jamesgarrett864 · 3 months
Strengthen Your Glutes and Core with the One-Legged Bridge Move
<h2>Master the One-Legged Bridge for a Better Butt and Core</h2> <p>Trying to strength train your lower body without neglecting your core strength? The one-legged bridge is a go-to exercise that hits both targets. While it may seem basic, perfecting your form on this move is key to reaping all the rewards. Let's breakdown the proper technique.</p> <h3>How to Set Up</h3> <p>Start by laying on your back with a yoga mat for comfort. Bend one knee and plant your foot firmly on the ground. Then straighten your other leg up towards the ceiling. Make sure both hips and shoulders are pressed firmly into the mat.</p> <h3>Lift Off</h3> <p>Engage your glutes and hamstrings to slowly lift your hips upwards. Your body should form a straight line from knees to shoulders. Pause when your hips are directly above your planted knee. Squeeze your booty to maintain the position - you should feel the burn building already!</p> <h3>Halftime Adjustments</h3> <p>Check that both legs remain parallel as you hold the top position. It's easy for your straight leg to wiggle, so stay tight. Your back should also stay pressed into the mat without arching upwards. Lower back down by inches to complete one rep.</p> <h3>Run Through the Circuit</h3> <p>Repeat for 12-15 reps on each leg, resting 30 seconds in between. Aim for 3 sets total. Focus on slow, controlled motions to really challenge your core stability. In no time, you'll be lifting a lifted ~booty~ with one bridging leg after another!</p> <h3>Benefits of the Single-Legger</h3> <p>Compared to basic bridges, the one-legged version takes your results to the next lvl. In addition to sculpting a tighter rear, it improves hip mobility and balance. Your core gets an extra burn stabilizing on just one plant foot. Best of all, it's a move you can do almost anywhere - so get lifting those legs for stronger glutes and abs!</p>
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jamesgarrett864 · 3 months
Making the Move from Friends to More: Navigating the Ups and Downs of Going from Buds to Boyfriends
<h1>Buds to Boyfriends: Making the Jump from Friends to More</h1> <p>Have you ever wondered how good pals can become great couples? Turning a friendship romantic isn't always easy, but it can lead to an amazing relationship if you handle it right. This guide will walk you through some of the ups and downs of taking that scary step from friendzone to boyfriend zone.</p> <h2>The Awkward Adjustment Period</h2> <p>Deciding to date your bestie means things will get a little strange at first. You'll both need to figure out how to act now that hanging out means there could be hand-holding or kissing involved. Defining these new boundaries between friends and 'more than friends' takes some getting used to.</p> <p>For ex, you were totally comfortable telling your bud about your bad date or messy breakup before. But now those convos might feel too private or personal. The silent moments while you relearn what's okay to share can feel super awkward! Taking things slow and talking through any uncertainty helps ease into the transition.</p> <h2>Amping Up the Affection</h2> <p>With friendship comes familiarity, but romance adds a whole new level of intimacy. Cuddles and affectionate gestures were no-gos as friends, so opening up emotionally and physically takes practice. Finding the right balance between couple time and bro time is a challenge many bestie-turned-boyfriends face at this stage.</p> <p>Fights over personal space or misunderstood signs of liking each other may arise too. Compromise and clear communication are key for navigating these hurdles as you strengthen your bond beyond a platonic pal partnership.</p> <h2>Hinting at Heart Eyes</h2> <p>Even with a bumpy start, certain signs suggested the shift from bros to boyfriends was destined. Did you...</p> <ul> <li>Start texting non-stop to chat or check-in?</li> <li>Confide your true feelings instead of shrugging them off?</li> <li>Notice cute habits and good looks you hadn't before?</li> </ul> <p>Caring more, flirting harder and feelings intensifying are telltale signs budding attraction can't be ignored. Taking a chance on romance with your bestie might be the best decision - as long as you remember why you clicked as friends in the first place.</p>
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jamesgarrett864 · 3 months
5 Tips to Capture a Virgo Girl's Heart and Win Her Affection
<h2>How to Win the Heart of a Virgo Girl</h2> <p>Landing a Virgo girl is no easy feat. They tend to be logical, cautious, and have high standards for relationships. However, with the right strategy, you can definitely succeed in capturing her affection.</p> <h3>Show Your Sincerity</h3> <p>Virgos pay close attention to details and authenticity, so be upfront about who you are from the start. Don't try to hide flaws or pretend to be someone you're not. She'll see right through any insincerity. Earn her trust by keeping it real.</p> <h3>Give Her Space</h3> <p>Independence is key for a Virgo babe. Don't smother her with attention or restrict her freedoms. Let things progress naturally without coming on too strong. She'll appreciate you respecting her need for autonomy.</p> <h3>Find Common Ground</h3> <p>Focus conversastions on shared hobbies and interests to help break the ice. Talking about music, movies, or whatever you both enjoy is a great way to bond. Who knows, you might even discover a new hobby in common!</p> <h3>Highlight Your Best Traits</h3> <p>Virgos look for trustworthy, reliable guys. Show off your strengths like responsibility, patience, and attentiveness. Little things like opening doors or remembering little details will impress her analytical mind.</p> <h3>Give Her Security</h3> <p>More than anything, she wants to feel secure. Prove that she can depend on you through good times and bad. A shoulder to lean on and a kind word of reassurance are what will make her feel safe with you.</p> <p>Wooing a Virgo takes effort, but implementing these tips should help you win her over. With sincerity, space, shared interests, highlighted strengths, and security, your Virgo queen's heart could soon be yours.</p>
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jamesgarrett864 · 4 months
Unmask the Truth About Promiscuous and Gold-Digging Relationships
<h1>The Truth About Promiscuous and Gold-Digging Women</h1> <p>The terms "promiscuous" and "gold-digging" often come up together in discussions about irresponsible attitudes in relationships. Both represent behaviors that can seriously hurt others. Let's take a closer look at what these terms really mean and the kinds of actions they involve.</p> <h2>What Does It Mean to Be Promiscuous?</h2> <p>Being "promiscuous" means pursuing romantic connections in unhealthy ways that disrespect your partners. Promiscuous people treat relationships lightly and change partners often without thinking of how it affects the other person. They seem to always want something new and exciting, never feeling fully satisfied.</p> <h3>Typical Promiscuous Behaviors</h3> <p>Some common signs of a promiscuous attitude include:</p> <ul> <li>Flirting with or dating multiple people at the same time without their knowledge or consent.</li> <li>Jumping quickly from one relationship to the next without taking time to properly end the previous one.</li> <li>Making empty promises to attract partners but with no intention of real commitment.</li> <li>Cheating or breaking trust with partners due to lack of self-control over desires.</li> </ul> <h2>What Does It Mean to Be a Gold-Digger?</h2> <p>Being a "gold-digger" refers to using people for their money or possessions rather than genuinely caring for them. A gold-digger pursues relationships mainly to get access to luxuries rather than love. They may manipulate partners emotionally to get expensive gifts or not treat them well as people.</p> <h3>Common Gold-Digger Tendencies</h3> <p>Some signs that indicate a gold-digging personality:</p> <ul> <li>Dating people only for their wealth, fame or status rather than who they are.</li> <li>Making expensive demands but not putting much into the relationship emotionally.</li> <li>Dropping partners quickly once their assets seem less promising.</li> <li>Using charm or affection to trick people into spending money on them.</li> </ul> <h2>Harmful Effects of These Behaviors</h2> <p>Being promiscuous or a gold-digger can devastate partners and relationships. Actions like cheating, insincere commitments and using people gain material benefits rather than care deeply for them as individuals are selfish and heartbreaking for the other person. Both reflect an immature view of love that disrespects others' feelings. Ultimately these behaviors only leave people feeling empty and used.</p> <p>True caring relationships are built on mutual trust, respect, honesty and willingness to support a partner's well-being as much as one's own. While passion alone does not define healthy love, valuing someone for who they are - not what they can offer - is vital. With maturity usually comes understanding this important distinction.</p>
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jamesgarrett864 · 4 months
Master Your Emotions and Connect With Others: The Key to Emotional Intelligence
<h2>What is Emotional Intelligence?</h2> <p>Most people only have a vague idea of what emotional intelligence means. They associate it with things like being able to communicate well, making others feel comfortable, and having a good sense of humor. But there's more to it than that.</p> <h3>Girls and Guys Don't Always See Eye-to-Eye</h3> <p>Some girls see "high emotional intelligence" as the standard for how guys should act. But if a guy says something that puts her in a bad light, she may immediately label him as "low emotional intelligence." Really, she's just trying to switch things up so she comes out on top. </p> <p>I remember chatting with one girl who said I had low emotional intelligence. But when I asked her to explain what it meant, she couldn't give a clear answer. She seemed to be judging me based more on her feelings in the moment than any real definition.</p> <h3>What is Emotional Intelligence Really?</h3> <p>My brother once gave a talk where he said calling someone "high emotional intelligence" is misleading. Girls use it mostly to put guys down, and many don't fully grasp what it entails. However, for insecure guys who hear this, it can lead them to doubt themselves and their self-worth, bringing on negative emotions that affect their mindset and behavior.</p> <p>IQ measures how smart you are with facts and thinking. But EQ measures your <strong>emotional quotient</strong> - your ability to understand your own and others' feelings, express emotions appropriately, and handle relationships in a healthy way. Someone with high EQ stays in control of their emotions and gets along well with others, while low EQ means being withdrawn, insecure, moody or short-tempered.</p> <h3>Knowing Yourself is Key</h3> <p>Your own worst enemy is yourself, not other people. Only by truly understanding who you are can you stay grounded when things go right, without getting a big head. A few of my students found more dating success lately. But as wins piled up, they started to act cocky - and we all know pride comes before a fall. Soon they were putting themselves down in front of girls and hitting roadblocks. It shows not recognizing your real abilities and how that impacts your confidence.</p> <p>Facing setbacks is inevitable. How you handle them depends on accurately knowing your strengths, weaknesses, goals and values deep down. Staying true to yourself is what lets outside factors bounce off instead of knocking you down.</p> <h3>Take Control of Your Thoughts</h3> <p>Our actions start in the mind. Controlling your thoughts means being clear on your intentions and sticking to a plan, even when distractions like rejection try to throw you off course. Stay self-aware in conversations - notice if emotions start steering you away from your goals. Get thoughts back on track before behavior unravels. This improves emotional control and social skills.</p> <h3>Use Humor to Connect</h3> <p>Everyone appreciates a sense of humor. It creates relaxing vibes that draw people in. Even rejection feels less harsh when softened by a laugh. So find the funny side of life and share it! A good chuckle is a gift that keeps relationships light and fun.</p> <p>How's this revision? I aimed for clearer explanations, smoother transitions, more engaging wording and a structured HTML format for easy reading. Please let me know if any part needs further improvement.
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jamesgarrett864 · 4 months
Navigating Physical Affection Gently: A Guide to Showing Care Through Touch
<h1>A Gentle Guide to Physical Affection</h1> <p>When a date goes well, the next step can be figuring out how to show physical care toward your partner. Touching isn't always as awkward as some assume - it just takes mutual comfort, especially from her perspective. The right contact can both test feelings and deepen closeness when done respectfully.</p> <h2>Starting Soft</h2> <p>At first, go easy. A light, casual touch lets you gauge her response without pressure. If she seems uneasy, back off for now rather than push. Spending more quality time together nurtures trust, paving the way for warmer moments down the line.</p> <h2>Progressing Peacefully</h2> <p>Physical intimacy warrants patience. Rather than expecting everything all at once, allow your relationship to blossom gradually through affection handled with care. Some friendly ideas to consider:</p> <ul> <li>A kind hand on her shoulder can start things sweet.</li> <li>Holding hands feels fond when the mood is right.</li> <li>Hugs say you're happy to have her near.</li> </ul> <p>Read her lead - pull back instantly if she tenses. Forced moves will only damage what could develop naturally over time.</p> <h2>Setting the Scene</h2> <p>Consider your surroundings too. Busy streets suit brief, light touches but intimate embraces warrant privacy. A walk in the park or quiet cafe creates a cozy environment for bonding without distraction. Your date will feel comfortable opening up.</p> <h2>Following Her Flow</h2> <p>Each person prefers their own pace. Let your partner steer how close you become rather than relying on rules. Thoughtful check-ins keep things comfortable, building the trust that true caring requires. Wherever your relationship may lead, proceed together with patience, respect - and plenty of fun along the way!</p> <h3>The Bottom Line</h3> <p>Relationships are a dance, not an exam with right answers. Focus on understanding your partner as a person above any formulas. Communication and consent will serve you far better than manuals ever could.</p>
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jamesgarrett864 · 4 months
3 Smooch Strategies to Make Her Smile and Stay
<h2>3 Smooth Moves to Make Her Melt</h2> <p>Shooting your shot with a cute girl isn't always easy - there are tons of little things that can go wrong if you're not careful. But don't stress, dudes! I've got your back with some foolproof tips to leave her begging for more.</p> <h3>1. Test the Waters</h3> <p>Before going in for the kiss, give her a light nudge first. Get real close and whisper something silly in her ear - this lets you read her body language. If she's laughing or doesn't pull away, it's game on! But always check she's okay with your moves.</p> <h3>2. Go in for the Hug</h3> <p>When you're ready to smooch, wrap those arms around her. Girls love feeling protected, so an embrace is mega romantic. Stroke her hair gently as you lean in slow. Don't dive straight in though - build anticipation for an even sweeter moment.</p> <h3>3. Keep it Short and Sweet</h3> <p>Even the hottest kiss can overstay its welcome. With her first kiss especially, end it after a few seconds max. Long make-out sessions are for later - you want her wanting more! Leave her hanging just a little, and she'll be dreaming of round two. You played it cool, dude - nice work!</p> <p>Remember boys, communication and consent are key here. Pay attention to her signals, move at her pace, and most of all - have fun! Try these tips for a kiss that leaves her totally smitten.</p>
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jamesgarrett864 · 4 months
Master Indoor Cycling With These 5 Beginner Tips
<h2>A Beginner's Guide to Indoor Cycling</h2> <p>Indoor cycling is a great full-body workout that provides major benefits with minimal impact on your joints. Beyond just using your leg muscles, it's also important to engage your core for better form and endurance. In this beginner's guide, we'll break down the basics of getting the most out of your indoor cycling sessions safely and effectively.</p> <h3>Pick the Right Class for Your Fitness Level</h3> <p>Indoor cycling classes come in a variety of intensities, so starting with easier options is key. Look for "Beginner" or "Level 1" classes that allow you to find your rhythm without going too hard too fast. Most bikes have adjustable resistance levels too, so you can always decrease resistance as needed. After a few weeks of regular lower-intensity sessions, you'll be ready to gradually increase your strength and speed by incorporating more intermediate classes.</p> <h3>Choose a Great Instructor</h3> <p>An experienced indoor cycling instructor will help you perfect your form and pacing while keeping the energy high. Ask the gym staff for recommendations on who motivates riders of all levels. A good instructor will also match the playlist to the workout intensity and structure intervals of hard sprinting mixed with brief recoveries to push your limits safely.</p> <h3>Set Up Your Bike Properly</h3> <p>Take a few minutes before class to ensure your bike is dialed in. Raise or lower the saddle until your leg is nearly fully extended at the bottom of each pedal stroke. Check that screws and bolts feel tight too - won't wanna go wobbling all over the place! Spin the pedals by hand to confirm smoothness before cranking it into gear.</p> <h3>Hydrate and Dress the Part</h3> <p>Indoor cycling is sweaty business! Pack a water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the session. Opt for breathable workout clothes too - cotton will just leave you soggy. Don't forget your gym towel either, as nothing feels better than a fresh wipe down once the cool down begins. Proper hydration and layering will have you feeling energized instead of exhausted post-ride.</p> <h3>Listen to Your Body and Keep Pedaling</h3> <p>High-intensity interval training is tough but effective for improving fitness. Pay attention during sprint segments and recoveries - your form and breathing will thank you. It's okay to take breaks if needed, but try pushing a little further each visit. Consistency is key, so don't forget to enjoy the process of getting stronger!</p> <p>Indoor cycling offers a fun full-body workout that leaves you feeling empowered. Keep these beginner tips in mind, always listen to your body, and you'll be spinning your way to better health in no time. Happy riding!</p>
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jamesgarrett864 · 4 months
How China's Top Social Media Platform Weibo Is Energizing Soccer Fans for the 2022 Qatar World Cup
<h1>Global Football Festival Returns for 2022 World Cup</h1> <p>The biggest football tournament in the world is back again! The 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar will kick off in November. On November 4, Chinese social media platform Weibo announced a plan to work with content creators to share exciting stories and discussions around the World Cup.</p> <p>This year's World Cup will be the first held in winter instead of summer. It will also be the first time the tournament has been hosted in the Middle East. Even though Qatar is 5 hours ahead of China, the World Cup is still a huge event that people all over the world will want to follow.</p> <p>In the past, fans in China have always used Weibo to talk about matches and post funny memes during big tournaments like the World Cup or Olympics. The number of people reading and commenting about "#QatarWorldCup" on Weibo has been growing each day as the start of the competition gets closer.</p> <h2>Weibo's plans to engage fans</h2> <p>Weibo wants to build on how popular the platform was for discussing past World Cups and Olympics. They will work with media companies, influencers, and other content creators to share expert analysis, news, and different perspectives about the tournament. This will help fans from all backgrounds find interesting things to read. Weibo also aims to use their "social sharing" tools to deeply involve users in World Cup atmosphere and help public figures grow their online profiles.</p> <p>In the next month, Weibo will partner with media, influencers like athletes and commentators, and other creators to produce high-quality World Cup content. Partner content will get special promotion on Weibo's platform, like exposure to trending topics. Partners can also get benefits such as verification badges, exposure to millions of users, and cash rewards for successful collaborations.</p> <p>A Weibo representative said they want to offer partners customized support and get them excited to share their talents. For example, fans might learn about matches from a player's perspective or get analysis from an Olympic gold medalist in another sport. Media partners can break exclusive news stories. Creative content from influencers in different areas might also spark new online discussions.</p> <h2>Platform features for World Cup viewing</h2> <p>Though the World Cup has not started yet, Weibo is ready to enhance the fan experience. Recommendation pages and other key areas of the app now showcase football-related updates in an immersive way. Weibo will also link with their news app to share content across different viewing surfaces. Live match discussions and community forums have been improved too. More interactive features will roll out before the first games kick off later this year.</p> <p>During the 2018 World Cup, a report found Weibo was very effective at bringing together Chinese football fans. Its large user base and social tools let everyone join in watching and talking about matches. By expanding partnerships now, Weibo hopes to keep strengthening its position as a top platform for experiencing major sports events socially in the years ahead.</p>
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jamesgarrett864 · 4 months
Nvidia's CFO Explains Graphics Card Supply Set to Stabilize by Q4's End
<h3>Nvidia Provides Updates on Gaming Product Business and Graphics Card Supply</h3> <p>According to a report from WccfTech, at Credit Suisse's 26th Annual Technology Conference, Nvidia chief financial officer Colette Kress provided comments on Nvidia's gaming product business and channel inventory levels.</p> <p>Colette Kress noted that Nvidia expects graphics card supply to stabilize by the end of the fourth quarter and reach a balanced level. After this, Nvidia will plan to launch their new RTX 40 series products.</p> <p>When asked about the RTX 4090 graphics card, Colette Kress said that the RTX 4090 sold out within its first two weeks of release. This demonstrates the industry's recognition of Nvidia and also shows that gaming continues to be an important entertainment industry regardless of the time of year or current market conditions.</p> <p>IT Home understands that some higher-end models of the RTX 4090 and RTX 4080 can currently be purchased in stock, while lower-end models are available through pre-order. Meanwhile, reference models have consistently sold out immediately upon release.</p>
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jamesgarrett864 · 4 months
Xbox Officially Recommends Upcoming Epic MMORPG Chrono Odyssey
<h3>Xbox Officially Recommends Upcoming Open-World Game Chrono Odyssey</h3> <p>On May 4th, Xbox published an official news article specifically recommending the game Chrono Odyssey, developed by the South Korean studio NPIXEL using Unreal Engine 5. Xbox shared gameplay footage running on actual hardware.</p> <p>In the article, NPIXEL stated that the Xbox version of Chrono Odyssey will provide players with "an unmatched visual experience" in the form of a "vast and seamless open world." Microsoft described the game as a "Next-Generation Open-World MMORPG."</p> <p>Chrono Odyssey will feature large-scale battles, expansive map exploration with 18 character job systems, and an epic storyline. The game's music is composed by Cris Velasco, known for his work on soundtracks for titles such as Resident Evil 7 and God of War.</p>
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jamesgarrett864 · 4 months
Ningjia Automobile Unveils Their New All-Electric Ningjia X SUV with Range Up To 501KM
<h3>Ningjia Automobile Launches All-New Ningjia X Electric SUV</h3> <p>On October 18th, Ningjia Automobile announced the launch of its all-new pure electric SUV model, the Ningjia X. There are 4 trim levels available with guide prices ranging from RMB 126,800 to 146,800.</p> <p>Additionally, the first batch of customers who place an order before November 30th will enjoy limited-time benefits. This includes a RMB 2,000 deposit offsetting RMB 20,000 in value, as well as a RMB 33,000 user package. With these bundles, the effective price range is RMB 108,800 to 128,800.</p> <p>At the same time, Ningjia Automobile unveiled the all-new Yunhe platform. Intended for global mainstream markets, it supports sedan, SUV and MPV body styles from segment A0 to B+ in various drivetrain configurations. Shared components exceed 80%, and the newly launched Ningjia X is the debut model built on this modular platform.</p> <p>The sports-oriented Ningjia GT was also introduced today in two variants. The 560 trim is priced at RMB 197,800 while the all-wheel drive 580 trim is RMB 235,800.</p> <p>The Ningjia X adopts a fresh design language up front with separate headlights flanking a enclosed grille. L-shaped daytime running lights lend an energetic look. Conventional door handles are used instead of hidden ones for better usability. A floating roofline increases styling flair.</p> <p>In back, wraparound lights flow nicely into the tail. Three-dimensional lines enhance the vehicle's athletic attitude. Dimensions include a length of 4,619mm, width of 1,860mm, and height of 1,628mm on a 2,770mm wheelbase, classifying it as a compact SUV.</p> <p>The cabin features an 8.9-inch instrument cluster and central 15.6-inch touchscreen powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip for smooth performance. Soft-touch materials cover 80% of the interior for luxury appeal.</p> <p>Power comes from a permanent magnet synchronous electric motor rated at 120kW. Top speed is 150kph with two available certified range options: 401km or 501km on a single charge.</p>
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jamesgarrett864 · 5 months
BYD to Provide Blade Batteries to Tesla Soon, Says Executive
<h2>BYD to Soon Supply Batteries to Tesla, Says Executive</h2> <p>On June 8, according to a foreign media report, a BYD executive said on Wednesday local time that the company will soon supply batteries to Tesla.</p> <p>BYD got its start in batteries and currently has fully independent research and development, design, and production capabilities for batteries. Now, the company is the world's largest manufacturer of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. It has long committed to providing batteries to other automakers like Toyota.</p> <p>In March 2020, the company launched Blade Battery, a lithium iron phosphate battery with ultra-long lifespan and driving range. Compared to alternatives on the market, the Blade Battery has a smaller size and is considered safer than traditional electric vehicle batteries.</p> <p>BYD is not interested in monopolizing the Blade Battery. Instead, it is willing to cooperate with global partners to achieve mutually beneficial results.</p> <p>As early as August 2021, there were rumors that Tesla would use BYD's Blade Battery. At that time, sources said BYD would first supply Blade Batteries to Tesla in the second quarter of 2022. In February of this year, rumors again emerged that Tesla and BYD were close to an agreement on Blade Batteries.</p> <p>While Tesla has its own battery production capabilities, it also relies on partners to help meet demand. The company's other battery suppliers include CATL, Panasonic, and LG Energy Solution.</p>
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jamesgarrett864 · 5 months
TSMC Achieves Highest Yields of Up to 80% on New 3nm Chip Manufacturing Process
<h2>TSMC's 3nm Process Enters Mass Production, Yield Estimates Reach 80%</h2> <p>According to a January 4<sup>th</sup> report from Taiwan's Commercial Times, TSMC's 3nm manufacturing process has entered mass production. Semiconductor experts estimate that TSMC's 3nm process can achieve a maximum yield rate as high as 80%. Foreign media sources revealed that Qualcomm's next-generation Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chip will be sourced from both Samsung and TSMC, with TSMC expected to supply the majority of chipsets. This is possibly due to differences in yield rates between the two manufacturers.</p> <p>Qualcomm's Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chips were exclusively manufactured by TSMC. However, last November some sources told foreign media that Qualcomm was considering awarding production orders for the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 to Samsung instead, as TSMC's 3nm mass production timeline was uncertain at that time. TSMC had delayed the start of its own 3nm mass production.</p> <p>Information obtained by IT Home confirms that TSMC's 3nm process has now smoothly transitioned to mass production. At a ceremony last week marking the start of 3nm mass production and expansion, TSMC Chairman Liu De-yin stated that the 3nm process's current yield rates are now equivalent to those of the 5nm process during its mass production period. Conservative yield estimates from semiconductor experts place the 3nm rate at around 60-70%, while some industry analysts estimate it could reach 75-80%.</p> <p>In terms of Samsung's 3nm process, Taiwanese media reported that Samsung's 4nm production had faced bottlenecks previously, and yield rates for their 3nm GAA process were said to be only around 10-20%.</p>
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jamesgarrett864 · 5 months
Hannover 96 Take Momentum into Dynamo Dresden Clash
<h3>Hannover 96 host Dynamo Dresden in German 2nd Division clash</h3> <p>The match between Hannover 96 and Dynamo Dresden in the 20th round of the German 2nd Division will kick off at 8:30pm Beijing time on January 23, 2022. The biggest highlight is how Hannover 96 have been in hot form recently, after knocking Bundesliga side Mönchengladbach out of the German Cup. Can they use this momentum to defeat Dynamo Dresden as well?</p> <h4>Overseas Intelligence</h4> <p>1. Hannover 96's 19-year-old youngster shines in German Cup</p> <p>In the concluded German Cup round of 16 last week, Hannover 96's 19-year old Bayer scored two goals to help his side upset Bundesliga club Mönchengladbach 3-0 and advance to the German Cup quarterfinals, giving the team a big boost in morale.</p> <p>2. Hannover 96's general manager to depart at season's end</p> <p>Fischer took over as Hannover 96's general manager in July 2021. However, the club recently announced he will leave after this season concludes. Hannover 96 have performed middling so far this campaign, currently placed mid-table in the German 2nd Division.</p> <p>3. Dabrowski's success since Hannover takeover</p> <p>Hannover boss Dabrowski started his coaching career at the club, becoming reserves coach in July 2018 before replacing the first team manager last December. Under him, the team achieved the outstanding record of 4 wins and 1 loss in their next 5 matches. After the winter break, they have now won two straight.</p> <p>4. Dynamo Dresden extend contracts with two key players</p> <p>According to reports, Dynamo Dresden recently renewed defender Klingenburg and goalkeeper Broll, both regular first-team players this season.</p> <p><i>Special statement: The views and opinions in this article are solely those of the author. All information is for reference purposes of netizens only.</i></p>
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jamesgarrett864 · 5 months
Ford to Cut up to 8,000 Jobs and Ramp up Electric Vehicle Production
<h2>Ford to Lay Off Up to 8,000 Employees in the Coming Weeks</h2> <p>According to a report from foreign media on July 21st, an informed source revealed that Ford will lay off up to 8,000 employees in the coming weeks to invest more resources into the development of electric vehicles.</p> <p>The source said that the layoffs may be carried out in stages and could start as early as this summer. The report stated that Ford currently has around 31,000 salaried employees in the US, and most of the layoffs are expected to occur in the US and will involve salaried employees in multiple different operational departments at Ford.</p> <p>Currently, Ford is increasing its research and development efforts for electric vehicles. In order to maintain competitiveness and take the lead in the new era of smart connected electric vehicles, the company plans to invest more than $50 billion from 2022 to 2026 for research and development of electrified vehicle models and battery technologies.</p> <p>In recent years, electric vehicle sales in the United States have boomed, intensifying the crisis mentality of traditional automakers and forcing them to accelerate their shift towards the electric vehicle sector.</p> <p>In December last year, Ford CEO Jim Farley said Ford hopes to increase electric vehicle production to 600,000 units within two years.</p> <p>In early April this year, Ford forecast that its annual electric vehicle production in 2026 will exceed 2 million units; by 2030, electric vehicle sales will account for 50% of the company's global sales; and the goal of full carbon neutrality will be achieved by 2050.</p> <p>In early March, Ford announced a business restructuring that separates its electric vehicle and internal combustion engine businesses into two independent divisions to achieve fast growth of its electric vehicle business. After the split, the electric vehicle and internal combustion engine businesses will remain under Ford.</p> <p>In March this year, Ford acknowledged that its electric vehicle project will not be profitable until at least 2025, when the next generation of models will hit the market.</p>
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jamesgarrett864 · 5 months
Tianya Community Forum Temporarily Suspends Access, Generating Discussion
On May 28th, the temporary suspension of access to the Tianya community forum earlier this year sparked heated discussions among many people born in the 1960s, 1970s and even some in the 1990s. Recently, the official Weibo account of the "Tianya community" released a long post - "Green mountains do not block the distant sky - Announcement on the temporary suspension of access service of Tianya community and other related situations". It responded to the issues of the website being inaccessible and some subsequent plans. Tianya indicated that due to difficulties in cash flow, the accumulated arrears of telecom IDC fees over the past few years have reached a state where further coordination and negotiation is impossible. In addition, some technical problems with the platform itself were also discovered and need technical upgrades, data reconstruction and product streamlining. Therefore, Tianya community had no choice but to temporarily suspend access services. Tianya also highly values the security of user data assets. Through coordination, it recently received strong support from relevant government departments and telecom operators in this regard. In order to help Tianya community resume services to netizens, some former employees of Tianya community such as Song Zheng (online name Xiaohei), the former executive editor, and some senior members voluntarily organized the "Seven nights and seven days, restart Tianya" activity. Starting today, they will broadcast non-stop for seven days and seven nights (on Douyin). The funds raised from the live broadcasts will be used entirely to pay the relevant fees required to resume access for Tianya community. In the announcement, Tianya pointed out that it will continue upholding the vision of being the "global home for Chinese communities online", and continue to be the most warm-hearted, humanity-caring and heart-warming virtual community in the internet world with the most "people-centric" style. It will focus on its own advantages, positioning itself as an indigenous content and social platform for mobile users, with simplicity and a return to a clean and concise style like in early Tianya days. Meanwhile, by leveraging the big data accumulated from Tianya users, it can jointly launch digital assistant or digital avatar services with major artificial intelligence service platforms. By taking advantage of opportunities from the Hainan Free Trade Port, it can also provide member-based social e-commerce services for Tianya users by strictly selecting global consumer premium products.
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