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Bumble CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd is coming to Disrupt SF – Trending
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Bumble CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd is coming to Disrupt SF – Trending
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「@DIME」(アットダイム)の記事で、月額データ通信料1000円以下の大手キャリア回線を使用する低価格プランを比較してサービス内容をまとめて紹介しています。 ドコモショップで初期サポートがありdポイントが貯まるエコノミーMVNO「OCNモバイルONE」基本料金0円で必要な機能だけをトッピングできるKDDI「povo 2.0」月々3GB/990円でLINEが使い放題のソフトバンク「LINEMOミニプラン」従量制プランで1GBまで0円で回線維持できる楽天モバイル「Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI」 いずれのプランも、自宅や職場にWi-Fi環境が整っていて、使用するデータ通信量が少なく、月々の通信料を安くしたい人向けです。
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Global Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) Market Size and Trends Analysis, 2027 | VynZ Research
The Global Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) Market Research Report published by VynZ Research offers first-hand data, qualitative and quantitative analysis by industry analysts, and inputs from industry experts and stakeholders across the entire chain. The research examines current market trends, macroeconomic factors, regional analysis in-depth, as well as market attractiveness by segment.
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The Global Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) Market is anticipated to be valued at USD 95.2 billion by 2027, registering a market growth rate 7.8% CAGR during the 2021-2027. The Market research offers SWOT analysis of competitors including external environment analysis and PEST analysis. Furthermore, the Market study provides business methods for dealing with COVID-19 impact on the Market.
Get a sample copy of the market report: https://www.vynzresearch.com/ict-media/mvno-market/request-sample
Segmentation Analysis:
The study report examines significant market characteristics and latest developments, as well as research about relevant market segments and sub-segments, in-depth.
Segmentation of the Global Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) Market
By Type
By Operation Model
Reseller MVNO
Service Operator MVNO
By End User
Prominent Leading Companies and Regional Outlook of Global Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) Market Share Analysis
The report also covers the market’s major strategic developments, such as R&D, M&A, agreements, novel product launches, collaborations, partnerships, joint ventures, and regional growth of the market’s competing firms on a global and regional scale.
Furthermore, the study includes Porter’s five forces analysis of the industry to understand the impact of various factors on the growth of the market, such as bargaining power of suppliers, rivalry among competitors, the threat of new entrants, threat of substitutes products or service, and bargaining power of supplier.
The major industry players across the value chain for Global MVNO Market include:
IBM Corporation
App Annie
Some of the frequently asked questions addressed in the report include:
- What are the trends and drivers impacting the Global Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) Market?
-Preparation of SWOT and PESTLE analysis of competitors in the market.
-What are the regions covered in the report and the opportunities prevalent in the region leading to the growth of the market?
-What are the segments covered in the report and the strategies adopted by Industry Players in the Report?
-What are the innovative technologies in the market that are covered and their outlook?
-What are the regulations initiated by the government so as to expand the market?
- What are some recent trends that may have an impact on the product/service and return on investment (ROI)?
More Reports by VynZ Research:
Global Advanced Analytics Market – Analysis and Forecast (2021-2027)
Global RegTech Market – Analysis and Forecast (2021-2027)
Global Internet of Things (IoT) Market - Analysis and Forecast (2021-2027)
Global Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Software Market - Analysis and Forecast (2021-2027)
About Company:
VynZ Research is a global market research firm offering research, analytics, and consulting services on business strategies. VynZ have a recognized trajectory record and our research database is used by many renowned companies and institutions in the world to strategize and revolutionize business opportunities. The company focuses on providing valuable insights on various technology verticals such as Chemicals, Automotive, Transportation, Energy, Consumer Durables, Healthcare, ICT and other emerging technologies.
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I think AT&T is exactly what US Mobile needs.
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Bumble CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd is coming to Disrupt SF – Trending
More on https://ift.tt/2xWAbvc
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Whitney Wolfe Herd, Bumble's founder, becomes the world's youngest self – made woman billionaire at 31
Whitney Wolfe Herd, Bumble’s founder, becomes the world’s youngest self – made woman billionaire at 31
To get the world’s youngest self–made woman billionaire title is not a small feat, and here is dating app Bumble’s 31-year-old Founder and CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd, who has been declared just that, according to Forbes. Bumble, a social and dating app, was founded by Whitney Wolfe Herd, an American entrepreneur, in 2014, soon after she left Tinder, another dating app. In its first move in the stock…
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Samsung expands NTT DoCoMo 5G partnership
Samsung expands NTT DoCoMo 5G partnership
Back in March 2021, Samsung announced a new 5G partnership with japan’s NTT DoCoMo and now Samsung has revealed that it is expanding its partnership with the company. NTT DoCoMo is the major mobile operator in Japan with around 84 million subscribers, Samsung provides the company with 5G technology. The 5G products that Samsung Electronics is providing to NTT DoCoMo include a new ultra-light and…
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Why mmWave hasn't become the mainstream spectrum of 5G?
In a previous article of IPLOOK, we introduced what 5G mmWave (5G mmWave) is. Due to its wide bandwidth, abundant resources, and high frequency characteristics, 5G mmWave has significant advantages and was once considered a key frequency band for development in the early stages of 5G. However, today, although many countries and regions around the world have promoted or deployed 5G mmWave, the application of mmWave technology in the industry still faces uncertainties and challenges.
At the beginning of 2023, due to various factors, the construction progress of 5G mmWave base stations in South Korea was far behind expectations, with completion rates only ranging from 10.6% to 12.5%. In Japan, NTT DOCOMO and Rakuten Mobile experienced no growth in mmWave users, and their traffic share was relatively low. Even in the US, which began deploying 5G mmWave ahead of other countries in 2019, the availability of 5G mmWave networks is less than 1%.
Many people believe that the reason why 5G mmWave has not become the mainstream spectrum for 5G is because of its own characteristics and the unclear application demands:
Limited Range: leading to high cost
The mmWave has a small coverage radius, and the construction and operation costs for the same coverage area are high, which hinders large-scale deployment. As a result of its high frequency and large transmission loss, the mmWave has poor coverage ability, with a coverage radius of only about 150 meters for a single mmWave base station, which is only 1/5 of the coverage radius of low-frequency bands such as Sub-6. If a continuous coverage 5G mmWave network is to be built like in the 3.5GHz frequency band, the number of base stations needed would be more than twenty times greater than that of regular 5G base stations, leading to high construction costs.
Poor Penetration: resulting in poor user experience
5G mmWave has poor penetration capability and severe diffuse attenuation, resulting in poor user experience and customer dissatisfaction. There are two main reasons for this. First, the mmWave has a short wavelength (between 1-10 mm), making it poorly penetrating, as it can be blocked by leaves and water droplets. Second, the mmWave is sensitive to the surface of objects, easily causing signal energy to dissipate in multiple directions, resulting in poor signal reception at the receiving end and affecting user experience. For example, even though over 20,000 mmWave base stations have been built in Japan, customers are reluctant to pay for mmWave services due to prominent problems such as frequent signal interruptions and insufficient coverage during usage.
Lack of Groundbreaking Apps
Low-frequency mmWave has clear bandwidth advantages, but due to the lack of groundbreaking applications, its value is difficult to fully unleash in the short term. Globally, mid-to-low frequency spectrum resources are gradually becoming scarce, and more reliance is placed on spectrum re-farming and frequency coordination to solve this issue. In contrast, 5G mmWave, with its continuous and wide spectrum resources, can better achieve bandwidth capacity enhancement. However, by reason of the unclear promotion of large-scale applications such as XR and Smart Homes, and traditional video services can be satisfied with existing bandwidth, the short-term demand for mmWave is not significant.
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「手軽に始める!初心者向けのおすすめモバイルインターネット回線比較」- 外出先でもインターネットを楽しみたい初心者におすすめのモバイル回線を比較します!
外出先でもインターネットを楽しみたい初心者におすすめのモバイル回線を比較する記事を書いてみました。モバイル回線とは、スマートフォンやタブレットなどの携帯端末でインターネットに接続できる回線のことです。モバイル回線には、以下のような種類があります。 4G(LTE):第4世代の携帯電話の通信規格で、最大150Mbps(1秒間に1億5000万ビット)の通信速度が可能です。現在、主流のモバイル回線です。 5G:第5世代の携帯電話の通信規格で、最大10Gbps(1秒間に100億ビット)の通信速度が可能です。まだ普及していませんが、今後、さまざまなサービスやアプリケーションに影響を与えると期待されています。 WiMAX:無線ブロードバンドサービスで、最大40Mbps(1秒間に4000万ビット)の通信速度が可能です。4Gよりも広いエリアで利用できますが、速度は劣ります。 ポケットWiFi:小型…
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Atsuo Nakayama's "Otaku Globalisation" Vol. 34Obey Me!: NTT Solmare’s "Doing what no one else is doing" DNA, which created the top otome game title with over 7 million downloads in North America¹.
Article Date: 15 Sep 2022 12:04 JST
Original Article: 【連載】中山淳雄の「推しもオタクもグローバル」第34回 Obey Me!:北米で700万DL突破の乙女ゲームトップタイトルを作り上げたNTTソルマーレ「誰もやっていなことをやる」遺伝子
Interviewed by: Atsuo Nakayama (中山淳雄), Entertainment sociologist, President of Re entertainment
Have you heard of the app game called ‘Obey Me!’? This is a so-called ‘otome game’ where you experience dramatic love with 7 handsome demon brothers. In Japan, not many people may know about it. However, the fact that this game has already reached 7 million downloads worldwide, and is a huge hit in the US – where the majority of the users are from – is surprisingly unknown by many. In this interview, we spoke to the producer from NTT Solmare, that creates this little-known hit title called ‘Obey Me!’.
■ NTT Solmare, a prominent and growing member of the NTT West group of companies
--: We are pleased to welcome 'ObeyP', the producer of Obey Me! by request of anonymity. Please begin by introducing yourself.
Sorry that we asked for anonymity at the beginning. In the Obey Me! project, which always focuses on "building as a team", we don't mention names one by one. We always announce developments as the Obey Me! team, so although we had the opportunity to interview you this time, we decided to remain anonymous.
--: It’s fine, I still think it's a very valuable opportunity for you to tell us the facts about Obey Me! As you are the producer, let's call you ObeyP. Can you tell us about your history so far?
I joined NTT Solmare in 2007 as a contract employee. I was first in the Comic Cmoa division, doing some quality control work, but around 2012 I moved to the gaming division and have been a producer since its launch, as the drafter of Obey Me! which was released in December 2019.
--: NTT Solmare itself is a very unusual company, isn't it? It was originally set up by NTT West to take on the challenge of a new business, right? 'Comic Cmoa' is a well-known service.
When the company was first established in 2002, we were in the business of offering content for PDA terminals. Later, while exploring mobile phone content services, we thought that comics might work, so we launched Comic i (now Comic Cmoa). We also started a game business for mobile phones around 2010 with the aim of creating services that would become the second pillar after Comic Cmoa.
--: Some people are transferred from NTT West, and isn't the corporate culture totally different? It's a surprise that a company so committed to providing content is formed within the NTT group in the first place².
It's really open-ended. The people who originally set up the company valued the challenge of being eager to try new things, and from the start there was a corporate culture of not being restricted by existing frameworks. The people who started as contract workers and temporary workers have now been with the company for more than 10 years, and the permanent staff are carrying on the culture.
The company has 300 employees, and of course many of the managers and above are on loan from NTT West, but there is a sense that those on loan are observing the culture of the company. It has been 20 years since the company started, but we are a company that is constantly launching new things, such as releasing otome games for overseas markets and starting a live-streaming voice-over actor service, with the idea of "doing something no one else is doing".
--: Here is a chart of Solmare's financial earnings and statement from the financial report in Figure 1. The company's assets increased from 5 billion yen to 20 billion yen in the latter half of the 2010s, as it gradually grew with Comic Cmoa and the game business as their pillars. The pandemic could be a defining factor, but it is by inference that “Comic Cmoa” and “Obey Me” were the 2 leading powers. I'm focusing more on the fact that they had already expanded their gaming business to North America in 2011...
Right. I think we were very early in our overseas development, mainly in North America with the "Shall we date?" series.
Figure 1: NTT Solmare Company Performance Data
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Source: Prepared by the author based on the disclosed financial statements.
--: Do you have any overseas offices? Is it much like the apartment office in Tokyo, and everyone is basically based in Osaka, right?
No, we have no overseas offices. From planning and development to promotion, Osaka is the centre of our business.
--: Do you also engage in game development? How many people are in each division?
The total number of people working at Solmare is about 300. Among them, about 40 people are involved in ‘Obey Me!’. We had in-house development for our previous titles, but we have asked Now Production to develop ‘Obey Me!’.
--: It is really unique that you were even doing in-house development. For there are many other major capital-based companies that specialise only in publishing mobile games.
■ Japanese Otome Games in the 2010s: A History of Expansion into North America
--: Around 2010, the "joseimuke game" genre³ itself was rare. Were they focused on this genre from the beginning?
At first, we made a wide variety of game titles. Of course, we also made games for male users. Then, there was a person who loved otome games, and said, "I want to try my hand at this!" It is known that this became the predecessor of the Shall we date? series.
--: It costs a lot of money just to make one, but is it really that simple to do?
Well, after all, "Doing something no one else is doing" is in the corporate DNA. And it is still true to this day that the company is able to grasp the passion of the people in charge and entrust us with their work.
--: Then, with the success of "Shall we date?" there, you started to specialise more and more toward the female market. Looking at the releases in the 2010s until "Obey Me!" became a big hit, a lot of derivative titles were created in units of 10 to 20, right? Did they sell well in overseas markets as well?
(Laughs) Our strategy was to produce a large quantity of products and gain market share. In overseas, or rather in North America, there were some telling figures. When the first ninja-themed game was released, it was a ‘how did it go this far!?’ moment. The fact that there was almost no competition was a big factor, and surprisingly (in those days) there were a certain number of users in North America who liked Japanese otome games, so rather than just using titles that had already been released in Japan, we decided to create something specifically for overseas users that is the "Shall we date?" series.
--: I remember well "Be My Princess" (2012) by Voltage as an otome game for North America. The characters were all changed for the North American market… which was very strange. *Voltage Inc., a leading otome game company, had been in the North American development business since 2011, but has withdrawn in 2021.
We have made the same kind of trial and error. In the end, "too much customisation is counter-intuitive and cannot be accepted". North American users also think of it as a Japanese otome game, thus we do not voice-over the voice actors in English but leave them in Japanese and use subtitles, and we keep the visuals as they are in the school or Japanese fantasy style.
--: On the other hand, what are the areas that you try to change?
Since we have a diverse workforce, including non-Japanese employees within our company, we study their local cultures and ways of thinking to effectively reflect them in our stories and characters, including the main character.
■ Obey Me!, made exclusively for overseas market, were flooded with 7 million users worldwide
--: Immediately after its release, Obey Me! became a hit the size of all the dozens of titles you have released so far combined. What do you think is the reason for this success?
Of course, the story and characters were well received, but I think a major factor was the change in gameplay from the novel type, where you read the story by paying for tickets. The mainstream Japanese style of acquiring cards through gacha and training them is common in Japan, but there were not many otome games in North American market based on such a system.
--: In a way, that is another manifestation of the "doing something no one else is doing" culture. Gacha raising games are not in the tens of millions of yen (~70,200 USD) unit of development cost of novel games, are they? They cost hundreds of millions of yen. (~702,000 USD)
Yes, we are working with a specialised game development company like Now Production, and the budget which was at a different scale than in the past also posed a challenge.
--: This is also a credit to the Solmare management team who agreed to this. They were willing to take on a challenge with a development cost that was different from anything they had ever done before, and to do it exclusively overseas, without releasing it in Japan. It is also amazing that ObeyP was able to build up credibility within the company.
(Laughs) That’s for sure. Of course, I was not approved solely based on my enthusiasm, but even so, I am very grateful to the company for entrusting me with this project, which was a huge challenge. NTT Solmare's culture of "leaving things to people who want to do them" is also a big part of this.
--: But I don't think any company can just make a product for North America out of the blue. You do not have an overseas base, and in the first place, would you make it mainly with people like ObeyP who are well versed in foreign countries?
Ah, but I can’t speak English? (laughs) Neither have I lived there.
--: What!!?? Is that true? A game with 7 million downloads overseas, is made by someone who can't speak English!?
Since 2012, we have been working on in-house titles for overseas markets, so of course we have been researching what kind of things people like. I have watched all kinds of foreign dramas and movies, and I have also studied foreign animation from the perspective of what local people have grown up watching since childhood. I thought about how people are attracted to scenes like this in romance, and I look at them all the time and think about what kind of style would be acceptable to them.
I often discuss ideas with the translation team, which includes native speakers.
--: That is a very encouraging story. It is not necessarily that you have people who have been in North America for a long time or who are fluent in English.
I feel that we are creating a large-scale app for North America together with businesses and creators who share our vision. By involving external people such as scenario writers and illustrators, the challenge of creating a title that will excite ladies around the world is interesting in and of itself.
--: What countries after North America were your games were being played in overseas?
The USA has the largest number of users and sales, but we also have players in Europe, Southeast Asia, and many other countries.
■ To change from "Obey Me! Overseas" to "Obey Me! Worldwide," including Japan
--: What do you hope to do with Obey Me! from that point onwards?
I would like to expand the enthusiasm of the English-speaking community to other countries, including Japan, and I would like more people to know about the enthusiasm felt by users on social media. I believe that the challenge is how to expand this kind of "fandom" itself.
--: You also worked on a web-animation project for July-December 2021.
Colored Pencil Animation Japan, the creator of the PV, has produced a 12 episode, 5-minute animation, which is available in the app. The first season is streamed by Funimation⁴. The response was quite positive, and we have been streaming the second season since July this year.
--: I think it was also a difficult time for you to proceed as much as you wanted to because of the pandemic. At this magnitude, there is a good chance for an animated TV series, and there is also a chance for commercialisation.
That's right. Since our company has been in the game business for so long, there are still some challenges in animation and merchandising. The second anime season will be available on Crunchyroll⁵ as well as in the app, and we would like to further strengthen overseas development in areas other than games.
However, while it was said to have 7 million downloads, it was during the pandemic, so I never actually saw that "enthusiasm" with my own eyes once. We exhibited on-site in Los Angeles for the first time since the release of the app at AX (Anime Expo) in July 2022, and were able to feel the enthusiasm of our fans that we could not have imagined.
--: That's for sure!! Since events have been completely suspended for the past 2 years, it is difficult to feel the enthusiasm of the 7 million downloads, even though it is a huge achievement.
That is why I would like to actively participate in exhibiting at various events starting this summer, and expand the community both in Japan and overseas along with the amount of enthusiasm. We expect many topics of conversation to spread from this summer.
--: Finally, do you have any message for current and prospective fans of 'Obey Me!'?
Thank you for your continued support of ‘Obey Me!’. The app is now in its third year since its release in 2019, and we hope to continue to provide fresh surprises and lots of emotions so that this title will continue to bring smiles to everyone's faces. Please continue to support Obey Me! and their characters’ lives in the Devildom, Human World, and Celestial Realm.
¹ TL note: The title given here is inaccurate, IMO. Rather than North America only, the number of downloads should include about 160 countries around the world combined, including other English-speaking countries as well as their home country Japan.
² The NTT Group in Japan mainly focuses on telecommunications. As such companies like NTT Solmare stands out among the rest from other companies under the NTT corporation, in which they are working on different aspects from their core service.
³ ‘Joseimuke game’ (女性向けゲーム), a genre of video games that were specifically targeted for the female users. They can range from having mostly male characters without romantical elements, to those that involve romance - known as ‘otome game’ (乙女ゲーム) - such as those from the ‘Shall We Date?’ series of mobile apps. ‘Boy’s Love (BL)’ games are also included in this genre.
⁴ Region restricted. Not available outside of certain regions.
⁵ Region restricted. Not available outside of certain regions.
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NTT、インドで100MWのデータセンター建設に向け、不動産開発会社Prestige Groupと提携へ
コロケーション事業のNTTとPrestige Groupは、インドのバンガロール/ベンガルールに100MWのデータセンター・キャンパスを建設するために提携することを発表しました。 現地不動産開発会社のPrestige Groupは、700ルピー(約8480万米ドル)の取引の一環として、350,000平方フィート(32,500平方メートル)のデータセンタービル3棟をNTT向けに建設することになります。 第一棟は今後12ヶ月以内に完成する見込みです。 プロセス全体は3フェーズに分けて進められ、総賃貸可能エリア100万平方ft(約1.5万平方メートル)の開発が予定されています。 PrestigeはNTTとの契約についてコメントを差し控えましたが、同社のCEOであるJuggy Marwaha氏はCIO Newsに対し、次のように語っています。…
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Lori Feller - Global Business Services - Global Partner, Watson AI & Quantum Computing
Come Think with us - March 19–22 in Las Vegas. Think 2018 is the flagship IBM conference that gathers thinkers like you to learn, innovate, and make the world of business work smarter ibm.com/think2018#think2018
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“The world’s first blockchain-powered elections just happened in Sierra Leone http://flip.it/5pFwud”
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IBM brings its Power9 servers with Nvidia GPUs to its cloud | TechCrunch
IBM is hosing its annual THINK conference to packed halls in Las Vegas this week. Given how important its cloud business has become to its bottom line, it’s no surprise that this event features its fair share of cloud news. Among today’s announcements is the launch of the third generation of Power Systems servers in the IBM Cloud. This comes a day after Google also confirmed that it is using these processors in its data centers, too.
These servers are designed around the recently launched Power9 RISC processor (which are themselves the latest generation of the PowerPC processors Apple once used) and Nvidia Tesla V100 GPUs. Thanks to their use of the high-speed NVLink interface, these machines are especially powerful when it comes to training machine learning models.
In addition, IBM is also bringing its PowerAI distribution to the cloud. PowerAI is essentially IBM’s deep learning platform that supports frameworks like TensorFlow, Torch and Caffe, as well as IBM’s own deep learning frameworks. Given that PowerAI has long been optimized for exactly the kind of Power servers IBM is now bringing to its Cloud (the AC922, to be exact), it’s no surprise that PowerAI will be available in the Cloud, too.
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Bumble CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd is coming to Disrupt SF – Trending
More on https://ift.tt/2xWAbvc
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