What an eating disorder will NOT give you:
-Pretty skin
-Dainty body
-Nice curves
-More friends
-Your dream body
What an eating disorder WILL give you:
-Pale, dry, flaky skin
-Excelerated body hair growth all over your body, except your head.
-Nails that turn white and so brittle that you can pull them off.
-A body so weak that you pass out constantly and you can’t do anything but lay in bed all day.
-Your organs don’t function right.
-You develop things like hypoglycemia and other forever illnesses.
-A messed up looking body that will be too thin (if your body type even allows it to before you start dying) yet hold onto every fat cell you take because your body is going into starvation mode.
-Delayed puberty.
-Total isolation from your friends and your family. You have nothing.
-Hair that thins until it starts falling out.
-Nasty breath and teeth that rot.
-Your throat permanently damaged from stomach acid, may lead to deepening of the voice among other things.
-Ruptured stomach lining.
-Intestinal problems.
-Forced feeling tubes.
-Blood tests.
-Total body shut down.
You are not an exception.
Depending on how long before you start recovering, these things WILL happen to you. 99% of your stupid “thinspo” is either photoshop, girls who are naturally thin, or natutally thin girls who work out.
You will NEVER look like them.
You’ll look dry, pale, diseased and sad; and that is a promise. It also will NOT solve whatever inner demons you have going on.
Plenty of people have EDs as a form of self harming so let me address you too:
Using this to cope will never help you. It will only damage you further and worsen your mental state. You’re literally not feeding your brain. This causes you to have even more delusional and disordered thinking than you already had.
Eating disorders are not a permanent solution to weight loss. I’ll tell you what I wish someone had told me. It’s tough love but it would have really opened my eyes: You WILL gain the weight back, probably even more (which is beautiful and healthy), and if you don’t, you’ll DIE. YOU. WILL. DIE. Those are your only two options once you’re too far gone.
Regardless of where you’re at though, its possible to recover. I struggled with anorexia for 3 years and I’ve been recovered for 4 years. You can do it. If you want to lose weight, EAT RIGHT AND EXERCISE. THAT IS PERMANENT AND YOU CAN ACHIEVE SO MUCH MORE. I’VE NEVER BEEN MORE HAPPY WITH MY BODY THAN I AM NOW AND SO WILL YOU. If you cant manage it on your own, please talk to someone and get help. I wish you the best. ❤
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Why the hell does it matter if I am not skinny, or small enough to count my bones? Honestly, that's an absurd goal for someone of my height and frame anyways. I would die if I lost enough weight to do that. So then why, if I am aware of that, do I care so much about losing said weight?
I think it is because society told me to. Shoved in my face, year after year, are stick thin models: people who are airbrushed and edited. If that is what everyone swoons over, if that is what we all consider attractive, then my brain instantly assumes that I am not good enough. Me, a with BMI that is literally exactly where it should be, looks in the mirror and sees fat fat fat because that's what I'm trained to see.
And let me tell you something: that is bullshit.
Anyone reading this, regardless of weight or age or gender, you do not have to be skinny. You do not have to eat perfect. It is okay if you gain a few pounds. It is okay if you can't see your ribs.
It is okay.
This culture has lied to you, your brain has lied to you, and anyone who ever criticized your weight has lied to you.
You do not have to be skinny, you just have to be happy.
I know it is hard, I know that you are fighting a battle against your own mind, but I see you and you are valid and you are perfect the way you are.
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Delicous, metabolism boosting, bloating and constipation relieving tea
What you’ll need:
Any tea you’d like (pepper mint is the best bc it decreases your appetite the most)
One teaspoon of honey
1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/3 teaspoon of ginger
1/4 teaspoon od chili powder (optional)
2 slices of lemon
How to do it correctly:
Fill up a mug with the tea with boiling water
Add the spices and the honey
After 2 minutes remove the tea bag and add lemon slices
Wait a minute and enjoy your tea 🍵
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🍚 Rice Girl’s January Plan ❄️
I will stay under my calorie limit
I will lessen my dependancy on processed sugar
I won’t eat after 7pm
2+ liters of water a day
I will use calories on foods instead of sugary drinks
🍣Cheat Days:
I will have up to 2 cheat days a month
I will plan cheat days in advance, enjoy them and feel in control
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The Good Girl’s Guide
🌷Daily Routines
Go to bed no later than 1am and wake up no later than 9am (weekdays)
Stretch in the morning
Weigh yourself immediately after your first pee.
Make bed properly, open curtains and a window.
Keep uni room pristine and tidy, including doing laundry, polishing and cleaning your bathroom.
Go to every class, study well and get outstanding work completed before deadline.
Try to include a 30 minute run in the morning or walk at least 20 minutes everyday.
At least 2 litres of water; coffee and tea count.
Read before you sleep.
Brush teeth twice daily.
Shower every other day at least, but definitely after any strenuous workout.
Wash face every morning and night, always take off makeup.
Apply moisturiser everywhere to keep your skin supple and soft.
Always apply deodorant and a signature perfume/scent.
Keep your nails filed and clean, or freshly painted.
Use hair oils, a good shampoo and conditioner and make effort into doing your hair, even if just straightening/curling.
Dress appropriately, but be careful of baggy clothing making you look bigger than you are.
At a minimum, apply concealer, mascara, brow product and highlight everyday.
Never speak loudly or over someone, be polite and wait.
Keep your elbows off the table when you do eat.
Keep your mouth clothed when you eat and never speak with a full mouth.
Sit up straight and maintain a good posture.
Smile brightly, even at people whom you may dislike.
Never badmouth, belittle or doubt anybody, even yourself.
Don’t talk about weight or food with anybody.
Reply to messages within good time, call parents often. 
Don’t mindlessly scroll on your phone; find something to do.
Keep calorie limit to 500 on weekdays, 800 on weekends.
Fast for at least 3 days (72 hours) every week = 4 fasts per month.
When hungry, chew sugar free gum and have a hot drink.
Never eat when you are the only one. (If others have stopped - stop too).
Eat between 9am-6pm, never before, never after. Effective of a 15 hour fast each day.
If possible, keep any binge food or triggers out of reach, or, if you live alone (university student here), don’t buy any trigger food. Out of sight, out of mind.
Follow a completely plant based diet.
A glass of water before any meal and a glass of water after.
Consume mostly protein, fruit and veg and minimal carbs.
Don’t eat anything you don’t know the calories of.
At least 3 days.
Weigh yourself every morning.
Do not exercise aside from general everyday movements - your body is weaker and you could faint or collapse. (Yes, exercising on an empty stomach is good for ketosis (your body’s state of metabolizing fat at a high rate) but when you are fasting your body will naturally do this to give you energy from your fat stores instead of it receiving energy from food).
Drink a hell of a lot of water, tea and coffee.
Use Tumblr a lot and keep distracted.
Slowly reintroduce food when your fast is over.
These are rules and guidelines I set myself, and are what work for me. They may not necessarily work for you or fit your routine.
Stay safe 💜x
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hey everyone. it’s angelicanaa. i was terminated this morning and honestly i want to cry. i felt like i made my tumblr such a safe space, and to have it taken away like that really hurt. it’s happened before, but i was trying so hard to make it a positive space this time, and so it hit harder. you guys were the most supportive group of followers I’ve ever had- you were my family. and it’s gone.
please reblog this, i would really like to find my old followers. i miss you a lot. ily. tumblr, i hate you sometimes. 💗 stay safe.
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My three month plan
This is going to be my three month plan that will start when I go back to school. This was what i did last year and it worked really well! This plan is for me. If you want, feel free to reblog or even follow along! ♡
*From Monday to Friday will be the following routine: •When I wake up, I like to do a quick 5-10 minute stretching workout kind of thing, as I want to get more flexible. •BREAKFAST I will have two cups of water/green/chamomile tea on the way to school (it takes me 30 to 45 minutes to get to school). If I have a test or essay or just a day full of studying I will have one piece of fruit as I arrive at school. *I dont know if this is the same with every school but we have two breaks that go for 30 minutes each •At Break 1, I will have another two cups or water with fruit or just water. •Break 2 is the same, except if I had fruit Break 1, I can only have water at Break 2. *both breaks I will be studying in the library/artrooms to get away from everything. Sometimes I will just walk around the football field depending on the weather for the whole 30 minutes. •After school, I have a cold/lukewarm shower, also depending on the weather (it gets -15°C most night in autumn/winter/early spring). Then I will start on my homework or other things that I need to do, like chores and stuff. •DINNER is a 500 calorie limit. If I don’t know the calories in the meal I will have as little of the meal as I can get away with. I like to chug a cup of water before my dinner then have one with dinner, having a drink every time I take a bite. •BEFORE BED I have 7-10 o'clock to exercise and study. I do exercises in my room from 7o'clock for about 15-30 minutes, depending on my energy levels. After that I will get my books out and catch up on anything that I need to with school work. I like to make a drink that is 1tbs of Apple Cider Vinegar to half a liter of water with a shake of cinnamon. Sometimes I will put sweetener in it. *Saturday and Sunday I follow a similar plan but I do more exercise on Saturday and alot more flexibility stuff on Sunday. •WORKOUTS I follow the following workout Monday to Friday: 25 Jumping Jacks 23 Crunches 20 squats 18 leg lifts 15 Jumping jacks 13 crunches 10 sumo squats 8 leg lifts 5 jumping jacks 3 minute run or similar activity Saturday is my leg day. I do the following workout: 20 jumping jacks 1 min hamstring stretch 30 sec high knees 10 squats 10 side lunges each side 5 standing calf raises 20 lunges 10 one legged calf raises 10 squats 25 inner thigh leg lifts 10 side lunges 5 jump squats 1.30 min hamstring stretch 45 sec calf stretch 3 min pike stretch *on Sunday I will follow a couple youtube video on flexibility and I will do those. Normally I follow blogilates (I think thats the name) because she has good videos and I watch a couple others but I can’t remember the names but if you search them they will come up. When I sit down at the table I will constantly move my legs around to burn extra calories. I hope this helps ♡ stay safe xxx
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low cal sweet snacks . . .
1. gerber baby puff snacks
25 calories in 60 pieces. yes thats right. 60! and they taste so good.
2. apple sauce pouches
i get some from 7/11 that are only 60cals and theyre pretty filling. im sure you can find ones for even less.
3. carnival candy reign energy drink
ok, this ones a little unhealthy. but i have to admit it makes me feel weirdly full. it packs a punch with 300mg caffeine so don't go overboard with it, but it is DELICIOUS when youre craving candy.
4. peaches in light syrup
so so good. 60 cals in a half cup. goodness i cant keep my hands off this
5. froot loops
yea you heard me right. froot loops. there is 55 calories in half a cup of froot loops, throw them in a small bowl and pick away!
6. apple crisp chips
35 cals in a pack! SO amazing. a little savory at times but lord. so so good
7. werthers sugar free butterscotch
10 calories per butterscotch! perfect if you want something to suck on while youre doing homework.
stay safe . . .
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115 cal mug cake
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Today I had a new series of binging attacks and after eating a cup of fries I was rooting for something sweet.
Buuut it couldn't be too high in calories since I've eaten chocolate and snickers already (lol)
The pictures show the progress of testing the texture, loving the come out, being sad over having no cake anymore 😋
So here ya go my folks, with this wonderful delicious , filling ,biiig, tasty mug cake
1 egg white ~ 17 cal
1 tbsp whole wheat flour (or any other flour)(15 gram)~ 60 cal
1 pinch of salt
Blueberries 30 gr ~ 17 cal
Almond milk 100 ml ~ 22 cal (I even sometimes use water bc I've gotten used to it ,tell me if you've tried it!)
0 cal Sweetener of your choice ~ 0 cal
Pinch of Vanilla
= 116 cal
You can add any topic you'd like e.g. I put some self made chocolate on top (leave a comment If you want a recipe to the chocolate 😙)
Beat the egg whites until stiff, then basically add all the ingredients and stirr until you get a smooth texture.
I had mine at 800 watt for 2,30 minutes, time can differ between each microwave. I recommend checking on the cake each minute :)
Enjoy !! This cake and every aspect in life ,you deserve it ; D
Some story time:
I had an work experience at a theatre for the last two weeks and honestly I thought about not showing up and playing sick due to a heavy depressive phase beforehand.
But mate, getting my ass up and going there was the best decision I made prob the last 3 months lmao. The people there are LITERALLY the NICEST people in earth and man I cant remember the last time I was this happy :)))
Sooo what I wanna say is :
Even if it's super hard sometimes and you're afraid ( the first 3 hours I was busy doing breathing exercises against panic attacks) try it out, take the opportunity and make the best out of it. Especially if you can get around nice people that lift you up- embrace it with every pore of you!
That's it from me today:)
Stay safe, reach out for help if you need it, it's never too late and absolutely never too early ! If you need somebody to talk ,I'm always here for you (maybe I won't respond for some days bc I'm rarely on tumblr so dont be afraid of messaging me on instagram @milkandho_ney <3 ) I love you a lot
Sending a Big Hug 🙆🏼‍♀️
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So I broke my fast at 24hours and I made sushi rolls and they’re only 292cals but SUPER filling like I’m gonna be fine for the rest of the day.
Also my overall cas are higher because I got coffee this morning because self care.
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0 calorie ocean water
its so fuckin good guys oh my god make this NOW
- 3 tbsp water
- 3 tbsp 0 calorie sweetener
- 12 oz can of diet sprite
- 1 drop blue food coloring 
- 1 tsp coconut extract
all you gotta do is mix it together its so tasty
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🍫 20 Calorie Chocolate Bar/Syrup 🌹
Im sure someone has already posted this but I figured I’d repost as I find this super helpful!! This is a super awesome, cheap satisfaction for any sweet craving! It is quite a bit of chocolate for how little calories, and you can definitely make bigger batches! 5 batches of this would only be 100 cals! 😍
Ingredients: - 1 tbs cocoa powder [20] - 2-3 tbs sweetener [0] (depends on how sweet you want it!) - 2 tbs water [0] (hot water helps it combine a lot quicker imo)
Simply combine until very, very smooth, like chocolate syrup! Make sure there are no lumps because the cocoa powder can be super bitter on its own.
You can freeze it on its own for a sweet chocolate bar, or use it as chocolate syrup for pancakes/dipping fruit like bananas or strawberries in! 💖
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Vegan salad recipe (fucking amazing + filling af)
-Baby spinach as base (how much you want cause its super low cal)
-A couple of cherry tomatoes (½ cup is 25 kcal)
-Chickpeas (I used this mini packaging which was 65g and about 75 kcal)
-Smoked tofu (we have this brand in Slovakia called lunter and its 45 kcal for 40g)
It’s really good and big and filling and vegan and I loved it. Over all it’s around 150 kcal and there’s a lot of it. You can use a smaller amount of the ingredients but I had this for dinner and it was really good
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low cal choco cake
Instead of binging on 1000 cals of chocolate, bake a choco mug cake! It’s easy to make and will surely curb your chocolate cravings for the day. Use a large mug just to be sure it doesn’t overflow in the microwave. ♥ 
Ingredients for one 151 cal mug cake:
1 egg white (19)
2 tbsp cocoa powder (20)
¼ baking powder (0)
4 tbsp flour (112)
4 tbsp water (0)
& sweetener of ur choice
Almost forgot, microwave for ~ 1 minute!
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So guys, I used to binge about every 2 or 3 days, sometimes I binged a whole week, but I did it, I found a way how I can avoid it, and here are my tips:
I filled my somach with veggies, A LOT. I sometimes ate a kg of salad.
I'm literally addicted to sugar, but every fck time I craved chocolate/cookies etc. I ate fruits. BUT I ate a piece of dark chocolate nearly every day, it rlly helped.
I ate a lot of soup, it's warm, filling, healthy and normally low kcal too.
I created some suuuper low kcal recipes, if u wanna know them, just dm me.
Don't forget low kcal ice-cream 😉
Every time I wanted to snack sth while watching tv, I ate carrots with hummus or a self-made yoghurt dip.
I didn't drink diet soda.
Take care and drink enough. 🌷
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♡ 96 Calorie Cookie Dough (single serving) ♡
--Disclaimer, this is NOT my photo. This is just a representation of what this could look like.--
♤ Directions ♤
▪In a small bowl add your coconut flour and make sure there are no lumps
▪Next in another bowl mix together applesauce, milk, extracts and sugar
▪Whisk those together until smooth
▪Now add wet ingredients into your coconut flour and begin to mix the dough together either with (clean) hands or a fork
▪If mixture isnt wet enough for you add teaspoon by teaspoon of more milk until the right consistency
▪Once adjusted to preference add in your chocolate chips and mix. Now taste test and add more 0 calorie sugar or extracts to your liking.
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Skinny Recipe
One of my favorite meals that is 200 cals and under and tastes like dessert!
You need:
½ dry instant oats-150 1 Tbsp strawberry jam- 50 cals ¼ cup of water or unsweetened almond milk
Combine oatmeal and water/milk. microwave for 1 minute, Stir in table spoon of strawberry jam and microwave for 15 more seconds.
It is 200 cals exactly and tastes like strawberry shortcake. Definitely great for curbing dessert cravings. 
*disclaimer if you use almond milk you add 8 cals so that would technically be over 200 cals but its still good and keeps you full for pretty much all day. 
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