jumpsitehq · 6 years
110+ Best Depression Quotes To Show You Things Are Not Hopeless
Depression is a popular topic and we know that people all over the world are interested in quotes. For this reason, we’ve created the following article that includes more than 110+ quotes and sayings on depression: how it feels to be depressed, thoughts of others and more. Share it with others.
Depression Quotes To Share The Pain
“Depression is a battle between a body that fights with all its might to survive and a mind that wants to die.”
“People ask me what depression is like. I tell them it’s a lot like walking down a dark hallway, never really knowing when the light turn go on.”
“Remember this: You weren’t put here to be depressed. To feel guilty, ashamed, unworthy or condemned. You were put here to be victorious.”
“I honestly don’t know what I want in life. I don’t even know what I want right now. All I know is that it hurts so much inside, and it’s eating me alive. One day, there won’t be anything left of me.”
“I honestly don’t like getting close to people. In my mind, they’re just going to walk out of my life anyway no matter how close we were.”
“Depression is an overwhelming feeling of numbness, and the endless desire for something – anything – to take you from one day to the next.”
“I smile to make everyone’s day, but the truth is that I’m crying on the inside.”
“I hate feeling like I’m here, but I’m really not; like someone cares, but they really don’t; like I belong anywhere but here.”
“Sometimes, you just need that one person to tell you that you aren’t as bad as you think you are.”
“Depression makes you feel like you want to just disappear from the world, but in reality, all you truly want is to be found.”
“I really wish that I could go back to a time when I would smile, and it didn’t take every fiber of my being to do it.”
“In my mind, depression is comparing your current reality to a fantasy about how you think your life should really be.”
“Sometimes, you just don’t know the true weight of what you’re carrying until the day you feel its release.”
“I just don’t want to hurt anymore. Is that so much to ask?”
“The very worst kind of sadness is the kind that doesn’t have an explanation.”
“When words can’t express the pain you’re feeling, you cry. That’s the heart’s way of expressing the pain.”
“You never want people to see you cry because you want to be strong. But you hate how nobody seems to notice that you’re completely broken and torn apart inside.”
“It’s hard to answer the question “what’s wrong?” when nothing is right.”
“Depression is that feeling when you’re not really sad – you just feel empty inside.”
“That’s the scary thing about depression: humans can survive just about anything as long as we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. But depression is sneaky and it continues to build up each day. Ultimately, it becomes impossible to see the light. The fog is like being trapped in a cage without a key.”
“She’s just like the moon – part of her is always hidden away.”
“When you’re depressed, just living day to day is a full-time job.”
“Depression is a sinister thing. You’re both the prisoner and the cruel jailer.”
“You enjoy music when you’re happy. You understand the lyrics when you’re sad.”
“Poverty isn’t a lack of money, but rather a feeling of loneliness and being unloved.”
“Nothing is more depressing than having everything and still feeling really sad.”
“Our wounds and sorrows can only be healed when we touch them with kindness and compassion.”
“Depression is a lot like a bruise in your mind that never truly goes away.”
“Unhappiness is not caused by the situation itself, but your thoughts about the situation.”
“Depression and I may be old friends, but I never court his company.”
“Sometimes, I feel tired and miserable and sad for no reason at all.”
“Depression is like drowning and you can see everyone around you breathing.”
“I’m really tired of feeling hopeless and worthless. But above everything else, I’m just tired of being so tired.”
“My fingers text “I’m good”. My lips say “I’m okay”. My heart says “I’m shattered to pieces”.”
“Sometimes it’s better to be alone. That way, no one can hurt me.”
“I already know what it feels like to give up. Now, I want to see what it feels like not to.”
“Don’t ever allow your loneliness and pain to drive you into the arms of someone you know you shouldn’t be with.”
“I really want to be happy, but there’s something inside me that screams “you don’t deserve it!””
“This life was given to you because you’re strong enough to live it.”
“Flowers always grow back – even if someone stomps on them. So will I.”
“Sometimes, the sadness makes it hard to breathe. It gets hard to talk about your demons when they’re sitting on your lungs.”
“Depression, panic attacks and anxiety are not signs of being weak. They are signs that a person has been too strong for too long.”
“I am my own worst enemy. I’m the one who beats me up. I am the one who creates the monsters. I am the one who strips away my own confidence.”
“The bravest, strongest thing I ever did was continue on with my life even though I wanted to die.”
“I am stronger because I had to be. I am smarter because I’ve made mistakes. I am happier because I’ve been sad. I am wiser now because I’ve learned.”
“Depression is almost like a reverse nightmare. Instead of waking up from a nightmare and feeling relieved, I woke up into a nightmare.”
“I keep things inside because that’s the safest place to hide.”
“They never told me that monsters don’t actually sleep under your bed; they live in your mind.”
“How did I go from being a happy, care-free, laughing six year-old to this?”
“Depression has a way of sneaking up on me when I think I’m flying high. It clips my wing, but not both because I will not let it take over every single piece of me.”
“I’m only now just learning how to simile. It’s really not as easy as it sounds.”
“I’m heartbroken and sad. I’m hurt and depressed. All I want to do is cry, but I don’t want to let this ruin my life.”
“Pain is emotional. Depression and fear are always in company with chronic hurting.”
“Sometimes I think depression arises when we ask ourselves far too many questions that can’t be answered.”
“Depression thrives when you have a lifetime of unforgiven hurts.”
“Depression needs to be handled in the same way you would handle a tiger.”
“Everyone wants someone else to notice. But the moment they do, we wish that they never had.”
“People tell me not to be sad because other people have it worse. That’s like telling someone they don’t have a right to be happy because someone else has it better than them.”
“Sometimes, the people who are always there for everyone else just need someone to be there for them.”
“My heart is a secret garden, and my walls are very high.”
“I think it’s time to stop keeping track of all my mistakes, and just forgive myself.”
“I don’t mind being alone. It’s the loneliness that I hate.”
“I hate it when I get flashbacks of things I don’t want to remember.”
“Sometimes, this overwhelming feeling of sadness just washes over me out of nowhere. I get upset and I feel discouraged. I feel sad, hurt and hopeless. I feel numb to the world.”
“People always comment on how sad and tired I look. Of course I look sad and tired. I am sad and tired.”
“Why does it always seem like it’s raining down on me?”
“I think I’m just afraid to be happy. Every time I get too happy, something bad happens.”
“This is my heart. Do you know where I can get it fixed?”
“Please stop asking if I’m okay. I’m really tired of lying.”
“Do you ever feel like the people of the world just forget you exist and still have feelings?”
“Someday, this pain will all make sense to you.”
“I’m pretty sure that no one else could ever criticize me as viciously as I criticize myself.”
“I feel like everyone else is busy living their lives while I’m stuck here inside of this hole I can’t climb out of.”
“My past is constantly haunting me, and I just can’t seem to figure out how to let it go.”
“I feel completely lost in my own mind. I bottle up my emotions until I burst. It’s a vicious cycle.”
“She could never really tell who would leave or stay, so she just pushed everyone away. It was much easier that way.”
“Although things may seem like they’re falling apart, they may actually be just falling into place.”
“Everyone is searching for that one person whose demons play nice with theirs.”
“The scars may have healed, but that doesn’t mean that the pain has.”
“To heal a wound, you have to stop touching it.”
“How do you run away from – escape – your own mind?”
“I can’t sleep at night. I can’t wake up in the morning either.”
“My life is a constant battle between wanting to be left alone, but not wanting to feel lonely.”
“When you’re depressed, sleep isn’t just sleep; it’s an escape.”
“Sometimes, I’m really afraid to open up to my friends about my anxiety and sadness because they’ll think I’m just looking for attention.”
“Don’t think for a second that my bad days are a sign of weakness. Those are the days that I’m actually fighting the hardest.”
“I’ve reached a point where everything is incredibly overwhelming. Even the smallest of tasks make me feel like breaking down and crying my eyes out. It’s all just too much to bear right now.”
“I feel like, secretly, everyone around me hates me.”
“I always feel like everyone is prettier, funnier, skinnier, better than me.”
“Oh there’s a hell. Trust me – I’ve been there.”
“You may smile, but you really want to cry. You may talk, but you really want to be silent. You pretend that you’re happy, but you really aren’t.”
“When you’re depressed, you just keep going and going until you finally crash and break down about anything and everything.”
“Depression is a kind of tired that no amount of sleep in the world can fix.”
“I’m really not sure if I’m depressed. I mean, I’m not really sad. But late at night when I’m alone, I just forget how to feel.”
“There are some days when I feel like I’m on top of the world. And then the next day, it’s falling down all around me.”
“I keep all the hurt and pain inside because I would rather have it destroy me than everyone else around me.”
“I think people really have a hard time understanding how stressful it can be to try and explain all the things going on in your head when you can’t even understand it yourself.”
“There are times when I feel like I’m getting better. I’ll eat normally. I’ll laugh more and talk more. I’ll sleep better. But then it’s like something happens – like a switch turns off in my mind. And all of sudden, I’m left with just the darkness of my mind.”
“You can’t change the things that are going on around you until you change the things that are going on within you.
“I am just not me anymore. And that scares me.”
“I just never get my hopes up. That way, I can never be let down.”
“I’ve had people tell me that my depression is all in my head. But why would I ever want to feel this way?”
“When you feel like you’ve reached the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and keep holding on.”
“Sometimes, it’s the one person who tries to make everyone else happy that is the loneliest of all.”
“The strongest people in the world are not the ones who win battles in front of us, but the ones who win the battles we know nothing about.”
“You know that moment when you can physically feel the pain in your chest when something breaks your heart?”
“I think most people don’t realize that there are a lot of people out there who expend a tremendous amount of energy just trying to be normal.”
“I tend to be silent when I’m really screaming inside.”
“I knew who I was this morning, but since then, I’ve change a few times.”
“Every person has their own secret sorrows that they hide from the world. Oftentimes, we call people cold when they’re just sad.”
“When I feel anxious, it’s because I’m living in the future. When I feel depressed, it’s because I’m still living in the past.”
“I’ve finally realized that I just have to accept things the way they are. Life gets much easier when you do this.”
“There are times when I just want to run away and see if anyone misses me.”
“I always compare myself to every person I see, and I lose every single time.”
“I know first-hand what it’s like to be completely terrified of your own mind.”
“Each day, you wake up just to fight the same demons that left you feeling utterly exhausted the day before.”
“Please – do not mock or poke fun at a pain that you’ve never personally endured.”
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jumpsitehq · 6 years
250+ Encouraging Good Night Quotes with Beautiful Images
Looking for the best good night quotes, sayings or wishes? You’ve come to the right place. We’ve created a list of over 250+ beautiful good night quotes from short to long; for him or her. We also have a great collection of Smile Quotes.
“Inspiration is within everyone. A sweet sound of someone’s voice telling you “goodnight” can have as much inspiration as a new day with new possibilities.”
“Tomorrow will be the day you begin to move toward your dreams.”
“You can be inspired to make a better tomorrow when you decide to make a better night today. Goodnight.”
“The future is what you make of it, so sleep with the thought of greatness in your mind and it will come true.”
“I have had enough of the lack of inspiration that the day has brought upon us. Tomorrow, I strive to fill the day with inspiration, starting with a good night’s sleep tonight.”
“Surrounding yourself with negativity will never allow you to move into an inspirational, happy future. Sleep tonight knowing that tomorrow will be free of all negative thoughts.”
“Satisfaction starts with your head hitting the pillow and your mind focused on the greatness of tomorrow.”
“Let go of the past, so you can create an inspirational future in your dreams.”
“Tomorrow brings a whole new light filled with the happiness you deserve.”
“What do you want in your future? Wealth? Happiness? Family? Let your mind wander and determine what you want in your future. Then, start the day anew with the goal of obtaining it.”
“No matter how angry, happy or sad you may be – the day will end and a new one will begin.”
“Sleep with the warmth of the world surrounding you, never forgetting that others are less fortunate.”
“The only way to a successful tomorrow is to have a good night today.”
“Do not forget to express your thoughts and feelings to your loved ones tonight so that they don’t sleep another moment without knowing how you feel. Good night my dear.”
“The day has been long, but know that the sacrifices of today will forge a better tomorrow.”
“Sleeping until the rooster crows will allow you to plant the seeds of tomorrow.”
“You could stay up all night long, but then you won’t have the strength to accomplish the great things you must do tomorrow.”
“When you close your eyes tonight, try and visualize what you want your future to be. Think in every detail possible so that you can make your dreams into a reality.”
“Blissful sleep… know that your ONLY responsibility is recharging your batteries to face tomorrow with renewed optimism.”
“The first step to getting anywhere is deciding you’re not willing to stay where you are.”
“Balance is matching the way you furiously attack life during your day with the deep peace with which you sleep at night.”
“You’re so selfless, but you need rest. When the airplane’s in trouble, you can’t help others until you put on your OWN oxygen mask!”
“Dreams are the powerhouse of inspiration. Go on to dreamland, knowing that you are embarking on a new adventure each time.”
“Remember this: An ending is always the start of something new. Good night!”
“Wishing you a good night’s sleep, sweet dreams, restful rejuvenation, and a bright energetic day tomorrow.”
“Life always offers you a second chance. It is called a tomorrow.”
“As the night gets dark, let your worries fade. Sleep peacefully knowing you’ve done all you can do for today.”
“Night is not a time to lose hope in spite of the darkness. There is always light at the dawn of a new day. Find inspiration in it.”
“You run all day long, for work and family. Tonight when you lay down, think only of peace and rejuvenation.”
“Today will soon be yesterday. Tomorrow is a new day. Begin it well and serenely.”
“What is tomorrow if you don’t have the energy to tackle the day? Sleep well tonight, knowing that a good night’s sleep will ensure a fruitful tomorrow.”
“New possibilities are only possible when we decide to go to bed letting the past be the past, but learning from our mistakes to make tomorrow a better future.”
“Sleep well tonight – it will allow you to forget about the little things in life.”
“The night creeps up on those that waste the day away.”
“Sweet dreams. Follow your heart, and all will be seen.”
“Stars can only shine when there is darkness.”
“Living in your dreams can only come true when you allow yourself to sleep through the night.”
“Those that pretend to be asleep cannot be woken.”
“You could go to bed angrier than a fainting goat, or you could let your subconscious wander and realize that anger will not lead to a better tomorrow. A better tomorrow starts with a good sleep tonight.”
“A wise man has said that sleep is the best form of meditation.”
“Dreams are made of magic, but you need to sleep to be able to see them.”
“Early sleep allows you to wake up with health and happiness.”
“The secret to getting a good night’s sleep: Close your eyes and think of each thing that would happen in your perfect world.”
“Early sleep and early wake up gives health and makes you grow.”
“Stop the cyclone in your head and fall to sleep… you can’t do anything about it tonight, and you’ll be 100% tomorrow.”
“Never fear shadows. They simply mean there is some light nearby. Good Night”
“Stress, family demands, work pressure…. all enemies of a good night sleep. Don’t let them rent space in your head anymore!”
“The one thing you shouldn’t be left alone with at night is your own thoughts. They eat you alive until the next morning.”
“Tossing and turning, wrestling with daytime problems and events is the unnecessary thief of peaceful sleep.”
“The most successful people in the world know that to be effective, a good restful night’s sleep is essential. Imitate those people!”
“There is never a reason to quit on a dream. Quitting for the night and being refreshed for a new day is the only quitting allowed on the road to greatness.”
“The night is longer than any day when you dream. A day is longer than any night when you work to make your dreams come true.”
“If you want to accept your world as it is, by all means, do. If you want greatness or something more, you must will it to happen in your dreams.”
“An exhausting day lets you take a break from all the business of the world and finally sleep tight at night.”
“You cannot start your day uninspired and afraid to conquer your dreams. Let the night refuel your body and fill it with the strength and energy that it needs to tackle the obstacles that await tomorrow.”
“Good night and sleep tight for tomorrow will be a new day full of possibilities.”
“Bright days come only after the dark nights, so sleep knowing that when you wake, a better day awaits.”
“Motivation should never come to an end no matter how far the sun has fallen in the night sky.”
“When you have no energy or will to overcome your day’s challenges, you must accept defeat and try again harder and with more determination tomorrow.”
“It’s not enough to think that tomorrow will be the best day of your life. You must end the day with the thought that you will do whatever it takes to make tomorrow your best day.”
“The best part of the day is lying in bed knowing that you accomplished all that you set out to do. Goodnight!”
“Pray tonight for a great day tomorrow, saying goodnight to all of your troubles.”
“Why go to bed with a frown and anger when you can go to bed with a smile and laughter? The world is only as serious and painful as you allow.”
“Dream your dream of the perfect world, finding the courage to make it a reality when you wake.”
“Tomorrow is another day when you can finally make it your goal to live life to the fullest, but it starts with a good night and begins with your eyes opening.”
“Wake up with determination. Go to bed with satisfaction.”
“I know you’ve had a rough couple of days. When you close your eyes tonight, leave all that stress where it belongs — in the past and move on to better tomorrows.”
“A good idea will keep you awake during the morning but a great idea will keep you awake during the night.”
“Go to sleep satisfied that you did your best today. Tomorrow, wake up and determine to be the best you can be.”
“Always remember to fall asleep with a dream and wake up with a purpose.”
“Tomorrow is a new day and a new start to make things the best they can be! Let someone know what they mean to you! Goodnight!”
“Worrying will never change the outcome.”
“Never go to sleep with anger in your heart. Lie down and let the darkness lift the pain and bitterness away before you fall asleep. You will wake up refreshed and ready.”
“Sometimes you gotta fall before you fly.”
“Ever wonder why your pets seem to sleep so peacefully? It’s because they have no guilt, shame, worry, jealousy, ambition or greed.”
“Today will soon be yesterday. Tomorrow is a new day. Begin it well and serenely.”
“Tonight you rule your little bedroom. Tomorrow, the world will be yours to rule as you please. Good night.”
“Bitterness can overcome your sweetness when you go to sleep holding on to today’s disappointments. Let go, and let sleep bring you peace.It takes darkness to show off the glow of the stars just as it takes errors and misadventures to shine the light on your strengths. Embrace this thought, and go to sleep. Tomorrow is always a new day.”
“Holding on to pain can make you hate that which you love most. Resolve to let sleep ease the pain away. Start with a fresh light tomorrow.”
“What’s done is done. This day is over. Embrace sleep for tomorrow brings new opportunities to do better. When you close your eyes tonight, take a deep breath and as you exhale, slip into dreamland with the knowledge that you’ve done your best today.”
“End the day with a positive thought. No matter what happened today, let it slide into the abyss and wash away with the sun of tomorrow.”
“Positive thoughts breed a positive life, so close your eyes hoping for a brighter future.”
“So, what?! Today was a bad day, but the moon is shining, and when you wake, you’ll be able to start all over again.”
“Positive thoughts lead to the fresh opportunity of tomorrow.”
“End the day with a positive thought no matter how bad it may have been. That ounce of positivity will swell into a sea of opportunity tomorrow.”
“You can sleep a thousand nights, but the nights when you go to sleep with a happy mind, those are the nights that matter the most.”
“The luck of tomorrow starts tonight with the sleep of your dreams.”
“Those that have someone wishing them “goodnight” are happier than many people that go to bed lonely.”
“Just believe in your dreams and sleep will come with no tossing or turning.”
“Before you lie down to sleep, forget about all of the anger you built up during the day.”
“Good-nights are made of love, happiness and the courage to tackle every problem that comes your way tomorrow.”
“Always end the day with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were, tomorrow’s a fresh opportunity to make it better.”
“You owe it to yourself to end the day with good thoughts. Today, you got up and did what you could. Tomorrow is another fresh start no matter what.”
“What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven’t happened yet.”
“When I can’t sleep, I close my eyes, relax my muscles and take a trip back to those moments in life that seemed perfect.”
“Before you fall asleep every day, say something positive to yourself.”
“Always remember before you fall asleep that there are many beautiful reasons to be happy.”
“May you fall asleep in a comforting cloud of dreams that will define the purpose of tomorrow’s adventures.”
“Feed only positive thoughts into your mind as you fall asleep, and you will wake energized and armed to face a new day.”
“Let’s end our day on a positive note. Life’s too short to take our special relationships for granted.”
“Sleep well, my angel. Your love will keep out the bad dreams.”
“The world is silent and it’s time to sleep. Think of those you love and cherish as your eyes close shut.”
“Go to sleep knowing you’ll be the last thing I think about and the first thing I think of when I wake up to the sun beaming down and the birds chirping.”
“You’re one of the few people in the world thought of as they fall asleep.”
“Know that one day we will never have to say goodbye again – just goodnight.”
“With all my might, I will be dreaming of you tonight. Goodnight my love.”
“You’re the one for me. I know this because I weep at night when you’re not here.”
“If you can’t sleep tonight, it’s because you’re in my dreams.”
“Tonight will be the last night that we’re apart. Tomorrow, we will be in each other’s arms.”
“Parting is such a sweet sorrow, but alas, it must be done with a good night for the night will bring the new day when we can be together.”
“The stars are bright. The stars are the light. The moon is shining with all its might. Lay your head down and remember these words, “goodnight my love.””
“Music is love and love is music. Thank you and goodnight.”
“A goodnight is with you by my side, but when you’re not here, a good night is a night when you’re running through my dreams.”
“We’re all ready for the future, but the future starts in the now with a good night’s sleep and the love of someone special.”
“You’ll be the last thing I think of before I fall asleep and the first thing I think of when I wake up.”
“Good night, sleep tight. I will be dreaming of you with all my might.”
“And tonight, I’ll fall asleep with you in my heart.”
“May you dream of lovely things and wake to find them real.”
“I don’t dream about you, because I can never fall asleep thinking about you.”
“I’m in my bed, you’re in your bed. One of us is in the wrong place.”
“Nod off, my love, into that place of peace — that place of serenity where you regain a new calm and strength.”
“Read me a story then tuck me in tight. Tell me you love me and kiss me goodnight.”
“There is that tiny private place in your heart that would fit this message perfectly: I love you. Good night.”
“Between us, there is a strong bond of shared yesterdays and the promise of many tomorrows. Go to sleep safe in the thought that each passing night strengthens our bond.”
“Just look up, we are both under the same starry sky.”
“To my darling, sweet dreams to you on this beautiful night. May your dreams be full of wonderful things!”
“What a good day we’ve had. A beautiful day it was. Let’s end this wonderful day with wonderful dreams of you and me. Goodnight, my love. Best wishes to you as you sleep.”
“Know that I’m here and I will always be with you. Hand in hand and soul to soul. Close your eyes and drift off to sleep with a great, big smile. I am here, my love.”
“I dream of the day when each night will end with good night and not goodbye. That day will come soon.”
“I know that you are the one because when we are apart I feel incomplete. I never want to be without you. Goodnight.”
“The moon is full and bright tonight, hanging on the edge of the universe just to say goodnight to you.”
“Never fight sleep. Sleep lets you rejuvenate from a difficult day and start a new day with all the energy and excitement to conquer your dreams.”
“Let the sheep jump over the moon as you count them until your eyes close shut, knowing tomorrow is filled with adventure.”
“Let your mind weave into your subconscious. Your dreams will be filled with the beautiful castles your mind creates.”
“Wake up determined to take on the day, and you will sleep with satisfaction.”
“The day is over and the night has covered the sky. Today is done and gone away, allowing you to embrace your dreams.”
“Dream beautiful dreams that will propel your coming day.”
“Sleep a lot or sleep a little – either way – sleep until your body is able to conquer the day.”
“Troubles are only silent in the mind when we sleep.”
“Sleep allows you to wash away all that is wrong in the world and start a new day fresh with no unrealistic expectations or demands.”
“Moon, I ask this of you tonight. Dim your light and calm the breeze! Earth please spin lightly so that my friend can sleep tonight.”
“Night is when we let all of our insecurities pass us by, and we sleep with a mind that is void of distractions. Goodnight.”
“There is a legend that says when you’re tossing and turning not able to sleep at night, it’s because you’re awake in someone’s dream.”
“The goal of every goodnight wish is to let the person know that someone in the vast world is thinking of them as they close their eyes.”
“There is a time to let your mind wander, but sleep lets you create the dreams you want to come true.”
“We all live in the world where we go as fast as we can trying to complete the day, so we can say goodnight one last time.”
“Day is over, night has come. Today is gone, what’s done is done. Embrace your dreams, through the night. Tomorrow comes with a whole new light.”
“The sun has gone down, the moon and stars are out. It’s time to have all your troubles, worries, and cares melt away. Lay your head down and drift off to sleep.”
“Rest your head on my shoulder and close your eyes. It’s time to bid the world goodnight. Wake up in dreamland and smile so bright it makes the moon look not so bright.”
“The world is a giant eye, staring back at the stars. When it tires, it closes its lids – just as I am doing now – and gives way to dreams, which is why the night is so much more mysterious than the day.”
“May your dreams shine bright and your knight come to bid you goodnight. You are a princess and deserve to have the very best night.”
“Go to sleep and have pleasant dreams. And when you wake, I hope each one comes true. Have a good night’s sleep, my lovely girl.”
“Marshmallow clouds and fluffy puppies, chocolate trains and golden cars, may your imagination go wild and your dreams be full of the most amazing fun!”
“When you’re having trouble sleeping, I’m just a phone call away. Just say the words and I’m on my way. Love you always, Goodnight.”
“You shine brighter than any star in the sky. You are more brilliant than any diamond from Tiffany’s. You are intelligent, funny, and caring. I hope your dreams are filled with syrupy sweetness and chocolate hearts. Goodnight, my princess. Sweet dreams.”
“Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess who drifted off to sleep and had the most magnificent dreams. Her dreams were the stuff fairy tales were made of. She woke up to Prince Charming waking her up with a kiss. The beautiful princess and Prince Charming lived happily ever after. The end.”
“Look at the radiance of the moon tonight and think of me thinking of you. I will always be your light in the dark and the beacon that brings you home.”
“I wish I could be the moon. I would give anything to watch you sleep. Your beauty is unparalleled and makes the North star seem dim. May your dreams be wonderful and your rest be plentiful.”
“There’s an ocean between your shore and mine. But look up and witness the same starry skies I am seeing. You see, we are still together. I love you.”
“Sweet dreams, my sweet girl. You’ll be on my mind all night. I hope you will think of me too. Goodnight.”
“Snuggle in tight and wait for me. I can’t wait to come wrap my arms around you and whisper sweet nothings in your ear.”
“Day is over, night has come. Today is gone, what’s done is done. Embrace your dreams, through the night, tomorrow comes with a whole new light.”
“Feel free to let your toes peek out from under the covers. No boogeyman will dare to come out with me right beside you. Bed bugs? Not with me around. Sleep well, my lovely!”
“Disappointment always arrives before hope and the darkness of night comes before the dawn. Don’t lose hope now because things will get brighter with the new day.”
“Goodnight, my dear. You can sleep well knowing I’m here to chase away your fears.”
“Sleep tight and dream well, my love. I know we are far apart, but don’t think about the distance. Think of how close I’ll keep you in my heart.”
“I’ll chase your fears away. I’ll make your dreams sweet. Have a lovely night.”
“I wish you the sweetest dreams, my Princess! Rest your head on your pillow and close your eyes. I will be right beside you. Let’s meet together in our dreams! Where shall we go?”
“If I don’t respond to your text message, it’s because I went to sleep thinking of you. Goodnight, my beautiful girlfriend.”
“Morning can wait a little longer to come. A night with you, dear, makes me want to chase away the sun.”
“Goodnight, my sweet prince. Know that in the morning, you will open your eyes and I will be sitting right by your side.”
“Goodnight, my sweet prince. May you sleep with the angels that give you the strength to live on another day.”
“I used to have bad dreams. I used to be afraid of the dark. But now I am so grateful to have a strong, loving man like you to hide under at night. I hope you never leave my side. Goodnight.”
“The winds are howling, the rain is pouring, and the thunder is roaring. The storm is here. But with you, there’s nothing to fear.”
“Goodnight, sweet prince. May your dreams be nothing short of spectacular. You are my one true love and life’s wish. Love to you, my soul mate. Heart to heart we sleep.”
“Rock-a-bye baby, in the treetop, when the winds of stress blow, sweet dreams will make it stop. Have a restful night.”
“Sleep is the workshop of dreams. Go quietly into the night, and let sleep take over.”
“I couldn’t imagine life without you. I couldn’t go one night without. Goodnight and dream well.”
“Think of tomorrow as another birthday. Every day is a rebirth and a renewal of our faith that life goes on.”
“Good night sweet Prince. May you rock gently in the soft breeze as you sleep in a peaceful cradle of sweet dreams.”
“Only love lasts forever. Hold on to the love in your heart and let it guide tomorrow’s goals. Sleep tight, my love.”
“The darkest night is often the bridge to the brightest tomorrow. Good Night”
“Honey, just go to sleep and chase your dreams into the limitless summits of the skies. Good night.”
“Dreams are like stars, you may never touch them but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.”
“May your sleep be filled with lovely dreams that will someday become real. I love you, darling.”
“Just remember that even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. Good night”
“You can’t change everything in one night, but one night can change everything. Have sweet dreams darling.”
“Each night, when I go to sleep, I DIE, and the next morning when I wake up, I am REBORN.”
“Before you go to sleep, do not forget to say thanks for everything good that has happened to you in the last 24 hours.”
“Not dreams but night changes, not destiny but path changes, always keep your hopes alive, luck may or may not change, but time definitely changes. Sweet dreams darling.”
“Goodnight and know that no matter what struggles may come your way, I will be there to help you overcome them.”
“You will be the last thing I think of before I fall asleep and the first thing I think of when I wake up.”
“Just know that I will always support you and remember that if you can create something inspirational for the future; it’s easy to let go of the past.”
“Don’t lose hope. You will never know what tomorrow will bring. And I will always be there to help you. Good night.”
“I have your back. If things go bad, just remember that it is the possibility of darkness that makes the day seem so bright.”
“Sugary dreams filled with chocolate frosting and strawberries await.”
“You may be cold at night, but you’ll fall asleep in my heart.”
“Lovely dreams will be dreamed tonight by you.”
“It is nighttime, so shut off the lights and your mind, allowing your subconscious to lead you to your dreams.”
“A laugh and a long sleep are exactly what the doctor ordered for a prosperous tomorrow. Good night.”
“We’re all special in our own way, but we all do the same thing every night – sleep.”
“Good dreams come to those who sleep, so close your eyes and go to sleep! Your dreams can’t come when you’re wide awake! Shut those peepers and get some sleep!”
“Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place.”
“Rest your head, sleepy-head. It’s time for me to tuck you into your bed. Sweet dreams, my child. May the stars and moon shine down into your dreams and make them as beautiful and as sweet as you.”
“Good night. May you fall asleep in the arms of a dream, so beautiful, you’ll cry when you awake.”
“Dreams are what makes our days so lovely. Beautiful, wonderful, magical dreams are exciting and fun. Let’s go to sleep and quickly dream of wondrous places.”
“I’m sending you a soft, warm kiss on the forehead. Take that kiss, crawl underneath a warm fuzzy blanket, and dream sweet dreams.”
“Fluffy pillows and cozy covers, beautiful dreams and the warmest snuggles. May your dreams be full of wonderful thoughts and lovely things.”
“Dream away your troubles, as if someone laid a secret whisper on your pillow that only you can hear.”
“I wish you a good night’s sleep and an abundance of beautiful dreams, just like you have given to me.”
“Breathe in deeply and look at the infinite sky. When two stars twinkle together, it’s heaven looking down on you.”
“May the angels of the world surround you with their light as tonight will be the night that dreams are made of.”
“Prayers are the key that opens each passing day and locks your memories shut at night.”
“Go to sleep in peace. God is awake.”
“Prayers should be the key in the morning and the lock at night.”
“Rapt in His glory and power, certain that despite my vain attempts at imagined control, He has the world in His hands … I sleep peacefully.”
“The darker the night, the brighter the stars, The deeper the grief, the closer is God!”
“Fear can keep us up all night long but faith makes one fine pillow.”
“They say that God sprinkles his blessings upon the earth every day and I think I have caught one, it’s you! Wishing you a good night and I love you.”
“You’ve heard the expression “Let go and let God.” Lay your head down to sleep tonight, resting assured — He’s got this.”
“May God’s grace calm your mind, bless you with restful sleep, and awaken you fresh in the knowledge that you are His child.”
“All I wish a sheet of clouds for your bed and bright crystals for the stars. While you sleep, may the angels play sweet songs that bring you bright dreams.”
“When you cannot sleep at night, have you ever thought maybe it’s God saying “We need to talk and you now have time”.”
“I ask the Lord to enlighten you always and protect you from all evil, tonight you will sleep well dear friend.”
“Prayer for bedtime: Dear Heavenly Father, bless me with restful sleep so I can be of maximum service to You tomorrow. Amen.”
“Sending the warmest thoughts and prayers to you as you rest your head on your pillow and fall fast asleep. May tomorrow bring you wonderful things and have all your dreams come true.”
“Before I go to sleep, I pray the Lord to take care of you while you sleep so that tomorrow you will wake up with a renewed energy. Have quietly rest.”
“God works the night shift. Not you! Don’t spend another sleepless night trying to figure out your issues, trust that the Lord is working it out.”
“You are a precious child of God, remember that He feels a great love for you and is always aware of what happens to you, you have a good night.”
“Harboring fear can keep you up all night, but faith is a lullaby that calms the heart and mind. Sleep well, my dear one.”
“End your day by offering prayers to God, thanking him for a beautiful day. As you go to sleep, I wish a comfortable sound sleep infused with beautiful dreams for a bright future. Sleep well!”
“It is not good to have negative feelings in the heart because you cannot live or sleep in peace. God always takes care of you and you put your trust in him. Have an easy rest.”
“The best sleep comes when you are contented at heart, when you have thanked God for this love and when you have done your best Karmas. I hope you sleep well. Good night dear friend.”
“Stars are the blessings of God that come to brighten your dreams. Pour your soul in the love of God and enjoy a comfortable and soothing sleep. Good night my friend. Sleep well!”
“Our Heavenly Father is watching us all the time and is very happy when we share in a proper manner, each day try to help someone and you will achieve win a piece of the sky, good night.”
“A better life awaits us if we show obedience to our Heavenly Father, though you mistake then can repent and move on. He is always willing to forgive, you have sweet dreams friend.”
“As you go to sleep, I wish you sweet dreams and sound sleep as God showers his blessings on you. With stars glowing your dreams, I wish you good night my friend. Sleep well.”
“All our good wishes can be achieved if we put our trust in the Lord. He is our father and always wants the best for us. Have a good night.”
“My dear friend, I pray to God to give you the best of health, happiness, and sleep. I pray for your success and glory. As you go to bed, I pray for a peaceful and soothing sleep. Good night.”
“I was thinking about all the blessings God has given to me and inevitably I thought of you, every night I pray to guide you so that everything will go your way, you will dream of beautiful things, good night.”
“Dogs know that sleeping is the only way they can have energy and excitement in their life. You should try it!”
“Dear sleep. How I love you.”
“Dear sleep, I know we had problems when I was younger, but I love you now.”
“The bed bugs are gone and the boogeyman has gone away. All that’s left is just you and me. Let’s close our peepers and get to sleepers!”
“Star light, star bright, let’s count the sheep tonight. 1-2-3 there goes 3. 4-5-6 there goes 4. 7-8-9 close your eyes. 10-11-12 sweet dreams and goodnight.”
“Goodnight to you. May you have only a few stray sheep to count. May the sandman come quickly and close those beautiful eyes of yours. Tomorrow is another day with lots of exciting, fun things planned so hurry and get to sleep!”
“Trust me, people who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one. Good night”
“Twinkle, twinkle little star. How I wonder where you are? Up above the sky so high, where you are I wish you were mine. Twinkle, twinkle little star. Can I keep you near or far? Goodnight my little shining star.”
“Some people talk in their sleep. Lecturers talk while other people sleep.”
“It’s time for bed, they said. You’re going to have magical dreams, they said. So, what are you waiting for? Close your eyes and go to bed!”
“You know how your three years old behaves when he hasn’t gotten enough sleep. Well, honey, he gets that from you – get some sleep!”
“I wish I could be there to hold u tight, instead of saying this loving good night.”
“When things go bad, remember that if someone wishes you good night every day, You’re happier than so many people.”
“Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow.”
“Early to bed and early to rise probably indicates unskilled labor. Good night and sleep tight.”
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jumpsitehq · 6 years
130+ Best Smile Quotes That Will Make Your Day Beautiful
Looking for the best smile quotes? You’ve come to the right place. Check out the following list of the 130 funny, cute and beautiful quotes and sayings on smiling. We also have a great collection of Broken Heart Quotes.
“Don’t worry – you haven’t lost your smile. It’s right under your nose. You simply forgot it was there.”
“Hi, dear friend. I see you’re without your smile today. I’ll gladly give you one of mine.”
“Warm smiles are the universal language of love, compassion, and kindness.”
“Always use your smile to help change the world, but never let the world change your smile.”
“You should never regret the things that made you smile.”
“Each smile you share adds a day to your life.”
“Wrinkles are nothing more than an indication of where your smiles have been.”
“If you have a smile in you, share it with your friends and family.”
“If you can still smile when no one else is looking, then you know you’re truly happy.”
“We sometimes smile because of our joy. But sometimes, it’s our smile that gives us joy.”
“Each time you smile at someone, you give them a precious gift: the gift of love.”
“Smiling should be a part of every woman’s beauty routine. If you have a positive outlook on life and a great sense of humor, that is absolutely beautiful.”
“Smiles are curves that have the power to set everything straight.”
“Today, I have nothing to do but smile. Life is good.”
“I always add a smile to every single thing I wear. So far, it’s been working out great for me.”
“If you just smile, you’ll find that life is worthwhile.”
“You know, it takes an awful lot of energy to be negative. A smile is effortless and painless. I would rather spend all of my energy smiling and laughing.”
“We often underestimate the power of a smile or a touch; a kind word or an ear that’s willing to listen; a sincere compliment or a tiny act of kindness. All of these things have the potential to turn a person’s life around.”
“Just smile. It’s the second-best thing that you can do with your lips.”
“Smile – even if you have to smile a sad smile. Because what’s even sadder than a sad smile is the sadness of not even knowing how to smile.”
“Each time you smile, you make life a little more beautiful.”
“Smiles begin on the lips, but grins spread to the eyes. Chuckles begin in the belly, but great laughs just burst from your soul.”
“Don’t frown. You never know who might be falling in love with your beautiful smile.”
“It’s much easier to walk through life with a big smile on your face.”
“I just smile because I really have no idea what’s going on.”
“Smiles are free therapy. Spread them around.”
“We’ll never know all the good that one simple smile can do.”
“Smile at yourself in the mirror. If you can do this every morning, you’ll start to see a big change in your life.”
“When you leave home today, give a stranger your smile. You never know – it may be the only sunshine they see all day.”
“The world looks a whole lot brighter if you can face it with a smile.”
“Before you frown, check to make sure you absolutely have no smiles left.”
“You should cover your mouth when you cough, but never when you smile.”
“We all smile in the same language.”
“Smiling is really infectious. You can catch it – just like a cold. Just this morning, someone smiled at me, and I started smiling, too.”
“Laughs are merely smiles that have burst.”
“Always smile. Did you know that the sunshine is great for your teeth?”
“If you didn’t start today with a smile, it’s not too late to start practicing tomorrow.”
“Let us meet each other with a smile. Smiles are the start of falling in love.”
“You see, I have this strange tickle in my brain. It keeps forcing the corners of my mouth to point upwards towards the sky.”
“You know why I like you? Because when you smile at me, you mean it.”
“No matter how sad you’re feeling, you’ll find that a smile can do a great deal of healing.”
“Every day without a smile is a lost day.”
“Sometimes, giving a genuine smile is all that’s needed.”
“All it takes is one kind smile, one friendly look and one act of kindness to make life worthwhile.”
“A simple smile can brighten even the darkest of days.”
“Smile with your lips, heart, soul, life, and eyes.”
“Smiles are very powerful weapons. They can even be used to break the ice.”
“Most people smile because someone else smiled first.”
“Smiles can never truly be given away. They always return to you.”
“It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re doing – if you have a smile on your face, you’re on vacation.”
“It sometimes takes a lot of work to smile, but think of all the good your smile can do for the most important muscle in your body – your heart.”
“Smiles are the one key that fits into the lock of every single person’s heart.”
“A smile may only last a second, but its memory can last forever.”
“If ever you find someone who is too tired to smile, give them one of yours. No one in the world needs a smile as much as someone who has none left to give.”
“Smiles shine the brightest when there’s a rainbow deep down in the heart.”
“The one who smiles instead of getting angry is always the strongest.”
“Smiling has the power to make you feel better about yourself – even if you don’t want to. It always leaves a good impression on other people, too.”
“It’s important to wake up each morning with a smile on your face. Show the world all of the love that you keep inside of your heart.”
“Smiles are to humanity as the sunshine is to flower. They’re small acts, but scattered along the pathway of life, they do an inconceivable amount of good.”
“Please smile! It really irritates people.”
“Want to ruin a grouch’s day? Smile at him.”
“The best way to speak kindly without ever saying a word is to smile.”
“If you smile at the world, the world will smile back at you.”
“Just smile – even if you’re only doing it to annoy someone.”
“Smile at every person you see. You never know who might be an angel.”
“One of the most rewarding things you can do in life is to always keep a bright smile on your face.”
“Smiling is so much easier than trying to explain what’s wrong.”
“Smile! Life is too short to frown.”
“If it seems like nothing in your life is going right, then go left.”
“A big smile is the best makeup that any woman can wear.”
“Be happy and smile. That’s the most important thing in life.”
“Smiles are the purest but rarest forms of generosity.”
“The best parts of your life will be those moments you spend smiling with someone who means the world to you.”
“Juts keep smiling. Someday, life will get really tired of trying to annoy you.”
“I have chosen to smile and be happy. I do this because I know it’s good for my health.”
“You know, your smile sure looks good on you.”
“Nothing is permanent in this world – not even your troubles. So smile and know that everything will turn out alright in the end.”
“Your smile is a sincere reflection of your soul.”
“You never regret the smiles you give, but the opportunities to give one that were missed.”
“Remember: you can’t make everyone in the world happy. You aren’t a jar of Nutella. But you can smile and spread a little joy.”
“Thank you, friend, for being the reason I smile each day.”
“Just smile and wave. It works like a charm.”
“You know what the best revenge is? To smile and just move on.”
“In the morning, wake with laughter. At night, go to bed with a smile.”
“Throw your smiles around like confetti.”
“Just keep smiling. Life is a beautifully amazing thing, and there are countless things to smile about.”
“Smile and remember that everything is working out – even if it doesn’t seem like it right now.”
“I really do like it when you smile, but I love it when I’m the reason why.”
“Hey! I’m still wearing that beautiful smile you gave me.”
“It may be raining like cats and dogs outside, but your smile always makes everything alright. Thanks for being my friend.”
“Smiles and laughter are the fountains of youth.”
“If you aren’t smiling, you’re like a rich man with a billion dollars in the bank who does nothing with it.”
“Children smile for no reason at all. That is the purest of charms.”
“Smile! It’s so much better than getting a poke in the eye.”
“Welcome each new day with a smile. Think of each morning as a precious gift.”
“I always smile like an idiot when I’m talking to you.”
“Life is so short, so smile while you still have some teeth left.”
“I could talk to a million people in one day, but none of that could compare to the smile that you give me in one second.”
“Of all the things you wear, your smile is the most important.”
“After each passing storm, the sun smiles. We are the same way. The human soul has an unwavering duty to be happy.”
“I smiled yesterday, I smiled today, and I’ll smile again tomorrow. Why? Because life is far too short to spend it crying over trivial things.”
“There is always, always a reason to smile. Go out and find one.”
“Anger will only make your problems more difficult. Tears can never bring back things that are lost. Gratitude and a smile are the only two things that will make you stronger.”
“I just love those moments in life that make you smile even when times are really tough.”
“Stay strong. Make the world wonder how you still have a smile on your face.”
“I love it when I can feel you smile in the middle of a kiss.”
“Worry less, and smile more. Don’t regret anything – just grow.”
“You know you’re lucky when you have someone in your life who can make you smile even when they’re not around.”
“The people who hurt you or broke your heart don’t matter. The people who make you smile are the ones who matter.”
“Kill them with your success, and then bury them with your smile.”
“Never frown about the “could haves”. If it should have happened, then it would have happened. So smile.”
“Be kind and smile at everyone. Every person you see is fighting a battle that you know nothing about.”
“It’s better to be the one who smiled than the one who never smiled back.”
“A smile is a language that the blind can see and the deaf can hear.”
“Put a smile on your face. Today may not be a good day, but there is some good in every day.”
“Be happy and smile. It makes people crazy.”
“So many of my smiles have started with you.”
“Smile – never frown. Look up – never down. Have faith in yourself, and be who you are.”
“Children smile 400 times a day. Adults only smile 15 times a day. Maybe we should start changing that.”
“When you smile at someone, they will almost always smile back. Even if they don’t, you know that you’ve touched their heart.”
“Go out and be the reason why someone smiles today.”
“If you don’t get out and do things while you’re young, you’ll have nothing to smile and laugh about when you grow old.”
“Smiling and laughing always has been and always will be the best form of therapy.”
“Today, I will smile wider than a bird with a French fry.”
“I like smiling. Smiling is my favorite.”
“You have the type of smile that could light up the entire world. Why are you hiding it?”
“Smile – it will either warm another person’s heart or really annoy them. You win in either case.”
“Your smile is the best accessory you could ever own.”
“You have no idea how much joy and happiness your smile brings to my life.”
“You have this amazing ability to put a smile on my face and happiness in my heart.”
“Smile! Great things are going to happen today.”
“Smile as often as you breathe. Laugh and love as long as you live.”
“A smile is contagious, so share yours. You never really know who needs it.”
“Stay positive and smile. Everyone will wonder what you’re up to.”
“You can always tell how smart people are by what they smile and laugh at.”
“If you’re too busy to smile or laugh, then you’re too busy.”
“Smile for you and to make yourself happy. You’ll thank yourself later.”
“Whenever we talk, I can’t help but smile. Thank you for bringing joy and love into my life.”
“Don’t wait for someone to smile first, break the ice and show them how.”
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jumpsitehq · 6 years
165+ [BEST] Heart Touching Broken Heart Quotes With Images
Following are popular broken heart quotes and sayings with images. We’ve compiled a list of the best 165+ quotes about being heartbroken. We also have great collection of Happy Birthday Images.
Broken Heart Quotes With Images
“Your heart is broken – not your life. Your dream may be broken, but your future is not.”
“One day, you’ll wake up and finally realize that you should have tried. I was worth fighting for.”
“I just want to feel important to someone.”
“When my halo broke, I carved each half into horns.”
“Never forget: they cheated because they wanted to. They lied because they knew they could. Now, they’re only sorry because they got caught.”
“Never, ever run back into the arms of the person who broke you.”
“Why did this happen? Because some human beings are just terrible people. And terrible human beings do terrible things.”
“It’s a horrible feeling to miss someone, but it’s even worse to know that they don’t miss you back.”
“Love can be many things, but it’s never hurtful or deceitful. True love never breeds anything toxic. Always remember that.”
“No one ever gets tired of loving someone. They just get tired of assuming, waiting, apologizing, being lied to and hurting.”
“Having a broken heart is a lot like having a broken rib. Sure, you look okay on the outside, but it hurts every time you take a breath.”
“Sometimes, it’s being too nice and compassionate that gets you hurt.”
“The stupidest mistake you can make in life is believing that the person who hurt you the most will never hurt you again.”
“If he doesn’t chase after you when you walk away, then just keep walking.”
“A broken heart is the only thing that truly changes people.”
“I was worth so much more than this. I deserve so much better than you.”
“Sometimes, a heartbreak is a wakeup call. It helps you see that you’re worth so much more than what you settled for.”
“Please, don’t mess with my feelings just because you can’t figure out your own.”
“It takes a brave person to look past all the hurt and pain, and trust that someone new won’t do the same.”
“Moving on from a painful breakup is a lot like learning how to cross the monkey bars. At some point, you have to let go in order to go forward.”
“Someday, the right person will walk into your life and finally make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else.”
“It really hurts to see that you’re not as important to someone as you thought you were.”
“Sometimes, a couple has to fall apart to see that they need to fall back together.”
“I still don’t understand why I spent so much time on loving someone who was never truly mine.”
“I really don’t want you back. But I would give anything to feel the same feeling when I met you again.”
“The one who broke your heart will be sorry they left you. Don’t worry about the past. Forget the pain and remember that you are an incredible person who deserves so much better.”
“Sometimes, people can’t understand how you feel until they go through the same thing themselves.”
“It amazes me how he can break my heart, but I still love him with every little broken piece of it.”
“I’m at a crossroads here. I really want to distance myself from you. But at the same time, I don’t want to lose you.”
“You know what’s scary about dating? You’re either going to marry that person, or you’re going to break up.”
“It’s frightening to think that in the blink of an eye, you can fall into the kind of love that takes a lifetime to get over.”
“Moving on isn’t about forgetting someone and not loving them anymore. It’s about letting them know that you love them, but the pain isn’t worth it.”
“Whenever I think of you, I have to remind myself that if you really wanted to talk to me, you would.”
“Few things hurt more than being disappointed by the one person you thought would never, ever hurt you.”
“I will eventually stop missing you – when I’m with you.”
“Immature relationships start with “I love you,” but end with “forget you”. Mature relationships start with “I love you” and end with a sincere “thank you”.”
“You know what I regret? Not listening to everyone else when they told me to “run as fast as you can” away from you.”
“We’ll continue on ignoring each other and keep pretending that we don’t exist. But the truth is that we both know it wasn’t supposed to end this way.”
“Heartbreak is a weird kind of pain. It’s not like you’re sick. You’re not dying either. But you still hurt so much.”
“It really doesn’t matter whether it was a relationship or a friendship. When it ends, it still breaks your heart in two."
“Sometimes, it’s the bad things that happen to us that lead us toward the right path that will lead us to the best things that will ever happen to us.”
“Sorry, I actually cared about you. I won’t make that mistake again.”
“If I could go back in time to the day we met, I would turn right around and walk away.”
“You never really loved me. You don’t destroy the people you love.”
“The right person will love all the things that the wrong person found intimidating about you.”
“Loving you was no different than going to war. I didn’t come back the same person.”
“If, at any given time, you find yourself living in the wrong story – leave.”
“Always remember: your idea or image of someone in your head isn’t necessarily the way they really are.”
“I still have this silly, impossible hope that someday, you’ll wake up and realize that we were meant to be together.”
“You know what? I’m not even going to get mad anymore. I have to learn to expect the lowest from everyone – even the people I thought the highest of.”
“You should have a warning label plastered to your forehead: I am a cheating, lying jerk and I plan on taking advantage of your heart.”
“The greatest thing you ever taught me was that you can love someone with every fiber of your being and it still won’t be enough. I’m really sorry that I wasn’t enough.”
“You know, I’m really proud of my heart. It’s been stabbed, played, cheated on, shattered and burned. But guess what? It still works.”
“Misunderstanding is the worst distance between two people who love each other.”
“If you don’t let go of your past and leave it behind you, it will completely destroy your future. Live for and enjoy what today has to offer you – not what yesterday took away from you.”
“Take your time when you heal. You can’t move on in a day. There are a lot of steps you have to take to break free of your broken, hurt self.”
“Can’t decide where you stand with someone? Maybe you need to stop standing and start walking.”
“Don’t be mad because I stopped caring. Be mad because I cared at one time, but you were just too blind to see it.”
“Relationships may end, but real feelings will continue on.”
“It’s better to be slapped in the face by the truth than to be kissed with a big, fat lie.”
“I either care deeply, or I don’t care at all. There is no middle ground.”
“Perfect relationships really aren’t perfect at all. They’re just two people who accept each other for who they are and never give up on each other.”
“Better to break your own heart and walk away than to have someone break your heart every single day.”
“Don’t apologize. I was the one who trusted you. That was my fault, not yours.”
“You may be single, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t know anything about love. All it means is that you now know enough to wait for it.”
“I feel like an idiot. I think about you all the time, but I know that you don’t think about me at all.”
“My heart is just so tired of being hurt.”
“I can’t romanticize or glorify heartbreak. It was sort of like dying, but I was still forced to keep living.”
“Every person has gone through something that has changed them in such a way, they could never go back to being the person they once were.”
“You can never force someone to love you or want you. But someday, they will wake up and realize what they’ve lost.”
“I like to think that I’m a patient person. I give lots of second chances. But I’m not a saint. I do have my limits.”
“Someday, he’ll finally see that he lost a diamond while he was busy playing with stones.”
“My heart just won’t let you out of my mind.”
“Stop looking for your happiness in the same place you lost it.”
“No matter how good of a person you are, you will never be good enough to a person who is not ready for a commitment.”
“If someone really wants to be in your life, they will really make an effort to be a part of it.”
“Just remember that things will never go back to the way they were. Embed this in your mind, and it will be easier to move on.”
“You never really think that the last time will actually be the last time. You somehow think that you have forever. But you really don’t.”
“It is what it is. I have to learn to accept that and just move on with my life.”
“I trusted you. Now, your words mean nothing to me. Your actions finally spoke the real truth.”
“All I wanted was to be your last.”
“I had so many reasons to give up on you and walk away. But I chose to stay. You had so many reasons to stay, but you decided to give up and walk away.”
“I broke my own heart the day I started loving you.”
“So many people fall in love with the wrong people simply because they say the right things.”
“Time is the only thing that can heal a broken heart. Just like time is the only thing that will heal his broken legs and arms.”
“The truth is that I’m too scared to get close to anyone. Every person who has ever promised to stay, turned their backs on me and walked away.”
“If she truly misses you, she’ll call you. If she wants you, she’ll tell you. If she cares for you, she’ll show it. If she doesn’t, she’s not worth your time.”
“Look, it’s time to stop clearing your head. What you need to be doing is clearing your heart.”
“When you leave someone, make sure that you leave them better than you found them. Hug their hurt. Kiss those who are broken. Make friends with people who are lost. Love people who are lonely.”
“It’s not even the breakup that hurts. It’s the physical pain of feeling my heart break in two that hurts the most.”
“For now, I’ll cry and get over it. I’ll tell you I hate you, and then love you again. But some day, I will leave you and I will never come back.”
“All it takes is one bad relationship to make you never want to fall in love again.”
“There’s one thing you should never do in life: let someone else take away your happiness. It doesn’t matter who that person is – never let them steal away your sunshine.”
“Sorry only works when you make a mistake. It doesn’t work when you break my trust. It’s okay to make mistakes in life, but you should never break someone’s trust. Forgiving a mistake is easy. But forgetting and then trusting again can sometimes be impossible.”
“There are times when I get tired of listening to my tears.”
“If you ever wake up one day and realize that we’re drifting apart, that’s because you were the one who pushed me away.”
“Broken hearts make the loudest noise.”
“I really do wish you happiness in life, even though I’m well aware that my absence is the only thing that will help you find it.”
“When you find the right person, they will move mountains for you – not hide behind them.”
“A tiny crack doesn’t mean that you’re broken. It means that you’ve been tested and challenged, and you didn’t break.”
“A woman has to love a few bad men to make her appreciate a good one."
“It makes me sad to realize that you were once a huge part of my life, and now you’re gone.”
“Sometimes, you fall for someone who really isn’t ready to catch you.”
“Never, ever let yourself be alone with your own thoughts at night. They will tear you apart and devour you until the sun rises.”
“True love is someone else’s happiness being your own happiness.”
“You know, I had planned to say all these terrible, hurtful things to you. But when I saw your face, all I wanted to do was tell you how much I miss you.”
“I really wish that I was a kid again. It’s so much easier to heal a skinned knee than it is to heal a broken heart.”
“Realizing that you don’t love me isn’t what hurts. It’s realizing that you spent so much time pretending you did that shatters my heart.”
“Sometimes, silence is the only reaction you can have. Because there are no words that can explain the things that are going on in your heart and mind.”
“Someday, you’ll send me a message out of nowhere. And someday, I will have the strength to just ignore it.”
“You and I were never really meant to be, but I loved every single second that we spent together.”
“Never let someone who broke your heart keep you from someone who won’t.”
“It’s amazing how quickly a person can go from being the one that you smile about when you wake up to being the one who makes you cry yourself to sleep at night.”
“The hardest thing I will ever have to do is walk away from this knowing that I still love you.”
“Technically, I’m single. But my heart was taken by someone who I can’t even call my own.”
“I acted like it wasn’t a big deal. But in reality, my heart was being shattered into a million pieces.”
“I’m slowly losing myself because I can’t get let go of someone who doesn’t really care about losing me.”
“Every night, I tell myself that I’m strong because I’ve endured one more day without you.”
“My feet want to carry me to your arms; to your bed. But I shall continue living my life as if you were never there.”
“I don’t understand why I worry about you so much. There are so many bigger things at hand.”
“Don’t cry because the sun has set. The tears will keep you from seeing the sparkle of the midnight stars.”
“I still don’t know why they insist on calling it a heartbreak when every single part of my body hurts.”
“What can I do to make you see that she could never love you like me?”
“Love never really knows its own depth until the hour of separation.”
“There’s something beautifully honest about trees in the winter. They truly do know how to let go.”
“You can stab the body, and the wounds heal. But when you stab the heart, the wound lasts a lifetime.”
“Whenever a door closes, a new one opens. But a lot of us spend a lot of time staring at the closed door that we completely miss the ones that have opened.”
“Just let go. There’s nothing more you can do about the wrongs and the hurt of yesterday. It’s not for you to judge. Don’t hold onto the very things that are keeping you from love and hope.”
“The past can never hurt you again – unless you let it.”
“There are times when love can be magical. But we have to remember that magic can sometimes be just an illusion.”
“At the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter how bad your heart is hurting. Life and the world will go on. Nothing will stop for your grief.”
“Wallowing in your hurt and pain will do nothing but turn you into the victim.”
“At the end of the day, grief is the only price we pay for love.”
“There will come a day when you will be forced to just follow your heart and walk away from someone you truly love.”
“No matter how hard I try, I always wind up loving the person who hurt me the most. Love can be so cruel.”
“My heart, which has been shattered into a million pieces, is slowly turning to ice.”
“I can deal with heartbreak. But it’s the regret that makes heartbreak even more painful.”
“Leave the past in the past. The only thing it can do for you is show you how to make a better tomorrow. Learn from the heartbreak and move on.”
“You know, I was finally at a point where I was okay and I believed I didn’t need you. I was accepting my life without you. Then you smiled. And that just ruined everything.”
“There’s a place in my heart where your fingerprints remain, your kisses still hang around, and your whispers quietly echo. This is the place where I will keep a part of you forever.”
“Someone once asked me, “What was the happiest day of your life?” Do you know what I said? I closed my eyes, and as a tear fell down my cheek, and told them it was the first time you told me you loved me.”
“The absolute worst part of falling out of love is the wondering; wondering if you’ll ever be able to open yourself up like that again.”
“There are some things in life that we don’t want to happen, but they happen anyway; things we don’t want to know about but we learn anyway; and people that we know we can’t live without but are forced to anyway.”
“When someone lies to you and cheats on you, those are not struggles. Those are reasons to break up.”
“Never love something that you can’t keep.”
“Don’t break someone’s heart – they only have one. Break their bones instead – they have 206.”
“Hearts are fragile and breakable. Even after you heal, you’re never truly the same person.”
“Dear heart, Now you see what happens when you decide to make decisions all by yourself. Sincerely, Your brain.”
“I saw it coming, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt.”
“I may keep myself busy doing the things I like to do, but every moment I pause, I can’t help but think about you.”
“It’s easier to be angry than to admit that you’re hurt.”
“When you dream with a broken heart, it’s even harder to wake up.”
“It’s hard to let go of something that you thought was so real, but turned out to be just an illusion.”
“Just the thought of you having someone else makes my heart sink.”
“You’re not exactly pushing me away, but you’re not really fighting to keep me around either.”
“Sometimes I wish I could wake up and not remember anything about you.”
“I got hurt – seriously hurt. When that happens, something inside of me just shuts off for a while.”
“I’m not sure I can remember what it feels like to not be broken.”
“When you love someone even more than they really deserve, they will hurt you even more than you really deserve.”
“People think I’m happy all the time, but really, I’m just broken.”
“The worst part is knowing that you need to let go, but you can’t because you hold onto this impossible hope that they’ll come back.”
“I’m happy for you – those are four words that I don’t think I could ever say.”
“I knew in my heart that you were too good to be true.”
“It just feels like I’ll never be able to get over you.”
“The worst part is waking up in the morning and remember the one thing you were trying to forget last night.”
“If you can be brave enough to say good-bye, the universe will reward you with a new and better hello.”
“I really can’t wait for the day when you wake up and realize that you messed up – big time.”
“If someone really loves you, they won’t let you slip away. It doesn’t matter how hard things get, they will stay by your side.”
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jumpsitehq · 6 years
70+ Happy Birthday Images with Wishes and Pictures Ever
Happy Birthday Images: Birthday is once a year, but you need to celebrate this event so that it will be remembered for the whole year! If your close person – your friend, relative, or work-mate has a birthday near at hand, then you are probably thinking about how to congratulate him or her. We also have a great collection of Happy Birthday Cousin Quotes.
Happy Birthday Images
“Happy birthday & remember, age really matters only if you´re cheese!”
“You know you´re getting older when the candles on the cake cost more than the cake itself. Happy birthday!”
“Happy Birthday”
“Happy birthday! Your job today – Get pampered. My job – To distract you before the surprise party. Whoops!”
“Happy birthday! I hope your day is overflowing with success & joy.”
“Happy birthday! You know, considering all of the candles on your birthday cake, I sure hope you renewed your fire insurance.”
“Always remember that you are appreciated & loved by us all. Happy birthday!”
“Happy birthday to my old-err, mature. Whoops, I mean, seasoned? Umm – my young-ish friend.”
“Birthdays are a lot like drinking. You feel great after a few, but after too many, you start feeling like hell!”
“Happy birthday! May your gifts be expensive, your cake sweet & your day fantastic.”
“Happy birthday! Congratulations, you are one year closer to becoming a crazy cat lady.”
“Age is nothing more than number. In your case, it´s a really high number. Happy birthday!”
“May you have a birthday that´s as warm as your heart, as bright as your smile & as special as you are.”
“Happy birthday to the best friend anyone could ever ask for. Let´s celebrate this momentous day and party like there´s no tomorrow!”
“Is is on this special day that I give you my heart. I love you! Happy Birthday!”
“The world is so much brighter because of you! Happy birthday!”
“Here´s a birthday wish for lots of fun. Until the very last day is done, I hope that all of your wishes come true & that your birthday cake is just as sweet as you.”
“Happy birthday, friend. I feel so honored to have spent yet another wonderful year with you in my life.”
“Today is your birthday, so I want to raise a toast. Here´s to the lovely friend that you are & to another year filled with magical, fun adventures! Happy birthday to my best friend!”
“As far as friends go, you´re not just one of the best; you are the best. So happy birthday to the best person in the whole world!”
“Of all the birthday wishes you receive today, mine is sure to be the wishiest. Happy Birthday!”
“I hope your birthday is filled with giggles, laughter, chortles & guffaws.”
“May fun, well wishes, puppies, gifts, rainbows, cake & all the nice things come your way today.”
“I love you & want you to know that I feel so lucky to have you in my life. Happy birthday!”
“You always listen, support, appreciate, advise, respect & amuse me. You cry with me, & you let me be your friend. Happy birthday, BFF!”
“Happy Birthday My Dear, Do not forget to make a wish!”
“Birthdays come every year, but a friend like you only comes around once in a lifetime. I´m so glad that you are in my life. I wish you a beautiful & happy birthday.”
“Happy birthday! Remember, if your presents are wrapped in newspaper & your cake is dry, you still have ME!”
“Happy birthday, hope all your wishes come true!”
“Happy birthday! I hope that all of the words of love people say will bring a big smile to your face today.”
“The world is so much brighter because of you! Happy birthday!”
“On your birthday, think of all of your favorite things to do. Now get out there & enjoy them on this very special day.”
“Let every gray hair & wrinkle be a remainder on how far you´ve come in life. Happy birthday, friend!”
“Today is your birthday! I hope you receive more blessing than you ask for, & only good things come your way this year.”
“Good friends never get old. They get better with age like fine wine. Here´s to another year of laughter & good cheer.”
“Happy cake, booze & presents day!”
“Your birthday may pass quickly, but our love will always remain.”
“I am so very lucky to have you in my life. I never knew what true friendship was until I met you. Happy birthday, sweet friend.”
“You are the brightest star that shines in the night sky, & the brightest light in my life. I send you warm wishes on your very special birthday.”
“To my best bud, I am so happy for you today. May you have a blessed birthday!”
“To the world, you may only be one person. But to me, you are the entire world. Happy birthday!”
“Each day brings new gifts, so untie the ribbon and enjoy. Happy birthday, Love.”
“It��s because I have a friend like you that every day feels like a holiday. I can´t wait to get together & celebrate your birthday – the most important day of the year.”
“Today is a very special day & my very first thought is of you. Happy birthday!”
“I love you so much more today than I did yesterday, but not even a tenth of how much I´ll love you tomorrow. Happy birthday, my sweet.”
“A great friend is tricky to keep, hard to find & nearly impossible to ignore. You are a great friend. I hope you have a birthday that´s as great as you are!”
“Happy birthday to friend that lightens up my day. My life would be dull without you. Thank you!”
“It´s such a blessing to have a love like ours. You are the truest of true loves. Happy birthday, sweetie.”
“Happy Birthday My Love!”
“May your birthday be as special as you are!”
“I hope your special day is perfect, like you, like our love, like our future, like everything…when I´m with you. Happy birthday, love!”
“For me, there´s nothing better than sharing this special day with my favorite person: you. Happy birthday, my love!”
“Birthdays are nature´s way of telling us to eat more cake.”
“The easiest thing I ever did was not falling in love with you. It´s been staying in love with you ever since. Happy birthday! I love you.”
“To a great birthday, a great year & a great guy! May this day be your greatest! Cheers!”
“Is it getting hotter in here, or is it just all the candles on your cake?”
“Happy birthday, sweetheart! Being in love is something. Being in love with you is everything!”
“Happy birthday, lover. You cannot imagine how happy I am we can spend your special day together. Let me show you!”
“I wish you a Happy Birthday & a whole lot of cake.”
“Here´s to you! May you celebrate a lifetime of birthdays & may each one be the birthday of a lifetime.”
“May every gift multiply & double your happiness on this special day.”
“On your special day, I´d like to wish you & say: Happy Birthday!”
“It´s so nice to share special moments with a friend like you.”
“May your birthday be filled with all that you desire.”
“May your birthday be filled with all that you desire.”
“I´m glad you are a part of my life. Happy Birthday!”
“May your day overflow with joy & success! Happy birthday love!”
“I hope your birthday cake is as sweet as you are.”
“I wish you a fun-filled, bright, exciting and joyous birthday.”
“Remember that the best is yet to come. Happy Birthday!”
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jumpsitehq · 6 years
200+ Best Happy Birthday Cousin Quotes Messages And Wishes
Everyone has a cousin and cousins are just like our siblings. We all love our cousins and can confide in them. Cousins are family and will always be there for you both in good times and bad times. If your cousin is celebrating his/her birthday, that is just the right time to express in words how much you cherish them. Below is a list of some happy birthday cousin quotes and messages. We also have a great collection of Karma Quotes.
Happy Birthday Cousin Quotes
1. “Happy birthday to my wonderful cousin. Today is your day, and we send you well wishes. You’re smart, funny and beautiful, too. I’m so thankful to have a cousin like you.” 2. “To my dearest cousin, may your future see all of your wishes and dreams come true. Happy birthday!” 3. “We’re cousins, so that means we’re family. But even if we weren’t, I’d be so thankful to know a person as sweet and kind as you. Happy birthday!” 4. “It doesn’t matter if I haven’t seen you in a week or a year, it feels as if no time passes in between each visit. Happy birthday, cousin. May your day be special.” 5. “A little birdie whispered in my ear that today is your birthday. I hope you have an amazing day. I wish you nothing but joy, love, and laughter in the coming year.” 6. “Happy birthday to my cousin; my friend. Family connects us, but it was by choice that we became such close friends. I hope your birthday is as wonderful as you are.” 7. “Time to get up! It’s your birthday! Time to celebrate and enjoy this special day. You are my cousin and friend. Here are all the birthday wishes and love I could send.” 8. “Cousin, you are a beautiful flower in our family’s garden. Happy birthday.” 9. “Another birthday has come around again. They keep coming each year like falling raindrops. But each passing year gives me a chance to tell you, my lovely cousin, happy birthday and best of luck in the coming year.” 10. “Dear cousin, on this special day, I hope you take the time to reflect on how wonderful your life has been. I hope that I can be a part of your future, too. Happy birthday!” 11. “What’s more comforting than a cup of hot cappuccino on a cold day? Having a cousin like you. Happy birthday!” 12. “Whenever I had problems with friends, my boss, a cheating ex or a backstabbing co-worker, I always knew that I could trust your advice, cousin. It’s such a blessing to have a friend like you in my life. Happy birthday.” 13. “I can’t believe how quickly time has flown by. Here we are again, celebrating another birthday. Spend the day enjoying and reflecting on life. Happy birthday, cousin!” 14. “We grew up together, and times have changed since we were kids. But you will always be a dear friend to me, cousin. Happy birthday!” 15. “Cousin, on your birthday, be sure to close your eyes, make a wish and hope that all of the good things in this world come to you.” 16. “Cousin, I hope the saddest day you have in the future is no worse than one of the happiest days you’ve had in the past. Happy birthday!” 17. “I’m so glad that you’re my cousin. You deserve to have all the love, happiness and success in the world. Have an amazing birthday and a joyous year.” 18. “It doesn’t matter how old you get; you will always be the youngest, smartest and dearest cousin to me. Happy birthday!” 19. “Having a cousin like you is a true blessing. You always inspire me to be a better person, and I’m so thankful for that. Have a great birthday, and may you continue to be an inspiration to so many people’s lives.” 20. “If I had the power to give immortality to someone I loved, I would choose you, cousin. Happy birthday!”
21. “On your birthday, I want you to know how much you are loved and admired by your family. We all hope you have an amazing day, cousin. Happy birthday!” 22. “Cousin, another birthday has arrived. You have grown since your last one to become wise. I hope you have a fun-filled day. Happy birthday!” 23. “Each new birthday presents you with an open page. Fill it with love, joy, wisdom and good deeds. Happy birthday!” 24. “What can I hope for a special cousin who has it all? Another year of fortune, blessings and strength. Happy birthday!” 25. “Happy birthday, cousin! Enjoy this day, celebrate your life, and be hopeful of a bright future.” 26. “Each new birthday marks the end of one year and the start of another. Celebrate this special gift and the opportunity to spend time with the people you love. Happy birthday, cousin!” 27. “Blessed is this day, for it was the day you were born. Happy birthday, cousin!” 28. “My dear cousin, I hope you have an amazing birthday. Know that I love you and miss you!” 29. “It’s a wonderful gift to have a cousin like you to share my joys and sorrows in life. Happy birthday!” 30. “Cousin, you are an important part of my life. I hope you have a fabulous birthday!” 31. “Today is another opportunity for us to celebrate your birthday, cousin. From all of us to you, happy birthday, and may your heart stay true.” 32. “Cousin, you’re a shining light in our lives. You inspire and motivate. We hope you have a wonderful birthday!” 33. “As we grow old, we forget the days of our youth. But I hope you never forget the fun times we shared. Happy birthday, cousin!” 34. “Dear cousin, I hope your special day is filled with smiles and sunshine. Happy birthday!” 35. “Cousin, I hope you have a fun-filled birthday with many more in the future. Happy birthday.” 36. “Dear cousin, you may be getting older, but remember: each year is a blessing and an opportunity to start a new chapter. Happy birthday!” 37. “Happy birthday, cousin! I hope you have a great day and know that I truly do love you from the bottom of my heart.” 38. “There is nothing greater than being blessed with such a wonderful cousin. Happy birthday!” 39. “Cousin, thank you for all of the wonderful childhood memories. I hope you make the most of this day and celebrate in your own way. Happy birthday!” 40. “We always share great times. I’m so thankful you’re a cousin of mine. Happy birthday!”
41. “Cousin, whenever I talk about someone who’s talented, cool, smart and witty, it can only mean that I’m talking about one person: you. Happy birthday!” 42. “A cousin like you is a piece of childhood that can never, ever be lost. Happy birthday!” 43. “Keep calm, grab a drink and wish my beautiful cousin a happy birthday!” 44. “I hope your birthday is just the start of a year filled with happy memories and blessings. Happy birthday!” 45. “Cousin, I hope your birthday is as awesome as you are. Happy birthday!” 46. “Happy birthday, cousin. May this day be filled with lots of presents, great company, and fantastic new memories.” 47. “I hope all your wishes come true and that you have plenty of fun. Happy birthday!” 48. “A cousin is someone who knows everything about you but still loves you anyway. Happy birthday!” 49. “To my cousin with love, I hope your birthday is as special as you are. Happy birthday!” 50. “Cousin, I hope your birthday brings you an extra special share of all the things that make you happy.” 51. “Sending hugs your way on this very special day! Happy birthday, cousin.” 52. “No matter the distance or time that passes, I always consider you a true friend, cousin. Happy birthday!” 53. “Today is your birthday, cousin. Enjoy it! I wish you nothing but the best. Happy birthday!” 54. “I couldn’t imagine my childhood without you, cousin. I smile each time I think of the memories we share and the time we spent without a care. Happy birthday!” 55. “Cousin, I admire you and look up to you. You inspire me every day to push myself harder and to be a better person. Happy birthday!” 56. “Cousin, may you be blessed today, tomorrow and always. Happy birthday!” 57. “Hey, cousin! Don’t get all freaked out about your birthday. Age is just a number that represents the number of years the world has been enjoying us. Happy birthday!” 58. “Cousin! Here’s to wishing you a great big happy birthday!” 59. “Sending you birthday wishes with love, cousin. Happy birthday!” 60. “Cousins are so awesome! Well, at least yours and mine are. Happy birthday!”
61. “Happy birthday to a cousin who’s sweet, generous, creative, smart, funny and cute.” 62. “Cousins are special and loved a whole lot. My cousin is wonderful because my cousin is you. Happy birthday!” 63. “Secrets, embarrassing moments, silences that speak a thousand words – we share so much more than DNA. Happy birthday, cousin. I hope you have a fantastic day.” 64. “You’re the best cousin around, and that’s because you always lift me up whenever I’m feeling down. Happy birthday!” 65. “Fate made us cousins, but we chose to be best friends. Happy birthday!” 66. “Great cousins are like flowers that bloom in the winter: rare and treasured. Happy birthday!” 67. “Happy birthday, cousin. May your day be filled with family, great memories, and laughter.” 68. “On the winding road we call life, I’m glad that I have you to share the ride with. Happy birthday, cousin.” 69. “Thinking of all the great times we spent together puts a smile on my face. Happy birthday, cousin!” 70. “Cousin, it’s your birthday! Do whatever the heck you want! Happy birthday – let’s celebrate!” 71. “Cousins are connected at heart. Neither time nor distance can ever break them apart. Happy birthday!” 72. “Happy birthday, cousin! May you never get older and just increase in value. Don’t forget to wine as often as you can, too.” 73. “Cousin, no matter how far in life we travel, our childhoods will always bring us back together. Happy birthday!” 74. “Cousins are just like siblings – but without the rivalry. Happy birthday!” 75. “We may not have shared a womb, but we’re just as close as those who have. Happy birthday, cousin!” 76. “We grew up together with the hope that we would never grow apart. Happy birthday to a special cousin.” 77. “I call you my cousin just so my so-called best friends don’t get jealous. Happy birthday!” 78. “Of all the cousins in this world, I’m glad I got you. Happy birthday!” 79. “Sending you birthday wishes that are filled with peace, love, and joy. Happy birthday!” 80. “Cousin, you’re kind of a big deal. Happy birthday, you awesome cousin you.”
81. “One of the great things about being an only child is that I appreciate having such a great cousin like you. Happy birthday!” 82. “Cousin, my heart will always feel just a little bit empty because you’ve taken a piece of it away with you. Happy birthday!” 83. “You’re the type of cousin that could put real siblings to shame. Happy birthday, and thank you for always being there.” 84. “Friends can stab you in the back, spouses can leave you, bosses can let you go, and co-workers can be competitive. But a cousin like you will always be by my side. Happy birthday!” 85. “When life fails to send you a great best friend, it makes up for it by sending amazing cousins just like you. Happy birthday!” 86. “Here comes another birthday, and I know that you’re glad. Don’t worry, dear cousin, getting older isn’t so bad. We’ll both age together, but still be young at heart. Happy birthday!” 87. “It’s your birthday, cousin! You deserve nothing but the best. Enjoy this day and know that we’re all proud of you, even though you’re still a pest. Happy birthday!” 88. “No matter where you go or what you do, my birthday wishes will always find you! Happy birthday, cousin.” 89. “There may be seven colors in the rainbow, but none of them is as awesome as you, cousin. Happy birthday!” 90. “As an only child, I thank you for never letting me feel like I’m alone in this world. You’ve been so much more than a cousin to me. You’ve been a friend and an ally. Happy birthday. I wish you all the best.” 91. “Cousin, you’re in my thoughts today. It’s a shame we can’t be together, but my birthday wishes are on their way. Happy birthday!” 92. “Cousin, I have learned so much from you over the years. You’ve always been there to help me, teach me and ease my fears. Happy birthday!” 93. “I hope that your day is filled with laughter and fun. As far as cousins go, you sure are number one. You deserve the best birthday surrounded by the people you love.” 94. “In you, I’ve found a great cousin and the closest and truest of friends. Happy birthday!” 95. “Cousin, it’s time to drink champagne and dance on top of the table. Why? Because it’s your birthday!” 96. “Birthdays are just the start of another 365-day trip around the sun. Happy birthday!” 97. “Cousin, wishing you plenty of joy and presents on your birthday!” 98. “Hey, cousin! Happy birthday! I hope that all of the kindness you’ve given to others is returned to you a thousandfold.” 99. “I’m so glad we live in the world where there are cousins. Happy birthday!” 100. “Cousin, keep calm and enjoy your birthday!”
101. “Wishing you lots of awesomeness, love and good cheer. Happy birthday!” 102. “In the blink of an eye, we went from kids to adults to middle-aged friends. Happy birthday, cousin. I’ll be there for you until the end.” 103. “It’s your birthday! That’s the first thing that crossed my mind this morning. I hope I’m the first person to wish you a happy one. Happy birthday, cousin!” 104. “Not everyone can be as blessed as me to have a cousin as awesome as you. Happy birthday!” 105. “I hope the sun shines brightly on your birthday, cousin. You’ve shined your beautiful light on so many people, so it’s only fair that the sun returns the favor. Happy birthday!” 106. “Happy birthday to someone I’ve known all my life. From toddlers to awkward teens and clumsy adults, we’ve been through it all together. Happy birthday, cousin!” 107. “There are some days that we look forward to each year. Your birthday is one of them, cousin. Let’s celebrate and enjoy this remarkable day! Happy birthday.” 108. “Cousin, on this special day, I want to wish you a very happy birthday. I hope success and happiness fill your life in the coming year.” 109. “Cousin, you truly deserve a super birthday. My biggest wish for you is that your day is filled with wonderful moments and beautiful things. Happy birthday!” 110. “Cousins are one of the life’s blessings, and I’m thankful for you each day. I hope your birthday brings you good luck and that all of your wishes come true. Happy birthday!” 111. “Cousins are special; they bring you good cheer. You miss them the most when they’re not near. Happy birthday to you; a cousin and a friend that’s true.” 112. “Dearest cousin, you have always been special to me. I wish we didn’t have to spend your birthday apart. You mean more to me than you’ll ever know. Happy birthday!” 113. “We may have been born cousins, but it was understanding, love, kindness and compassion that made us best friends. Happy birthday, dear cousin!” 114. “Today, we celebrate not only your birth but a gift. The day you came into this world was the day I received a clingy, annoying, adorable but silly little cousin that I could never imagine my life without. Happy birthday!” 115. “I send you a birthday song with a soft but happy melody. These notes come right from your personality. You’re lovely, compassionate and a little bit zappy. Happy birthday, cousin. I hope you’re always happy.” 116. “If I had to write down a list of people I could never live without, you would be on that list – right near the top. Happy birthday!” 117. “There’s no greater day than today. For today, the universe blessed our family with an amazing person like you. Happy birthday, cousin.” 118. “Wherever you go and whatever you do in life, the amount of material success you achieve will never be more valuable than the lives you touch with your joy. Happy birthday, cousin!” 119. “On your birthday, it’s important for you to know how special you are and how you’re always in our prayers. Happy birthday, dear cousin!” 120. “Happy birthday, cousin! May the wine flow freely, and the laughter sing loudly.”
121. “The sun rose today with a special charm because it’s your birthday, cousin.” 122. “Happy birthday, cousin. All the gifts, cards and well-wishes in the world could never make up for the love and kindness you’ve shown.” 123. “Cousins and friends like you are the reason the sun shines in the morning and the stars twinkle at night. Happy birthday!” 124. “Today is your birthday. Tomorrow is not. Let’s forget about the future, and party a lot. Happy birthday, cousin.” 125. “Today, I celebrate the birth of my cousin and friend. We’re as thick as thieves and always will be. Happy birthday!” 126. “Growing up with a cousin like you was awful. But you’re making up for it now. Happy birthday!” 127. “Here’s to my cousin’s birthday! I hope that you’re such a disaster when you celebrate, that they name a hurricane after you.” 128. “Cousin, look at it this way – you’re one step closer to getting a senior discount on movie tickets! Happy birthday!” 129. “Happy birthday to a cousin that I hope will still love me even when we’re too old and senile to even remember each other’s birthdays.” 130. “Cousin, there are two things that should never be counted: glasses of wine and age. Happy birthday!” 131. “Cousin, I hope your birthday is as beautiful as a unicorn farting rainbows.” 132. “I knew it smelled like a birthday in here! Hope your day is a good one, cousin. Happy birthday!” 133. “Cousin – just remember: I will find you, and I will wish you a happy birthday.” 134. “Cousins are friends who are related by blood, siblings who don’t fight with you over closet space, and best friends who never reveal secrets. Happy birthday!” 135. “Happy birthday, cousin! Let’s skip the candles this year, okay? We wouldn’t want to burn the house down.” 136. “As a cousin, I could never ask for more. Oh, how I love you right down to the core. Happy birthday!” 137. “Hey, cousin! Sorry, my birthday wishes were late. I was out helping Batman fight crime. Hope your day was awesome! Happy belated birthday.” 138. “Nothing says happy birthday like a shot of tequila and a gigantic birthday cake. Let’s eat, drink and be merry. Happy birthday, cousin!” 139. “Your birthday comes but once a year. That doesn’t mean I can’t make fun of you for being old on the other 364 days. Happy birthday! I’ll give you a break today.” 140. “Cousin! You’re one year older – I can tell. Even though you have a few gray hairs, you still look well. Don’t worry, your age, I’ll never tell. Happy birthday!”
141. “Cousin, I will always be there for you. Mainly because you know way too many of my secrets. Happy birthday!” 142. “Happy birthday, cousin. I know, I know – my birthday wishes were the best gifts you received today.” 143. “Here’s to a cousin who has the best cousin in the world. Happy birthday!” 144. “Cousin, I hope all your birthday wishes come true – especially the part about you winning the lottery. You better share, cousin. Remember – I know all your secrets! Happy birthday.” 145. “Cousin, we’ve shared so many embarrassing moments. I’m sure glad we’re related. You can’t spill my secrets without me spilling yours. Happy birthday!” 146. “Cousin, on your birthday, I just want to remind you that – you owe me $50. And with all these presents you’re getting, I think it’s time you paid up. Happy birthday! Seriously – I mean it.” 147. “Cousin, I’m so thankful we shared a childhood. If I live to see your grandkids, I’ll have so many embarrassing stories to tell. Happy birthday!” 148. “Here’s to my cousin! May we celebrate each birthday together until we’re too old and senile to remember each other’s birthdays.” 149. “So you say a lighter?… I guess we will need a flame-thrower to light up all of your candles, buddy! Happy birthday, cousin.” 150. “On your day as a birthday present, I want to give you joy, love, friendship, wisdom and lots of other things that cost nothing! Happy birthday, cousin!” 151. “A person like you is too special for just a birthday card. So keep the envelope too!” 152. “Finally you are 21, and now you can legally do everything you have been doing for years! Happy Birthday dear cousin.” 153. “Dear cousin, the secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly and … lie about your age. Happy Birthday to you! I wish you live for a thousand years!” 154. “It doesn’t matter how old you get; I don’t think you will ever grow up, cousin. Happy birthday!” 155. “Dear cousin, enjoy your birthday! May all your wishes come true and hopefully your wife doesn’t find out about them!” 156. “You may be my cousin, but I don’t think of you in that way. To me, you are more like a sister who I’m happy to talk to every day. Sending you birthday wishes from afar!” 157. “Beauty sometimes fades with time, but you, dear cousin, grow more beautiful with each passing year. Happy birthday!” 158. “I always wanted an awesome sister and an amazing best friend. I found both in you, cousin. Happy birthday!” 159. “My dear cousin, I admire you for everything. The way you dress, you laugh, and you carry yourself! Thanks for being an inspiration to me and everyone in the family. You are certainly an important part of our life, and we love you lots. Happy Birthday!” 160. “A person who tells me not to get drunk, yet helps me get drunk, brings me home when I’m drunk and doesn’t tell anyone that you were drunk – my sister-like cousin. Happy birthday.”
161. “I am glad you are not my real sister. Otherwise, my parents would have been more proud of you than me because you are so intelligent and beautiful. Happy birthday.” 162. “I’ve always wanted an amazing best friend and a beautiful sister – I got both in the form of my cousin. Happy birthday.” 163. “Destiny made a mistake by giving us different parents. But it made up for the mistake by putting us in the same family. Happy birthday.” 164. “The key to making my real sister jealous lies in spending more time with an awesome cousin like you. Happy birthday.” 165. “By bloodline, you are my cousin. But in the passage of my heart, you are a real sister. Happy birthday.” 166. “We are related to each other by blood, but we are connected to each other by heart. Happy birthday, cousin-sis.” 167. “Even a real sister wouldn’t have been able to fill the shoes of such a caring cousin sister like you. Happy birthday.” 168. “You are like my real sister minus all the fighting. Happy birthday.” 169. “My parents must have never thought of having another child because they knew I would always find an awesome sister in you. Happy birthday.” 170. “No one can relegate you by calling you, my cousin. You’re more to me than my real sister. Happy birthday.” 171. “There is no such word like a cousin in my dictionary – it’s either sister or best friend. Happy birthday.” 172. “I wish I adopted you as my real sister long time back. Happy birthday, dear cousin.” 173. “Even if you weren’t my aunt’s daughter, a beautiful person like you would’ve meant more to me than a sister. Happy birthday.” 174. “You’re the kind of cousin who can put real sisters to shame. Happy birthday.” 175. “We might be cousins, but in reality, we’re much more. A sister and a best friend, I love you from the core. Happy birthday.” 176. “Biology hasn’t given me a sister, but destiny surely has. Happy birthday, dear cousin-sister.” 177. “Sending birthday vibes and love to you! You’re a year older, but what can you do? This is your year, dear cousin sis! So embrace all that is there for you when you make your wish!” 178. “Cousin, we spent our childhoods chasing frogs and playing in the dirt. Now, we’re too old to even flirt. Still, we celebrate your birthday, light the candles and pray. We hope for another blessed year and to relieve those days of youthful play.” 179. “Hey, cousin! I hear it’s your birthday. I wish you happiness and good health. Oh, I almost forgot: eat plenty of cake and get really drunk.” 180. “Even a brother could never be as caring and awesome as you. Happy birthday!”
181. “It’s your birthday cousin – let’s party like never before!” 182. “Sometimes, cousins replace brothers because their childhoods are so intertwined. Happy birthday, cousin.” 183. “You’re the kind of cousin who can put real brothers to shame. Happy birthday.” 184. “Cousins like you are so special because they make dull moments in life minimal. Happy birthday, dear cousin bro.” 185. “Amidst a big family, I get understood by only a few. My dearest cousin, one of them is you. Happy birthday, my almost brother.” 186. “Destiny is the reason that we were born as cousins, but love is the reason we became lifelong buddies. Happy birthday.” 187. “The reason I never demanded toys when I was young is because I found my cutest teddy bear in a cousin-brother like you. Happy birthday.” 188. “It doesn’t really matter whether you are my first cousin, second cousin or third cousin. All I know is that you are the first friend I made in my life. Happy birthday, my almost-bro.” 189. “Friend, gaming partner, soul soother, heart healer – I almost forgot that you are my cousin too. Happy birthday.” 190. “Happy birthday to the guy who knows how to read between my sentences, look beyond the expressions on my face and glance inside my heart to really know what I am thinking.” 191. “Destiny doesn’t give best friends to those who already have wonderful cousins like you. Happy birthday, dear brother-like cousin.” 192. “The best of brothers and best of friends, may the love in our brotherhood go on and never end. Happy birthday, cousin.” 193. “If my life was a painting, you would be the color in it. If my life was a song, you would be the melody. If life was a dance, you would be the rhythm. Dear cousin-brother, you make my life awesome. Happy birthday.” 194. “On your strong shoulders, I love to rest. More of a brother than a cousin, you are the best. Happy birthday.” 195. “Who needs a real brother when they have a cousin more genuine than any real brother in the world? Happy birthday.” 196. “Thanks for supporting me and being a real brother, when you could easily cruise through life by being just another cousin. Happy birthday.” 197. “I feel peaceful when I hold you in my arms and solace when I tightly clasp your tiny palms. Happy birthday to my little cousin, whose mere presence calms. Happy birthday my almost brother.” 198. “Aunt and uncle, niece and nephew. The one I love most, in the family is you. Happy birthday, dear cousin.” 199. “We may be born of different mothers, but we’ll always be like real brothers. Happy birthday.” 200. “Best of both worlds, family, and friend. May our friendship with each other never end. Happy birthday, cousin.” 201. “You are like a fishing net in the ocean of my life that helps me catch all the best moments of happiness and joy. Happy birthday, cousin, you are like a brother to me.” 202. “Life never taught me the difference between a cousin and a real brother – all thanks to you. Happy birthday.” 203. “You aren’t my cousin brother. You are a cousin who has been the best brother ever. Happy birthday.” 204. “When single kids like me have cousins like you, they never regret not having siblings. Happy birthday. “ 205. “Every single memory of my childhood reminds me all the reasons I’m glad you are my cousin-brother. From the bottom of my heart Happy Birthday!”
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jumpsitehq · 6 years
120+ Inspirational Karma Quotes On Relationship, Revenge and Life
Karma is a bitch, and as the old saying goes, karma is best served cold. Remember, the best revenge is to show them that your life is getting better after they’re gone. As for those seeking revenge, here are 120+ Inspirational Karma Quotes On Relationship, Revenge, and Life. My advice is, just let it go, he who angers me conquers me, at the end of the day, you will be punished by your anger.
Karma Quotes You Will Need to Share
1. “What you plant, you harvest; such are the fields of karma.” 2. “The way people treat you is their karma. How you react to the way people treat you is your karma.” 3. “Everything that we do plants a seed in our deepest subconscious. Someday, that seed will grow.” 4. “Always be honest in life. Like karma, that honesty will make its way back to you.” 5. “Be kind to other people, even if they aren’t kind to you. Spread love, even if you don’t get love in return. Help others, even if there’s no one to help you. What you give, you receive. That is the law of karma.” 6. “Don’t waste all of your time and energy on getting revenge. Those who hurt you will face their own karma eventually, so let the negativity go.” 7. “Someday, karma will find you and punch you in the face. I hope that I’m there – just in case it needs some help.” 8. “Nothing in life ever happens by chance. You carry your own destiny through the actions you take. That’s how karma works.” 9. “Do something kind and good today. In the future, you will get repaid with kindness and goodness.” 10. “Before you set off on your journey for revenge, remember to dig two graves.” 11. “Men are never punished for their sins, but by their sins.” 12. “Karma is like gravity – it’s so basic, we don’t even notice it.” 13. “The wind and the waves are unseen and seen forces in nature. We have the same elements in our own lives. These unseen and seen forces are karma and free will.” 14. “Goodness creates its own heaven. Sin creates its own hell.” 15. “Every action that we take in our lives touches a chord somewhere that will vibrate into eternity.” 16. “The great thing about free will is that even if you have a gigantic bag of karma, there’s still plenty of free will for all of the new souls coming into this world.” 17. “People pay a price for the things they do, and the things they allow themselves to become.” 18. “What you sow, you shall reap.” 19. “When you meet a good person, think of how you can become like him or her. When you meet someone who is not-so-good, take the time to reflect on your own weaknesses.”
20. “Karma is a really simple concept: an action for an action – be it good or bad.”
21. “Karma can be unforgiving, and it bides its time. You always have to look over your shoulder, because karma always gets payback.” 22. “Treat other people as you wish to be treated. What goes around, comes back around.” 23. “You can’t control the results, but you can control your actions.” 24. “If you do good, then good will follow you throughout life.” 25. “Harming someone because they harmed you will not work in your favor. You always pay for your actions in the end.” 26. “People always ask for the secret to success. Well, I’ve found it: good karma.” 27. “There are no “reset” buttons in life. You can’t take things back, and you can’t undo your actions. Everything that you do has a consequence. The things you say and do today will have a long-term impact on your life. Keep this in mind each time you make a decision.” 28. “Just keep calm and let karma finish the job.” 29. “I hope one day, you choke on all of the trash you talk.” 30. “You create your own thoughts, and your thoughts are what create your intentions. Those intentions are what create your own reality.” 31. “Don’t worry: Karma will fix it!” 32. “Think abundance. Intention attracts energy, which transforms intentions into reality.” 33. “Before you say anything to anyone, consider how you would feel if that person said the same thing to you.” 34. “Hi Karma, I have a long list of people you missed.” 35. “The way you make others feel about themselves says a lot about you as a person.” 36. “Go out and be a nice human being.” 37. “Never let other people’s actions disturb your inner peace.” 38. “All suffering in life is caused by ignorance. People have a bad habit of inflicting pain on others in pursuit of their own satisfaction or happiness.” 39. “Revenge never solves anything. But karma will.” 40. “Always be good to people – no matter what happens in life. Being good is a beautiful legacy to leave behind.”
41. “Find and create what sets your heart on fire, and that passion will illuminate the path in front of you.” 42. “There comes a point when you just have to walk away and let karma take care of the rest.” 43. “Never let anyone walk through your mind with dirty feet.” 44. “The only control you have is your reaction to the things that are out of your control.” 45. “The truest test of character is how you choose to treat people you aren’t forced to be nice to.” 46. “You are free to make any decision you wish. But you are not free from the consequences of that decision.” 47. “An eye for an eye mentality will only make the whole world blind.” 48. “Give out to the world what you most want to come back to you.” 49. “Life isn’t complicated. We get what we give. Every single though we have shapes our future.” 50. “Karma: if you do good things, then good things will come to you.” 51. “Happiness is not pre-made. You can’t buy it, and you can’t find it. It comes from your own actions.” 52. “Live your life with the thought that something wonderful is going to happen. Those thoughts will bring those wonderful things to life.” 53. “Things happen for a reason. It’s called karma. Sometimes, those bad things happen because you make bad decisions.” 54. “I saw that. – Karma.” 55. “You are right where you’re supposed to be in life.” 56. “If you put positive energy out into the universe, you will get positive energy back.” 57. “I’m just going to sit here and laugh as karma slaps you across the face.” 58. “Fighting revenge with revenge will never solve anything.” 59. “Always do your best and treat others kindly. The seeds you plant today, you will harvest in the future.” 60. “Karma has one really wicked sense of humor. Don’t ever forget that.”
61. “Every little thing that you do comes back to you.” 62. “Just remember: karma never loses or forgets an address.” 63. “You might think I’m a fool, but karma isn’t.” 64. “Be wise enough to know the difference between what you’re getting and what you deserve.” 65. “Never treat bad people as bad as they are; treat them as kind and nice as you are.” 66. “Karma can move in two directions. When we act virtuously and from a place of love, we plant a seed that will bloom into happiness. But when we act unvirtuously and out of a place of negativity, the seed blooms into suffering.” 67. “There are people in this world who commit evil deeds, believing that karma does not exist. They justify their actions by claiming that everything is empty and void of consequences. These people create their own endless darkness with no hope of being released from it. But those who are wise will never believe such concepts.” 68. “I truly believe in karma. If we sow goodness, we reap goodness. When you put positive energy out in the world, that positive energy returns to you.” 69. “Karma isn’t just about the troubles you face; it’s also about surmounting them.” 70. “Always treat others with kindness and respect. We are all the same. What you give, you get in return. Karma will get us all at the end of the day.” 71. “When you are kind to others, it creates a beautiful feeling inside. It’s as if your body is telling you “yes, this is what I ought to be doing and how I ought to be feeling.”” 72. “The lives we touch – for good or bad – will touch another life and another one after that. Like a ripple, we can never be sure where the pain or the joy from our touch stops.” 73. “What a beautiful thing it is to know that we need not wait even a single moment to change the world. We need only be kind to the next person we see.” 74. “Kindness can solve most of the world’s problems. Just as the sun melts ice, kindness can cause mistrust, misunderstanding and anger to evaporate into thin air.” 75. “You can never do kindness too soon because you never know when it will soon be too late.” 76. “Every living thing on this planet is one. We come from the same source. If you hate another person or living creature, you’re only hating yourself.” 77. “Those who dig ditches fall into them eventually.” 78. “Do good with what you have, or it will do you no good.” 79. “Thoughts create intentions, and intentions transform into actions. Those actions transform into habits, and those habits create your character. Your character is what ultimately creates your destiny.” 80. “Those without thoughts of resentment and anger will find peace.”
81. “No man is more cheated than a man who is selfish.” 82. “Anger causes delusion, which bewilders the mind. All reason is destroyed when the mind is bewildered. When reasoning is destroyed, man is destroyed.” 83. “Follow these three RES: Respect for yourself. Respect for others. Responsibility for your own actions.” 84. “If you want to be happy, be compassionate. If you want others to be happy, be compassionate.” 85. “Peace is impossible if ignorance is your master.” 86. “Never let a small disagreement destroy a great relationship.” 87. “Your life is a reflection of exactly who you are.” 88. “Karma: Serving justice one jerk at a time.” 89. “Every experience you have in life – no matter how bad it is – holds a blessing inside. The trick is to find that blessing.” 90. “Don’t be so quick to judge other people. You may find yourself in their shoes one day.” 91. “I just hope that karma punches you in the face before I do.” 92. “The less you respond to negativity, the happier your life will become.” 93. “Oh I’m sorry – you don’t get to choose what you want from the karma menu. You just get whatever is served to you.” 94. “I really hope that karma is wearing spiked heels when she kicks you in the rear.” 95. “Karma is an excellent judge of character. There’s no hope for you, friend.” 96. “A child seeks out revenge. A mature adult walks away and lets karma do the dirty work.” 97. “Forgive others and their actions. Never give into your urge to hate someone. Let these things go, and set it free. Karma will take care of whatever is meant to be.” 98. “Life is just like an echo: what you send out comes back to you.” 99. “Those who create their own drama really deserve their own karma.” 100. “I just smile, knowing that karma is on its way.”
101. “Take responsibility for the energy you bring into a room.” 102. “Treat people as you would like to be treated. Karma is only a wicked if you are.” 103. “I can rest easy tonight because karma is out there taking care of all the people that treated me badly.” 104. “The way you judge people today, may turn out to be judgments you face tomorrow.” 105. “Karma has an amazing ability to take care of situations. The only thing you have to do is sit back and enjoy the show.” 106. “Like a boomerang, karma sends back to you what you put out.” 107. “The past may hold a reward for the innocent. But for those who are treacherous, it will only be a matter of time before their past comes back to deliver what they deserve.” 108. “Every action, no matter how small or large, will eventually return to you. Evil will be returned with evil; good with good.” 109. “The only true belongings that you have are your actions. You can’t escape the consequences of your actions, and they are the ground on which you stand upon.” 110. “Karma: the universe’s way of telling you that you almost got away with it. Almost.” 111. “Don’t envy others who earn material wealth in unscrupulous ways. The wicked always seem to prosper in life, but they will spend the rest of eternity in despair and terror.” 112. “Karma will get back in touch with you when the time comes. Just remember that.” 113. “What happens to you isn’t nearly as important as how you react to what happens.” 114. “Some people pursue happiness while others create it. What you do today will transform into your actions tomorrow.” 115. “Those who anger you, conquer you.” 116. “Motivate yourself or be miserable. You always have a choice between the two whenever you do something in life.” 117. “Don’t act like life is just a dress rehearsal. Live today as if it were your last. Be kind to others, and you will be treated with kindness in return.” 118. “When you judge others, you do not define them. You merely define yourself.” 119. “Our life is whatever our thoughts make it.” 120. “There is no such thing as luck in life. Nothing can ever exist without a cause.” 121. “Bring out the best in others with your actions, and you will bring out the best in yourself.” 122. “We are shaped by the things that we love.” 123. “Be kind to others, for everyone is fighting a battle.”
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jumpsitehq · 6 years
80+ I Love My Wife Quotes From Husband With Images
I Love My Wife Quotes : Don’t wait only for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day and birthdays to write a romantic quote for her. Make her feel like a queen by sending her sweet texts on a random day. If texting is not your thing, write something cute on a note or a greeting card. You can even post mushy and funny stuff on Facebook or Pinterest. We also have a great collection of I Love You Quotes. Better yet, tag her in the most awesome tweet you’ve sent out in a while. Regardless of how many years have passed by in your marriage, it is never too late to start laying your feelings bare. She might not say this to you, but inside every woman is a girl who longs to be wooed and pampered. Don’t take her for granted and show your wife that you are indeed, the loving husband that she imagined you to be.
I Love My Wife Quotes From Husband
1. “We’ve made beautiful promises to each other. The promises I have in store, just waiting to pour out of my heart, are even more special. I love you.” 2. “You’re the charger to my cell phone – I would be dead without you.” 3. “I am so blessed to have a life with my wife. She is always on my mind, in my heart and in my soul.” 4. “My love for you is enough to surround the whole world. My pretty wife, you’re my life forever and always.” 5. “Nothing in the world can replace the love of my life, my one, and true wife. I love you so much.” 6. “The day we took our vows until the day I die, I will love you more and more.” 7. “You know that our love means the world to me. I would do anything and everything to keep you happy.” 8. “Happiness was a mystery to me until the day that you came into my life like a shooting star.” 9. “A man is happy when he finds a true friend, but he is even happier when the true friend he finds is his wife.” 10. “No man finds success in life without having a good woman behind him along the way.” 11. “I would be a philosopher if a married a bad wife, but since I married you, I am simply a lover.” 12. “Husbands and wives have a relationship that even the closest of friends can never obtain.” 13. “The woman of my life, the mother of our children, there is no love that compares to the love I have for my wife.” 14. “My most spectacular achievement in my life was persuading my wife to marry me.” 15. “The one thing I love more than my wife is being my wife’s husband.” 16. “Love is ever growing, ever changing, but the one thing that will always remain true is that my love for my wife grows as the sky is blue.” 17. “Real men may not know how to show their feelings to their wife, but they always tell her that she is the one and only woman for them.” 18. “I may be old, I may be stubborn, but this stubbornness is what has allowed me to love you so uncontrollably throughout the years.” 19. “Years come and go like the seasons, but every year, I love you more than I ever thought was possible.” 20. “There are a million remedies in the world, and nothing cures my ills quite like my wife.”
21. “A good marriage requires a beautiful wife that is blind and a loving husband that is deaf – we are both.” 22. “Marriage has made me love like I never thought possible and thank God more than I ever did in the past.” 23. “Loneliness is something that neither of us will have to endure. We can remain silent yet laugh, smile and cry because our hearts are talking to each other.” 24. “If our lives were a ship, I would want to call it “FOREVER MINE” because there is no me without you.” 25. “My hair is going white, my teeth are falling out, but I am still the world’s luckiest man to have you as my wife.” 26. “Romance is having that one person in your world that will do anything for you at any time of the day and continue loving you no matter what. That is you – my everything.” 27. “Everything in the world was more dull and colorless when you weren’t in my life.” 28. “My wife has endured more than I ever thought possible. I owe her the happiness of the world.” 29. “My words to express my love for you will always fall short. All I know is that my life revolves around my love for you.” 30. “My imperfections have been made perfect by a wife that knows nothing else but how to love and care for me.” 31. “Hugs, kisses, smiles, and frowns are what we go through on a daily basis. I frown when you’re not around, hug and kiss you when I see you and smile when you’re on my mind. I love you, my wife.” 32. “I love my wife so much that I would give up my man cave any day to spend time with her.” 33. “Ups and downs are meant for other couples. The love we share is a journey that keeps getting better with every second that passes.” 34. “The sun goes up and the sun goes down, but my love for you will never burn out.” 35. “The burning embers of the sun will eventually die out and put the world into total darkness. Billions of years from now, my love will still be as strong for you as it is today.” 36. “Today is the best day I could have ever wished for because my wife is in my life.” 37. “Life is nothing without happiness and a beautiful life to remind you of all the good things in life.” 38. “My wife. I could laugh without you, but I would never let you cry alone.” 39. “Fun, loving, brave, beautiful, sexy – all of these words describe you, but none expresses the love I have in my heart for you.” 40. “There is no crime I would commit again besides stealing the love of my wife.”
  41. “I thought fairy tales would never come true until I met my princess of a wife.” 42. “Be kind, be gentle. These are the words taught to me by a loving wife.” 43. “Every man needs a wife that is honest with them and helps them grow into the man they’re supposed to become.” 44. “We’re not lucky in life; we take action. But, I find luck every day when I wake up to my wife.” 45. “A wife is a gift from God that grows with the love that she spills into a man’s life.” 46. “There is no taste sweeter than the lips of my wife. She is my everything, my all. She is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.” 47. “Two crazy kids in love fell for each other and did the impossible: they turned into husband and wife. That is our life story.” 48. “There is no story more beautiful in life than finding your wife.” 49. “The stars in the sky sparkle bright for my wife. The sun in the sky beams down to clear away the night for my wife.” 50. “The world is not so bad when you share it with the one person you will never grow old and tired of. That is my wife; someone I never grow bored of and that teaches me compassion and love.” 51. “I thank God every day for all my past relationships. Other women threw me away so that my wife could find and pick me up to love forever.” 52. “Forever and a day is how long I could tell my wife how much I love her.” 53. “I could write a novel with random words that all express my love for my wife.” 54. “My wife, the only thing I love and adore more than you is our children – and bacon.” 55. “Your love, your care, your smile and your charm all make me at ease. I love you.” 56. “The storms and the clouds remind me that even on the worst day, my love for my wife shines brighter than any dark cloud.” 57. “The most precious treasure in my life is my wife.” 58. “All the gold in the world would never come close to the price I would put on my wife. There is no money or object more precious to me; she is priceless.” 59. “I laugh and thank God when I hear other men complain about their wives, while I get to go home to the perfect woman time and time again.” 60. “Women come and go when you’re younger, but my wife, she had me wrapped around her finger the moment she smiled at me.”
61. “My life has changed so much since our marriage. You helped me grow and taught me to love like I never thought was possible.” 62. “Respect is how I show my wife the love she deserves. I love and respect her more than I do myself.” 63. “You’re all that I will ever need – my wife, my lover, my world.” 64. “A true relationship is exactly what my wife and I share. We met as two imperfect people that became perfect together and never refused to give up on each other.” 65. “Loving you is an addiction that I will never be able to quit.” 66. “In love with my wife, the most beautiful person in my life.” 67. “Handwritten letters are the way to let my heart pour out to a woman, my wife, that expresses her love in so many ways that it’s impossible to count.” 68. “I believe that nothing in this world is 100% perfect until I think of my wife and the amazing love that we share for each other on a second-by-second basis.” 69. “Loving you is just like war. I went into battle thinking I would be okay, but I didn’t come back the same.” 70. “What makes a marriage good? Two people that love each other enough to become expert forgivers in life.” 71. “It is the person I love more than life itself that I would do anything for – you – my wife.” 72. “My eyes are filled with love that even the oceans can’t compare to when my wife looks deep into them.” 73. “My wife has been the never-ending rock that I lean against when I am tired, scared, upset and happy. No matter what, she has been there for me, and I will love her forever as a result.” 74. “Forever is a hard idea to swallow. Can you really love someone forever? I never thought I could until the day I met you.” 75. “There comes a time in every man’s life when he needs to wise up and realize that there will never be another woman in his life quite like his wife.” 76. “You’re the coffee to my day. When you smile, I get a jolt of energy that runs through my body like a bolt of lightning.” 77. “I never want you to be scared, unhappy or sad. The world is what we share together, and my love for you means that I will do everything I can to make you happy.” 78. “It’s not about the material things when you get married – none of that matters. What matters most is the love that you build together.” 79. “You came into my life like a speeding bullet and got lodged into my heart where you will remain forever.” 80. “When I look at my wife, I see a hope of a brighter future; a future that is void of fear and despair, and one that is filled with love from every angle.” 81. “Angels in heaven have fallen before – I know. My wife is simply out of this world.” 82. “My wife. I love you more with each breath I take and hope that I make you as happy as you make me every day of our lives.”
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jumpsitehq · 6 years
120+ I Love You Quotes With Awesome Images Of All Time
Here's the thing about love: It's hard to put into words, but these 120+ I Love You Quotes and love phrases make saying what you're really feeling to your partner a whole lot easier. Love brings up emotions that run the gamut from agony to ecstasy. Love can inspire us to accomplish some of the craziest and most amazing feats. We also have a great collection of I Love My Husband Quotes.
I Love You Quotes With Awesome Images
1. “When you’re immature, you say “I love you because I need you.” When you’re mature, you need a person because you love them.” 2. “The only regret that I have in life is that I can’t go back in time and tell you that I love you more.” 3. “No matter what happens, win or lose, I will love you all the way.” 4. “If you don’t love yourself, you can’t love another person. Luckily for you, I love myself, but I love you even more.” 5. “Love is what I feel every time you enter the room with a smile on your face.” 6. “I love you now and I will love you until the day I die. If there is life after death, I will continue loving you in that life too.” 7. “Love is a lot like bacon. You can become devoured in love; smell it, taste it and enjoy it forever.” 8. “Forever I will love you and not a second less.” 9. “When did I first think that I loved you? The moment you walked in the room.” 10. “Love at first sight always sounded so unrealistic and stupid to me, but when I first saw you, I fell stupidly in love.” 11. “I love you more now than I did just a second ago.” 12. “I love you like there was no beginning and no end.” 13. “Loving you is like having an extra organ that simply pours over with love for you.” 14. “Without fear or regret, I will love you until the day we go to heaven together.” 15. “Infinity isn’t long enough for me to express the love I feel for you.” 16. “You’re a witch. You did something magical that took over my mind and made me love you endlessly.” 17. “Magic in the heart and in the soul is what I feel with you.” 18. “I was so afraid to say hello to you when we first met because I already loved you.” 19. “If I told you I loved you, would you run into my arms?” 20. “My arms are lonely. I think I need a hug, my love.”
21. “I love you because of the person I am when I am with you.” 22. “There is no word that exists that is stronger than the love I have for you.” 23. “How do you express to someone that you’re complete because they’re with you?” 24. “In all the world, I would have never guessed that I would love you as much as I do.” 25. “There will come a time when I breathe my last breath, but I will love you even then.” 26. “Loving you is easy because… well… you’re one hot mama.” 27. “I have come home. That is how it feels when I think of you; when I know that I love you and you love me.” 28. “My knight in shining armor. How I dreamed of you my entire life, and how I will continue to dream and love you as we grow older together.” 29. “Getting old is one scary fact of life, but as long as I am with you, it will be amazing.” 30. “Our love is the special kind of amazing that is the envy of every hopeless romantic.” 31. “Who needs wine when I love the taste of your lips?” 32. “I may not tell you it enough, but I love you more than the moon and stars.” 33. “There is no moon or star that has a brighter place in my heart than you.” 34. “I love your smile, your eyes, your scent, your hair, your soft skin – heck I just love you.” 35. “Don’t get all crazy now, but I think I love you.” 36. “If love was like air, I would breathe you in until I couldn’t breathe anymore.” 37. “I am hoping and praying to God that I will live just one extra day so I can tell you I love you again.” 38. “Even without gravity, I would have fallen in love with you.” 39. “There are not enough hearts in the world to fill all the love I have for you.” 40. “How come I am allowed only one heart to love you? I have an infinite amount of love spilling out of the seams for you.”
41. “Love isn’t blind – it is something that we feel so deep in our soul that we know it truly exists.” 42. “Words diminish the most important things a person has to say. Love is not included.” 43. “Love is a dirty trick that snuck up on me and made me fall for you.” 44. “Gazing at each other doesn’t equal love. Love is always being there for the other person.” 45. “There are 6 billion people in the world and no one loves you the way I do.” 46. “You can watch the Notebook and smile knowing I love you more than Noah loves Ally.” 47. “The best is yet to come, so grow old with me – please.” 48. “If I beg and plead, will you promise to be mine forever?” 49. “Whoever made up the word forever didn’t realize that it is way too short when you’re in love like I am with you.” 50. “Love is a symbol of the heart that science has come to accept as a miracle we all experience.” 51. “Wildly, uncontrollably. These are the two words that best describe my love for you.” 52. “You and only you. I love you so much that I would never want to love another person again.” 53. “If love were a song, I would play it until my ears bled.” 54. “The only thing better than loving you is hearing you tell me you love me back.” 55. “Is it okay if I climb atop a building and scream down telling the world that I love you?” 56. “We were once two wildly uncontrollable teenagers that fell in love and now, the only thing that has changed is that we’re not teenagers.” 57. “Teenage love is so romantic and stupid. I like our love better.” 58. “I love you because of you – not because of the words you say.” 59. “It may be a million years from now, and I will still love no-one the way that I love you.” 60. “If I don’t wake tomorrow, know that I went to sleep hopelessly, romantically in love with you and couldn’t have been happier with you in my life.”
61. “I can tell you I love you until the end of time, but I like to let my actions show you just how much I love you.” 62. “A person can tell you that they love you more than the world, but you know that no one will ever love you the way I do.” 63. “I love you so completely, so honestly and with so much passion that I don’t think there has ever been a love so strong.” 64. “The words “I love you” are not just words for you to hear. These words are a promise that I make to your heart.” 65. “I will never pass up the chance to tell you that I love you because tomorrow may never come.” 66. “I believe that it’s better to prove your love to a person than to say three little words that may mean nothing.” 67. “It was so easy to tell you that I love you. My heart took over and told you how I felt before I could ever react.” 68. “I am who I am because I love you so.” 69. “You are the hope and the dreams that fill my heart and mind.” 70. “I want to spend every single annoying minute with you even though you irritate me more than I ever thought was possible. No, I am not crazy; I am in love.” 71. “I don’t let people know the real me, but when I tell someone I love them, they know it is true.” 72. “I don’t say I love you out of habit. When I say I love you, it is because I am reminded that you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.” 73. “I love you more than cake, bacon, strawberries, ice cream and chocolate.” 74. “Your love is like my morning coffee – I can’t live without it.” 75. “Every time you walk into the room, my heart does a little dance.” 76. “I almost faint every time I see you because my heart beats so fast when you’re in sight.” 77. “I know that I am in love with you because the moment I fall asleep, you’re in my dreams.” 78. “The dreams and fantasies of the world all start with you.” 79. “No matter how mad or angry I may get, know that I always love you.” 80. “There isn’t a single moment in the day that I am not crazy in love with you.”
81. “I never ask for you to change because I love you.” 82. “Your faults are what make me love you. Imperfection is so much better than perfection.” 83. “I know what love is only because you have shown me what love is.” 84. “My reality is better than any dream I have ever had. This is why I know I love you.” 85. “It’s funny, I never thought I could love someone so damn much that it hurts. But, that is how much I love you.” 86. “Never let me go, and I will love you like no other.” 87. “Love is like the wind: it blows through without expectance and stays in your life until another breeze comes by.” 88. “Of course God has someone special for me – it’s you – I love you.” 89. “I love you in so many different ways that it’s possible to explain.” 90. “I am so glad you never asked why I love you because I could ramble on for hundreds of years.” 91. “The years go by and not one second has passed where I didn’t love you.” 92. “Loving you is easy because you’re the dream that has become a reality for me.” 93. “My prince. I love you with my dying breath. You’ll never rule a kingdom, but you will always rule my heart.” 94. “There has never been another princess in this world that has been as loved as you are by me.” 95. “Looking into your eyes, I have found the mirror into my own soul.” 96. “It may be creepy or it may be cute, but every second of the day I think of how much I love you and can’t wait to be back in your arms.” 97. “There is no lover in the world that could ever replace the bond that we share. You are like the beat that every heart needs.” 98. “If I told you that you’re the beat to my heart, would you love me like I love you?” 99. “All of the music on the radio talks about love, but these fools will never have the love that you and I share together.” 100. “It’s times like this when we’re home alone and the world is quiet that I look at you and smile knowing that I love you and only you.”
101. “You and only you – that is what my heart said the first time I laid my eyes on you.” 102. “Love is like breathing – I can’t live without it.” 103. “You, my love, are the addiction that fuels my heart and makes me so high that I can see my dreams right in front of my eyes.” 104. “My eyes start to widen and my heart begins to flutter when I see you. I think it is love!” 105. “If I tell you that I will love you more than any man in the world has every loved, would you believe me?” 106. “Love is a rare creature, but it found me the moment you walked into my life.” 107. “My life is worth living because of my love for you.” 108. “The ocean doesn’t have enough drops of water to amount to our love.” 109. “I love you like the stars love the moon.” 110. “The night sky isn’t as vast as our love.” 111. “I love you so much that my heart hurts just thinking about it.” 112. “Nobody in the world has made me feel like I was floating on a cloud. That is how I know I love you.” 113. “I have thought about eating you up – that is how much I love you.” 114. “I love you more than biscuits love gravy, and you know that is a special kind of love.” 115. “Chocolate was my one true love until I met you.” 116. “I didn’t give up because I love you too much.” 117. “When we first met, my heart skipped a beat and came back to tell me it loves you.” 118. “The day will come when our picture is in the dictionary next to the word “love.”” 119. “Hot diggity damn, I love you.” 120. “I would be lying if I said I didn’t love you more than I have ever loved another human being.”
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jumpsitehq · 6 years
150+ I Love My Husband Quotes And Sayings With Images
Looking for the inspirational I Love My Husband Quotes for your husband? Check out the following collection of Top-150 sayings for husbands on love, life, relationship, strength, feelings. Also, check out our Happy Birthday Wishes post.
1. “I am the proud wife of one amazing husband.” 2. “I am so proud to call you my husband. I love you more with each passing day.” 3. “Your love gives me wings, I’m so proud and excited to be your wife.” 4. “So many years have passed, but you’re still the same nondescript man with a generous soul, who won my heart. I love you, and I am proud of you!” 5. “Appearances are always deceiving. With your tattoos and bad boy look, at first, my family and friends were all against us, until they met you. You are an embodiment of a true gentleman. You open doors for everyone. You help people with their heavy baggage and most of all; you respect all those around you. I’m so proud that you have proven their first impressions wrong! I love you, my husband.” 6. “As long as you love me, my faith in you is boundless; I will always be next to you, even if all are against you, I will support you. I love you, and I am proud of you.” 7. “You have promised that I will have a friend forever and so I asked you to buy me a puppy. You are the most caring husband in the world, and I am proud of you.” 8. “My soul blooms when I remember the moment when I kissed a frog, and it turned into a handsome prince, you are the king of my heart, I am proud of you.” 9. “Today is our special day, and I decided to send you this text message – it is nice to know that you think I’m crazy, but who is really crazy, it’s you because you have married me. I am proud of you, my love!” 10. “A good wife is a reflection of a good husband. My friends envy me for being a happy and contented wife, and that won’t be possible if not for you, my dear. You give me strength and courage to pursue my dreams, and you treat me like a queen. I am proud to have you as my husband. I love you.” 11. “I have entrusted you my heart, soul, and body, and you lived up to my expectations. I am proud to say that I am the wife of the best husband in the world!” 12. “I am ready to argue with anyone, who says that perfection does not exist because perfection is you. Love you, and I am proud of you, hubby.” 13. “My hubby, we have achieved the highest level of love – friendship, I do not need anybody but you, you can replace for me the whole world, but no one will replace you; I am proud of everything you do.” 14. “My dear hubby, you have done something, for what I’ll always be grateful to you, you gave me a gift – a new life, which is a continuation of our love. You are the sense of my life, and I am proud of you.” 15. “I am a proud wife of a wonderful husband!” 16. “I cannot imagine life without you. I cannot remember life before you. You are the best part of me and the love of my life. I could not hope for a better husband. You have all of my love, my darling husband. I am proud of you.” 17. “I have long been waiting for a man, who will be my support and protection, with whom I will feel equally comfortable while listening to the music of the surf on the coast, and dancing in the rain. This man for me is you, I love you and am proud of you.” 18. “The half of our lives we spent apart, so we were not happy, but now we build a common future, in which there will be only happiness, love, and laughter of children. I love you, and I am proud of you, my hubby.” 19. “You are the reason for my happiness, for my tears of joy, you have never distressed me, and once again I’m ready to tell you how much I love you, appreciate and respect. You are the best, and I am proud of your success.” 20. “I love my husband. I believe in him, and I am proud of his accomplishments.” – Pat Nixon
1. “Life is so much better with your best friend. Lucky me, I married mine.” 2. “I am so blessed to have a husband that loves me without limits, trusts in me without fear, still wants me without being demanding and chooses to accept me exactly as I am.” 3. “Have I mentioned just how lucky I am to be in love with you, my husband?” 4. “Every day that I spend as your wife, I realize just how lucky I am to have an amazing life.” 5. “I’m amazed every time I look at my husband. Not just because he’s so good looking (and he is), but because everything that I have ever wanted in life is standing there right in front of me.” 6. “My husband is my greatest blessing from God. His love is a true gift that I am so lucky to open every day.” 7. “We’ve been through a lot already, but we have so many hurdles to cross. I’m just so thankful that we get to cross them together.” 8. “Throughout all of the life’s troubles, you have been there without fail. My life has truly become a beautiful fairytale.” 9. “The best thing about our marriage is that I can still look into your dreamy eyes and feel like the most beautiful, lucky girl alive.” 10. “My love and my life. I am so blessed that you are my husband. I thank you for always being by my side and staying close to my heart. My love belongs to you, my husband.” 11. “My husband is the man of my dreams and a wonderful father to our children. There are many moments when I still can’t believe that I am lucky enough to call you my husband.” 12. “I am so lucky to wake up each morning and see my husband’s smiling face. Each day, we talk and share. Every night, I have the pleasure of falling asleep in his arms. But best of all, I get to love him each minute of the day and be loved by him in return.” 13. “I really believe that my husband was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I’m thankful for him each and every day.” 14. “I am so blessed to have a husband that works hard to provide for this family. I am so thankful for him and his love.” 15. “My husband is the most patient, kind, forgiving, compassionate, funny, sweet, adorable, handsome, protective and hard worker I have ever met in my life. I am so grateful that I have the privilege of being called his wife.” 16. “I may not know where I am heading or what my grand plan in life is. People say I need to find my direction and decide where I want to be…then I found you. I found my way, I found my home, and there’s nothing that makes more sense in my life than that. Thank you for showing me the way, my husband.” 17. “My life started overflowing with a myriad of colors ever since you became mine and I am yours. Waking up and sleeping next to you each day is a blessing of a thousand folds. Coming home to your sweet love is more than I could ask for. My husband, you are the best thing in my life! I love you.” 18. “Choosing to spend the rest of my life with you is the best choice I have made in my life. You are my refuge, my comfort, and my happiness. There is nothing more I wanted in this life! I love you, hubby.” 19. “My husband’s biggest flaws are – 1. He works too hard, 2. He´s too nice. I´m a lucky girl.” 20. “When I first saw you, I have fallen in love with you. I am very lucky to be your wife. Thank you for accepting a flaw full women like me. You are the best thing that could ever happen to me.” 21. “I am the luckiest person in the whole world because I have a loving and caring husband like you. You are the best. Thank you so much for always supporting me.” 22. “Being you wife, I love even a single moment spent with you. You have filled this life with lots of love and happiness. Thank you, baby, for making my life wonderful.” 23. “Your love is simply everything for me; it’s all I need. Thank you so much.” 24. “Without you, I would have been lost somewhere in the race of life. Thank you, dear!” 25. “Without you, my life would have been extremely boring and nasty. Thank you for coming into my life.” 26. “Whenever I tell you that I love you out of the blue, I don’t do it because it’s a habit or I want to make conversation. I tell you to remind you that you are the best thing that has happened to me.” 27. “Yes, I’m happily married and so very much in love.” 28. “Husband, you have seen me at my absolute worst and have loved me all the same. For that, I thank you.” 29. “Nothing feels like home more than the arms of my husband.” 30. “The only thing that can top having you as my husband is our kids having you as a father.”
1. “I’m hurting from within; I feel so sad. I’m lost for words; I miss you real bad.” 2. “Every time you are away, the family misses its provider, your children miss their father, and I miss my soul mate. xoxo” 3. “You are not just my husband. Your love is the ray that lights up my life and the water that quenches my soul’s thirst. I miss you, my hubby.” 4. “My soul mate, that you are. Out from me, you are very far. I hate it when you go away. Come back soon, is my plea today. I miss you.” 5. “I hate it when you come back home late. Loneliness heaves down on me with all its weight. I miss you, my dear husband.” 6. “When we’re not together, my soul feels hollow. My heart feels numb; my emotions become shallow. Like a rainbow without colors, like poetry without rhyme… being away from you are my life’s darkest times. I miss you.” 7. “Missing my husband is the only thing that I like doing even though it makes me feel sad when he is not home. I miss you.” 8. “Watching the rain outside the window makes me feel like calling you back from work and snuggling up with you in a blanket while sipping on a hot cuppa. I miss you, baby.” 9. “My dear husband, do you know how much I miss you? I miss you in my sleep even though you are sleeping right beside me.” 10. “I searched in Google – Why do I miss my husband so much? Google replied – Because he misses you too.” 11. “Night is the best part of the day when I can cuddle with my hubby and afternoon is the worst when I start missing him when he is at work. It’s afternoon, I miss you, baby.” 12. “When I miss you, I don’t have to go far … I just have to look inside my heart because that’s where I’ll find you. Love you hubby.” 13. “The second you walk out from the door for work every morning, this home loses its hero and my heart loses its beat. I miss you.” 14. “Missing you is not my choice without you, there is nothing to rejoice because you are my world and my life. I so miss you my hubby dear, wish you were with me and near, I love you.” 15. “I miss you a lot; I hope you are missing me too. If not, be prepared to sleep on the couch. 🙂 “ 16. “Only God knows my plight when I don’t have you in my sight. Only I know how I feel depressed and blue when I start missing you.” 17. “The sun doesn’t need a reason to shine; the moon doesn’t need a reason to glow, the stars don’t need a reason to twinkle… and I don’t need a reason to miss my husband. xoxo” 18. “Your absence has gone through me like a thread through a needle. Everything I do is stitched with its color.” 19. “I wish you wouldn’t leave me like this all alone; it’s the most painful feeling I’ve ever known. xoxo” 20. “From dark purples to dull blues, my world is immersed in the saddest of hues, when I am missing you.”
1. “Husband, I will love you forever and a day. No matter what, my heart will always be yours.” 2. “I really do love being my husband’s wife.” 3. “I have to admit it – I love a married man: my husband.” 4. “You have given love a whole new meaning. I love you more than anything, my dear husband.” 5. “When I describe my perfect day, it has nothing to do with what I’m doing or what the weather is like outside. My perfect day is spending every moment with you, my husband.” 6. “My husband has put up with my crazy family, seen me at my absolute worst, smelled my morning breath, endured my “quirky” habits and still loves me more than anyone else.” 7. “The most amazing and wonderful thing I decided to do was to share my heart and life with you.” 8. “I wouldn’t trade my life as your wife for all the jewels and gold in the world.” 9. “I would choose my husband in a hundred lifetimes; in any reality; in any world. I would find him no matter what, and I would choose him.” 10. “Behind every great man stands no one. There is no greater man than one that can acknowledge the wife standing right beside him.” 11. “You are my anchor, my safe harbor during a storm. I love you.” 12. “Hubby, you have my whole heart for the whole of my life.” 13. “Husband, in you, I have found my truest friend and the love of my life.” 14. “My husband always makes me laugh, wipes away my tears and hugs me tight. He has seen me succeed and seen me fail. Over the years, he has kept me strong. My husband is my promise that I will have a friend for life.” 15. “Nothing makes me love my husband more than seeing how much he loves our children.” 16. “I’m not sure what our souls are made of, but I know that my husband’s and mine are the same.” 17. “My husband is my best friend, my biggest supporter, my greatest comfort, my strongest motivator, my purest smile and my deepest love. He is my favorite person and my forever. He has all of me. Entirely. Completely.” 18. “Husband, I choose you every day. I’ll choose you over and over again – without hesitation and without a single doubt. In a heartbeat, I will always choose you.” 19. “Husband, I would rather have bad times with you than good times with another person. I would rather stand beside you in a storm than be apart in good weather. I would rather go through hard times together than have it easy by myself. I would rather have you, the one who holds my heart.” 20. “I am completely, utterly, passionately, seriously and deliciously in love with him, my husband.” 21. “I knew my husband was the one the moment I realized I felt safe and sound in his arms.” 22. “Husband, we will finish this life together, and look forward to an eternity together.” 23. “Every married couple goes through tough times. But true soulmates come out of it holding each other’s hands and offering to buy the beers that night.” 24. “I want him today, tomorrow, next week, and for the rest of my days. I love my husband.” 25. “I know that my husband and I have a true relationship because we can tell each other everything. We have no secrets and tell no lies.” 26. “When I first met you, I thought you were perfect. I loved you then. Later, I saw that you were imperfect. I loved you even more.” 27. “Husband, you’re basically my favorite thing ever, of all time, in the history of forever.” 28. “My love, I still fall for you every day.” 29. “A happy marriage is not based on how many years you’ve been together, but how much love is in each day you spend with each other.” 30. “A successful marriage is the coming together of two people who forgive relentlessly.” 31. “Husband, when I lay my head on your chest, I listen to your heartbeat and the only thing I can hear is my life.” 32. “Home is wherever my husband is.” 33. “Any couple can be passionate. It takes real lovers just to be silly.” 34. “Husband, to this day, it’s still only you that can give me that feeling.” 35. “I’m so much more me when I’m with you, husband.” 36. “The greatest achievement of my life was becoming your wife. I love you!” 37. “You should have come with a warning label that said – Caution: Hot Husband.” 38. “Husband, my entire life revolves around one single thought: how can I make you happy?” 39. “Some of the greatest memories of my life were when I was holding his hand or cuddled in his arms.” 40. “The perfect husband you read about in magazines – he doesn’t exist. That’s because I already married him.” 41. “The rest of the men in this world could learn a thing or two about being a wonderful husband from you.” 42. “I not only love you because you’re my husband but because you always have my best interests at heart.” 43. “So many women claim that all men are the same. Clearly, they’ve never met you.” 44. “We’re a nice pair. Together we rock. Babe, you’re my happy thought.” 45. “If I could write our love story, we’d meet on the very first page. I love you!” 46. “Husband, I love those moments when our fingers are intertwined, and my head is on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. In these moments, I feel truly safe – as if nothing bad could ever touch me.” 47. “As husband and wife, we are best friends for life.” 48. “I love how you make me laugh and wipe away my tears. I love how you always care for me. Husband, you are a blessing from above. I love everything you do and everything you are.” 49. “I knew you were special the moment I met you. We’ve walked the road as husband and wife for quite some time now, but you’ve grown to be even more special to me. I’m thankful that you are my husband, and I fall in love with you more each day.” 50. “My husband is the closest thing to magic I’ve ever found.” 51. “Husband, I knew that you were the one the moment I realized I want to do all of the life’s boring things with you.” 52. “Every person deserves to find someone who makes them look forward to the next day. I am so lucky to have found a husband that makes me ecstatic to wake up each morning.” 53. “Husband, I love you to the moon and back.” 54. “Any man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a daddy. My husband is one of the few special ones out there.” 55. “My husband and I have the kind of marriage that inspires others to get married.” 56. “Like snow in the winter and sunshine in the summer, I can always count on my husband to be there through every single season of my life.” 57. “In a sea full of people, my eyes will always search for my husband.” 58. “My husband is my solitude, my oasis, the place I go to when my mind is searching for peace.” 59. “And then my soul finally found you, and said: “Oh there you are! I have been looking everywhere for you!”” 60. “Husband, I’m so glad that every other man threw me out, so you could pick me up and show me what true love is.” 61. “As my husband, I want you to know: each day I love you more and more.” 62. “I love you because you brought me back to life. Before I met you, I was a caterpillar in a cocoon. But you drew me out and made me realize that I am a butterfly.” 63. “My husband still manages to make me feel like the most beautiful woman in the entire world.” 64. “I trust you. Not just because you are my husband, but because you are the epitome of what men should be.” 65. “It’s true that marriage comes with responsibilities, but I never feel any of them because I’m with you.” 66. “Times may be hard, but sharing these struggles with you makes things easier. Even the most difficult of life’s burdens are much simpler when I’m with you, husband.” 67. “I used to be afraid of getting old. Now, I look forward to growing old because I get to do it with you, my husband.” 68. “There are times when we may take our relationship for granted. But I want to let you know, dear husband, that I care for and respect you more and more with each passing day.” 69. “My husband never promised me the moon or the stars. He promised to lay on the grass and watch them with me.” 70. “No matter what life puts us, though, my husband will always be the rock that this family leans on.”
1. “I love you, even when you fart in your sleep.” 2. “Marriage is great! I’m so glad to have found the one person I want to annoy for the rest of my life.” 3. “Husband, you are the peanut to my butter and the water to my ocean. You’re the glaze to my donut and the cherry to my sundae. I love you forever and always.” 4. “Babe, you’re the icing on my cupcake! I love you.” 5. “I know it sounds strange, but the best smell in the world is the man that you love.” 6. “I need to start and end my day with it. Can you guess what it is? No, it’s not coffee. It’s my husband’s kisses.” 7. “My husband, I love you even more than my morning cup of coffee.” 8. “I love you with all my butt. I would say heart, but my butt is bigger.” 9. “Your love gives me wings, I’m so proud and excited to be your wife.” 10. “Marriage is a relationship in which one is always right while the other is a husband.” 11. “I have entrusted you my heart, soul, and body, and you lived up to my expectations. I am proud to say that I am the wife of the best husband in the world!” 12. “I love being married. It’s so great to find one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. — Rita Rudner” 13. “I vow to still grab your butt even when you´re old and wrinkly.” 14. “My husband and I are doing a workshop. He works and I shop. Therefore I love him.” 15. “Trust your husband, adore your husband, and transfer as much property as you can to your name.” 16. “Being a good husband is like being a stand-up comic. You need 10 years before you can call yourself a beginner.” — Jerry Seinfeld 17. “I’m not spoiled! My husband just loves me.” 18. “Look, I’m not just his fan – I’m his wife!” 19. “Husband, we’ve stayed together so long because we know for sure that we’d go crazy without each other.” 20. “In our marriage, everything is 50/50. I cook, he eats. I wash, he wears. I shop, he pays.”
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jumpsitehq · 6 years
100+ Best Happy Birthday Wishes for Friends in Your Life
Finding the perfect way to wish someone happy birthday can be difficult, especially for acquaintances and colleagues. In order to make that birthday message a little easier to write, we compiled over 100 different Happy Birthday Wishes for you to choose from. We also have a great collection of Being Single Quotes.
Best Happy Birthday Wishes
1. “A birthday comes around once every year, but a friend like you will only come around once in a lifetime. I’m so glad to call you my friend. I wish you nothing but the best on your special day.” 2. “Today you celebrate your special day, and I celebrate the beautiful friendship that we have. Happy birthday!” 3. “Friendship isn’t something that can be written down on paper – even paper can be torn. We can’t draw it on rocks because even those can be broken. But we can write them on our hearts where they will stay with us forever. Happy birthday, friend!” 4. “Our friendship is made of pure gold and will never, ever rust. It will stay with us until the world returns to dust. Happy birthday! I hope all your wishes come true.” 5. “Happy birthday to a true friend! Enjoy this day and take a time to celebrate yourself.” 6. “Friends are the people who fill our lives with so much joy and grace. They make the entire world a much better place. Happy birthday!” 7. “A best friend stands by our side through thick and thin. On this special day, I can’t help but grin because today was the day you were brought into this world. Happy birthday!” 8. “We must be best friends. I’ve been singing “happy birthday” for what seems like hours and haven’t been killed yet.” 9. “On your birthday, I hope that life teaches you something new and beautiful. I hope that you have a day you will always remember. And I hope that each new day is just as wonderful and meaningful.” 10. “I hope that every extra candle on your cake gives you another reason to smile. Happy birthday!” 11. “As far as friends go, you’re not just one of the best – you are the best. Happy birthday, friend.” 12. “Today is your birthday – the perfect day to tell you how wonderful a friend you are. Happy birthday!” 13. “It’s your birthday! I hope you have the strength and courage to live out your dreams and see all of your wishes come true.” 14. “It’s okay to act crazy today. You know why? Because it’s your birthday! Happy birthday!” 15. “Happy birthday to a friend who knows me better than anyone else.” 16. “I wish you happiness each morning and enough laughter to truly make your heart sing. Happy birthday, friend!” 17. “All you need in life is good family and good friends. It’s hard to tell the difference between the two with you. Happy birthday!” 18. “Today is your birthday. I hope that you receive more blessings than you hope for, and more good things come your way throughout the year. Happy birthday, friend!” 19. “I only have one wish for you on your birthday, and that wish is for all of your dreams to come true.” 20. “Today, we celebrate with good friends, good laughs and plenty of good memories. Happy birthday!”
21. “My dearest, closest friend, you have always been there for me. Together, redefine what friendship truly means. Happy birthday!” 22. “You are always there to listen to me, support me, advise me, cry with me and be my friend. I hope to do all of these things and more for you. Happy birthday!” 23. “We’ll be friends forever – you can bet your life on it. Happy birthday!” 24. “I am a much better person for knowing you, friend. I’m glad we can celebrate your birthday together. Happy birthday!” 25. “As crazy as we both are, I’m really surprised that we lived this long. Happy birthday! Let’s go celebrate in style.” 26. “Today may be your birthday, but it’s also the start of something new: another wonderful year with you. Happy birthday.” 27. “Happy birthday, friend. I heard you don’t like cake, so I brought you a thousand lollipops instead.” 28. “Today is a special day – my friend’s birthday. May the sun shine a little brighter and the birds sing a little sweeter.” 29. “I hope we get the chance to celebrate a hundred more birthdays together, and that each one is better than the last.” 30. “How do you describe a good friend? It’s so obvious. I describe them as you. Happy birthday!” 31. “I wish you joy in all of your days, and that you find what you’re looking for in every way. Happy birthday!” 32. “You know, friend, some things just get better with age. You’re one of them! Happy birthday.” 33. “Happy birthday! I’m not saying that you’re getting old. I’m just saying that if you were a carton of milk, I would probably smell you before I poured you into a glass.” 34. “I hope your summer birthday isn’t quite as sticky or hot as the moment of your birth!” 35. “Did you know that birthdays are good for your health? Studies have shown that those with more birthdays actually live longer. True story. Happy birthday!” 36. “You know you’re getting old when the candles on your birthday cake contribute to the global warming. Happy birthday, friend.” 37. “Happy birthday to my dearest friend. Here’s to another year of laughing hysterically at our inside jokes and trying to keep each other sane.” 38. “Here are two secrets I want to share with you on your birthday: 1. Forget your past because you can’t change it, and 2. Forget the present, too, because I definitely didn’t get you one. Happy birthday.” 39. “Happy birthday! Remember – there is never a reason to act your age.” 40. “Don’t be upset about your birthday. At least you’re not as old as you will be next year.”
41. “Happy birthday! However old you are today is the new 30!” 42. “Happy birthday, friend. I hope your day is just as amazing and fun as I am.” 43. “I really wanted to get you something awesome on your birthday, but the mailman told me I had to get out of the mailbox. Oh well! Happy birthday!” 44. “In some parts of the world, it’s customary to wish someone a happy birthday the day after their birthday. I don’t know where that is, but apparently I’m from there. Happy birthday, dear friend.” 45. “Happy birthday friend. I’m really glad that you were born.” 46. “Happy birthday! Have you ever noticed that birthday cake is the only food that you can spit and blow on, and everyone still rushes to get a piece?” 47. “Happy birthday to a friend who knows me better than I know myself. May your life adventures continue!” 48. “True friends aren’t inseparable. They’re friends who can spend time apart but feel as if nothing has ever changed. You and I are true friends. Happy birthday!” 49. “Of all the people in this world, I’m glad you chose me as a friend. I hope to return all the joy and kindness you’ve shown me over the years. Happy birthday!” 50. “Today is a day to celebrate and be thankful for another blessed year. Happy birthday!” 51. “Best friends are like four leaf clovers – beautiful and very hard to find. Happy birthday, best friend.” 52. “On your birthday, I wish you nothing but the best and all of the joy your heart can hold. Happy birthday!” 53. “Happy birthday to a friend who never seems to age. I hope it’s a good one!” 54. “Happy birthday to the greatest friend ever!” 55. “Keep calm – it’s my friend’s birthday!” 56. “It’s your birthday today, and I’m so sad that I can’t be there. I’ll send you special wishes through a little prayer. Happy birthday!” 57. “Happy birthday to the one person who has always been there for me and accepted me for who I am. I hope you get all that you dreamed of today.” 58. “Sending you a million magical wishes today. Happy birthday.” 59. “Happy birthday to a fabulous friend!” 60. “Thank for being such a special friend. Happy birthday!”
61. “Our friendship is just like the sun – even if you can’t see me, I’m still there, shining for you!” 62. “Trying to find the value you bring to my life is like trying to find water in the ocean – it is always there. I would be empty without you. Happy birthday!” 63. “I promise to always bring light into your life well after you blow out the candles. Happy birthday.” 64. “I’m thinking of you today, your birthday. I wish you all the best. I hope today is as fantastic as you. Happy birthday!” 65. “Birthdays are the most special day in a person’s life. I hope you enjoy yours.” 66. “I have but one birthday wish for you: enjoy life and never stop dreaming. I hope that both happiness and beauty continue to surround you. Happy birthday.” 67. “May blessings rain down upon you today, it´s your birthday.” 68. “Happy birthday, and many, many happy returns!” 69. “Well, another year has passed, and I’m still younger than you. Happy birthday!” 70. “Happy birthday. I wish you another wonderful year.” 71. “When you blow out the candles on your birthday, know that you have made this world a brighter place. May all of your wishes and dreams come true! Happy birthday.” 72. “If I had to write you a birthday wish, I would draw a heart instead. That’s what our friendship truly means to me. Happy birthday!” 73. “I hope that your birthday cake is as sweet as you, but it will never be sweeter than our friendship. Happy birthday!” 74. “I wish there were more hours in the day, so I could spend time with great friends like you each day. Happy birthday!” 75. “Your other friends may promise to attend your party, but they’ll leave early. Not me. I’ll stay behind and help you clean up after the party is over. Happy birthday!” 76. “The sun is shining a little more brightly today. That’s because it’s wishing you a very happy birthday!” 77. “Today is your birthday – that is true. Today is your birthday, may all the luck in the world come to you.” 78. “On your birthday, I ask you to count the life in your years, not the years in your life; count the beautiful experiences, not the wrinkles.” 79. “I hope that you take the day to relax and unwind today. Happy birthday, friend! You deserve a little R&R.” 80. “Sending birthday wishes for a beautiful year ahead. Happy birthday, friend. I’ll be there for you until the end.”
81. “Life is short and sweet – may your birthday be just as sweet and your life be filled with countless memories.” 82. “Today marks the start of another amazing trip around the sun. Happy birthday!” 83. “In honor of your birthday, I’ve decided to put you on the liver transplant list. After tonight’s celebrations, you’ll need it. You’re welcome!” 84. “Happy birthday, friend! I hope you live long enough for us to live together and pretend to be the Golden Girls.” 85. “Happy birthday! Congrats on reaching an age where you wake up at the same time you used to go to bed on Saturdays.” 86. “On your birthday, I wish you a never-ending supply of red tag sales, coffee, and wine – with no consequences to any of it. Happy birthday!” 87. “Happy birthday! Here’s to another year of having a complete disregard for any age-appropriate development milestones.” 88. “Happy birthday, friend. If you get stark drunk today, please do us a favor and wrap yourself in bubble wrap. At your age, people break easily.” 89. “I hope your birthday is as good as bacon. That is all. Happy birthday!” 90. “Happy birthday to a true friend who I’ve known since childhood. You may be one year older, but you are one year wiser, too. Happy birthday!” 91. “All the cake, flowers and presents in the world could never compare to the light you bring to my life. Happy birthday, friend.” 92. “Friends are a dime a dozen. Best friends are like a rose that blooms in winter: precious and rare. Happy birthday!” 93. “It’s your birthday! I hope you celebrate it appropriately with lots of bad decisions and booze.” 94. “Hey – you made it another year without getting eaten alive by a bear. Congrats! Happy birthday.” 95. “Happy birthday, friend. You’ve officially made it to “dirty old man” territory. Enjoy!” 96. “Congrats on becoming one year older and still maintaining such a low maturity level. Happy birthday!” 97. “You are far too fabulous to celebrate your birthday on just one day! Happy birthday week!” 98. “Congratulations! You’re now so old, your childhood photos don’t need the retro filter on Instagram. Happy birthday.” 99. “Happy birthday, friend. I can’t believe it! You look a few days younger than your actual age.” 100. “Happy birthday – you look fabulous! What’s your secret? Don’t give me some silly rubbish about healthy diet and exercise.”
101. “On your birthday, I hope that you spend this wonderful day with people you love, lots of great food and plenty of amazing memories. Happy birthday!” 102. “Happy birthday! Light the candles and make a wish. I hope it comes true! No one deserves it more than you.” 103. “Happy birthday. I can’t remember how old you are, and frankly, I don’t care. Let’s just go out and celebrate like you’re turning 21!” 104. “I know it’s your birthday. I made you a cake and everything, but UPS refused to ship it. I want you to know that I ate the cake, and it was awesome. Happy birthday!” 105. “May your birthday be filled with sweet treats, big hugs, joyous laughter and the people you love. Happy birthday!” 106. “Wishing you a birthday that’s just as special as you.” 107. “May your birthday be just as beautiful as you are, friend.” 108. “I hope that you are showered with blessings, happiness and good health on your birthday.” 109. “Happy birthday to the brightest star in the universe!” 110. “My dear friend, on your birthday, I wanted to remind you that you are the best person I have ever met. You have changed my life in more ways than you know. Happy birthday!” 111. “Happy birthday and congratulations on not being young enough to be picked for the Hunger Games.” 112. “Happy birthday, friend – it’s time to celebrate. Remember, calories don’t count on birthdays or holidays!” 113. “Today, I’m sending you a birthday wish wrapped in my love. Happy birthday!” 114. “May all that you wish for come your way on your birthday!” 115. “I hope that all of your wishes come true on your birthday and have lots of fun!” 116. “I hope today, your birthday, is the start of a great year for you. Happy birthday!” 117. “Dance your heart out and make the most out of this special day. Your birthday only comes once a year – enjoy it!” 118. “May your birthday be wrapped in pleasure, brightened with fun, filled with laughter and remembered with joy. Happy birthday!” 119. “Happy birthday! May the coming year bring you fulfillment, happiness, and love!” 120. “Happy birthday, friend. Thank you for always being there.”
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jumpsitehq · 6 years
180+ Awesome Being Single Quotes You Need To See
Looking for the best being single quotes? You’ve come to the right place. We’ve created a list of the most famous single quotes. We’ve organized them into several categories: Universal, About Relationship, Happy, Sad, For Single Girl, For Single Guy, Funny, Inspirational. If you like it feel free to share it with your friends. We also have a great collection of Positive Quotes.
Universal Being Single Quotes
1. “I’m not single, and I’m not taken. I am on reserve for the one who deserves my heart.” 2. “I am too young to get married, and far too old to be playing childish games – enjoying the single life.” 3. “I know why I am single: God is waiting to give me someone extra special.” 4. “The only time being single sucks is when you already know what or who you want.” 5. “The people that are single are smart because they don’t have to worry about being hurt.” 6. “Love is what you make of it. Me? I threw love away so that I can love myself.” 7. “You’re going to have to be someone truly amazing if you want to change me being single.” 8. “Single, married, dating – all of these are just words. I am single, yet I have my eye on someone and won’t change my status until I know they’re the right one for me.” 9. “I am not single, nor am I taken. I am in the waiting period: patiently waiting for something real to come along.” 10. “One day you wake up and realize that you entered this world committed only to yourself, and you’ll be just fine without him or her in your life.” 11. “Single is a word that defines those times in your life when you’re not tied to another person, and you are nurturing your soul. It’s not a bad thing – it’s a learning experience.” 12. “I know what I deserve in life, and I will never settle for less. That is my reason for being single.” 13. “Love is really hard, and it doesn’t get any easier with age. I have been hurt so many times that I think being single may have been the best thing that ever happened to me.” 14. “Finding yourself requires that you be single; away from the distractions of life.” 15. “I chose to stand alone. Not that I want to be alone forever, but I want to prove that I can still stand alone and be as strong as ever.” 16. “There is no shame or heartbreak in being single. When you’re single, you see the world as a brighter place.” 17. “A single person has the time and will to look deep into themselves to find their own flaws. Sometimes, the person will remain single, and other times, they will change and attract the person they’re meant to be with.” 18. “Forever doesn’t always go as planned. I have chosen to be single.” 19. “Tranquility in ourselves is truly beautiful. You will never find it if you’re too busy chasing someone else.” 20. “There is never a reason to settle for less, so instead, I choose to be single.” 21. “I am single by choice – not because I want to be alone.” 22. “The ocean is my partner, and I will give it my heart and soul.” 23. “I was tired of wishing that I was single, so I just jumped in and realized I am much happier being alone.” 24. “There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t cry a few tears of joy for being single, rather than in a bad relationship.” 25. “Being single takes a lot of courage to understand, as you’re completely alone in life yet allow yourself to love every second of it.” 26. “It will take a very special someone to get me to change my relationship status again.” 27. “I was single – then I was married. And I found out that I am much happier being alone.” 28. “The only people in the world that cry about being single are those in high school.” 29. “It’s so sad to see people stuck in the past and crying about a failed relationship – just enjoy the single life.” 30. “I have made a life-long commitment to myself to be single as long as it takes for me to find someone that truly puts a smile on my face.” 31. “Hearts are very strong. When we choose to be single, we will find that we’re mending a broken heart that stood by us even though we made the decision to be in a relationship we knew was going nowhere.” 32. “I have love in my life. I just don’t have a relationship, and that feels really natural right now.” 33. “Only lucky people get to choose their Facebook Status as Single because being SINGLE actually means being Strong Independent Naughty Gleeful Lively and Easygoing.” 34. “Being single and alone is the only time when you will connect with your soul. Enjoy the lull, speak to your heart. You’ll get to know, who you really are.” 35. “Never change yourself for someone to like you. If they really matter, they will like you for who you are. This is the biggest lesson that life teaches you after a broken relationship leaves you single.” 36. “Don’t pity me, because I am single. Respect me, because I know my worth.” 37. “Never feel sorry for yourself when you feel lonely. Enjoy the lull; you’ll miss it when it’s not there.” 38. “Sometimes, getting away from it all is the only way to broaden your life’s horizon.” 39. “Just because you are single, doesn’t mean that you are not good looking. It only means that you haven’t found anyone as beautiful as you are.” 40. “Being single and alone is much better than being stuck in a relationship that sucks the life out of you.”
Being Single Quotes About Relationships
41. “Yes, I am single. Yes, it is a choice. Being single doesn’t mean that I know less about love – it means I am wise enough to not be in a false relationship.” 42. “You don’t need to be single to feel lonely. A broken relationship is enough to make you feel lonely even when you’re not single.” 43. “I think being in an unfaithful relationship is much worse than being single.” 44. “If there is one thing that you can learn from a bad relationship, it’s that being single isn’t the worst thing in the world.” 45. “If you spend more time being sad and crying than you do being happy, it’s time to break off the relationship and be single for a while.” 46. “In a relationship, honesty and trust must exist. If you can’t afford to be honest, stay single.” 47. “You have to learn how to be happy with being single if you’re ever going to make it in a relationship.” 48. “Relationships are just titles. Yes, I am not in a relationship, but I am definitely not going home alone tonight.” 49. “Be single, or be in a relationship with someone that knows only how to hurt you? Yeah, I’ll pass on the whole relationship thing.” 50. “The person that enters the room and yells “single” is usually the person that will dive into the first relationship he or she can.” 51. “Having standards and being single is far better than entering a relationship without having any standards.” 52. “I tried the relationship thing and found that it just wasn’t meant for me. I am not ruling it out, but you’re going to have to be extra special if you want me to change my status.” 53. “I am not single. I am in a relationship with freedom.” 54. “Misery is not for me. I would rather sit here and be single my whole life than go into a relationship I know will continue to fail.” 55. “Failing in a relationship is one of the beautiful gifts in life because it allows you to find yourself.” 56. “I think that being single allows us to build on a foundation of our soul. It allowed me to reflect on all of the good and bad of my relationships, and realize that it’s time to relax and wait for the right one to come my way.” 57. “Myself, that is who I am in a relationship with. I would rather be committed to myself with every ounce of my soul than to be committed to someone that takes me for granted.” 58. “I did not like the person I was in a relationship, so now I am single.” 59. “I have finally put an end to my past relationship and am single.” 60. “Some relationships make you wish you were single again.”
Happy Being Single Quotes
61. “Being single used to mean nobody wanted you. Now it means you’re pretty, sexy, and you’re taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with.” 62. “Being single means I am only responsible for myself, and it’s great.” 63. “It’s time to spread my wings and fly into the heaven of a single life.” 64. “Now I’m feeling how I should. Never knew single could feel this good.” 65. “The best thing about being a single is sleeping around. You can sleep all over that bed of yours. Left. Right. Middle. Wherever.” 66. “Be with someone that makes you happy.” 67. “A season of loneliness and isolation is when the caterpillar gets its wings. Remember that next time you feel alone.” 68. “If you are not happy being single, you will never be happy in a relationship. Get your own life first, then share it.” 69. “Every day, someone asks me if I am tired of being single. The answer is no.” 70. “Single is not meant to be lonely. Single is when you prepare for the arrival of a better love.” 71. “I am so in a relationship with fun and adventure.” 72. “Freedom to do what I want when I want is what I love about being single.” 73. “Single and loving it – yes – I said it!” 74. “So what if I want to be alone and single? It is a choice that makes me happy.” 75. “Happiness doesn’t mean that you’re in a relationship. The only thing that happiness means is that you’re ready to spread that happiness to someone else.” 76. “You have to be someone that is extraordinary for me to drop all of this fun and happiness I have found in being single.” 77. “Single is an opportunity to live life on your own terms and not apologize.” 78. “I’ve been single for a while and I have to say it’s going well. Like … it’s working out. I think I’m the one.” 79. “Sometimes ‘I’m Single’ means ‘I’m drama free, less stressed, and refuse to settle for less.” 80. “There is no better way to find yourself than to spend every day single and alone. God, I love me.”
Sad Being Single Quotes
81. “I celebrated 15 Valentines all alone. I will survive another.” 82. “I have been single for so long that I forgot about waiting for the right one.” 83. “I am single – yes. While a small technicality, my heart is taken by someone that I can’t call my own.” 84. “A sad thing in life is that sometimes you meet someone who means a lot to you only to find out in the end that it was never bound to be and you just have to let go.” 85. “True love is something that’s hard to stumble upon nowadays….guess I’ll just have to wait for it to find me.” 86. “There is an untold sad story behind everyone’s status ‘SINGLE’.” 87. “Watching a romantic movie and getting pissed off about your non-existent love life.” 88. “You will never live a perfect life – getting in a relationship is like diving in a sea, you can drown and whales and sharks can kill you. On the other hand, being single is like staying away from that water, you will starve.” 89. “Every time I see a couple holding hands, or just plainly sitting together I look away. It’s not that I hate seeing lovers. But because it reminds me of a question nobody can answer… Where’s mine?” 90. “Some people choose to stay alone, simply because they are tired of giving everything and ending up with nothing.” 91. “Being single doesn’t necessarily mean you’re available. Sometimes you have to put up a sign that says, “Do Not Disturb” on your heart.” 92. “People: I love it when my boyfriend tells me how much he loves me. Me: I love it when my microwave tells me my food is ready.” 93. “I celebrated 16 valentines- “Alone” . . . . . . . And, tomorrow is 17th. !!!” 94. “Sometimes it’s better to be alone cause no one can hurt you that way.” 95. “Everybody’s has a boyfriend or a girlfriend and I’m just like I love food.” 96. “Never knew being single and alone would take a huge toll on my life.” 97. “I’m perfectly happy being single…Until I see a happy couple.” 98. “Being single sucks, especially when you know exactly who you want.” 99. “The awkward moment when your iPhone battery lasts longer than most relationships these days.” 100. “If you’re sad and lonely, go on, look for the one and only.”
Quotes for a Single Girl
101. “When I see couples holding hands, I look away in envy and wonder when my prince will come along and save me.” 102. “Seeing people crying about their boyfriend makes me want to punch them in the face, and tell them that being single isn’t all that bad.” 103. “I almost thought that I wanted to be in a relationship again, and then I realized that I like my own company too much to be tied down to some idiot.” 104. “You can stand alone and prove your point, or you can stand next to a dumb idiot and let them prove the point for you. I would rather be single and alone.” 105. “Being hurt is the reason that I choose to be single. When the right man comes my way, I will be with him, but until then, I am the only thing I am worried about.” 106. “Why in the world would you stay with a man that treats you bad when you can be single instead?” 107. “Luckily, I am not sad or lonely. Otherwise, I would be searching for my one and only. And we know that idiot would be late.” 108. “I was fine before he came into my life, and I am even better now that he is gone. It’s the single life for me.” 109. “The life that we live is not defined by a relationship status. I will wait for the right man to come into my life, but for now, I am going to enjoy this time being single.” 110. “Bad days where I stay up all night worried about him have finally passed. I am single and it is the best thing that has ever happened to me.” 111. “I recommend being single at least a few times in your life to clear your head of those stupid boys.” 112. “No, I am not single. I am in a long distance relationship because my boyfriend lives in the FUTURE.” 113. “If I feel like looking beautiful, being showered with attention and getting pampered – I would rather go to the spa than to a man who will lie and cheat. I like being single.” 114. “S.I.N.G.L.E = Strong, Independent, Noticeable, Generous, Loving, Enlightened.” 115. “No matter how many times I say I don’t need a boyfriend, my heart still craves to love someone truly.” 116. “Maybe some girls are not meant to be tamed. Maybe they are supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with.” 117. “Cinderella never asked for a prince. She asked for a night off and a dress.” – Kiera Cass 118. “If you aren’t happy single, you won’t be happy taken. Happiness comes from within and not from men.” 119. “Being a single girl doesn’t mean that I don’t have the strength to become committing. It means that I have the strength to stop myself from compromising.” 120. “Being a single woman is that time of your life when you can truly be yourself and indulge in all your idiosyncrasies, without being judged and labeled. Enjoy it while you can.”
Quotes for a Single Guy
121. “Single life isn’t all that bad; I get the bed all to myself, and when I am sad, I can watch any chick flick I want without hearing a single complaint.” 122. “Your love for your boyfriend will never match the love that I have for food.” 123. “Going home late at night, I can kick my feet up on the couch and enjoy the single life.” 124. “It’s amazing how much “me” time I have now that I chose to be single.” 125. “I have passion, I have love, and I have all the time in the world to pursue my hobbies. Remind me why being single is a bad thing?” 126. “Single life is for me. Period. I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world besides a very smart supermodel.” 127. “The joys of being single: Do what you want, when you want, with whom you want, for whatever reason you want and never have to justify it to anyone.” 128. “I choose to be single because I’m not desperate to be in a relationship.” 129. “Being single doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you- it simply means that there is a bigger picture unfolding in your life.” 130. “I would be married, but I’d have no wife. I would be married to a single life.” – Charles Bukowski 131. “I’m not single; I’m just waiting for my girlfriend to quit playing hide and seek.” – Tim Walters 132. “I hate that feeling when everyone around me is in a relationship, and I’m awkwardly sitting there like… I love my dog.” 133. “It’s better to love a girl you can’t have than have someone you can’t love.” 134. “My entire goal in life is to show other guys who are in relationships how amazing being single is!” 135. “I’m not picky; I just have standards.” 136. “Being single isn’t a compromise. It just means that you’re done living your life for someone else.” 137. “I’m not a single man. I’m in a long-term relationship with action, adventure, and fun.” 138. “Being single is pretty good. It’s a nice sense of irresponsibility.” 139. “I think… therefore I’m a single man!” 140. “Single. Single. Single. But f*ck it, I’m enjoying my life.”
Funny Being Single Quotes
141. “Being single doesn’t mean you should just sit there and wait for prince charming. He is probably stuck in a tree somewhere.” 142. “You can keep your boyfriend or girlfriend – I have everything I need: food.” 143. “Who wants to sit near a stinky man all day and night when a glass of wine will be more faithful?” 144. “I decided that I am going to be the crazy cat lady of the town: single and filled with love.” 145. “How dare you tell me that I’m single! I am just romantically challenged, that’s all.” 146. “I am a single dollar, and I am not looking for any change.” 147. “Sometimes, I think that my smartphone’s battery lasts longer than my 2-minute relationships. It’s time to be single and recharge for a while.” 148. “When you’re single, you don’t need to share your cookies with another person.” 149. “You don’t need to have two people to have two wine glasses.” 150. “Single ladies remember: You are not a side item, an appetizer, or an after-dinner dessert. U are the WHOLE MEAL or no deal!” 151. “The awkward moment when you’re that one friend who always gives relationship advice but is still single.��� 152. “You could be married and bored or single and lonely. Ain’t no happiness nowhere.” – Chris Rock 153. “Roses are red; violets are blue; vodka costs less than dinner for two.” 154. “Dear gay men, Please stop being so much kinder, funnier, and more attractive than straight men. It’s quite depressing. Sincerely, all single women.” 155. “Single and ready to mingle? That’s just another way to say I’m desperate and will take anyone in a way that rhymes.” 156. “It’s better to be single wishing you were married than married wishing you were single.” 157. “My life is like a romantic comedy except there’s no romance and it’s just me laughing at my own jokes.” 158. “Facebook should change “single” to “riding solo”.” 159. “I like being single because I’m always there when I need me.” 160. “I know why I am a single woman. My parents-in-law were not able to have children…” 161. “Wanted by many, taken by none. Looking at some, waiting for one.” 162. “Not all men are fool; some stay single.” 163. “I am done with great love. I am back to great lovers.” 164. “I wish they could invent a holiday that didn´t point out my inability to commit.” 165. “I am one bad relationship away from having 30 cats.”
Inspirational Being Single Quotes
166. “When you’re single, focus on being a better you, and don’t go looking at your pictures of your ex and crying.” 167. “Love is great for some people, but others are free spirits, and being single is the only way that their soul can soar into the clouds.” 168. “It’s better to be single and find yourself than committed and lose yourself.” 169. “You need to get your own life first by being single before you can be happy in a shared life with someone else.” 170. “Being single and the balm of solitude may be one of the best cures, for a broken heart like yours.” 171. “You’re not weak if you’re single. The truth is that being single means you’re strong enough to wait for what you deserve.” 172. “A better you is what you need to focus on when you’re single. Finding a better you will attract a real love to you.” 173. “It takes a lot more wisdom to be single and happy than it does to be in a relationship and miserable.” 174. “There is never a rush when you’re looking for forever. Stay single and wait for your forever partner to come along.” 175. “I explored the universe trying to find someone that deserves my love and compassion. I finally found the person that deserves it the most – me!” 176. “Some relationships make being single a thing of the past, but other relationships shine a light on being single that will never burn out.” 177. “Courage is what it takes to keep telling the person that you love that you would rather be single than let them break your heart over and over again.” 178. “As a body everyone is single, as a soul never.” – Hermann Hesse 179. “Not everyone who is single is lonely and not everyone who is in relationship feels love.” 180. “1 universe, 8 planets, 7 seas, 7 continents, 809 Islands, 204 countries more than 7 billion people, I am single. Happy. Forever.” 181. “People are not always going to be there for you. Therefore, you need to learn handling your own things.” 182. “Being single is not the opposite of commitment. It is the deep understanding of the fact that you don’t want to be committed yet.” 183. “The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice; your mind; your story; your vision.” 184. “Being single is not time to be looking for love. Use that time to work on yourself and grow as an individual.” 185. “Happiness is an inside job. Don´t assign anyone else that much power over your life.”
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jumpsitehq · 6 years
140+ Best Get Well Soon Quotes And Images Messages To Share
We fall ill many times throughout the year and we do not feel good. Such times do not last long and they should not because it does not feel good to be sick, not at all. You cannot do what you want because when you do not feel good; it is very hard to concentrate on other things; be it your work; your hobby or something else that you want to do. During this time; we do pay visits to our near and dear ones to reach out to them and ask about their well being and wish them with Get Well Soon Quotes. We ensure that even in illness; they do not lose heart and our prayers are always with them.
Best Get Well Soon Quotes
1. “Today you may be feeling low, but tomorrow you will be back in action, and ready to take on the world.” 2. “I miss not seeing you around. I hope that you get well soon and have a speedy recovery, so we can spend time together again.” 3. “There is a time to laugh and play, and then there is a time to relax and work on yourself. You take the time you need to get well so that you can laugh and play with the rest of us.” 4. “It’s not every day that you get to lay in bed and have people send you get well cards. I pray for your speedy recovery.” 5. “Thinking of you today, hoping that you get well.” 6. “You’re sick, so I am going to stay way far away. But know that you are in my thoughts, and I hope that you have a quick recovery.” 7. “Flowers, hugs and kisses for you. Take this time to sleep the day away and get well so that tomorrow, you will be filled with energy and excitement.” 8. “Everyone gets sick at some point in life. Let’s just be happy that it’s nothing too serious and that you’ll be back to your old self soon.” 9. “Get well soon. I know that no sickness in the world can keep you down for long.” 10. “May angels watch over you during this trying time and see you back to full health.” 11. “Quickly, you will be feeling better and out causing mayhem again. Get well soon.” 12. “Get well soon. Tomorrow, we have a date.” 13. “Here are my get well wishes to you. I hate seeing you blue, so kick this bug in the butt and have a speedy recovery.” 14. “The joy of being healthy again is just a few days away. Get well soon, my friend.” 15. “I can’t believe that you’re sick. It’s not every day that a true warrior gets sick. Get well soon.” 16. “You may be sneezing and you may have a temperature, but you’ll be back in action sooner than you think.” 17. “Tonight, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You will be better in a blink of an eye.” 18. “If I were a magician, I would wave my magic wand and make you healthy again.” 19. “The health of a loved one is something we all take for granted. Today, I hope and pray that you get better so that the world can be graced with your happiness again.” 20. “The sunrise in the morning will remind you that you’ll rise from this sickness. You will be whole again and well.”
21. “A smile on your face will always help you overcome your sickness. You’re beautiful even when you’re feeling down.” 22. “My sweet child. Today you are sick, and there is nothing that I can do besides make you chicken soup and pray for your recovery. Get well soon. I love you.” 23. “The time off of your feet sleeping in a bed is so that you can recover quickly and be stronger than you were before.” 24. “I will pray and wish for your recovery. It’s not every day that a person I love gets sick.” 25. “You should never give up hope, no matter how sick or injured you may be. Get back on your feet and will yourself to get better.” 26. “The will of man is shown most prominently when they are sick. Some men will sit in their rooms and cry about it, while others will fight until they are better. Get well, my friend.” 27. “We’re all thinking about you in your time of need and sending you our prayers. Get well soon.” 28. “I would tell you to get well soon, but I know by the time you read this, you’ll already be running around like your old self again.” 29. “We all can’t wait until you are back home with us.” 30. “My heart broke a little when I heard you were ill. I wish you a speedy recovery so that you and I can live our lives together again.” 31. “No one ever thought someone as strong as you would be sick, but we were wrong. You’ll overcome this – I promise. Get well soon.” 32. “It’s time to snap your fingers and get well. We know you can do it!” 33. “There is a time to reflect on life and our health. When we’re sick, it’s time to remember that no matter how bad we may feel, we can get better.” 34. “Your family misses you dearly. We cherish your presence and can’t wait for you to come home. Get well soon.” 35. “I never know what to put in these cards. I hate that you’re sick and I know that you’ll feel better soon, but it still sucks seeing you in the hospital. Get well.” 36. “Get well soon – there are too many chores left undone without you.” 37. “My sweet friend. The time to be sick is not now. We have too much planned next week, and it wouldn’t be the same without you. Get well.” 38. “I miss your laughter and your smile when you walk in the room. I wish you a speedy recovery.” 39. “Your sickness will fade before you know it! Get well soon.” 40. “The time is now to rest in bed and focus on your health. I will pray for your speedy recovery.”
41. “Sunshine will brighten your days when you’re sick. Remember that you’re needed in this world, and we all miss spending time with you.” 42. “Your life is still ahead of you, so kick this sickness in the butt and get better soon.” 43. “Your absence creates a vacuum in my soul. Please get better soon. I miss you.” 44. “There is never a point in life when a parent feels more helpless than when their child is ill. Get better soon.” 45. “A prayer for you on this day. I pray that you fight off your sickness and get back to good health. I pray that the angels look down on you and smile as you overcome this battle.” 46. “Health is the most important thing in life, so get better and take care of yourself.” 47. “You are the only one that matters when you’re sick. Get better soon.” 48. “You must be getting so many cards and messages from people wishing you well. For me, I am sending my prayers and love in hopes that they reach you.” 49. “Sickness is the body telling you it’s time to slow down and take care of yourself.” 50. “My favorite old man. I hope you feel better soon.” 51. “Get well soon. Your absence has caused me to have to work much harder, and I miss your company.” 52. “Arise and bloom like a lifeless flower that has decided to dance among the blades of glass, and grace us with all of its glory.” 53. “No one knows why you’re sick or why you were chosen to fight this battle, but we do know that you can overcome it. Get well soon.” 54. “Your ill-health made my heart skip a beat. I wish I could tap you on the head and make it all better.” 55. “You lazy bum. There is much work to do, and it’s only a cold keeping you in bed. Get well soon, so I don’t have to work as hard.” 56. “A fast and speedy recovery will allow you to resume life.” 57. “Your family loves and needs you more than you’ll ever know. Get well soon – we need you.” 58. “It’s all fun and games until someone (you) breaks a leg. Get well soon so that we can be goofballs together again.” 59. “Togetherness is something that I miss dearly. It’s only been a few weeks, but there is a void in my life while you’re away. Get well soon.” 60. “One step at a time. These are words that are meant to help you overcome the struggles ahead.”
61. “Everyone struggles in their life, but you have shown us what dedication and strong will can do. I wish you a fast recovery.” 62. “Every time you fall and get up, you’re just a little stronger. This hurdle that has you down will pass, and you’ll be with us all again.” 63. “When you’re sick, lay down in bed and make a bucket list. Use this list to keep your mind focused on getting better.” 64. “Illness comes for each and every one of us. Sometimes, we get the plague, and other times, we get a mere cold. Lucky for you, this is just a cold, so feel better and be grateful that it isn’t too serious.” 65. “When you’re looking into the future and realize that there is no sickness present, you’ll fight harder today.” 66. “There are some battles that we all must face alone. Unfortunately, sickness is one of them. Get well, good buddy.” 67. “Every second that passes, your body sends out a little army of helper cells trying to destroy the sickness inside of you. It’s like a war inside of your body!” 68. “With each day that passes, I pray that God gives you the strength to continue to get better.” 69. “We are all here for a brief moment in time, but you have a whole lifetime ahead of you. Get better soon.” 70. “When you’re back is against the wall, you will realize just how strong you can be. This is the time to show your strength, and kick this illness’s butt.” 71. “Second by a second, minute by a minute, you’ll grow stronger until the point when you’re back on your feet feeling better than ever.” 72. “We all have hopes and dreams. These are the simple pleasures we hope to achieve in life, and they will guide you to better health.” 73. “What is it that you want to do most in this world? If you’re stuck in bed sick, you’ll never realize your dream. So, focus on getting healthy.” 74. “I feel down when you’re not around. Please get well soon.” 75. “A tear forms in my eye when you’re not by my side. Get well soon, so we can be together.” 76. “I always knew that being stubborn and not wanting to go to the doctor would end with you in the hospital. Get well!” 77. “Get well soon. You still have a lot of money you owe me, and you can’t die until you pay me back.” 78. “I thought that you were faking it when they told me you were sick. Now, I know that I was right. Get off your butt and back to work.” 79. “Work will wait. A school will wait. Everything will wait while you get better. Except bills – they don’t wait for anyone.” 80. “If you get better, I promise that I will buy you any gift you could ever want. Of course, it can’t be too much – I’m not rich, you know.”
81. “No one cares about money when someone they love is sick. Your sickness has put a new perspective of life in my life.” 82. “My life was all fine and great while you were around, but now you’re sitting in a comfortable bed watching television while you recover. Get well, so you can amuse me again.” 83. “I heard that knowing others are thinking of you when you’re not feeling well speeds up the recovery process. We’re thinking of you… I swear.” 84. “Who would have thought that the person that tried to eat healthy all of the time would be the first person in the hospital…. to see you!” 85. “Guess who? I bet you already know. It’s your brother, and I want you to know that I have taken over your room while you’re gone. Get well soon!” 86. “I keep thinking about you being sick and crying. Get well soon, dammit.” 87. “Take care of yourself, and listen to your doctors. Everyone misses you and is sending their well wishes your way.” 88. “We sat down in a church today and all said a prayer for you, wishing you good health.” 89. “Just when you thought you were out, life keeps pulling you back in! Get well soon.” 90. “Twinkle toes. I knew you were feeling sick, but I never thought you would be in the hospital for a cold.” 91. “When you’re feeling sick, stand up and do a little dance –you’ll feel better.” 92. “Sometimes, all you need when you’re feeling blue is a little laughter!” 93. “Even if everyone else wants you dead, I am wishing you a speedy recovery.” 94. “Lightspeed my friend. It’s time to feel better, and enjoy life.” 95. “Being sick makes you think of all the stupid stuff you should have done. Right?” 96. “Get well my friend, for we have a date once you’re feeling better.” 97. “Your health is more important than anything right now. Get better.” 98. “Get well. It’s almost time for Thanksgiving, and we’ll have too many leftovers if you’re not here to eat all of the food.” 99. “Mom told me I had to write you a get well card even though you were coming home soon. So, get well!” 100. “I bet you never thought that get well messages could be so funny. They put the best quotes in these messages to make you laugh and smile. Get well soon.”
101. “I was lucky to never really get sick in my life. You seem to have all of the bad luck in the family. Get well soon.” 102. “There are hundreds of people hoping and praying that you get better right now.” 103. “If you don’t think you can get well here, I hear that New Zealand works well.” 104. “Last night, I dreamed of you, and you were all better. I know that this is a sign of your illness going away.” 105. “Get better today so that tomorrow we can all sleep well knowing that our loved one is feeling better.” 106. “I just heard that you were sick last night, so I had a beer in your name and made a toast to you. Can’t wait until I don’t have to drink alone anymore.” 107. “There is always a miracle every day, so let today’s miracle be your speedy recovery.” 108. “Even if you have no spiritual beliefs, you can still have faith and hope in yourself to overcome this illness.” 109. “It looks like I was right again. You never take care of yourself, and now, here I am wishing you a speedy recovery.” 110. “I hear that the nurses in the hospital are hot! You might not want to get better too fast if it’s true.” 111. “Is it true that you’re still sick? I thought for sure you would be back to your old self already. Miss and love you. Get well soon.” 112. “You have the genes of a champion and will never be held down by illness. You will overcome this sickness.” 113. “Getting better and overcoming any illness is all in the mind. Know that you’re strong enough to get better.” 114. “All of us were sitting at the table this morning talking about how dull life has been since you’ve been sick. We are all thinking of you and wishing that you get better soon.” 115. “There is no loss in pride in feeling sick. All you can do is get up out of bed when the time is right and fight until you’re better.” 116. “When people are young, they think that they’re immortal and can take on the world without any consequences. As you age, this all becomes a lie, and you start to feel sick and weak at times. Get well, and become Superman again my friend.” 117. “No sickness in the world has the power to keep someone as strong willed as you down. Get better soon.” 118. “There is not enough money in the world I could be given to go through the trials you’ve endured. I know you can beat this battle and return home. Get better soon.” 119. “The birds are singing a sad song ever since you got sick. We all know that you’ll be better, but you have to come home and tell the birds that you’ll be well, or they will always sound sad. Get well soon.” 120. “All of us are stuck at home not knowing what to do now that you’re not here. Get better and get back home. We all miss you too much.”
121. “We miss you… like really, really miss you. Get well soon.” 122. “The worst thing you can ever do is give up hope. Know that you will get better and be home soon.” 123. “The house isn’t the same without you here. It’s only been a few days, but the air smells fresher, and there are a lot fewer dirty dishes in the sink. But, we still miss you. Get better soon.” 124. “I can’t believe that you fell and broke your ankle. Don’t let those crutches make you lazy! You still have to clean your room. Get better soon!” 125. “Everyone tells you to get better, but no one will ever tell you how. I know the secret: sleep and sleep and sleep some more.” 126. “There is one thing you know better than anyone else – how to get sick. Just joking. Get better soon.” 127. “It’s time to liven up the party, so get better and come over.” 128. “Your mom told me you were sick, so I made you a get well cupcake. But, I ate it, so get well.” 129. “I know that you’re really not sick and you’re just staying home, so you don’t have to take our test. Get well soon (wink, wink).” 130. “Do you remember the time when you were well and running around? Me either! But, I am sure I miss it.” 131. “Get well soon, or your mother will kill me.” 132. “Your dog is sad and lonely, so get well soon.” 133. “It’s times like these that I look at you and smile. When you’re sick, you are cute and cuddly, so stay sick a little longer, so I can enjoy this moment.” 134. “I decided to send you a get-well card, and then I realized that I don’t know what to say besides get well. So, get well!” 135. “Get healthy. Have a speedy recovery. Get better soon! We miss you.” 136. “All of the days are longer and sad when you’re not here. Get well soon, so we can be together.” 137. “It’s Saturday, and you’re not home yet. I hope you’ll be better soon, so we can laugh and talk like we used to.” 138. “Get well skipper. There is so much fun and excitement left in the world that we have yet to explore together.” 139. “We can explore the world together, but first you need to kick this sickness in the butt. What do you think? Will you get better for me? Please!!!!” 140. Pretty please with a cherry on top will you get better? I misses your kisses. Get well soon.”
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jumpsitehq · 6 years
100+ [INSPIRATIONAL] Positive Quotes and Sayings About Happiness
This collection of Positive quotes is about relieving that deficit. There is enough negativity in our world. We are bombarded with it constantly every day. Negativity in the news, politics, television, at work and in our lives. We also have a great collection of Monday Quotes.
Positive Quotes and Sayings About Happiness
1. “Love like you’ve never been hurt before, sing like there is not another soul in the room and live like you’re in the midst of heaven.” 2. “Happiness is the most important thing in life – it is everything.” 3. “Happiness may close its doors, but the doors will reopen shortly.” 4. “Goals are what you tether your happiness to – not people or materials.” 5. “What you say, what you think and what you do in harmony is what defines happiness.” 6. “Imperfection is beauty and madness is true genius.” 7. “Live as if everything that happens to you is a miracle.” 8. “Don’t live for someone else, your time is limited. Dogma only traps you. Opinions are noise that drown out your inner voice.” 9. “Courage to follow your heart allows you to become who you’re truly meant to be.” 10. “Yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift from God.” 11. “Don’t go on the path that others have traversed. Go on the untraveled path and make your own trail.” 12. “Happiness never decreases by being shared.” 13. “Happiness means that we must not be concerned with the thoughts of others.” 14. “We believe that we seize the moment, but the moments that seize us are the most important.” 15. “The day may be long and hard, but you will surpass all obstacles.” 16. “There are times in your life when you may feel lost, but keep your head up and everything will turn out fine.” 17. “There are 365 days in the year, don’t dwell on them all or you risk becoming lost in what could have been.” 18. “Why dwell on the past and not build on your future?” 19. “You can only learn from the mistakes of the past – not change them.” 20. “Everyone that has ever made a mistake has wanted to go back in time, but the true lesson is how you live after you’ve made a mistake.”
21. “Positivity is like the plague; it is contagious.” 22. “When you look into the stars, don’t view them as they are; view them as sparkles of heaven.” 23. “Apprehension makes us suffer more than reality.” 24. “Love is a beautiful miracle. Love teaches us that the happiness of another person is essential to our own happiness.” 25. “Never plan for results if you want to be happy; only plan to take action.” 26. “The only way to find happiness is to begin.” 27. “Happiness and positivity are like a seed that falls in the soil; they grow a little each day until they become overwhelming.” 28. “Some people causes happiness when they enter a room, while others cause happiness when they leave a room.” 29. “If you enjoy the time you’re wasting, it is not wasted time at all.” 30. “Happiness is the key to success, yet success is not the key to happiness.” 31. “Love everything you do and positivity will flow out of it.” 32. “What depends upon ourselves? Happiness, sadness, love and positivity – everything that is important in life.” 33. “Being miserable is only a mere thought that takes away happiness.” 34. “Life is too short; life is too precious; life is too filled with things you never get to do, so make sure you do what is most important in life.” 35. “You can procrastinate another day, so life today like it is your last.” 36. “Our lives are all very different, yet all the same. We all have the same struggles, worries and fears.” 37. “Courage isn’t developed by days filled with happiness. It is developed by the struggles we surpass in life.” 38. “Facts come to us much too late for them to dictate happiness.” 39. “Living in the future or past will lead to a life of misery and uncertainty.” 40. “Never let someone be in control of your happiness if you ever want to be truly happy.”
41. “Happiness is wanting what you get, but success is getting what you truly want.” 42. “When you’re having a bad day, go up to someone else and try to cheer them up.” 43. “Life is a maze filled with obstacles and hardships, but they are all a part of the miracle of life.” 44. “A man who is fond of things he can’t have will always be unhappy.” 45. “Envy is the root of all unhappiness.” 46. “Having a few wants is true elegance.” 47. “Trying to be happy is a mere illusion. Stop trying, and you will have a good time in life.” 48. “Make up your mind to be happy, and you will find that the world will provide.” 49. “What is the meaning and purpose of life? Happiness. It is the goal and end of a human existence.” 50. “Enjoying the scenery of life while taking one of many detours is a beautiful thing.” 51. “Imagination, creativity and positivity all have one thing in common: they lead to the happiness of a person.” 52. “Joy is like a net of love that catches souls and warms the hearts of all those it touches.” 53. “Why stay in a world of misery and unhappiness when you can create a world of perfection and bliss?” 54. “It is not enough to say that you want to be happy; walk happy, talk happy and most importantly, be happy.” 55. “A hundred griefs can all be destroyed by a single moment of joy.” 56. “How can a man be alive when he has lost all of his happiness?” 57. “A man that is not happy is as useless as a breathing corpse.” 58. “Positivity cannot be found in thoughts of misery.” 59. “Men and women are meant to be together to find happiness and spur positivity with each breath that they take.” 60. “If you don’t learn to let go of the past, you will never find the key to true happiness.”
61. “What does one design for the present? Happiness. It is something you never want to postpone for the future.” 62. “The future is what you make it. If you think you’ll be unhappy, you will be unhappy.” 63. “Seeking happiness in the distance is the way of a fool. Happiness should grow as a person walks through life.” 64. “How much we enjoy the things we have is far more important than how much we have.” 65. “Happiness that takes us by surprise is what true happiness is all about. Planning for happiness only leads to disappointment, failure and living a life of a dreamer whose dreams never come true.” 66. “When happiness seems to evade you, take a moment to reevaluate your life’s path and find your true direction.” 67. “Happiness is like a thief in the night that sneaks through doors that we didn’t even know were open.” 68. “Mental attitude governs happiness – not external conditions.” 69. “Why stress over the days of the past when you have 24 long hours to make your own happiness.” 70. “Why would you think that happiness is only brought on by the sun when you can dance in the rain?” 71. “Rain, snow, sleet and sunshine should not be the root of your happiness.” 72. “If you count your age by the number of true friends you have, you will be in perpetual youth.” 73. “A bad day is like a flat tire: you won’t get too far by being sad.” 74. “If all you do is dwell on the day, you’ll find that happiness comes and goes without even realizing it.” 75. “Future is the downfall of man that thinks happiness will quickly follow.” 76. “Your life is your life; choose your actions wisely and honestly.” 77. “The most important thing to do in life is to enjoy yourself as each magical moment comes and goes.” 78. “We love others by the way that they make us feel.” 79. “Words are for the benefit of others, but happiness comes with the work you’re meant to do.” 80. “If it didn’t last forever, it doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth the experience.”
81. “Experience after experience are what make the world go round; make sure you experience as much as you can to truly be happy.” 82. “Happiness is different for every person, so don’t let someone else define what makes you happy today.” 83. “A certain set of attitudes leads to a happy person – not their circumstances.” 84. “Life isn’t defined by finding yourself; life is all about creating yourself.” 85. “Thirty years from now, you’ll be more disappointed by the things you never did than by the ones that you did do.” 86. “Each day shouldn’t be judged by the harvest, but by the seeds you have planted.” 87. “We see things the way that we are – not by the way things are.” 88. “Life will only love those back that love life.” 89. “Happiness is so hard to find because we find that the past was better than it was; the present is worse than it really is; and the future much brighter than it will ever be.” 90. “A journey starts with a single step no matter how far the journey may be.” 91. “What makes you feel alive? People who have become alive is what the world needs.” 92. “Life is an experiment that is rooted in the experiences – bad and good – that we have.” 93. “Never buy things you don’t want to impress others and you will be happier.” 94. “Walk a path to happiness instead of following a path where it has already been.” 95. “There is nothing we can do to avoid pain, but you never have to experience suffering if you choose not to.” 96. “There is only one certainty in life, and that is uncertainty.” 97. “People who are happy did not find it through a magical experience – they made the decision to finally be happy.” 98. “Living up to other people’s expectations is not what you are in this world to do.” 99. “Life can be nothing at all, but it can also be a daring adventure – it is up to you.” 100. “Why kiss ass once when you can kick ass all through life?”
101. “Before you buy anything, think of the amount of life you have had to exchange for it.” 102. “Silence is not happiness. Let your voice be heard, and inner happiness will be found.” 103. “The amount of breaths that we take is not nearly as important as the amount of breaths you’ve taken away.” 104. “Reputation is only a thought, but character is who you really are.” 105. “Learning to give love and accept love is the most important thing in life.” 106. “Happiness is a butterfly that eludes you when you chase it and comes around when you least expect it.” 107. “Tell yourself that you are beautiful until you finally believe it.” 108. “Things are created to be used, but people were created to be loved.” 109. “You don’t need to walk a thousand miles in another person’s shoes to sit down and listen to their hardships.” 110. “Happiness is a gift that you can pass on to others free of charge.” 111. “When you finally let positivity flow through your veins, you will find that the world is a much happier place to be.” 112. “Why would you ever decide to be unhappy because of something that was completely out of your control?” 113. “If you fall in love when you are lonely, you will be unhappy with the company.” 114. “Loving someone deeply is what gives you courage, while being deeply loved gives you strength.” 115. “When in doubt, choose to be loved – not unhappy.” 116. “Find all the barriers within yourself that you have created to keep love and happiness out to find solace.” 117. “You will be dead far longer than you are alive, so be sure to be happy while you’re still here.” 118. “Lovers don’t meet; lovers are inside of each other the whole time and arrive when they need each other most.” 119. “Looking beyond the imperfections is the moment that you find happiness.” 120. “Being positive and happy is sexy. Being sad, miserable and unhappy is a turn off.” 121. “You are here, you are alive. Why in the world would you ever choose to be unhappy?” 122. “If you never think you are worthy, you will never be able to find self-worth.” 123. “You don’t need a purpose, a goal or direction to find happiness.” 124. “Some days, life is hard – really hard – but going through the day with a positive outlook will ease the pain.” 125. “If you are going through hell, you have no other choice but to keep going.” 126. “There is never a moment that you can’t turn back and get a second chance.” 127. “When one door closes, another door will open, but most people miss it while focusing on their own unhappiness.” 128. “You have two options in life: try or don’t try.” 129. “What’s the difference between a person who is positive and a person who has lived in a world of sadness? The person that is sad has never learned how to let go of the past.” 130. “No matter how hard you try, you cannot live a life that is planned and expect everything to go accordingly.” 131. “Change is inevitable – there is nothing you can do to stop it from happening.” 132. “If you just sit there, you will be run over even if you are sitting on the right track.” 133. “If you only dread one day at a time, you are better off than the person that lives in the past.”
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jumpsitehq · 6 years
120+ (TOP LIST) Monday Quotes to Make Your Week Awesome!
Don’t think Monday as the laziest day cause it’s the first day of the week and everybody should start the day perfectly. There are many people who have fear about Monday but it’s a silly matter. Don’t go with the laziness be strong and turn around, here we badge some Inspirational Monday Quotes which will help you to eradicate your Monday fear! Read to increase yours and share to inspire your near and dear ones. We also have a great collection of Sad Quotes.
Monday Quotes to Make Your Week Awesome
1. “I have finally realized that Mondays last 50% longer than any other day of the week.” 2. “Just once in my life, I would love to wake up and turn on the television to find that Monday has been canceled and it’s time to go back to sleep.” 3. “Monday is a lot like a math problem. Add in the irritation, multiply the problems, subtract the sleep and divide the happiness.” 4. “God created Mondays to punish us for all of the things we did over the weekend.” 5. “The single worst part of Mondays is hearing you make complaints about Mondays.” 6. “Dear Mondays, I really think that you should take a holiday. Believe me, no one will even miss you.” 7. “Monday is the best day to start correcting all of last week’s mistakes.” 8. “It may be Monday, but that’s okay. Just be grateful for today.” 9. “Dear Monday, I think it’s time we break up. I’m still seeing Tuesday, and I can’t stop dreaming of Friday.” 10. “Mondays – the start of the work week. They offer new beginnings 52 times each year.” 11. “Hey Monday – I have a question for you: why are you always back here so quickly? Don’t you have any hobbies?” 12. “Why is it that Mondays are so far from Fridays, but Fridays are so close to Monday?” 13. “Someone should enact a holiday that honors all people who turn up for work on Mondays.” 14. “Is it Monday already? I’m almost positive I did not get my entire portion of the weekend.” 15. “I really wish that Mondays were as fast as Usain Bolt.” 16. “I’d rather join the Hunger Games than enter the office on Mondays.” 17. “They say that every day is a gift. If that’s true, I want to know where I can return Mondays.” 18. “I haven’t had a Monday this bad since last Monday.” 19. “Tuesday really isn’t that bad. It’s a sure sign that I actually survived Monday.” 20. “Mondays should be illegal.”
21. “It’s a new day and a new week. Start the day off fresh and strive to accomplish your best.” 22. “And in the blink of an eye, it’s Monday again.” 23. “Take a deep breath and try to relax. I promise – Monday will be over soon.” 24. “Dear Mondays, I really hate to say this, but it’s just not working out between us. You’re not my type. I’m a Saturday kind of gal. Please leave.” 25. “Alright Monday – how about you go about your business, and I’ll go about mine? Let’s just agree to disagree, and all of this will be over soon.” 26. “Whether you like it or not, Monday is here. You better just suck it up and force a smile.” 27. “Ah, Monday. So, we meet again. I see that my team of blue ninjas failed to finally take you out.” 28. “I’ve decided to file a police report against Monday. She won’t stop stalking me.” 29. “Mondays suck even more than a vacuum cleaner.” 30. “I’ve drank multiple cups of coffee, and Monday isn’t looking any better. Hey – give me a beer. Let’s see if that helps.” 31. “When the day his your eye like a giant cow pie, that’s Monday.” 32. “Darn it! Monday found me again. I have to find a better hiding place next time.” 33. “Don’t look! Seriously – don’t look. Great – now that you looked, Monday knows that we saw it, and it’s coming over.” 34. “Hello and welcome to Monday. Do you take sugar, cream or Valium in your morning coffee?” 35. “This week has been so long already, and it’s only Monday.” 36. “Ladies and gentlemen – due to a complete lack of interest, Monday has been canceled. Thank you!” 37. “I’m in so much pain. Has anyone else been hit by the Monday shovel?” 38. “At the end of a rainbow, there’s a pot of gold. But when the weekend comes to an end, there��s only a Monday.” 39. “I smell the stench of Monday again – and boy does it reek!” 40. “I’m so not ready for another Monday. Can I please have another Sunday?”
41. “Just take long and deep breaths. Mondays will only last for 24 hours.” 42. “Begin your Mondays with a positive thought. No – being positive about hating Monday doesn’t count.” 43. “Hey, look at the bright side: Mondays will only happen once per week.” 44. “Monday – why are you here again? I told you to go away with Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday can stick around because it’s close friends with Friday, Saturday and even Sunday.” 45. “Sorry guys. I’m just suffering from Pre-Monday Syndrome.” 46. “If days were people, then Monday would be the person I’d punch every time I saw them.” 47. “I’m really not ready for this week to start. Why can’t we fast forward to Friday already?” 48. “Smile today and say a kind word to a stranger. Take the time to close your eyes and enjoy each moment. Have an amazing Monday everyone.” 49. “What’s the best part about Monday? The ending.” 50. “So many people grumble and complain about Mondays, but I’m grateful for another beautiful day. Have a great Monday everyone.” 51. “I’m willing to trade one brand new (still in the package) Monday for a weekend (any condition will do). Please call me to negotiate a deal.” 52. “Okay Monday – if you’re nice to me, I’ll be nice to you.” 53. “Monday – why are you still here? I fired you last week.” 54. “I’m putting Mondays up on eBay. Anyone want to start the bidding?” 55. “Unfortunately, I did not become a millionaire over the weekend, so I have to return to work on Monday.” 56. “It looks like we have all been robbed. Someone took away our weekend, and they replaced it with Monday.” 57. “I once read that Mondays are the most productive day of the work week. Today, I’m going to do my best to put an end to that ridiculous statistic.” 58. “Do you see Monday peeking around the corner? Don’t just stand there – poke it in the eye!” 59. “What’s there to say about Mondays? My mother always told me that if I didn’t have anything nice to say, I shouldn’t say anything at all. So, I’m going to plead the Fifth.” 60. “Cheers to the start of a new week! Happy Monday!”
61. “Monday really needs to face the facts that it’s the least favorite day of the week.” 62. “It’s Monday already? But I wasn’t done with my weekend yet!” 63. “Monday? Again? Weren’t you just here like a week ago? Maybe if you weren’t always trying to come around all the time, you would be welcomed more often.” 64. “I really don’t play well with others on a Monday. Can I skip today and just start again with Tuesday?” 65. “I see smoke on the horizon over there. I hope it is Monday burning down to the ground.” 66. “Coffee on Monday morning is almost as important as liquor on Friday.” 67. “Here’s a list of things I don’t like: 1) You. 2) When my coffee gets cold. 3) Having to sit through small talk. 4) Mondays. 5) Having to sit through small talk with you on a Monday morning while my coffee starts getting cold.” 68. “It’s Monday again? I wasn’t even finished with my Saturday yet!” 69. “If we all join together and just don’t show up to work on Mondays, we could put an end to the Monday blues once and for all. Please, spread the word.” 70. “I can judge how good my weekend was by how many photos I have to untag on Monday.” 71. “I just want to remind everyone that it’s finally Monday – just in case any of you were feeling optimistic.” 72. “I wish Monday had a face, so I could punch it.” 73. “Today is Monday. That’s reason enough to hate the day.” 74. “If you want to be successful, the very first thing you have to do is love your work.” 75. “Spend your life with people who make you happy – not people that you have to impress.” 76. “Just be who you are, and say whatever you feel.” 77. “Today is Monday. I have one goal for you: to be so happy that when other people look at you, they get happy, too.” 78. “Come on! It’s Monday. It’s not doomsday. Make today a great day.” 79. “Wake up and attack Monday with enthusiasm.” 80. “I need something stronger than coffee, but less than cocaine.”
81. “May your coffee be extra strong, and your Monday be extra short.” 82. “It’s Monday – don’t forget to be awesome today.” 83. “Yes, it’s Monday. Yes, I’m happy. Yes, I’m blessed. I’m going to do amazing things this week.” 84. “Monday is a good day to have a good day.” 85. “Even though it’s Monday, it’s important to remember that good things are going to happen today.” 86. “Alright Monday, let’s do this!” 87. “It’s Monday morning. Time to get a new perspective. Whatever obstacles you may be facing are not permanent.” 88. “Keep your heart open to new dreams. As long as there’s a dream, there is hope. As long as there’s hope, there is joy in living.” 89. “Your mind is just like a parachute. It can’t work if it isn’t open.” 90. “Life is really only 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to everything.” 91. “Sorry – the elevator to success is no longer working. You’ll have to take the stairs one step at a time.” 92. “Yes, I have to go to work on Mondays, and I know that everyone hates Mondays. But I try to look at things a little differently. I don’t have to work, I get to work. I am so lucky to have a job while so many other people don’t.” 93. “Sometimes, I think it is better just to stay in bed on Monday instead of trying to debug Monday’s code.” 94. “Monday is a great day if I can spend it in bed. Honestly, I’m just a man of simple pleasures.” 95. “It doesn’t matter how many mistakes you make or how slow your progress is. You will still always be way ahead of everyone else who isn’t even trying.” 96. “There are times when good things fall apart, so that better things can come together.” 97. “You won’t ever become who you want to be if you keep on blaming other people for the person you are right now.” 98. “It’s Monday, so choose to be happy and be yourself. If other people don’t like it, let them be. Remember, happiness is a choice, and life is not about pleasing everyone else.” 99. “You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you just keep re-reading the last one. Monday is your chance to start a new chapter and put the weekend behind you.” 100. “The things that you do every day matter so much more than the things you do once in a while.”
101. “I really don’t know what the key to success is, but I know that the key to failure is trying to please everyone else.” 102. “If you choose a job you love, you will never have to work another day in your life, and you’ll start looking forward to Mondays.” 103. “I always say “morning” on Mondays instead of “good morning”. If it were a good morning, I would still be asleep in bed.” 104. “I really don’t think there’s enough coffee or middle fingers to get through this Monday.” 105. “Today is Monday. I feel like putting an “out of order” sign on my head and going right back to bed.” 106. “Hey Monday, do us all a favor: go and step on a Lego.” 107. “It’s Monday. That means it’s time to take over the world.” 108. “I am so glad that it’s Monday – said no one ever.” 109. “Here are three horrible facts: Today is not Friday. Tomorrow isn’t Friday either. Even the day after tomorrow isn’t Friday.” 110. “Of course it’s Monday. This isn’t my Friday face.” 111. “I hate Mondays, and I hate working. Aside from that, I really am a happy person.” 112. “We interrupt your happiness to bring you Mondays. Don’t worry, you’re regularly scheduled happiness will resume again on Friday.” 113. “Monday is that disappointing moment when you drive up to work and it isn’t completely engulfed in flames.” 114. “Mondays would be so much better if they were a part of my weekend blackouts.” 115. “The only possible thing that could ruin a beautiful day in the summer is it also being Monday.” 116. “When you have Monday off, it gives you a great opportunity to start hating Tuesday.” 117. “It’s a comforting thought to know that even the Pope has a strong urge to quit his job every Monday morning.” 118. “I’m so sorry that the calendar played such a cruel joke on you by making your birthday fall on a Monday.” 119. “At some time, some place, and when you least expect it – Monday strikes!” 120. “Mondays are so mundane – kind of like Tuesdays, minus 24 hours.” 121. “Employers are most happy on Mondays. Employees are most happy on Fridays.” 122. “I declare tomorrow Pancake Friday even though it’s Monday and I never eat breakfast.” 123. “When I finally got home, I took some sleeping pills. Before I knew it, it was Monday morning again.” 124. “I can’t even fathom the number of things that have already gone wrong this week, and it’s only Monday.” 125. “Monday is the day that you spend the first half of the day trying to find that responsible adult that you lost 5 o’clock on Friday.”
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jumpsitehq · 6 years
Top 120+ [VERY] Sad Quotes, Status and Messages About Life and Love
In life, there will always be sad events and happenings that are inevitable. These sad events can be about love, life or even death. So today we are sharing top 120+ very sad quotes, status, and messages about life and love. We also have a great collection of Quotes About Strength. Sadness is defined as the emotional pain associated with or characterized by feelings of disadvantage, loss, despair, helplessness, disappointment, and sorrow. The feeling of sadness can be common to people; there is even a movie made about it. Sad situations can take all of our energy, spirit, and happiness our but we can always choose to channel positive energies and vibe from those sad experiences. We cannot stay saddened by certain situations for a long time. Instead, we encourage you to stand back up on your feet and get the inspiration from those experiences to rebuild yourself.
1. “When you’re in love, you expose yourself the possibility of being hurt by someone you truly trust.” 2. “Some people think I’m depressed, but I’m really just a realist in a world that’s depressing.” 3. “Every person’s heart has pain, but they express that pain in different ways. Some will hide it in their eyes, while others will hide it in their smile.” 4. “Crying allows your eyes to speak when your mouth can no longer explain how broken your heart is.” 5. “You made me believe that you loved me, and then you left me behind like nothing ever mattered between us.” 6. “You’re better off being alone than being with someone who makes you feel like you’re alone.” 7. “Here’s the problem with getting too attached to someone: whenever they leave, you feel completely lost.” 8. “You killed off the last good part of me.” 9. “It’s hard to forget all about someone who gave you so many things to remember.” 10. “I love to cry in the rain because that’s the only time no one can hear the pain.” 11. “If a man really wants you, there’s nothing in the world that can keep him away. When a man doesn’t want you, there’s nothing in the world that can make him stay.” 12. “The hardest thing in life is to watch someone you love, love another person.” 13. “It’s really hard to wait for something that may never happen, and it’s even harder to quit on something when it’s everything you want.” 14. “How can you feel better when the one person who can stop you from crying is the same person who made you cry in the first place?” 15. “Don’t make someone a priority when all you are is an option to them.” 16. “I really don’t hate you. I’m just disappointed that you wound up turning into everything you said that you would never be.” 17. “It’s bad to lose someone you love, but it’s even harder to lose yourself while you’re loving them.” 18. “The more time you spend dancing with the devil, the more time you spend in hell.” 19. “Someone may desire you, but that doesn’t mean they truly value you.” 20. “I don’t understand why life keeps trying to teach me lessons I don’t want to learn.” 21. “Time never really heals the heart. It only lets the heart forget about the hurt and pain.” 22. “Whenever you hear me say, “don’t worry, I’m good,” I’m really not. But don’t worry, I’m good.” 23. “I can’t explain why I’m sad or why the tears are falling because I don’t have all the answers. All I know is that I have depression, and depression really doesn’t need a reason.” 24. “There’s no reason to always pretend to be strong. You don’t have to prove to everyone that you’re happy and everything’s going well all the time.” 25. “When you love someone who doesn’t love you back, it’s like hugging a cactus; the tighter you hold onto it, the more it hurts.” 26. “They always say that you should never give up, but there are times when giving up is the best option because you finally realize that you’re only wasting your time.” 27. “When you’re with the wrong person, you will never get what you want. And that person will always get what they want from you.” 28. “If you have to convince a person that they are the right one for you, then they are not the right person for you.” 29. “Don’t ever be afraid to let go because you just never know what greater things will replace all those that you lost.” 30. “I may have let you go, but that doesn’t mean I wanted to.” 31. “If he’s the one causing you to lose your family, friends, happiness and confidence, then you need to lose him.” 32. “I’m going to write you a letter that starts with “I love you,” ends with “I love you,” and somewhere in between is a good-bye for every single hurt.” 33. “I will continue to wait for you until the day I can finally forget you or until the day that you finally realize you can’t forget me.” 34. “The pain I feel is the only thing that reminds me I’m still alive.” 35. “The worst feeling in the world is pretending that you don’t care at all when that’s really all you can think about.” 36. “People will ignore you until they need you.” 37. “Don’t give that special place in your heart to just anyone. Save it for someone who understands the value of that place.” 38. “I tried so hard to forget you, but the harder I keep trying, the more I think about you.” 39. “If time was the thing that made me lose what we had, then I really hate time.” 40. “It really hurts when you hold someone in your heart that you can’t have in your arms.” 41. “There is a special kind of pain that comes along with loving a person more than they love you.” 42. “Don’t think you can come running back to me when people begin treating you the same way you treat other people.” 43. “I really can’t wait for the day when I can finally look at you and feel absolutely nothing.” 44. “Everyone is going to hurt you. You just need to find that one person who is worth suffering for.” 45. “Sometimes, it’s the people you don’t want to get hurt that actually don’t care if they hurt you.” 46. “Depression – you can’t truly understand it unless you’ve already been through it.” 47. “You’ve seen me laugh and smile so many times, but have you ever wondered whether or not it’s real? Can you really not see through my act and how truly alone I am?” 48. “Each and every time I start trusting someone, they remind why I should have never tried in the first place.” 49. “It’s a sad day when you are hurt so much all the time that you finally start saying “I’m used to it”.” 50. “Sometimes, it really is better to be alone. That way, no one can hurt you.” 51. “Everyone wants to be happy. No one wants to be in pain or be sad, but you can’t have a rainbow without experiencing a little rain.” 52. “Dear heart – please stop involving yourself in everything. Your only job is to pump blood, so please stick to that.” 53. “The most painful memory I have is of me walking away and you letting me go.” 54. “That same person who said the nicest things to me is also the same person who said some of the meanest things to me.” 55. “I’ve decided not to rely on anyone anymore because I’m just so tired of being disappointed all the time.” 56. “I hate that feeling when you smile at your crush, and they never even acknowledge your presence.” 57. “I feel like I’m so far away from the one person I would love to hold in my arms.” 58. “I hate that you ignore me for so long, and then you think you can talk to me like nothing at all ever happened.” 59. “Sometimes, you have to laugh to hide your fears and smile to hide your tears.” 60. “It’s a sad day when you realize that you really aren’t as important to someone as you thought you were.” 61. “It’s the invisible tears that are the hardest to wipe away.” 62. “It’s always the moment you start caring when you get hurt the most.” 63. “I won’t ever stop caring about you, but if you do decide to push me away, I will go away.” 64. “Most people are lonely because they decide to build walls instead of bridges.” 65. “Why is it that the people you love the most are the ones that hit you the hardest?” 66. “I really hate being broken. And I really hate that I can never go back.” 67. “The truth will hurt for a little while, but lies will hurt you for the rest of your life.” 68. “It’s not the fact that we never talk that’s sad; it’s the fact that we used to talk every day.” 69. “I’m having one of those days where I feel like I can’t do anything right.” 70. “How did we move from talking every single day to being strangers?” 71. “I’m so tired of hearing about everyone else’s special person – I want one of my own.” 72. “I feel like I have the weight of the world sitting on my shoulders.” 73. “There comes a point where you have to know when to stop hoping.” 74. “I know there’s no point in crying. The tears that fall from my eyes will never bring you back to me.” 75. “If you plan on making me cry, at least be there to help wipe away the tears.” 76. “The deepest people are the people who have been hurt the most.” 77. “Remember – the sun doesn’t always shine and the sky isn’t always blue. It’s okay to fall apart sometimes.” 78. “Everyone knows that something is wrong, but nobody knows what is causing the pain.” 79. “I enjoy having low self-esteem. It makes me feel like I’m special.” 80. “Take a good look at me. You may think that you know me, but you will never truly know who I am.”   81. “As a child, I was terrified of ghosts. Now that I’m older, I realize that people are scarier.” 82. “There comes a point when you need to finally realize that some people can be allowed to stay in your heart, but not in your life.” 83. “It’s really hard to get a role in someone’s life when you’re not even in the script.” 84. “I’m having one of those days where I feel like the entire world is crashing around me, but I’m powerless to stop it. All I can do is keep on living.” 85. “I’m terrified of being happy because every time I think I’m finally happy, something winds up going wrong.” 86. “Whenever I try to talk, I feel like my thoughts don’t matter. So, I wind up just shutting myself out from the rest of the world.” 87. “I try to hide my tears behind my fake smile. That way, no one can see how much pain I’m in. I may be dying inside, but I still pretend that everything is fine.” 88. “Don’t make a promise if you can’t keep it. Don’t tell me that you love me unless you really mean it.” 89. “It’s getting harder and harder to fake a smile.” 90. “I wasn’t aware that “forever” actually had an expiration date.” 91. “Loneliness is a human condition, and no one will ever be able to fill that space.” 92. “The people who say that sunshine will bring happiness are the same people who have never danced in the rain.” 93. “It isn’t about how tragically we suffer, but how miraculous our living is.” 94. “There are times when you just need to run away to see who will chase you.” 95. “There are some of us here who are just trying to get through the day without completely falling apart.” 96. “People try to understand, but no one can really know what it’s like to live like this.” 97. “I hate it when people tell you that they love you or miss you when they never actually make an effort to see you or call you.” 98. “Why am I so afraid to lose you? I’m not even yours.” 99. “Love’s ladder is dangerous; the higher you climb, the harder the fall.” 100. “There are times when I feel so much, but there’s so little that I can say.” 101. “Moving on is the only option because if you don’t, you will wind up being stuck wherever you are.” 102. “Someone wake me up when things are finally going right.” 103. “Never try to please other people if you know that it won’t work out in the end.” 104. “I’m trying really hard to keep it together, but I’m running out of super glue.” 105. “I’m tired of fake people, of being used and of being lied to. I’m just plain tired of people.” 106. “I’m that person who never gets to sleep because I can’t stop thinking about the smallest things that never really matter.” 107. “There are nights when I burn inside the fire of my own thoughts.” 108. “It actually kills me when you’re busy with life, when you ignore me and when we don’t talk.” 109. “When you have lived so long in despair, you can’t stand to hope anymore.” 110. “It is amazing how heavy emptiness feels.” 111. “There are times when I think I want to disappear, but all I really want is to be found.” 112. “Remembering is easy for people who have brains. Forgetting is nearly impossible for people with hearts.” 113. “There are times when you just have to let people go. It’s not because you don’t care, but because they don’t care.” 114. “I still find myself feeling sad about the things that don’t even matter anymore.” 115. “No one can handle your heart better than you, so don’t give it to a person and then complain that they hurt it.” 116. “No matter how hard you pray, wish or beg, you just have to accept that things will change and they always will – even if those things are the closest to you.” 117. “I love photographs because they never change – even if the people in them do.” 118. “I tell other people that I’m fine. I tell myself that I’m okay. I remind myself that I’ll make it through this day. But am I telling myself the truth, or am I just lying?” 119. “You really never know what you have until it’s gone.” 120. “Yes, I have trust issues. I’m the only person who hasn’t let me down.” 121. “The tongue may weigh very little, but only a few people can hold it.” 122. “Please don’t help me up if you only plan on pushing me back down again.” If you’re feeling sad or blue, share one of our quotes and status messages with your family and friends!
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jumpsitehq · 6 years
150+ Motivational Quotes About Strength, Courage and Hope
People would say “The world is cruel.” We all come to that point in life where we ask ourselves. What am I doing? Why do I have to suffer from the cruelty of life, people and the world? Here we arranged motivational quotes about strength that will definitely help you get up on your feet. We also have a great collection of Good Morning Images. This is a time where we find no value of in our mere existence, and we try to find answers that seem elusive. In times like this, it is always good to always look on the positive side circumstances and get more strength from our faith because life is a series of tests that will lead and mold you into the best person you will be.
Your Ultimate List of Quotes About Strength, Courage & Raise Your Hope!
1. “Look fear right in the eye and tell it to go to hell.” 2. “Every day must start with a little courage and a lot of hope.” 3. “The only people that can hurt you are those that you give permission.” 4. “Keeping everything together when the world seems to be falling apart is true strength.” 5. “Fall 8 times, and get up 9.” 6. “You are only given the obstacles in life that you can handle – no more and no less.” 7. “You are strong enough to surmount any obstacles that come in your way no matter how grim they may seem.” 8. “Your greatest pains always find a way to become your greatest strengths.” 9. “Putting a limit on what you can and can’t do is the definition of failure.” 10. “Success isn’t always about finishing first. It is about getting started and never giving up.” 11. “Those that are weak will never forgive, but those that are strong find a way to give forgiveness.” 12. “What are the attributes of strength? Courage, hope and the willingness to always get better.” 13. “We are only strong when we are united, not when we are divided.” 14. “Without courage, you will never find virtue.” 15. “Worry does not lead to a tomorrow void of worry. Hope is the only thing that leads to a better tomorrow.” 16. “Do you want to be pretty and useless, or strong?” 17. “Fears don’t rule your life. They are not meant to scare you.” 18. “When the night is dark, you will find the sunlight inside of yourself.” 19. “You can hide and you can cower, but you also have the option to beat down every obstacle head on.” 20. “To feel strong is not always the same as being strong.”
21. “A sign of a pure heart is showing the courage to shed tears for another.” 22. “You don’t always need to have strength to fight for yourself. It is enough to have the strength to kill for another.” 23. “Going on when you don’t have strength is the true definition of courage.” 24. “Hanging onto the past shows weakness, but knowing when to let go shows strength.” 25. “The strongest may weaken, and the wisest may err.” 26. “Build strong children, and you won’t need to repair broken men.” 27. “The world has a way of breaking strong people and leaving stronger people at the cracks.” 28. “Love that is strong is better than a moment of strength.” 29. “Indomitable will is far stronger than physical capacity and strength.” 30. “No one can take away love.” 31. “Grudges are left for those that think they’re owed something.” 32. “If you want to be courageous, go into battle with the strength of a lion.” 33. “Every great feat in the world has come from a lifetime of passion.” 34. “Good thoughts breed a good life.” 35. “Put your feet into the ground and stay firmly in place.” 36. “No one in the world can save us but ourselves.” 37. “You must walk the path that you make for yourself in life and forget about those that get in your way.” 38. “Winning doesn’t lead to strength; struggles you’ve overcome lead to strength.” 39. “The strongest people in the world have been broken down into little pieces time and time again, yet they find a way to make themselves whole and happy.” 40. “Every step we take is a chance to gain courage, strength and hope.”
41. “Heroes are those that have defied all odds and have found the strength to endure all of the overwhelming obstacles along the way.” 42. “Silence is often the greatest source of strength a person can have.” 43. “Dark shadows have to be overcome by lights that are a much stronger contrast.” 44. “All of the great wars in the world have been fought and won by an ordinary group of men that had the courage to put their lives on the line for a single purpose.” 45. “Not one person has lived without water, but millions of people find a way to live without love.” 46. “Hanging on doesn’t take immense strength, but letting go is what requires the most strength.” 47. “The world is the gym of life that we all enter to make ourselves just a little bit stronger.” 48. “Climbing to the top of a mountain, a hill or your career all have two things in common: strength and hope.” 49. “If you don’t have the courage to get out of bed and be the best you can be, your day will be wasted.” 50. “Staying calm when adversity strikes is the route to strength.” 51. “There can be no strength when there is no struggle.” 52. “Good actions give ourselves strength and inspire good actions.” 53. “At the end of life, you will find that the greatest pains in life have led to some of your greatest strengths.” 54. “Shallow men have a way of believing in luck, while strong men believe in courage.” 55. “Standing up and doing something about the obstacles that get in your way is the only thing a man can do.” 56. “Criticism is something to grasp onto because it has a way to make you stronger.” 57. “You have the power within you to overcome your mind’s obstacles.” 58. “A heart that is pure is ten times stronger than a heart of impure men.” 59. “Anxiety will not empty the sorrows of tomorrow, but it will empty the strength of today.” 60. “The time has not come for ease and comfort. It is not time to dare to endure.”
61. “If you stop thinking, you will find that you are a lot stronger than you ever thought you could be.” 62. “Storms are a good time to test your courage and strength while trying to find a little stability along the way.” 63. “No one knows their true strength until they are in hot water.” 64. “If your strength is unequal to the task ahead, allow hope and courage to lead the way to success.” 65. “Women and men alike can overcome any obstacle in their way as long as they have hope.” 66. “We can get anything that we want in life if we learn to endure and persevere.” 67. “God can only put struggles in our way. It’s up to you to be able to get through the struggles.” 68. “Fortitude is like an armor that is there to help you battle through the day and night.” 69. “Seeing a funny side of things will allow you to find true strength.” 70. “You only have to endure to conquer, but you need a lot of strength that get to this point in any struggle you may face.” 71. “The weak can learn to beat down the obstacles in their way one step at a time.” 72. “The only people that have truly lived life have suffered at some point along the way.” 73. “Endure and persist – that is the only way to overcome the pain of life.” 74. “Strength is delicate, but can grow into a wall that is able to withstand whatever the world throws at you.” 75. “Who are the strong? The people that are gentle have a way of being the strongest.” 76. “Endure one more moment, and you will start to grow heroism every second that passes.” 77. “Heart is defined as being courageous and strong in all matters of life.” 78. “Being crushed by other people’s ideals are a sacrifice that doesn’t help you grow as a person.” 79. “Treat strength as a child, and nurture it until it grows healthy and strong.” 80. “He who conquers himself is truly mighty, while he who conquers others is merely strong.”
81. “Every calamity of life can be overcome by endurance.” 82. “Deciding on what to do takes more strength than actual doing.” 83. “Wishing happiness for yourself every day is a recipe for disaster because happiness can’t be chased – overcoming the struggle to find happiness is true strength.” 84. “Cowards can endure hardships, but the brave can endure the suspense.” 85. “Mending a broken man is as simple as finding courage and hope.” 86. “Hope for a better day. Hope for a better outcome. Hope for a better you.” 87. “Mothers are far more courageous than any man.” 88. “It takes a big heart to find the courage to hope and be strong.” 89. “If all a person needed in life was pure strength, we would all find our way. But we also need courage and hope to find the light at the end of the tunnel.” 90. “The world can learn a lot from a person that finds the strength to stand up for what they believe in one last time.” 91. “People may pick on a strong man, but his will doesn’t allow them to endure.” 92. “The new day brings upon new strengths that we can obtain.” 93. “Life isn’t always about being first. It is about going through the motions one step at a time.” 94. “When you sit down and think about it, courage leads to strength, which leads to hope.” 95. “Every day that you open your eyes in the morning is a day that you can change your world.” 96. “You may not change the world, but you always have the opportunity to change your world.” 97. “A successful person doesn’t lack will.” 98. “Family can be your strength, or they can be your weakness – you decide.” 99. “Girl power is strength that is forged by a bond of women willing to have the courage to ask for help.” 100. “Do you want to ask others for help every step of the way, or do you want to be the rock that others go to when they need help?”
101. “Strength is not the source of great works; perseverance is the source of great works.” 102. “Strength is a trait that is planted when you’re at home.” 103. “Being happy with yourself is the only strength you need to be able to find hope and courage.” 104. “There is nothing more important than the courage to better yourself and keep enduring the struggles that come your way.” 105. “Man has walked on the moon, so don’t be afraid to shoot for the stars.” 106. “Mastering yourself is the way to find the power to survive in a cruel world.” 107. “Aging is not a way to lost youth, but a way to find the opportunity to find strength.” 108. “No one will ever remember the person that gave up.” 109. “Why would you give up when finding success can lead to your true happiness?” 110. “There are far too many people that give up hope right before they could have found success.” 111. “It is not the smartest person that figures out a problem, but a person willing to stay with the problem long enough to solve it.” 112. “Why would you give up hope when there are 365 days in a year?” 113. “Even if you are going through hell, you need to keep going.” 114. “When you are about to give up, try to remember all of the people that gave up before you and wished that they persevered.” 115. “It is a blessing to find the hope that leads to courage and strength.” 116. “No matter your age, you are never too far from being stronger.” 117. “Discouraged is always a part of courage.” 118. “Strength is forged by the love and desire to be better than you are at any moment in life.” 119. “Sure, some people are courageous and stronger than you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be their equal.” 120. “Why would you lose hope when the world is filled with magic?”
121. “Every person wants to believe they are courageous until they need to find the strength to act on their ambitions.” 122. “Get up more often than you are knocked down, and you will be a winner.” 123. “Unfortunately, no one beats a person that simply won’t give up.” 124. “Try beating down a person that has courage and you’ll find that you will never succeed.” 125. “If you never try and never fail, you will never know what the outcome could have been.” 126. “Quitters never win. Winners never quit.” 127. “It doesn’t matter how long you take to reach the finish line as long as you don’t stop along the way.” 128. “Never giving up is all that you need to do to find success.” 129. “Difficult things may take a long time, but doing the impossible only takes a little longer.” 130. “I have found 10,000 ways that haven’t worked.” 131. “It’s not too late to turn what might have been into a reality.” 132. “Try, try, try and try again.” 133. “Embrace adversity and it will help you become a success.” 134. “You have to believe in yourself when nobody else will to be the champ.” 135. “The day that you give up on your dreams is the day that you have lost all courage in life.” 136. “Successful men and women know how to keep moving through life – they never quit.” 137. “Your desire for success has to be greater than your fear to ensure you never fail.” 138. “Hanging on long after others have let go is the only way to find success.” 139. “When you have lost all courage and hope, sit down and find the strength to remember why you held on in the first place.” 140. “Tie the knot and hang on – that is the only thing you can do when you get to the end of your rope.”
141. “No one can shatter your dreams unless you give them the power to do so.” 142. “Courage doesn’t always roar; it often starts with a whisper that will lead you into tomorrow.” 143. "Never apologize for being sensitive or emotional. Let this be a sign that you’ve got a big heart and aren’t afraid to let others see it. Showing your emotions is a sign of strength." 144. "Go ahead, tell me that I;m not good enough. Tell me I can’t do it. Because I will show you over and over again that I can." 145. "Never be ashamed of a scar. It simply means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you." 146. "You have to believe in yourself when no one else does – that makes you a winner right there." 147. "The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within strength, courage and dignity." 148. "She is clothed with strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future." 149. "It is a shame for a woman to grow old without ever seeing the strength and beauty of which her body is capable." 150. "She builds others up because she knows what it’s like to be torn down."
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