jfcmyles · 10 years
Or maybe you're just really arrogant.
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Ancient? Are you sure? ‘Cause I thought I was the first person to literally ever get sick.
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jfcmyles · 10 years
You know, scientists are still trying to find the cause of that to this day. It's an ancient mystery.
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So like, why is being sick a thing? I’m not okay with that.
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jfcmyles · 10 years
It wouldn't be stealing if I were offering it. It's pretty roomy. Got space for two, I'm sure. But I mean, your blankets and all that sound...great.
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Oh, i’m not going to steal your sleeping bag! I have blankets and stuff it’s just the whole.. like concept of it, I guess.
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jfcmyles · 10 years
I mean, I have a sleeping bag... It's pretty cushion-y. If like, you wanna sleep on that.
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My favorite nights here are definitely the ones where I constantly miss my own bed. It’s great.
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jfcmyles · 10 years
It's like a marketing scheme or whatever. They raise the price because you're bound to get a little hooked on those things. I'm pretty sure there's a guy around here that sells them for cheap.
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Who knew picking up smoking would be so expensive? I wish someone woulda warned me of that part of it. To hell with the health risks, I can’t afford shit. 
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jfcmyles · 10 years
I'm not sure--That's what my room mate told me. But then again, she also said the carpets were molding so I don't know if she's actually being serious, or she's trying to get rid of me. If it wasn't already evident, she doesn't like me very much. Or anyone--I don't think she likes anyone. I'd join you but I...I've never done anything illegal, so.
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Wow, you’re right. Why haven’t I tried that yet? Definitely sounds like a great time. Are your walls seriously piss stained though? Because that’s disgusting. Wouldn’t say I’m too picky about it but definitely not sitting around, bored as fuck. Usually I’d be partying right now or at least out doing something. Causing havoc, keeping myself entertained, whatever. Just not as easy of a thing to do by yourself.
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jfcmyles · 10 years
You should've turned the question around on him, seeing as he's been alive a lot longer. Or stolen his hat. Either works.
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Today I was asked by the cutest old man in some coffee shop what I thought the true meaning of life was. I really didn’t know how to answer him so I just stared at his hat.
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jfcmyles · 10 years
It ruined my life, Fletcher. You don't understand. You will never understand.
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That poor ladybug, what did it ever do to you? 
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jfcmyles · 10 years
You snack on goldfish?
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Goldfish are probably the cutest snack you can snack on. Like they’re the snack that smiles back. I don’t think I can trust anyone that doesn’t snack on them.
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jfcmyles · 10 years
Really, cuz I think staring at pee stained walls is pretty entertaining. What's your idea of fun?
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I never knew I could be this bored until I moved into this place. Kind of surprised that an apartment building full of teenagers could be this uninteresting.
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jfcmyles · 10 years
It gives you good skin or something. I'm pretty sure it's a myth--You'd get way too bloated to walk if you downed 8 bottles of water. Unless...you know...you don't try and drink it all in one go. Which would probably be the smarter thing to do. Maybe your body's an aquarium, and the fish are asking for more water.
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I heard that was a myth, but like, don’t quote me on it. Oh, I really wish I could tell you but I don’t know why? Like, I’m just awfully thirsty today.
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jfcmyles · 10 years
Nice one. I'm laughing really hard.
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Does that make you a lady killer?
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jfcmyles · 10 years
Hopefully that family won't be able to trace me back and sue me. Do people get sued for homicide? I wouldn't even say it was homicide, considering the victim was a ladybug... Besides, I'm pretty sure that thing hated it's life.
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I’m very disappointed in you. What if that ladybug had a family?
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jfcmyles · 10 years
That's really good, I think. Apparently you're supposed to down like, 8 bottles a day...or something. Why so thirsty, anyway?
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I’ve downed like, four bottles of water. That’s not normal, right? I’ve been so thirsty all day, wow. 
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jfcmyles · 10 years
I didn't mean to! It stepped in my way before I could move!
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You heartless creature!
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jfcmyles · 10 years
That didn't make me feel better at all. You made me self conscious--I'm gonna be staring at my feet every time I take a walk anywhere now. People are either going to think I'm crazy, or just really sad all the time.
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You probably stepped on more than just one. I doubt you watch your feet the whole time you walk.
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jfcmyles · 10 years
I stepped on a ladybug today.
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