itsmenefertiti · 3 hours
🫥 Astrology observations 🫥
- As a water sign the only sign that I can manipulate is Capricorn it’s very easy I don’t know how to explain
- cancer mercury is one of the shyest placements alongside Virgo ascendant
- Libra sun get into messy situations every time they are always involved in fights and drama
- venus in the 12th House Synastry is scandalous I was the house person I used to hide that I was in a relationship with the Venus person, eventually it became sooo confusing and very toxic
- Pisces Venus men are husband material they are kind and loving
- Neptune in the 6th house makes you accident prone they get new scars every time
- Leo in 3rd house have small fingernails
- Scorpio in the 3rd house didn’t like going to school I used to fake illness and was absent most of the times if it wasn’t my mother forcing me I wouldn’t have gotten any certificates
- cancer rising will give a person a gentle nature. They are also prone to getting abortions and miscarriages
- Virgo sun have the worst anger their words can scar you
- Every celebrity that I hated had Aries sun and am a Virgo rising i get irritated just by watching them
- Aquarius and Pisces friendship is underrated
- Capricorns are prone to having arthritis and teeth problems
- Aquarius men don’t want their partner to be more successful than them they are ambitious
- scorpio placements have hawke like noses it’s very noticeable
- The only sign that can compete with Leo for best hair is Pisces placements
- Libra placements have crooked teeth
- Pisces and Scorpio men attract the female gaze the most they are very charming
- Sagittarius placements have the goofiest personality I like being around them
- I have 6th house stellium and I always get random stomachaches and skin allergies
- Libra in the 2nd house have sensitive skin they wear comfortable clothes that aren’t too tight
- Aquarius in 8H and Pisces in 8H die in mysterious ways their death is surrounded by conspiracy theories
- Leo Venus and Aquarius Venus have the best chemistry they end up together
- Pisces in the 7th house I admit we become fools when we’re in love we daydream and love to create scenarios in our heads
- Gemini placements have attractive hands
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itsmenefertiti · 5 days
I feel like shaking the table in honor of the last day of this mercury retrograde.
DISCLAIMER: Astrology is subjective and should never be looked at as definitive. So, when you're viewing astro observations or notes, please take it with a handful of salt. Including this post. This spiritual shit is meant to teach you more about yourself, not to solve all your problems or give you the answers to life's biggest questions.
scorpio sun is the worst scorpio placement to have and I wish you all would stop including them with other scorpio placements bc they are totally different vibe.
taurus' placements are who yall think scorpio placements are.
also, taurus men 🤝 sabotaging their own attractiveness.
Why don't we also talk about how having heavy Saturn placements, Venus-Saturn, Saturn in 7th, etc. as a young person makes you more susceptible than the average young person to being groomed/sexually assaulted by older individuals?
I hope that everyone of you who hold on to the stereotype of libras being liars meets a libra who is not only not scared of being honest, but cuts you deeply with the truth 🙃
scorpio moon women 🤝 never forgiving your father for mistreating your mother.
Black gemini sun men 🤝 loving white/racially ambiguous women.
Pisces men 🤝 lacking authentic charisma
What is with aquarius suns and being able to articulate themselves or a situation in an intellectual manner but still ending up in the stupidest, avoidable, thoughtless circumstances? Like does your brain work or not?
I think people with prominent aquarius placements tend to like the idea of being perceived as intellectual rather than doing the actual work or feeling the brunt of being an intellectual. For example, J. Cole the rapper (aqua sun) appearing to be very "woke" in his earlier work just for him to expose himself later on by saying he doesn't even read books..................
Oh to be a woman with prominent libra placements or stellium... you encounter jealousy from all genders and its unfair because no matter what we they do, people will still send the evil eye regardless. Avoid being in situations where you're the big fish in a small pond.
not an observation but really wish yall would stop tagging shit that has nothing to do with astrology or astrology observations. yall annoying af.
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itsmenefertiti · 20 days
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itsmenefertiti · 20 days
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dai magari rimane
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itsmenefertiti · 25 days
Eid Mubarak to all those who celebrate 🫶✨
Who’s Eid. Your gf?
Who’s Eid…….
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itsmenefertiti · 27 days
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New piece by a Palestinian artist on a wall in Rafah The green text reads "freedom flood" and the red text reads "I'm returning, O home"
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itsmenefertiti · 1 month
التعلق والرجاء، مكة المكرمة
© Hossam Hassan
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itsmenefertiti · 1 month
من النصوص التي قرأتها وأعجبتي عن معنى الألفة:
ما تعنيه الأُلفة؛ أن يمضي الوقت سريعًا بلا شعور، أن يكون الحديث سردًا متصلًا فكرة تتلُوها فكرة، أن لا تقلق من لحظاتِ الصمت، أن تكون الرفقة بحد ذاتها"
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itsmenefertiti · 1 month
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itsmenefertiti · 1 month
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Egypt. Deir El-Adra, Coptic village near Minya. 1997. A. Abbas
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itsmenefertiti · 1 month
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itsmenefertiti · 1 month
The way the US media ignored Yemen while the US attempted to bomb it into oblivion is completely unhinged. Hundreds of thousands have died from the bombing and famine. Unsurprising, since the US as a whole cares little for deaths abroad, but even still, the fact they barely gave a passing mention to the Saudis use of US military equipment to bomb a UNESCO world heritage site is just incredible. It was the Old City District of Sana'a, which has been continuously inhabited for over 2500 years
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itsmenefertiti · 1 month
Btw when someone says "don't talk to me like that, I don't know you" the normal thing to do is apologize for the perceived overfamiliarity and correct the behavior. Just in case anyone was wondering
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itsmenefertiti · 1 month
when i make a post about coptic culture and someone tags it as "worldbuilding"... a chill runs up my spine
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itsmenefertiti · 1 month
✨Rising Signs✨
Leo rising
In their 2nd house is virgo -therefore, they are very careful with money and manage it carefully. They will never do something reckless. They always follow the rules. They can be very stressed when there is no money and usually make money in a normal way. But they lack many times of fun and pleasure. They forget to enjoy things.
In their 3rd house is libra -their way of talking is harmonious and fair. They can be prone to gossip and love to listen to love dramas. Many times they are most worried about how their relationship will look and how they will appear in front of others. Because this house is also exposed to what people think about you. They usually have a good relationship with their relatives if there are no special planets in this house. They are more inclined towards fine things.
In their 4th house is scorpio- this house also represents the mother, so their relationship with their mother can be quite intense and deep. Mom can also be more possessive. In the family, they may feel that they can make a lot of sacrifices and may have many secrets that they do not tell anyone. They want a home that is more emotionally stable and caring.
In their 5th house is sagittarius- their first thought is not children in fact, they prefer to be more independent and do not want children quickly). They like to enjoy their things and hobbies. They can spend a lot of time studying or learning new things. They can also have many hobbies that change. Their romances can always be different and dating can also be optimistic.
In their 6th house is capricorn- they can be workaholies and obsessed with always doing something. Service taken seriously and responsibly. However, the job can often be overwhelming and they often have to do several things at the same time. They work hard and with drive. Which often affects their health, and because of too much stress, their body is weak and their immune system falls.
In their 7th house is aquarius- their relationships can start and end unpredictably. Abrupt endings are often in the foreground here. They attract a lot of Aquarians or people who are weird, different. Although it doesn't look like that, in reality they need a lot of freedom when it comes to a relationship and they like independence in a relationship (they don't like it when someone is too attached to them or can't do something on their own).
In their 8th house is pisces -they don't like to invest money because many times it happens that they lose it. They ean learn many secrets from other people. They can learn many secrets from other people. Individuals born under this sign have a profound emotional and intuitive knowledge of the mysteries of life and may be inclined to esoteric or metaphysical studies.
In their 9th house is aries -they can travel a lot to the mountains or go to places that are more adventurous. They like adventures and things that make them feel scared. Their belief is more in themselves. They usually do not feel the need to be devoted to anything other than themselves. They have a hard time believing in something higher than themselves.
In their 10th house is taurus -Although this position primarily leads to a career in financial waters and banking. All of the energy these individuals focus on activities that don't make them happy, tend to take too much of their energy, making them tired and seemingly lazy. They might also struggle with rigid or obstinate approaches to their professional life or public image.
In their 11th house is gemini- quick and efficient friendship making. They are very social in society and quickly get involved in a conversation or discussion.They like to give their opinions and thoughts. They may have several different interests.
In their 12th house is cancer- they can quickly get caught up in pessimistic thoughts. Can significantly affect a person's spiritual and emotional growth.You can see a family secret instantly, as well as the tendency to idealize one or both of the parents. Strange matters are hiding in the twelfth house and when Cancer is here, you can see these strange matters in one's home and intimate relationships.
Virgo Rising
In their 2nd house is libra- they tend to spend money on clothes, pampering or things related to them. But they can give a lot of money for the person they love.In fact, they can spend a lot of money in relationship. They can quickly waste money.
In their 3rd house is scoprio-they have a deep way of thinking. They understand difficult and dark things very well - they are usually the ones who talk a lot about deeper topics. When you tell them something, they always keep it to themselves - they are good at keeping secrets. But they can be very secretive themselves and don't say much about themselves. They can have possessive siblings.
In their 4th house is sagittarius- their family can be quite chill and fun. They can have a mother who is very optimistic and they can hang out with her as if they were friends. They usually don't have some kind of rules at home and can live freely. Their desire is usually to live somewhere remote in another country or they want to have a big home. But sometimes they feel like their home is far away. They may feel that they are not really at home anywhere. They can spend a lot of time looking for their place.
In their 5th house is capricorn -they are very dedicated to their hobbies, whatever they start they finish. Their hobby can also become a job. But they may have a problem with what really makes them happy in their everyday life.Maybe they find joy harder than others. When it comes to dating, they are taken very seriously and responsibly if there are no special planets here, dating can be the same as a relationship for them). They are dedicated to only one person. And even when it comes to intimacy, they can be more distant.
In their 6th house is aquarius -Their every day can be unpredictable and spontaneous. Things can come and go suddenly. This also concerns the diseases they can get - they can get sick very strangely, but then they are line again. Since this house is also connected to the body, blues can have problems with getting fat or losing weight. Their work is usually unique, different - they don't want to live a normal life.
In their 7th house is pisces-they like partners who are artistic, spiritual and dreamy. Because they are inherently critical, they need someone who will give them the feeling that they are accepted and that no one is judging them. But they also want a relationship (which is cinematic and more dreamy). They can dream a lot about the perfect relationship.
In their 8th house is aries -brings a fiery passion to the transformative aspects of life. This placement encourages a direct and courageous approach to deep, hidden matters. They dare a lot, although it may not look like it, they can be very wild. They tend to overthink things and shove their instinets and gut feelings aside.
In their 9th house is taurus -they are very devoted to their religion if they have one. They like to travel to places they are already used to. They like to visit one place more than once and they like comfort and luxury. The purpose of a person's life is always found somewhere in the material world. Experience needs to be built in the real world, through financial and physical matters.
In their 10th house is gemini -their careers can include many different things.They can also choose between two or more things. Person likes to share their opinions with the world, this is someone who not only shares, but also lets information define them in the society. These people can also be very artistic.
In their 11th house is cancer- They can be emotionally attached to their friends.And they prefer want one to one conversation. They don't like groups. They actually love to be in their comfortable space. Their friends can also be family.They can be more quiet and reserved around people. This suggests a nurturing and protective approach to community involvement.
In their 12th house is leo -They can be very dramatic, but their energy doesn't show as out wardly as it could. These individuals will have to learn about their power and their inner truth. It can be extremely rewarding if unconscious memories of it are pleasant and bring confidence and peace. If there was any dishonesty in their approach once upon a time, this will be the life to rectify it, accept the flaws in others, those we don't want to see and don't want to show, and find brothers and sisters in crime finally set free from self-criticism.
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itsmenefertiti · 2 months
Astrocartography notes
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🌍 Do you want to study abroad? Work abroad? Your MC lines show what domain to pursue:
Sun MC: photographer, actor; check the planet ruling your Sun's zodiac sign for more details
Moon MC: nurse, preschool/elementary teacher, childcare worker/nanny, doula, housekeeper
Mercury MC: librarian, language teacher, speech language pathologist, translator, working in academia, journalist, PR agent, receptionist, secretary, architect, economist, comedian
Venus MC: modelling, artist, fashion designer, hairstylist, makeup artist, art director, interior designer, garden designer, florist, wedding planner
Mars MC: surgeon, firefighter, working at the police, sportsman (the type of sport depends on the zodiac sign Mars is in your birth chart, for ex. Mars in Pisces = football, swimming; Mars in Libra = gymnastics); fitness instructor
Jupiter MC: international driver (driving to your Jupiter MC line brings bonusess💰💰), flight attendant, hotel manager, tour guide, philosopher
Saturn MC: general practitioner, dentist, law, working in the Parliament, working in public institutions, business (CEO), historian, construction worker
Uranus MC: STEM (engineering, ecology sciences, biology), electrician, weather presenter, astronomer/astrophysicist, astrologer, sociology, social worker, advocate for human rights/activist
Neptune MC: choreographer, scenographer, film/theater director, actor, ballet dancer, music composer, rehabilitation worker, bartender, yoga instructor, meditation teacher, reiki practitioner
Pluto MC: adult actor, therapist, psychiatrist, any job regarding forensics (detective, toxicologist, forensic accountant etc.), embalmer, funeral director, loan officer, research analyst
🌍 If you have no astrocartography lines passing through the country you lived for most of your life, you probably don't feel at home in that country and have always wanted to relocate to another country
🌍 When you have atleast 2 lines "conjuncting" each other through a certain country, the planet that is more dominant in your birth chart will have a higher effect in astrocartography
🌍 Mercury IC line can show where one of your siblings or cousins relocate at some point during their life
🌍 If you're a girl and you have daddy issues (hey, we don't judge here!!), travelling to Saturn DSC line will likely bring you lots of opportunities of meeting your perfect partner, but also harsh lessons regarding control in a relationship (this is a good line for you to heal your daddy issues)
🌍 If you want to meet your future spouse and you (personally) find international guys attractive, travelling to Jupiter DSC line is a very good idea. Your future spouse might also be a foreigner in that country, just like you :)
🌍 Sun ASC line shows you where you can find your life's purpose. Also your depression:📉📉 0%, while your happiness:📈📈 100% (unless your Sun is in your 8th or 12th house, then the mental health effect is the complete opposite)
🌍 You could give birth on your Moon IC line😳 or your mom could have given birth to you on that line
🌍 Venus ASC line shows you where you could take lots of pictures (of yourself, of the sightseeings). Also, where you could get diabetes where you will want to try every type of sweets you find there
🌍 You will either get very drunk, consume drugs or smoke some weird shit on your Neptune ASC line (pls take care of your health)
🌍 You could randomly meet an ex or someone who resembles your ex while travelling to your Chiron DSC line
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itsmenefertiti · 2 months
Composite obs (relationship only)
Minors DNI (mention of 18+ themes)
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Indicators of being a power couple:
Sun conjunct ASC
Sun in 8th house
Pluto conjunct MC
Pluto trine Saturn
MC at 29° (especially in a fire sign or a fixed sign)
Having one of the following stars conjunct Sun, Moon, ASC or MC: Aldebaran (Gemini 9°), Rigel (Gemini 16°), Capella (Gemini 21°), Betelgeuse (Gemini 28°), Sirius (Cancer 14°), Regulus (Leo 29°) [orb 2°]
(you can select fixed stars from astro.com under "Extended Chart Selection" -> "Additional objects" -> scroll down under "Common elements")
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Indicators of being the most hated couple:
Having an afflicted Uranus in 1st house/conjunct ASC
- you two are perceived as being two very different individuals who just "don't fit together"
- bonus points if Uranus squares/opposes Saturn, as you might have an on/off relationship
Jupiter square/opposite Mercury, where Jupiter/Mercury is in 10/11th house
- people always think "this is their 9th vacation this year and yet they're bragging about it on social media again ugh"
- they're being known for acting cringe/posting cringe videos of their relationship online
Having a Scorpio stellium
- being hated for no reason
- a lot of people envy your relationship
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Other considerations:
🌿 Couples with Moon in 5th house are very fertile (pls, pls use protection unless you want to have kids). They're are also likely to be great aunts & uncles or babysitters for their friends
🌿 Those with Moon in 8th house are into some kinky stuff in the bedroom (mostly BDSM and breeding kink). This placement is also often found in FWB connections
🌿 Couples with stellium in 12th house OR with Moon & Neptune in 12th house have a telepathic connection like no other. These are the people that, if they were to do a tarot session together, they would get AMAZING results. They might also dream of each other before meeting irl or manifest each other into their lives
🌿 Mars in 11th house makes the couple achieve their dreams together. They often want to help those around them and give back to the community they love
🌿 Venus in 11th house couples have the same group of friends. They might also act as the matchmakers in their group of friends
🌿 Aspects between Mars and Vesta show a relationship where at least one of the partners is going to lose their virginity to the other. If Mars and Vesta are sextiling or trining each other, the experience will be a positive one. If Mars and Vesta are opposing or squaring each other, the experience will be a negative one. The conjunction feels more significant, but it can go either way (check other aspects to your Mars-Vesta conjunction)
🌿 Having a Grand Trine in composite makes you ignore a bad synastry. The relationship often feels one of a kind, something so rare that the both of you are willing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of the relationship. You're willing to ignore incompatibilites or work on your bad aspects in your synastry because you cherish the relationship more than the other person
🌿 On the other hand, having an amazing synastry and a challenging composite is the complete opposite - you two get along well, but once the relationship is formed and difficulties arise, you're both out
🌿 The 4th house - 10th house axis in composite resembles the relationship between in-laws. If the ruler of the 4th house and the ruler of 10th house aspect each other, then your parents and your partner's parents will have a significant relationship with each other (whether good or bad, check the aspects and the planets involved).
🌿 But how can you figure out which ruler signifies your parents and which rulers signifies your partner's parents? Just compare them to your own birth charts :) there's no fixed rule in this case
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dividers by @gigittamic and @vg-k
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