juliejohnson01 · 3 years
What Is Your Personal Injury Lawyer Will Do For You?
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An injury claim or lawsuit is a time-consuming and complicated task. By hiring a personal injury attorney in Dallas, you can focus on recovering while they do some of the tasks including;
Evidence collection
Investigating all of the potential sources of liability
Interviewing witnesses
Dealing with insurance companies
Filing complicated and tedious paperwork
Above all, a personal injury lawyer must act as your advocate throughout the case. If you or a loved one has been injured in a serious accident, contact a Dallas personal injury lawyer at the Law Office of Julie Johnson.
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juliejohnson01 · 3 years
Frequently Asked Questions About Traumatic Brain Injury
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Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can cause debilitating conditions that change an accident victim’s life forever. Below are some TBI faq’s that may be useful if you have been injured in an accident.
What are the signs of a traumatic brain injury?
Will a traumatic brain injury heal without medical treatment?
What are the common causes of traumatic brain injury?
Are some people at a higher risk for traumatic brain injury?
What costs and damages are associated with traumatic brain injury?
An experienced Dallas traumatic brain injury attorney, Julie Johnson can help you file a claim or personal injury lawsuit against the negligent and reckless party who caused your brain injury.
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juliejohnson01 · 3 years
How To Claim Compensation In A Pedestrian Hit And Run?
At the scene of an accident, the Dallas motorists, bikers, or pedestrians involved must stop and alert emergency services if there is an injury. The parties must also exchange contact information. If a motorist fails to do so and simply drives away from the scene of the accident, s/he is guilty of a hit and run. If the motorist left you injured on the sidewalk and simply drove away, a court may decide to award you substantial damages. Speak to a Dallas pedestrian accident lawyer about whether you can include punitive damages in your claim.
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juliejohnson01 · 3 years
What If you’ve Been Hurt In A Motorcycle Accident Because Of Another's Reckless Driving?
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If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident because of a reckless driver, you may be entitled to compensation. The responsible party should pay the following.
Property damage
Medical bills
Lost wages
Pain and suffering
Proving fault in your accident is a key element to building a successful case against the driver who caused your accident. You will need to compile all significant information to support your case. You don’t need to try to manage your claim alone. At the Law Office of Julie Johnson, PLLC, an experienced Dallas motorcycle accident attorney, Julie Johnson and her team are ready to seek justice on your behalf.
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juliejohnson01 · 3 years
Have Traffic Deaths Fallen in Texas?
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As millions of Texans have stayed at home and significantly cut vehicle travel, the thought was that traffic injuries and fatalities would also decrease. In most major cities across Texas, vehicle traffic has been cut roughly in half. Early reports indicate that traffic fatalities and injuries are not decreasing as much as expected. If you or somebody you love has been injured due to the careless or negligent actions of another driver, seek legal assistance as soon as possible, contact an experienced car accident lawyer in Dallas Julie Johnson at the Law Office of Julie Johnson PLLC today.
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juliejohnson01 · 3 years
5 Key Considerations When Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer
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If you do decide that you need a lawyer, you’ll want to keep these five considerations in mind and make sure you’re asking the right questions.
What's their experience level?
What kinds of cases do they handle?
Do they have a good reputation?
What do they charge?
Do they care about their clients?
Do you need a Dallas personal injury lawyer? If so, contact the Law Office of Julie Johnson for a free consultation. Attorney Julie Johnson understands the complexities of personal injury law and can help you navigate the process.
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juliejohnson01 · 3 years
Filing a Truck Accident Claim in Dallas
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If you have been in a truck accident, liability will be determined based on who was driving negligently, causing the accident. If you were driving in a truck’s blind spots when your accident occurred, you might be held partially liable. To represent you in a truck accident claim in Texas, contact the Law Office of Julie Johnson PLLC today. Their truck accident lawyer in Dallas is prepared to help fight for fair compensation to address medical bills, lost wages, and other losses.
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juliejohnson01 · 3 years
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How To Avoid A Truck Accident From Squeeze Play?
The easiest way to avoid a squeeze play accident is never to attempt to pass a truck on the right-hand side. If you want to pass a slow-moving giant truck, do so on the left. What’s more, always use proper turn signals, and make sure that a truck driver can see you. If you or a family member was severely injured in a truck accident in Dallas, make sure you contact a Dallas truck accident attorney at the Law Office of Julie Johnson, PLLC, who will advocate on your behalf.
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juliejohnson01 · 3 years
What Does an Attorney Do If Medical Malpractice Happens With Victim?
Medical mistakes can lead to severe injuries, permanent disability, and even death. If you or somebody you care about has been injured due to the careless actions of a healthcare provider, seek legal assistance as soon as possible. At the Law Office of Julie Johnson, a medical malpractice lawyer in Dallas is dedicated to helping victims of medical malpractice secure the compensation they deserve. 
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juliejohnson01 · 3 years
Complicating Factors in Brain Injury Legal Claims
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More than one party may be held legally accountable and this is why your brain injury attorney in Dallas must evaluate your case and conduct an investigation as soon as possible. You have a limited time in which to file a claim and finding a lawyer you can trust with your case is a vital component of being able to move forward with this legal situation, to know more contact an experienced brain injury attorney in Dallas Julie Johnson at Law Office of Julie Johnson, PLLC, and schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.
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juliejohnson01 · 3 years
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Is It Necessary To Hire An Attorney After a Truck Accident?
A victim must secure legal counsel if a truck crash resulted in serious injuries. The same is true for the family if they lost a loved one in an accident. A claim can address the financial, physical, and emotional losses suffered. A truck accident attorney in Dallas at the Law Office of Julie Johnson, PLLC can help with establishing fault and collecting the evidence necessary, so begin your truck accident claim now.
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juliejohnson01 · 3 years
What is Needed to Prove Medical Malpractice Cases?
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Medical malpractice cases require extensive investigation. Generally, your Dallas medical malpractice attorney will need to prove that a medical professional had a duty to care for you and that they breached their duty in some way. They will need to show that the medical professional provided less than the adequate standard of care and that their breach of duty caused your injuries.
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juliejohnson01 · 3 years
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Requirements to Keep a Trucker Logbook and Overview of Hours of Service Rules
Every commercial truck driver is required by federal regulations to complete duty status reports every 24 hours. Truckers are only allowed to be on duty for a total of 14 hours straight before they must take a mandatory 10 hours of rest. Have you lost a family member in a fatal truck accident? contact a Dallas truck accident attorney Julie Johnson at the Law Office of Julie Johnson, PLLC. She has handled hundreds of truck accident cases since she began practicing law in 1991.
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juliejohnson01 · 3 years
How To File A Claim After A Motorcycle Accident, Not Wearing A Helmet?
Texas has a very lax helmet law for motorcyclists: only those riders ages 20 and under are required to wear a helmet while riding. If you weren’t violating the law at the time of your motorcycle accident, you shouldn’t be penalized for your injuries. At the Law Office of Julie Johnson PLLC, a motorcycle accident lawyer in Dallas Julie Johnson can help you to prove that your lack of helmet was in no way related to the cause of your accident, nor should it be held against you in recovering damages.
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juliejohnson01 · 3 years
How Squeeze Play Truck Accidents Happens?
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The term ‘squeeze play’ is fitting; this accident type occurs when a car is pressed between a truck and another physical barrier, typically a curb. This accident occurs when both vehicles—the large commercial truck and the smaller passenger car—want to make a right-hand turn. If you or somebody you love has been injured in a truck accident and needs legal assistance, contact a Dallas truck accident attorney Julie Johnson at the Law Office of Julie Johnson, PLLC, and schedule a free consultation.
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juliejohnson01 · 3 years
Filing A Wrongful Death Claim After A Fatal Car Accident
After a fatal car accident takes the life of your family member or loved one, you may not know what your options are moving forward. Dealing with the loss of a loved one can be extremely trying and emotional, especially if the person was the primary wage earner for your family. While nothing can ever replace your lost family member, an attorney can help you to file a wrongful death claim for damages. As an experienced wrongful death attorney in Dallas, Julie Johnson at the Law Office of Julie Johnson listens to you, answers your questions, and guides you through the claims process. 
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juliejohnson01 · 3 years
How Can You Hold a Negligent Driver Liable for Injuries?
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You have more options for recovery if you – or the Dallas Police – are able to identify the driver who struck your loved one. The driver and his or her insurance company are liable for the damages if you can prove he or she was responsible for the accident. If you or your loved one has suffered injuries in a pedestrian accident, get legal help before you file a claim. Contact a Dallas pedestrian accident attorney Julie Johnson at the Law Office of Julie Johnson, PLLC, and schedule a free consultation today.
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