jigglytae · 6 years
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jigglytae · 6 years
I think all content creators can relate to this.
In my opinion, I don’t think followers really understand how much your requests/likes/reblogs/etc. and random asks mean to me. It’s just so refreshing and nice to know that people enjoy what I’m doing and support me.
People that go the extra mile and send an ask or message letting me know they liked my stuff honestly makes my day. I love reading tags and stuff…it’s honestly so cute….
And people who ask about how I’m doing or send me random questions or cute asks….I just want you guys to know it honestly makes my day. I just love all the interaction and such. It makes running a blog so much more enjoyable.
And Fanart/Fanwork? Honestly that’s one of the greatest things to receive. To everyone that draws or writes, please don’t feel too insecure to send it end! No one is going to criticize you over quality. It’s so sweet that you even thought about making something…I will always appreciate it no matter what, and I’m sure all other content creators feel the same.
So, in conclusion, don’t be afraid to talk to your favorite blogs and show them some love, guys! We always appreciate it! ☺️
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jigglytae · 6 years
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A special edit for one special @h0bsyrup! Tentacle focused with an attempt at pastel pink hair and sunglasses for a fave color~
From Jack’s Twitter
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jigglytae · 6 years
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This time is with one Mr. Handsome, AKA DrawWithJazza!
From Jazza’s Instagram
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jigglytae · 7 years
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This seems like the perfect time to bring out the Anti version of my Jack edit 😏
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jigglytae · 7 years
Hey thanks for the info! 😅 thats good to know~
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jigglytae · 7 years
@therealjacksepticeye you should get more tattoos ;) lol
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From Jacksepticeye’s Twitter
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jigglytae · 7 years
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I’m perpetually an 8
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jigglytae · 7 years
@markiplier watcha think? *nudge nudge wink wink*
i have no clue how you feel about tattoos and stuff im sorry
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jigglytae · 7 years
Omg guys thank you soooo much!! It may not seem like much but im super excited to have hit 50 followers on this editing blog of mine. Even small, this was a goal for me. Ive never been one to really post my creations, editing, writing, or otherwise, anywhere online for very long so thank you for the support! I know i need to get back in the groove of editing again, its been wayyyy too long since i posted anything ㅠㅠ i have things planned tho! Its the lamest excuse but my life has been taken over by school and overwatch *shakes fist at blizzard* hopefully i can pull myself out of ow hell soon lmao... (save me)
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jigglytae · 7 years
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Happy birthday big boy!
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jigglytae · 7 years
look…………….. write as much shitty fic as you want. nobody can stop you. you’re learning constantly and it’s better to write hackneyed implausible ridiculousness than it is to not write at all out of fear of fucking up. you’re good
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jigglytae · 7 years
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PUNKIPLIER with blue eyes.
Credit to martziplier98 for the photo.
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jigglytae · 7 years
You’re awesome.
Pass it on.
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jigglytae · 7 years
Things Jack has said/ wrote on his whiteboard:
“You’re not a bad person, you can get out of it and I believe in you. If no one else believes in you just trust that I believe in you.”
“Please keep your chin up. You may not see it now but you are a unique beautiful individual in your own way, so keep on fighting and stick in there.”
“I hope I can be there for you, as a voice as a friend while playing games with you. If anyone feels lonley or depressed or anything like that, Jack is here.”
“Sometimes you gotta have downs, to have ups. It’s not always gonna be fucking rainbows and sunshine all the time, that just doesn’t work that’s not life. Life is gonna kick you in the hoochies every now and then you just gotta get up and go ‘Hey! That hurt! That made me cry. But I’m gonna get up stronger from that and not get kicked in the hoochies again.’ ”
“You have to have some of the dark times to be able to experience the light every now and then.”
“Failure is not the end.”
“Sadness isn’t weakness.”
“It’s not about the final product, it’s about the journey, the experience. Being able to look back and say “I did this!”
“Whatever you like to do, whatever you’re good at, DO IT! Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.”
“Do what you do. Do what makes you happy. And stop trying to please everyone else, just be happy.”
“Be true to yourself.”
“Do your best.”
“Be more positive.”
“Sometimes it’s good to take a deeper look at yourself and see the flaws so you can work on them and become a better person.”
“Learn your weaknesses and fears. Embrace them, then no one will be able to use them.”
“People are just gonna hate you for really stupid reasons sometimes. And you just gotta power through it. You just gotta ignore them. Don’t take the haters seriously.”
“You make me smile. Thank you!”
“If I can make one person smile or laugh everyday then I know I’m doing good.”
“Do great things. Work harder.”
“Whatever you’re going through is temporary. Suicide is permanent. It’s a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I believe in you and whatever you’re going through you can fight through it.”
“So please, keep on fighting.”
“Go out there and show the world who’s boss!”
“Think before you act.”
I’m sure there are tons more and this doesn’t even include the countless twitter and tumblr inspirations he’s posted as well. It’s also one of the main reasons I respect him so highly and look up to him. Jack if you ever read this, thank you for making my world a little brighter everyday.
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jigglytae · 7 years
stone face tyler, the floof, peebles & smol blue boy -grey
hidie ho once again grey~~ (I'm sorry for killing you ;A;)
stone face tyler - do you have any scars?
yes! I'm honestly surprised I don't have more... both my knees have big scars, I have a weird one on my hand? idk what its from?? plus two that are rly hard to see just below my nose and on my chin. my freckles are scars from the evil that is sunburns
the floof - craziest color you've dyed your hair or want to dye your hair?
I once dyed my hair a dark pinkish purple on top and black on the bottom that lasted maybe two weeks bc it faded so fucking fast??? I want to eventually dye my hair a pastel pink and purple ombre! I think thatd be p coolio
peebles - do you believe in alies?
I wanna say yes? like I don't discredit the idea of aliens AT ALL but I more believe in extraterrestrial life, whether it be microbial or humanoid. like the universe is too fuckin big for our earth to be the only planet that supports life and has lifeforms on it
smol blue boy - describe your first crush
ah geez... he was kinda an asshole? a jock, playful, I knew him since we were young bc small town and everything. he would come up with the weirdest nicknames for me like Nintenda/Tenda as playons to my name and Nintendo? I think this was in like 6th or 7th grade I have Regrets lmao
Thanks for the ask!
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jigglytae · 7 years
Markiplier and friends related ask meme
Markiplier: Would you rather have dozens of friends, or a few close friends?
Peebles: Do you believe in aliens?
CrankGamePlays: What is your biggest fear in life?
Stone Face Tyler: Do you have any scars?
Gizmo: What is your pet peeve?
VeryTiredKat: Do you have a phobia?
CrankyCrew: Favorite fandom you've ever been a part of?
IIIII'M Tyler: Best prank you've pulled/had pulled on you?
Smol blue boy: Describe your first crush.
Iced Dark Roast: Favorite drink to order from Starbucks? (Or from Dunkin lol)
Amyplier: Who is your OTP outside of the Markiplier fandom?
#smilealways: Favorite inspirational quote?
Chica-Bica: Favorite pet growing up?
Try Not To Cringe: Ever had bronchitis?
CHANGE: Ever had a sports injury?
The Floof™: Craziest color you've dyed your hair, or want to dye your hair?
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