izay0is · 2 days
Happy pride month to whatever the fuck Harald and Dragan had going on
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izay0is · 7 days
Sera and Yusei's dynamic is so funny. She saw him getting ready to go out in the same clothes he crashed into the trash in, took mental measurements of him, and handed him some new clothes as soon as he came back.
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izay0is · 19 days
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Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's
Artist: MegaChan
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izay0is · 21 days
Mods are asleep post 5Ds OCs
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This is my girl group Angel. They're a mix of a pop girl group and a band; basically a pop rock band lol. In order is Maya, Stellaluna, Kamala, Audrey, Tsubaki, and Shauna. Maya is the leader and lead singer.
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izay0is · 4 months
Hear me out, Crow coaching a children’s duel team.
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izay0is · 7 months
YGO OC Day 3: Deck
Sera plays an Ice Barrier deck, which is significant to her character because a) her nickname in the pro leagues is the Ice Queen b) Sera is a very cold and closed off person and c) 5Ds needed an ice girl
Her ace monster is this bad boy
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izay0is · 7 months
YGO OC Day 2: Family
Sera always saw Yusei as a brother and the twins Rua and Ruka as her adopted children even though she already had three children of her own. She basically saw the three of them and went "Is anyone gonna adopt them?" and not wait for an answer
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izay0is · 7 months
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sherry 😇
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izay0is · 7 months
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Avalon Fantasy Couture on Etsy
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izay0is · 7 months
Random post of team Ragnarok headcanons.
The boys having attributes of their gods is something that lives in my head rent free. All of them do physical activities. Military (Harald), Mountain climbing (Dragan), and Diving (Brave). The Rune eyes could just give them more endurance and higher physical strength.
Going down the list. I personally headcanon that Harald has visions of future events (much to the dismay of Brave). I also headcanon that he has vision problems in one eye. He likes wine. He is very studious. His deck consists of mostly humanoid warrior fairies to hint at Odin being associated with war and battle.
Dragan is weirdly not afraid of storms. He just simply cannot bring himself to be scared of them not matter how severe they are. He is very protective of Harald and Brave. He likes being outdoors (has a particular liking to forests). Dragan’s deck is based on the Nordic beasts. Makes sense because two of the monsters are based on the goats that pull Thors chariot.
Brave growing up loved playing pranks. Cunning and follows the beat of his own drum. He can be a bit hard to figure out.
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izay0is · 7 months
Legacy of a Dream Ch 3
Summary: One night a vision from the Crimson Dragon spurs Crow into looking into Pearson's death. As his student he feels he should find out the truth. At the end of it all, will he figure out how to continue Pearson's legacy?
Crow woke up feeling refreshed this time. Though his face still looked ghastly. No visions disturbed his sleep this time. Talking to his brothers made him feel better. Which is a good sign. He doesn’t think he ever processed Pearson’s death. He knows the man is dead. But he never really let himself feel anything regarding it.
Unfortunately his looks did not match his mood. The dark rings were made worse by his red eyes and puffy cheeks from crying. Seems like he will be spending extra time in the bathroom.
When he arrived in the garage, his brothers turned their gaze to him. Crow averts his eyes from them. Yesterday he let his emotions get the best of him and lashed out.
How are you feeling?” Yusei asked.
“Better. I guess.” Crow sheepishly.
Yusei was still adamant that the trio needed to visit Martha. He was letting either of his brothers back out of it.
Around mid-day Trudge and Mina had arrived. Goodness crow had never been so happy to see a cop. The trio went outside.
“You look awef-” Trudges remark received him a jab from Mina. “Fully good. Did you use a new hair gel brand?”
Trudge’s quick course correction earned a sign from Mina and an eye roll from Crow.
“So, we found some information about your friend.” From his pocket trudge pulled out a card wrapped in cloth and kept in a case. Crow carefully unwrapped it, reveling a dark attribute synchro monster card. “It is called Crimson Mefist.”
“It was part of an experiment to make cards deal real damage.” Mina explained. Crow had to not ask about why they were trying to do something that stupid. “Of course the experiment was canceled. Though two cards were never recovered.”
“From your description, this card fits the bill.” Trudge finished.
Crow looked at the card and it did resemble the monster in his dreams. If he could find the owner of this card, he finds the person who killed Pearson. But… just how was he supposed to do that? He felt like he was further from truth now.
“Thank you. This is a lot of help.” Crow said. Trudge and Mina were very busy, and he didn’t want to keep them too long.
Crow was starting to lose hope of ever finding who kill his mentor.
“Damn, you really invested in a useless student Pearson….” Crow wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball and fade from existence. He couldn’t carry on his legacy. And now he couldn’t figure out who caused his death. “Maybe I should give up…. What more can I do?”
He realized that he had one more hope, Bolton. It was worth a try to see if he had any clues. It was time to pay a visit to their sponsor.
Crow arrived at Bolton’s company. With face all marked up it was no surprise he was getting weird looks inside the building. It was also no surprise when he was dragged out by security.
“Hey! I’m here to see Bolton!” Crow yelled as his butt met the ground.
“Yeah, and I have a date with Seto Kaiba.” The guard snarked. “Hit the road kid!”
“Crow!” Bolton stepped out the fancy car and walked up to the group. “Have you come to a decision?”
Crow gave the guard a smug look.
“This is no place to talk. Let’s go to my office.” The duo headed up the tower to Bolton’s office suite.
“Did your team agree to let my company sponsor them? If so, you all can bring your duel runner to our mechanics.” Bolton started.
“That’s great, but I am not here for that….” Crow looked around the office. He had never been somewhere so fancy before. “Um, I am looking into Pearson’s death.”
Bolton’s eyes went wide. “He died in a fire Crow. What is there to look in too?”
“I think it was a murder. Whoever did it had a card called the Crimson Mefist that caused real damage. It caused the fire that killed Pearson.” Crow explained.
Bolton could not believe what he was hearing.
“Listen Crow.” Bolton knitted his eyebrows together. “You should give up.”
Crow deflated.
“Where would we even start? This person could be anywhere.”
Every last bit of hope left Crow. Bolton wasn’t wrong and that made it all harsher.
“Let’s focus on the future. It’s what Pearson would want.”
Crow had no real leads. What was the point of continuing if everything was a dead end.
“You look a bit pale. Don’t let this take a toll on you.” Bolton said.
“I have to find out the truth. It’s the least I can do for being so useless.”
“Crow you are far from useless. You were a big help back then. The kids loved you just as much as Pearson.” Bolton said.
“Bolton you took Pearson’s legacy and turned it into this.” Crow gestured around the room. “Meanwhile all I could do was steal and run away from sector security.”
“I think you are downplaying yourself a lot. That duel runner you got. You made that yourself, right?” Bolton asked. Crow nodded. “You built it because Pearson taught you how to build a duel runner. You used what you learned to make it. No matter what, his legacy lives on in both of us.”
Bolton was right. Crow agreed with every word. These words were meant to make Crow give up. But it had the opposite effect. Taking Bolton’s words to heart made him want to find Pearson’s murderer.
“So let’s focus on the future.”
“I- I can’t. I really can’t. I have to fine out the truth.” Crow exhaled.
At this Bolton’s whole demeanor changed. “Be that way. I challenge you to a duel. If I win you have to give up on finding Pearson’s murderer.”
“What is your problem!?” Crow shouted. “I get it. Now that you are a big shot, you don’t care about your roots anymore. Sorry I bothered you.”
“You’ve got it wrong. I am doing this because I care about you. There is no use in worrying about this when it won’t change anything. I don’t want to see you run yourself into early grave over this. We can duel on the company track.”
“Fine. I’ll be there.” Crow spat out before storming out the building. He couldn’t believe Bolton. He was his closest friend, and he didn’t want to apprehend the person who killed his best friend. It was unbelievable to Crow. Well he agreed to the duel, so he has no choice but to win!
Today, Yusei, Jack, and Crow drove to former Satellite. They were going to hang out with the kids. When they arrived, they were immediately mobbed by the children. They were happy to see the brothers. It was a day filled with playing and helping Martha. Crow came outside just in time to see his brothers having fun with the kids.
“Jungle gym Jack!” Some of the kids were climbing on Jack and playing around him. Yusei was off to the side playing duel monsters with one of the boys. The sight brought a smile to Crow’s face. It brought back memories with Pearson and Bolton.
“Crow.” Yusei’s voice brought him back to reality.
“Oh sorry, I spaced out.” Crow said.
“Are you still thinking that you failed?” Yusei asked.
“Yus…. All I could do after Pearson died; all I could do was steal cards to make the kids happy. Bolton took Pearson’s legacy and turned it into a duel runner factory.”
“I don’t think you failed. Crow, you give them hope.” Yusei said.
“Crow!” The kids called out to him. Waving at him to come over and join the fun.
“You are continuing Pearson legacy wonderfully. You give them the smiles of hope.” Yusei turned to face Crow. “There is no need to feel ashamed. You should follow the past you believe in.”
Crow had a lot to think about. Right now, he had to focus on a path that would lead him to the truth of Pearson’s death. From then, he feels it will all fall into place.
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izay0is · 7 months
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#YGOrarepairweek2023 Dia 1 - Doces/Sobremesas!
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izay0is · 7 months
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#YGOrarepairweek2023 Dia 6 - Apenas uma Cama! ...e era uma cama Alaskan King Size!
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izay0is · 7 months
Do you ever think that the Rune Eyes give Team Ragnarok the same powers as their gods?
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izay0is · 7 months
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izay0is · 7 months
Akiza and Carly are not the only characters treated like garbage by the writers.
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izay0is · 8 months
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I'm on my soapbox today
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