jesstrozzi · 8 months
Assignment for week of 9/27:
Upon going to Buzzsumo I had originally planned on finding an article related to fitness and working out but I ended up finding some interesting news on the popular gym apparel brand, gymshark. I personally own a couple pieces from this brand but did not know the backstory of it so when I saw the article “30-year-old started his business with a website, sewing kit and Pizza Hut salary—now he’s a billionaire” it really intrigued me as I did not know this information. The article explained how Ben Francis, the owner and creator of gymshark got to where he is today. After reading the article I researched the writer who is Megan Sawyer. I first looked at other articles she has published which looked reliable. Then I went to google and searched her name, her linkedin, twitter, and instagram all came up. Next I decided to fact check the information presented in her article, the first thing I noticed is a video she had linked from twitter. The video is from Ben Francis twitter and it is a video he made explaining his brands upcoming which correlated with the article from Megan Sawyer. Next I went to google again and searched for Ben Francis. Immediately it came up that he was the CEO of gymshark. His linkedin came up as well which I decided to browse through. On his linkedin he had some of his own articles as well as all of his experiences and education posted. This information all lined up with the article. Next I saw that he had put Forbes 30 Under 30 under his honors and awards, so I searched on google Ben Francis forbes. That's when his article came up, again restating many of the things I read in the first article. After being led to Forbes I believe this article about Ben francis presented all factual information.
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jesstrozzi · 8 months
Assignment for week 9/20
@red5performance is someone I regularly watch on tiktok. The videos consist of a guy, whose name I later found out, with a girl demonstrating the proper way to perform an exercise as well as suggesting other exercises and many tips. I wanted to find out if the information he is giving out is reliable. Upon going to his tik tok account and looking through many of his videos I learned he is a coach and the girl in his videos is essentially one of his clients. In his tik tok description he has “M.S. Biomechanics”. “Biomechanics is the study of the structure, function and motion of the mechanical aspects of biological systems, at any level from whole organisms to organs, cells and cell organelles, using the methods of mechanics. Biomechanics is a branch of biophysics.” Sounds like the information he's giving out should be reliable but I wonder where he graduated from? In his description he also had linked full body programs that he sells, I clicked on those to see if they could give me any information. Through this I couldn't find anything but it did lead me to his instagram which looked very similar to his tik tok. Next I went to google and looked up @red5performance his website red5performance. Com was the first to come up. I scolded down through his website and came across a video of him saying he has coached world class athletes as well as has his masters degrees in biomechanics. I then went to his about me section and learned his name is Ian Hardin. He had some background information on his website but nothing helpful as to what I'm looking for. I then googled various searches about Ian Hardin but still could not find any more information. My last resort was to look through his post on instagram to see if I could find anything and surprisingly, I did. I scrolled way down and first found a teaching award, awarded by the University of Tennessee to Ian Hardin. Then scrolling farther down he posted a picture of what looks like a student ID for the University of Tennessee to which he captioned “It's going down for real!!!! Got to cruise through the biomechanics lab today and I CAN. NOT. WAIT. Stay tuned for me to drop some crazy video knowledge bombs on your candy asses! GO VOLS!!” This post was from 2016. I was unable to find anything else useful but due to the extremely detailed videos he posted and the two posts on instagram I was able to find I would believe he graduated from The University of Tennessee with a masters in biomechanics and he is very reliable and has the credentials to back up his information.
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jesstrozzi · 9 months
Writing, Reseach, and Tech Viral Photo:
For this blog I will be discussing the picture / meme referred to as “rice wave guy” . I recall seeing this picture a few years ago and not knowing whether it was real or fake. I remember initially thinking it was fake but as I zoomed in on little details to try finding anything where the photoshop may have been messed up, I couldn't find any mistakes. First I checked twitter for the picture since that is where I had originally seen it, I typed in rice wave guy it immediately came up but all it was captioned with was “What a pic” as well as further edited pictures of the original picture. Twitter didn't give me much information so I headed over to google and did the same, I typed rice wave guy, pressed search and a ton of articles came up about how this picture was fake. I clicked on the first article which had linked the person in the picture to a youtube video captioned “Prank Cooking his partner a huge fried rice like a chef!!” I watched this video and the guy explained that he wanted to prank his friend with the giant rice wave. To make him believe the prank he first cooks a small batch of rice then says he is going to make more and asks his friend to leave. He then puts on rice frying noises in the background and sets up the sculpture of the rice wave, a few moments pass and everything is set up. Then he calls his friend in to prank him and his friend was shocked. The original guy didn't mean to prank the whole internet but that's what ended up happening when someone took a screenshot off their youtube which was off the famous picture, and posted it to twitter, which was the original photo I had seen of the rice wave guy. If I had done a quick google search back then I would have been directed to that video and my mind would have been at ease after finding out the picture is fake instead of wondering if it was real or not.
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jesstrozzi · 9 months
Writing, Reseach, and Tech Fact Checking:
No drinking age at Walt Disney World? This really surprised me and caught me off guard when I watched a very convincing tik tok about how there is no longer a drinking age at the popular amusement park. To put the video in perspective the video first claims that Disney world has been in a battle with the state of Florida to lower the drinking age to 18 but have now ended up removing the drinking age entirely. The video then goes on to say Disney is doing this to make more money. The biggest concern is over drunk driving but the park will now have rules set in place. Guests under 21 will be required to wear a special magic band that can only be removed by Disney cast members at the park exit, to get the band removed you must have a blood alcohol level below .02. If someone is unable to blow below this number Disney will take the guest home in a minivan but it will be very pricey. Upon dropping the guest off they will then remove the band. Then the video goes on to say according to experts this change is a huge win for Disney. As convincing as this video made it, I was still very skeptical. The first thing I did was go on their page which is MouseTrap News, to take a look at what other content they post, immediately I could tell it was an account saying fake things to get attention. They had other videos claiming other insane things related to the theme park such as, Mickey Mouse will no longer be the mascot. As soon as I saw these other videos I knew the video I had just watched about the drinking age going around had to be fake but just to be sure I googled if this claim was true. The first article that came up was from Pirates and Princess which is a site I have not heard of, it claimed “ No Disney Is Not Removing Drinking Age Limit In Their Parks” the article then went on to explain how this is fake and this is what MouseTrap News is known for, they also post fake articles to trick people. To further my investigation I went to Snopes.com to see if they had anything about this and they did. They also explained this claim is false and Mouse Trap News is a satire site. To end off, I just wanted to point out again how convincing this video made it but with a short Google search you can quickly find out it is not true.
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