jj-ey · 2 years
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jj-ey · 2 years
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Happy New Year✨
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2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 
Happy new year! 
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jj-ey · 2 years
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jj-ey · 3 years
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jj-ey · 3 years
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jj-ey · 3 years
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May I kiss you?
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jj-ey · 3 years
Ok so i just have one question. I saw that you said you ship Reonnayu exclusively and that its irreversible. May i ask why ?? Why nayut is only for reon and reon only for nayuta
Great question anon, I was hoping someone would ask this so I can explain why it has to be REONNAYU. Sorry for the late reply, I started legit writing an essay on this cause I have so much to say but then it got too long and I was too tired to finish it, so I’m going to break it down into main points. 
**SPOILER ALERT: All AAside media**
1. Reon is in love with Nayuta throughout the different media platforms of AAside
I would first like to say that I'm actually a victim of Misono Reon, I had no intentions in shipping ReonNayu, in fact, I was a hardcore KanaHaru shipper (still am). Honestly, Reon himself sold ReonNayu to me, and he became my favourite character and I'm just supporting whatever he wants to do, which is Nayuta ;)
Reon is just so blatantly in love with Nayuta and this is consistent throughout the different media platforms of AAside. I'm just going to start listing instances as it comes to my head
GYROAXIA light novel "目醒めの王者/The Awakening of the Ruler" is basically a ReonNayu fanfic (if you haven't read it, definitely check it out). Reon gets very excited and happy when he gets Nayuta's slight approval, but he tries to hide it (and fails). He also monologues things like "I want Nayuta's eyes to reflect me", "Nayuta's music is one and only to Reon", "Nayuta's music is the only thing that makes Reon hot" (folks I'm not making this up, like seriously). There are also sentences like "Nayuta's music was the only thing filling Reon's empty heart", "Essentially, Reon and Nayuta are the same", "When Nayuta said 'Never come back', there was nothing left for Reon", "I will make Nayuta cry someday", "Reon could not forgot Nayuta eyes that were denying him", "It was just for a moment, Nayuta's eyes were towards Reon", "Nayuta's gaze made Reon's soul burn". Like seriously, I am not making this up. This is real folks. Pleas read the light novel - it's literally just a reonnayu BL novel.
Reon chose Nayuta and Nayuta chose Reon. This is also in the light novel, but before Gyroaxia, Reon, Yuuto, Kenta, Nayuta and mob (Shinya) were in a band together, Nayuta didn't like Yuuto's sound so he kicked Yuuto out. Kenta of course followed Nayuta, Reon followed Kenta, yelling at Nayuta about how he can't just do that. Nayuta just nonchalantly says that it's either Yuuto or him, and Kenta says of course he will follow Nayuta. Here comes the incredible thing - Nayuta asks Reon "what are you going to do". Reon responses that Nayuta will become a pro and he also wants to be a pro, together. Let me just point out that Reon is the only Gyroaxia member that Nayuta has brought along, that Nayuta chose. They chose each other.
Let's talk about the mobile game. Gyroaxia band story revolvs around Reon crashing with Nayuta. While everyone just goes along with Nayuta and he's tyrant behaviour, Reon disagrees with it. This is more with the second point, but Reon wants to support Nayuta, wants to be needed, the only and one (like Nayuta is to him) to Nayuta. Also the extras... I think it was Extra 3? or 4? There is one where Yuuto helps Reon's university homework and Reon thinks about how he just left Yuuto alone when he was following Nayuta to become Gyroaxia. He contemplates about that (he says that he felt pretty bad after and always thought about that day, but dude seriously, you, Kenta and Nayuta went to practice rightaway). Anyways, he ends up saying to Yuuto (who did not ask anything, Reon just called him out) that he doesn't regret choosing Nayuta and he will not apologize for it (like seriously, Yuuto didn't even say anything). Reon continues to say that Nayuta is his only path, and he will walk proudly. And Yuuto is just like.. dude TMI.
Get Myself is Reon's song. Please look up the lyrics - it's about Reon's determination to prove himself to Nayuta and how Nayuta is his only path and he can't take any other way (it's in the lyrics, seriously). And the song strong... LOL. It's another story about Reon needing to prove himself to Nayuta, and wanting Nayuta to need him, and Reon will become Nayuta's one and only (rhythm) guitar.
Event and card stories... There is just too much... Reon saying things like he wants to make his partner not regret that they chose him. And the Donten event... That entire event is Reon being the Alpha he is, and pining for Nayuta. I'm not joking. Even Banri's event card story is reonnayu.
Overall, not only is Reon in love with Nayuta's music, unlike the other members of Gyroaxia, he also sees Asahi Nayuta as a human. Reon wants to be an essential part in Nayuta's music, but also wants to be essential and needed to Asahi Nayuta, a person. He truly sees Nayuta as a human being and probably the only one who cares for him (not his music, but Asahi Nayuta). For example, Kenta just sees Nayuta as an instrument and only cares about Nayuta's music. Similarly, Ryo likes the light that Nayuta emits and refers Nayuta as a bright star, but guess what, the light that stars emit is caused by burning itself. Nayuta is burning himself to create his music and to shine brightly. Reon even says that Nayuta will keep on running if no one stops him. Nayuta will keep on burning, using himself as fuel, until only his ashes remain. Reon wants to stop that, he doesn't want Nayuta to be reduced to ashes, because he cares for Nayuta, as a person.
There is just too much, I can't even list everything. Just... whenever Reon open's his mouth, he talks about Nayuta. He is in love with Nayuta, and I just want to repsect his wishes.
2. Reon and Nayuta are essential for each other’s self-enlightenment and personal growth 
Reon does a lot of improv during lives and likes to add his own twists to Nayuta's music. So much, that Nayuta refuses to give Reon the solo guitar (because Reon improvs so much), that role went to Kenta. Which is also fine cause Reon says that he actually likes the rhythm part. Reon wants to introduce new things to Nayuta, not only music, but new experiences. He wants to broaden Nayuta's view. Reon believes that Nayuta's music can evolve more, perhaps by adding an external sound (like his improvised part). This is really evident in the Egoist song story in the mobile game.
Continuing on with the above point, the amazing thing is, Nayuta allows Reon to improv. Of course, it's 90% Nayuta saying how crappy it was but there are rare chances were Nayuta approves. And although Nayuta says Reon's improv was crap, Nayuta doesn't ever ban Reon improving his part. I wonder why, hmmmm?
Needless to say, Nayuta continues to challenge Reon and continues to bring him to a heightened place. Reon isn't a genius, but he is talented and he is extremely hard working. He continues to work hard to answer to Nayuta's every demand, but also to prove himself to Nayuta.
Reon is probably the only person who sees Nayuta, not Nayuta's music, but Nayuta as he is, and cares and deeply in love with Nayuta.
Reon is the only person who continues to challenge Nayuta, in music, in his point of view, in anything. While Kenta supports Nayuta's music and always agrees with him or even Ren who reveres Nayuta, Reon challenges Nayuta. Nayuta needs a challenger in order to grow, as a person and in his music. Reon is essential in Nayuta's self-englithentment as much as he is to Reon.
The relationship between Reon and Nayuta is just so wholesome I want to support them!
3. Nayuta is physically unable to top Reon nor does he care
This my answer behind why it has to be reon x nayuta, not never ever the other way around.
Not only Nayuta is physically unable to top Reon (Reon is only 2 cm is taller but 7 kg heavier! Aaand they are the same age. Their height is similar but their build is totally different). Plus Nayuta also as asthma which can negatively impact his stamina.
But sure, there are plenty of smaller tops, why can't Nayuta? Well friends, can you guys imagine Nayuta taking care of his bottom? Can you guys imagine Nayuta doing all the prep and aftercare and all that? No. Hence Reon can do all that stuff for him and Nayuta doesn't have to lift a finger.
Honestly I don't think Nayuta cares which position he is in, as long as he gets a strong stimulation to clear his mind. Reon definitely will mind, he definitely want to be the one holding Nayuta, to make Nayuta feel things he never felt before, for him to make sounds he never made before and for him make expressions that he never made before. He also wants the satisfaction that he is needed to Nayuta, and he's the one holding Nayuta. Again, I want to respect Reon's wishes.
Anyways, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, and I hope more people come to like ReonNayu! I'm also on twitter @jj_argnvs_ and happy to chat!
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jj-ey · 3 years
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jj-ey · 3 years
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jj-ey · 3 years
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jj-ey · 3 years
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jj-ey · 3 years
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collab w. g (@177_63X175_56) & R (@Ruda_RN)
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jj-ey · 3 years
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Vampire Reon & Nayuta
collab w. g (@177_63X175_56)
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jj-ey · 3 years
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collab w. g (@177_63X175_56)
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jj-ey · 3 years
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jj-ey · 3 years
Drunk reon so cute. Nayuta dont you dare, you know you love him
Haha I'm sure they'll patch things up when Reon is more sober.. begging Nayuta to take him back😂 Thanks for the comment anon 😘
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jj-ey · 3 years
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Drunk Reon & Nayuta (Collab with @177_63X175_56)
🎸 Nayutaaaaaaaa I had one... juuusst one drink Nayutaaaa
🎤 (annoyed)
🎸 Nayutaa me luvv you sooo mwuch me loovee Nayuta
🎸 Nayuuuutaa Imma gonna prove ma self Imma be your only guitar I can't take any other way
🎤 We are divorcing Misono
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