ishaablogs ยท 7 months
"Resilient Echoes: Navigating Solitude and Overcoming Trauma"
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Life is pretty hard for my family because my dad is a farmer and my mum is a maid, but I'm so proud to have such hardworking parents who always find a way to solve our problems and provide for us at home. It all began when my mum worked on this family for a few years, taking care of other children while my dad took care of me as a two-month-old baby. I grew up without her presence, but occasionally she would come home once a month. Growing up has been really difficult for me because I live with my mother, who works for a family, and I was sad when I started preschool. I basically learned a lot from my mother about how to cook, clean, and interact with others from her, and sometimes I even help her out by helping to clean or watch the other kids. So even though I'm only a child, I have to act mature because if I make even the smallest mistake, either my mother or the people who own the house will discipline me, which will embarrass me and hurt my feelings. Since they always believe they are correct, they woke you up at six in the morning and told you not to act like a seniorita in this house. I mean, as a child, I have no idea how to think much because I'm just a child who loves to play sometimes. I believe that helping my mother is insufficient, therefore I suppose that when I turned seven, I was in first grade. I am overjoyed to be living with my dad and three brothers once more after my mother advised me to change schools, presumably because she didn't want to watch me suffer in that home. But elementary school is really difficult because no one can help me. My brothers are too lazy to come to meetings or teach me things about school, and my dad works a lot on a farm to make ends meet. As a result, I was pretty much alone in grade one and didn't have any friends. I repeat grade one because I can't read, but after a year, I think I've improved enough to go to grade two. Although grade two went smoothly, my teacher's haircut of my hair, which I will never forget, was really painful since it prevented me from seeing my bangs in front of my classmates. She literally clipped the portion that shouldn't have been trimmed.
To sum up my life's events, I've met a lot of strict people who don't think things will get better, I was betrayed by my former best friends who were jealous of me even though I had the best of intentions for them, and finally, I'm finding it difficult to continue my education financially when your family doesn't contribute any money to it.
I have no control over how other people perceive me, yet those closest to me are the ones that know me the best, and some people form opinions about me based on the opinions of others. That being said, here is who I am and this is my story.
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ishaablogs ยท 8 months
They have said that education is the key to success, and I wholeheartedly agree with them. As a student, I have learned a lot of things that we are unable to learn at home, and I had the opportunity to get to know many wonderful teachers and classmates with a variety of talents and their own special ways to teach us various kinds of interesting things from which we can learn.
Back then, my family would tell me things like, "Oh, you can't go to college because we can't afford it," or "Just find someone rich to give you a life," which are toxic Filipino attitudes.
People should pursue education because it can make us feel empowered by providing us with the skills and information we need to pursue our dreams. Education also aids in the development of our personal qualities such as self-assurance and a deeper understanding of the world.
Some individuals struggle to grasp the importance of education, but once they do, they will undoubtedly not regret it. Even if it may be challenging, you can overcome all obstacles. Success is not something that comes to you for free unless you work hard for it by making the initial effort to obtain education.
I encourage my fellow young people to make the moral decision to pursue an education and learn by engaging in a variety of fascinating activities at school. Don't be frightened to learn something new; the goal of education is to help us become educated, not to be judged.
First and foremost, everyone has a right to the opportunity to receive an education, and studying ought to be enjoyable and useful for the benefit of one's future.
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