jivrajtea-blog · 5 years
Green Tea For Weight Loss
Now we have all heard that Green Tea can help losing weight. But what is necessary is to make sure that you not only choose the right Green tea brand but also choose the correct way of brewing and consuming it. In order for your weight loss goals to be a success, you should choose Jivraj Tea Company's Premium Green Tea! Jivraj Tea Company offers you an array of choices, all of which can be easily found in our stores online as well as offline.   But we have often wondered what is it in Green Tea that actually helps in Weight Loss. Here are some of the main reasons:
1.It has Catechins
Green Tea is made up of about 30% Polyphenols, by weight. This includes large amounts of Catechins called epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG. What are Catechins, you may ask? Catechins are natural antioxidants that help in controlling cell damage. They can help in fat oxidation and boost Thermogenesis, which is the process in which body produces heat as a result of the process of digestion.
2.It has Caffeine
Green tea has a good caffeine content (about 25-40 mg) which helps in losing weight. It helps in boosting metabolism and work as a stimulant that speeds up the process of burning fat.
3.Breaks down Fat from Cells
Norepinephrine (also known as noradrenaline) is a hormone that is responsible for the fat burning capacity of the body. EGCG carries the potential to inhibit an enzyme that breaks down this hormone. When this happens, the amount of Norepinephrine in the body, increases. This results in the breakdown of fat which helps in losing weight.
4.Enhances Workouts
Today, weight loss supplements are enriched with Green tea in some quantity or the other. This just goes on to prove how beneficial Green tea is! A study showed that people (the study only took men) who consumed Green Tea before exercise burned considerably more fat than those who did not consume it.
5.Helps Burn Calories
Our body constantly burns calories to provide our body with the necessary energy. Consuming Green Tea everyday can help in increasing your body's calorie burning capacity by a few but considerable percentages.
6.Decreases Belly Fat
Our body has different types of fats; four to be precise. Each of them have their own structures and effects. But, White Visceral fat, found near the abdominal area is the one you should be concerned about. It is linked to cholesterol, heart problems, diabetes as well as cancer. Even though it is difficult to lose belly fat easily, Green tea is a great way to help you achieve it. Research has shown that it can significantly reduce visceral fat by about 58%.
7.Reduces Appetite
Research has shown that consumption of Green tea can affect your appetite, for the better. It is known to inhibit proteins and carbohydrates, which affects the levels of cholesterol and controls it from increasing. The Catechins present in Green Tea inhibit lipases which decrease the overall fat absorption.
Even though Green Tea is a great way of losing weight, we need to understand that the results are slow and modest. It shows best results when coupled with a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Green tea can be bought in many stores online but it is important to buy good quality Green tea only. Good quality ensures that your weight loss is healthy and safe. Visit Jivraj Tea Company's nearest outlet or visit our stores online for the best Green tea!
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jivrajtea-blog · 5 years
Benefits Of Green Tea For Body, Mind and Soul
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Green Tea gets its name due to its beautiful green color that is obtained by brewing unprocessed tea leaves. It is highly rich in antioxidants, which help in fighting infections and keeps the body healthy. It is enriched with polyphenols that help in cleansing the body. There are many online tea stores from where we can easily buy Green tea online. However, it is necessary to buy only the best quality Green tea.
Jivraj Tea Company is a premium brand which offers the best Green Tea in the market. Regular consumption of this can help you in the following ways:
1. Calms the Mind
Green Tea contains an amino acid called theanine which helps in fighting stress, anxiety and depression. This ingredient can be highly beneficial for the body as it enhances and sharpens the functioning of the brain.
2. Prevents Brain Damage
Green Tea is naturally enriched with tannins such as the gallotannin. They help battling brain damage and reduce the risk of brain-related diseases. Having a good amount of gallotannin can work in the favor of your body in cases of emergency such as a stroke.
3. Increases Memory
Research has shown that daily intake of Green tea can help in boosting your memory. It has properties that help fight problems such as Dementia and Alzheimer's.
4. Helps Losing Weight
Consumption of Green tea is proven to be highly effective for losing weight. Some studies have shown that the caffeine present in Green tea is one of the major reasons for this. This is because Green Tea is said to boost the metabolic rate of our body. Thus, our body is able to burn fat easily.
5. Makes Skin Flawless
Green tea can help make your skin complexion better and enhance your overall beauty. It flushes out the toxins from your skin and reduces inflammation. It can heal scars and makes your skin flawless.
A study has shown that green tea contributes in skin rejuvenation and restores it's natural elasticity.
6. Decreases Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a serious risk to a person's health as it can result in the hardening of the arteries. This leads to many heart related problems such as heart attacks. A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition showed that Green tea effectively lower blood pressure.
7. Lowers Cholesterol
Drinking Green tea everyday can be very good for the body. Research has shown that the catechins found in Green tea help fight bad cholesterol. 
8. Decreases Cancer Cells
Green Tea is highly rich in antioxidants, which help in fighting cancer cells. Studies have shown that Green tea can help battle Breast cancer, Prostate cancer as well as colorectal cancer.
 Green tea is one of the most rejuvenating beverages which help in cleansing your mind, body and soul. There are many brands that sell Green tea online as well as offline, in outlets. As online tea stores have increased competition all over, it has become imperative to choose the most authentic Green tea. Thus, you should choose Jivraj Tea Company!
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jivrajtea-blog · 5 years
White tea v/s Green tea
White Tea is a very delicate tea which is made by the youngest tea leaves and buds. It is harvested before the tea leaves fully open and the buds of the plants are still covered in thin white hairs. 
On the other hand, Green tea is made from the leaves and buds that have not undergone withering and oxidation. They are prepared by steaming and pan frying the leaves and are later left to dry. Jivraj Tea Pvt Ltd offers a premium range for Green and White Teas to choose from. Let us take a quick look at some of their respective benefits:
Improves Brain Functioning & Memory
White tea contains antioxidants and catechins. They are useful in improving memory and helps prevent memory decline. While, green tea contains caffeine which acts as a stimulant. Caffeine can affect mood, reaction time and memory, which works in favor of improving brain functioning and memory.  
Helps in Weight Loss
White tea is less processed as compared to other teas and this helps in burning fat cells. On the other hand, green tea is known to have properties that can helps in reducing fat. The caffeine present in it has an effect on the physical performance of an individual, thus, accelerating weight loss.  
Treats Cancer
White tea is a great source of antioxidants and antiproliferative that act as cancer – fighting compounds.  It breaks down the cancerous cells and protects the cells from future damage.   Green tea is a good source of antioxidants too. Certain studies show that it can help fight breast cancer, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer.
Prevents Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
Polyphenol EGCG present in white tea can lower the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Studies have shown that EGCG can effectively decrease free radicals, reduce inflammation and prevent proteins from clumping and damaging nerves. Green tea contains catechins which can lower the risk of the said disease.  
Reduces the risk of Cardiovascular Diseases
White tea can lead to lower levels of cholesterol and blood pressure. Intake of green tea can help in fighting problems like Total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.  Green Tea can also increase the oxidation capacity of the blood and stop the oxidation of LDL, thus protecting from such diseases.
Both the teas are rich in different properties which makes them unique in their respective way.  However, both of them have similar characteristics that help in fighting diseases like heart problems, diabetes, cancer, and similar. The only stark difference between these two is the taste and appearance of them. Thus, it all comes down to the preference of an individual.
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jivrajtea-blog · 5 years
6 Amazing White Tea Benefits for Skin
Ahmedabad is a city that experiences extreme temperatures. The rising heat takes a toll on a person’s overall health as well as skin. It causes problems like wrinkles, premature aging, pimples, and similar. Come monsoons, as the humidity increases, the skin tends to become oily. 
Jivraj white tea is filled with properties that help in clearing skin problems and gives you the confidence from within. Daily consumption of White tea benefits the skin by many folds. Let us quickly discuss certain benefits, such as:
Clears acne
White Tea is rich with antioxidants which help in fighting acne and other problems related to it. Thus, it also helps in decreasing acne that might already be present on the skin.
Can be used as a mist (or a toner)
Facial mist is a special type of spray that consists of ingredients that help in refreshing the skin and keeping it hydrated. A White tea mist is a great way to stay hydrated, especially in the summer. Take some tea bags and dip it in water until they are fully soaked. Later, pour the mixture into a spray bottle and use when required.
Good for the skin
Bring a glass of water to boil and then pour it over a white tea bag in a cup. Let it seep in for a few minutes so that it can absorb the full flavor. The color of the water changing is an indication that the tea is ready for consumption. Drinking one cup everyday can do wonders for a person’s skin, hair and overall health.
White tea cooling packs
Dark circles and puffy eyes is a very common problem that people face today. After drinking the tea, these bags can be used as cooling packs. Keep the bags in the fridge for about 5-8 hours or even overnight.  After that, it can be directly used under the eyes.
Anti-ageing agent
As time passes by, our skin tends to become saggy, mainly because of the free radicals that are present in our skin. Due to this, the ageing of our skin gets accelerated and people might tend to look older than they actually are. This can be very unpleasant. But, drinking white tea regularly can help fight this problem and can reduce wrinkles and loose skin. The antioxidants and polyphenols in the tea stop the premature aging of the skin.
Rejuvenates the skin
White tea is extremely refreshing as it contains theanine which provides a calming and soothing effect. It helps in relaxing the nerves and as a consequence, the skin starts glowing.
Having a good skin care regime is extremely essential. But, expensive products and processes only offer a temporary solution. This is where natural, home-made remedies come in handy. And the consumption of white tea is an easy and inexpensive way of finding solutions to all your skin problems. With Jivraj's white tea, say goodbye to all your skin problems!
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jivrajtea-blog · 5 years
White Tea Benefits
White Tea is a special type of tea grown exclusively in Fujian (China), which is made up of one of the youngest and most tender tea leaves and buds from the camellia sinensis plant. This plant is indigenous to both China as well as India and is the main source of all types of tea such as black, green, oolong and more. There are uncountable hybrids of the camellia sinensis plant, which thrive in different lands, giving birth to different types of tea. White tea is harvested before the tea’s leaves fully open. It is then that the young buds of the plant are still covered by the thin fine white hairs. Thus, it gets its name of the “White Tea”.
It has the following benefits/advantages:
1. Help in weight loss Obesity is one of the biggest problems that almost every country faces today. According to Harvard Medical School, the catechins in white tea can help in fighting this problem. Catechins are also said to have antiangiogenic properties that can further help in this. Moreover, white tea is filled with antioxidants.
2. Can be helpful in treatment of cancer According to the Cancer Prevention Research, a study shows that white tea might have an anti- cancer effect. It was shown that it might be more effective than green tea, in eliminating cancer cells.
According to the Oregon State University, white tea is one of the least processed tea, it is a great source of antioxidant and also contains polyphenols, all of which help in the same cause.  It is also shown that white tea can increase metabolism.
3. Helps in fighting hair related problems Since white tea is filled with antioxidants, it was found by a study that the anti- inflammatory properties of them can strengthen the connective tissues. As aresult, hair problems like dandruff and hair fall can be reduced significantly. These antioxidants can also contribute to good and strong hair growth.
4. Helps in maintaining good oral health
White tea is filled with polyphenols, flavonoids and tannins, all of which help in fighting the harmful bacteria that can cause oral health problems. One more advantage is the fact that white tea has smaller quantities of tannins, due to which it does not discolor your teeth like other tea can. 
5. Controls Diabetes
Diabetes can be either a hereditary issue or a lifestyle issue. Research has shown that the consumption of white tea daily can help in fighting diabetes and can even eliminate it. Moreover, it can also reduce the risk of harmful effects on the cerebral cortex, which can be an after effect of diabetes. 
6. Fights Heart Problems and Diseases
Flavonoids which are present in white tea help in battling with the risk of heart diseases. The catechins in the tea help in fighting problems like cholesterol and blood pressure. A study has found that the consumption of white tea showed a positive effect on the issue of coronary heart disease.
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jivrajtea-blog · 5 years
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Jivraj tea is a classic daily Indian blend that celebrates the fusion of age old traditions and the excitement of modern India .
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