jelouhao-blog · 11 years
Almanaque Zaragozano have just released a video for "Belcebú en tu dedo" that perfectly syncs with that Far West psychedelia they explore on this song which literally translates "Satan in your finger."
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jelouhao-blog · 11 years
Chiquita y Chatarra are two girls making an awesome racket out of the depths of Asturias.  They will be releasing an album on Discos Humeantes very soon, and this first single is making us giddy at the thought of getting our hands on it.
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jelouhao-blog · 11 years
"Cavall Daurat" is the latest single from Univers, an awesome foursome from Barcelona who not only keep churning out fuzzy anthems but also have a really good eye for their visual collaborators.  This time they've enlisted Martín Gutiérrez (ex-Mujeres) for this analogue feast.
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jelouhao-blog · 11 years
Biznaga is hands-down my favourite Spanish band atm.
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jelouhao-blog · 12 years
We are mega-psyched with this band from Alicante.  So much so that as soon as we heard their demo we had to book them to play Barcelona last month.  They came, they saw, and they (drunkenly) conquered.  Here's their video for "Entra en mi Coche", directed by the band's drummer, Néstor Sevillano. 
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jelouhao-blog · 12 years
GET BENT! presents: Mujeres
By Dario Garcia
After playing our GET BENT party at SXSW, these guys from Barcelona left a taste in our mouth that we couldn’t easily forget. So I packed my bag and decided to go to their hometown to film them playing on a rooftop for an exclusive episode of “GET BENT presents”. This was two days before they played Primavera with epic success. We had a great time.  
Here are the tracks they played:
Heat And Shame Salvaje I’m Over With You
Special thanks to Laura (Sones) & CANADA!
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jelouhao-blog · 12 years
Me mola tu label #1: Discos Humeantes
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Esta es la primera vez que en Colectivo Gurrumío nos lanzamos a escribir un artículo entero centrado en una discográfica, pero creemos que valdrá mucho la pena y esperamos continuar esporádicamente con esta recién estrenada tradición. Discos Humeantes no es una discográfica al uso, grandes escuderos del underground desde el underground en España, con sede en Asturias, desde sus filas nos han llegado algunos de los grupos más excitantes de la actualidad (en sus filas empezaron, entre otros, Mujeres y Juanita y Los Feos), aunque lo mejor es que siguen siendo una gran cantera para nuevos talentos y artistas bastante divergentes ética y estéticamente del tejido alternativo de este país. En este artículo no me propongo tanto hacer un análisis exhaustivo de los últimos trabajos de estos grupos como animar a todo el que nos lea a que no dude en pasarse por su web y su bandcamp para descubrir todo un universo fascinante, divertidísimo y sin complejos. Los grupos van ordenador por orden alfabético y encontraréis sendos enlaces para poder acceder a su música de manera totalmente gratuíta, ¡así que no hay excusas!
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jelouhao-blog · 12 years
Este sábado en Luchador Records. 
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jelouhao-blog · 12 years
El primer concierto de Univers llenó sala, cumplió expectativas y nos dio ganas de ver más en un futuro cercano.  Con miembros de Piñata, Aliment y Mujeres entre sus filas, se les ve con ganas de explorar nuevos territorios alejados de sus bandas madre y consiguiendo generar un cierto hype de lo más merecido (video realizado por Zumo en la Nevera). 
Univers estarán tocando con The Black Tambourines el 13 de Abril en Barcelona.
The good guys over at Zumo en la Nevera made this video of Univers playing their first ever gig at Sidecar in Barcelona.  The band is formed by members of other more or less well-known bands in the scene (Mujeres, Aliment, Piñata) and has managed to create a certain buzz that we'll have the chance to check on again when they support The Black Tambourines on their Barcelona date (13th April).
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jelouhao-blog · 12 years
We totally agree.
We couldn’t believe our luck when we saw Plymouth’s Gorgeous Bully was releasing another EP so soon after ‘The Young Obese’ then we heard it and we couldn’t believe our luck again, because it’s even better. ‘You Cant Fight the Sickness with Tea and Biscuits’ is a beautiful mess of DIY fuzz...
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jelouhao-blog · 12 years
Dumbchargers - Animal Name/Body Part
<a href=”http://garbagedays.bandcamp.com/album/dumbchargers-private-jetts” _mce_href=”http://garbagedays.bandcamp.com/album/dumbchargers-private-jetts”>Dumbchargers / Private Jetts by Garbage Days</a>
New split released today. We’re big fans of Dumbchargers and kinda humbled to actually put something out from them. Private Jetts is a new band in Pittsburgh.
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jelouhao-blog · 12 years
Un buen track para ponerse en ánimo de viernes de la mano de Mad Colours, coleguillas de muchos de nuestros grupos favoritos (Best Friends, Francobollo, The Black Tambourines) y listos para presentar su single a finales de Marzo como parte del Too Pure Singles Club.
A feel-good single from party band Mad Colours, chums with lots of our current favourites (Best Friends, Francobollo, The Black Tambourines...) and ready for their March release on the Too Pure Singles Club, which we're actually quite looking forward to. 
Mad Colours - Verda Hugo
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jelouhao-blog · 12 years
We have Beach Beach doing an acoustic set tomorrow on the show.  Here's a preview for their debut album "Tasteless Peace", out March 2012 on La Castanya. 
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jelouhao-blog · 12 years
Here's Piñata, a Barcelona-based band with a Split EP to their name and lots of good vibes all around, playing a semi-acoustic set in our radio show.  We had so much fun it's not even funny. Or it is.
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jelouhao-blog · 12 years
Ya llegó la edición #6 del Pizza Club de Art Is Hard.  Y como siempre, la han clavado! ¿Ya os hemos dicho lo que nos gusta KEEL HER? Pues aquí está, versionando a Weezer con Maxwell Jump. ¡GOLAZO! 
So here's the sixth release of the AIH Pizza Club.  And it's spot on, as always. Have we told you already how much we like KEEL HER? Well here she is, covering Weezer with Maxwell Jump.  SCORE!
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These past few weeks I’ve noticed far too many signs that I am now old. For some reason when I move my knees into a semi-bending position (or more), they burst a nauseating crunch - as if it were an alarm to notify those around me that I’m probably going to need assistance to resume a standing...
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jelouhao-blog · 12 years
Este sábado en Hao!
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Beach Beach
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jelouhao-blog · 12 years
Split cassette by Nonhorse (Woods' Lucas Crane) and Sun Color, out today on Nosotros Los Rusos.
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Primeras copias del split entre Nonhorse (Lucas Crane de Woods) y Sun Color hoy a la venta en el Heliogàbal!
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