joanseyforth · 3 years
Dear Meriel,
Letters from home have been scarce this past month - any clue as to how everyone’s been holding up over there? (Selden’s last letter’s been making it sound as if Nevare is trying enamor all of Coerthas - sending out a prayer you aren’t on his current path of conquests) - still, perhaps this lack of mail exchange is for the best since I would have had to write back to Moms & Pops regarding all that’s happened... and that might amount to quite a bit of explaining, and then probably consequently defending myself for... let’s try and make this short:
Exhibit A: Choosing to board a sketchy looking Limsan vessel, crewed by an even more sketchy sounding, sketchy looking crew - for the mere hope they could help me travel to Hingashi at a price I could actually afford.
Exhibit B: Said sketchy vessel being run aground by a horde of disgruntled Sahagin, whose leader was demanding satisfaction from said sketchy vessel’s captain, calling him out by name... I did manage to get out of there, but then I was poor again - also helmet got a new scratch.
Exhibit C: I found out Riley wasn’t a girl. Riley thought I had a crush on him, then got mad when I explained he was like the sister I never had. Flat affairs went a bit stormy after that... but we sorted it out over hot chocolate. 
Sisterhood retained.
Exhibit D: I ran into a super old friend! Do you remember there was that shy kid called Renn? We used to hang together, a lot, and would have run into you, or you would have run into us... he was a good kid, anyroad, he’s much taller now, and is actually in an impressive position within a Free Company, which I sort of joined. 
You’re probably making that fussy mother hen frown of yours by now aren’t you? - but really, they seem like a good bunch, I mean, weirdos - the lot of them, but they do appreciate my combat skills, they even promoted me to a full blown Sentinel shortly after my first mission. 
Sentinel is like the thing to be within their group - they have two groups - the nerdy one and the cool one, Sentinels are the cool one.
But yeah I really think I can finally make a difference from here, you know? Something that’s a different scale of difference making from just accompanying some bloke transporting crates to Aleport, or warding off Goobbue from a Summerford field, that is, Goobbues can be a bloody hazard but... you catch my drift.
I hope you aren’t letting your life get all boring with all that bureaucratic stuff, Fury, you probably are... and whatever happened with that somebody you kissed? Write back when you can aye? Either that or haul your arse over for a visit - flat’s never looked better lately for some reason, super tidy and not a single dish in the sink...it’s just too bad I’m not around as much to enjoy it, being busy adventuring and all. But if you come around I’ll totally take an adventuring timeout.
Miss you!
- Joan.
(( OOC Note: HI! Very excited to make this first post, I plan to keep an overarching theme of IC letters in this tumblr, this very first one being to Joan’s childhood friend.
Joan’s carrd ))
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