jackofindiana · 29 days
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There is no feeling like finding out you had unsupervised access to the internet while still high from the wisdom tooth drugs. I pray to find nothing more.
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jackofindiana · 2 months
Oh, the painful existence of my drawing utensils.
A drafting pencil imported from a foreign region, a bright and colorful set of fine pointed pens; each tool hoping to assist an aspiring artist in translating the essence of their life for the world to perceive.
But alas, the only future my tools face is one of calculations and engineering homework. The only light of hope still shining in their lives is the prospect of possibly, maybe, hopefully being able to experience a shred of pleasure in drawing a conceptual aircraft.
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jackofindiana · 2 months
Fear not, for the grind shall recommence tomorrow morning. Who needs mental rest anyways?
I’m acquiring knowledge, totally calculation-pilled.
I got chalk, ima be huffing that shit while doing differential equations.
Ima wear my glasses tomorrow so I’ll be smarter, hell I’ll wear the whole armor set so I’ll have the set bonus.
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jackofindiana · 2 months
I rarely come on here anymore. Seeing the date on this post flashed something back into my head. I wrote the original post at 2 am after walking through muddy fields looking for the body of my friend.
Please cherish your friends, their company or even just their existence.
I don’t know how to explain it but when I look at my old posts I feel as if I have dishonored my bloodline. In desperate need of a redemption arc rn
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jackofindiana · 4 months
I don’t know how to explain it but when I look at my old posts I feel as if I have dishonored my bloodline. In desperate need of a redemption arc rn
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jackofindiana · 2 years
Gonna get a titanium cap on one of my canines to shotgun beer cans with.
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jackofindiana · 2 years
Some dude is in the stall next to me in the dorm bathroom and the only thing between his feet and the tainted ground is a pair of socks. I feel unclean with even a half inch of rubber on my flip flops. Some people have just been broken.
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jackofindiana · 3 years
Well guys, I did it. The Trojan condoms lasted 45 minutes until splitting. I can say definitively that I enjoyed every second of the experience. I was a bit disappointed that I had to put my flip flop back on and couldn’t feel the dorm shower floor anymore. On the bright side, the condom on my other foot was doing fine, so my left foot was getting the full experience.
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jackofindiana · 3 years
Dropping tungsten bricks out of my dorm window in my free time.
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jackofindiana · 3 years
Showing up to my engineering class late and saying, “Sorry I’m late, I found a sandwich in my fridge and I wanted to eat it,”
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jackofindiana · 3 years
Time traveling back to 1950s-60s America and causality dropping “The Soviet takeover” Then having Joseph McCarthy hook a car battery to my nipples in a CIA warehouse.
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jackofindiana · 3 years
Just spotted a dude with no shoes on in a dorm bathroom stall. Tell me about risk taking and employable.
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