juliedeveraux · 2 months
The Polin fandom needs to stop putting Debling on a pedestal when we know nothing about this man. I’ve seen horrible takes by “Polin fans” saying Debling will be Penelope’s knight in shining armor and teach Colin how to treat her right. That she needs to be properly courted and romanced before “settling” for Colin. These are the same people who campaigned for Debling and Penelope having sex the SECOND the fake Sun article dropped. There is a fine line between being a Polin fan and a Penelope only fan. You only see Colin as a prize Penelope earns instead of his own person. That’s why as soon as he doesn’t act according to your standards, you start rooting for the other guy. This season is about Penelope AND Colin. I’m tired of his own fans being his biggest haters.
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juliedeveraux · 1 year
More than slightly angry rant: Penelope Featherington is COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED with what she writes in Lady Whistledown and I'm tired of pretending she wasn't. Let's start with Marina, in the first episode you can tell Penelope likes Colin and doesn't like him courting Marina, but she doesn't say anything or make a big deal out of it. Then when Penelope finds out Marina is Pregnant she doesn't go off to immediately print it in Whistledown, and even tries to help Marina with letters from George Crane. And when lord Rutledge is courting Marina, Penelope feels bad for her, and it isn't till Marina starts thinking about trapping Colin into a marriage that Penelope starts to change her mind. Penelope said to Marina that she shouldn't do it to Colin and that he's a good person, and literally says, "You can pick anybody but him." but Marina doesn't care and continues with her plan anyways. Even before the Bridgertons come over for dinner at the Featherington's home Penelope tries to convince her family that this plan won't work and they don't listen to her. Then while at the dinner, Penelope tries to talk to Colin privately about the situation without fully ruining Marina's reputation and breaking Colin's heart, but of course, Colin brushes it off. And I know a lot of people are like, "wHy DiDn'T sHe JuSt TeLl HiM tHe TrUtH?!" I think I might know why. For one thing, her family would be furious at her for revealing this to the Bridgertons, secondly, it's obvious to everyone that Penelope likes Colin (with him and Eloise being the exceptions) and didn't look too happy to hear about the engagement so even if she did tell another Bridgerton, they might just think she was lying and saying it just so that Colin wouldn't marry Marina. But even after all of that, Penelope is running out of solutions to save Colin from a life of lies. So, she talks to Marina one last time to try and change her mind and tell her that George didn't give up on her and that the letters were fake. Then, Marina insults Penelope and her crush on Colin and says really hurtful shit to Penelope after she has given Marina so many chances to change her plans and doesn't. Marina left Penelope with one last solution, Whistledown, it was too late for her to try something else as Colin and Marina were going to elope the next morning, so Penelope did the very last she wanted to do and wrote about Marina. It wasn't like Penelope was happy about writing about Marina either because she preceded to run over to Eloise crying. I started writing about the Eloise situation in S2 and ran out of space, so I wrote a second post that's out right now, go find it!
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juliedeveraux · 1 year
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it makes sense to me
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juliedeveraux · 1 year
But there’s actually MANY OPTIONS to stay AND raise Henry. As much as he has problems at school and is in good terms with Richmond team - it doesn’t feel wrong at all. So it feels like he doesn’t want to think about any options, wich is not logical. The problem is making his character ONLY about parenthood. He’s not only a father. It’s not a happy an healthy ending to made him first sacrifice all his force for Richmond and when it get’s better to sacrifice himself to only one reason in Kansas - his son, who also will grow up and leave. He deserves better. Parents have their lives too, and he had important people in London. His character development ended at 0, with one good thing - being a father.
I genuinely hate the take that Henry is not worth Ted leaving London for. People arguing that Ted should stay because there are more people in London who care about him?? Ok but his SON is in America. And he wants to be part of his son’s life growing up. 
Or saying that Ted doesn’t have friends in America and Michelle’s not worth going back for - Ted makes friends everywhere, he’s going to be okay. And the point isn’t Michelle. It’s HENRY.
Ted can’t abandon his son the way his father did to him - because the situations are different, but the way Henry would have ended up feeling probably would have been the same. For whatever personal motivation of his father, he wasn’t worth sticking around for.
In so many ways, Ted came in and broke cycles and that’s the point. He broke the cycles of bullying at Richmond, of people hurting others because they’re hurt, of revenge and anger instead of forgiveness. 
And the one last cycle he had to break was him making his son feel the way that his father made him feel. This story has been three seasons in the making. Ted’s story with his father and how it affected his relationship with his son has always been at the heart of his character - it’s motivated and haunted him at every step.
It always had to end with Ted making this decision.
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juliedeveraux · 1 year
the way I can’t be happy about this cause all I can think is Ted not being here and ending at his 0 (at least with his son but It’s still sad)
and boat guy was unnecessary for good Rebecca ending, I said what I said
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#i’ll take the ambiguous but domestic ot3 happily ever after, thanks
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juliedeveraux · 1 year
Imagine third truth bomb is “I love you” from Rebecca to Ted. Because he deserves to hear it after thinking he’s always too much and after all moments when he was stopping himself to say ily to Michelle😭
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juliedeveraux · 1 year
ok i need someone to answer and talk to me because i'm scared
the season goes like ted at the end will leave for kansas to his son, and rebecca will help bex with the child and it will be her family, I am 90% sure of this and I am afraid that there will be no tedbecca.
then why were the clues about the green soldier? they all point very clearly to Ted.
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juliedeveraux · 1 year
Yesss!! Tell these misogynistic people the truth! She’s just a funny character.they’re having good time with Ted but nothing more
OK I keep seeing these "Sassy keeps finding Ted when he's sad, she's a bad person for wanting to fuck him when he's down in the dumps"
And truly, are all the people reblogging this under 20? Because there's this weird infantilization of Ted going on, like he's some high schooler getting seduced by the teacher's assistant or something.
Ted is a middle-aged man going through some tough times. He is not being preyed on, he is not being harmed. He, like pretty much every allosexual man on the planet, enjoys sex; he specifically enjoys sex with Sassy.
Sassy is not some conniving bitch who's exploiting or otherwise hurting Ted. She, like pretty much every allosexual woman on the planet, enjoys sex; she specifically enjoys sex with Ted.
Please for the love of fucking god knock it off with this "She should leave Ted alone!" Ted does not want Sassy to "leave him alone," as evidenced by Ted telling Sassy something that he possibly hasn't even told Rebecca yet. True, it's clear he doesn't want a romantic relationship with her, but that feeling is mutual, and they are still GOOD FRIENDS WHO LIKE AND TRUST EACH OTHER. There is nothing unhealthy or unethical about their relationship; just because they fuck doesn't mean they owe or expect anything more — or less — than friendship.
This show has been very careful to make its relatively few female characters into whole, interesting, and mostly good people (with the possible exception of Jane, who is clearly written as an excuse for Phoebe Walsh and Brendan Hunt to improv their scenes together and go hog wild). Disliking some of them is fine, everyone's got different tastes. But making up an entire sinister reason for Sassy to want to fuck Ted other than "he's cute, he's sweet and he's hung like a horse" is weird. (Aside from which, what... exactly is Sassy's nefarious plan, here? Having a satisfying orgasm or three?)
Plus, the puritanical thread through this is creepy as fuck. Casual sex is not unhealthy! One-night stands are a fine way to live your life! Fucking your friend is not inherently manipulative or wrong! Because I tell you what, if I had a friend like Sassy (or Ted!) who offered to fuck me when I was down in the dumps? I would buy them a little award that said "BEST PAL EVER" or something.
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juliedeveraux · 1 year
*clears throat* So-
Buckle up, this is a long one
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“The reason we start with Rebecca is all rooted in George Roy Hill starting on those long close-up shots of Robert Redford in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, ‘cause he was an unknown Broadway actor, but George Roy Hill wanted to let people know that yes, [Paul Newman] is in here, don’t worry, but this guy is in the movie too. So, this show is about Rebecca, even though it’s called 'Ted Lasso’, in my opinion. The first season, certainly."  - Jason Sudeikis
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“I had this picture in my head of what Rebecca looked like, more just in essense, like an aura, and I walk in, and see who we know now as Hannah, and I saw Rebecca. I saw Rebecca first, and then I got to meet Hannah.” - Jason Sudeikis
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HANNAH: Were you thinking, “She’s a giant!”
JASON: No, I didn’t think that. I mean, we talked about it that day. I remember you being sort of surprised that I didn’t comment on it. I think I said, “It wouldn’t bother Ted. It doesn’t bother me.”
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“You get little glimpses or an eye flutter of it as early as episode one. When Ted says to her, “Oh, yeah, I heard about that. How are you doing?” — knowing that this was going to be a longer-running thing — it allowed me to give a smile, but an acknowledgment of somebody being so direct to her. In my head, that is literally the first moment anybody had checked in with her. I was glad that, in the edit, that came across. That slight startle.” - Hannah Waddingham
“I knew when playing that scene we’d go to Rebecca’s face after Ted asked to have to sit with it. Sometimes you put that in the script and other times you don’t, but you just know it editorially.” - Jason Sudeikis
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“I do think Rebecca likes him very early on, and that gets in the way. She didn’t think her plan through. She saw this guy online and thought, What an idiot, let’s get him to destroy the club. She didn’t think she would actually have chemistry and empathy with this person.” - Hannah Waddingham
 ”She stops weaponizing him early on, like, when she gets to know him, basically after [episode] 4, it’s no longer [that].“ - Jason Sudeikis
"Rebecca finds things that she respects Ted for far earlier than people think.” - Hannah Waddingham
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INTERVIEWER: When you look at [Ted and Rebecca] there’s actually a lot of similarities between them. They’re both dealing with the end of a relationship, they’re trying to navigate heartbreak, and what their sense of identity is outside of what has been their lives for several years. […] Was there a conscious thought about some of the paralels between their journeys with that in mind?
BRENDAN: Yes. […] We will see a little more of why they are kindred and parallel spirits in season 2
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“I do believe they are soulmates.” - Jason Sudeikis
“They are ultimately soulmates, in whatever form.” - Hannah Waddingham
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“She realizes that they’re each other’s saviors. She unwittingly has saved his life by bringing him away from his wife and his home life, and he has been brought into her life to bring her strength and sunshine when there was none.” - Hannah Waddingham
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juliedeveraux · 2 years
Okay but just imagine a scene at the ball where lady Danburry has a conversation with Kate and Penelope, and then she is asking ”where is your Mr. Bridgerton?” and Kate is like ”uhm, you just saw Anthony 5 min ago» and Lady Danbury says "I wasn't talking to you, dear." So Kate understands, and Penelope is puzzled and embarrassed cause they are ”friends”😅
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juliedeveraux · 2 years
I'm rewatching season 1 and I just hate that they did this dramatic line with marina and colin. he even said that he was in love with her so much that he would accept her with a child. he has to literally crawl in front of penelope so I don't get the disgusting taste of him almost being married to her cousin. i need a strong contrast to see that marina was just a passion
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juliedeveraux · 2 years
I understand you, but one moment: Colin is ALREADY interested in Pen. He just doesn’t realize it.
unpopular opinion: I don't want Penelope to have another suitor in the show
OR: Why I need to see Colin choose Penelope without anyone else's meddling involved
As whispers of future seasons and plots and what-may-be's are brewing, I've been noticing the plot point of Penelope getting another suitor in the seasons coming up. I see it (and have enjoyed it!) as a pretty common trope in fics, as well. In fics, I think it's very fun! It can explore some interesting storylines and canon divergences. But in the show? Well, I have a lot of qualms if that's the direction the show takes. (readmore because long post is LONG)
It makes it seem like Colin is only interested in Penelope if someone else is, first
This is probably my greatest criticism if it happens in the show. A big theme of their book and love story is that, all along, Penelope has been loveable, and beautiful, and kissable (exact word) and he hadn't the maturity to notice. His maturity is a HUGE point of his arc, in which he needs to discover himself, discover what he wants, and goes through a lot of internal struggle to do so. By bringing an external force into the mix, I don't think it shows the maturity he need to develop. He would only notice her when someone else does and I want him to notice her on his own.
And, also, I feel as though it's a disservice to Penelope. I know I would personally always wonder if they wanted ME or wanted the version of me that someone else wanted. We as the audience would question it, as well. Does Colin want to be with Penelope or does he just want her because someone else wants her? Would he have noticed and loved her without that other person? Would he have made moves of his own volition or was it necessary for external factors, and if so, is that satisfying enough? Which also leads me into. . .
2. Colin's character arc is INTERNAL
I LOVE this. Where many characters struggle with things externally and internally, Colin's plot revolves almost around how he's LOOKING to grow through external means, traveling, for example, but that it isn't enough and that the majority of the work must be done internally. He needs to take a good, hard look at himself and do some really heavy questioning: What does he want? Is it really what HE wants or what society has convinced him that he wants? Is it really what he wants or what he's willing to settle for in order not to be hurt? Is he brave enough to go for it? If he had what he wanted right in front of him, would he take it? Can he TRUST himself to be open and vulnerable? Can he trust himself to open up despite being hurt, despite the possibility of more hurt? Is he enough?
While a suitor for Penelope can force some of these questions, in a way opening his eyes to what's in front of him, I want HIM to do this work on his own. I want him to CHOOSE this difficult questioning. I want him to open his eyes because he WANTS to, because he now is also alone, and needs to come to personal realizations. I don't want anything to kick start it for him, because. . .
3. Colin needs redemption
Colin's character in the show is one that I notice a lot of people are pissed off at. Rightfully!! He's said several things for which he needs to apologize, and he definitely needs to grow. Don't get me wrong, the man is my blorbo, my son, my foolish babe. I want him to be sorry. A lot of us want him to struggle. He should!!! We NEED him to grow. We NEED him to change. He has a lot of ground to cover.
But the way I think he'll make up that ground? Loving Penelope. CHOOSING Penelope. CHOOSING his own happiness and realizing they can create that happiness together. Choosing Penelope after being spurned on by another suitor just. . .doesn't redeem him, for me. Would he suffer? Yeah, for sure. Would that suffering be. . .satisfying? Not to me. His redemption will really be through loving her. SEEING her for all she is. Which, honestly? A suitor really cannot do because
4. I don't actually think Penelope wants or needs a suitor
Okay, hear me out. Penelope is a wallflower externally, but internally, she's sharp as a knife. She's also very hurt at the moment. She's lost trust, she's going to put her walls up EVEN HIGHER. A suitor coming in would, realistically, be met with a stone wall from Penelope. She doesn't want a suitor. She wants Colin. She wants Eloise. She wants real, genuine connection. And she's not the kind of character to forge that kind of connection with just anyone, honestly. A suitor coming in takes away from the arc I really want for her, which is for her to be alone and to realize that, even alone, even entirely by herself, she is ENOUGH and she is excellent. I want her season to revolve around her being completely self-serving, her furthering her career: something another suitor muddles. Hell, I don't even want her to look at COLIN for a while. I want her to just BE for a little bit. Now, obviously, she can still do this even w/ other people's attentions, but
5. It's just not the kind of wish fulfillment I'm looking for
This one is personal. (Okay, all of this is very, deeply personal lmao) But. . .I get it. I get that we want to see Pen desired and wanted and pursued. I get that we're upset at Colin for disregarding her. I get that we want to see her acknowledged for the babe she is!!!! But some random suitor or, even, another character we already know paying her attention that way. . .I think it breaks what I love the MOST about Polin. Which is the theme of being seen. The motif of a mirror. Not just the mirror scene, yes that's part of it, but also that
5a. Colin holds the mirror to Penelope externally
This ties into 3: Colin's redemption is tethered, in many ways, to Penelope. She is who he has hurt and he has to right those wrongs. The way to right those wrongs is to truly SEE her. Not just as Eloise's friend, not just as his, not even just as a woman: But for HER. When he sees her, knows she's LW, recognizes her as a woman he's interested in, understands it was HIM who was at fault, he also allows Penelope to see HERSELF. I think a suitor coming in who ONLY sees the external parts of her, will distort that mirror. She won't really trust Colin and the mirror he holds to her if that's how HE sees or, or how him seeing her with someone ELSE has altered his image of her.
5b. Penelope holds the mirror to Colin internally
Penelope pushes Colin to be brave. She pushes him to look for purpose. He needs to find these things on his own, of course, she cannot and SHOULD NOT do that work for him, but she INSPIRES him. SHE inspires HIM.
Another suitor coming in to inspire his affection for her breaks so much of that, for me. The mirror cracks, if you will. At least, to me, it does.
6. I need Colin to choose Penelope for absolutely no reason other than he loves her and wants her
I don't want him to choose her because he realizes someone else is interested. I don't want him to choose her because the show puts a pressure cooker of time on the clock. I want him to choose her unhurried. I want him to choose her of his own volition. I want him to choose her because Pen is who she has always been, because he has always loved her, because his love for her has grown.
7. They have a storyline of jealousy: and the one they have is WAY more interesting already
Colin doesn't need to be jealous of a suitor. Colin is jealous of PENELOPE. Colin is jealous of her work, her resilience, her legacy. Colin is jealous because SHE IS A BADASSS. A double dose of "Colin is jealous because this dude is trying to date her" and "Colin is also jealous of Penelope for her accomplishments" makes him. . .less interesting, to me. Jealousy of a suitor ends in him realizing he loves her. Okay. . .that's fine. It can highlight his insecurities a bit more, show how he misses her. It's nice! But. . .
But jealousy of her work and accomplishments? That leads to SO MUCH MORE. He LOVES her. This is a woman he loves and admires. He wants to spend his life with her. And he needs to grow in THAT jealousy. He doesn't really need to grow in his jealousy of another suitor. But he DOES need to grow in the jealousy he has for her so it becomes awe. So it becomes true admiration. He's jealous because she did something INCREDIBLE. He's jealous because SHE'S incredible. He's jealous and he has to get over it without any help, because she won't STOP being incredible. The other suitor will stop giving affections, eventually. But Penelope will NEVER stop being a force of nature. And to me, it's such a nuanced and beautiful growth they can embark on.
TL;DR: Colin and Penelope deserve to choose one another without external factors at play.
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juliedeveraux · 2 years
God elite is such a mess… a old man (Ivan’s dad) kissing a kid (Patrick). Teenagers being murders like it's something common…
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juliedeveraux · 2 years
does Ari’s character even have a... heart? or personality? last season she cheats on Guzman with his best friend, in this season she sleeps with her brother's crush and still cheats at every opportunity. God, what's wrong with elite? they literally talk once by the lockers and then he (ivan) kisses her like he is crazy in love?
lol now they fuck*d an he is crying bc of her.WHEN AND WHY he started to love her? they haven’t even 1 conversation
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juliedeveraux · 2 years
sorry what??? valentina (isadora?) says that kayetana must forgive the rapist and help him, and «this is feminism”?? wtf elite? he should be in jail, but it looks like the writers want to dedicate this season to Philip's acquittal. they make him a victim i hate it there
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juliedeveraux · 2 years
No one said about fuck buddy what are you talking about? why do you even perceive it this way? I'm telling you, for the time on this show where people are suspected of something even when they're STANDING AROUND EACH OTHER in the room alone and forced to marry because of it - Polin communication is more than enough. not to mention that you're denying the obvious because we already know that the’re together in the future, so the creators deliberately make their moments ambiguous, where there is a hint of something more than friendship, so that it works and develops into the future. I didn’t tell you that he was in love, but it’s pointless to deny their connection, since it is and will be. just as it is pointless to deny that discussing your friend in the company and laughing is still bad
Another thing about Penelope that is driving me insane is how toxic her relationship with Colin is. If Penelope was male and acted the way she was people would be horrified. Instead all I read is how dumb Colin is and how mean he is to not immediately reciprocate her feelings. I know Polin become a thing. I read the books and in the books Polin is a beautiful love story, not my fave by any means, but still sweet. This ain't it. Colin isn't required to love Penelope just because she has a crush on him. he didn't ask her to do any of the things she has claimed to have done for him. Which lets be honest weren't done for him, but for her own selfish reasons. He doesn't owe her anything. Show Colin isn't as charming or interesting as book Colin but he still doesn't deserve to be stuck with Penelope. Sorry for ranting in your inbox. I'm just seeing too much Penelope apologists on my timeline.
I mean she's acting like a teenager with a crush. Her crush is the least offensive thing about her right now. But like I said before, I don't really care about her or Colin, really. But at least Colin isn't selfish. I felt absolutely no sympathy for her at the end of this season. Their book was cute, but book Penelope was far superior to this one. Someone commented on a post that the show should just leave her a villain, and I agree at this point. I get that the Bridgerton family is very forgiving, but this is the second season in a row where "Mrs. Whistledown" almost ruined them for her own selfish reasons... I don't see how Colin can just look past that.
Anyway, I hope-- if they are the couple they decide to go with next season-- that Kate and Anthony in wedded bliss gets just as much screen time as all of Penelope and her family's nonsense got this season.
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juliedeveraux · 2 years
No one said It’s Colin‘s fault. but do not exaggerate, he clearly does not look at her as at eloise, the actor knows that they are together in the future and shows an ambiguous look. however, taking her hand and leading her into another room, dancing, saying "you are special" would OBVIOUSLY be regarded as a courtship at that time, anyone from the outside would think the same, although here people may still have doubts as they do not consider Penelope enough beautiful. but definitely these things are enough to make someone hopeful and fall in love. Colin doesn't owe her anything, but talking about her in the company of men and laughing is still shitty , even for a friend
Another thing about Penelope that is driving me insane is how toxic her relationship with Colin is. If Penelope was male and acted the way she was people would be horrified. Instead all I read is how dumb Colin is and how mean he is to not immediately reciprocate her feelings. I know Polin become a thing. I read the books and in the books Polin is a beautiful love story, not my fave by any means, but still sweet. This ain't it. Colin isn't required to love Penelope just because she has a crush on him. he didn't ask her to do any of the things she has claimed to have done for him. Which lets be honest weren't done for him, but for her own selfish reasons. He doesn't owe her anything. Show Colin isn't as charming or interesting as book Colin but he still doesn't deserve to be stuck with Penelope. Sorry for ranting in your inbox. I'm just seeing too much Penelope apologists on my timeline.
I mean she's acting like a teenager with a crush. Her crush is the least offensive thing about her right now. But like I said before, I don't really care about her or Colin, really. But at least Colin isn't selfish. I felt absolutely no sympathy for her at the end of this season. Their book was cute, but book Penelope was far superior to this one. Someone commented on a post that the show should just leave her a villain, and I agree at this point. I get that the Bridgerton family is very forgiving, but this is the second season in a row where "Mrs. Whistledown" almost ruined them for her own selfish reasons... I don't see how Colin can just look past that.
Anyway, I hope-- if they are the couple they decide to go with next season-- that Kate and Anthony in wedded bliss gets just as much screen time as all of Penelope and her family's nonsense got this season.
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