josephcooper96 · 1 day
cool briefs, are they your prefered choice of underwear?
When not wearing diapers yes I like breifs
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josephcooper96 · 4 days
Alright! I just bought tickets to anthrocon in Pittsburgh! Excited for july
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josephcooper96 · 8 days
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A freshly showered and shaved little boy
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josephcooper96 · 9 days
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josephcooper96 · 11 days
Welcome race fans!
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josephcooper96 · 12 days
Definitely me
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yeah we got the plushie autism
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josephcooper96 · 12 days
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Used some hair remover
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josephcooper96 · 13 days
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Wishing all of my friends and followers a very happy #LittlesPrideDay! 🎉🍼👶🏼
(hugs to #middles and #bigs, too)
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josephcooper96 · 14 days
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Sorry I've been a bit sick and had to stay in the hospital a bit which was terrifying and didn't trust them and was so relieved to be gone out of there. Still not fully well but being little gives comfort and helps lift my spirits.
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josephcooper96 · 14 days
Anyone else want a daddy to regress them and make them their little 24/7? Fully under daddies control just like a baby should. Daddy owning them completely and no body rights with daddy? Even if their a brat and try to resist?
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josephcooper96 · 21 days
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josephcooper96 · 27 days
I Am a Puppy (Music Video)
A good song. Apparently there's actually a few human pup bands out there. Volkapup and bad dog dissidents which are good music are what I've found so far on spotify
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josephcooper96 · 1 month
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josephcooper96 · 1 month
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josephcooper96 · 1 month
Id kill to just fall asleep in someone's arms rn and just not worry or stress and just let them take everything
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josephcooper96 · 1 month
Why your partner likes diapers and wants them 24/7
As a non-ABDL person, trying to understand why my successful, grown-up male partner would want to wear and use diapers 24/7 wasn’t immediately obvious. He even struggled to describe his feelings & desires to me. To make it even harder his desires seemed to change from wanting and even trying 24/7 to not wearing diapers at all for a few days.
Overall this really made me confused and worried and is what drove me to go deeper into my research into ABDL and start talking to some other couples.
He’s helped me with some of this article but the goal of it is to help non-ABDL partners understand their ABDL partners desire better. I should also say that this is our viewpoint and although I know from conversations with other couples it’s a very common one, there are obviously lots of different reasons why someone might want to wear diapers which we won’t cover here.
So firstly, you’re not in any way stupid for wondering why your partner might want this, as subjectively wearing diapers has a lot of negatives from potential embarrassment, cost, smells, extra chores in daily life… the list goes on. BUT for your partner some of these negatives might actually be positives and overall the positives far outweigh any negatives for them.
So lets get down to some of the reasons they like diapers:
It gives them comfort
This is a hard one to describe but in the same way that cuddling up to your partner or being given a hug can make you feel at ease, safe and relaxed, diapers can do this for ABDL people. 

I’ve heard the saying that wearing a diaper is like being given a hug constantly. From the moment they’re taped into a diaper many ABDL’s will feel more at ease.
It takes them back to a simpler time
Childhood is something a lot of adults look back on with fond memories where they lived without the stresses and pressures of daily adult life. Wearing and using diapers can really help in reminding them of these good times and adding some of it back into their adult life.
This is especially powerful if you take control of their checks and changes, and incorporate other elements of babying.
If you partner likes to regress and act like a younger age (age play) then diapers are a core ingredient to get them into this headspace.
They like giving up some control
I have no hard evidence to back this up but I feel that ABDL’s over-index on stressful careers and generally being “successful” people. The problem is this often comes with tons of responsibility and control over lots of decisions, so giving up some of this control can be incredibly therapeutic and stress-releasing for them.
I’m confident that all adults can relate to the enjoyment of having some decisions taken away from them, but for most using the toilet wouldn’t be their go-to thought.
We’re big advocates for 24/7 and one of the main reasons for this is I’ve seen first hand how beneficial it was saying to my boyfriend, yes you’ve got a big and important job with lots of stress but from now onwards going to the toilet isn’t going to be something you have to think about.
This year we’ve been experimenting with him giving up more control, by increasing the babying, and honestly the more I take away the better I think it makes him, both professionally and personally.
They like the smells
Being in diapers 24/7 exposes them to a lot of different smells which they can find enjoyable or relaxing.
From being taped up in a fresh diaper with baby powder scent, to the subtle pee smell as they use their diaper, to more pungent odours coming from their filled diaper, to the clean fragrance while being wiped clean. They experience this wide range of smells daily and each brings different feelings from feeling cared for, loved, embarrassed and more.
I myself (like many women) like the smell of babies and over time I’ve found that the smell of baby powder on him and his wet diaper is something that makes me feel content and relaxed too.
The feeling of diapers is great
The soft padding encasing their bum and groin is comforting, and then as they use it it gets warmer and squishy. There is a constant reminder of its presence when sitting or walking, with the subtle sound which accompanies it. Even the feeling of messing their diaper is enjoyable for many ABDL’s due to the unique feeling of it pushing out and then spreading in different directions.
The naughtiness of being punished
Diaper discipline should be more than your partner wants as otherwise it won’t fulfil the feeling of being punished and controlled which they crave.
Like other more mainstream kinks their diapers sometime being uncomfortable, embarrassing and inconvenient is a positive for them and isn’t something you should try avoid.
Many times it’s convenient
Being able to pee and not have to stop playing a game, watching a film or working can be convenient. My boyfriend used to get up in the night to pee which disturbed his sleep and mine, now it goes straight into the diaper.
On long drives and flights it can be a lifesaver wearing a diaper, the seatbelt light going on doesn’t worry you even if you need to pee.
Being changed is amazing
Diaper changes make them feel incredibly loved and cared for. It’s very intimate with some embarrassment but having your loved one wipe you clean and tape you into a fresh diaper is one of the top experiences for your ABDL partner.
Even a diaper check shows them you’re caring for them while also playing into the feeling of giving up control.
Diapers combine great with other kinks
Diapers go hand in hand with a range of other kinks including bondage, chastity, spanking & submission. If they or you are kinky you should try these with diapers involved and all make for good punishments too.
They’re cute
With ABDL and diaper discipline more popular than ever, we’re blessed to have a huge range of amazing adult diapers available. These diapers look cute on your partner and when combined with ABDL clothing it really plays into the lovely feeling of regressing to a younger age.
Why 24/7
So hopefully you can now better understand why your partner loves wearing diapers. But there are a few reasons why the idea of wearing 24/7 and then the reality of it is so appealing:
Accepting this is part of them
Many if not all ABDL’s have experienced or are still experiencing shame about their diaper wearing desires. Switching to or being forced to wear 24/7 helps them accept that this actually is a big part of who they are and they don’t need to pretend otherwise or feel guilty about it.
The loss of control
Accepting they now have to use their diapers instead of the toilet on a long term basis excites and scares them in a good way. They’re losing one of the most grown up privileges.
You accepting them
Encouraging or forcing them to wear 24/7 shows your partner that you fully accept this part of them. One of their biggest fears will be their ABDL desires cause them to lose you, so by being truly supportive it will be a massive weight lifted off their shoulders.
We’re going to do another article on this shortly but because of this I feel there is a big benefit of you forcing them into 24/7 rather than waiting for it to happen naturally.
It stops them having to decide when to wear
Many ABDL’s yoyo on their diaper wearing frequency and struggle to decide when to wear or not. Having this choice taken away from them removes this stress and helps combat the lows when before they’d have felt guilty and stopped wearing for a period.
It becomes part of their daily life
Diaper wearing is often a hidden part of their lives but moving to 24/7 means it needs to become much more normalized. From making sure their wardrobe is now designed around their padded bum to having a large stock of diapers on hand and not hidden is extremely beneficial for your partner.
I’m sure there are many reasons here we’ve missed so please add them into the comments. Also please watch out for our next long post about when is the right time to switch your partner to 24/7 and how to do it.
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josephcooper96 · 1 month
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Fortnite gamer baby. Xbox: lilwolfelf96
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