jassydolls · 4 years
I seriously hope nobody else photoshops their dolls onto pictures of protesters marching. I totally understand where the sentiment is coming from (and I am genuinely glad that people in the BJD hobby care enough to express it), but it seems really disrespectful to use pictures of actual people who are actually out there protesting as a backdrop for your doll. Especially if you weren't there. There are other ways to show support.
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jassydolls · 5 years
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CP Delf Soony. Most likely the only NS doll I will ever own.
Meet Raven~
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jassydolls · 5 years
When I first joined the hobby I fell absolutely in love with a doll but she was nowhere near being in my budget. By the time I would have been able to afford her, she’d been discontinued by the company for three years. 
I was disappointed but not heartbroken. I moved on and decided I didn’t need or want her. I would occasionally look at pictures of her and fall in love again, but thought to myself that it wouldn’t be possible to get her. On a whim, four months ago, I decided to post a WTB thread on DoA. I forgot about it. I wasn’t expecting a response, but I ended up getting one about a month ago.
Someone was selling their doll and their price was reasonable. I accepted! How could I not say yes to the opportunity to own this doll? She’s so hard to find in the second hand market.
I’m so excited to have the opportunity to own this girl and see what I can do with her. But at the same time I am very anxious. What if I don’t like her? What if she doesn’t work out? Or worse... what if I can’t paint her? She wouldn’t fit in with any of my other dolls appearance-wise and she’s also in NS because she was never released in any other resin color besides normal and white. But I’d be so happy for the experience. I would be able to say that I saw this doll in person. I would be able to say I held her and painted her and she was beautiful when I had her. But ultimately I do want her to stay.
This is my first free weekend since I started my classes and I think I’m just going to spend that time playing with my dolls.
Also I’m totally being vague on purpose. I’m not saying what sculpt she is or showing any pictures until I repaint her. :B
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jassydolls · 5 years
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LeighAnn "Seung" Park
She's the only doll I own that has a middle and a last name...
I've had this girl since 2016 but her first face-up was pretty bad. I didn't give her a new one until a couple of weeks ago. I was desperate to sell her, so re-did her face-up. Naraes tend to move better on the marketplace when they have nice face-ups. However, it was a trap. Once I added the freckles, it was over. She isn't going anywhere.
Seung is a modded tan Narae 406.
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jassydolls · 5 years
What am I doing with my collection?
I keep revisiting this question over and over again, especially now that I “need” something to distract me from my responsibilities...
I tell myself over and over that I don’t want too many dolls, especially since I don’t really have space and since money is an issue now. I don’t want dolls to take over my life. I have other hobbies that need financing too (oh and other more important responsibilities but who cares about those, right?). Also, my current group needs more shoes, stockings, outfits, wigs, and photos.
I find myself wanting more dolls the more stressed I am *hint, I am so very stressed right now*. Which is weird because there’s no instant gratification in the doll buying process. There’s also the added element of whether or not I can sell a doll if I don’t like it. It’s not as easy as it used to be. Most sales are a considerable loss these days. 
Looking through my current group, I would prefer that there be at least two dolls that fit together. For example, my Petit Gem, Pukifee, and my Griffs all go together. My Naraes and my JID are together. I currently have five outliers who don’t have another doll to match them. By “fit” and “match” I mean dolls that look good together and photograph nicely together. 
At some point (sooner rather than later, hopefully) I want to let go of the doll purchasing aspect of this hobby. I really want to be in a place where I look at my collection and think, “This is perfect.” I think I was really close a year and a half ago, but I had to sell some of those dolls. I wish I had been able to keep them.
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jassydolls · 5 years
I really wish that more of the BJD companies that specialize in anime dolls would offer a brown tan. I really want an anime girl or two but I just don't like NS and WS. And then a lot of the basic tans just look like a slightly darker NS.
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jassydolls · 5 years
I'm planning on putting a few dolls for sale on Instagram (as opposed to DoA because it's just way easier). Is there a buyer beware post or any red flags I should look out for that may not be quite so obvious?
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jassydolls · 5 years
*eyeroll* yeah because the "potential" customer was so polite when they said they didnt like an aspect of the product and asked if it was going to be fixed. Danny's initial response was fine. It wasnt the most polite response but it wasnt nasty and he even recommended other products. Also this happened on his twitter account, not a public forum. I seriously doubt he believes his dolls are above critique/criticism. He's not hanging around DenofAngels moderating scathing posts about his dolls. Also as petty and vindictive as some bjd hobbyists are, I wouldn't be surprised if he was being heckled by them. And he's been 100% upfront about how he markets and sells smartdolls.
Also, do people do this to other companies/artists on social media? Because it's rude af. Is this person going up to Supiadoll's IG and saying "your dolls' profiles arent appealing, plans to fix them in the future?"
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At the person asking why so many people don’t like Danny Choo - does this answer your question? This is not an isolated incident. This happens a lot. This is literally how he talks to people who do anything other than grovel at his feet on social media. He makes a big deal about how he doesn’t treat his customers like ‘god’, but apparently to him ‘treat like god’ means 'treat with any respect whatsoever’.
Please pay special attention to what I highlighted, 'please help me prevent people like you from buying your stuff’. Note that what he means by 'people like you’ is 'people who raise any objection at all to the way I treat my customers and potential customers’. Also note that his justification that he’s allowed to act like a jerk is because acting polite is apparently too mainstream and 'fitting into a mold’.
Imagine for a second that Volks or any other doll company whatsoever reacted this way to criticism. Almost every thread on the DD forums someone will complain about something about how Volks did something, often viciously. People complain on DOA about companies they buy from, people complain on BJDaddicts. Imagine those companies or spokespeople from those companies coming into the comments or forums snarkily asking anyone who complained about them not to buy their dolls as they are the 'wrong kind of people’. Imagine how much shit they’d cop for it. This is the behaviour we keep trying to talk about, and what Danny Choo’s cult of followers are constantly defending or ignoring completely. Pointing out he does this at all makes you a 'hater’ he doesn’t want in his customer-base, even if you own his dolls, plan to buy one or want to buy more. Comments on Instagram also reveal that he tries to act like any criticism is coming from salty DD fans, who he refers to as 'the usual elitist youknowwho’.  Its absolutely revolting.
Source: DannyChoo@Twitter
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jassydolls · 5 years
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A lovely pair o’ faceups
1. MerryDollRound Zuri, 2. Iplehouse Rexy
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jassydolls · 6 years
If I'm understanding correctly if you buy the bigger dragon, you can buy one of the little dragons for $139. So it's not too bad this time. But yeah, it would be better if they made them available for sale separately, rather than a "gift".
And once again, Dream Valley fucks themselves over by making their cute new dolls unavailable to purchase separately c:
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jassydolls · 6 years
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It’s a pretty short list of people who bought Abaddon. One of them is straight up a total piece of shit, or somebody didn’t do a background check on their secondhand buyer.
Please remember that being neutral toward recasts actively harms artists. Some people think that it’s not a big deal when a larger company like Soom gets ripped off (it is), but the sale of those recasts gives counterfeiters both the funds and the incentive to go after people like Rumpeldoll. Recast factories have to keep churning out new product, so no artist is safe.
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jassydolls · 6 years
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Box opening for Dream Valley Locke! Looove her. Also, her glass pendant CoA is absolutely gorgeous. 
I’ve been trying a bunch of different ears and antlers on her for a fantasy creature kind of vibe, but all my spare ears have magnets with reverse polarity, or require a wig to work… And while I have a Puki wig that fits, she’s cuter without a wig. So default ears for now.
Very heavy tail, haven’t really worked out how to pose it and balance her with it yet. I should totally take pics of her with my Black Box Mochi wolf…
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jassydolls · 6 years
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“I’ve got two left feet, but I hope you don’t mind dancing with me anyways.” — “What do you mean? Your feet look perfectly fine to me!” • • • #bjd #abjd #balljointeddoll #dollphotography #legitbjd #dollsofinstagram #minifee #fairylandbjd #minifeeria #minifeeflam #bjdcouple
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jassydolls · 6 years
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Shiva came in last month. I kept forgetting to post this!
I am totally blown away by the color of the mint blue. Photos can’t capture how beautiful and deep it is, and it’s more teal than blue. She was always a grail doll for me but I couldn’t afford her first release, so when they rereleased her in blue… it was a holy grail!
I wanted her to be ready when she came to me (I have so many dolls waiting for faces..), so I painted an example for Souldoll for the faceup, and they were able to work with me to do exactly what I wanted. I’m really happy with how it came out ♥ Love me my short/comma eyebrows ~
I plan on making her a lot of jewelry and hopefully an elaborate outfit!
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jassydolls · 6 years
DoA’s Mirodoll Ban
I really hate how the Den of Angels mods handled the Mirodoll ban. Please be aware that under no circumstances do I condone blatant copying and I do think that DoA should ban companies that have made direct copies of other companies’ dolls. That’s not what I’m taking issue with. “Many years ago, it was strongly believed that Mirodoll had modified and recast a Dollstown 18 years girl body.”
Okay, so why didn’t this body get the ban hammer back when it was released?
“At the time, Dollstown did not made any public statements, nor pursued any legal action, so the mod team took no action here on the forums either. We did continue to keep an eye on the company from that time on.”
So? Did Dollstown make a new statement recently? Have there been new side-by side (in person) comparisons made that prove without a doubt that this body was a direct copy of Dollstown’s body? Did anyone speak with Dollstown about it to get an official statement?
“We believe it is likely that Mirodoll 3D scanned the Iplehouse body, then modified it in a 3D modelling program, before printing it and subsequently casting it in resin. Mirodoll has shared photos of their 3D 'sculpting process' for this body on their Facebook page; however, they do not show any process of sculpting the actual joints, nor any photos of very early stages.
Iplehouse has not yet made an official statement regarding this situation.”
Why are you telling us this? And if Iplehouse hasn’t said anything about, it why are you making a public announcement about it? Did you speak with both companies first to figure out what was going on before airing it out before the community?
“This is a unprecedented situation. Mirodoll has been very popular for many years now. Their affordability and custom resin colors have made them into one of the most-recommended companies for hybriding purposes. However, we believe their low prices are a direct result of them stealing the work other companies have done. With the recent trademark situation, the mod team feels that we cannot allow Mirodoll to continue on as they have been with no consequences.”
But you admitted that you suspected that Mirodoll was directly copying up until now and NOTHING was done! Considering the amount of influence Den of Angels has in the BJD community, all of this drama could have been prevented if there had been a more thorough investigation and Mirodoll confronted years ago. And now you’re telling the community, “Oh, this body and this body from x amount of years ago was probably most likely recasted and modified so they’re banned and you can’t post them anymore.” People already bought some of those bodies and not a word of caution was mentioned to the community! Mirodoll’s popularity is also a result of your silence. You ran their ads on your forum while suspecting them of direct copying from other companies. If that’s not tacky, I don’t know what is. The Mods say they didn’t make a fuss over the bodies when they were first released because Dollstown didn’t make any statements about it. I don’t really understand that. I once saw someone post pictures of a doll head they sculpted and wanted to sell, and a few users on DoA said that it looked too much like Soom’s Chalco and the doll head was banned. I don’t remember ever seeing Soom themselves getting involved in that conversation. It was all DoA. This whole situation is just so... unprofessional. There are no official statements from anyone involved, no detailed in person, physical comparisons to go off to verify the claims. I probably wouldn’t have cared about this situation if it wasn’t for the way everything was worded. Why do we need to know why you think Mirodoll’s prices were so low?  That’s irrelevant to the topic of them copying the bodies of other companies. Bobobie and Resinsoul also have low prices, offer custom colors and various other services, and still manage to create their own content. So why is it being brought up?
I’m really disappointed with how the mods handled this situation. There was too much speculation, not enough facts, official statements or physical evidence. What if Dollstown and/or Iplehouse made statements that said that the Mirodoll bodies in question were different enough that they did not feel like they were direct copies? What would DoA say then? In the event that Mirodoll is guilty of copying, then by all means the ban hammer is absolutely justified. However, I still don’t think this is the way to go about it. Official statements should come from the companies involved as well, otherwise it’s just us projecting. 
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jassydolls · 6 years
So in recent news, it’s seems like the recast situation just got 100x worse….
I saw on @puffypuffers insta with screen caps from a Dollfie Dream FB group that Luo, one of the top recasters in China, is now in the process of filing for trademark of various BJD companies to own their trademark.
Which means that those companies he’s filing for to “own” were to sell in China, from Taobao to even doll shows, they could face legal actions and could never sell in China again. The list of companies that have been effected and having pending trademark is already extensive, companies that aren’t even in China such as Dollshe, Fairyland, Iplehouse, Soom, Lily at, Marina Byockova, Peaks Woods, DOLK, Bambicrony, Cocoriang, and so much more, he’s also even added trademarks in the US for. Luo has every intention of chasing out the “competition” of the companies themselves so he can sell freely with no repercussions.
(Full list of companies he’s filing for in China: http://m.tmsearch.cn/search/?keywords=罗礼贵&stype=sqr )
(Source for US trademarks: https://www.trademarkia.com/company-luo-ligui-4866177-page-1-2 )
Here’s the screen caps from the group of what’s going on.
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With him doing this, he’s literally eliminating the companies that he recast from, so will probably be a point where you no longer be able buy originally cast of those companies doll, but you’re only be able to buy cheap resin copies because those companies will eventually shut down due to losing a part of the market they sell to
I don’t know how else more to say that the recast situation just gone past ignoring now, because this gone from bad to beyond worse.
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jassydolls · 6 years
This makes me so angry
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Hi all, I haven’t seen anything on here about it yet, but known recaster Luo has started registering trademarks in China and in the US for BJD companies such as fairyland, Dollshe, ttya and others. Please see @puffypuffers posts on IG for more information.
Tagging a few bjd blogs I follow: @glyndarling @mintyliciousbjd @sicktress
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