itstoll-blog1 · 7 years
just wanted to let you all know that even though i don’t write over here anymore i still love and support you all <3 :* 
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itstoll-blog1 · 7 years
rcsetinted :
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                     As  someone  who  wanted  to  ensure  that  EVERYBODY  was  having  a  nice  time,    it  wasn’t  hard  for  her  to  notice  that  Riff  WAS  NOT  enjoying  himself.    The  glittering  groupie  made  her  way  over  to  him,    her  NORMAL  ATTIRE  swapped  out  in  the  place  of  a  Santa’s  helper  outfit  she  had  purchased  in  light  of  their  Christmas  party.    ❝    Can  I  help  you  with  anything    ???    ❞    she  asked  with  the  SLIGHTEST  tilt  of  her  head,    the  bell  attached  to  the  end  of  her  head  jingling  with  the  movement.    She  KNEW  one  of  the  reasons  this  was  unpleasant  for  him  was  the  EXTRA  WORK,    so  perhaps  if  she  helped  he  could  begin  to  enjoy  himself.    Though  that  seemed  FOOLISHLY  OPTIMISTIC  even  in  her  own  mind.
 His grotesque gaze stares hard at her for a very long moment before he scoffs emptily and looks away. It was obvious that he wasn’t going to try and do anything to spare her feelings from the blunt of his honesty tonight -- after all, it was all her fault that Christmas was a thing to Transylvanians, really. And Riff could be not-petty and actually allow Columbia to help him with the heap of chores he had been assigned instead of ACTUALLY BEING PETTY, but you know what? Let’s be petty, it’s Christmas.
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“No.” He says with finality, and turns away.
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itstoll-blog1 · 7 years
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itstoll-blog1 · 7 years
doublefeaturre :
        Everything is loud and bright and CROWDED and Rocky doesn’t understand any of it. Typical, though. He could count the number of things about this place he understands on one hand. He just wants to get somewhere quiet.
        He manages to slip away from the center of the mess (aside from a few passing gropes, no one seem to be paying much attention to him anyways) and towards the edges, where the chaos is a little less overwhelming- and oh, look, it’s that guy who terrifies him.
        Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
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        He stands frozen where he is, trapped between two unenviable situations; he stares at Riff, glances back at the party, and eventually attempts an awkward sidestep out from this unhappy medium. It’s probably important that he get away before Frank knows he’s going.
 He glances once to the person who appeared beside him and then has to do a double take. In just that one second, Riff’s irritation seems to triple, and he makes it obvious for the poor creature: rolls his eyes, relaxes his shoulders, scoffs beneath his breath. PATHETIC, how utterly pathetic it was to see Rocky wandering around like this. A pinnacle of science, frightened by a Christmas party. How awfully sad.
Indeed, it wasn’t because Riff disliked Rocky. If anything, he was protective of him, in a sick, twisted way. But he was aware he was as abusive as Frank, in this regard, although it was not a comparison that he’d like to consciously make lest he get angry. 
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-- But hey. Here’s a chance to slip away from all of the din in the form of a hot man. Nice.
Bony fingers grab the other by his stark contrast of a not-bony wrist and he turns abruptly, pulling the muscle man. “Follow me.” He commands, reverting back to the tone of voice that he would use if he was actually doing his work here as a General like he was originally supposed to. 
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itstoll-blog1 · 7 years
wellsecluded :
          christmas.  another  of  earth’s  TRADITIONS  that  the  domestic  had  come  to  DESPISE   &&  one  that  the  castle  had  been  –  unfortunately – introduced  to  by  columbia  the  year  that  she’d  arrived  here. it  meant  naught,  but  mess  for  the  transylvanian,  more  so  than  usual  &&  one’s  that  the  master  wouldn’t  allow  her  to  complete  as  NONCHALANTLY  as she  often  so  came  to.  albeit,   she  was  in  the  utmost  glad  that  her  brother  shared  her  ideals  as  &&  when  it  came  to  this  POINTLESS  earthling  holiday,  soured  faced  as  they  stood  beside  the  GUESTS   that  frank  had  invited  over  for  the  occasion.  so  it  was  WORDLESSLY  that  the  bottle  of  wine  – that  she’d  so  graciously  HELPED  herself  to  earlier  that  evening –  was  passed  to riff raff,  for  they  needed  SOMETHING   if  they  were  to  make  it  through  this  without  incident.
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 Sullen eyes glance boredly in his sister’s direction as the bottle, shining with the reflection of green and red Christmas lights, is passed in his direction. Gloved hands curl around the bottle, and gingerly does the handyman take a sip. Alas, he cannot even allow himself to get drunk, thanks to his dreaded responsibility. You know, he was a leader, once. A general who was responsible and smart and straight-backed. But now he was a slouching servant who only wanted to scratch at authority and wither away in a corner where he felt as though he’d have some grasp on free will.
But again I say alas. Even the corners were occupied with pine trees an glittering ornaments and, oh goodness, presents. 
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 He hands the bottle back to her and, in just one meeting with her eyes, communicates all of the anger and irritation brewing beneath the surface. It was one of their famous sibling moments, really. 
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itstoll-blog1 · 7 years
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          so, the tiny grump may not like christmas, but i do !! and i want to say that i know that this year has been absolutely terrible on every single front, but to whomever’s struggling, hang in there !! i’m always here for you to talk to, not matter what. and regardless of what you celebrate, i hope every single one of you has an absolutely amazing day, because you all deserve that and so much more !! happy holidays and here’s to a better new year !! now, to spread some cheer, here are some people that have made this year a better one <3
           @itstoll - zach, what can i say ?? you know how much that i absolutely adore you and your riff raff !! you’re  a phenomenal writer and capture such a difficult character with effortlessness. i love writing with you and angsting it up whenever we get the chance to, each and every reply is a joy to read, no matter how much it hurts. here’s to more to come, i hope you have a wonderful day, my darling !!
          @domestiiic​ / @rcsetinted - julia !! honestly, i never thought that i’d find somebody whom loves the space daughter as much as i do, but you do and i love it !! your portrayal of magenta always leaves me wishing that i could read more, i just love it so much and i’m so glad that we get to inflict the utmost pain™ with those threads we have. and the pure bean that is columbia, i’m one hundred percent certain that you are her, you just write her with such flawlessness. && just thank you for being awesome, have an amazing day, lovely !!
          @doublefeaturre​ - swid, oh, gosh, i love each and every single one of your muses, let me just tell you. you put so much thought and time into all of them and it’s an absolute joy to see. our threads constantly break my heart in the best possible way, but i wouldn’t have it any other way. here’s to more angst in the new year, have a lovely day, my darling !!
          @makesyovcry - kaiya, eddie and magenta may fight like cat and dog, but i love your eddie and i’m convinced now that you are actually eddie von scott and there’s not a soul that can tell me otherwise. you care about eddie so much and it’s so great to see !! i hope to write with you so much more in the future, keep being amazing, lovely and have a joyous day !!
          @bxthory - never would i thought that i’d ship elizabeth and magenta, but here i am and i’m absolutely, one hundred percent in love with them !! your writing is absolutely phenomenal and i’m so glad that i get to write with you. you’re always a joy to see on my dashboard, your posts never cease to make me smile. thank you for being awesome and here’s to more of these two in the future. have a sensational day, my darling !!
I’M LUCKY, WE’RE ALL LUCKY !! ( more people that i absolutely adore !! )
          @brainsplitter, @moondrenched, @blessmysovl, @meddlingheels, @variedintuitions, @scottiish, @notnaiiive, @brokenragdoll, @mistressmxleficent, @worserthoughts, @nxmphe && to everyone that i follow, i love you all so, so much !! thank you for making this year so much better, love from magenta and shannon <3
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itstoll-blog1 · 7 years
im not saying riff raff told columbia that santa isnt real but,
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itstoll-blog1 · 7 years
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Zuhair Murad – Fall / Winter 2015_2016
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itstoll-blog1 · 7 years
laverne cox (via blessmysovl)
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itstoll-blog1 · 7 years
 Well, it’s Christmas. Christmas, a.k.a, a time for Riff Raff to guide away drunken Transylvanians, clean up spilled alcohol (and, occasionally, vomit), make sure nothing gets tilted out of place, make sure nothing catches on fire, make sure everything in the Frankenstein Place is prim, proper, and by-the-books perfect for a humanly Christmas. If he didn’t, he was sure Frank would do something stupid like smash a glass over his head or electrocute him with Christmas lights. But y’know, maybe being dead or gravely wounded would mean he wouldn’t have to put up with Earth’s stupid-ass confusing traditions another year.
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-- No. Yeah. Riff hates Christmas. And its easy to tell by the way he’s scowling by the side of a crowd of laughing Transylvanians. 
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itstoll-blog1 · 7 years
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itstoll-blog1 · 7 years
              ▒   ❝  i love my S I S T E R  more than                                                                         anything in this LIFE                         i will choose H E R happiness                                                                         over MINE every time ! ❞ █ ▌
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itstoll-blog1 · 7 years
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itstoll-blog1 · 7 years
I heard a dark prediction rising in my own body.
Louise Glück, excerpt of Saint Joan (via soracities)
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itstoll-blog1 · 7 years
i was born annoyed 
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itstoll-blog1 · 7 years
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itstoll-blog1 · 7 years
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