johnisntevendead · 4 years
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I've achieved so much in this life
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johnisntevendead · 4 years
I am obsessed with p&p as a story and esp the 2005 movie to a truly excessive extent like in the scene where Darcy and Lizzie are dancing and they both just stop while all the other dancers keep going around them and they start moving as Darcy says he hopes to afford Lizzie more clarity in the future and everyone else in the room disappears and it's just them dancing with eyes locked with such intensity it almost feels like hate makes my chest feel tight like holy Shit that is my Shit
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johnisntevendead · 4 years
me watching Detective Pikachu: you mean to tell me every story I read or watch featuring a dead father who was distant or absent is going to make me emotional?
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johnisntevendead · 4 years
“I am allowed to reference my wife in this context. I enquired whether it would be appropriate, and her response was affirmative. I love and respect Amanda very much. So I said to her, ‘We have been married for many years and have raised several children with varying success.’ And she knew that. I said, ‘Do you mind if I still speak of your emotionalism on stage?’ And Amanda said, ‘Yes, Sarek, you may do this. But just don’t say that I’m a human and that you don’t like me.’ I thought, ‘The qualifications for success are so much lower than I had previously theorized. That is all?’”
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“I would never say that. It would be illogical to create such a show. Hello. My wife is human, and I do not like her. No. Go find a support group for insecure Vulcans in crisis, with keynote speakers Sybok and Spock. I would never say that, not even in jest, that my wife is human and I do not like her. That is not true. My wife is human and I find her presence very agreeable. She is a dynamite, five-foot, Jewish human and she is more than adequate. She and I have totally different styles. When Amanda walks down the street in ShiKahr, she does not care what anyone thinks is logical. Amanda is my hero.”
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(When you watch “Star Trek” after “Kid Gorgeous” and have a dream that Sarek goes on a Vulcan comedy tour)
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johnisntevendead · 4 years
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johnisntevendead · 4 years
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johnisntevendead · 4 years
so anyway nearly 6 months to the day after my biodad died, I decided it was time to deal with it
except by "decided" I mean I was forced to deal with it by the sudden resurgence of complete breakdowns ??
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johnisntevendead · 4 years
bro remember when mad max happened. remember when max was treated like an animal and so behaved like one and saw himself as one and then he met a bunch of women who were all struggling to be seen as human too and they treated him with compassion and he was like “i would die for all of you then. good.” wtf 
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johnisntevendead · 4 years
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Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) dir. Tim Miller
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johnisntevendead · 4 years
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these were taken a minute apart.
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johnisntevendead · 4 years
winter driving tips from a new englander 
sometimes you’re just not gonna stop. its okay. dont freak out. youll stop eventually. just dont follow anyone too closely and dont slam on your brakes they are not your friend
the road is often worse when you think it looks fine. ice during the day is a bitch, if its snowing and the road looks okay just pretend its a sheet of ice
people will tailgate you in giant SUVs, dont speed up for them. let them pass you, or pull off if they wont pass you. if they wanna die thats their prerogative 
following a plow is fucking obnoxiously slow but its also probably the safest way to get home
at some point you’re gonna blow thru a red light because you cant stop. people understand. when your light turns green, wait a few seconds before you go, dont assume that their light being red means the people coming at you can stop
if you see black ice right ahead of you just chill. the first thing ur gonna wanna do is slam on your brakes. do not touch them. just take your foot off the gas and drive through it, and dont try to swerve. just keep going. 
dont stop ever! dont stop on a hill, dont fully stop at a light. just take your foot off the gas and roll to a crawling speed until the light turns. its harder to get going from a complete stop than from a crawling speed because physics is an asshole 
drive as slow as you need to to feel safe, and if anyone has a problem with it eat them 
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johnisntevendead · 4 years
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johnisntevendead · 4 years
i have a friend whomst I will not name in case they don’t want to be asked about this but they have a Very Specific and Terrible power which is, if you take the online BDSM quiz and then just simply mention you have, they can look at you for under ten seconds and just state your top result.
I can’t tell you anything more soul-shattering, any death more instant and devastating, any moment more harrowing to witness than someone saying “yeah i took the BDSM quiz once” only for my friend to no more than glance at them and then announce “brat” and the look in the person’s eyes is that of one who just tipped too far back in their chair
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johnisntevendead · 4 years
about to fail my gender presentation 😔😔
assigned at BIRTH?! holy shit this presentation is so overdue do you think they accept late work
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johnisntevendead · 4 years
she's so talented
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johnisntevendead · 4 years
me to the head of my department who reports to the CEO: the corporation doesn't care about me my people do. I'm not going to prison for the corporation.
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johnisntevendead · 4 years
Hmm consider that Sarek has just gotten used to celebrating Yom Kippur, Passover, Rosh Hashanah, and Hannukah, when Michael joins the family and starts asking “are we going to have a Christmas tree?” with big eyes and now there’s an entirely new set of human holidays he has to get used to. 
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