joshuastock-blog · 12 years
Even when he was trying to act interesting, he was boring. It was obvious that Effy was bored of his presence after less than 5 minutes of being around each other. He knew that things between them would be significantly less boring once his plan was set in motion. The bartender came over and placed the drinks in front of them. Effy's gaze was averted, probably because she was trying to find someone more interesting to hang around. Josh knew that it was now or never, and so he fumbled around in his pocket and pulled out a small tablet. He could feel panic rising in his chest, but he made a hell of an attempt to suppress it. He could only hope that Effy wouldn't turn around while he was spiking her drink. Checking to make sure Effy was still looking away, he quickly dropped it in her drink and grinned. It was all going to plan, now all she had to do was have a drink. Josh grabbed his and took a long swig, then placed it gingerly back on the table. "Cheers, Effy." He said, even though it was a bit late to be saying it. "That's a good beer, really. Didn't think I'd get something that high quality at a place like this." He shot Effy another winning smile, trying to keep his eyes from betraying his anticipation.
[whoo yes pretend there's a gif here yo]
Chance Encounter || Effy
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joshuastock-blog · 12 years
"Joshua Stock. Head nurse at Bristol Psychiatric Hospital and part owner. We're the top dedicated psych ward in Bristol, I'll have you know. Then again, we're the only dedicated psych ward in Bristol, so we don't have to try and make the place look nice in order to get the title." He laughed heartily and finished off his coffee. He turned his attention to the automobile traffic that was passing by. Looking at traffic tended to calm his rampant irritation, but it did absolutely nothing for the plethora of mental illnesses hidden away in his head. 
He stood up and threw his empty coffee cup into the trash, and returned his gaze to Sketch. "I'm on my way out, so the table's all yours. It's not like we had anything to talk about anyway, little miss I'm gonna keep silent about everything." He rolled his eyes and turned to walk away, wondering if she'd make a point of following him.
He Ain’t You || Sketch and Josh
Jerk, Sketch thought to herself.
She could have told him the truth, stopped his mockery, but she couldn’t. She was Sketch now - older, confident, fearless - not Lucy Sketch, the mouse like girl who she had been in high school, and there was no way she was going to voluntarily bring her past into this.
“No, you haven’t,” she said. 
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joshuastock-blog · 12 years
"You better start believing, Effy Stonem. Things are going to change between you and I." He smiled politely at her, knowing that he wasn't lying. Things were going to change between them, just not in the way that he was implying. He put his hand back down by his side as he watched Effy make her way to the bar, and he followed. He buried himself in thought, trying to figure out the best way to get something into her drink. He briefly considered flat out telling her that it was a club drug that would get her higher than she already was, but he knew that she probably wasn't dumb enough to fall for it. As he sat down at the bar, he knew that his only option would be pulling the "Omg look over there something's goin' down" trick and to drop it in while she wasn't looking, unless she happened to look away before he could do anything. He ordered two drinks and struck up some idle chitchat while he waited. "How're you doing, Effy? I hear you're finally out of that wretched technical college, right?" He crammed his hands into the pockets of his trousers, his right hand grasping onto a small baggie of Rohypnol, a common sedative.
[gif of him looking friendly or smth]
Chance Encounter || Effy
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joshuastock-blog · 12 years
Josh felt the envelope being crammed into his left hand, and the bag of pills being removed from his right hand. He could blatantly see that Naomi was starting to get pissed off with him, which was funny in and of itself. Blondie wasn't used to his off beat sense of humour, apparently. That's why she wasn't laughing, and definitely why she wouldn't be laughing in the future. "Well, you're smarter than you look. If you don't make a habit of making enemies, maybe you'll survive Bristol after all." He turned to walk away, having nothing else to say to his buyer.
As Cabot Tower progressively grew smaller behind him, Josh felt a grin take shape over his features. He knew that Naomi probably felt like something was up, but she hadn't bothered to act on that suspicion. All the better for him, and all the worse for her. Nervousness washed over him as he quickly made his way out of the park. Even though he was no longer in possession of the drugs, he had an envelope full of money in his pocket, which would tip any police officer off to the fact that a drug deal had just transpired. He felt relief wash over him as climbed into his car and sped away, glad to have the deal and the park behind him, for the time being.
Deal with it // Josh
Naomi was almost sickened by Stock’s arrogance, her was shaping up to be a total total cunt but she wasn’t there for the chit chat. Time was ticking and they were both exposed out in the open like that. She watched as he untucked the plastic bag from his coat. From the looks of it she was getting very good value for her money, perhaps too good? She would have questioned him further but his threat lingered in the air, the tension rising between the two. It was a powder keg. They were using each other but were hardly there for noble reasons. Holding the envelope out to Josh, Naomi took the pills at the same time she pushed hers into his hand. She was worryingly used to all this cloak and dagger under hand shit.
“Whatever you say, Joshy. I don’t have a habit of making enemies. That’s when people get hurt” And by people Naomi meant the ones she cared about which were few and far between  She knew whos toes not to tread on and no way in hell was she scared of this scrawny fuck but something about him gave her chills, set her teeth on edge and raised her hackles. Naomi nodded to him once “Cheers” she muttered, before turning sharply and briskly making her way out of the park, massively aware of her surroundings, any movements had her twitching but soon enough she was high and dry. Time to make some money.
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joshuastock-blog · 12 years
"You went away for awhile. How mysterious." Josh said, practically holding back laughter. "Is that really all you have to say about yourself?" He began to mock her. "Oh, I'm from around here but I left and now I'm back, also my name is Sketch because I'm sketchy or something teeheehee." He knew that he was being unnecessarily mean, but that was one of life's simple pleasures. He was genuinely surprised that she didn't have something awful to say to him. Most people usually did, whether it be an insult like "sociopath" or some poor jab at the photos that'd circulated from his phone a few years earlier.
"I haven't told you my name yet, have I?" He asked, suddenly feeling the urge to talk about himself.
He Ain’t You || Sketch and Josh
“Uh, okay,” Sketch said nervously, taken aback by his sudden interest in her. “I’m from around here, but I went away for a while…”
There was no way she was letting someone who was practically a stranger in on the truth about her whereabouts for the past couple of years.
“But I’m back now.”
She cringed at how stupid that sounded.
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joshuastock-blog · 12 years
He shrugged it off, figuring that they probably didn't know each other. It was likely one of those situations where he had seen someone like her in a magazine or on television, and was mistaking that person for her.
"If you say so." Josh found that he could no longer concentrate on his book, now that Sketch was sitting in front of him, so he decided to make small talk. "Well, as long as you're going to sit here, you're going to have to talk. Tell me about yourself. Where do you come from, why are you here, et cetera et cetera."
He Ain’t You || Sketch and Josh
She considered telling him her name was actually Lucy, but thought better of it. She hated her name - whatever had her mother been thinking. She couldn’t even remember why she’d christened herself Sketch, except for the fact it was marginally better than Lucy.
The boy was looking at her now, still annoyed, admittedly, but like he recognised her, knew her from somewhere.
“I don’t think so,” she said.  
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joshuastock-blog · 12 years
Josh knew that Effy saw right through him. That was one of the many things he hated about her, he was never able to pull something over on her. Maybe he needed to step up his acting, instead of half-assing it like he usually did. Especially tonight, of all nights, because tonight was important. "You're a surprising individual, Effy Stonem." Josh noted, being truly honest for one of the few times in his life. There was no sarcasm, no underlying hatred, none of that. Josh tried to clear his voice of everything except normal emotions used in conversation. "Listen, I know that things between us haven't exactly been great, because I've done some horrible things to you in the past. I admit that. But I want to be honest and say that I'm sorry about all of that. I wasn't on my medication, and I wasn't in my right mind. But I've changed, and you don't have to believe me, I just wanted to tell you the truth and apologise." He held out a hand for her to shake, in the back of his mind hoping that she'd fall for his act. He knew that the odds of her believing him were pretty good, seeing as the younger Stonem seemed to be high out of her head. "D'you think I could buy you a drink, just as an apology of sorts?" Josh asked, managing to sound genuine. 
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Chance Encounter || Effy
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joshuastock-blog · 12 years
Josh let his eyes slide up from the book he was reading and onto Sketch's face. He had the vague feeling that he knew her from somewhere, because she just looked too familiar. "Sketch, eh? That's a bit of an odd name. Your mum must've been pretty fucked up if she decided to name her child Sketch." He took a sip of his drink, enjoying the warmth that spread through him.
He wanted to make conversation, but he also wanted the new arrival to go away. He was tempted to get up and leave, but he was too stubborn. The table was rightfully his, seeing as he'd been there practically half of the morning. Still, he couldn't shake the thought that they'd met before. "You look all too familiar. Have we met somewhere?"
He Ain’t You || Sketch and Josh
She quickly sat down opposite him at the table. She took a sip from her coffee, and once again gagged at the taste. She’d only bought it in the first place in hope of seeing Maxxie at the coffee shop, having seen him there a couple of days before, but no such luck. 
She tapped her fingers on the side of the paper cup, already lukewarm. She could tell the boy she was sat with wasn’t too happy with her presence. Even so, she forced a smile.
“I’m Sketch, by the way,” she said.  
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joshuastock-blog · 12 years
Josh was enjoying his only day off from work. Spending six days a week around mental patients became severely annoying after awhile, especially when most of them weren't on the proper medication. As such, Josh had decided to spend his afternoon at one of the local café's, sitting at one of the outside tables while he read a book.
Unfortunately for him, someone had decided to interrupt him. He peered up from his book with a look of annoyance. "Are there not any other tables you could sit at?" He glanced around to see that all the other tables had been filled as well. He let out a sigh of annoyance and gestured towards the open chair. "Sure. Sit down. Be quiet about it, that's all that I ask." He picked his book back up and glanced at the girl. "Do you intend to sit, or are you just going to stand there all afternoon?"
He Ain't You || Sketch and Josh
Sketch walked down the road, the wind blowing her hair in her eyes. She hadn’t had any Maxxie sightings that day. He hadn’t even returned home the previous night, and she suspected he’d spent it out partying.
Stopping at a cafe, she bought a cup of coffee. She took a sip, and wrinkled her nose at the sour taste. She went outside, and glanced around for a table. Every single one of them was full, except for the one furthest away, which was occupied by a boy.
“Mind if I sit here?” she asked.
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joshuastock-blog · 12 years
Chance Encounter || Effy
Josh had never really been a fan of going to clubs, always finding them pointless. What was the point in getting wasted at a club around people you hardly knew, when you could get wasted at home and not have to worry about looking stupid. Fortunately for him, he had decided to give clubbing another try on the right day. As he looked out over the throngs of dancing individuals, his eyes caught a glimpse of someone that looked like a malnourished raccoon, and there was only one person in Bristol that looked like that. Effy Stonem. A grin graced his features as the wheels began to turn in his head. He immediately jumped up from his place at the bar and made his way over to her. "Always a pleasure seeing you around here, Miss Stonem. I didn't think you'd come to a club like this, though. Isn't it a bit posh for you?" His voice was pleasant, and he hoped that he'd be able to make a good impression on her. After all, making a good impression is always important.
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joshuastock-blog · 12 years
Josh wanted to laugh, he really truly did. Naomi was trying to act like she had no weaknesses, and he knew that was a lie. Everyone had a weakness of some sort, and he took pleasure in trying to find out what those weaknesses were. But that wasn't the only reason Josh wanted to laugh. He knew that the pills in his bag were expired and lethal, but Naomi didn't know that. He knew that she would properly relax when the bag was in her hand and he was gone, but she didn't know that the trouble was only starting. He wanted to give her the pills and be gone. There was no reason to stick around for too long and attracted unwanted attention, especially since the park technically closed at sundown. If a cop happened to walk through and catch sight of them, they'd be done for. He'd get caught with the pills and it'd be off to jail with him. 
Josh's eyes flickered down to the brown envelope in Naomi's pocket. He moved his hand to his coat pocket and grasped the bag. Before he pulled them out, he spoke. "Just one thing, Naomi. I have no intention of fucking you over, and I mean that, but I highly suggest you refrain from threatening me again. You don't want me as an enemy." He realised how cheesy that probably sounded, but it was true. Josh Stock was not somebody you wanted to make an enemy out of. He finished speaking and pulled the bag from his pocket and held it up for her to see. Moonlight streamed through the bag, dimly illuminating the contents within. "See, told you that I wasn't going to fuck you over. Now pay me and let's be done with this. I don't want to stick around here any longer than I have to, especially with you for company.
Deal with it // Josh
Cracking her knuckles Naomi watched Josh saunter up to her. He was either very good at this or completely naive but she didn’t give a fuck. Soon enough she’d have pills and they were the key to making money. Resiting the urge to roll her eyes at the boys annoying comment she stood tall and locked her eyes with him, showing no signs of weakness. Naomi wasn’t one to be made a fool of, not by anybody and weakness was the first place people would target. Her icy exterior always helped keep people away when she had been a teenager and these days it kept her alive.
“If you’re fucking me over I will end you ok?” She lowered her head, truly expressing how serious she was. If Josh double crossed her in any way, she would make him a very very sorry little nut job. This time her eyes rolled of their own accord, he seemed to think this was some sort of gangster transaction , specified payment indeed. “No I just came here for a fucking chat” Digging in her pocket she flashed him the corner of the brown envelope, she’d need to see the pills before a single penny left the safety of her coat.  Naomi assumed Josh wouldn’t be stupid enough to fuck about with her, and in the case that she was wrong, this would be a very very short business arrangement. She didn’t trust the idiot as far as she could throw him, but time is money and at this point she was clutching at straws. As they say, desperate times call for desperate measures. 
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joshuastock-blog · 12 years
Josh took in his surroundings, breathing in the smell of plastic pill bottles and sterilising fluid. It was quite a large room, the psychiatric ward's medicine storeroom. He glanced at the numbers on the ends of the shelves, which would tell him exactly where he could find the pills he would be selling Naomi. He squeezed between the narrow rows of shelves until he found exactly what he was looking for. There were several bottles lined up in neat rows, but one of them at the front caught his attention. He picked it up and turned it over, checking the expiration date. It had expired three years prior, apparently, and a notice on the back of the bottle had the universal symbol for poisoning, saying that using the expired medicine could cause fatal symptoms. He grinned all too widely and removed the cap, tipping the bottle's contents into a plastic bag.
As he drove to the meeting location he'd specified, Josh couldn't help but think about what he was doing. He flat out knew that Naomi would probably sell the pills, which would cause harm to them instead of Naomi. However, if word got out, Naomi would probably be sentenced to a prison term or something. Either way, it would work out in his favour. Someone would wind up getting hurt, and Josh Stock was always pleased when someone was in pain. He parked his car at the entrance to the park and stepped out, glancing up at the darkened silhouette of Cabot Tower. He casually made his way over to the base of the tower, not wanting to attract any unwanted attention. For all anyone knew, Josh Stock was never at the base of Cabot Tower that night. He quickly spotted Naomi, her hood pulled up to block unwanted eyes.
"Ah, Blondie. Did I keep you waiting?" His voice was soft, and he waved off his lateness as nothing important. "I'm sure it doesn't matter, you just want what you came for." He patted his coat pocket, and the bag of pills inside made a rustling sound. "Did you bring our specified payment?" He shot her a winning smile and couldn't help but laugh inside. She had no idea what she was about to get into.
Deal with it // Josh
Naomi hadn’t long be back in Bristol, and the time she had been around she had spent avoiding old faces. Things just weren’t the same. Emily had pissed off in pursuit of her career, and who could blame her. The city the college gang had once loved was now a dark former shadow of itself, or maybe they were just seeing it in it’s true light. Either way, Naomi despised her predicament. No job, no life, no real future. She kept getting pulled back into the same shady, underhand situations as before. The first time she had meddled with drugs someone had died, but it didn’t stop her, soon enough it became her steady source of income. That was until her then girlfriend found out and shit hit the fan. Naomi walked away from that world and started looking for a real job.
It didn’t really matter anymore, she didn’t have much going for her and the cash was running out. The slightly edgy guy, Josh was throwing her a bone and whether she liked it or not, biting the hand that fed was never a wise idea. Naomi liked to think that she was clever enough to play the drugs game well. She dealt carefully to avoid making enemies and the good quality stuff kept people coming back. She played the high end of the market, it kept her safe from the shit kind of people that were pasted to Bristol’s housing estates and streets.
Pulling her hood up Naomi stood back from the designated tower, she was 10 minutes early, observing for now. Risks weren’t worth it in this business and she hardly knew Josh from Adam. The brown envelope in her pocket felt like a brick but soon enough she’d be out of there. Only if Josh showed, naturally. Counting the minutes eventually it was time to rock and roll. Here we go again
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joshuastock-blog · 12 years
Nobody's friends with the police until someone dies.
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Was there a mass exodus from Disney World or some shit?
Right, because the police and I are such greats chums.
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joshuastock-blog · 12 years
Because when I blow up Parliament, I don't need you squealing to the police.
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Was there a mass exodus from Disney World or some shit?
And why exactly would that be, mysterious stranger?
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joshuastock-blog · 12 years
@ Naomi
Naomi: Done.
Josh: Good. See you then.
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joshuastock-blog · 12 years
@ Naomi
Naomi: Time, Place, Cost.
Josh: Half past 10 PM, the base of Cabot Tower. [insert relatively cheap price in British pounds]
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joshuastock-blog · 12 years
You're just a bundle full of love aren't you?
I was going to say that I was a pocketful of sunshine, but bundle of love works all the same.
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