What fascinates me about the NFL
The Culture
American Football is traditionally a sport confined to Northern America and it’s the supreme sport in the US (generating $15 billion of revenue in 2019) and warranting an unofficial national holiday dedicated to the Super Bowl. 
The sport garners the most viewers out of any sport, and there’s a party-like atmoshere to Sunday’s (”gameday”) where it’s opportunity for friends and family to get together to watch the big games. Tail-gating takes place outside the host stadiums where fans cook food and drink alcohol hours before the game starts. 
It only ramps up as the playoff season gets underway and the whole league is decided in one final game - the superbowl. 100 million people watch and people meet up for superbowl parties to watch the action together. It’s the second-highest day of food consumption after Thanksgiving (to give an idea of how big a celebration it is) 
There is no sport like it in terms designing down to the smallest details and the preparation-to-action ratio. 
11 minutes of action in a 3-4 hour broadcast can turn some people off, and it’s criticism for being a stop-start game may be warranted. But I think that level of preparation in sports is unmatched. It’s a chess match of gameplans and strategies executed by near olympic-level athletes. 
It’s so specialised, each player having a different roll, and three different units (offense, defense, special teams) so players only focus on either defense or attack and not both - allowing them to refine their skills to an even-higher level.
The fact that plays are predesigned and rehearsed hundreds of times means these elite athletes can play at 100 mph with reckless abandon. 
Unlike sports like tennis, association football, rugby, American Footballers aren’t challenged to play over an hour of non-stop action. They don’t have to conserve energy and can go full pelt.
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Example of something that I can delve into - Salary Cap
(The image above shows salary cap as numbers. To me or anyone, that image isn’t a great explanation of concept. Representing information in a different, simpler, more instructive and visual way will be beneficial for an outside audience to engage and understand, but also myself as design ideas will emerge from viewing concepts in different ways.)
Salary cap is a thing in NFL where each team can spend up to $200 million on 53 players’ contracts in that year. It’s a case of different teams having different philosophies on how to win. Do they spend 125 million on having a good offense and have a weakened defense. Or do you spend $35 million on the quarterback position which is the most important position but then hamper your supporting units.
It’s a quite transparent process where every fan thinks they can be a better general manager and delegate funds.
As a concept it’s cool, it could be a potential teaching point or metaphor for teaching kids about business, governments and departments and distribution of funds. 
Or I think about super young kids learning maths and ‘dividing the pie’ or whatever. That’s a phrase used in the NFL. 
The concept of drafting and cheaper projections is also interesting.
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Zone coverages and the mapping that goes into them, there design and illustration for understanding is something that interests me visually. 
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Even if the language is foreign, and it makes no sense to non-football fans, the mapping is interesting and you want to know what’s happening. 
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It’s at the most complex end of the NFL and just a glimpse of some of the strategic design that goes in to each play. 
It is something I want to learn more about and I think there is an interesting beauty in its very strategical design that could inspire some form of design
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NFL Free Agency - amid coronavirus
It’s mid-march and NFL Free Agency is underway. Teams are signing players that have managed to hit the open market. Although this time marks the middle of the offseason and there will be no competitive play for 6 months, this period can define the success each team will have in the upcoming year. American Football is such a part of people’s lives that even in this period interest is so high in what each team is doing to strengthen.
It’s particularly prevalent this year, as all the major sports leagues have shutdown due to the international pandemic. For sports fans this is the only action and news they can get their hands on, and there are extreme reactions by fans either ecstatic or, more often, appauled by the decisions their teams have made. 
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The design that goes into playcalling is facinating. Offensive coaches designing against defensive coaches. Reacting to tendencies, personel alignment, using distraction and overloading. There’s a chess match played out prior to every play. Then the players have to execute their own roles to the best of their ability
NFL games last 3 and a half hours but the average in-play game time is 11 minutes. Yet it can retain the fans fascination for the full duration? This is a testament to the level of preparation that goes into each explosive window of action. 
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More Macro NFL
NFL incorporates design like no other sport. 3D or otherwise.
Innovative design in protective helmets and padding, dynamic uniforms, heavily analytics-dependent preparation, and competition between mastermind coaches designing plays for their athletes makes it the world’s most detailed sport. I am enamored with the level of design that goes into the spectacle and I want to share that notion with a generally less aware UK audience.
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How it could potentially work, to prevent concussion
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An airbag helmet has previosuly been created for cyclsits, and the Hovding 3 costs about £250 as the ‘safest cycling helmet’
I began looking at designing an airbag helmet as an andwer to concussion problems in the NFL. I was interested in extending it to my FMP as something that I’d have 8 weeks to work on. Resolving with an outcome would take time as it would envolve designing an airbag, working out the mechanics of an airbag detonation, developing my arduino skill in order to work with sensors, as well as making a helmet model, before a serious amount of testing for a safety related product. Although this is facinating, it does not seem appropriate for my FMP as it is quite focused. 
The mechanism of detonating an airbag is quite advanced an involves explosives.
I looked at the cushacle and suitaloon architectural drawings as a reference to speculative design that projects and outcome without a final outcome.
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Approaching the topic of head injury from a design perspective. One way I could see of protecting the players, while retaining the entertainment factor these huge collisons provide was to create an airbag helmet. 
A spectacle in itself, two airbags simulatenously going off as they near contact would be protecting the players from that direct impact to the head whilst also looking dyamic. 
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Jamal Adams, an ambassador of the game, and one of the best players talking about CTE and safety in the NFL.
Although fans may commend his bravery and love that attitude, it’s a scary conversation and perhaps some players don’t feel the same way. 
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Another key article and a precursor to the film Concussion (2015) that stories the work of Dr Bennet Omalu and the NFL’s denial.
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Concussion is caused by direct impact to the head that makes the brain move inside the skull, slamming the sides of the skull, and causing damage to the brain.
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There are more concussions in the NFL than in boxing.
The way the game is played will always lead to concussions. Having a helmet only gives the players the false illusion that they are protected. 
A side-by-side comparison with rugby illustrates why:
In helmetless rugby,
- tackling technique involves hitting a players midriff with your shoulder, wrapping them up and dragging them to the ground.
- a rule exists that makes players have to attempt to wrap up their opposition when tackling or else they’ll be penalised
- without a helmet, players aren’t going to put their heads and faces at risk of painful injuries and will instead tackle with a stronger point - their shoulder.
In helmet-wearing American Football,
- the aim is stop the opposition player at all cost, being a ‘big-hitter’ with the ability to stop a sprinting athlete in their tracks is a sought after trait. 
- equipped with a helmet, player’s don’t feel that their head is weakened part of the body and are confident to use it in order to generate force.
- the carbon fibre helmet quickly becomes the hardest part of their body, and can be used as a weapon to generate the whole force of their body through in order to strike an opposing player
Albeit counter-intuitive, a helmet puts a player at further risk of head injury
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While the NFL are ‘doing their best’ to generate techonology that can protect and enhance diagnosis of concussion, the problem is as prevalent in the modern game as it has been for 100 years. 
Techonology like the Eye-Sync may help diagnose, new tech in helmets may lessen impact, new testing may help to develop technology, and ratings of helmets may increase player awareness, but none of this can truly help the concussion problem in the NFL. 
Simply put, while NFL players continue to play with helmets, there will be concussions. 
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The top image is Aaron Hernandez’s brain and the damage done by CTE, and the bottom image is a different brain and even more terrifying.
Also to add another more recognisable name, OJ Simpson was one of the best Running Backs in the NFL (the position most susceptible to helmet-to-helmet hits). He is one of the top 10 players at that role ever.
A lot of the stuff surrounding OJ and the murder cases is still a talking point and people still think he did it despite being acquitted. However, what is not up for debate is that man took thousands of hits to the head in his career, and he has more than likely got a form of CTE. Which would explain his eratic nature.
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