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“Until then, we have each other. Right, Mr. VIP?”
“Absolutely, Dino-Nerd.”
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As Iron Sharpens Iron
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17
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Chapter 15:
Previous // Next
Warnings: Heavy whump in this one - blood, broken bones, pain. Loneliness.
The cold seeped from the damp ground, settling stiffly in your aching bones. Shattered, whimpering gasps sucked desperately through panicked lungs, burned as if the air around you was poison. You blinked, letting out a groan to dispel the awful groggy confusion, desperately trying to wake yourself from whatever nightmare you’d fallen into.
Panic flooded your veins, threatening to consume you in its blaze. It was dark - so suffocatingly dark.
Stop. Stop.
You tried to calm the race of spiraling thoughts before they inevitably became too much and you lost control.
Panicking will not help you here. Breathe. Focus. Please.
Screwing your eyes shut, you tried to concentrate, to calm the rushing beat of your heart.
What can I see? What can I smell? What can I feel? What can I taste? What can I hear?
You forced yourself to open your eyes. Dark. But as your eyes adjusted, the smothering inky blackness slowly abated into rocky shadows dimly illuminated by the constant twilight far above where you had fallen.
The deep musk of damp dirt sank through your senses. It was somehow calming, grounding. The earthy scent that lingered in the air, reminded you of Hunter.
Everything reminded you of Hunter.
That was when the panic hit again, spiking into a new high as you shifted on the ground, sending lightning bolts of pain riveting through limbs that wouldn’t move. Each breath suddenly tore at your lungs with such a sharpness as if there were some creature trying to gouge its way out. The agony beneath you wrenched a scream with startling ferocity only to find it cut off by spasming lungs as muscles tensed and locked to protect themselves from further harm.
It took several long seconds to relax once again, crying out softly through clenched teeth, determined not to fight against the pain, but to let it wash over you.
Fighting only made things worse. It took discipline and a lifetime of practice but now you feared it was all in vain. This white hot fire, that burning, freezing, grating pain felt all consuming and ready to swallow you whole.
You weren’t a clone but you were trained for this - trained to endure the pain that threatened to overcome all reasoning and logic.
Pain is only a symptom. Find the source.
Hunter’s voice. Hunter’s voice echoed training that had been drilled into your brain time and time again. Of course, he would have received similar training, but that didn’t matter now. Why was it his voice that your mind conjured up in its panic to stay alert? Why was it Hunter’s voice that so calmly soothed fiery nerves? That professional and strict command laced with a hint of compassion and genuine concern - the perfect mixture that made him so complex. A puzzle you so desperately wanted to solve.
Breathy whimpers and half-conscious groans slipped over bleeding and bitten lips.
It hurts, I know. But you need to focus.
Closing your eyes, you fell back to that training, guided along by that handsomely rugged voice keeping you grounded.
My hands are still bound behind me.
You took another breathe, hissing through your teeth at the renewed explosion of tortured nerves. My ribs…. Definitely broken. A stuttering groan leaked from quickening lungs that once again threatened to rip themselves free like the tears that leaked down your face. That pressing pain and panic surged, no matter how little you forced your lungs to inflate in the vain hope of lessening that sickening grate of what was surely must be bone against bone.
His voice spoke again from your mind, this time with an edge. Firm and impossible to ignore.
You’re bound with rope of some sort. Your ribs are most likely badly bruised or broken. What else? Breathe through the pain. In and out. Come on, you know how this works.
Eyes, now well adjusted to the darkness, scanned the area. Mind, falling back on that trained discipline, spoke again in Hunter’s voice. Your leg. Do you feel it?
You did. You had been, though a sense of denial still seemed so desperate to dampen the growing dread. That deadly sharp throbbing that shot up your leg had now become impossible to ignore, yet you still couldn’t bring your eyes down to look.
You can do this, cyar'ika. His voice was softer now - more compassionate - though it still held that air of authority that would compel you to obey his direct command. That little nickname of his cyar'ika, what did it mean? The voice inside you that was Hunter, begged for you to come back and find out.
You have to survive. You have to make it back.
Steeling yourself, you pushed onwards, forcing yourself to draw your eyes down to the pain screaming for emergent attention.
Oh kriff. No. No, no. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
It seemed surreal, like looking down on your own body from miles above. Legs weren’t supposed to bend like that. Bones aren’t meant to jut out in awkwardly violent angles.
Almost as if on instinct, through suddenly heavy, lidded eyes, you pulled your wrists closer, moving through violent bursts of pain, to find a rock, or anything that might cut a rope.
Good. Good girl.
Nothing felt quite real anymore. You were floating - like in a dream.
Just a little more wiggling and the bonds would be loose enough for you to pull your hands through. Tears fell automatically from your eyes as every movement sent white hot razors up your leg from where it sat beneath you, bent awkwardly, bone protruding from the skin
The familiar cold chill of clammy sweat sprang up from your skin, soaking your ruined clothes. Nausea gripped your stomach in a vice as you felt your vision tunnel once again.
No. No. No. Cyar’ika no. Open your eyes. Breathe. Cyar’ika come back to me! That subconscious voice seemed to wither and beg. Come on. Please.
You grit your teeth, inhaling a long, shaky breath, then slowly let it out. The process repeated once more as you willed the nausea and lightheadedness to pass.
There. Got it.
Another dizzying wave of pain shot up your leg, but at least your hands were free.
So much blood. Gotta fix that.
Your hands shook and you could only watch as they seemed to take on a life on their own.
Stars danced before your eyes, stomach flipping before suddenly exploding upwards in a dizzy sick as you vomited into the rocks beside you.
The cool damp of the ground felt soothing now, as you found your cheek suddenly pressed against the dirt.
“...H-Hunter…” the name slipped over numb lips in a quiet whisper. Funny how that was still an instinct. But now that calming subconscious voice was quiet. Gone, not unlike the real thing. Reality was cruel and ruthless.
Hunter’s not here. Hunter can’t save you. None of them can. That voice of stark reason and logic seemed laced with a bitter and vicious mockery. It’s only you now. It always has been. It always will be.
“Trust no one” had always been your mantra. Until you met that strange little group who called themselves the Bad Batch. They ran like soldiers, expedient and efficient, yet they acted like a family. Against your better judgment, you’d let yourself grow attached. You allowed this small, insignificant group of clones to take down your walls and worm inside like a disease, filling all those cracks and edges with their quirks and ideals.
And Hunter.
Ever strong and ever confident to the physical eye, though you knew the uncertainty and fear of failure that lay beneath scarred skin. It was similar to your own. Hunter understood you, better than the others did. You thought like him, slow to trust, yet now you felt protected by him and he knew you’d do the same for him. You made a good team - perfectly combining your own sense of adventure and duty with his own.
A sudden realization hit you like a ton of bricks.
I love him. I'm in love with him.
The realization hurt more than the sickening angle of your leg and the throbbing of your ribs.
I never got to tell him. I'm going to die alone.
He thought you hated him.
It hit you just then, the full weight of loneliness, of trying so hard to be self-sufficient despite knowing that you would never be enough. The self-sabotaging cycle of craving to belong, yet running from those who offered a hand. Always running, never stopping lest that hanging sword above saw fit to drop and cut you down.
Now it had. This cold and unforgiving moon was going to swallow you, chewing with rocks for teeth and the awful rumble of its tectonic stomach that threatened to digest. Its mocking voice whispering in every cloud of dust:
You are alone and there is no one to blame but yourself.
No one but Cid knew where you were and you’d made her promise not to tell. Even the treasure hunting mercenaries were gone, taking with them any hope of dialog - no matter how crude and hurtful the language, at least it was a voice. Now the silence was loud, but your own thoughts were deafening.
Alone. Alone. Alone. You’re going to die alone.
Perhaps the others would come looking for you, but they would not find you - that greed born of anger and hurt had drawn you to a place where you were not strong enough to survive.
But another voice - another piece of your broken consciousness - stirred, whispering beneath that oppressive blanket of doubt.
They will find me. Hunter will find me. Hunter always finds me. We are iron and though we can be dulled, iron was made to sharpen.
@zoeykallus @ttzamara @nahoney22 @merkitty49 @viva-la-whump @agenteliix @dumpsters-little-matchbook @nekotaetae @ladykatakuri @loverofclones @heyitsaloy @padawancat97 @jambolska-grozdova @flyingkangaroo @melymigo @the-rain-on-kamino @jiabae @my-own-oracle @dragonrider9905 @queenofspades6 @ordinarylokix @jupitersaturnapollo @queencousland101 @vampire-rogue @southernbaguette @staycalmandhugaclone @dalu-grantkylo @dangraccoon @aconstructofamind @sev-on-kamino @sol-the-otter @pb-jellybeans @atomickidsoul @caitnotfound @ghostlyembassy @skellymom @freesia-writes @trixie2023 @jedipoodoo @reader6898 @all-mights-babygirl @arcsimper5 @red-robin-yum08 @wintersnnowie @whore-of-many-hot-men @theeyesofasoldier @griffedeloup @starswhores @totallyunidentified @waytooldforthis78
If you want to be on my taglist, feel free to send me a message! Also, asks are open! Reblogging is very much encouraged and it makes me do a happy dance every time any of my writing gets reblogged 😂❤️
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justinekomwriterkru · 12 days
Here's the thing.
Penelope's apologies weren't genuine.
She was saying sorry because she wanted Eloise as a friend back and thought "sorry" was the way to get that.
But at the end of the episode she gets right back to her old tricks.
When Eloise asked her if she was sorry for what she did, or sorry for getting caught, she hit the nail on the head.
Penelope wasn't sorry for what she did. She was sorry that she was facing consequences for what she did.
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justinekomwriterkru · 15 days
"You weren't supposed to… You weren't supposed to become so important to me." has a big Carrillo vibe ! Can you do this ? Please ?
OF COURSE! My my, I've been missing him 😭😭😭 Let's go! This has a lot to do with what I've been coming up with for Versos de Placer, by the way!
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It was just supposed to be an exchange of information that you knew was risky but necessary. In a way, there was a fragility to your intentions that certainly wasn't there in his, for Carrillo was so decisive and literal about the matter.
He was hunting Escobar. That's why you were there in the first and last place, hiding between alleys and dark places with reticence and fear.
You looked for him first. As a rule, you would report to one of the American agents, which might make more sense, but information was information and Carrillo seemed much more solid than gringo spirits in search of justice as a political interest from where they came from.
That gained his trust, but that's as far as you got. He showed up, you said what you discovered, then you made reports with less information than what you had verbally said. It wasn't a crime - God knows how the guys who hired you, who were in the upper part of the continent, had the inherent and sick vice of hiding the bulk of benefits.
He was hunting Escobar, indeed. But this incessant search shouldn't stop between your sheets. There was no information there, not even any clues, just you and whatever he happened to look for for convenience of circumstances.
At first, the excuse was that your tiny apartment was safer and more private. When you started offering a drink, Carrillo got closer, and when you had sex the first time, he said in so many words that he shouldn't trust you.
Peña also handled things that way because, like you, he was easy to mix with, convincing enough and caring. People, whoever they were, liked it all with a dash of attention. Carrillo was harsh, difficult to handle, and that was the difference - he had you as a support for new clues. The sex came along as a good distraction during it all.
But then he started staying longer. Not until the morning, just enough to make you see him as someone, not something. You didn't drink much, but your cupboard now had a bottle of cheap whiskey.
Your attention began to be conquered by the interest of having him in your social circle, as someone you could count on, and that was as dangerous as being in front of a loaded gun.
So when you had an 'accident', which included your car being thrown over a curb and some superficial cuts to your body, when you knew that was the end of your work - of what you two had built.
"When did you think to tell me?" He asked with concern, eyes fixed on your movements while packing your things.
"It happens. The governmen-"
"I'm not talking about your boss," His voice was harsh. "It was an attempt on your life."
"That I know."
Carrillo was a man of arms, the guy who pulled the trigger and made things happen, and he should have understood that your role there was disposable. You were expendable. That being said, it didn't make sense to see him so angry about something you both were very aware of.
"What is it?" You asked, turning to him with a frown. "I wasn't being a valuable source anymore, they would dismiss me soon."
"Still what, Carrillo?"
He considered your question as if you had punched him in the face. When, after long seconds, nothing came out of his mouth, you sighed, ready to go back to your chore.
"You weren't supposed to… You weren't supposed to become so important to me."
You stopped in your tracks, both hands holding a shirt and eyes away from him, staring at the bed in front of you. He... He didn't say that. He-
"... I know this is not ideal."
"It is not."
"And if there's still a little humanity left in me, I shouldn't be so selfish as to want you to stay as a part of it."
But I am, that's what he meant. I wish I could surrender to your sins, that's what you wanted to say, instead of just look at him with confusion and clenched fists. No, not ideal, but real.
Fucking real.
You crossed the room, went to the table next to the bed and took a pen and paper from the drawer. It was his turn to be confused as you held them out to him in silence.
"I'm going to Cucuta. One hour by plane," Still not looking at him properly, you closed your eyes and sighed, as if you were going to regret that but you couldn't help it. "Address, post office box… Put it there."
"Why are you acting like you don't already know this?"
That made you smile. Truthfully. And then you looked at him for good, seeing the little smirk playing on his face.
"Because I want to believe this shit isn't going to be a fucking mistake."
"Will not," He took hold of your hand, bringing you closer. "At best, this will only be an hour delay to really be a mistake."
A/C: I truly miss him 😭 Hope you like it, baby!
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justinekomwriterkru · 19 days
As Iron Sharpens Iron
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17
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Chapter 13:
Previous // Next
Warnings: Pheromones, sexually suggestive scenes (nothing explicit), major misunderstandings.
Hunter threw the essentials into his bag and secured his armor with a satisfying click as the magseal activated, locking the plates into place.
“Hey you,” a warm voice sounded from the hatch.
Hunter looked up to see Tara standing on the ramp, leaning against the hatchway with her hand on her hip. She smiled.
“Ketch and Bozo over there let it slip that you were going after your friend. Need an extra hand?”
Hunter grunted halfheartedly, “No, not really.”
“You sure?” she asked, smiling coyly, taking a step inside, “Because you look like you could use all the help you can get.”
He frowned, “I told you I’m fine. We don’t have time for this right now, Tara.”
She sighed, “Hunter, she ran away from you. You got into an argument and she left!”
“I know!” he growled.
Tara sighed, “Hunter look, do you really think you should be going after her?” she asked gently, “She needs time.”
Hunter shook his head. “I can’t,” he snapped, “She needs me. She could be in trouble!”
Tara smiled softly, folding her arms, “Hunter, trust me. You need to give her time. That’s how women work! She’s a perfectly capable adult. You know this. Just give her some time. You need to rest too, you know.”
Hunter sighed, She is capable. Am I overthinking? Too overprotective?
Omega had said that to him before. He supposed he did have a bit of an overprotective nature, but he chalked that up only as his role as the team’s Sergeant during the war.
A good leader protects his squad.
“Nothing good comes from rushing headlong into things, Hunter,” Tara continued, “You and I both know that.” She paused tentitively then spoke softly, “I care for you too much to let you just run in blind.”
“I’m not running in blind!”
“Oh yeah? What’s the plan then?”
“Get to the coordinates. Find her. Bring her home.”
Tara nodded, “Okay, then what?”
I don’t know. Tell her I love her? Tell her that I can’t live without her?
Hunter didn’t know what to say so he was silent.
“Hunter…” Tara began, taking another step forward, “I…”
Hunter growled, “What is it that you want me to say, Tara? That I don’t know what I’m doing!? I...”
He could feel his heart beat pounding. The air felt different. He'd never said it aloud before. His mouth felt dry, almost as if he said the words it would mean that his feelings were real and that he’d be forced to face them head-on.
“You don’t understand, Tara. I love - “
She stepped forward placing a hand on his arm - a smile speading across her face.
Hunter froze at the touch, quickly turning away. He could smell her - the sweat on her dark skin, the relaxant in her hair. The pheromones in her perfume. It seemed to grab ahold of his senses, begging him to face her - to give her his full attentions. He stilled, taking a breath to steady himself.
“Do you like that, Hunter?” She said softly, tapping the panel beside the ramp as the hatch hissed closed.
Hunter felt himself begin to sweat. The scent enveloped his senses - warm and sweet. Intoxicating. It slipped through the cracks on his armor, pooling in a heat below his skin. It felt so good - so easy to relax. He bit back a groan as her fingers skimmed the skin below his chin, lifting his face towards her own. He felt his codpiece tighten.
So good. You’re so good to me.
He closed his eyes and there you were - eyes lit up in wonder at seeing the purrgil dance around the ship in hyperspace. There you were - dragging him to cover in a firefight, eyes full of concern. There you were - holding a cup of caf out to him, eyes glittering in the dim cockpit lighting.
“There you go, Hunter.” Tara murmured, “Relax. I bought this for you. For us.”
He inhaled slowly, feeling lighter than he had felt in a long time.
“I knew you’d like it,” she whispered, “Can I touch you?”
Hunter moaned - the throbbing beneath his codpiece felt stronger than ever. He wanted this - your fingers, your voice.
So good. So right. So… not you.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
His eyes flew open - alarm bells blaring dizzily through his skull - the scent too thick. Too much.
Not you. Not you. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
He gasped and stumbled backwards. “Stop!” he panted, holding up a hand. “I don’t… What the kriff are you doing!?”
Tara stood up, tearing her hand from his chest, nearly falling as she stumbled backwards, hand forcefully slapping the bulkhead behind her until she hit the exit ramp and it hissed open.
“Oh my gods!” she gasped, hands flying to her face. “I thought… I thought you wanted this! I thought…” she sputtered horrified, “You said…you said… I thought…. Oh gods… I’m so sorry, Hunter!”
Tara backed down the ramp as Hunter stumbled into the open, gasping for air. He shook his head, guilt springing to the forefront of his mind, shame sprouted in his gut making him feel sick.
How could I have let this happen?
It was the essence of you, not Tara, that had blossomed up through that musky haze. It was your hands that had touched him, not hers.
Did I tell her that I wanted this? Did I inadvertently lead her on?
He looked up, seeing her stood frozen on the bottom of the ramp, eyes wide in embarrassment, heart beat still rapid in the aftermath of horror.
She shook her head.
How could I have been so stupid? The thought was written all over her face.
“It was never me, was it.” The words came as a quiet statement rather than a question.
Hunter stood up, gritting his teeth as he composed himself. “No, Tara. It wasn't.”
“You love her, don't you.”
Hunter paused.
Saying it aloud makes it real.
Saying it aloud would prove beyond a doubt that you belonged to him and he to you.
Tech's words echoed through his brain. “According to this, you are in fact, in love.”
He took a breath. “Yes. I do love her.”
Tara nodded and turned away, “Then you should probably tell her.”
@zoeykallus @ttzamara @nahoney22 @merkitty49 @viva-la-whump @agenteliix @dumpsters-little-matchbook @nekotaetae @ladykatakuri @loverofclones @heyitsaloy @padawancat97 @jambolska-grozdova @flyingkangaroo @melymigo @the-rain-on-kamino @jiabae @my-own-oracle @dragonrider9905 @queenofspades6 @ordinarylokix @jupitersaturnapollo @queencousland101 @vampire-rogue @southernbaguette @staycalmandhugaclone @dalu-grantkylo @dangraccoon @aconstructofamind @sev-on-kamino @sol-the-otter @pb-jellybeans @atomickidsoul @caitnotfound @ghostlyembassy @skellymom @freesia-writes @trixie2023 @jedipoodoo @reader6898 @all-mights-babygirl @arcsimper5 @red-robin-yum08 @wintersnnowie @whore-of-many-hot-men @theeyesofasoldier @griffedeloup @starswhores @totallyunidentified @waytooldforthis78
If you want to be on my taglist, feel free to send me a message! Also, asks are open! Reblogging is very much encouraged and it makes me do a happy dance every time any of my writing gets reblogged 😂❤️
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justinekomwriterkru · 1 month
The Sergeant's Senator Masterlist
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Summary: It is revealed that there is a plot to assassinate a republic senator. With some negotiations, Clone Force 99 is assigned as the security detail and must protect the senator at all costs (FULLY COMPLETED).
Warning: +18 minors DNI, threat to one's life, talks of assassination, multiple assassination attempts, various weapons used throughout series, people getting shot or seriously injured, mutual pining, sexual tension and eventual smut (chapters marked in red), and an overall dangerous series
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Epilogue
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justinekomwriterkru · 2 months
Does it ever drive you crazy
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Just how fast the night changes?
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justinekomwriterkru · 2 months
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69K notes · View notes
justinekomwriterkru · 2 months
As Iron Sharpens Iron
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17
Beta-read by @dragonrider9905
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Chapter 12:
Previous // Next
Warnings: None
This is already so much harder than Cid made it seem, you thought with a grunt as hills of gravelly rock slipped and slid beneath your feet.
The moon's perpetual dusky atmosphere made it nearly impossible to navigate the rough terrain without a headlamp.
And it's just my luck that this one is almost dead. The lamp flickered briefly but remained lit for the time being. At the rate you'd been replacing power packs on this thing, you weren't sure there'd be enough to last the journey back to the ship. The moon’s naturally emitted electromagnetic frequencies were not something Cid had mentioned.
No surprise there. Wonder what else she failed to mention.
You were glad Hunter wasn't here. This would be the death of him. You couldn't imagine the havoc it would wreak upon his enhanced senses - the pain it would cause him. Yet the sour taste of loneliness still faintly lingered, littering the background of all your thoughts.
A faint rumbling sound echoed across the rocky plain and you paused, listening. The strange, muted grumble became louder like the moon itself was warning you to leave and never come back.
Rocks began to quake as the ground rolled in a violent tremor.
“Well, that’s just wonderful…” you growled sarcastically. “Thanks for that!” you yelled out to no one, voice echoing strangely through the barren atmosphere.
The tremors subsided after a few minutes, though you waited a few more before starting out again.
You paused after a while, double checking the coordinates on your datapad. The screen flickered. It was a small inconvenience, yet one that landed precariously atop of so many others, drawing all the ire of pent up rage and hurt into one soul crushing cry of frustration that you’d been keeping down for so long.
“I hate this kriffing moon!”
You stopped, taking a few deep breaths.
Calm. Calm. You have a job to do.
The datapad screen blinked back on as you smacked the side of it with your hand.
Should be right around…. There.
The dimming light of the headlamp softly illuminated the entrance to a mine just ahead.
Here goes nothing.
You sighed, placing your bag on the ground before pulling out the necessary gear.
Grabbing the cable, you began to lower yourself down the dark, damp mineshaft. Without warning, another tremor rocked the ground again.
Stronger than the last, you noted, hoping that didn’t mean anything.
Another small quake sent a shower of dust and pebbles cascading down onto your face and hair. One arm let go of the cable, instinctively curling upwards to protect your face while the other held on with aching fingers, fighting how it swung wildly and out of control.
As if the vengeful moon had heard your angry cries, another rumble of the ground tore the cable from it’s resting place, pulling a terrified shriek from gasping lungs as you found yourself in a freefall, desperately clawing at the wall for any kind of stop.
Pain shot up through your shoulder as gloved fingers caught the edge of a protruding rock, dragging yourself to a more steady position, jamming your feet into crevasses in the wall.
Karking hells! You closed your eyes and let your head drop forwards to rest on the cool rock face where you clung, taking a moment to calm your screaming nerves.
You exhaled in disbelief, unsure of whether you should cry or laugh.
“Oh gods, this is not my day. This is really not my day.”
Whining to yourself, you looked down and realized you were nearly at the bottom.
Taking another breath, you pulled the cable from your belt and hooked it securely once again to the rock face, quickly gliding down the remainder of the mineshaft.
Damn. Absentmindedly stretching your sore shoulder, you crouched to place the pack onto the ground, hissing quietly as the action sent a shooting pain down your arm. You switched the headlamp off and waited for your eyes to adjust to the darkness. A dim light glimmered from a cavity in the wall on the other side of a small pool of bubbling water. They matched the description Cid provided on the jewels she’d tasked you with retrieving.
“Oh how convenient,” you scoffed, carefully scanning the area lest you be swallowed alive by some carnivorous rock or whatever else thrived in this hellhole of a moon. You chuckled dryly. That would be just my luck.
With trepidation, you stepped carefully over the small pool of water. Grabbing the small extraction tool you’d brought along, you sank down to your knees and began drilling at the glowing stones, counting each one as they popped free.
One… Two… Three… Four… Five… Six…
You stood back up, carefully placing the stones inside one of the many pouches that lined your belt, and turned around to head back. A wave of sudden exhaustion pulled a sigh from your lips as it washed over you. This place was definitely not one you’d be coming back to in a hurry.
Pausing before the bubbling pool of water, you took one last look around, but your gaze was drawn right back to the pool in front of you.
Weird. A strange feeling of unease crept into your bones and you shivered. Could’ve sworn it wasn’t that big when I stepped over it before. You shrugged, certain that your mind was only playing tricks on you because when you looked once more, it was the same size as it had been before.
“This place gives me the creeps,” you muttered, looking around suspiciously. You glared at the bubbling pool and took a running leap over it just to be safe.
It was almost as if someone had pulled a rug out from beneath your feet. The edge of the pool caught on the tip of your boot and you came crashing down, a cry of alarm turning into a cry of pain as your shoulder roughly met the ground. You scrambled forward with a gasp, pulling your foot from the water.
“Did you just….” you spoke aloud, voice saturated with an incredulous annoyance, “Did you just trip me!?”
The ground rumbled lowly once again.
“Great! I’m arguing with a kriffing moon,” you muttered, shaking your head.
You sighed, four days of solitude and you were already talking to inanimate objects.
Your boot squelched as you dumped out the water that filled it. I hate wet socks. You wiggled your toes glumly.
Wrecker would find this hilarious, you chuckled to yourself. What would the rest of them think of this place?
You smiled, thinking of how Tech would be cataloging each tremor and tectonic abnormality, looking at everything through that endearing lens of curiosity. Echo would be working on a way to combat the harsh electromagnetic frequencies for himself and Hunter. His steadfast attitude wouldn’t let himself give up until he tried every option. Omega would wander, collecting oddly shaped rocks and staring into the strange bubbling pools. And Hunter…
You sighed, picking yourself back up, best not to think about Hunter. But you couldn’t help it. Loneliness settled into your gut, you missed them.
No. You scolded yourself. You’re a grown adult. You have made it in this galaxy on your own before and you will do so again.
But being on your own was a lot different than being alone.
You took a deep breath, willing that forever-heavy emotion back behind the locked doors of practical reality. It wasn’t worth dwelling on thoughts that only brought you down, and it took skill to lock them all away so efficiently - a skill you knew you’d better relearn fast.
Unwilling to stay and reflect any longer, you shot the cable up and climbed out of the mine.
@zoeykallus @ttzamara @nahoney22 @merkitty49 @viva-la-whump @agenteliix @dumpsters-little-matchbook @nekotaetae @ladykatakuri @loverofclones @heyitsaloy @padawancat97 @jambolska-grozdova @flyingkangaroo @melymigo @the-rain-on-kamino @jiabae @my-own-oracle @dragonrider9905 @queenofspades6 @ordinarylokix @jupitersaturnapollo @queencousland101 @vampire-rogue @southernbaguette @staycalmandhugaclone @dalu-grantkylo @dangraccoon @aconstructofamind @sev-on-kamino @sol-the-otter @pb-jellybeans @atomickidsoul @caitnotfound @ghostlyembassy @skellymom @freesia-writes @trixie2023 @jedipoodoo @reader6898 @all-mights-babygirl @arcsimper5 @red-robin-yum08 @wintersnnowie @whore-of-many-hot-men @theeyesofasoldier @griffedeloup @starswhores @totallyunidentified @waytooldforthis78
If you want to be on my taglist, feel free to send me a message! Also, asks are open! Reblogging is very much encouraged and it makes me do a happy dance every time any of my writing gets reblogged 😂❤️
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justinekomwriterkru · 3 months
As Iron Sharpens Iron
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17
Beta-read by @dragonrider9905
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Chapter 11:
Previous // Next
Warnings: Angst. Canon violence
Three days had passed since the argument with Hunter that sent you storming from the Marauder with anger blazing hot in your veins. Two days since you’d left the planet, intent on putting all your focus towards the job Cid had given you.
One day had turned your anger into a suffocating heaviness of guilt and grief. Now it was something else - it felt strange and unnatural - or maybe it was just nothingness. Whatever it was, you wished the anger would come back. Anger was tangible, it gave you something to hold onto. Anger had a conviction - a purpose. Whatever it was that you felt now, slipped numbly through your fingers, floating aimlessly and as silent as the vortex of hyperspace you currently traveled through.
They didn’t come for me.
You had waited around Cid’s for a full rotation - unsure what for.
Did you really think they’d come looking for you?
Did they even want to?
“Give it up, kid.” Cid advised as you’d found yourself glancing over at the door for the thousandth time, “Dark and Broody ain’t coming after ya.”
You looked at her sharply. How did she know?
Cid shrugged, “Don’t look at me like that, Hotshot. I’m not stupid, you know. I’ve seen the way you look at him.” She smirked, “It’s the same way he looks at you.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Oh yeah? Then tell me why he hasn’t come.”
Cid threw down her washrag, looking annoyed. “You’re the idiot who ran away. He’s smart enough not to bother a woman who’s mad at him.” She scoffed, “Or he’s stupid enough not to go after the woman he obviously cares about.”
That’s when the anger came back, flashing brightly like the flame of a candle exposed to the air just before it fizzled out again. “You’re wrong. He’s not here because he doesn’t care. None of them do.” Disappointment settled like a boot on your chest.
Cid let out a bored sigh. “Then quit moping around and do something! I’ve got plenty of jobs around here and no one to do them. Might as well get paid if you’re just going to be miserable anyway.”
You looked at her quizzically then groaned. “Alright… where do you need me to go?”
The ship shuttered as it dropped out of hyperspace, pulling you back to the present as you came into orbit around the moon Cid’s coordinates had directed you to. You chuckled bitterly.
Well joke’s on them. I don’t need them either.
“Omega, come on! We need to make a supply run in town,” Hunter called down the ramp as he slung his pack over his shoulder. He frowned as she made no move to get up, though he was certain she’d heard him. He set his pack down and walked over to her. She sat on the ramp, resting her arms and chin on her knees, as she looked blankly out at the empty road.
“Omega..” he sat down beside her.
“It’s been three days, Hunter. Where is she?” Her muffled voice broke his heart. She’d been crying and he had no words to comfort her.
There had only been two times in his life that Hunter found himself with no idea what to do.
The empty numbness that dug its relentless claws through his skull screamed at him in an overwhelming self-hatred after their first real mission failure which left Wrecker clinging to life.
Failure. Coward. Pathetic.
It was the same feeling now that spread through his bones. I should’ve run after her. Now it’s too late. Mission failure once again.
The gut-wrenching flood of emotion that came with being a parent and falling in love was more unyielding than any enemy he’d faced before. It’s the one thing they didn’t train us for. At least when an enemy combatant refused to cooperate, there were many ways to get what you wanted out of them. Hunter didn’t know how to react when it was his own thoughts that refused to comply.
“I don’t know, Omega.”
“She’s coming back though, right?” She looked up at him but he couldn’t bring himself to look her in the eyes.
He spun his vibroblade anxiously. “I hope so.”
“Wrecker went out looking for her, you know.”
Hunter straightened in surprise, turning to look at her. “He did what?”
Omega wiped her eyes on her sleeve and sat up. “Yeah. He left this morning. He said he was gonna find her and make everything better again.”
As if on cue, Wrecker came barreling down the road, skidding to a stop just shy of the ramp panting and out of breath. Hunter stood up as Omega dashed to his side.
“What is it, Wrecker? Did you find her!? Is she okay?!” Her eyes were wide and Hunter was glad to see some of the hopeful spark return. He just hoped that whatever news Wrecker brought wouldn’t snuff it out again.
Wrecker collapsed onto the ramp. “Phew… I’m never running like that again!”
“Well?” prompted Hunter, still nervously twiring the blade through his fingers.
“Huh? Oh yeah! I found out from some scumbag that Cid sent her on a mission. Said it was real dangerous.”
“What.” Hunter tensed. Suddenly that pitiful feeling of futility was gone, replaced by something he was all too familiar with. He slid the vibroblade back into its sheath with a deadly click, mouth set in a fierce line of determination.
“Did he say anything else?” Omega asked.
Wrecker laughed. “Yeah. When I hung him upside down from the roof, he cried.” He turned towards Hunter and his smile faded into a growl. “Hunter, he said it was a suicide mission. He said nobody gets outta there alive. That’s why I ran all the way here.”
Omega gasped, “Hunter we have to go after her! She might not know it’s a trap!”
Hunter had already strapped on his pack and secured his blaster.
“Tech, Echo! Start the ship.” He called out. “I’m gonna go have a little chat with Cid.”
Loosened by the adrenaline as he ran, a sudden moment of clarity fell upon him. He’d been thinking about this all wrong.
You were not a mission in which to succeed or fail. You were a part of him - the missing link in his short mess of a life - and he would do everything it took to get you back.
The door to Cid’s Parlour opened with a slam. Cid nearly dropped the glass she was cleaning as she looked up to see Hunter striding over to her, fire in his eyes. The only two patrons in the room fled, feeling the mood of the room sour almost immediately. Cid set the cup down in obvious annoyance. “Hey! You can’t just storm on in here, scaring away my customers like that! I’ve got bills to pay here.”
He didn’t seem to hear her as he pointed a sharp finger in her direction.
“Where is she?”
Cid smirked, deciding to play coy. This could get interesting, she thought as she dried her hands, making sure to look as unbothered as she possibly could.
“Where is who? You gotta be more specific.”
Hunter narrowed his eyes, “You know exactly who I’m talking about.”
She tapped a finger on her chin, pretending to think. “Hmm… I really don’t think I do.”
Hunter sighed, exasperated. “I don’t have time to play your games, Cid. Tell me where you sent her.”
Cid sighed, suddenly bored of whatever ruse she’d cooked up to mess with him. “Fine.”
Hunter clenched his teeth. “I need to know, Cid. Now.”
“Cool your jets, Dark and Broody.” Cid rolled her eyes. “Your girlfriend’s fine. She asked me for a job and I gave ‘er one.”
Hunter’s face darkened. “Where. Is. She.” His white knuckled fist slammed down on the counter. “I promise you I won’t be so nice if I have to ask you again.”
Cid raised her hands in a mocked surrender. “Look, I promised her that I wouldn’t tell any of you lot where she went. She obviously doesn’t want to talk to you.”
Hunter's hands shot across the bar, vibroblade suddenly poised in a violent threat at her throat. His voice was dangerously low. “She could be in real danger. Tell me where you sent her. Now.”
Cid gulped, backing into the wall, knocking a bottle onto the ground where it shattered. She glared then raised her hands in surrender. “Alright, alright fine! Put the knife down and I’ll tell you!”
Hunter lowered the knife. Cid nervously rubbed her throat. “Geez… I can see why she likes you so much. I sent her to a small moon in the Sullest system. Doesn’t even have a name. Hardly anybody goes there at all.”
Hunter glared daggers.
“Relax, Dark and Broody. She’s not in any danger. It’s just a simple snatch and grab. The mines over there are full of stuff worth a ton to the right people.”
Hunter narrowed his eyes. “Just give me the coordinates.”
Cid sighed, “Already done. Get outta here, lover boy.”
Hunter rolled his eyes as he turned to leave.
“Hey!” Cid’s voice called after him. “You owe me for that bottle. Corellian Whiskey is hard to come by these days!”
@zoeykallus @ttzamara @nahoney22 @merkitty49 @viva-la-whump @agenteliix @dumpsters-little-matchbook @nekotaetae @ladykatakuri @loverofclones @heyitsaloy @padawancat97 @jambolska-grozdova @flyingkangaroo @melymigo @the-rain-on-kamino @jiabae @my-own-oracle @dragonrider9905 @queenofspades6 @ordinarylokix @jupitersaturnapollo @queencousland101 @vampire-rogue @southernbaguette @staycalmandhugaclone @dalu-grantkylo @dangraccoon @aconstructofamind @sev-on-kamino @sol-the-otter @pb-jellybeans @atomickidsoul @caitnotfound @ghostlyembassy @skellymom @freesia-writes @trixie2023 @jedipoodoo @reader6898 @all-mights-babygirl @arcsimper5 @red-robin-yum08 @wintersnnowie @whore-of-many-hot-men @theeyesofasoldier @griffedeloup @starswhores @totallyunidentified @waytooldforthis78
If you want to be on my taglist, feel free to send me a message! Also, asks are open! Reblogging is very much encouraged and it makes me do a happy dance every time any of my writing gets reblogged 😂❤️
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justinekomwriterkru · 3 months
“everyone is going to hate it” someone will love it. someone will reach out to you and tell you it changed their life. someone will hold it close and treasure it forever in a way you can’t even understand. keep going
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justinekomwriterkru · 3 months
Here is the long awaited Masterlist!
And if you'd like to buy a struggling writer a cup of tea you can do so here: Ko-Fi
Thanks so much for enjoying my work! (1000 followers and counting!) ❤️🥰😍
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If you wish to be tagged in a specific fic or in general feel free to shoot me a message!
I write for many fandoms including - but not limited to - LOTR, Star Wars (all shows/movies/characters), Marvel, etc - if you want to request anything please send me an ask or a message.
Prompt Lists (lists are not made by me): Hurt/Comfort | Fluff -- feel free to send in your own!
Clone Wars
Clone Medic Kix:
Come Here Often?
Stayin' Alive
The Hands of Father Time
My Sunshine is Sleeping
Born for This
Busy, Busy
ARC Trooper Fives:
All the Stars in the Sky
Everybody Talks
My Cinderella
If I Don't Make It Back Alive
Ghosts of You
Captain Rex:
Running Home
Commander Fox:
A Duty of Forgiveness
Good Soldiers
Eyes Like Champagne
Til the Last Shot's Fired
Commander Wolffe:
In the Middle of the Night
Don't Miss Me
Love is a Battlefield
Come Let Me Love You
Obi-Wan Kenobi:
Jedi Come Down
Marshal Commander Cody:
Forgive Me, My Love
Shining Star
Mysterious Ways
Original Characters:
The Last Mission
What Hurts the Most
The Bad Batch
If It's Cracked... Don't Fix It (A Bad Batch crack fic)
Enemies to Lovers
Hiding the Hurt
Love is Good Medicine
Falling is Just Uncontrolled Flying
How Fascinating
Hold Still
Only You
The Tragedy of a Lothcat
Impractical Jokesters
Hate to Love You
Don't Forget
Dark is the Night
Unexpected Surprises
The Things We Fight For
Grasping For Hope
The Trees With the Pretty Flowers
Fire and Ice
As Iron Sharpens Iron
Training For Failure
Feels Like Durasteel
Other Star Wars Shows/Movies
Boba Fett:
Coming soon
Mass Effect
His Shoes
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justinekomwriterkru · 3 months
As Iron Sharpens Iron
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17
Beta-read by @dragonrider9905
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Chapter 10:
Previous // Next
Warnings: Miscommunication, angst.
A/N: Sorry this one is so short! I promise the action and excitement will be back next chapter! 😁
“Wait!” Hunter called out, standing up to follow you down the ramp, “I can explain!”
He rushed to the door, determined to follow you down the ramp, but he paused, feeling Echo’s hand on his shoulder.
“I’d give her a bit,” he advised. Hunter sighed and sat back down.
“Well that went well.” Tech clapped a hand to Hunter’s shoulder, then pushed his goggles further up on his face as he turned back to the cockpit to finish up the project he’d been working on.
“Wait, I’m confused,” Wrecker got off his bunk, “Hunter and Tara?”
Hunter sighed. “No! It’s not like that! I mean…”
Echo put his hand on Omega’s shoulder, attempting to direct her back to her room.
“Then what is it like, Hunter?” Omega asked, pushing Echo’s hand from her.
Hunter felt his chest tighten as he saw the hurt on her face. “It’s nothing, Omega. Go to your room.”
Omega crossed her arms, making no move to obey the command. “No! It’s not nothing! She obviously likes you and…” she paused to take a breath, looking down, “...and I thought you liked her too!”
“I do like her Omega… it’s just complicated. You’ll understand when you’re older.”
Omega frowned at him. “I’m old enough.” she said defiantly. “You taught me that communication with your squad is important.”
Hunter didn’t respond, he knew she was right.
Omega sighed in frustration. “This is why we talk to each other, Hunter! You should’ve told her!”
“I know, Omega. I messed up. I’m sorry.”
“It’s not all your fault, you know.” she said softer, putting a hand on his knee.
“She’s right,” Echo chimed in, “We all need to do better at communicating with each other.”
“Yeah…” agreed Wrecker, and turned back to Hunter.
“Really? Tara? Huh… gotta say I didn't expect that.”
Hunter glared. “I told you it wasn't like that. I was putting away some supplies and she came onto me, okay? She had a few too many drinks after the mission on Dantooine. She came onto me, started feeling me up and kissing me. Caught me by surprise and I pushed her away, told her I wasn't interested.”
Wrecker whistled “Damn, you're a popular man these days.” He chuckled, “I totally woulda let Tara kiss me.”
Echo elbowed him, “Not helping, Wrecker…”
“Oh. Sorry, Hunter.”
“It’s fine, Wreck.”
Echo gave Hunter a sympathetic look before retreating to the cockpit as well to help with repairs. The last mission had been hard on the Marauder as well as the mood of the team.
@zoeykallus @ttzamara @nahoney22 @merkitty49 @viva-la-whump @agenteliix @dumpsters-little-matchbook @nekotaetae @ladykatakuri @loverofclones @heyitsaloy @padawancat97 @jambolska-grozdova @flyingkangaroo @melymigo @the-rain-on-kamino @jiabae @my-own-oracle @dragonrider9905 @queenofspades6 @ordinarylokix @jupitersaturnapollo @queencousland101 @vampire-rogue @southernbaguette @staycalmandhugaclone @dalu-grantkylo @dangraccoon @aconstructofamind @sev-on-kamino @sol-the-otter @pb-jellybeans @atomickidsoul @caitnotfound @ghostlyembassy @skellymom @freesia-writes @trixie2023 @jedipoodoo @reader6898 @all-mights-babygirl @arcsimper5 @red-robin-yum08 @wintersnnowie @whore-of-many-hot-men @theeyesofasoldier @griffedeloup @starswhores @totallyunidentified @waytooldforthis78
If you want to be on my taglist, feel free to send me a message! Also, asks are open! Reblogging is very much encouraged and it makes me do a happy dance every time any of my writing gets reblogged 😂❤️
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justinekomwriterkru · 3 months
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62K notes · View notes
justinekomwriterkru · 3 months
As Iron Sharpens Iron
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17
Beta-read by @dragonrider9905
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Chapter 9:
Previous // Next
Warnings: Jealousy, hurt feelings, tiny bit of sexual tension
The flight back to Ord Mantell was silent. Hunter sat stiffly in the cockpit after checking on Omega. The rest of the team sat in silence under the dimmed lights.
The situation played over and over again through his brain.
Omega dropping from the vents alone. Without you. It was so hard to dispel the fear that flooded his veins like ice water.
Were you hurt? Captured? Dead!?
Then you’d entered the room with that staff, that blaster bolt so narrowly missing your head.
Why was it so important to grab that staff? Why risk your own life and Omega’s just for a few lousy credits.
I thought I knew her better than that.
Then there was that all-consuming guilt-laced horror when the pair of you fought the guards so viciously and he could do nothing but watch. Powerless. Afraid. Angry at the smugglers. Angry at you for being so reckless. Angry at himself for being able to do nothing but watch it happen.
The others seemed to know better than to bother Hunter right now, but you had to know why he was so upset.
Part of you knew it was you - your reckless plan that could’ve gone wrong in so many different ways.
But how was it any different from one of his plans that always seemed to turn to chaos? That tiny thought voiced defiantly, only serving to fuel the anger and frustration that boiled through your veins.
Against your better judgment you strode into the cockpit.
“Hunter, I…” you stopped as he held up a firm hand.
“Go sit down, we’re about to land. We’ll talk about this later.”
No, I want to talk about this now! The impatience rattled around inside, barely able to be contained.
“Now.” He commanded, pointing to the seats. “I’m giving you an order, try not to disobey this one too.” His words were sharp and impossible to argue against.
“Yes sir.” You answered harshly, matching his tone.
There wasn’t much discussion upon landing, either. Nor was there any argument when Wrecker and Omega took off to celebrate their Mantell Mix tradition.
Echo and Tech disappeared soon after. The bitter taste in your mouth festered as you watched Cid carefully place the staff in her back room. You stood and walked out of the parlor.
We got the staff, we got paid, and nobody got hurt. It sounded fine to you. In fact, it sounded like success, yet you couldn’t shake that growing hurt of disappointment and shame.
That should’ve been enough. I should’ve been enough. Maybe I could’ve done more. Maybe I should’ve done less.
But the reality of it all only served to solidify the nagging knowledge that you really didn’t belong here.
Sighing, you walked faster down the street away from the figure you knew was following you.
"What the hell was that!?" Hunter growled from behind you as you stalked back to the Marauder. Clenching your jaw, you purposely ignored him, just wanting to shower, grab some food and forget about the whole thing. You were starving and could definitely use a good long nap.
“Hey!” Hunter grabbed your arm, forcing you to face him. “No. You don’t get to ignore me when you nearly got Omega and the rest of this squad killed!”
You jerked your arm free with a huff which just seemed to aggravate him further. “Omega is fine.” you snapped. “I wouldn’t have let anything happen to her. I got the job done. You got paid. What more do you want from me!? You wanna hold hands and talk about our feelings?”
Heavy, angry breaths forced themselves from your heaving chest. You were fully aware that Hunter could easily hear how quickly your pulse thundered in your ears without a chance to easily reign it back.
“I gave you a direct order and you disobeyed it!” he snapped.
You scoffed, “You all do it all the kriffing time! I don’t see you shouting at Omega when she plays by her own rules! So what’s so different when I do it!? Huh?”
Hunter was silent. You could feel the anger simmering beneath his skin. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out, sounding more like a groan of frustration. "For once in your life would it kill you to use your damn head!? You almost got yourself killed out there, and I…!” He stopped himself.
“What do you care?” You spit venomously, spinning around to face him again. “According to you lot I’m just a ‘useful asset’!”
“What?” Hunter ran a hand through his hair, visibly confused.
You took a breath. “I heard you talking to Tech!”
A look of realization began to appear on his face as you looked down. “That's not - “
“No!” You interrupted angrily. “You think I'm reckless and irritable and only useful when you need me.”
“No! I didn't mean it like that. I was - “
You held up a hand to stop him. “It's fine, Hunter.” You said coldly. “At least I know my place now so thank you for bringing that to my attention.”
“But I…” Hunter stuttered, looking completely bewildered.
“Stop.” You commanded. “I said it's fine. It hurt, but I forgive you. Everything's fine.”
He could only watch as you stormed down the ramp, leaving him in a cold silence as it hissed closed behind you.
He sat unmoving for what seemed like hours.
The hatch opened again after a few minutes and for a brief second, Hunter felt his heart race raising a hopeful gaze as the ramp slid down but it was only Wrecker clamoring up the ramp with a crate of thermal detonators. He set them down and raised an eyebrow sticking a thumb out behind him towards the open door. “What’s with her?”
Hunter sighed, “Don’t ask.” Shoulders slumped, he turned and headed into the cockpit. Maybe he could convince Tech to let him help with one of his projects. He could use the distraction.
Tech glanced up as Hunter all but fell into an empty chair. He raised an eyebrow. “Is everything alright?”
“She heard us talking the other night,” said Hunter.
A look of confusion flashed across his face for a split second before quickly realizing what his brother was referring to. “Oh!” Tech looked up, “So then, I assume she now knows how you feel, and judging from your facial expression and closed off body language, she does not reciprocate those feelings.” Tech paused and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. “I am sorry.”
Hunter shook his head. “No, she only happened to hear you say that she’s a ‘useful asset’!” He glared at his brother as though to blame him for the entire misunderstanding.
“Ah..” Tech put a finger to his chin in thought. “That is most unfortunate.”
Hunter slumped lower in his seat. “Yep… and what’s worse is that she heard me agree with you and now she thinks that’s how we all feel about her.”
“But that was only a small sample of our conversation and very much taken out of context. If she had stayed and listened a bit longer she would have realized this.”
“Well she didn’t, and now she thinks I hate her.”
Tech frowned. “Per our conversation, that is quite the opposite of the sentiments you expressed.”
“Yeah, no shit.”
“Perhaps you should speak with her about it. Explain to her that what she overheard when she was eavesdropping, was entirely incorrect.”
Hunter shook his head.
“Or I could tell her if you prefer,” Tech continued helpfully.
“No!” Omega leapt from her room, bypassing the ladder entirely, and landed on her feet with a thud, nearly tripping over Gonky as she slid into the cockpit in front of them.
Hunter’s head snapped up in alarm.
“No.” She repeated adamantly, “Do not. Please do not. The last thing she needs to hear from us is blaming her for the miscommunication!”
“Speaking of eavesdropping…” Hunter crossed his arms, looking at his sister who responded with a sheepish grin. He rolled his eyes, not able to help the smirk that pulled at his lips at her antics.
“What? It’s a small ship. I can hear everything.”
“I wasn’t blaming her.” Tech said defensively. Hunter’s face fell again as Tech brought their attention back to the matter at hand.
“Well she’ll probably think we are if you say it like that.” Omega told him.
“She won’t talk to me.” Hunter shook his head, “Besides, she left after I yelled at her.”
Omega looked up at him with a grimace, “You did sound really mad…”
Hunter winced at the blame that flashed nearly imperceptibly through her eyes. “She almost got both you and herself killed during that last mission!” His voice grew hard again. “She’s reckless and I hate it!” His voice grew softer, “I can’t wa- ”
A scoff interrupted his lament as both Tech and Omega sported alarmed looks. Hunter turned to see you leaning against the bulkhead, face contorted in a mixture of anger and hurt. He could see the telltale shine of unshed tears you fought so hard to hide. Hidden from the world but not from him. Hunter noticed everything - especially when it came to you.
You chuckled dryly. “Nice to know how you really feel.” Your voice cracked, desperately straining to hold back tears. “I came to apologize and hear what you were going to tell me before I left. I gave it some thought, you know? I thought, ‘maybe I did misunderstand him’.”
You shook your head, “But no…. I guess I was right.” You spun around, heading to your bunk, pushing past Echo who’d returned just in time to witness your words.
“Wait…” Hunter stood up, calling after you but you did nothing to let him know you’d even heard him.
Quickly taking a few steps forward, fueled by a burning need not to let you slip through his fingers again, he grabbed your arm, spinning you around.
You let out a gasp as your back hit the cold of the wall, feeling a strange warmth sink into your bones as he pressed you in place.
No. You didn’t want to be here. Hunter didn’t want you to be here.
But yet…
All was silent as you found your eyes drawn up to his. A painful longing drove a wedge in an ever widening crack in the wall you’d so carefully thrown up to protect yourself from him.
This is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong.
“Please…” he was practically begging now. Then he froze.
There it was again. That scent. The one that drove him crazy. The one he’d smelt on you when you’d come out of the fresher just a few days ago.
“Hunter!” Your voice had an edge to it.
No matter the hurt, leaving was the best option. You couldn’t stand how these mixed signals, sending you spinning one way and then the other.
He groaned, “Will you please calm down and let me explain!?”
"Calm down!?" The moment was broken and the anger returned, hot and fierce, sending rivers of steel to reinforce the shoddily crafted walls, turning it into a fortress. He would not break through so easily.
Not now. Not ever. He made his choice.
You ripped your arm from his grasp and spun around, anger blazing through your eyes. “Go kriff yourself, Hunter!” You turned to leave but spun back around, eyes blazing. “Actually, no. Go kriff Tara!”
The anger and hurt bubbled over. If he wouldn’t be honest with you, at least he could be honest with himself.
Conscious thought was gone. Emotion spewed like venom. “I saw you getting cozy with her at Cid’s so you obviously have feelings for her!” You spun back around, forcefully grabbing your go-bag from the foot of your bunk and strapping your blasters tightly around your thigh and another at your side. Without a second glance, the ramp hissed open and you strode out, missing how Hunter’s mouth fell open in a confused, but reluctant understanding as the ramp hissed shut behind you.
Oh. The realization soaked him to the bone as if he’d been woken up by a bucket of ice water.
@zoeykallus @ttzamara @nahoney22 @merkitty49 @viva-la-whump @agenteliix @dumpsters-little-matchbook @nekotaetae @ladykatakuri @loverofclones @heyitsaloy @padawancat97 @jambolska-grozdova @flyingkangaroo @melymigo @the-rain-on-kamino @jiabae @my-own-oracle @dragonrider9905 @queenofspades6 @ordinarylokix @jupitersaturnapollo @queencousland101 @vampire-rogue @southernbaguette @staycalmandhugaclone @dalu-grantkylo @dangraccoon @aconstructofamind @sev-on-kamino @sol-the-otter @pb-jellybeans @atomickidsoul @caitnotfound @ghostlyembassy @skellymom @freesia-writes @trixie2023 @jedipoodoo @reader6898 @all-mights-babygirl @arcsimper5 @red-robin-yum08 @wintersnnowie @whore-of-many-hot-men @theeyesofasoldier @griffedeloup @starswhores @totallyunidentified @waytooldforthis78
If you want to be on my taglist, feel free to send me a message! Also, asks are open! Reblogging is very much encouraged and it makes me do a happy dance every time any of my writing gets reblogged 😂❤️
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justinekomwriterkru · 3 months
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happy womens day to everyones favorite woman
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justinekomwriterkru · 3 months
As Iron Sharpens Iron
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another" Proverbs 27:17
Beta-read by @dragonrider9905
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Chapter 8:
Previous // Next
Warnings: Canon violence. Bad decisions.
“Okay, let’s go over the plan one more time,” you said quietly.
Omega nodded, pointing at the layout on the screen. “You’ll set off that crate of detonators right here, just inside the front door.”
You nodded. "Yep, and that’ll trigger an alarm which should draw most of the guards towards me - "
“And that’s my cue to sneak down into the cell block to rescue everybody while you grab the staff from the treasure room!” Omega finished emphatically.
“Good!” You grinned, “Remember to keep your communicator on but only use it to contact me if something goes wrong.”
“Yes, ma’am!”
Fifteen minutes crept by slowly.
Omega should be at her station about now, you thought.
You wanted to know how she was fairing, but not hearing from her was a good thing. It meant she wasn't in trouble.
Five minutes later, the communicator chirped quietly at your side.
“The guards aren’t leaving!” Omega’s whispered voice sounded tense, “What do I do? I don’t think that diversion worked!”
You peered around the corner into the treasure room. Most of the guards had left.
Only two here. I could take them if I had to.
You could see the staff with it’s glimmering emerald in a case on the back wall.
That was easy.
You lifted the communicator to your lips, trying to remember the readout on the console sitting one floor above.
“There should be a ventilation shaft right above you,” you whispered.
“I don’t see one!” Omega whispered back urgently, “And it sounds like there are more guards headed this way!”
Groaning inwardly, you began to wish you hadn’t thought of such a stupid plan. Omega needed you, and you knew that you should get out of there while you still could.
But the staff, a tiny voice whispered in your head, it’s right there. It won’t take long.
You bit your lip. You shouldn’t. A stupid antique wasn’t worth Omega’s life.
Omega’s a smart girl, that voice continued, she’s plenty capable on her own.
It made everything sound so simple. Get the staff, get the boys - that was the plan, wasn’t it?
Hunter will be impressed. He’d like you again.
Guilt churned in your gut as you lifted the communicator again. It chimed just as you opened your mouth, about to tell her that you were on the way.
“Wait, I see it! It’s on the other end of the hall, though, but I think I can make it.”
“Ok,” you responded, “Do it, but be careful!”
“I will!”
Sucking your lower lip in conflicted thought, you made up your mind. “It shouldn’t take me much longer. I’ll grab the staff and meet you by the cell block.”
“Got it.”
You chewed on your lip again, that guilty dread hadn’t abated. If anything, it had gotten worse. Something was going to go wrong - you could feel it. Something wasn’t right.
You looked back up at the staff.
That’s just the anxiety talking, you tried to convince yourself, everything is still going as planned. Just get the damned thing and go help Omega.
You took a deep breath, feeling the anxiety fade away as you slipped into the room.
I got this.
The crates and boxes stacked haphazardly in the dim lighting made it easy to manouver unseen through the treasure room.
“Crazy about those thermal detonators, right!?”
You froze.
“Yeah man,” came the response, and you could’ve collapsed in relief. You’d almost forgotten about the guards that stood just outside the door.
“Think they were just old?” the guard continued, obviously trying to initiate some kind of conversation with his partner.
“I dunno. Maybe.”
They fell silent again for several seconds.
“Ya know, when we grabbed them from that ship it was kinda cool.”
“Just uhh…you know. You and me.”
“Uh huh.”
“They never pair us together…”
The second guard sighed, “First time for everything.”
“It was fun though,” the one continued before hesistating, “just sayin’, I think we make a pretty good team.”
His partner shifted uncomfortably, “Look man… I’m just trying to do my job here.”
“Yeah, man. Bro. Sorry….”
They shifted into an uncomfortable silence, unaware that you’d snuck past them quite easily as you quickly moved closer to the glass case that held the staff.
The communicator chirped once again and you froze, hoping that the guards were too distacted to notice. You winced at the noise as Omega began to speak quietly through your earpiece.
“Ok, I see them! They’re in a cell together, but there are four guards in here now and the ventilation shaft ends too far away!” She sounded desperate.
“Hey, did you hear that!?” The first guard stood up straight, glancing around.
“Hear what?” His partner sounded exasperated.
“Uhh… nevermind. I thought I heard something.” He paused, “By the way, what do you think about our new armor?”
“Dude, shut up.”
“Right. Yeah. Got a job to do.”
Ducking out of sight, you pressed the communicator up to your lips.
“Get ready,” you hissed, “wait for my signal.”
You assessed the case and the situation in the room. Once the glass was broken, an alarm would probably go off, sending people to your location. That should take care of Omega’s problem.
Then you could take the staff and get back to her quickly.
Peering around the corner once again, you took a deep breath and steadied your heart.
It’s now or never.
Taking a breath, you rammed your elbow into the glass case, and grabbed the staff. The resulting alarm sounded loudly over the compound, buzzing through your eardrums in a painfully electrifying screech.
Both guards spun around.
“What the - !?” You clocked him in the temple with the staff before he could finish and he collapsed onto the floor. The first guard blinked, staring frozen with his mouth slightly ajar.
“If it’s any consolation, I think he likes you back!” you grinned at the man as he slowly moved to press his communicator, still staring back and forth between you and his fallen friend. Flipping the staff around you smacked the device from his hand, giving him a shrug. “Though, I don’t seem to be the best judge of that sort of thing.”
“Wha…?” The butt of the staff slammed against his head before he even had time to contemplate your words and he collapsed unconscious, joining his friend on the floor.
A clang from the floor below told you that Omega had jumped out from the ventilation shaft and the ever nearing pounding of footsteps told you that it was time to go.
Dashing down the stairs, you slid around the corner and slammed the staff into another guard. He spun around, blaster firing wildly as you kicked him in the chest before pulling your own blaster on him, sending him flying into the wall with a smoking hole in his chest.
That beautifully cocky and euphoric feeling of adrenaline coursed through your veins as you ran down the hall where the purple flash of Omega’s bow danced along the walls.
A loud clatter accompanied the pause of energy bolts.
“Hunter!” She screamed, “Help!”
You dashed around the corner. One guard held Omega tightly in his grip while the other one slid her bow away with the butt of an electrostaff.
“Let me go!” She struggled and kicked at him but it seemed to have no effect on the large, armored guard.
“Omega, no!” shouted Hunter as he slammed himself into the bars that held him, only to be forced further back into the cell as the guard hit him in the chest with the electrostaff, sending blue arcs of electricity through his body before Wrecker caught him.
Oh no you don’t.
Rage bubbled through your chest as you burst from the corner. “Hey assholes!”
The first blaster bolt slammed through the chest of the staff wielding guard and the second hit the control panel that released the rest of your team.
Omega cried out as the first guard tossed her into the wall before pulling his own blaster.
“Wrecker get Omega!” Hunter shouted. Fire blazed in his eyes as he pulled his knife from the offending guard’s throat. “Echo, find us a way out of here. Tech, find out where they’ve got our gear!”
Omega stood, rubbing her elbow as she pulled herself to her feet and retrieved her bow. “Your gear’s in the next room over!” She shouted. Hunter gave a firm nod and motioned for Tech and Wrecker to retrieve it.
You grit your teeth as footsteps sounded down the hall. This was NOT how things were supposed to go.
“Hunter,” you shouted impatiently, “I got Cid’s staff but we gotta go!”
He regarded you coolly, lips pulled into a tight line, Adam's apple bobbing up and down as if debating whether or not to respond. The choice was made for him as Wrecker and Tech rushed back with the gear. He turned away sharply and your face fell.
I kriffed up.
Regret tinged with disappointment sank like a stone in your stomach as you clenched your teeth, anger willing away the tears that pricked your eyes, and the growing lump in your throat.
“Hunter, I’ve got a clear route out but we need to move now!” Echo spoke.
“Good. Let’s get out of here.” He all but ripped the staff from your hand as he strode past. “I’ll hold onto this.”
@zoeykallus @ttzamara @nahoney22 @merkitty49 @viva-la-whump @agenteliix @dumpsters-little-matchbook @nekotaetae @ladykatakuri @loverofclones @heyitsaloy @padawancat97 @jambolska-grozdova @flyingkangaroo @melymigo @the-rain-on-kamino @jiabae @my-own-oracle @dragonrider9905 @queenofspades6 @ordinarylokix @jupitersaturnapollo @queencousland101 @vampire-rogue @southernbaguette @staycalmandhugaclone @dalu-grantkylo @dangraccoon @aconstructofamind @sev-on-kamino @sol-the-otter @pb-jellybeans @atomickidsoul @caitnotfound @ghostlyembassy @skellymom @freesia-writes @trixie2023 @jedipoodoo @reader6898 @all-mights-babygirl @arcsimper5 @red-robin-yum08 @wintersnnowie @whore-of-many-hot-men @theeyesofasoldier @griffedeloup @starswhores @totallyunidentified @waytooldforthis78
If you want to be on my taglist, feel free to send me a message! Also, asks are open! Reblogging is very much encouraged and it makes me do a happy dance every time any of my writing gets reblogged 😂❤️
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