ivaskinclinic01 · 4 years
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ivaskinclinic01 · 4 years
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ivaskinclinic01 · 4 years
Tattoo Removal in Ahmedabad
Laser tattoo removal is a popular treatment and the only permanent way to remove a tattoo completely.
Do you remove all tattoos?
At Iva skin and laser centre, we can remove all types of tattoos. During the consultation, we will inform you of the number of treatments needed and the price of the laser tattoo removal.
‘Professional’ tattoos are the most common ones and the hardest to remove, these tattoos are the ones people often get from a tattooist and the difficult presents itself when there are multiple colours within the tattoo.
Does laser tattoo removal work for colourful tattoos?
While lasers are amazing, they are not magic and may not be suitable for certain tattoo colours such as yellow, additionally, complete clearance of multi-coloured tattoos may not be completely possible. The lasers currently on the market work better for amateur tattoos and blue/black tattoos.
What laser do you use?
We only work with the best and we use a system called Q-Switched Nd Yag Laser.
Does laser tattoo removal hurt?
Tattoo Removal feels similar to a hot pinprick, whilst this is mildly uncomfortable, most people tolerate treatment well.
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ivaskinclinic01 · 4 years
Mesotherapy in Ahmedabad
Mesotherapy treatment is a non surgical cosmetic solution aimed at diminishing problem areas in your body such as cellulite, excess weight, body contouring, and face/neck rejuvenation, just to name a few. It is administered via numerous injections containing various types of FDA approved medicines, vitamins, and minerals.
It is introduced into the mesoderm, the layer of fat and tissue underneath the skin.
The content mixture of the injection varies in accordance with each unique case and specific area to be treated.
Mesotherapy can also assist in reducing pain, and in replenishing hair loss in both men and women.
Mesotherapy is a relatively painless procedure due to the use of anesthetic creams applied to the area prior to injection
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ivaskinclinic01 · 4 years
Ear lobe repair in Ahmedabad
What causes split earlobe?
Split earlobe, common in women, usually results from sudden trauma (e.g. child pulling on earrings) or continuous use of heavy earrings. The increasing practice of ear piercing by females as well as by males has resulted in more and more requests for earlobe repairs.
What is the treatment for repair of Split Ear Lobe?
Really the only option is to have it surgically repaired. There are many methods of surgical correction. In all cases, the healed edges of a traumatic, split earlobe need to be "freshened" so that the raw edges will "stick" to each other. The older surgical techniques involve suturing together of both surfaces. But the innovative Sutureless Ear Lobe Repair technique gives the best cosmetic outcome of the procedure.
What is traditional earlobe repair surgery with stitches?
Repair of the earlobe is carried out under local anaesthetic. The torn skin edges are excised and the fresh edges are stitched together with sutures that need to remain in place for one or two weeks depending on the clinical situation. This is decided at the time of surgery. Patient has to return to the clinic at the agreed date to have sutures removed. The chances of the unwanted visible scar are more with this technique.
What is Sutureless earlobe repair treatment?
Sutureless earlobe repair is a novel surgical technique to repair split earlobes without the use of stitches. A patient doesn't need to visit again to take out the stitches. The treatment is very safe and done under local anaesthesia. It gives faster healing, and better cosmetic outcome, with barely visible vertical line after healing, which also fades over a period of time.
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ivaskinclinic01 · 4 years
PRP therapy in Ahmedabad
Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is a substance that’s thought to promote healing when injected. Plasma is a component of your blood that contains special “factors,” or proteins, that help your blood to clot. It also contains proteins that support cell growth. Researchers have produced PRP by isolating plasma from blood and concentrating it.
The idea is that injecting PRP into damaged tissues will stimulate your body to grow new, healthy cells and promote healing. Because the tissue growth factors are more concentrated in the prepared growth injections, researchers think the body’s tissues may heal faster.
Dermatological uses
Hair loss
Skin glow
Skin rejuvention
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ivaskinclinic01 · 4 years
Skin Polishing Treatment
Microdermabrasion, popularly known as 'body polishing', is a simple and safe, office cosmetic procedure that has gained popularity in the last 5 years. In this procedure aluminum oxide crystals or other abrasive substances are blown onto the face and then vacuumed off, using a single handpiece. This procedure has been widely utilized for a variety of cosmetic objectives, including the improvement of photoaging, hyperpigmentation, acne scars and stretch marks. Despite its widespread use, little is known about its actual mechanism of action. A few published studies suggest that patients and physicians alike report a mild benefit when microdermabrasion is utilized for photoaging.
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ivaskinclinic01 · 4 years
Chemical Peel Treatment
The concept of peeling the skin to improve the texture, smoothen and beautify it has been used since ancient times. In ancient Egypt, Cleopatra used sour milk, now known to contain lactic acid, an alpha hydroxy acid while French women used old wine containing tartaric acid, to enhance the appearance of the skin. Chemical peeling is a common office procedure that has evolved over the years, using the scientific knowledge of wound healing after controlled chemical skin injury.
Chemical peeling is the application of a chemical agent to the skin, which causes controlled destruction of a part or entire epidermis, with or without the dermis, leading to exfoliation, removal of superficial lesions, followed by regeneration of new epidermal and dermal tissues.
Indications of Chemical PeelsPigmentation
Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation
Facial melanoses
Superficial acne scars
Postacne pigmentation
Comedonal acne
Acne vulgaris-mild to moderately severe acne
Fine superficial wrinkling
Dilated pores
Superficial scars
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ivaskinclinic01 · 4 years
Skin tags Removal Treatment
A skin tag is a small, soft, flesh-colored benign skin growth, often on a stalk.Skin tags are probably the single most common bump on adult skin.Skin tags are harmless but can be an annoying skin problem.Skin tags tend to occur on the eyelids, neck, armpits, groin folds, and under breasts.
A person may have one to hundreds of skin tags.Almost everyone will develop a skin tag at some time in their lives.Middle-aged, obese adults are most prone to skin tags.Getting rid of a skin tag does not cause more to grow. Destructive treatment options include freezing, strangulation with a ligature, snipping, and burning.
Skin Tags: Should They Be Removed?
Most doctors recommend removal of skin tags only when they are irritated or a source of discomfort, or if they constitute a cosmetic problem. Skin tags can be easily removed in the doctor's office by tying or cutting them after injecting a small amount of a local anesthetic.
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ivaskinclinic01 · 4 years
Anti Aging Treatment in Ahmedabad
Definition & Overview
Anti-aging treatments are specifically designed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. These treatments are commonly performed on parts of the body that are most susceptible to the earliest signs of aging, such as the face, neck, and hands. Depending on the extent of the condition, treatment options range from over-the-counter ant-aging products such as creams and lotions to Botox injections and highly invasive surgical procedures such as facelift. Each option comes with certain risks, so it is important for patients to have a thorough discussion with their skin care and anti-aging specialists before undergoing any type of treatment.
Who Should Undergo & Expected Results
Anti-aging treatments are highly recommended for those who are prone to developing wrinkles and fine lines, as well as those who have loose, sagging skin. People who usually take advantage of these treatments are those who are at least 30 years old. Research shows that these are more popular with the female population, however, more and more male patients are now starting to appreciate the benefits of anti-aging treatments.
Anti-aging treatments work in different ways, but they are mostly geared towards restoring the skin’s natural collagen supply. Collagen, a protein found in connective tissues, is responsible for maintaining the skin’s plumpness. However, due to the natural aging process, the body’s collagen supply tends to deteriorate over time.
Today, there are different techniques used to stimulate the production of collagen and with the help of new technologies, side effects such as damage to the topmost skin layer, are significantly minimized.
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ivaskinclinic01 · 4 years
Rejuvenation Skin Treatment
Sun, skin disorders, aging and even heredity can all contribute to skin irregularities on the face and elsewhere on the body. These include textural irregularities like wrinkles and acne scars, pigmentation changes like freckles, sunspots or visible blood vessels. In addition, skin may lose tone, feel less firm and lose the healthy glow that is evident in younger skin.
Different treatment modalities are available to treat the different aspects of skin damage. Laser resurfacing, mechanical resurfacing, chemical peels and injectable products can improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles of the entire face or those that develop in specific regions of the face, such as the upper lip and around the eyes. These treatments can also be used to address pigmentation disorders, such as sun and age spots, and they can be used to improve the appearance of acne scars or other skin conditions.
The specific type of treatment that will best address your concerns are determined after a consultation with your dermatologist. Most skin treatments require a series of treatments and a multi-modality approach to achieving excellent results. Most importantly, the patient must be committed to protecting his or her skin going forward so that the results achieved will be longer lasting.
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ivaskinclinic01 · 4 years
Acne Scar Treatment in Ahmedabad
Scars are formed when a breakout penetrates the skin deeply and damages the tissues beneath it. Each type responds to treatment differently, and some treatments are better for particular types than others.
Atrophic or depressed scars
Atrophic scars are most common on the face. A depressed scar sits below the surrounding skin. They’re formed when not enough collagen is made while the wound is healing. There are three types of atrophic scars:
These are wide, U-shaped scars that have sharp edges. They can be shallow or deep. The shallower they are, the better they respond to skin resurfacing treatments.
Ice pick
Ice pick scars are narrow, V-shaped scars that can go deep into the skin. They can look like small round or oval holes, like a chickenpox scar. These are the most difficult scars to treat because they can extend far under the surface of the skin.
These are wide depressions that typically have rounded edges and an irregular, rolling appearance.
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ivaskinclinic01 · 4 years
Skin Tightening in Ahmedabad
Radio-frequency skin tightening is an aesthetic technique that uses radio frequency (RF) energy to heat skin with the purpose of stimulating cutaneous collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid production in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines and loose skin. The technique induces tissue remodelling and production of new collagen and elastin. The process provides an alternative to facelift and other cosmetic surgeries.
By manipulating skin cooling during treatment, RF can also be used for heating and reduction of fat. Currently, the most common uses of RF-based devices are to noninvasively manage and treat skin tightening of lax skin (including sagging jowls, abdomen, thighs, and arms), as well as wrinkle reduction, cellulite improvement, and body contouring.
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ivaskinclinic01 · 4 years
Laser hair Removal Treatment
If you're not happy with shaving, tweezing, or waxing to remove unwanted hair, laser hair removal may be an option worth considering.Laser hair removal is one of the most commonly done cosmetic procedures. It beams highly concentrated light into hair follicles. Pigment in the follicles absorb the light. That destroys the hair.
Lasers are useful for removing unwanted hair from the face, leg, chin, back, arm, underarm, bikini line, and other areas.We have USFDA approved triple wavelength diode laser. The exact number of maintenance laser treatments varies by individual. Most people need between four and six laser therapy sessions. You also need to space these out by six weeks each. This means that the full treatment cycle can take up to nine months.
Some normal side effects may occur after laser hair removal treatments, including itching, pink skin, redness, and swelling around the treatment area or swelling of the follicles. These side effects rarely last more than two or three days. Trust only professional dermatologist for laser hair removal.
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ivaskinclinic01 · 4 years
IPL Photofacial Treatment Say goodbye to the effects of sun damage, rosacea, hyperpigmentation, and more. With the innovative Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) photofacial procedure, gentle skin rejuvenation is now easier than ever. A photofacial, or “fotofacial,” is a 30-minute procedure in which intense pulses of light are used to penetrate deep into the skin. IPL photorejuvenation then causes collagen and blood vessels below the epidermis to constrict, reducing redness and age lines. If you suffer from any of these problems, photofacial may be the dermatological approach you've been looking for.
IPL photofacials are performed in a series, with each treatment lasting from approximately 20 minutes to an hour, depending on the amount of skin being treated. Typically, patients receive between three and six treatments spaced roughly one month apart.
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ivaskinclinic01 · 4 years
Skin Specialist in Ahmedabad from Iva Skin Clinic and laser center, providing the best skin care and cosmetic services that science and technology can offer. Our center is equipped with a world-class state of the art technologies. Our expert of dermatologist takes great care of all your skin requirements like Acne Treatment, Acne Scar Removal, Laser Hair Reduction, Pigmentation, Fillers, Skin Rejuvenation, Anti-Ageing, Chemical Peeling, Skin Tightening, Tattoo Removal, Pre-Bridal Etc. if you are looking for Skin laser Treatment in Ahmedabad then you are at the right place.
Beauty lies in beholder's eyes is what they say. But what if your own eyes do not like what they see in the mirror? Maybe it's time for that long due visit to the iVA Skin Clinic- the first choice for all the skincare and cosmetic treatments.
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ivaskinclinic01 · 4 years
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