justhereformcyt · 3 years
noticed a couple refugees did follow me, so here are some things i've learned since i joined dsmpblr a month or so ago! i'm not an mcyttwt refugee exactly because i never engage with mcyt stan accounts, but my main platform was/is twt, so we are siblings of sorts i suppose!
nuance is both allowed and encouraged here, whether it's character analysis or actual cc discourse. you don't have to take a blanket stance on anything. you don't have to take any stance on anything if you don't want to. enjoy your time here!
so much character analysis goes on here. if you're into that stuff oh my goodness you will feel right at home here. be prepared to learn more about your favourite character in your first week on here than you ever did on twitter. having long posts makes it soooo much easier.
it's okay to block people. you should never feel guilty for that on any platform, but tumblr at least makes it easier because it doesn't have such a glaringly obvious "___ blocked you" screen.
opinions on dsmp characters are pretty different here; you'll find a lot less c!dream apologists, for example. significantly less death threats over these opinions too. in general this website loves to focus on the characters and not the ccs, so we try and be more balanced about them.
opinions on ccs are also pretty different, most of us don't believe in cancelling ccs. however, don't conflate this with us excusing/not caring about bad stuff that they do. there are plenty of people who don't support various ccs for whatever reason, myself included. we just keep to ourselves about it; we're here to uplift what we do like, not what we don't!
the tagging system is complex, but you'll pick it up pretty quickly! i think the only key things to remember are that you don't need to main-tag every post mentioning a cc - you can tag every single thought you have about tommy with #tommyinnit, but it does get a bit spammy. it's better to only tag the posts you actually want to circulate.
^ doesn't apply to reblogs - tags in reblogs won't show in the search bar. so go wild with your tags on reblogs. honestly it's fine to just lurk and stick to reblogging for a little bit until you get a sense for when to main-tag and when not to. even if you don't get the hang of it, you'll be fine as long as you're not posting mass amounts of spam.
"crit tagging" is also really important. this is pretty much the same as /neg on twitter. if you're posting outright hate for a character or cc, tag it with something like #c!/cc!___ neg (i can never remember the exact tag for hate because i never post hate lol i think it's like that though). if you're criticising them, tag it with #c/cc!___ critical. it's just a nice way of helping people filter their dashes.
please reblog art that you like - just liking it doesn't help it in the algorithm at all. imagine the twitter algorithm but worse.
dsmpblr is not a perfect safe haven free of all issues, as much as we'd like it to be. there's still anon hate, we still get into discourse, but ultimately people are more sane here. and that's what really matters. it's okay to be passionate about things, as long as you stay rational.
wishing you all the best! remember, your online experience is what you make it.
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justhereformcyt · 3 years
first post
okay... my first tumblr post... no big deal, no one’s going to see this anyway.
This place is kind of terrifying - and if it were anything like twitter, it would be months before I made my first post, where instead I would just be lurking beneath this page, constantly active but never posting in fear of someone disagreeing and being met with a ridiculous amount of hate.
However, I’ve been told this place isn’t like twitter at all, and I’m excited to see what i actually want to see to do with mcyts: fanart and one shot fluff, instead of holding cc’s to insane standards and mass priv qrt’s when something doesn’t go your way.
I’m still learning how this place works, as I don't have very much experience, and this place is like HTML central (not what I'm used to lol), so please bear with me, but I’m going to give a list of stuff that I like, and if anyone happens to see this and feels like becoming friends, give me a follow :DD
- i’m currently hyperfixating on mcyt, and twitch in terms of minecraft players, and most members of the DreamSMP
- I like other youtubers, like Grian, SmallishBeans, and LDShadowlady, but I also watch some stuff that isn’t gaming related (Cody Ko, James Marriott/ the Eboys, the Sidemen and Jade Billington)
- I really like the feral boys in particular, and the dream team (though i suppose those are sort of interchangeable aren't they :p)
- as well as stuff like that online, I enjoy creative writing, art (mostly digital, though i studied traditional styles), photography, and singing.
- Not just singing, actually - musical theatre is a massive part of my life, and i hope to pursue it as a career one day :))
- I have many musical interests (though none really original, I basically got my entire music taste from mcyt’s lmaooo I'm so unoriginal): glass animals, James Marriott, Quadeca, Khai Dreams, Lovejoy, Wilbur, glaive, Forrest and olivia rodrigo.
thank you for any support, and I can’t wait to see some amazing fanart, and perhaps post some of my own one day if i gain the confidence <33
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