A brief intro to stamp making!
These are regular pink erasers from the supermarket. I'm going to make a flower. First, I trace the eraser itself to get a feel for the size.
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I trace the design for each color of ink on separate pieces of tracing paper, then tape them onto the erasers and rub the graphite side down to transfer the image. Any paper that holds graphite will work for this.
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Since I'm using red, blue, and yellow ink, I'm layering the stamps over top of one another to produce secondary colors like green and purple. I use a V-shaped carving tool most of the time, just a cheap one I got in a kit at Michael's. Almost anything sharp will work.
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I got these Ranger ink pads also at Michael's, they're working for me so far. Slightly nicer ink pad brands usually also sell bottles of refill ink, so you don't need to buy a whole new pad when one runs dry.
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Most of the time involved is spent carving the rubber and testing the print as you go. Be careful to carve in the direction away from your hands.
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I think these worked out pretty well! Thanks for reading, and have fun!
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kitty kins fucking obliterated in the comments section of a knitting video
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Reminder to avoid buying anything crochet new from big stores. Crochet (unlike knit) CANNOT be done by a machine and must be done by an actual human being. The person who made it was definitely not paid an appropriate amount for their labour. Most big stores use sweatshops anyway and I know it’s hard to completely avoid buying anything from a major store. But if those specific items don’t sell, we can send a message to companies that we don’t want items made fully by hand using slave labour
This summer, avoid any new crochet items. You don’t need THAT specific top that badly
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Draw badly. Write nonsensically. Embroider messily. Burn what you bake and cook. Get paint everywhere. Read half a book. Lose your mind for a bit. Plant things. Have faith in the process. Abandon 70 wood-carving projects. Get a kit and do some of it and never return to it. Get comfortable with sucking and losing motivation. Continue to create with reckless abandon.
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Math is really tiring, im so glad i finally get to relax and do some knitting and crochet and i oh god oh my what the fuck
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I could write an essay about consumerism x diy in alt spaces but idk if I want to put the effort in
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She's finished 🖤✨️
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put himself in the knitting bag
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What people think why i became a bookbinder: Oh she wants to explore her artistic horizon with those pretty leather bound books of hers. She even gives them out as gifts to her friends. It most likely helps her with anxiety or maybe she just wanted a more special costume made notebook.
Why I actually became a bookbinder: I just illegally downloaded and printed out several of my favourite fanfics and books and started binding them into books cuz I love reading them but looking at screens for too long gives me headaches.
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Grandmas were so right about puzzles and knitting and crocheting and solitaire and reading slow and slippers and baking and watching deer in the backyard send post
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The Mallorn shawl continues to grow! So many pretty leaves! I got three whole hours of knitting done this week, a huge success.
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listen to me very very closely: the biblical prohibition against mixing linen and wool is the most SENSIBLE THING IN THE WORLD, do not write it off as silly, unreasonable, or unnecessary. g-d didn’t tell us not to mix linen and wool for no reason, g-d told us not to mix linen and wool together because mixing them is an affront to textiles
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A few tipps for crochet beginners
Start practicing with yarn in light colours. You won't see anything if you choose to start with black or a really dark brown for example
For the very first project I am suggesting coasters. You are able to practice basic stitches and get fast results. Just use natural fibers like cotton if you're drinking hot beverages like tea otherwise the coaster might stick to your cup. Avoid time consuming projects like blankets for your very first project as well.
Always count your stitches because it's not unusal that beginners lose stitches in the beginning and don't notice it at first.
Read the label of your yarn and use the recommended hooksize
If there are small holes in your project don't worry about it. It's normal that crochet has holes
For english patterns there are different words in british english and american english for the same stitch. Make sure that you're using the correct stitch when following a pattern.
AI pictures are being used for crochet patterns which means that your finished product will not look like in the picture. Make sure that the picture is actually real. Look at backgrounds and zoom in on the stitches. If there seems to be no system in which the stitches were made it's likely fake. The lack of texture is also a big red flag. When I doubt ask other people who crochet. My DMs are open as well if you're unsure whether AI was used (of course as AI is getting better it get's more difficult to recognize it so mistakes on my side might be made).
If you use more than one skein of the same yarn for the same project make sure it's the same lot number. The lot number tells you the dying batch of that exact yarn. Yarns from different batches might vary in colour even if it's technically the same shade and it's gonna be noticible
Only buy what you need at the time. I know with haul culture and social media you might get the idea that you need all the yarn you can get your hands on but that's not true! I am not perfect either but everyone should try to refrain from overconsumption and I myself at a point where I say it's too much so I am not buying anything new for a while...so yeah make sure that you don't even reach that point :D
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