knows that.
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k-copeland-blog · 7 years
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These last two weeks have been a crazy ride for me. I had three college exams all on top of Sorority Recruitment. Honestly, I never had any interest in joining a sorority until I actually got on campus and saw how nice all the girls who are in sororities were. Sitting in choir one day, I turned to the girl next to me and out of curiosity asked her if she was Greek. Luckily for me, she was "unaffiliated" and could talk to me about recruitment. Being unaffiliated meant that she actually helped potential new members go through the recruitment process, but had to keep her affiliation secret so that the process is unbiased as possible. She convinced me to rush, and I'm so glad she did. I'm now a Phi Mu and I've never felt so at HΦΜE. Okay... so that was a little cliché, but it's true. I've met so many genuine girls that I can trust and I've only been a baby mu since Friday. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time and felt like I belong anywhere before now. So, with all that being said, I cannot wait to see where these next four years take me with my sisters.
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k-copeland-blog · 7 years
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September 1, 2017 While sitting at Buffalo Wild Wings with my family tonight, my little brother busted out laughing about something that happened at school today. He was laughing so hard that we started laughing at the fact that we couldn't understand a thing he was saying. Once he collected himself, he told us that a boy in his class dropped his pants and ran around the playground naked today. Second grade is not how I remember it.
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k-copeland-blog · 7 years
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August 30, 2017
If there’s anything to be said about these last few weeks, it’s that I’ve had “feels.” Transition to college and my new life has been a rollercoaster. I’ve felt sad, homesick, actually sick, adventurous, lonely, confused, sarcastic, different, beautiful, silly, hopeful, excited, loved, blessed, and many others. One thing I felt tonight, as the clouds finally gave way to the sun and I could see a glimpse of light on the top of the Medical School building from my dorm, was pure happiness and joy. I’m super hopeful for my future and the person I’m becoming. I guess it’s good to be in your “feelings” sometimes.
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k-copeland-blog · 7 years
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Today I went to the Student Health Center and was reassured that my allergies definitely do NOT agree with Macon. I did learn, however, that house plants can help cleanse the air, so I hope these little guys help me out.
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k-copeland-blog · 7 years
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August 28, 2017 Today I was reminded that there once existed a reality in which I didn't know how to do the simple task of tying my shoe. Day by day our realities are constantly changing by the fluctuation of gaining and forgetting knowledge. We are constantly climbing out of a new cave. Referenced: "Plato's Allegory of the Cave"
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k-copeland-blog · 7 years
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I'm currently preparing for my second week at MU by relaxing and watching the VMAs with my roommate. So far, Mercer University has been everything I've hoped for and so much more. This past week I've learned a lot about myself and what's it's like to live with a stranger. I've been lucky to grow friends with said stranger. All that being said... GO BEARS
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