japanweightloss · 3 months
second day of walking on my lunch break. I tried to eat healthier today. I ate 1/2 of a small sandwich in the morning with some orange juice. I had an early lunch of udon with salad. And then I had another lunch at 3 of oden with chicken. I then snacked on small onigiri crackers about 4-5 at work and a small brownie. Then I had nuts, crackers, chips, and a piece of chicken. Before stopping myself from eating anymore. I ate a lot but at least I did my walk and I walked extra after work and I prevented myself from overeating today to the point of getting uncomfortably full.
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japanweightloss · 3 months
I always find canada
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Plus twelve pieces karaage
And a bag of Doritos
With a small juice box of tomato juice and sake
One Mayo chiken onigiri with chicken kaarage
Tomato sandwich and onigiri in the morning
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