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omg is that glump shitto??
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Check out my visual novel! :)
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A Role to Play Build 0.04 - Text-message Roleplay and Murder
Howdy, folks! McSkinny here. It's been a minute, but here's a new build for A Role to Play. This build contains quite a bit more story-content than the average Echo-sized update. Additionally, we also got quite a few new pieces of art and music that hopefully make things a bit more polished. It's kind of amazing how much the bar has raised in recent years concerning how professional indie-VN's look.
This time, the gang gets into the full swing of their tabletop gaming, and the pressure is on to really get into character here. Getting used to roleplaying is always a little awkward at first. Some people treat it like writing personal fiction, while others see it more as taking on a different personality and becoming one with the character. For this update, I got in touch with my old D&D dungeon master and Corruption of Champions contributing writer, Donto, and he helped co-write those sections of the script. Sabre of Glory Hounds fame pitched-in quite a bit with editing, and Dendroid from the Echo discord was insanely helpful with some of the Ren'py scripting on the back-end.  So, special thanks to all of them!  Download Link: https://echoproject.itch.io/a-role-to-play
Also, there's a bara lizard in this one. Check it out!
Update Log:
- New story content
- New music
- New art by Sam Beck, Toby, KupoKlein, x0mbi3s, Burnt, and Hiccupby.
- Typo fixes and grammar edits
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jyotatheshatterspear · 5 months
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jyotatheshatterspear · 9 months
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the brothel's chef is DONE
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Arvel the Swift!
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Here's the immediate aftermath of that picture, btw:
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I want to get into a habit of streaming art and gaming alike, so I turned myself into a goblin pngtuber!
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internetsona shall be a half zand troll here
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Armored grebles fear no injury to their mighty features.
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Have you ever drawn Tanis in the Dark Seducer armour? Asking for a friend.
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he's a big fan of the tit window
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i can teach you
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I made this ^ Check it out!
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Howdy folks, McSkinny here. It’s been a long time coming, but here’s the first build of A Role to Play!
In ARtP, an armored fellow of varying names must escort a princess through a besieged kingdom to safety, accompanied by several colorful, non-human companions.
Of course, that’s only half the story.
Our real protagonist, Danny, has spent the past year recovering from a life-threatening incident that left him severely injured. Nearing his 21st birthday, and with some pressuring from his father, he leaves the solitude of his home to meet up with a local group of tabletop gamers at his town’s library. A newcomer to tabletop, Danny finds that his new friends are about as unusual as the characters they play in-game. Ultimately, ARtP is a gay, branching visual novel about roleplay, identity, and escapism. There are three main “routes” for this story, with each route being associated with a certain character. Those familiar with other Echo Project titles (Echo, The Smoke Room, Arches) will be right at home with this framework.The update schedule for ARtP is pretty much the same as the one I used for our previous visual novel Echo, with about 30-to-45 minutes worth of content added every month (6 to 9 hours of content per year). VN development is a blast, and having already finished one visual novel, I’m really looking forward to seeing how this one turns out. That being said, I’m always open to feedback and ideas for improving the experience. Speaking of, there’s already a bit of a “to-do list” for improvements in future updates. See below:
To-Do List:
- The current UI is just a modified version of Echo’s (scaled for 1920 x 1080), so a new one designed for ARtP is warranted - including better nameplates. - The Music Gallery app on the phone is expected to be expanded in the future with various contributing artists. - Additional CG’s (illustrated scenes) during the first couple hours could definitely make a better impression and adds visual value. - I’m considering adding a “dimming” effect to characters who aren’t speaking when multiple are on the screen - sort of what you see in JRPG’s. I’m curious if this is warranted or not. Thanks again everyone for your support, fanart, and critique notes thrown with bricks through my windows over the past half decade. I hope ya enjoy!
Download: https://echoproject.itch.io/a-role-to-play
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Little drawing I made for my friend KaithorWow on twitter of his zandalari prelate, Yukatá. 
Really happy with my style right now ;___; 
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oc portrait. if u play on moon guard come talk to him cus i have no friends here ;__;
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Why is this making me lose it
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the green color is not chlorophyll. they cannot usually photosynthesize. but sometimes they can
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Hi! Do you like the episode titled "El Niño Loco" from Mucha Lucha?
Can't say I remember exactly what that one was about!
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