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Paxman and Theroux’s Interview Techniques.
Paxman assertively repeats the same phrase “but did you threaten to over rule him?” Paxman does this as the man he is interviewing is avoiding answering his question, by assertively repeating the question, Paxman is not giving the man an excuse to get out of answering the question. Paxman manages to sustain his well manners despite his clear frustration as he says “with respect that is not answering the question” - he continues to stay professional and calm throughout this situation. This interview was effective as Paxman clearly highlighted the mans reluctance to answer his question and he did not back down.
Theroux’s interview technique in this scenario was almost informal, he begins the interview by “fist bumping” the interviewee through the glass - this establishes an initial relationship between the two parties involved. Theroux ensures not to come across as judgmental as this would ruin the relationship that has been established, if this relationship is ruined, the interviewee may be reluctant to talk. Theroux gets deeper answers from the alleged pimp without showing any kind of judgement, even with faced with comments such as “Women are just Hoe’s” 
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My Wordpress
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Educating Milennials - Kyle
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Feedback for documentary
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Why use wordpress?
Easy to use
Search engine friendly
Easy to manage
Can handle different media
Why does a journalist need a website?
Journalist need a website to reach a broader audience, websites allow the audience to broadcast and share their work to their specific target audience.
Why use categories in wordpress?
Categories separate different articles by their theme - this allows people to find articles which will interest them.
Why use tags in wordpress?
Tags allows a user to search by specific words that appeal to them - again, this allows people to find articles which will interest them.
Why should you update your site content as often as possible?
To give your audience new material and to ensure that the supporters of your work expands. it will also keep the audience engaged.
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Dealing with parental separation as an adult
Throughout my school life I was shamefully but secretly proud to be the only one in our group of 5 to have parents who hadn’t separated, thinking back on this I realise that maybe I should have replaced this pride for gratitude as you never know what the future has in store. I know that a handful of you reading this will know the extent of what I mean when I say parental separation is shit, but what I have recently realised is that it is a situation that is not age restricted.
I think I can speak for everyone when I say that if your parents are going to separate, you expect it to be before you reach the confusing teenage years – I was 18 when my parents decided to tell me “it’s time we call it a day” and I was gutted. I felt like that was my childhood over, the only thing I’d known and trusted all my life had just fallen apart; but soon enough it becomes your brand new normal life. Based on my experience and the way I reacted, I have some tips which could influence you to make positive decisions – rather than dwelling on the negatives.
If the split is unrequited, this could mean there is one parent who is now broken hearted. Unless the circumstances are exceptional, it is vital to avoid siding with one parent, this will only make the situation worse and could damper your current relationship. Comfort both of your parents as you may not know as much about the situation as you think you do. It is important to retain the relationships that you have with your parents, maybe even strengthen them. Try to stay open-minded as bitterness will only taint the relationships that you have with your parents, and this will probably increase the difficulty of an already difficult process. Try to remember that it is your parents’ fight – not yours.
Don’t abandon all normalities in your current life. I initially dealt with the separation of my parents negatively – I abandoned all normality in my life. I moped around my boyfriend’s house and didn’t go into work, I felt like I was mourning. Soon after the separation, I quit my job, I wasn’t happy in that career anyway but I find it shocking that I made such a drastic decision based on my emotions at the time. Try not to do what I did.  Instead, attempt to adjust to your new life before making any rash decisions which potentially could negatively impact your future.
A positive that I have taken from the split is that I now have a much better relationship with my dad. When parents split, it will often give you an opportunity to build separate but stronger relationships with both parents as you may find you are able to spend more one-on-one time with them.
You won’t live for ever and neither will your parents, it is a fact that when you get older – so will they so it is important to love and respect both parents regardless of the situation. Try not to be bitter because their love has dissolved and don’t think that this is bound to happen with any of your future relationships. Life is a very strange and unpredictable thing and nothing good will come of looking back at your past with anger. Time is our most valuable and limited resource and we must learn to deal with negativity as positively as we can.
Change can be scary but change doesn’t have to be negative.
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Link to documentary video
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Screenshots of editing process
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Essentials of Journalism
Types of Journalism:
Controversial, news, political, social issues, current affairs, world events, pop culture, crime, local news, human interest, investigative, sports, environmental, technology, travel, in depth interview, wild life, finance and business, fashion, opinion.
Online, Blogs, social media, websites, news platforms, vlogs, newspapers, magazines, tv news, documentaries, film/video, documentaries, youtube, other online video platforms, photo journalism, editorial, reportage.
What does a journalist do?
Gathers information in order to display a message/story using various platforms, can be factual or opinion based.
Finds, crafts and shares stories about the real world
What is the purpose of journalism?
- To inform impartially and to entertain
- To debate
- Criticize/ Challenge
- Analyse
- Influence / Persuade
- Educate
-Raise Awareness
-Help us understand the world.
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Educating Millennials – Speaking to Kyle. - Documentary proposal
Producer/Director/Cameraperson/Sound recordist/Editor:  Julia Searcey
Hypothesis and Interpretation
I believe that the “Millennial” generation seem to be labelled with very negative stereotypes, I think this negativity could derive from older generations fear of advanced technology. I wanted to create a video which highlights the great things that can be done with technology – I also wanted to show how much opportunities in education have changed, as education is probably one of the most important aspects in someone’s life.
During my film, I will be speaking to a millennial who is currently studying computer science to get an insight into the life of someone who has embraced modern day technology.
Target Audience
My target audience will have a huge range as I would like the video to be relatable to “Millennials” as I have given them a face, which is Kyle. Kyle has an urban style which I believe will attract the millennial audience as they will find relatability within him.
The target audience will also be aimed towards older generations in order to open their eyes to the millennial world, and show them the side of millennials that is creative and ambitious in order to hopefully create some positive stereotypes to replace the negative. Kyle has tattoo’s which some older generations may assume have a correlation with delinquency. I am hoping that by showing how ambitious Kyle is, those who have these assumptions may start to think differently.
As this is an interview, the majority of the video will be based on Kyle answering questions, I will accompany this with images and videos which are related to the answer.
There will be small amount of narration at the beginning of the video to give the audience basic understanding – It also highlights what issue will be discussed.
To shoot this video, I will need to ensure that I can get into contact with Kyle in order to arrange an interview – if I cannot do this then I will need to change the concept of my video or find another participant. In order to ensure that this does not become an issue, I have arranged a time that the interview will take place.
It is likely that the documentary will be biased as it shows Kyles views and opinions, I am predicting that he will try to dispute some of the negative stereotypes surrounding millennials.
I will need to ensure that I have a camera and audio recorder in order to get the best quality out of the interview.
I have chosen to shoot the interview with Kyle sitting at his computer desk as this is his natural environment – this will build on the relatability. The location will also make the interview feel personal as if he has let the audience into his life.
Elements of Interview
I would like the interview to give a first-hand account of what it is like to grow up in a world with a huge range of opportunities and facilities. I would like the audience to create a comparison between the history of further education as to what it is in modern day.
The first 20 seconds (approximately) of the video will be presenting the main concept of the video, this will include images and narration to give the audience a context so that they will understand what the video is trying to display.
The interview will contain open questions which will allow Kyle to create interesting answers which go to a certain depth, I am hoping this evokes the audience to create a “relationship” with him.
I believe that the documentary will be a poetic/expository hybrid.
Towards the end of the documentary, I am hoping to ask a question to see whether Kyle has received any negative comments by older generations, I am hoping that this will make those of the older generations who it applies to, think before commenting negatively on a young person’s area of study. I hope for different outcomes for different audiences, I would like younger audiences to be proud to be creative and not ashamed to embrace modern day technology. I would also like the video to remove some negative images that surround millennials.
Unique Qualifications
I specifically qualify to make this video as I am a millennial who has had to put up with negative commentary, I am also studying in an area which relies heavily on technology.
Camera I intend to use: Digital SLR
Audio: Zoom H4n audio recording kit
Sound: I will be using royalty free music and all other audio will be voice recorded by myself.
Storage: I will be storing all my videos, images and audio onto an SD card which I will then copy onto my hard drive and memory stick so that I have multiple copies.
Video editing: I will be using premiere pro to compose the video.
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Generation Wars on Education. (Amended article, amendments in bold)
When you type into the google search bar “Millennials are…” the filters which are recommended suggest that the “Millennials” are a generation of lazy individuals with a lower intelligence than their predecessors. It appears that an ironic social battle has commenced with the “baby boomer” generation collectively pointing a finger of blame in the direction of the Millennials, accusing them of killing the society that they once knew.
Author Simon Senik has previously stated that he blames parenting for the supposed narcissistic and lazy attitude of Millennials, Possibly suggesting that educational and disciplinary changes over history represents one of the reasons why baby boomers have such strongly negative opinions about the Millennials.
I spoke to a couple of baby boomers and a particularly controversial theme seemed to occur during discussions; Corporal Punishment. A few of the boomers that I spoke to told me that they believe the deduction of corporal punishment, which was outlawed from schools in the UK in 1986, contributes towards the apparent lack of respect that the millennials have. One of the boomers named Mike, born in 1967, made the following statement;
“Kids today think they are untouchable, political correctness is insane as they are not allowed physical punishment.”
However, psychologist Clive Williams has concluded that corporal punishment “damages the capacity of a child to develop trust in relationships”.
Corporal punishment is against a child’s fundamental rights and we cannot justify physical punishment towards our children when we do not punish criminals in a physical way. Corporal punishment in prisons was abolished under the Criminal Justice Act of 1967 – almost 20 years before it was abolished in schools. Do criminals’ rights come before children’s?
In addition to this, a few of the boomers that I spoke to commented on the fact that millennials face “no consequences for their actions”.
The disciplinary actions towards millennials in their generation could be considered too gentle and a balance of ethical but stricter punishments could be discussed for the future generation.
Not only has the millennial generation changed in terms of disciplinary but the education system has had to adapt to utilise the technological advances, as of course, Millennials are the pioneers of the tech industry. Technology has significantly changed the way in which a teacher can engage and educate a classroom but these are also considered distracting and cause real life social deprivation for the generation. Kyle, born in 1997, states;
“Technology enables communication between people who may have not encountered one another in the real word. I am currently studying computer science at University so without the technological advances – It would be impossible for me to be in the exciting position that I am in now.”
Conflicting with this, Karen, born in 1970 stated;
“Technology is now prioritized over social and interpersonal relationships”
“Technology enables communication between people who may have not encountered one another in the real word. I am currently studying computer science at University so without the technological advances – It would be impossible for me to be in the exciting position that I am in now.”
There is some educational common ground between the battling generations that seems to be appearing in recent politics. Theresa May revealed plans in 2016 of reforming education and re-opening grammar schools similarly to the iron lady, Margaret Thatcher, who during her years as secretary of state was determined to preserve grammar schools – an educational process where students are admitted on their ability alone. The similarity between the two female MP’s demonstrates that ideologies within education may not have changed as much as we think they have. The idea of reserving grammar schools also suggests that we could see an apparent rise in the segregation of social classes. Could this mean the country is going backwards where equality is concerned?
Changes in education and discipline are going to change as the world and society progresses, this is a fact that we all should accept; it’s just how the world works. Every generation will have different lives and experiences, millennials should ensure they are educated on how older generations lived so that they gain a greater respect for the opportunities that they are presented with. It is also about time that we stop generalising behaviours in generational groups, we are all individuals and there is one thing we can all agree on; life is complicated.
 By Julia Searcey
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Practising video shots and movements
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Camera Lighting
Task 2:
Key Lights - Main lights used to film the subject of the video.
Fill Lights - Supporting light for the key light, often mirrors the key lights at a lower intensity and they fill shadows created by the key light.
Back Light - Gives depth to a shot, separates subject from background
2. Lights I have at home and how they could be used:
Camera torch could be used to provide extra lighting when filming inside, I could use my camera torch as the key light. I also have a portable lamp which is supposed to be clipped onto my headboard - I could place this somewhere and possibly use it as either the fill light or back light.
Location, inside will be significantly darker than outside. If it is not daytime than artificial lighting will be required.
Weather when shooting outside can alter the lighting of a video, if it is dull and gloomy extra lighting may be considered whereas you may not need such lighting if it is sunny.
Clothing may need to be considered as certain colored clothing will affect the shot.
It is also important to consider backgrounds as shadows need to be considered.
Angles may cause shadows in unwanted areas so angles should be considered carefully.
You must consider what mood the shot is going to represent as lighting will create different moods. e.g. a bright shot will present a positive shot whereas darkness will create connotations of horror like genres.
Filters should also be considered as additional lighting adjustments.
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Video Brainstorming (not happy with this concept at the moment - think I need a new angle)
 Start with “Millennials are...” white text on black background - followed by the head and shoulders of individuals giving 1 word opinion on millennials - hoping to last about 20 seconds 1 person per 1 second. Mixed ages. (not sure if to start or end the video this way) or possibly 10 seconds at start of negatives and 10 seconds at end of positives.
Narrator: Despite the slack that millennials get, they are a generation with endless opportunities.(Approx 5 seconds)
Video:  (not decided)
Narrator: Millennials are the first generation to have access to study almost any course from something as old as English Literature to more modern courses such a Photography. (approx 8 seconds)
Video: (not decided)
Narrator: Most of these opportunities are thanks to Technological advances. (approx 4 seconds)
Video:  (not decided)
Kyle: “Without technology, I wouldn’t be in the position I’m in now” (approx 3 seconds)
Video: 3 Second shot of Kyle on his computer.
Narrator: Kyle is currently studying computer science at the University of Derby. He previously studied Computer games technology. (6 seconds)
Video: video of project model and landyard.
Narrator: (asking Kyle) How much did this cost you? (referring to PC)
Video: shots showing inside pc 
Kyle: (answers)
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