jjeessxxzz · 5 years
Why Choose College of Commerce at University of San Agustin?
As I enrolled at this school I clearly see my future will be brightened. The faces of students are all happy and approachable. I know that day will have the best college day. Now that I am a graduating student, I experience a lot in this University especially to my department which is college of commerce. I appreciate a lot of things and I am so lucky that I enrolled in marketing management course.
Commerce as stream of education can be defined as a study of trade and business activities. You study not just about businesses but you will also learn to be an independent and being friendly with people that surround you. Teachers teach good morals and showing fairness with their students.
Choosing of what course you really want to be when entering college is difficult. But choosing to be commerce is not a loss. Being a management student at College of Commerce is really advantage for you.
Here are some reasons why choose to be Commerce at USA:
•They offer the best quality of facilities to all students.
In order that students can concentrate to study and feel comfortable all the time, the University makes all the rooms’ air conditioned, crystal board and has big screen TV for power point presentation. There are also CCTV cameras inside the building for the security of all.
•PAASCU Accredited
All colleges and universities are required to be accredited by PAASCU. College of commerce are striving hard to pass the standardization of the education. This means that the level of teaching is more excellent. The college of commerce met the standard of education required by PAASCU. It ensure that the certification practices are acceptable, typically meaning that the College is competent and they behave ethically and employ suitable quality assurance.
•The Quality of Education
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Now that the facilities at College of commerce upgraded, the ways of teaching also upgraded. They are more efficient in choosing good teachers to provide a best learning experience for the students. Teachers at College of Commerce are also friendly and approachable but you can also see the fairness when it comes to evaluating their students.
Enroll now and experience the best of College of Commerce!
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jjeessxxzz · 5 years
Experience the best of University of San Agustin U-week 2019
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The University of San Agustin (commonly referred to as San Agustin, San Ag, or USA) is a private Catholic university in Iloilo City, Philippines and the first University in Western Visayas. Every academic year, the school is celebrating the university week. And this academic year 2018-2019, they scheduled the event this February 26-March 1, 2019 and also celebrating the 66th year of being a University.
To all Agustinians, this is the most awaited event of all especially to the graduating students. Everyone is very excited to participate and enjoy the event together with their friends and classmates. This is also the highlight event of the university.
Here are some of the exciting activities of University week:
Eucharistic celebration which held at the gym followed by the opening ceremony of the USA student council. They are warmly welcoming all the students, staffs and participants of the so called event.
On the 2nd day, they are celebrating the sport fest where all students in different department are free to join their chosen sports like volleyball, swimming, basketball, soccer and badminton. When the match is starting, the students in every department are present just to cheer their favourite players.
USA’s Best dance crew. This is where all students who love to dance are free to join. All departments has their own entry to support and showcase their talents in dancing. This event is also one of the most awaited in University week. The students are also voting online via sharing the trailer video, liking or reacting and commenting on it for their chosen dance crew. Because if who has the most votes online has an award.
Mr. and Ms. USA is the very most awaited in the event where all students are gathered at the gym because they will support their bet. Every participant has their own advocacy. This search is the clash of beauty and brains of every department. It is where everyone is waiting who will be bringing home the crown as Mr. and Miss. USA 2019.
TGIF (Thanks God It’s Friday). This is held on every Friday of University week where students on every department who are aspiring models and has the creative hands who will design the costume. There’s an award to those who are chosen by the judge.
Everyone is welcome to experience the university week 2019 of University of San Agustin. So come and celebrate with us with the theme: “Experience the Unity and Charity of being an Agustinian”. VIVA San Agustin!
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jjeessxxzz · 5 years
Floats by Thirsty
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Mango float is a Filipino icebox cake dessert made with layers of ladyfingers (broas) or graham crackers, whipped cream, condensed milk, and ripe mangoes. It is chilled for a few hours before serving, though it can also be frozen to give it an icecream-like consistency. It is a modern variant of the traditional Filipino crema de fruta cake.
Mangoes could be distinguished as the king of all fruits. Actually, this is the Philippines’ national fruit. With its refreshing and sweet taste, you can gain more from what you eat with mangoes. Why? Because it could help fight cancer, aid weight loss, regulate diabetes, clean your skin, alkalize the body,  help your body in the process of digestion, and make the perfect snack.
This is the nutritional chart for mango:
One cup of mangoes which is 225 grams contains the following nutrients :
105 calories, 76% vitamin C which helps as antioxidant and boosts immunity, 25% vitamin A which is also an antioxidant and improves vision, 11% vitamin B6 plus other B vitamins which can improve hormone production in brain and heart disease prevention, 9% healthy probiotic fibre, 9% copper wherein it is a co-factor for many vital enzymes plus production of red blood cells, 7% potassium (to balance out our high sodium intake), and 4% magnesium.
Mangoes help fight cancer. Antioxidants like astragalin, gallic acid, quercetin, isoquercitrin, fisetin, and methylgallat are present in mango that helps protect the body against leukemia, colon, breast and prostate cancers.
Mangoes provide high iron for women. Mango, being rich in iron, is a great natural solution for people suffering from anemia. Menopausal and pregnant women can eat mangoes as this will increase their iron levels and calcium.
Mangoes reduce kidney stones. Mangoes taste sweet and sour and it has also a cooling energy effet wherein it is capable of reducing the risk of kidney stone formation according to Chinese medicine.
Mangoes keep cholesterol in check. Mango has a high level of vitamin C, pectin and fibers that helps lower serum cholesterol levels. Fresh mango is rich in potassium, which is an important component of the cell and body fluids. This helps control heart rate and blood pressure.
Mangoes help in digestion. Mango contains enzymes that help in breaking down protein. The fibrous nature of mango is rich in vitamins. With it’s high in pre-biotic dietary fibre and minerals that will help in digestion.
Mangoes alkalize the body. Mango is high in malic acid. It is also rich in tartaric acid and traces of citric acid that mainly helps in maintaining the alkali reserve of the body.
Mangoes strengthen your immune system. The combination of vitamin C, A and 25 different types of carotenoids helps keep your immune system healthy.
Mangoes could help in weight loss. Mango boosts the digestive function of your body by burning extra calories that helps in weight loss.
Mangoes help prevent heat stroke. Is summer too hot? Just chop a mango in a juicer; add a little water and a tablespoon of sugar or honey. This juice will immediately cool you down. It will also help prevent the occurrence heat stroke.
Mangoes aid concentration and memory. Memorizing for your play? Studying for examinations and quizzes? Or you have children who find it difficult to concentrate on studies? This fruit is full of glutamine acid which is an important protein for concentration and memory.
Mango fruit is rich in pre-biotic dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and poly-phenolic flavonoidantioxidant compounds. According to new research study, mango fruit has been found to protect against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers. Several trial studies suggest that polyphenolic anti-oxidant compounds in mango are known to offer protection against breast and colon cancers.
Break the quote saying "You can't buy happiness" because with This Floats by Thirsty can prove you wrong. You can buy it and you'll find your true happiness. This can be found at SM city Iloilo Food Hall for only P69 | now at half price P34.
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jjeessxxzz · 5 years
Alumni Hall
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School is a second home. A place where you can be your self and where you can find friends. A place where disappointments, happiness, sadness can be found. But a school is also a place where you can nurture yourself as an individual person. School plays a big part of your life and it can also be the reason to bring you to your success.
Alumni hall is my favorite spot at University of San Agustin. It's a place where I can study and also to bond with my friends if we have free time. Many students stays there because it has lot of chairs and tables. There's also plug-in area so that you can charge your phones and laptops. This place is so relaxing especially at night because less crowded. When at night, less students stays there because some of them has classes and other goes home.
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jjeessxxzz · 5 years
The Old Boracay
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April 20, 2018. It was my first long travel. We took almost 9 hours of traveling from Guimaras Island to Boracay Island. I was so amazed by the beauty of the island. The first thing I noticed was the clear water.
This travel was unexpected. I planned to go back to Iloilo City to process my paper works for OJT for the opening of classes on the first semester but my cousin told me to come with her. So instead of laptop and books inside of my bag, I changed it into clothes, slippers and personal belonging for our travel.
I am so lucky because I have given the opportunity to come to the famous Boracay Island before it temporarily closed by President Duterte. My cousin used to work there and she's going to picked up her things left so she brings me there.
We arrived there past 7 o'clock in the evening. My cousin told me that we need to rest so that we have the energy to roam around the next morning.
April 21, 2018 at 8 o'clock in the morning. We are ready to tour the Boracay Island. We go to the Puka Beach, we take pictures and enjoy the moment. Then we enter the Station 1 of Boracay. The moment I see the long white beach and its crystal clear water, i fell inlove with it. Though, old Boracay has a lot of algae, the beauty is still there. Many tourist come there just to see the beauty of the Island. And now, I am excited to see the new Boracay as it now become more clean and less crowded because the President and the other officials rehabilitate the Island.
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