justnottrue · 7 years
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This HAS to go viral. This pathetic movie is abusing animals in order to film cheap scenes for human entertainment. The dog is clearly terrified but the “trainers” have no regard for her safety.
Please share and encourage your friends not to spend money on a movie that uses animal abuse to film!!!
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justnottrue · 8 years
Donald Trump is not disqualified from presidency
That’s not a thing and I highly recommend renting a government textbook.
Things that "disqualify” you from presidency:
Not born in the U.S.
Younger than 35 years old
U.S. resident for less than 14 years
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justnottrue · 9 years
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Susanna and the Elders, Restored (Left)
Susanna and the Elders, Restored with X-ray (Right)
Kathleen Gilje, 1998
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justnottrue · 9 years
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It looks like the creators of The Simpsons can see the future
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justnottrue · 9 years
if you watch steven universe online
please remember to watch it on world of steven universe whenever possible! 
that site is set up by the crewniverse. it is only fair that they get the views there since they have been kind.
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justnottrue · 9 years
Fucking knew it.
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justnottrue · 9 years
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So recently, I got calls from the phone number, (937) 353-8319. They claim to be a job service, and one of their “employees”, Carrigan, is friends with whoever the call recipient is, and that Carrigan has recommended you for this $15.00/h “job”. I also got a text message from (937) 607-1493, claiming to be Carrigan, and that they need stuff to “win a scholarship”. I do not know anyone by the name of Carrigan and I know very well that this is a very dangerous scam. If you receive a call from a number, and they ask you if you would like a job for $15.00/h, HANG UP IMMEDIATELY. If you accept the “job” offer, and you go in for an interview, they will give you a drugged bottle of water and you will wake up somewhere you don’t want to be. These phone calls & texts are from a human trafficking service, and if you oblige to them, you will be sold to people and you will be raped, no doubt about it. So PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT ANSWER THESE CALLS OR TEXTS. I have listened to the voicemails, and allowed my dad to do the same, and he learned that anyone offering a $15.00/h “job” is a human trafficker. PLEASE SIGNAL BOOST THIS ALL OVER TUMBLR
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justnottrue · 9 years
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Holy fucking shit. You’ve got to be kidding me. I have no words. There MUST be a limit to how disgusting one person can be.
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justnottrue · 9 years
WARNING: Disable Adobe Flash ASAP.
Please disable Adobe Flash until further notice. A group of hackers have hacked into the program for it and leaked a vulnerability that lets a malicious program do whatever it wishes to your computer via flash. This is currently ranked as a critical rating by Adobe.
These can mean forcing different sites to appear with flash on it (Screamers or revolting videos) and possibly encrypting your entire HDD.
As of writing this post (July 8th, 2015), the CERT/CC is currently unaware of a practical solution to this problem.
Please, do not open any untrusted flash content. Try to avoid opening flash content in general. I am begging you to share this information. Make your own posts, tell your family and friends, or anyone you know who has a computer. This is for you and your computer’s safety.
Source: Adobe and CERT
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justnottrue · 9 years
Do your research for fucks sake.
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Summer Warning - from Facebook!
“ Just wanted to do my part for society and share this…..these are my legs, a few years back after having spent approximately an hour in the sun. They’re gauzed and bandaged up because I suffered 2nd degree burns and was under hospital treatment for two weeks. I had plastered my legs (the only real exposed large area of skin) in factor 20 sunscreen so couldn’t understand why i had burnt so horrifically when the rest of me was fine! Now here’s the scary bit…… Little known fact that i feel should be widely shared. OUT OF DATE SUNSCREEN TURNS INTO COOKING OIL!! Hence instead of protecting you, cooks u nicely! Every product has an expiry date, you will find a number, either a 12, 24 or 30 etc. Its in a little square or container symbol on the back. This is how many months from purchase it is safe for. I had bought my cream the previous summer, so was only gone by a few months. It looked and smelt fine to me but clearly wasn’t! I was lucky, another 10-15mins in the sun and my 2nd degrees would have been 1st, and I’d of suffered permanent scarring. PLEASE PLEASE don’t put last year’s sunscreen on as this warmer weather approaches, especially not on your children. The pain I experienced was beyond words!!! Hope this helps people!”
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justnottrue · 9 years
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justnottrue · 9 years
yeahhhh no.
The Human Brain can only process 16 nerve impulses at a time, essentially making it as powerful as a Super Nintendo.
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justnottrue · 9 years
Warning: Paypal new User Agreement changes, “All Your Stuff Belongs To Us”
Coming to all July 1, 2015, All Your Copyrighted material, Trademarked, Intellectual Ideas, and Much More will belong to Paypal if you use their services. _______________________________________ https://www.paypal.com/ie/webapps/mpp/ua/upcoming-policies-full?locale.x=GB Amendment to the PayPal User Agreement. Intellectual Property We are adding a new paragraph to section 1.3., which outlines the licence and rights that you give to us and to the PayPal Group (see paragraph 12 below for the definition of “PayPal Group”) to use content that you post for publication using the Services. A similar paragraph features in the Privacy Policy, which is removed by the addition of this paragraph to the User Agreement. The new paragraph at section 1.3 reads as follows: “When providing us with content or posting content (in each case for publication, whether on- or off-line) using the Services, you grant the PayPal Group a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sublicensable (through multiple tiers) right to exercise any and all copyright, publicity, trademarks, database rights and intellectual property rights you have in the content, in any media known now or in the future. Further, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, you waive your moral rights and promise not to assert such rights against the PayPal Group, its sublicensees or assignees. You represent and warrant that none of the following infringe any intellectual property right: your provision of content to us, your posting of content using the Services, and the PayPal Group’s use of such content (including of works derived from it) in connection with the Services.” ____________________________ I’m switching to Google Wallet or something else. Paypal lost me.
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justnottrue · 9 years
Fire glass doesn't actually burn, in fact it is placed OVER gas fireplaces and pits to look nice. The fire comes from the gas. This is not eco friendly.
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Fire glass produces more heat than real wood, and also is environmentally friendly. There is no smoke, it’s odorless and doesn’t produce ash. You are able to stay toasty warm without cutting down trees and the specially formulated glass crystals give off no toxic deposit.
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