julieherzogus · 5 years
Your WIIFM Factor: Know It, Love It, Share It
source https://iqcommunications.blogspot.com/2019/04/your-wiifm-factor-know-it-love-it-share.html
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julieherzogus · 5 years
How to Network Your Business for Maximum Results
source https://iqcommunications.blogspot.com/2019/03/how-to-network-your-business-for.html
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julieherzogus · 5 years
Networking Your Business
source https://iqcommunications.blogspot.com/2019/03/networking-your-business.html
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julieherzogus · 5 years
Benefits of Outsourcing Marketing: Why Your Company Needs a CMO
source https://iqcommunications.blogspot.com/2019/03/benefits-of-outsourcing-marketing-why.html
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julieherzogus · 5 years
Who Are You? The Power of Personal Branding
source https://iqcommunications.blogspot.com/2019/02/who-are-you-power-of-personal-branding.html
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julieherzogus · 5 years
A Smart Onboarding Process Helps Keep Customers Happy
source https://iqcommunications.blogspot.com/2019/02/a-smart-onboarding-process-helps-keep.html
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julieherzogus · 5 years
The Job Interview Question You’re Too Afraid to Ask—That Will Help You Get the Job
source https://iqcommunications.blogspot.com/2019/02/the-job-interview-question-youre-too.html
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julieherzogus · 5 years
Blog Writing: Tricks to DIY
source https://iqcommunications.blogspot.com/2019/01/blog-writing-tricks-to-diy.html
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julieherzogus · 5 years
Your Business USP Is Vital to Marketing Success
source https://iqcommunications.blogspot.com/2019/01/your-business-usp-is-vital-to-marketing.html
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julieherzogus · 5 years
The SEO Basics Your Website Must Have
source https://iqcommunications.blogspot.com/2019/01/the-seo-basics-your-website-must-have.html
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julieherzogus · 5 years
Your Marketing Perspective: Look Back, Look Around, Look Ahead
source https://iqcommunications.blogspot.com/2019/01/your-marketing-perspective-look-back.html
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julieherzogus · 5 years
The Interview Question You Must Be Ready to Answer
source https://iqcommunications.blogspot.com/2018/12/the-interview-question-you-must-be.html
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julieherzogus · 5 years
Resumes Create Value for Job Seekers
source https://iqcommunications.blogspot.com/2018/12/resumes-create-value-for-job-seekers.html
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julieherzogus · 5 years
5 Ways to Capitalize on Holiday Marketing Opportunities
The holidays are upon us, and if you have not already started weaving your holiday marketing magic, you still have time to create some holiday marketing opportunities!
From October through January, there are a number of holidays around which you can build campaigns. But the competition is fierce this time of year. We are in a good economy, and people have money to spend. You can determine where they spend at least a chunk of it if you get your plans in order now.
Create a Holiday Theme
During the holiday season, we are flooded with memories. Adults flashback to our childhood years, lights, cookies, and being with family. Almost any product or service can create messaging tailored to this nostalgia. How? Lucky for you, we have ideas to capitalize on holiday marketing opportunities.
1. Market Products and Services to the Season
Think about what you do in relation to the holidays. If you own a home services business, focus on the fact that holiday events usually happen around the house. Homeowners will need their residences cleaned, carpets steamed, HVAC tuned, landscaping updated, and meals catered. They might even be in the market to refinance to get some quick holiday cash!
Not a B2C business? No worries! Companies are usually closing out their books in December, so they need to spend money or look to how they will invest in the coming year. Focus on getting in early for their New Year planning.
2. Give a Special Holiday Gift
Everyone loves to get something free. Since the holidays are traditionally a time for gift giving, get in on the action with a giveaway. Secure prospective clients’ information through social media posts, postcards in your location, newsletters, blogs, and displays at trade shows. You can give something that represents your company (e.g., a pest company could give a home bug spray), or you could support a business in the community, such as a gift certificate for a local restaurant.
The key here is to have an ongoing marketing plan in place for all of those emails and phone numbers you’ll collect through your giveaway. Otherwise, you’re just giving money away with no potential return, and that is not capitalizing on holiday marketing opportunities.
3. Host a Charity Event
With #GivingTuesday fresh in our minds, it’s easy to latch on to the spirit of the season. Collect cans to share with the local food bank at your location or at events you attend. Create an event to volunteer at a shelter and invite your best clients. If you already give back a percentage of your earnings, be sure to publicize that to your community. For instance, at Ink & Quill Communications, a percentage of our sales goes to ChildHelp, so every time clients buy from us, they’re doing good. And people love doing good.
4. Create Themed Content
Update your marketing materials to support the season. You can do this on social media, blogs, newsletters, and marketing collateral. Turkeys, snowmen, snowflakes, dreidels, trees, candles, and fireworks are easy to add to printed flyers and such, as well as social media posts. Don’t be afraid to wish your followers a happy holiday and give them tips to get through the holidays. Most everyone is in the holiday mood this time of year, and that creates wonderful holiday marketing opportunities.
5. Develop Month-long Deals
Since most people celebrate Halloween the full month of October, Thanksgiving the full month of November, and Christmas / Hanukkah the full month of December, you can tap into that focus. Target a holiday event every month during the season or just choose one, but keep at it. By making your deal longer than a day or three, you allow happy customers to share the deal with friends and family. And virality is what we’re all striving for, after all.
Unsure How to Create Holiday Marketing Opportunities?
This is a busy time of year for all of us, and many business owners just don’t have the time to develop targeted marketing. Even with ideas, they feel overwhelmed. We get it. That’s why we’re offering a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation to help you come up with strategies (it’s usually 10 minutes, so this is an upgrade). We’ll brainstorm some ways that you can create excellent holiday marketing opportunities and close out the year on a high note!
The post 5 Ways to Capitalize on Holiday Marketing Opportunities appeared first on Ink & Quill Communications.
source https://iq-communications.com/5-ways-to-capitalize-on-holiday-marketing-opportunities/ source https://iqcommunications.blogspot.com/2018/11/5-ways-to-capitalize-on-holiday.html
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julieherzogus · 5 years
We Can All Make a Difference on Giving Tuesday
It’s a simple idea. Giving Tuesday is a global event that takes place on the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving. It has helped amplify fundraising efforts for nonprofits and charitable causes since 2012. The event takes place across social media platforms, in chambers of commerce, and in communities around the globe.
If you watch the news or spend any time on social, you know that we live in a world filled with need. From the fires in California to the Syrian war, from those standing on street corners to friends and family struggling with medical bills, need is all around us.
Where to Start Giving
With so many dire causes and amazing organizations, it can be overwhelming to know where to focus our time and money. While many of us may want to help, we wonder how best to do so. Really, there are so many simple ways to give.
At Ink and Quill Communications, we are committed to making a difference, that is why for Giving Tuesday, we wanted to highlight a few ideas to show you that giving can happen for more than just one day.
Give Time
Your time is one of the most valuable gifts that you can share this Giving Tuesday. Naturally, we are all busy with projects, clients, and life, but a gift of time can make a huge difference to someone else. While you may be inclined to choose to give your time to an organization in the community, remember that you can look closer to home as well. Friends and colleagues always appreciate the gift of time, whether it’s over a cup of coffee or helping to do things around the house.
When it comes to giving time, you can volunteer for one day, one event, or for a much longer time. Hospitals, children’s organizations, and shelters are just some places that always need helpful, giving volunteers.
Give a Donation
When it comes to Giving Tuesday, many of us think in terms of giving money. Opening your checkbook is easy to do this time of year since you can work it into your holiday giving. Look locally at food banks, homeless shelters, and angel trees at your children’s school or the mall. Nationally, you can choose to support a number of excellent charities. Here at Ink & Quill Communications, we donate a portion of our sales to ChildHelp not just on Giving Tuesday but year round. Consider doing the same. Or create a legacy gift in your will or trust.
Give a Gift That Gives Back
If you don’t have enough in your budget, you can give in other ways. Donate your time by volunteering at a nearby animal shelter or soup kitchen. Sign up to become an organ donor. Give blood. The possibilities for good deeds are endless.
Change Your Definition of Giving Tuesday
When you think about how to give, go beyond charities. Giving doesn’t have to be limited to charitable organizations. From cleaning up a neighborhood park or volunteering in your child’s school to organizing a community garden, make a commitment and give back.
If you have children, get them in on the act. What better way to teach them about the importance of supporting others?
Employers, motivate your team to give back as well. Are you in a trade that could support Habitat for Humanity? Could you work with the United Way to pull a percentage of before-tax payroll? Lead by example and see how far the giving can go.
Share the Good
Whatever you choose to support for Giving Tuesday, share the love! The movement has a hashtag, #GivingTuesday, so allow the community to connect. Your efforts will be seen and, perhaps, emulated. What better way to move in to the holiday season than by giving?
The post We Can All Make a Difference on Giving Tuesday appeared first on Ink & Quill Communications.
source https://iq-communications.com/giving-tuesday/ source https://iqcommunications.blogspot.com/2018/11/we-can-all-make-difference-on-giving.html
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julieherzogus · 5 years
5 Ways to Reduce Stress at Work and in Life
It’s a fast-paced world in which we live. We have alarms, timers, calendars, and deadlines that keep us jumping. Sometimes, we can get blinded by the barrage of outside influences. And that can lead to stress, which spills over to our relationships. Here are 5 ways to reduce stress, both at work and at home.
A Typical Day
What does your day look like? For me, I’m up at 5 am and working by 6 am. The first thing I do is grab a cup of coffee while I review emails and my to-do list so I can prioritize my day. As the rest of the office shows up by 7 am, my focus shifts to dealing with employee requests and personal issues. Then it shifts again at 8 am as clients start calling.
After another couple of cups of coffee, meetings get started. Those can last a few hours. And that could mean another cup of coffee. Or two.
I step away for a quick lunch around 11:30 am, and then, as the afternoon starts, it’s round two of employee issues and client projects. By 4:30 pm, I’m closing up and looking forward to heading home.
Only for it to start again tomorrow.
Stress Sneaks Up on Us
Even when everything is running like clockwork, stress still creeps in. It can show up in a number of ways:
Being short-tempered with the team, family, and friends.
Feeling like the hustle and bustle will never let up.
Missing deadlines.
Falling behind, which puts pressure on others to pick up after us.
Headaches, back pain, and the other physical manifestations of stress.
A “normal” workday can transform from a set schedule to running around putting out fires. Unfortunately, most days don’t work out as planned; there’s always something that comes up. And of course, that’s just at the office. We also have our personal lives that play into everything that’s happening. It can be exhausting. No wonder we’re looking for ways to reduce stress!
The Consequences of Too Much Stress
The truth is that we can’t escape stress. Even good things can be stressful! But when you don’t manage stress, it can take a toll on relationships as well as your health.
Stress left unchecked can be quite detrimental. According to Mayo Clinic, some symptoms of too much stress include:
sleep issues
changes in eating patterns (either too much or not enough)
social withdrawal
stopping exercising
excessive anger
increased risk for alcohol, tobacco, or drug use.
Ways to Reduce Stress and Re-center
If what you’re doing isn’t working to keep your stress manageable, here are 5 ways to reduce stress in your life.
1. Stay Positive and Laugh Laughter has been found to lower levels of stress hormones, reduce inflammation of the arteries, and increase “good” (HDL) cholesterol.
2. Exercise Every time you are physically active, whether you take a walk or play tennis, your body releases mood-boosting chemicals called endorphins. Exercising not only melts away stress, it also protects against heart disease by lowering your blood pressure, strengthening your heart muscle, and helping you maintain a healthy weight.
3. Unplug It’s impossible to escape stress when it follows you everywhere. Cut the cord. Avoid emails and TV news. Take time each day—even if it’s for just 10 or 15 minutes—to escape from the world.
4. Focus on Yourself Find ways to take the edge off your stress. Simple things, such as a warm bath, listening to music, or spending time on a favorite hobby, can give you a much-needed break from the stressors in your life.
5. Outsource When Necessary “If there’s some task that just thinking about it fills you with dread, then it’s probably worth considering whether you can afford to buy your way out of it,” said Elizabeth Dunn, a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia. Too many entrepreneurs take on everything themselves, when just letting go of one or two things could really help manage stress.
Don’t Let Marketing Be a Cause of Stress
Trying to solve today’s complex customer journey and generate real results from your marketing plan at the same time can be stressful and challenging. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a deep breath and remember #5 about outsourcing. Ink & Quill Communications is your marketing power partner. We create and implement the strategies that drive results. And that’s just one of the ways to reduce stress at work and home.
Contact us to schedule your free 10-minute consultation so we can help you regain more balance. We promise not to make it too stressful.
The post 5 Ways to Reduce Stress at Work and in Life appeared first on Ink & Quill Communications.
source https://iq-communications.com/5-ways-to-reduce-stress-at-work-and-in-life/ source https://iqcommunications.blogspot.com/2018/11/5-ways-to-reduce-stress-at-work-and-in.html
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julieherzogus · 5 years
Plan Now for 2019 Marketing Goals
How did it happen that it’s already Thanksgiving week? It’s true that, the older we get, the faster time seems to move. Don’t let it get away from you; right now is the perfect time to start planning your 2019 marketing goals. Here are some hints to get you ahead of the game and prepare for an amazing new year.
Why Goal Setting Is Important
Goals are just one way that we, as individuals and business owners, stay focused. Plus, those goals can prevent your business from becoming stagnant. There’s always something new to achieve, a direction in which you’re headed.
In reality, goal setting is one of the most important activities you can practice in your business. While implementation may change, developing solid 2019 marketing goals is your foundation for success in the coming year. Only with a solid plan can you expect to increase brand awareness and generate qualified leads that convert.
Step 1: Define Your Goals
You’ve no doubt written down goals before. When it comes to successfully reaching those goals, however, you must be specific. Be realistic with your expectations for yourself and your business. But stretch yourself too.
A smart way to define your 2019 marketing goals is by setting two goals: one you feel is achievable, plus a stretch goal that you’re not sure is possible. Focusing specifically on revenue for a moment, perhaps 5% is doable given your current trajectory. Given that, maybe your first goal is 7% growth. Your stretch goal, then, could be 12% growth.
Step 2: Create a Concise Marketing Plan
When was the last time you thought to create a marketing plan? Most business owners seem to fly by the seat of their pants from year to year. And, sure, that can work—for a while. Eventually, you’re going to need something a little more planned out.
That’s not to say you need a comprehensive manuscript. The best way to build a simple marketing plan is to work backwards. What are your 2019 marketing goals? More revenue? More clients or leads? Once you determine what your goals are, you can then create a plan to meet them.
As you write  your plan, keep a calendar close by. Look at major events throughout the year—both in your business and the world. If a certain season is busy for you, plan early to implement marketing tactics to make it even more amazing. Tie your plan to something tangible. That makes it more real, and that also means you’re much more likely to keep it top of mind.
Step 3: Track Your Efforts
You’ve heard the saying: What gets measured gets done. Creating a marketing plan is fantastic, but without tracking mechanisms, it’s just a wish on paper. You need to establish key performance indicators (KPIs).
You can set your KPIs for any of your marketing plan numbers, including revenue, leads, conversions, and customers. And you should be setting them not only for the year but month to month as well. Remember not to pin all of your hopes on one number (most people think specifically of revenue). There are many milestones along the line from prospect to customer, and marketing can be effective—or ineffective—anywhere.
Step 4: Analyze Your Results
As you’re tracking your KPIs in your marketing plan, be sure to make time to analyze those results. Did you get as many leads last month as you expected? What about your conversion rate? You need to look at your marketing holistically as well as granularly to get a complete picture. Data should be at the core of your 2019 marketing goals because it’s that data that helps you to reach those goals.
Step 5: Review, Adjust, and Improve
After you’ve implemented your marketing plan for a bit, you’ll have data and results. Then it will be time to adjust. You always want to be getting out a portion of what you’re putting in to your marketing efforts. By tracking your efforts and analyzing your results, you’ll have a firm handle on your ROI: return on investment. If you find that something isn’t delivering, determine how long you’ll keep doing it before you throw in the towel. Alternately, if something is working, when will you add more resources in that direction?
Start Creating Your 2019 Marketing Goals Now
The first step to ensure you are on the path to success in the new year is to set your 2019 marketing goals. Be SMART about them. And remember to create stretch goals as well. Goals are the foundation of everything else in your marketing plan.
Believe it or not, there is just a little more than a month until we hit 2019, so sit down now and start working on your plan. With a plan, you are armed to make this the best year ever.
Curious how to even get started with marketing? Ink & Quill Communications provides the strategy and implementation behind successful marketing, all for a fixed monthly fee. We call it our Smartest for You Package, and it’s how you can edge out your competition. Schedule your free 10-minute consultation to learn how we’ll help you meet your 2019 goals.
The post Plan Now for 2019 Marketing Goals appeared first on Ink & Quill Communications.
source https://iq-communications.com/plan-now-for-2019-marketing-goals/ source https://iqcommunications.blogspot.com/2018/11/plan-now-for-2019-marketing-goals.html
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