jewelsandquills-blog · 11 years
wait is it true your name is really red because rouge is red
...in another language, yes. But its still Rouge
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jewelsandquills-blog · 11 years
((OOC: I like your Rouge. XD))
((thank you so much and I"m sorry I hadn't been on. I'll try to be on more now))
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jewelsandquills-blog · 11 years
um so you knux right??
Do I know him? Know him?! Darling, hes my one and only. Of course I know him!
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jewelsandquills-blog · 11 years
"Well well, many folks have been around the shop lately, some I recognize." Said the white hedgehog with a bit of a huff, those she didn't recognize, she greeted the same," Hello everyone, what brings you here? Blaze and Chaos...why am I surprised to see both of you here?"
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jewelsandquills-blog · 11 years
how are yah doing?, *pats her* ^^
Rouge moved away from the hand, raising a brow," Good and..don't pat my head like that. I'm not a child."
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jewelsandquills-blog · 11 years
Hm? Oh, hello dear
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jewelsandquills-blog · 11 years
"Well then, lets head to the beach! Its getting warmer out so, thats the perfect way to spend the day." She smiled in delight at the thought and now was imagining Knuckles in some swimming trunks, despite the fact she knew that he couldn't swim," If only Knuckles was here to join us...oh well.."
theroyalpsychokinetic started following you
It took effort to keep from chuckling at how she had preferred to spend the day. Silver’s smile became crooked, his head tilting slightly to the other side. “I don’t know about shopping.” While Silver did enjoy buying luxurious things, he knew nothing of this dimension’s shops. “But I do love the beach!”
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jewelsandquills-blog · 11 years
She smiled happily at her daydreaming and she sighed, blinking and looking at him," Oh! Um...nothing really..work later and such, but I want to see Knuckles before I go to work. Hes never around when I want to see him."
ultimatesidekick started following you
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jewelsandquills-blog · 11 years
At the mention on how she looked great already, her eyes sparkled and she giggled in delight, it was a fan girl's dream to be complimented like that," Dawww, you're so sweet Knuxie!"
Now in question, where to go? White Park would be a little cold, but she purred and wrapped her arms around one of his own," Hmmm, White Park sounds great right now! And don't worry about that, I know you'll keep me nice and warm during our walk." She was taking way too much advantage of him being flustered to back away from him, now she was going to grab the bull by the horns and take her chance," Why don't we go right now! While Eggman isn't trying to take over the city."
Oh, sweet Tikal.  Knuckles rubbed the side of his head sheepishly, ears drooping forward and sweat beginning to gather on his forehead.  Oh boy oh boy.  This wasn’t going to end well, he could already tell.  But it was too late to take it back now; if he tried, Rouge really wouldn’t let him hear the end of it.  Not that she would give up when she got her way, either, but Knuckles could hope.  Quickly, he shook his head at the dress-up suggestion.  The last thing he needed was for Rouge to wear something even more revealing to make the poor hero thrice as uncomfortable.
“Er, no, no..  I mean.. y-you look great already!”  He could have punched himself.  Rouge definitely wouldn’t let go of these compliments, whether Knuckles truly meant them or not.  Quickly he tried to focus her attention elsewhere by sputtering, “Uh, well, er, we can go wherever I guess.. White Park is probably too cold this time of year, so, er.. r-really, the choice is up to you..”  Neither places that remained sounded particularly favorable to the hero right now, so he just trailed off, ears flicking as he awaited a response.
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jewelsandquills-blog · 11 years
"Well, apparently he has enough time to run away from me, so he should have enough time for one date, at least." She sighs at the thought of it," But its true."
ultimatesidekick started following you
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jewelsandquills-blog · 11 years
She paused when he said that and looked at him, chuckling and waving a hand," Oh no no no, I'm not clingy at all. I just wish that he'd give me a chance and go on a date with me, thats all."
ultimatesidekick started following you
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jewelsandquills-blog · 11 years
The hedgehog smiled towards the fox, he was a bit of a cutie on the side," I'm doing fine, I guess...Knuckles ran away from me again. Surprised that you're not with him right now on an adventure. You two are always stuck together like glue."
Oh how she wished that it was her going on adventures with her beloved, it would make her day. But instead, she sighed, shaking her head," Oh, don't mind me. Just day dreaming."
ultimatesidekick started following you
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jewelsandquills-blog · 11 years
"I know there is." She sighed heavily," But I want to spend it with my Knuxie! And whenever I try to, he runs off! He acts like a brat sometimes too...oh well." The hedgehog sighed once more at the thought of it before looking over at Silver," Hmm..maybe you and I can walk around and maybe enjoy the beach or maybe do some shopping. What do you think?"
theroyalpsychokinetic started following you
A tilt of the head. Come to think of it he hadn’t seen Knuckles since that whole incident in the Sol Dimension. It was a disappointment to hear things were just as boring here as they were in at his home. “Then maybe things should be livened up!” He grinned. “There’s plenty of stuff that can be done on a day like today!”
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jewelsandquills-blog · 11 years
She smiled at the cat and saw why he was hanging around, nothing else better to do anyway," I'm glad to see you too Silver, things have been boring around here too. Knuckles and Shadow ran off on another adventure and left me behind. And since its my day off, I've got nothing else better to do either."
theroyalpsychokinetic started following you
“Now theres a face I hadn’t seen in a while.” Rouge said while looking at the cat, she remember seeing him many times before,” So, whats up? Just decided to come around for a visit, Silver? Or are you just happy to see me?”
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jewelsandquills-blog · 11 years
theroyalpsychokinetic started following you
"Now theres a face I hadn't seen in a while." Rouge said while looking at the cat, she remember seeing him many times before," So, whats up? Just decided to come around for a visit, Silver? Or are you just happy to see me?"
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jewelsandquills-blog · 11 years
Rouge raised a brow at the remark he made but, didn't think much of it, not like she'd see him tomorrow or something," Alright, follow me." She waved a hand to encourage him to follow her down the street, shaking her head," Seems strange to me. The Shadow I know is Knuckles' sidekick and they go off on their adventures, while Knuxie leaves me all alone here with my job. Hmph, he'll be back soon, I know it."
ourthreatsfellondeafears started following you
“Oh…you’re not? Hmmm, how did you know my name?” She questioned the hedgehog and why was he named Shadow too? Somehow she was a little confused but, at the same time, irritated,” Another Shadow then? You’re strange indeed. If you want to know where to get some food, I know where the cafe is nearby.”
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jewelsandquills-blog · 11 years
"Oh...you're not? Hmmm, how did you know my name?" She questioned the hedgehog and why was he named Shadow too? Somehow she was a little confused but, at the same time, irritated," Another Shadow then? You're strange indeed. If you want to know where to get some food, I know where the cafe is nearby."
ourthreatsfellondeafears started following you
Ah… How fun. A backwards zone. So this is what I stumble into when I go out for a walk. A clear example that exercise is a bad thing.
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My name is Shadow, I’m the ultimate life form. And I’m hungry. You look an awful lot like an old friend of mine named Rouge.
And no, I am no fan of anyone.
… Apart from Bluebell…
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