jobaxyph · 4 years
Strategies to Help You to Set Goal
You are doing everything right, but still, your career is not shaping the way you imagined and you are unable to pursue your career goal. Setting the SMART goals is also of no help, this is the time to reconsider your goals and approach them differently. Here we are listing three unique strategies that will help you achieve your career goal.  
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1.      The Kylego Exercise (Kylego goal)
In this exercise, you visualise the future as if it has already happened. You talk, write or think about the next years as if it’s already taken place. You reflect on your success, narrate your feelings and actions of the goal as if you have achieved them. This exercise is a tremendous motivation and helps in building confidence.
For example, a Kylego goal maybe like this: “In the past two years, I have achieved all that I wanted to. I am the VC of this reputed company, all the hard work that I have put in is bearing fruits. My personal life is great. Just a couple of days ago I returned from an exclusive European holiday. We frequently take small trips to spend time as a family. Ahh! This is the way I wanted my life to be.”
Dream big and chase your dreams, the simple principle of this exercise. The Kylego exercise works as it encourages liberal unrestrained thinking. No need to think realistic here as the sky is the limit. The realistic approach of setting goals sometimes leads you nowhere. But this method will certainly help in achieving your goals.
The next question that pop-up in your mind is how to start this.  
·         First thing, you will need someone with whom you can share Kylego goals. Your partner should listen to your goals with interest and should go gaga over your success.
·         Make sure you are narrating all the events as if they have already happened.  
·         Once you are done speaking and narrating your Kylego goals, think about each event that you have narrated and outline three actions you can do this month to achieve those goals. Don’t rush things go step by step. Conquer one event after another, success is guaranteed.
 2.      The Accountability Partner
This strategy focuses on having a partner in crime to achieve your goal. The accountability partner is the one you meet regularly to discuss your goals. Here unlike the Kylego goals, both the members are talking. Each one discusses their major goals and also about the actions they need to perform this week to achieve or inch closer to the goals. The partners can advise each other some steps that can be helpful. Then the partners meet after a week to see if they followed their path in achieving their weekly goals. If you face some challenges you can also get feedback on it and ways to win over it. This pattern is followed until both of them achieve their career goals.
This strategy works because when you have someone to frequently check your progress, you will definitely put in extra efforts to prove to be worthy to your words. This partnership increases your focus on your goals. This sharing and learning is extremely motivational and will revive the momentum in achieving your career goals.  
How to get started:
·         The requisite for this process is to find an accountable partner, the person should be someone you are comfortable with, who is equally passionate about achieving the goals, someone who will be able to give you an honest opinion and will meet you each week.
·         Next, decide on the format of each meeting
·         Listen to each other’s goals and if necessary suggest some methods that you think could be beneficial.
·         Encourage your partner. And challenge any negative self-beliefs that they have.
·         Every session should end with a well-etched plan of actions to achieve your weekly milestone.
·         Be committed to those weekly meetings.
 3.      The Productivity Quadrant
Many times we set the goals and priorities without weighing its importance and we waste our time and energy on the less important thing. The productivity quadrant, however, encourages us to think about each priority, assess the time we spend on it and then decide if that action will bring us closer to our goal. Let’s see how to map our goals in the productivity quadrant. These are the four quadrants that will help in mapping your goals under different sections.
1.      Urgent but less important
2.      Urgent and important
3.      Not urgent and not important
4.      Not urgent but important
This categorization helps you quickly understand where you are spending time, which task is urgent and which is not. This will help you in smartly moving towards your long term goals as you can prioritize your tasks.  
To start:
·         List all the task that you need to fulfil in a day along with the time required for each task.
·         Place your tasks in your own productivity quadrant.  
·         Study the quadrant well and plan your day according to the result. 
To sum up, continue to evaluate and re-evaluate your goals and find a way to achieve them. For knowing more strategies to achieve your career goals and job search visit us @jobaxy.com.
Source - https://www.jobaxy.com/blogs-and-videos/strategies-to-help-you-to-set-goal
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jobaxyph · 4 years
Looking for a job? Here's a complete job guide
Job search is an important but gruelling task for the first-timers as well as the experienced individuals. The experienced professionals undertake this process multiple times and because of the monotony associated with it, they may sometime miss out on some important aspects that might lead to minimizing their chances of getting the job. So, to avoid these things I have compiled a guide that will help you with the entire job search process.
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1.      Resume and Cover Letter – Even if you are not looking for a job change, you should always update your resume. While updating the resume have a crisp and clear objective, your profile summary should highlight the key points of your career. The experience part should contain all the details with your roles and responsibilities for all the companies you have worked. 
The Cover letter is also an essential part of the resume. Many employers reject your application if you do not attach the cover letter. For those unfamiliar with the cover letter, it is a document carrying an exclusive message to the employer describing how you are the perfect fit for the role. One important thing is that your cover letter and resume should be devoid of any grammatical mistakes. One such mistake can cost you many jobs.   
One more thing can be part of this resume cover letter package is the portfolio of your work. This is only for those who require to showcase their previous work to land a job like designers, writers, photographers and so on. You can create a portfolio online and can add the link to your resume. 
2.      Online Job Applications – Once you are ready with the resume, the next step is to find the jobs. The fastest way to do so is through the Internet, the online job portals and social media.
You might already have your profile on the job portals like Jobaxy but it is essential to update it. Add the latest work experience; change your heading to something attractive to grab the employer’s attention. Use the related keywords in your job title and within the profile.
The social media profiles such as FaceBook, Twitter, and Instagram should also be updated and any debatable content should be removed. The employers today go through your social media profiles to see the real you. Also, you can join groups and discussions related to your profile and follow the companies in your field.
3.      Contact the employers via Emails – A great way to speed up your job search is to contact the company via email. If the company is planning to hire and post the vacancies, your email can just be your interview ticket. However, the company receives countless emails everyday so your email must stand out from others. Your mail should be professional describing your skills, qualifications, and experience. 
4.      Referrals and Recommendations – If you have any recommendation letters or job referrals it becomes easy to find a job. When looking for jobs keep this in mind. 
5.      Interviews – Interviews either make or break your career. How you fare in the interview decides whether you land the job or not. Interviews could be telephonic, video or walk-in. The general interview thumb rule for any type is preparation. Start preparing as soon as you have applied. Research the company website, learn their objective. Prepare the answers to the common interview questions and also the technical aspect of your job.  Be confident while you are being interviewed and try to be in the driver’s seat. 
Dress professionally when you are going for walk-in and also when attending the video interview. Crisp formal attire, formal shoes, well-groomed and maintained hair and a face beaming with confidence and a professional attitude should be enough. No slouching or relaxing while facing your interviewer. 
To conclude, this guide summarizes different methods, tips and tricks to quickly land a job. If you require any assistance related to your job search Philippines you can visit us at jobaxy.com.
 Source - https://www.jobaxy.com/blogs-and-videos/looking-for-a-job-here-is-a-complete-job-guide
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jobaxyph · 4 years
Ways To Help You Get A Job
Finding a job and especially your first one could be a herculean task. I remember my days when I was in search of my first job. I was in year 10 and it was my vacations. I decided to look for a job so that I can earn some money, increase my confidence and develop my skills for the future. My parents also gave me thumbs up and my journey to find the job began. Being very naïve and no proper guidance my journey was not a smooth one though.
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Most of my friends at school were looking for retail and restaurants jobs and I decided to follow them. I crafted my resume and went down to the sops in my local shopping center and handed my resumes to the shop I felt would be good to work. Some shops directly refused to take my resume as they were not hiring, some said their applications were done online, while some did not find my resume worth enough. Some were courteous and accepted my resume. After a few days, I got an interview call. Nervousness took over me and I fumbled….my interview was pathetic and I was rejected.  
Then I waited for the miracle and after a couple of ‘No’s’, I got a phone call from a retail shop who were looking for part-time employees and were willing to hire me. I was interviewed and was finally selected. They had arranged training sessions for me so that I get familiarized with the job and after completing that I was all set to being my professional journey. I worked at the registers, which gave me the feel of the work in the retail and customer service sector.
I did many small mistakes while searching for the job, which could have been avoided had I known the dos and don’ts of job search. So here I am sharing a few points which will certainly help you to find the best jobs. 
1.      Decide what you Want – This is the first step of any job search irrespective of whether first job or not. It is important to know what kind of job you want before start applying. Once that is decided you can have your resume ready accordingly and will send it to only those specific industries.
2.      Resume – Next step create a professional resume. Your resume is the first meeting between you and your prospective employer. It has to be professional and interesting enough to win over the hiring manager. Your resume should be short, highlighting all your selling points, also use the keywords given in the job posts.
3.      Finding the Job – Next step is to find the job vacancies. You can search the jobs through the online job portals, classifieds in the local newspaper, local job agencies, and job fairs and also through your contacts.
4.      Interview Preparation – Once you have started applying for the jobs, it is recommended to start preparing for the interview. Don’t wait for the offer letter to start the preparation. Prepare your answers for the general interview questions like, ‘tell us something about yourself’, ‘your strengths and weaknesses’, ‘your career aspirations’ and so on. The best thing is to write down your answers so that you don’t miss any points. Then read it aloud. Practice it many times so that you almost memorize it. You can practice in front of the mirror or in front of your friends to get rid of the nervousness.
5.      Networking – Spread the word that you are looking for a job. Let your family and friends know you are in search of a job. This is done so that if they know any vacancies around, they can inform you about the same. They can also inform their friends about it and you are sure to not to miss any vacancy in the vicinity. To a find job in the Philippines, a solid network will certainly be beneficial.  
6.      Look for Local Jobs – If it is your first job always prefer local jobs. Firstly because the commute won’t be a problem you can just walk down and secondly you can build healthy relations with your customers and co-workers, which can lead to a better opportunity or continuity at the same place.
7.      Positive Attitude – Keeping your cool and staying positive is so essential in your job search journey. You may get rejected a few times and this could dampen the spirits. But, don’t let that happen. Consider your failure as learning and face each day with a new zeal and positivity.
8.      Dress Appropriately – While going for the interview dress suitably don’t just go in your pajamas and slippers. Being well dressed creates a good first impression.
9.      Be Confident – Throughout the interview be confident. Don’t let nervousness grip you. Focus only on the interview questions and answer confidently. 
Follow this and I’m sure your journey to find a job in the Philippines will be a smooth one. For more information regarding career in Philippines or jobs in the Philippines visit us, Jobaxy.com.  
Source - https://www.bloglovin.com/@jaytorres10/ways-to-help-you-get-a-job-4873051
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jobaxyph · 4 years
5 Discussion Points to Avoid at the Office
Your workplace demands decorum. It is important to stay professional while at work. You might be friends with your colleagues but still, some topics should be avoided in your office. Certain topics could make people feel awkward and uncomfortable. Here we have listed the top five such topics which should be avoided in the workplace, as it may disturb the overall harmony of the office.
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1.      Your Salary
This matter should never be discussed with your colleagues, it should be highly confidential. Never tell anyone how much you are paid and similarly never ask anyone about their package. It is none of your business and is considered insensitive. Discussing your paychecks with your co-workers could negatively affect your professional relationships. This is because many people value their professional worth on the size of their paychecks. And if they come to know that their newly joined colleague is earning more than them, the environment is polluted. Such an environment is not good for the company.
2.      Your Religion
Religion is one thing that is discussed everywhere, but it is a topic you should avoid discussing in the workplace. That doesn’t mean you should hide your faiths and belief. Your faith is a personal thing. You can certainly mention the things you do to celebrate it but remember to each his own. People are very sensitive about this so avoid getting into a detailed discussion of your religious belief and most importantly keep to yourself any negative opinions about other’s beliefs. You go there to work and not to tell anyone that your religion is right and there’ is wrong. Never try to persuade any of your co-workers to convert to your faith.
3.      Your Politics
Politics is probably the most volatile topic to be discussed in the office. It is fine to have a political opinion but should not be discussed in the office. Remember that like you, your colleagues also have their own opinions and any heated arguments can ruin the relations and your reputation. Given the time you spend with your co-workers, having such discussions are not worth it.  
Though you feel strongly about the candidate you support and have negative opinions about the opposition, still you should be quite and never try to convince anyone about it.
4.      Your Relations Life
Never discuss anything about your relations in the office. It is not only inappropriate but may land you in sexual harassment case. There is no good reason to tell anyone what you and your partner do under the sheets. It is a purely personal and private matter, which makes many people squirm and your colleagues may feel uneasy to work with you.
If someone feels intimidated he or she might file a sexual harassment case against you. So no matter how close you are to your colleagues these matters are to be discussed with your partner or with a very dear friend outside the office.
5.      Your Frustration
Frustration, whether related to the job or family issues again, should be avoided discussing with your office mates. If it is related to the job, you might be tempted to discuss the issues you are facing with some of your colleagues but please refrain from doing so. Your colleagues can use it against you. Instead, you find out the right person from the Human Resources department and talk to them about your job issues.
If you are frustrated due to some family issues and want to speak with someone, chose a person who is not your office colleague. As discussing these matters in the office, people including your boss might think that these difficulties could distract you. Also, they might exploit you and you can be a workplace gossip sensation.
These are a few topics that we feel are good to avoid in any office discussion. There may be many more, which you can figure out yourself. For knowing more on this or any job-related queries visit us at Jobaxy.com.
Source - https://www.jobaxy.com/blogs-and-videos/5-discussion-points-to-avoid-at-the-office
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jobaxyph · 4 years
Jobaxy gives an opportunity for employers to post free job ads and get the quality candidates for your company. Jobaxy is a Free Job Posting Site in Philippines.
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jobaxyph · 4 years
What Things to Do Before Going to Job Interview
Finally, you have the job interview letter in your hands after going through the grueling job search process. No wonder you are excited about it, as your hard work is paid off. The interview is your chance to convince the hiring managers that you are the best candidate for the job, it is a golden opportunity and you must grab it with both hands.
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To help you prepare for the big interview, here we have listed a few things that you need to do before your job interview. Let’s divide the preparation into two parts, the first being the period approaching the D-day and the D-day itself.
Few Days Earlier – Once you receive the interview letter you should begin your preparation.
1.      Study about the company – Research about the company and get a fair amount of information. You would have done the research earlier while applying for the job but now is the time to get into the details. Learn about the market position of the company, specification about the role you have applied and also about the recruiter if possible.
2.      Know the Job Profile – Read the position’s job description well before the interview. Frame all your answers keeping in mind the job description, this will fetch you some extra points, which are essential when the competition is tough.
3.      Prepare Your Answers – Prepare your answers for the most common interview questions like, ‘tell us something about yourself’, ‘why should I hire you’ and also for the questions you will be asking the recruiter. Prepare a general outline. Write down all the points and read it once or twice. You don’t need to mug up.  
4.      Practice – This is important. Practice many times what you are going to say, this will make you confident, increase your fluency and minimize the use of unnecessary words like ‘um’ or ‘uh’. Practice it in front of the mirror or the best way is to have a mock interview with a friend.  
5.      Plan your look – The first impression is important and your look plays an important role in creating a good first impression. Your dress should be professional with hair, makeup and shoes all well coordinated. Here perfection is very essential because if you are underdressed it creates a very casual impression suggestion that you are not serious for the job and if you are overdressed, you are unfit in the team.
6.      Know The Route – Know the route to the company well. Get the exact directions in advance and you can even take a trial run of the route.
7.      Keep your bad ready – Before the interview day, keep your bag ready. Take some extra copies of the resume. Keep a notepad, pens, make-up for an emergency retouch, a mirror, any regular medicines and last but not the least money.
8.      Proper Rest – The night before the interview it is important that get enough rest, the doctor recommended 7 to 8 hours is ideal. Enough rest means you are fresh, energized and you don’t want to walk to the interview room with puffy eyes or yawning. Before going to bed set your alarm.
The D-day (The day of the interview)
9.      Eat well – At the day of the interview eat well but don’t overeat. Avoid caffeine, until you finish the interview.
10.  Dress appropriately in your business attire and don’t forget to wear your confidence.
11.  Reach there at least 15 minutes before. Being late for the job interview is the worst thing.
12.  Switch off your mobile phones or put it on silent before you head to the interview room.
These are few things or tips that if you follow you will surely succeed. For more such job interview tips, jobs in the Philippines please visit Jobaxy.com.
Source - 
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jobaxyph · 4 years
"Not to being late" is good for your professional life
‘Being on time is a sign of respect!’ Punctuality or arriving on time for a meeting or an appointment is evidence of your self-discipline and self-respect and is a courteous compliment you pay to your associates. Now, take a moment and think about your last meeting, were you on time or were just a little late. It is a proven fact that almost 80% of meetings do not start at the scheduled time. Tardiness is becoming a norm and this is not a good sign.
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Tardiness, sloppiness or being lethargic whatever you call it, it is not good for your professional life. It is time to stop this habit and show more commitment and dedication to your work. Let us see the harmful effects of being late.  
It is Rude – Being late for meetings and appointments is considered as rude. It is an impolite way to convey that your time is more valuable than anyone else’s time. This is a terrible message sent whether you are a boss or an employee. If you are the boss, it will demoralize the employees and even the business partners will reconsider working with you.
Loss of Productivity – When you are late at work, there is an immediate loss of productivity. If you are working independently it is a direct loss and if you are working in a team then also you will disturb the workflow by being late.
Unhappy Customers – Now, this is the last thing you want. If you are not able to make an on-time delivery because of the tardiness at your workplace, will ultimately result in the loss of the customer. If you are an employee who because of being late is unable to deliver on time or you are the boss who is late for an appointment or meeting you are not doing good for your company. Poor customer service at any stage damages the company's reputation and will discourage potential clients.
You Are Not At Your Best - When you are late it somewhat demoralizes you from within and you are unable to give your best. The thoughts of what others are thinking about you, have you missed anything important and so on will distract you and you won’t be able to focus. Few people truly don’t care what the world thinks about them and are highly focused but if you are not one of them then being late will certainly rattle you when you head for a meeting.
Other People’s Time is wasted – You waste other people’s time due to your lethargic behavior. When you work in a team and your team is dependent on you for the further progress of your work, being late is a sheer waste of time of others. If you are the boss, your employees will depend on your instructions for their jobs, by showing up late you just waste their time and your money as you are paying them for just sitting and waiting for you.  
Company’s Culture Go Downhill – Generally, as a boss, you would want a happy working culture in your company where people are accountable to customers, peers, themselves and you. But not being on time set an overall negative tone in the company’s work culture. Being punctual might seem like a trivial thing but its impacts are huge.
Management Issues – If you protect a chronically late employee, it creates a loss of respect. The punctual employees will feel offended as the rules are overlooked and will not make the efforts to be on time. Hence, overlooking the late comers sends a wrong message to the entire company.
Tardiness Fast becomes a Vicious Cycle – If all your meetings start late even 5 minutes, the employees will not take efforts to show on time. When people come late and find out the meeting is not started they will always come at that time next time onwards. And those who arrived on time and have been waiting anxiously for the meeting to begin will curse themselves for being punctual and will show late for further meetings. Eventually, you have created a norm in your company, where no meeting starts at the scheduled time.  
The only way to avoid it is to start the meeting on time without waiting for anyone. This will help make people more punctual.  
Fix it before it’s too late – Everyone is late occasionally. The traffic, family responsibilities, some personal issues could be the reasons for getting late. Sometimes these things just can’t be avoided. But the people who are habituated of being late surely have time-management issues and they need to be addressed. Here’s how you can fix it:
·         Set your alarm 30 minutes earlier or even an hour early.
·         Prepare your dress for the next day the night before.
·         Try to reach the office 15 minutes earlier than the normal time.
·         Remember by being punctual you value other’s time. You will notice that others will respect you more if you can resolve your chronic illness.
Technology is there To Help – The technology will certainly help you in being on time. In the earlier point, we mentioned about preparing your dress in advance for the next day. Similarly, with the help of technology, you can overcome the traffic problem. GPS can tell you exactly how long it will take to reach your destination. You can start taking into consideration the required time. When you start the GPS will also tell you about how bad the traffic is and will suggest you the alternate fast route, thus helping you to reach on time.  
Be Committed to ‘be on time’ – Your commitment to be punctual will force you to plan your schedule appropriately. Many times the chronic tardiness is a result of over-scheduling. So do not try to fit in many things a day. Have a realistic schedule and be punctual for each of your meetings and appointments.  
To sum up not being late shows your commitment to your work. People working with you feel respected. With meetings starting on time the chronically tardy colleagues and employees will start showing up on time. On-time employees will improve work productivity, will make your company a happy workplace and will develop a reputation for punctuality and reliability.
For any help regarding the new jobs in Philippines visit Jobaxy.com
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jobaxyph · 4 years
How to Overcome Disappointment at Work
Rejection is always associated with disappointment. Yes, we all get disappointed when we face rejection or when something doesn’t happen as per our wish. Though it is valid to be disappointed by rejection, one should always remember that it is not the end. Disappointment is an inevitable part of our lives and dealing with it is not an easy job.  
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I believe that when you are sad or disappointed give yourself some time to overcome it. Time is the best healer. Having said that do not keep sulking for long. There are some methods by which you can get rid of the disappointment and restart the job search with a new zeal.
1.       Be Calm – Being dejected over rejection is normal. But it leads to anger so you should not let the disappointment overpower you. Sometimes you may lash out at people around you, that you may regret later and it might even be harmful in the future. Hence, the best thing here is to stay calm. It’s fine to vent out your anger but be sure not to damage your career further.
2.       Don’t Take Rejection Personally – This is an important point. You should never take rejections personally. You are rejected just because you are not fit for the role, it doesn’t mean you don’t have potential or there are any personal grudges of the interviewer.  Accept the rejection with grace and maturity. 
3.       Distraction Works – When you are depressed, you will think about it every second. This will waste your time and energy and will bring in negativity. So the best way is to distract yourself and shift your focus on something else. Indulge in some hobby. Join a gym, go for a run, visit an art gallery, or read a new book. Give yourself a breather and do something of your interest. It will do wonders in treating your disappointment. 
4.       Meet People – Don’t be home alone with your thoughts. Meet people who care about you. They will not only help you get out of this phase but they might help you with new leads. 
5.       Look for your Weaknesses and Address them - This is the time to introspect. Your skills, your resume, your interview skills, your dress everything. Look at what went wrong or where you are. Check if you are applying for the right role. Restructure your job search strategy. Once you have figured out the areas where you need to grow, face the issues head-on and fix them. If you need to upgrade your skills join the required classes. If your problem is the interview presentation, the solution is simple, practice and more practice with some of your friends. Revamp your wardrobe for that perfect professional look.   
6.       Keep Trying – Rejection doesn’t mean it is the end of the world. There are thousands of jobs, so keep on searching till you find right job for you. Focus on your goals and don’t panic. Keep on trying and your patience and perseverance will pay off. Maybe it will take time but you will certainly land your dream job.   
If you are rejected, don’t just be disappointed. Get up and keep applying for the jobs with a stronger determination. If you need any assistance in finding the best job in Philippines, Jobaxy is there to help. With thousands of jobs listed, we are one of the leading job search portals in the Philippines.
Source - https://www.jobaxy.com/blogs-and-videos/how-to-overcome-disappointment
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jobaxyph · 4 years
Ways to love job you when you hate your job
We all would agree that finding a job is a herculean task and to find one that you love is a bigger challenge. Sometimes we compromise our love and settle down with an uninterested job, just to make the ends meet. And even if you are lucky enough to find a job you love keeping the fire burning sometimes becomes difficult.
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On average a person spends almost 1/3rd of his life in his workplace. It is almost 8 to 10 hours a day, so if you are in love with your job you will enjoy this time. But if not it is a difficult task. Don’t worry we will tell you smart techniques that will help you love your job. Either you completely hate your job or you hate some part of your job. Whatever the problem is, there are ways you can learn to love your job and have a successful career. You can achieve it by being friends with your job, add a fun element and see the difference in your attitude towards the job. Here I have listed a few things which will certainly help you love your job.  
Master the Skills
Every job requires some or the other skill. Your aim should be to get better and better at it. Set some goals for yourself and work hard to achieve them. By doing this you are challenging yourself. Then track your growth and measure your progress. Believe me, the feeling of accomplishment is heaven, it will compel you to love your job.
Now, you might be thinking what about the jobs that require no skills like the data entry. For data entry, the basic knowledge of computers is enough. But here also you have chances to master the data entry operations by improving your typing accuracy and speed. It is just about challenging yourself. 
      2. Independence or Constraints
Give yourself freedom or restrict yourself according to the situation. For example, if your job has some set directions, you can give yourself freedom and do things your way to break the monotonous routine. This will give you new challenges and you will be happy to accept those. To explain this let’s take an example of a call center agent. While making calls, he has to follow a script certain fixed questions, which could be boring at times. So to make things interesting you need to break the shackles. Just go with the flow of the conversation, do complete the given questionnaire but without following the stereotype. By breaking stereotypes and still achieving the target, you are already in love with the job.
One more trick is to impose some imaginary constraints to get out of the typical routine and spark creativity.
      3. The Purpose
Find the meaning and purpose of your job. It is not always necessary to be the big component in the machine as the machine won’t work even when a tiny part is missing. Be grateful for the smallest contribution you make. The fact that you bring value to the employer is motivational. So think about the greater purpose and this thought will bring enjoyment and fulfillment in your work.
      4. Predictability or Unpredictability
Bringing predictability or unpredictability to your work proves to be beneficial when you do not want to hate your work. Whatever your preference and experience are, either bring a structure or novelty to your work. If you are anxious while working it is good to bring a structure or predictability that will help you to calm your nerves and enjoy your work. On the other hand, if your work is becoming monotonous, bring a variety of unpredictability to make your job interesting.
      5. Reward Yourself
Rewards are always highly appreciated and are a big motivation. Your employer may give you a raise to reward your hard work, but why should we rely on them to feel rewarded. Instead, we should make own rules and reward ourselves to keep the motivation high.
Set your milestones and reward yourself when you successfully achieve it. Celebrate even small achievements. The rewards can be small or big like shopping, upgrading your tools, getting a book, treating yourself with a self-care practice, watching a movie, playing a game and so on.
      6. The Power of Scarcity
It is a fact that we are more productive during the time of emergency. When we have a deadline to achieve the impossible4 task is suddenly achievable. And we all just enjoy this sudden boost in productivity. So to bring back your lost interest in your job set yourself such deadlines and just go there and achieve it. I promise your interest in your job will double.
To conclude, just spice-up things, and play at work and you will not hate your current job. Keep searching for the job you love though, but even if you are not able to find one, you know how to bring back love in your job.
For more information about it log on to jobaxy.com.
Source - https://www.jobaxy.com/blogs-and-videos/ways-to-love-job-you-when-you-hate-your-job
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jobaxyph · 4 years
How to Work Smarter Rather Than Harder
“Work smarter, not harder”, is what everyone aims for. We all need to establish a successful work-life balance. No one wants to spend hours when the work can be done in a short time if planned and executed smartly. But the question is how to actually achieve that.
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Well as it is said, necessity is the mother of all invention. A lot of research, study and survey lead to few findings that explain how we can get the work done perfectly in less time.
1.      Have limited Goals but be obsessed over them
Everyone knows that we should not be doing hundreds of things at a time, multitasking is not a good option. But this is just half of what you should do. First thing is to limit your goals and should be obsessed over them to produce quality work. The extreme dedication creates extraordinary results.  
Trim all the unnecessary tasks prioritize things. It is fine if you don’t check your email every 5 minutes. Those meetings which do not contribute towards your goal should be avoided. Reduce your activities and concentrate only on your goals, all your efforts should be on excelling in those.
2.      Mastering Skills
As an employee, you are required to learn many skills and you should push yourself and learn those which will certainly benefit you in the long run. But practically it is not possible to master them all. Trying to improve all your skills at a time will take you nowhere. So pick one skill at a time and master it. It is again ‘do less but obsessed’. If you decide to work on your presentation skills than other skills like creating better reports will have to wait.
Now, you want to better your presentation skills. Give yourself dedicated 15 minutes in a day to review your performance. Evaluate what are the mistakes and try to improve it. Then, study the presentations of the people who are best in business. Observe them minutely, their talking skills, their tone, their body language, eye contact, and their overall behavior.
Once that is done, you set small goals for yourself like, ‘I should speak slowly’ or ‘I should make more eye contact’. Work on it and use it well in your next presentation. Get feedback after the presentation. Ask your colleagues how you did and what you can do to improve.
Similarly, you can better all your required skills but one at a time. It might seem a lot of work but then it is certainly beneficial in the long run. Deliberate practice is an inevitable part of your job.
3.      The Passion and Purpose
The combination of passion and purpose always yields the best result. Just having passion is not enough you even need to have a purpose. The top performers use this combination which boosts energy levels and increase the number of efforts they were able to put forth.
There is a strong association between the intensity of efforts and having both passion and purpose. The passion, people think come only when you are working into something that excites you, but it is not the case. There are 6 different types of passion you derive from work.
·         Task Passion – Very obvious, what excites you.
·         Creative Passion – Solving something critical by your creativity triggers this passion.
·         Achievement Passion – Though the product you are selling doesn’t excite you, every time you crack the deal the sense of achieving something becomes your passion.
·         People Passion – This type means you are the people person. The company or the job might not be great but the support and love from the staff keeps you going.
·         Learning Passion – Learning something new every day can turn into your passion for best job.
·         Competence Passion – When you do something which you are sacred of initially kicks in this type of passion.
And the purpose is creating value for others in such a way that it is personally meaningful to you as well. The purpose is not about the actual tasks you perform but about how you frame them. It is how you see the value you create for others.
Passion and purpose actually reduce the work-life balance. Because when you are passionate about your job, you enjoy the time you spend working and that reduces your stress levels.
To sum up, working smart is not a difficult thing just follow few things do less but be obsessed, learn the skills slowly by challenging yourself and last but not the least be passionate for your job. To know more about it, visit jobaxy.com
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jobaxyph · 4 years
What Objects to Remember When Negotiate Your First Pay?
After crossing all the hurdles you are almost close to your target of signing on the dotted lines. You have convinced the recruiters that you are the one suitable for the job post and you are ecstatic. You are eager to see the offer letter and sign the contract, but, yes there still is a ‘but’, your salary is less than what you anticipated. Suddenly you experience a change in your emotions and now you are in a dilemma whether to accept the job or not.
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No worries, you still have one last chance to negotiate your package and accept the job. Don’t panic, stay poised and try to negotiate. Negotiating salary can be intimidating especially if you are a fresh graduate. But if you want to get paid as per your worth you have to let go the awkwardness and speak. I agree it is tricky but it is essential as you have to pay your bills. It is important to not to sell yourself for less or even to have sky-high expectations and decrease your chances of landing that dream job.  
Negotiating properly could gift you huge fortunes. Are you thinking about how? We will help you. It is quite natural for fresh graduates to have this question in mind, but these few important aspects will assist you in negotiating your first salary.
·         Job Field/Domain – You need to understand that not all fields offer equal salaries. So, do your homework and find out the maximum and minimum packages offered in your industry. Compare the salary offered to you and if it’s too less than the industry standard, you can certainly ask for more.          
                                                                                                                                          ·         The Job Position – Similar to the different fields, different job positions offer varied salaries. To get an idea about the offer for each position you can refer to the online tool. The figure they offer is an overall average. If the amount you are being offered, is dramatically less you can certainly bring up the matter with the recruiting manager. If, however, the amount is slightly less you should give it a nod as your employer might have a limited budget.
 ·         Location effect on your salary – Location certainly has a huge impact on salaries. The fresh graduate’s compensation in Manila or Cebu city can differ drastically from the one in a small town. So while negotiating, always keep this factor in mind.
 ·         Be Reasonable – Decide on a figure that you are willing to accept. Once that is done, write down the reasons why you are not keen on settling down for less. Then while discussing the benefits package on the table keep a calm head and put forth each of your points with conviction. Speak in a soft yet assertive tone.
 ·         Right Time is Crucial – When you speak, matters a lot. Wait until you have an offer in your hand and you understand the benefits. Now if you feel your compensation is not as per the industry standards, you can voice your thoughts.  
·         Practice Makes a Man Perfect – This is true for everything. So practice what you will say, how you will say, the counter-arguments that can be made and polish your skills of negotiation.
Follow the above tips and be a successful negotiator. For more such job search tips, career advice, and jobs in the Philippines register with Jobaxy.com.
Source - https://www.jobaxy.com/blogs-and-videos/what-objects-to-remember-when-negotiate-your-first-pay
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jobaxyph · 5 years
How to Make Your Resume White collar?
Resumes are the stepping stone of your success. It is the first piece of information that you share with prospective employers. For whatever position you are a seeking job, a well-crafted professional resume is a must.
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It is a document, which summarizes your education, skills and experience. When you are looking for a job this is the most important document. Traditionally the resumes are printed on paper, but in today’s digital world you can even have an audio-video resume.  
Let’s dig deeper into the science of resume making. There are various aspects to it.
1.      The Resume Type
The resume type you choose should depend on the type of job you are applying. There are four resume formats.
·         Chronological Resume – The most common resume format starts with career summary then work experience in chronological order with the joining and leaving dates, followed by skills and education. The candidates with abundant work experience can use this chronological format as it stresses more on work experience.
·         Functional Resume – This format also begins with the summary statement. It is followed by professional skills. Then your work experience and last your education. This resume doesn’t give much importance to work history and dates and is best for the job seekers having gaps in their work history.
·         Combination Resume – As the name suggests it is the combination of both chronological and functional format. In this, you can highlight your skills and also your work history. Start with your career summary followed by your skills and then work history in reverse chronological order with all the dates. This is best for those who have less experience as it emphasizes more on skills.
·         Creative Resume – This is the one that is outside the resume description. It may be designed as info-graphics, software programs, or video resumes. The creative formats are great for people looking for jobs in more creative fields. They are undoubtedly more memorable and can help you stand out from the crowd. 
2.      Designing and Writing the Resume
Now, once you have decided on the format you are ready to design your resume. As said it is your first impression and it should be good, else you are out of the race. Various templates are available for free which you can use.
Putting all the components in words can be difficult for some. But these guidelines will help you.
·         Never speak of yourself in the third person.
·         Don't use statements starting with "I" and "Me". Start by using phrases with some action verbs.
·         No copping of the job description in the resume.
·         Be specific while mentioning about your achievements. Whenever possible use numbers.
·         Check for grammar and spellings. You just can’t afford such errors. 
3.      The Content
You should ideally have this in your resume.
·         Heading – This part is dedicated to who you are. It consists of your name (full name), and contact details including your postal address, active phone numbers and email address. This information should be instantly visible. 
·         Career Objective – The ones who are looking for their first job career objective is essential. For the experienced candidates, this is optional. This overall sets the tone of your resume. The career objective or the career goal should be in sync with the job you are applying for. 
·         Career Summary or Resume Summary – Career summary is the section for the experienced candidates. This is your introductory section and should throw light on all your achievements, experience and skills. 
·         Experience – This section describes the work experience you have earlier. Here you should list all the jobs you have done till date in chronological order. State the name, location, job position you had, job profile and the joining and leaving dates. 
For the fresh graduates, you should mention the pre-professional experience. Highlight your internship, on-job training and voluntary work if any. 
·         Technical Expertise – It is a well-known fact that the hiring managers are more interested in your technical expertise than the educational background as the technical skills determine your eligibility for the job. This section should include all your professional certificates relevant to the job position. 
·         Education – In this section, you should write about your degrees. Mention here about the majors and minors and the name of your graduation institute.  
·         Related Courses – Special important section for undergraduates where you can mention about any courses that are related to the job you are applying. This is of great significance if your educational background is different from the job. 
·         Hobbies, Training and Seminars – This is an optional section. Here you can mention about any workshops, training that you attended if they are relevant to the job postings. Similarly, if your hobbies are relevant to the job postings and can increase your chances of grabbing the job mention them.
·         References – Well there is a debate over this section. Some employers want it while other doesn’t. So the best way is to write references ‘available on request’. Generally, two references are enough one professional and one personal. 
4.      Float Your Resume
After you have crafted the masterpiece it is time to share it. Send it to the recruiters. Share it with friends and family who can help, post it on job portals.
5.      Making Your Resume Great
If you want your resume to be the best of best follow these tips
·         Replace the objective statement with an executive summary, which should be your elevator pitch explaining who you are. Include industry-specific keywords.
·         Always use reverse chronological order while listing your experience and education.
·         Add a sentence or two about the companies you have worked as this gives more insight into your experience.
·         The text should be readable. Use short paragraphs and bullet points wherever possible instead of long stories.
·         The font style, size and color should be consistent throughout the resume.
·         Give the URL to your online profile. The employers will search you online.
Now you are well versed with the art of resume making. So what are you waiting for, Start today! For more tips and jobs in the Philippines, please visit us at jobaxy.com.
 Source - https://www.jobaxy.com/blogs-and-videos/how_to_make_your_resume_white_collar
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jobaxyph · 5 years
Reasons Why Jobseeker Have Trouble Finding a Job
Finding a job could be quite a tough ask. There is severe competition in the job market and if you want to succeed you need to do everything right. There is no scope for mistakes. It is a general trend that many job seekers experience trouble in finding a job. The reason for the same is unknown to them.
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After going through many such cases we figured out a few points that could be the reason behind the failure. Let’s go through them:
·         Lack of Passion and Persistence – It is mostly seen that the job seekers start their job search with a bang. But somehow after the initial few interviews, the passion just disappears. They simply forget that staying live in the game always is the basic requirement in the job search. You need to find out lots of avenues for tasting success. For this you need to persistently be in touch with people you know like friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances and recruiting managers so that you don’t miss any openings anywhere. 
·         No Systematic Job Search Plan – Many times it is seen that the job seekers do not have a systematic plan for job search. They just apply to any opportunity, which could lead to failure. It is a good practice to have a plan ready before finding a job. The system should have everything noted down from your goals, to plan of action. The idea is to act as per the plan. 
·         Unprofessional Resume – It is a known fact that the resume is your first impression. If it can convince the clients, you get the interview call. But many job seekers fail to design a perfect selling resume. The resume developing tools and templates available online, even then the candidates are not able to craft a unique resume that fetches them the interview ticket. 
·         Poor Interview Skills – Some candidates have poor interview skills. They are unable to drive the interview themselves and fell prey to the tricks of the interviewer. They are not able to advocate their selling points and couldn’t tell the employer what they will bring to the table. This could be because the candidates don’t prepare themselves for the interview. Sometimes the job seekers take the interview too casually and do not even dress properly for it and lose the job even before saying anything. 
·         Poor Responses – The answers the candidates give are sometimes too wacky and unprofessional. For example, if they are asked about the reasons behind leaving their previous job, they don’t answer it professionally. Either they will have some bragging answers or they will bad mouth the previous employer. Both these answers are not at all expected at the professional level and they are simply rejected. 
·         Candidates Aren’t Flexible – Some candidates have certain things fixed in their mind like the company they want to work in, the job profile or position they want, their salary demand and they are not at all flexible. In this case, to find a job that matches their expectations becomes difficult. Being so selective can be detrimental.  
These are some points because of which the candidates find it difficult to grab their dream job. If you have any queries related to the jobs in the Philippines don’t hesitate to contact one of our efficient team members on Jobaxy.com.
Source - https://www.jobaxy.com/blogs-and-videos/reasons_why_jobseeker_have_trouble_finding_a_job
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jobaxyph · 5 years
Audio-video resumes are the current hot favourite amongst employers and job seekers. With the help of these professional tips, you can design a perfect video resume.
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jobaxyph · 5 years
How to Make a Perfect Audio-Video Job Resume?
As in all the other fields, digital technologies are used in the recruitment process as well. Selection of new employees through digital technology is becoming more common. Employers now days are requesting their candidates for video resumes as a part of their job applications.
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A video resume is a new age job application. It is nothing but a small video of the applicant, which is about a minute or two long. It is unique, creative and highlights your professional strengths and skills.
This type of job application gives an idea of your personality to the employer and he can easily judge whether you are suitable to work in the organization. Especially helpful if the hiring manager is located in another city of other parts of the world.
For the candidates, it’s a fantastic opportunity to think out of the box, to sell yourself and demonstrate your communication skills and creativity. However, the video application should be in company with the traditional one and not replace it as some employers still go the traditional way.  
The videos are great if made properly else they are nothing but laughing stock. So you need to be very careful while making one. It is not a difficult task; with some planning you can create a perfect professional audio-video resume.
Step 1: The Planning
Before filming, you should consider certain aspects, right from the backdrop to the content, to the duration; to your dressing style everything should be planned. Remember as you present a tailor–made paper resume each time, you should also do the same while creating a video resume. You should make sure your video suits the job you are applying for and also the company you are applying to.
Step 2: The Script
It is always good to first write a script. The video resume lasts hardly for a minute and should cover your introduction and credentials. While writing the script start with your introduction and describe why you are the best person for the job, then your relevant experience and accomplishments.
Rehearse the script well before actual filming because in the video it should not feel that you are reading the script. No doubt, keep the script handy so that you don’t forget some points.
Step 3: Backdrop and Surrounding
Shoot the video in a clean, clutter-free, well-lit area. A white background is always preferred for recording but if you are not a white person choose the one that will be attracting enough for the employer to watch your video. The place should be quiet, avoid all the background noises.
Step 4: Dressing
Dress according to the position you are applying for. Ideally, it should be your professional best as if you are going for a face-to-face interview. Wear your confidence and pay attention to your body language. No unnecessary movements, no crossing arms. Address the camera so that you are making eye contact as you would in the personal interview.  
Step 5: Filming the Video
The video can be shot using your mobile phone camera. You don’t need to buy any expensive cameras for your audio video resumes. Have sufficient time in hand so that you can retake and retake until you get the perfect product. Make sure you the camera is focusing on your face. You should speak clearly and slowly. Your tone should be soft and polite but audible, no shouting, please.
If you are not able to shoot ask your friend to do it for you. Also, if you want a more professional video, ask a videographer to do it for you.
Step 6: Edit the Video
This is a very important part. Once you are done shooting see the video and do the edits if any. However, if the video has not come out good reshoot it. For editing you don’t need to buy the professional edit software, mostly the computers come with the pre-installed video editing software that should be good.
Avoid using too many graphics and animation, just a title with your name and contact details, so that no much editing is required. Your aim should be to create a video that showcases your skills and personality and not your video making and editing skills.
Step 7: Feedback
Once you are satisfied with your video after all the edits and cuts send it to your friends or family members for an honest opinion. Take their opinions into consideration and make the necessary changes.
Step 8: Submission
After completing all the changes upload it to YouTube or Vimeo. This is the most convenient way to share with a potential employer. You can choose your video private or make it public.
Finally, making your own video is not a rocket science. A bit of planning and these professional tips will help you create the perfect audio-video resume. If you are still not sure, visit us at jobaxy.com. Our team will help you in designing the perfect resume.
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jobaxyph · 5 years
Ventures to Figuring out If You’ve Got the Right Job Offer
The gruelling days of the interview process are over and you finally have a job offer in your hand, indeed a big day in your life. Now the ball is in your court and you have to decide whether or not you are accepting the job offer.
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If the job in question is your dream job, then there is absolutely no second thought but if not you need to think. There are certain factors you should consider before accepting the offer. Remember, you should be 100% sure before saying ‘Yes’. The points given below will help you in deciding.
1.      Your Gut Feeling
Do you need to trust this? The answer is yes. Even before you are thinking about the job profile and the numbers, you need to check your gut feeling. This is a great help. Sometimes during the interview, you are not happy, you are not excited after receiving the offer letter, or something in you is telling you that this not the right opportunity for you. Trust it. Don’t just ignore your inner voice.
2.      The Job Profile
Now with the offer letter in hand, you just want to check whether or not you are satisfied with the job profile. Ask yourself a few questions like, are you happy to fulfil the tasks and responsibilities of the job? Are you willing to work in that environment and with the team? Do you need to make any sacrifices by accepting the job? If yes is the job worth it?  Write the answers and then evaluate them. If you feel your answers are more towards the positive side, go ahead. If not you may refuse the offer politely.
3.      Your Career Goals
Check if the job profile helps you achieve your career goals. It is always advisable to list your career goals when you start a job search. Once you have the offer letter refer your list and evaluate the offer against the aspects in your career goals. See if this job helps you to accomplish your goals. Know if the company will help you learn and grow? Also, evaluate the stress level associated with the job profile and also whether or not you will get time to unwind daily? If your answers are positive you are closer to accepting the offer.
4.      Salary and Benefits
This is again an important factor to think before accepting the jobs. At the end of the day, you have to pay your bills. While evaluating the offer you need to study the entire package. Not just salary but the total package. Sometimes the salary may appear to be less but actually, have more considering the benefits it offers. You need to check how the total package contribute to your financial needs.
5.      Is It where you want to work
Now once you get positive answers for all the above factors, the last thing is to evaluate the company, its work culture and also the team as you will be working there daily. This one is a bit tough. You need to gather information about the work culture of the company. Ask everyone you can about the overall working culture. Well, no one working there is going to tell you that the work culture is horrible. But you can get an idea from the conversations. Satisfied, this job is for you. Grab it.
Visit jobaxy.com for more information on jobs in the Philippines.
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jobaxyph · 5 years
What Are The Common Job Hunting Mistakes You Should Avoid?
Looking for jobs? If your answer is a ‘yes’ then this one is for you. Job hunting is the decisive phase of your life. This phase is however associated with a lot of stress and negativity. Staying focused and positive is one of the success mantras of surviving this phase.
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You are competing with many other candidates who are as talented as you are. The competition is tough, a small mistake and you are out of the race. We have listed here some common mistakes candidates should avoid while looking for the job.
1.      Inappropriate Resume
Your resume should win over the employer. It is your golden ticket for the interview call. It should be perfect strictly following the format. The length is critical if it is too long no one will read it and if too short you may miss on some of your selling points. Proofread it several times. Any spelling mistakes, typos will not be tolerated and your resume will be dumped.
2.      No Cover Letter  
‘Yes,’ or ‘No’ cover letter is a million-dollar question. Many candidates think that no one reads the cover letter so why to include it. But when you are going a traditional way you must send your resume with the cover letter, irrespective of whether it is read or not. When the employer goes through the heap of resumes he may just overlook the ones without cover letters, thinking the candidates lack professionalism. And certainly, you don’t want that.  
3.      Lying
To get noticed the job seekers decorate their resumes with some false achievements. They forget that the hiring managers are smart enough to find out the truth and if you are caught you are gone. If they blacklist you then your dreams will be just a dream.
4.      Unprofessional Email
Sometimes candidates have very funny email addresses. You can use them for your personal communication but not for the professional ones. Such email addresses can ruin your chances of getting a job. Your professional email address always should be name based.
5.      Less Preparation
The employer looks for candidates those are serious about the job. So just having the skill set is not enough. You should have the information about the company and the job profile and use it well to draft your resume and cover letter. This will increase your chances to get the interview call.
6.      No Professional Online Presence  
The hiring managers try to find out more about you from your social media pages. Thus maintaining a professional online profile will always be advantageous for you.
7.      No Networking Skills
Networking is necessary. Letting people know you are looking for a job is not like asking for some favor. You should build a strong network so that you don’t miss out on any opportunity. The people in the same industry can help you with the leads and sometimes even a recommendation.
Following up after the interview shows the employer you are seriously interested and will earn you some brownie points. If you fail to do so you are somewhat decreasing your probability of the job. It takes a couple of minutes; you can either leave a message on the job site or can drop an email or directly make a phone call to thank them for their precious time and giving you the opportunity.
These are some common mistakes because of which you decrease your chances of grabbing that dream job. Rectify them and give your professional career a kick start. For more career tips and job posting visit Jobaxy.com
Source - https://www.jobaxy.com/blogs-and-videos/what_are_the_common_job_hunting_mistakes_you_should_avoid
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