jayblackbirdsblog-blog · 4 years
Karma-yogi America
Just like when the “white man” floated his way west and via biological warfare wiped out thousands of Indigenous communities, the world is today seeing the effects of Imperialism. Take overs of complete worlds, and the ruthless assassination of endless cousins and aunties and grandparents and babies was not enough to teach humanity to change its pattern of taking “ownership” of the world. The dark aspect of Imperialism has now become visible again to the worlds eye, as the New Coronavirus has been taken around the world by people traveling in and out of China; Which we all know is the new MVP in the game of economics and taking over the world.
I in no way want anyone to think that I am blaming this tragedy on a whole country, but since I don’t have any names of who exactly is in “power”, I must call them the Chinese Empire. The American Government seems to have met its match; facing a Government made in its image. One that does not provide for its citizens with what is righteous, and yet has been for centuries using its people to expand its borders through modern day colonization. Both also following the Capitalistic model, committing every sort of atrocity in the name of growth and prosperity. With millions being ruled over by a few(who knows who); rarely(if ever) by the choice of the people. Today in the midst of the COVID crisis, it seems the “American Dream” of having it all has died by the hands of karma. Dying sick and living in fear of losing loved ones, as our Native ancestors had to live and die for the sake of the white American Empire’s growth. A brilliant and naturally thriving set of nations from North to South and East to West, which had to die for the sake of greed and -Manifest- Destiny. I wonder if humanity will finally be ready to escape this cycle of Karma and dare to dream up a new way of living. For how many more generations must we lose to desire for power and obsession with having everything our minds come up with, wanting something different on an hourly basis. I may not speak as eloquently as a more educated person might speak about the government or spirituality or anything else for that matter; But I do have the education of my experience. The experience of a life within this matrix, and the observed experience of all my loved ones who are also living in some sort of captivity. Permanently indebted to the “getting” itself. Living painfully dissatisfied and chronically depressed, always working for a more magazine worthy life that no one ever catches up with. Suffering under the impression that we all are never enough, unless our lives resemble the movies.
Beyond this pause could it be possible for people to finally learn the ways in which we are being robbed and enslaved by the governing forces? Will shopaholics and overly ambitious “career” people be able to possibly let go of the dream? The dream to have the next best thing, the dream to be the most successful at our passions so that we can display our egos on pedestals without shame. We have turned materialistic success into God and we pray to it endlessly day in and day out, believing that eventually we can live in some kind of heaven on Earth. But look to this day please and notice the rich celebrities, bored and lonely, and sometimes sick and old, unable to escape their humanity as this new plague crosses the earth, washing away our sin. What sin? The sin of forsaking the present. The idea of death has brought humanity to its knees, as millions try their best not to die. With the most “religious” and “spiritual” crying and fearing “the end” as if their Gods, and their resurrections, and their redemptions, and their eternal aspects never existed. As if their faith only extends as far as their desires being satisfied goes. In the words of Lauryn Hill I pose the same question, “Is it really God that you’re serving?”. Or has the obtaining of material wealth or objects been your God? Have you forsaken your own inner calling endlessly ignoring the talents and gifts that were bestowed upon you by nature, all for the sake of “making more”, anything. Have we turned our backs on Divinity for the sake of the gifts she has to share?
I dare to imagine a world in which people could finally be satisfied. A world in which everyone finally remembers. A day in which we reach the end of all wanting, sitting presently on the surface of the Earth, or at the edge of the infinite seas, Knowing. Knowing without thinking. A humanity living in the understanding that gratitude can turn eating a piece of fruit into the most delicious and magical experience. Fruits that spring up from the earth freely when grown in accordance to nature. That we can Succeed without doing anything, simply by succeeding to sit in the presence of a moment; finally allowing ourselves to watch our children grow and develop the beautiful little intricacies of their personalities as I have been allowed to in the midst of “the global crisis”. Today so many are with their families and still wish they could continue evading connection, saddened by not being able to fill the voids through pointless shopping and attaining amongst other addictions.
This leads me to believe that Imperialism is not only the problem of a race or country. It is also the problem of all of us who have internalized imperialistic ways of being. For what else are we doing when we are embodying a self which is never satisfied with what it has and is always searching for more. Today as we see yet another tragedy being caused by this undying need for more and more, I invite you all to reconsider your motives and desires. Are all your desires wrapped up in you alone or do they have the good of others in mind? And is this “good for others” aspect really good for them, or is it just an idea you have attached yourself to while the actual good of others around you goes unnoticed or ignored? Is it time to take selfish ambition off of the pedestal we place it on, looking down our noses at those who have reached the stages of desireless-ness and eternal presence?
Regardless of your answer to any of the questions I have posed, I beg you to at least reconsider the good of our Goddess Mother Earth, who has herself been the longest most affected victim of our endless pillaging and mining for products. Consider a new way of being in which you are aligned with her cycles. Knowing that there are seasons for giving, and seasons for taking, and seasons that are meant for doing nothing but being-living and sometimes dying.  Understand that there is nothing that can hurt the Earth which can not hurt us. Just as if you killed a newborns mother, and left the baby alone without milk and warmth; we will suffer and die without the sustenance of our mother Gaia. But no one seems to remember this dependence. So many disgusted to have dirt touch their bodies, but never think twice at the endless filth that they release onto her body through ruthless and careless-consumption. I pray that we all remember our origins. And are freed from the Karmic cycle of desire. Forever being freed by the wanting of “nothing”, and finding the ultimate sitting there within that space of nothingness within ourselves, a “nothing” that is the canvas for all of creation.
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