justnotinnitus · 3 years
New Device For Hearing Loss Looks Like A Wireless Earbud And Can Make Mobile Phone Calls
New Device For Hearing Loss Looks Like A Wireless Earbud And Can Make Mobile Phone Calls    
It Is Not A Hearing Aid, Which Is Oriented To Understanding Speech And Conversations    
There is a cultural stigma against hearing aids, which seen as behind-the-ear beige strange devices, to the point that some hearing loss sufferers do not want to wear them because they feel embarrassed. There are also invisible hearing aids, which are located inside the ear canal, but they are usually more expensive. On the other hand, wireless earbuds are normal and trendy. There is one device for hearing loss that looks like a wireless earbud. It is an amplifier, which will help understand speech and conversations but will also amplify unwanted noises. It also works with a Bluetooth app and can be used also for answering calls and listening to music in one ear. Hearing aids increase the sensitivity on the medium and high frequencies and block unwanted and loud noises. They provide more sophistication, but also a higher price tag. Hearing amplifiers are less-expensive devices, designed to provide an occasional help. On the first use, it performs a hearing test and connects with the phone, which allows making and receiving calls, a function that is only available in high-end hearing aids. And users won't feel uncomfortable with it because it looks like a wireless earbud, not a hearing aid. Click here for more info.
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justnotinnitus · 3 years
Hearing Loss Is The Most Common Cause Of Dementia And Alzheimer’s Disease
Hearing Loss Is The Most Common Cause Of Dementia And Alzheimer’s Disease    
This Is Because The Brain Has To Assign Excessive Resources To Understand And Process Sounds And Speech    
According to two research studies, hearing loss increases the possibility of dementia, Alzheimer's disease, depression, losing balance, and cardiovascular conditions. Losing the ability to hear a whisper can affect the brain cognition. Studies have proved that hearing loss is the most important cause of developing dementia, way over high blood pressure, social isolation, and smoking. This is because the brain has to make more effort to process sound, and to understand it, lowering the resources available for other tasks. Hearing loss does not only appear in elder people. It can also affect younger people if listening to loud music or being near sources of loud sounds and music for a prolonged time, such as concerts or airports. However, it can be prevented with proper ear protection or noise-canceling headphones. More details click here.
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justnotinnitus · 3 years
New Procedure Allows Draining Excess Fluid In The Middle Ear Due To Infections With Local Anesthesia
New Procedure Allows Draining Excess Fluid In The Middle Ear Due To Infections With Local Anesthesia    
Normal Procedure Involved General Anesthesia Because Usual Patients Are Children    
Ear infections are very common in children. If there is a chronic infection and antibiotics are not sufficient, the reason usually is a liquid buildup in the middle ear, behind the eardrum. In the case, the treatment consists of an incision in the eardrum, and the insertion of a special tube to the eardrum, in order to drain the liquid that is accumulated inside. However, it is a painful procedure, and, since children are involved, it is very difficult to get have them staying still to perform a proper procedure. Therefore, it also includes anesthesia, its potential side effects, and higher costs because of the use of resources usually assigned for major surgery. There's a new procedure that delivers local anesthesia directly in the eardrum and allows making the incision, positioning the tube, and draining the ear without any pain. It can be performed on children as young as 6 months old. Ear tubes are used for infections, and for hearing loss related to fluid buildup in the middle ear. Additional info click here.
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justnotinnitus · 3 years
Study: Hearing Loss Can Be Delayed In Older Age By Following A Diet
Study: Hearing Loss Can Be Delayed In Older Age By Following A Diet    
At Least 25% Of Subjects Decreased The Risk Of Hearing Loss In The Frequencies, Necessary For Understanding Speech    
Hearing loss is one of the most infuriating things of old age. Most people believe that hearing loss is inevitable as years go on, like wrinkles or white hair. However, according to a study, there are ways to lower the possibility of suffering this condition or at least slowing it down. The study suggests a healthy diet, similar to the DAHS diet, taken for high blood pressure, or cardiovascular conditions, or the Alternate Mediterranean Diet (AMED), which include seafood, fruits, and vegetables have shown to slow down the process of hearing loss. The research was made on women following the diet. The conclusion was that 30%, decreased the risk of lowering hearing sensitivity in the mid-frequencies, and 25%, in higher frequencies. Both frequencies are crucial for understanding speech. More Information click here.
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justnotinnitus · 3 years
Earache Can Be A Symptom Of Throat Cancer
Earache Can Be A Symptom Of Throat Cancer    
Other Symptoms Are Bad Breath, Persistent Cough, And A Hoarse Voice    
Cancer is a serious condition that causes uncontrolled cell growth, leading to a high mortality rate. Even though there are several types of cancers, it is important to identify early symptoms. These include frequent pain in certain parts of the body, such as a persistent earache. This symptom can be a sign of throat cancer, due to the physical connection between the throat and the ears. Throat cancer, which is also known as laryngeal cancer, attacks the larynx, which is located at the beginning of the windpipe. The larynx helps in breathing and speaking, so changes in these functions can be a warning sign, such as a hoarse voice, or difficulty breathing and swallowing. Other symptoms are pain or swelling on the neck and persistent cough. Additional symptoms are bad breath, high-pitched noise when breathing, weight loss and fatigue. More Information click here.
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justnotinnitus · 3 years
Listening Music Through Earbuds Increases The Risk Of Hearing Loss And Tinnitus
Listening Music Through Earbuds Increases The Risk Of Hearing Loss And Tinnitus    
It Increases The Air Pressure On The Eardrum, Unlike Headphones Or Other Snugly-Fitting Earphones    
The use of earphones to listen to loud music can result in hearing loss and tinnitus. The factors that increase the risk of these conditions are volume, duration of exposure to loud music, and frequency of usage. Tinnitus is a condition that causes a neurological disorder, which results in hearing constantly or intermittently a ringing or buzzing sound, even when such sound is not present. Also, earphones can cause more damage than open-ear of over-the-ear headphones. This is because earphones are located inside the ear canal, sealing it with earbuds, which increases the air pressure over the eardrums. Open-ear headphones are loose-fitting, do not seal the air canal, lowering the pressure over the eardrum. Other types of headphones that can prevent ear damage are noise-cancellation headphones. These cancel outside noise so that it is not necessary to increase the volume to listen to music. Besides a content sound, tinnitus has other side effects, such as anxiety, irritability, depression, and sleep disorder. It is also related to balance issues and high blood pressure. Additional details click here.
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justnotinnitus · 3 years
Hearing Loss Is The Most Frequent Congenital Disorder In Newborns
Hearing Loss Is The Most Frequent Congenital Disorder In Newborns    
There Are Guidelines For Diagnosis And Treatment, In Order To Avoid Delays In Language Development And Learning Issues    
After having a baby, most parents believe the medical checkups include weight and length, and also the vaccinations. However, many are not conscious of the importance of hearing checks and guidelines, due to the fact that hearing loss is the most frequent congenital condition in the US. According to statistics, 0.3% of newborns, suffer moderate, severe or very profound hearing loss. There are guidelines to identify and treat this condition to avoid development issues in speech, language and learning. According to the guidelines, hearing screening must be done when the baby is one month old, and hearing loss must be diagnosed by 3 months old. If the diagnosis is positive and requires intervention, it should be done at 6 months of age. It is also important that the analysis and follow should be performed up by a qualified pediatric audiologist. This is because it can have an impact on language development. Failure to follow the guidelines might result in language skills below normal for their age, and a lower vocabulary score. Click here for more information.
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justnotinnitus · 3 years
Atrial Fibrillation Can Be Worsened By Alcohol Ingestion
Atrial Fibrillation Can Be Worsened By Alcohol Ingestion    
This Condition Forms Blood Clots, And Can Eventually Cause A Stroke    
Atrial fibrillation, also called a-fib is an irregular heart rhythm, that can be potentially dangerous. It affects 33 million people in the world. This condition can allow low blood to pool in the heart, which can eventually cause a blood clot. However, when the heart pumps again the clot is pushed into the blood vessels increasing the risk of organ damage. This can affect small capillaries, such as the ones located in the eyes and ears, resulting in eyesight disorders, and hearing loss or tinnitus. If it goes to the blood vessels in the brain, it causes a stroke. According to a study, decreasing, alcohol intake has shown to delay the episodes and reduce the time when the heart is in a-fib. On the other hand, excessive alcohol ingestion increases atrial fibrillation episodes and symptoms. Alcohol also seems to be related to developing the condition and is also associated with several changes that happen in the heart, which includes the scarring. This can affect the electrical activity that controls the heartbeat. Other conditions, related to a-fib are sleep apnea, obesity and high blood pressure. More info click here.
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justnotinnitus · 3 years
Vasodilation Is A Natural Process To Lower Blood Pressure And Enhance Blood Flow
Vasodilation Is A Natural Process To Lower Blood Pressure And Enhance Blood Flow    
However, Capillaries Do Not Increase Blood Flow, Which Can Cause Organ Damage In Eyes And Ears And Even Stroke    
Vasodilation is a natural body reaction consisting of the dilation of the blood vessels, occurring when there low oxygen levels in the blood or an increase the body temperature. Increasing the blood vessel diameter results in additional blood flow, promoting oxygen delivery to other parts in the body, that require it. It can be also induced for treating high blood pressure, drug delivery, or oxygen distribution to certain tissues. It can also be caused by exercise, because it delivers additional oxygen and nutrients, to the muscles, alcohol ingestion, which acts as a natural vasodilator, and inflammation, which is the body's procedure of repairing damage. Vasodilation can be affected by temperature, due to nerve cells that detect high temperature, dissipating it in the skin. Excess weight also affects it, due to that fact that obesity prevents a proper constriction and dilation of blood vessels. Another aspect that affects it is age, because special cells that detect blood pressure begin malfunctioning, leading to high blood pressure in older people. Even though vasodilation is intended to lower blood pressure, it increases pressure on the capillaries, which do not respond to dilation, increasing the risk of organ damage, in eyes and ears, or even a stroke, if these are located in the brain. Additional information click here.
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justnotinnitus · 4 years
Earwax In The Ear Canal Should Not Be Cleaned With A Cotton Swab
Earwax In The Ear Canal Should Not Be Cleaned With A Cotton Swab    
It Self-Regulates, Flowing To The Outside Of The Ear, Where It Can Be Cleaned    
Cleaning the ears with a cotton tip is not a good idea. The tip might contact the eardrum or might push the wax inside. The solution to cleaning earwax inside the ear canal is simple: it must not be cleaned. The reason is that earwax self-regulates, flowing to the exterior of the ear canal, where it can be safely cleaned. Earwax has also lubricating, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Ear hygiene is different from oral hygiene. A person has to remember to clean his teeth every day, but earwax cleaning is automatic. As we mentioned, if a cotton tip is used to clean the ear canal, the earwax might become impacted causing a partial block on the canal and resulting in hearing loss and tinnitus. However, a cotton swab or soft cloth can be used for cleaning the earwax on the outer part of the ear. Click here for more info.
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justnotinnitus · 4 years
Earwax In The Ear Canal Should Not Be Cleaned With A Cotton Swab
Earwax In The Ear Canal Should Not Be Cleaned With A Cotton Swab    
It Self-Regulates, Flowing To The Outside Of The Ear, Where It Can Be Cleaned    
Cleaning the ears with a cotton tip is not a good idea. The tip might contact the eardrum or might push the wax inside. The solution to cleaning earwax inside the ear canal is simple: it must not be cleaned. The reason is that earwax self-regulates, flowing to the exterior of the ear canal, where it can be safely cleaned. Earwax has also lubricating, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Ear hygiene is different from oral hygiene. A person has to remember to clean his teeth every day, but earwax cleaning is automatic. As we mentioned, if a cotton tip is used to clean the ear canal, the earwax might become impacted causing a partial block on the canal and resulting in hearing loss and tinnitus. However, a cotton swab or soft cloth can be used for cleaning the earwax on the outer part of the ear. Click here for more info.
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justnotinnitus · 4 years
Earwax In The Ear Canal Should Not Be Cleaned With A Cotton Swab
Earwax In The Ear Canal Should Not Be Cleaned With A Cotton Swab    
It Self-Regulates, Flowing To The Outside Of The Ear, Where It Can Be Cleaned    
Cleaning the ears with a cotton tip is not a good idea. The tip might contact the eardrum or might push the wax inside. The solution to cleaning earwax inside the ear canal is simple: it must not be cleaned. The reason is that earwax self-regulates, flowing to the exterior of the ear canal, where it can be safely cleaned. Earwax has also lubricating, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Ear hygiene is different from oral hygiene. A person has to remember to clean his teeth every day, but earwax cleaning is automatic. As we mentioned, if a cotton tip is used to clean the ear canal, the earwax might become impacted causing a partial block on the canal and resulting in hearing loss and tinnitus. However, a cotton swab or soft cloth can be used for cleaning the earwax on the outer part of the ear. Click here for more info.
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justnotinnitus · 4 years
Earwax In The Ear Canal Should Not Be Cleaned With A Cotton Swab
Earwax In The Ear Canal Should Not Be Cleaned With A Cotton Swab    
It Self-Regulates, Flowing To The Outside Of The Ear, Where It Can Be Cleaned    
Cleaning the ears with a cotton tip is not a good idea. The tip might contact the eardrum or might push the wax inside. The solution to cleaning earwax inside the ear canal is simple: it must not be cleaned. The reason is that earwax self-regulates, flowing to the exterior of the ear canal, where it can be safely cleaned. Earwax has also lubricating, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Ear hygiene is different from oral hygiene. A person has to remember to clean his teeth every day, but earwax cleaning is automatic. As we mentioned, if a cotton tip is used to clean the ear canal, the earwax might become impacted causing a partial block on the canal and resulting in hearing loss and tinnitus. However, a cotton swab or soft cloth can be used for cleaning the earwax on the outer part of the ear. Click here for more info.
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justnotinnitus · 4 years
Earwax In The Ear Canal Should Not Be Cleaned With A Cotton Swab
Earwax In The Ear Canal Should Not Be Cleaned With A Cotton Swab    
It Self-Regulates, Flowing To The Outside Of The Ear, Where It Can Be Cleaned    
Cleaning the ears with a cotton tip is not a good idea. The tip might contact the eardrum or might push the wax inside. The solution to cleaning earwax inside the ear canal is simple: it must not be cleaned. The reason is that earwax self-regulates, flowing to the exterior of the ear canal, where it can be safely cleaned. Earwax has also lubricating, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Ear hygiene is different from oral hygiene. A person has to remember to clean his teeth every day, but earwax cleaning is automatic. As we mentioned, if a cotton tip is used to clean the ear canal, the earwax might become impacted causing a partial block on the canal and resulting in hearing loss and tinnitus. However, a cotton swab or soft cloth can be used for cleaning the earwax on the outer part of the ear. Click here for more info.
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justnotinnitus · 4 years
Earwax In The Ear Canal Should Not Be Cleaned With A Cotton Swab
Earwax In The Ear Canal Should Not Be Cleaned With A Cotton Swab    
It Self-Regulates, Flowing To The Outside Of The Ear, Where It Can Be Cleaned    
Cleaning the ears with a cotton tip is not a good idea. The tip might contact the eardrum or might push the wax inside. The solution to cleaning earwax inside the ear canal is simple: it must not be cleaned. The reason is that earwax self-regulates, flowing to the exterior of the ear canal, where it can be safely cleaned. Earwax has also lubricating, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Ear hygiene is different from oral hygiene. A person has to remember to clean his teeth every day, but earwax cleaning is automatic. As we mentioned, if a cotton tip is used to clean the ear canal, the earwax might become impacted causing a partial block on the canal and resulting in hearing loss and tinnitus. However, a cotton swab or soft cloth can be used for cleaning the earwax on the outer part of the ear. Click here for more info.
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justnotinnitus · 4 years
Earwax In The Ear Canal Should Not Be Cleaned With A Cotton Swab
Earwax In The Ear Canal Should Not Be Cleaned With A Cotton Swab    
It Self-Regulates, Flowing To The Outside Of The Ear, Where It Can Be Cleaned    
Cleaning the ears with a cotton tip is not a good idea. The tip might contact the eardrum or might push the wax inside. The solution to cleaning earwax inside the ear canal is simple: it must not be cleaned. The reason is that earwax self-regulates, flowing to the exterior of the ear canal, where it can be safely cleaned. Earwax has also lubricating, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Ear hygiene is different from oral hygiene. A person has to remember to clean his teeth every day, but earwax cleaning is automatic. As we mentioned, if a cotton tip is used to clean the ear canal, the earwax might become impacted causing a partial block on the canal and resulting in hearing loss and tinnitus. However, a cotton swab or soft cloth can be used for cleaning the earwax on the outer part of the ear. Click here for more info.
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justnotinnitus · 4 years
Earwax In The Ear Canal Should Not Be Cleaned With A Cotton Swab
Earwax In The Ear Canal Should Not Be Cleaned With A Cotton Swab    
It Self-Regulates, Flowing To The Outside Of The Ear, Where It Can Be Cleaned    
Cleaning the ears with a cotton tip is not a good idea. The tip might contact the eardrum or might push the wax inside. The solution to cleaning earwax inside the ear canal is simple: it must not be cleaned. The reason is that earwax self-regulates, flowing to the exterior of the ear canal, where it can be safely cleaned. Earwax has also lubricating, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Ear hygiene is different from oral hygiene. A person has to remember to clean his teeth every day, but earwax cleaning is automatic. As we mentioned, if a cotton tip is used to clean the ear canal, the earwax might become impacted causing a partial block on the canal and resulting in hearing loss and tinnitus. However, a cotton swab or soft cloth can be used for cleaning the earwax on the outer part of the ear. Click here for more info.
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