jeffmartinart · 6 days
Very Successful
The Patreon preview for this strip is about the differences in approach between digital and hand lettering, because I guess I’m thinking about lettering a lot lately. The fact that I have any room for thoughts that aren’t about the Stanley Cup Playoffs is probably a good sign? Then again, if the Oilers win the Stanley Cup, I might end up only ever drawing Hockeypocalypse comics for the rest of…
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jeffmartinart · 13 days
Chant Harder!
The Patreon preview for this strip is about the problems I gave myself trying to fit B.L. Zebub’s speech into one panel so I could keep the last three panels separate for comic timing. Do people know that I write something about the process of making each strip on Patreon? Well, if you didn’t, now you do. EMPLOYEE OF THE WEEK: Robbie Dorman is Employee of the Week! He is co-host of The Simpsons…
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jeffmartinart · 20 days
Psychic Memo
Psychic memos are how I wish I could make story notes. I can’t count the number of times I’ve had a perfect joke or line of dialogue, then by the time I tried to write it down I had forgotten some or all of it. It’s very annoying. EMPLOYEE OF THE WEEK: Brien Aronov is Employee of the Week, and you can, too! I deeply appreciate your support on Patreon, which is a predictable source of income that,…
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jeffmartinart · 27 days
Maximum Shame
A crowd scene with a painting and decorations in the background was very smart. Good job, me. Really making things easy on myself, there. I just drew a more complicated strip that will be published in a few months, so I’m sensitive to my own decisions about staging that makes drawing harder. What makes things easier is getting to write B.L. Zebub, which is what the Patreon preview for this strip…
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jeffmartinart · 1 month
I say “AAAACTIIIING” while raising a hand dramatically on a surprisingly regular basis. Just, like, around the house, finding reasons to do that. I don’t know why my brain is like this, either. This week’s Patreon preview is about some of the art challenges that can come up with digital lettering. This post is coming to you via time travel, as I’m writing this before I leave for Calgary, but…
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jeffmartinart · 1 month
Failure Chickens Feel No Shame
This week’s Patreon preview was about the strange process of drawing a webcomic, and how that influences the art. It’s one of the most interesting elements of webcomics as a medium, to me. In other news, Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo is this weekend (April 25-28, 2024), and I will once again be a guest. This year I’m at table P20 in the Big 4 Building, along with piles of my books and…
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jeffmartinart · 2 months
Guess Who
I spent the weekend tabling at the Art Gallery of Alberta’s Comic & Zine Fair, so welcome to those of you that I met there who’ve made your way here! I was pleasantly surprised by the event, and particularly the response to Hell, Inc. from the AGA crowd. I look forward to returning next year! This week’s Patreon preview revisited a topic from a few weeks ago, which was how to use perspective to…
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jeffmartinart · 2 months
Vital Liquid Science?
The Patreon preview for this strip is about my process of drawing study, which involves drawing a lot of comics. Speaking of a lot of comics, I’m going to be at the Art Gallery of Alberta’s Comics & Zine Fair on April 13th and 14th, and if you’re in Edmonton, you should be, too. Click on the image below for more info: EMPLOYEE OF THE WEEK: Barrie Deatcher is Employee of the Week, which means…
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jeffmartinart · 2 months
Vital Liquid Science?
The Patreon preview for this strip is about my process of drawing study, which involves drawing a lot of comics. Speaking of a lot of comics, I’m going to be at the Art Gallery of Alberta’s Comics & Zine Fair on April 13th and 14th, and if you’re in Edmonton, you should be, too. Click on the image below for more info: EMPLOYEE OF THE WEEK: Barrie Deatcher is Employee of the Week, which means…
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jeffmartinart · 2 months
Vital Science
The Patreon preview for this strip is about joke structures. It’s the kind of thing that I think is really interesting, and it’s my comic so I get to write about whatever I want. Regardless of whether it’s interesting to normal people. EMPLOYEE OF THE WEEK: Cindy Gauthier is Employee of the Week, and you can read her comic on Webtoon! It’s called Posthumous, and is a comic about two friends (who…
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jeffmartinart · 2 months
Thank You For Your Patience
The Patreon preview for this comic talks about a piece of advice I gained from early-career shop talk that continues to be a regularly used tool in my toolbox.  It’s about using rounded surfaces in the art. EMPLOYEE OF THE WEEK: Ben Hamlin, host of Syndicated with Lesley and Ben (among other casted pods), is Employee of the Week, and I just made my fourth appearance on the show, this time…
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jeffmartinart · 2 months
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Skate Wizards is another zine that feels like it should forever be a zine, never a book. A collaboration between Michael C. Hsiung and Loot the Body, it's about, well, skating, cool tunes, wizards and…uh…pipe weed that is totally medicinal. The back cover perhaps says it best, “Once the world was cool. Then it sucked for a really long time. How it has a chance to be cool again or suck forever. It’s all up to the Skate Wizards!”
The system is based on Maze Rats (which I am unfamiliar with) and Nate Treme’s In the Light of a Ghost Star (which I am). This boils down to a lite, three attribute D&D derivative with some unusual spells. Each skate wizard gets the same Permanent spells that they can cast at any time — Ramp, Sidewalk and Rail — which conjure the necessary skating surface. They can also cast one Rando spell per day, the effects of which are determined by rolling on a table and mixing descriptive words, which are then hashed out by the player and the GM. I just rolled “Dope Expanding Fire Tree.” Finally, a Skate Wizard has one Bootleg spell prepared from their collection of skate videos that allow them to perform a specific reality bending trick, like defying gravity for five minutes. There are skater specific magic items and if a Skate Wizard’s health drops to zero, they become a Poser and roll on a table of six lame-o fates they suffer in their new normie existence. A big heap of adventures and a table for generating skate trick names rounds out the package (though, online, you can also listen to the kickin’ soundtrack).
It’s a real treat to have so much of Michael’s wizard art in one place. I love his bold, clean linework and how he often flattens details and patterns so they look like textiles or stitching. And the illustrations are just bursting with humor and personality. Classic.
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jeffmartinart · 3 months
Helen: Judgement Day
Helen is probably second or third in the cast, behind B.L. Zebub and maybe Doug, in getting the super exaggerated demonic poses. That wasn’t something I intended from the start, it just kind of happened as Helen got more characterization that lent itself to over-the-top, expressionist depictions. In the Patreon preview for this strip, I instead talk about creating rhythm with panel layouts and…
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jeffmartinart · 3 months
Bridget Smash... Hand Bones
I think that’s more or less what would happen to me if I tried to karate chop a desk in half. Just BAM skeleton hand flying through the air. I also think the visual of a skeleton, or parts of a skeleton, popping out of a person intact is extremely funny for reasons I can’t fully articulate. This week’s Patreon preview goes into that a bit. I’ve been nominated for a Sequential Magazine Award in…
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jeffmartinart · 3 months
Office Cult-ure
You can tell whether you’ve got a good workplace by how much chanting happens. I assume more is better? I’ve never had a chanting workplace. I should try to cultivate that in my studio space, but guinea pigs and chinchillas are notoriously chant-averse creatures. EMPLOYEE OF THE WEEK: As you may have gathered from the graphic below, I’ve been nominated for a Sequential Magazine Award in the…
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jeffmartinart · 3 months
Chains of Bureaucracy
Ah, yes, the chained pens. designed to keep all of us thieving loons from costing companies tens of dollars a year in replacement pens. I’m sure in Hell they will also measure the ink levels to make sure you didn’t use too much (I’m sure there are also real, insane managers who wish they could do that). This week’s Patreon preview is about writing visual jokes, and how that differs from my normal…
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jeffmartinart · 3 months
Regrettable Pluck
The “I can do it” to “I’ve made a huge mistake” pipeline runs fast at Hell, Inc. And also in making Hell, Inc., where I insist on drawing a library stack of personnel documents that the reader will look at for somewhere between 3 and 10 seconds. This week’s Patreon preview involves thoughts about organizing my own reference material for Hell, Inc., which is not a library stack. It is a stack of…
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