ironspills · 8 months
🍎 。:*• ─ SEXY ABC.    ›    ( a list of questions, from A to Z, to help develop some headcanons about our muses. most questions are nsfɯ, so please make sure you’re not a minor and read at your own risk ! )
send a pairing + one or more letters for some headcanons regarding our muses’ sex life !
A ─ After care. Do they take care of each other after sex ? How ?
B ─ Breeding. Is this one of their kinks ? Do they often have unprotected sex ? Have they ever had any pregnancy scares ?
C ─ Condoms. Do they use them ?  Do they have a preference ( color, flavour, etc… ) ? Have they ever had an accident ?  Would they continue anyway, if they’ve forgotten/run out of them ?
D ─ Dreams. A wet dream my muse has had about yours, and whether they’d want to make it come true.
E ─ Experimenting. Are they willing to experiment new things ?  Is there something they’d like to try with their partner, but haven’t had the chance yet ?  Any experiments gone wrong ?
F ─ First time. How was their first time together ?  Was any of them nervous ?  Did it live up to their expectations ?
G ─ Games. Do they play any games involving sex  ( like adult board games, throwing dice to decide what’s their next position, engaging in roleplay, food play, etc… ) ?
H ─ Humour. Are they the kind to share a laugh during sex ?  Has something funny already happened to them ( breaking the bed, one of them falling off the couch, funny noises, etc… ) ?
I ─ Infidelity. Has any of them ever cheated on their partner ?  Whom have they cheated with ?  If not, is it something they could do ?  If yes, have they told them or has the other found out ?  Could they forgive and forget ? 
J ─ Jewellery. Do they own any sexy jewellery  ( like butt plugs with rhinestones, piercings in intimate areas, cock rings, collars, etc… ) ?  What do they think about it ? 
K ─ Kissing. How important are kisses in their relationship ?  Any favourite kind of kisses ?  Do they have any rituals involving kissing ( never leaving for work without kissing the other, always sharing a kiss goodnight, etc… ) ?
L ─ Lingerie. Do they enjoy wearing it and/or seeing their partner in lingerie ?  What kind of lingerie do they find the sexiest ? Any other clothing they love seeing their partner in  ( like grey sweater pants, wearing nothing but an apron, really short shorts, etc… ) ?  Do they often wear what the other likes, just to please them ?
M ─ Masturbation. Do they engage in it ?  Together or alone ?  Do they enjoy watching their partner masturbating ?  Do they use any toys, or just their hands ?
N ─ Nudes. Do they send them to each other ?  Do they save them on their phones ?  Do they keep them to themselves, or do they show them to their friends ?  Have they ever sent one to a wrong number ?  
O ─ O’clock. What time do they usually have sex  ( mornings, late at night, during lunch break, etc… ) ?  Are they usually in a rush, or do they take their time ? How about on weekends / holidays ?  
P ─ Public. Have they ever done it in public ?  Were they caught ?  Do they have a favourite public place to do it ?
Q ─ Questions. Is there anything they’d like to ask their partner, but never had the courage to ?  Any questions they’d rather avoid ?  Do they discuss everything as a couple, or are there any taboo themes ?
R ─ Recording. Have they ever filmed themselves having sex ?  Did they watch it together afterwards ?  Has anyone else seen their videos ? 
S ─ Spanking. Is this one of their kinks ?  If yes, who’s the spanker and who’s the spankee ?  Any favourite positions ?  Do they use just the hand or any other spanking implements  ( like the paddle, belt, whip, hairbrush, etc… ) ?
T ─ Turn ons & offs. What do they do to turn each other on ?  Is there something the other does that turns them off ?  Have they told them about it ?
U ─ Unusual. What’s the most unusual place they’ve had sex at/in ?  Was it a good experience ?  Would they repeat it ?  Is there an unusual place they’d like to try ?
V ─ Video call. Have they ever shared a sexy moment with each other during a video call ? What were the circumstances ( long distance, trying to cheer up/tease the other while at work, etc… ) ?  Did they enjoy it ?
W ─ Walk of shame. Has one of them  ( or both )  ever done a walk of shame  ( trying to leave the place the other shared with roommates/family members unnoticed but being caught ) ?  How was it ?  What were the reactions ?
X ─ X-rated. Do they watch any x-rated movies ( porn ) ?  Together or alone ?  Do they have a favourite type ?  Do they try to reenact them afterwards ?
Y ─ Yucky. Is there something they find particular disgusting or unpleasant in regards to sex ? Something they’d absolutely refuse to do, even if the other really wanted it ?  Have they already denied the other some kinks because of this ? 
Z ─ Zones. What are their most erogenous zones ?  Does their partner know all of them ?  Do they make sure to stimulate each other in said zones ?
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☕️ ㅤ
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ironspills · 11 months
[ 📲 text: ]  i love it when you talk like that.
Such a common situation. Awake in the middle of the night unable to sleep, only to find himself chatting with Cherrybomb via text messages. It’s a good thing really- it distracts him somewhat, and sooner or later he’ll succumb to slumber as the data pad slips from his servo.
Right now, it was a normal conversation, up until this message. A hum rumbled.
:: oh… what makes you say that? ::
Curiosity was reaching its peak. The femme always gave him a sense of energy and motivation to seek the truth of whatever she’s insinuating. This time he wants to know why she adores his speech, he wants the specifics, the descriptive details she usually spews.
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ironspills · 11 months
🐝  *  ―  𝑺𝑬𝑿𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺.  (  nsfw.  )
[ 📲 text: ]  i’m wearing something you might like right now. [ 📲 text: ]  i’ve got a surprise waiting for you. i think you’re going to like it. [ 📲 text: ]  i’m going to make you beg for it. [ 📲 text: ]  i want you. [ 📲 text: ]  you’ve made me so horny. [ 📲 text: ]  let me watch you come. [ 📲 text: ]  get over here. [ 📲 text: ]  i’ve been such a bad girl / boy. [ 📲 text: ]  i’m touching myself right now and thinking about you. [ 📲 text: ]  let me take care of you tonight. [ 📲 text: ]  it’s so hot to imagine you tying me up. [ 📲 text: ]  i’m picturing you and me with another person. [ 📲 text: ]  i’m so hard / wet right now. [ 📲 text: ]  i just got out of the shower. [ 📲 text: ]  it’s too bad you aren’t here … [ 📲 text: ]  i thought of something i want you to do to me tonight. [ 📲 text: ]  you can’t have me until tomorrow. [ 📲 text: ]  i’m still thinking about last night. [ 📲 text: ]  i miss feeling you inside me. [ 📲 text: ]  i love the way you make me feel. [ 📲 text: ]  the anticipation is killing me. [ 📲 text: ]  i’ve never felt as attracted to anyone else. [ 📲 text: ]  i can’t get enough of you. [ 📲 text: ]  what else will you do to me? [ 📲 text: ]  tell me more. [ 📲 text: ]  i love it when you talk like that. [ 📲 text: ]  what are you wearing? [ 📲 text: ]  that turns me on so much. [ 📲 text: ]  does this turn you on? [ 📲 text: ]  i had an exciting dream about you last night and have been replaying it in my head all day. [ 📲 text: ]  guess the color of my underwear. [ 📲 text: ]  i wish i could be with you right now. [ 📲 text: ]  i can’t wait to feel your hands all over my body. [ 📲 text: ]  send me a picture. of course i would prefer something a little … daring. [ 📲 text: ]  my clothes are coming off the second i get home. [ 📲 text: ]  i’m going to let you do anything you want to me. [ 📲 text: ]  are you touching yourself? [ 📲 text: ]  let me distract you from work. [ 📲 text: ]  you think you can come over sooner? i really need you here with me. [ 📲 text: ]  what are you going to do to me?
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2K notes · View notes
ironspills · 11 months
Her hums brought quite the goosebumps to his frame. It seemed that she enjoyed the fact that Ironhide was keeping her comfort as top priority, and not only that, Cherrybomb wasn’t that bothered by the size at all; as if she’s ready or has a solution for the choking problem. The confidence this femme has is one to admire, he couldn’t wait to see what she does.
While Cherrybomb loved the way Ironhide addressed her as, the mech’s spark skipped a beat when she cooed the words “darling” towards him. Darling, a nickname of endearment he himself uses to others, but like many things in intimacy, the name directed towards himself felt so much different- yet welcoming. It was like tasting honey. Oh the powerful urge to do anything in order to be called like that again, and to return the favor Ironhide would do the same; sweet, beautiful exchanges via whispers or murmurs without breaking glances.
To top it all off, the slow strokes caressing his spike caused Ironhide to make a hum of his own: Cherrybomb absolutely earned that sound from him. That and the traces around his thigh made his frame pulse eagerly as if it couldn’t wait for her to start already. Lucky for him, Cherrybomb was feeling the same way.
After a soft kiss and a squeeze that he absolutely loved, Ironhide could feel his spike slowly being taken by Cherrybomb’s mouth. His breath hitched for a moment only for a pleased sigh escape afterwards; he could already feel her slick warmth overtaking, pleasure pulsed like constant waves to his systems. However he did notice that despite the confidence, Cherrybomb was taking her time. So to ensure her comfort, one of his servos rested above the femme’s helm. Digits traced her metal in little circles; his half lid optics glancing down at her with awe, signifying that if she ever needed guidance, he’s there for her. And besides, appreciating her efforts by caressing her helm and audial fins is a good start. It would be like playing with her hair if both of them were human.
If there was one thing she would never admit outloud, was how much she usually disliked being called ma'am, but oh. After today? She may be easily convinced to change her mind. The way he said it, the way it rolled off his tongue ... if made her feal... powerful. respected. desired
There's a soft pleased rumble of her engines, both at the title and his reaction to her touch. Oh ironhide, such a strong mech in ever sense of the word, and yet almost putty in her hands already, and they hadn't even gotten to the good part yet! And when he spoke up again, full of consideration for her comfort, she practically melted with affection for the mech and she decided she was done waiting, a subtle blue tint returning to her faceplates as she cooed
" Oh darling- " She hummed, optics lidded as she smiled softly up at him, her servo beginning to move up and down in slow languid strokes in preparation as she spoke, her other servo on his thigh begining to trace patterns into the metal, before she leaned in pressing a soft kiss to the tip before pulling back enough to speak. " That wont be an issue~ " Her gaze held promise, and a soft gentle squeeze to his spike is the only warning he gets before she takes him into her mouth. Its not much at first; because as much as ironside was the average size for his frame type, he was still thick, meaning she had to get used to the stretch little by little. Thankfully, her servo's made good work of working to rest of his spike, at least for now.
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ironspills · 11 months
@blustering-old-fucker - cont.
“ Ah, must’ve assumed wrong then… “
Ironhide could tell by Kup’s words and tone that the mech meant that in a completely different meaning. One that he knows too well. Because come on, what other reason would Kup call him by a pet name? It’s like a signal, and Ironhide responds accordingly.
“ No need to be all shy or anythin’… what ya want me to do? “
0 notes
ironspills · 11 months
♡ >> send me a kink and I'll have my muse rate it << ♡
scale: fuck no, gross, not for them, eh, no opinion, kinda, hot, fuck yes, p l e a s e do this
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ironspills · 11 months
The fact that Cherrybomb took her sweet precious time in admiring his array caused his faceplates to warm up even further. A calm silence but you could hear her thoughts spill out of her processor loud and clear. Again, it's uncommon for him to have this much attention. The glances were taking long, although he didnt mind, he moved his glance to the side for a second in fear that he's staring down at her too much. Once his gaze came back, his frame was overcome with goosebumps hearing the satisfied purrs from Cherrybomb as if they swaying strings of electricity. Ironhide swallowed, words of praise ringing and circling around his mind as if they would haunt him for the rest of his life, it was possible however. Oh he wants to show his gratitude towards Cherrybomb so badly. He can't just hear these words and receive such attention and not return the favor. Soon enough he'll get his turn. " Whatever ya say, ma'am " He chuckled slightly in response to her last sentence; his frame shivered for only a quick second as he felt those soft digits around his length and the simple flick to his piercing. His spark beating with pure anticipation, not before he showcases his usual, considerate self. " Take your time tho' sweets, I don't want ya to choke-- "
Cherrybomb's gaze landed on Ironhide's now exposed spike the moment it was free from its confines, her eyes widening with delight as she took in the sight before her. The size, the thickness, the golden piercing—it was all a tantalizing combination that sent a thrill of anticipation through her circuits. She couldn't help but bite down on her lower lip, her own arousal building with each passing second. It wasn't often, that she found partners who also had piercings and the thought of the piercing rubbing against her glossa sent a subtle shiver of anticipation down throughout her frame. Oh but she could imagine, how such a thick spike would stretch her out paired with the additional stimulation of the peircing, and she swore if this was some sort of old timey earth cartoon, she'd be salivating at the pure though-.
Realising she probably spent more time admiring without saying something then was needed, she shifted slightly as she vented, systems forcing out excess hot air before her imagination worked itself into a frenzy, her faceplates tinted the faintest blue as she spoke; " Oh, Ironhide, it's absolutely perfect, " she purred, her voice dripping with praise and desire. " Definitely something to be proud of. "
As she spoke, her free servo reached out, her fingers wrapping gently around his thick spike, feeling the weight and warmth of it in her grasp. She ran her thumb over the piercing, the metal glinting in the dim light of the room, before giving it a playful flick as her eye's finally looked away from her prize, and up to meet his gaze.
" So dont you dare think it would bother me-. "
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ironspills · 11 months
The servo he once held slipped away, at first he thought that it was further teasing as punishment for not speaking enough. Should he have been more talkative? Descriptive even? Truly he wasn’t that great with those sorts of things, especially about himself. Thankfully those worries slipped away as he felt that same servo cradle his helm and pushed it down so both of their lips intertwined in an unexpected kiss. A caring, soft, delightful kiss. His optics widened slightly as a reaction but soon melted, fluttering shut as he accepted this advance; his servos lost composure as they began to hold Cherrybomb’s waist and pulled her even closer. Both frames close together even further, their temperatures mixing, dancing together in pure thrill. The femme became ever bolder, servos roamed while his own remained on her waist; taking their sweet time to massage, caress, remember every detail and seam that decorated it. 
A sound escaped him once he felt a servo cupping his sealed array, warm to the touch eager for more, his engine roared in that moment. The femme’s soft lips, although painted in black, Ironhide could’ve swore that he sensed a faint taste of strawberry, so sweet and addicting. Either that happened or he was losing his mind over how Cherrybomb was treating him. His spark pleaded for more, which is why the kiss lasted almost an eternity. When parted, Ironhide vented once before calming his breath; his optics caught sight of Cherrybomb’s painted lips now smeared due to the contact. This meant he had smudges of her lipstick on him, faceplates soon warming up due to the realization and the groan of satisfaction that escaped from the femme. The warmth grew even worse as his jawline was held and audials caught two hypnotizing words:
Good boy.
“ oh frag…- “
A quiet curse out of surprise and pure awe. Optics and processor were dazed, faceplates tainted in a blue hue as his spark skipped a beat. Another unexpected form of praise, the femme admiring the absolute obedience Ironhide was showcasing. It’s the first he was ever called like this, and so far it felt… pleasant? It surely made his systems sway and flutter like never before. He wondered if that would be a constant occurrence if these two ever interface again.
He was so focused on deciphering that in order to shatter this trance, all Cherrybomb had to do was trace her digits around his thighs and ask for Ironhide to release. Release yourself. Ironhide glanced down and optics were half lid, taking his sweet time to admire the femme beneath him. So worked up and hungry in a metaphorical sense, pretty much just as eager as he is. What point would there be if he refused?
Besides, he wondered how it’ll look like having the shaft of his spike tainted by the same black lipstick, seeing how proud she’d look as she contemplates her masterpiece.
The mech nodded as the codpiece slowly shifted with two clicks. His vision no longer blurred by the warnings, his spike was set free facing the femme in front of it. Average length size for mechs like him but with such impressive width that makes up for it- thick, in other words. The type to always stretch anything no matter what. There was also a tiny little surprise, which was the piercing Ironhide mentioned earlier; yep, he had a small, gold piercing that matched the yellow biolights on his spike, though he can take it out no problem. The challenge he once told Cherrybomb crossed his mind for the first time in a hot minute, which made Ironhide chuckle out of embarrassment.
“ Guess it didn’t take much to find it huh? It ain’t as special as yours but at least it’s somethin’... I think–  If it bothers ya in some way tho' I’d be glad to take it out- ”
The air crackled with anticipation as Ironhide's words hung in the space between them. Cherrybomb's optics smoldered with desire as she absorbed his plea, feeling it reverberate through her own being. She released a breath she didn't realize she was holding. She had asked for his words, and he had delivered. And oh did he did he deliver- It was a command, a request, a submission all rolled into one, and it sent shivers of delight down her spinal cables, and she had to restrain herself from letting out a pleased groan as the words blessed her audials, unable to stop the pleased rumble of her engines. She wasted no time in responding to his desperate desire, although not quite how he probably expected.
Her servo slipped from his grasp, raising up to cradle the back of his helm, and with a sort of held back hunger in her actions, she closed the remaining distance between them, capturing his lips with her own in a searing kiss. Their bodies pressed tightly together, the heat of their frames merging as she indulged, just for now, just this once in the moment, her optics fluttering shut as her free servo roamed even further now, dipping down to trace the seams of his abdominal plating, groping blindly, yet softly, at the spot between his hips and his thighs. Oh so close and yet-
She's not too sure when, but she pulls back after what feels like a lifetime to her, but was truly a minute or two at most. And as her optics flicker open, what was meant to be an amused hum at the sight of her lipstick spread across his lips, dissolves into a pleased groan, one servo flexing against his hip as to other moved to cradle his jaw as two words slipped out, wither genuine or by habit, she was too excited to care. “ Good boy- “
The world around them seemed to disappear and with a swift movement, she dropped to her knees before him, as if she herself couldn't wait a moment longer. And oh how she couldn't. Plagued by dreams of the impossible, and yet suddenly being given the opportunity to ravage and treat and appreciate such a breath taking mech right on a silver platter?
She was patient, but she wasn't that patient. Servo's caress his thighs for a moment, because primus if they weren't a treasure of their own, before one servo begins to trace the seams of her codpiece, relishing in the heat beneath her touch. Her grin returned as she flicked her hungry gaze up to meet his once again, softly palming the metal. “ Open up for me, would you love? “
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ironspills · 11 months
Her gaze spoke so many words just like his. The moment he expressed his desire for her servos to roam, the femme’s aura blazed bright in response. That's when he was granted that wish in the form of enticing traces from Cherrybomb’s fingertips. Their frames finally touched after such torturous distance which made Ironhide’s engine rumble in relief and excitement, his heat rising ever so slightly slowly- catching up to Cherrybomb’s. The urge for one of his servos to lower and gently grasp the femme’s waist to keep her close was oh so strong and challenging to his composure. It proved to be superior compared to this desire however as his servo stayed in place. He didn’t want to do anything drastic without her awareness, if anything, the only person that should receive such bold actions is him. He can handle them, but ask for them? Can’t do that for the life of him.
For every brush and stroke, the femme earned shaky sighs; rumbling hums easily comparable to purrs. His vision was clouded with HUD warnings, the usual pop ups that his arousal must be taken care of before the heat scorches him from the inside. Most of the time, Ironhide would ignore these signs and wait for his turn. However, the more he realized that Cherrybomb’s touches were merely superficial with the purpose to tease, the more eager and a little bit desperate he became. He wasn’t strong enough to maintain optic contact like this; his optics fluttered shut for a moment at the intense but denied sensation of Cherrybomb’s digit lightly brushing close to his stomach. Primus- he wanted her to exploit such a sensitive zone. Ironhide swallowed a whine and a curse, his optics opening once more just to gaze at the femme with the same pleading look; that is until she leaned closer and whispered: Use your words, Ironhide.
“ frag… please- “
A protest mixed with another plea. Another gentle squeeze from him to the servo he held as another sign; he didn’t understand the command at first until she further explained. His optics blinked once or twice. As mentioned before, someone else taking responsibility was such a foreign concept for him. He was so used to being the provider, the one to care and please- that the fact of someone doing all these things to him in the first minute would make him freeze, unsure on what to do. This was basically it. 
“ I– “
Ironhide couldn’t bring himself to speak immediately as he was trying to make up his mind- his processor was scrambled; what were his fantasies? Was it the thought of someone keeping him in place? Praise, please and exhaust until he’s nothing but puddle on their servos? The idea of just– relaxing, turning the tables for one day. It had been eons since he’d done something like that. All experiences were either rough or unmemorable. With Cherrybomb taking the reins, will he earn the soft treatment he’s been longing for? And most importantly, does he deserve it this soon?
“ I ain’t– good at that… “ He was interrupted by a singular click, he instantly knew what it  was since it originated from his codpiece. The demands for that sweet release away from the bothersome heat- but not now, he kept it shut and will remain so until he earns that release. A sharp growl of frustration escaped his dermas as he resisted, continuing what he was about to say:
“ Just- go lower. I want you goin’ lower– digits, mouth, don’t matter how. Do anything ya want with me sweets ‘cause I can handle it. Don’t stop… please– “
Breathy confessions, tone soft but the rumble remained. By this rate, Ironhide will soon be wrapped around Cheerrybomb’s digit.
Cherrybomb felt a surge of desire course through her circuits as she sensed Ironhide's plea, his unspoken words begging her to continue. Her spark thrummed with anticipation, fueled by his unspoken desire. The way his servo held hers, the way his optics spoke volumes without a single word being uttered, it ignited a fire within her.
She continued to keep their gazes locked, never letting her gaze stray away from his face and much to stubborn to look away first, her own optics burning with a mixture of want and understanding. The room seemed to hum with their shared energy, the air thick with tension and desire. She could see the need in his gaze, the way he craved her touch, and she had to consciously stop her engine from rumbling out of pure excitement.
She pressed her body against his, her plating warm, rivalling his own, and with a soft smile as she let the touches from her free servo grow bolder, more teasing, as she began to traced the ridges, seams and contours of his upper armor, threatening to dig into the seams and the heat of his chassis radiating beneath her sharpened fingertips, but never going further as the ghost of a touch. Then she moved up to trace faint patterns of swirls along the more open metal of his chassis, each touch deliberate, a dance of pleasure and anticipation, and every stroke and caress calculated to elicit a response, and she reveled in each one.
She leaned in closer, her voice low and sultry as she hummed,
" Use your words, Ironhide," she spoke softly with the faintest of grins, her voice dripping with desire and a subtle playful challenge. " I need to hear you say it, a nod isn't enough love~ "
Her other servo remained in his grasp, feeling the quickened beat of his spark beneath her fingertips. She could sense the intensity of his desire, but she wanted to hear him give voice to it. Every look, every hitch and thrum of his spark, it fueled her desire, driving her to push further. She wanted to taste him, to feel him in her mouth, but no matter all of that, she wanted to hear his voice, and she was very good at waiting. Never let one say that cherrybomb was anything but patient. And so she waited, her spark pounding with silent anticipation
The power of consent, of shared desire, was an aphrodisiac in itself.
" I want to make your every fantasy come true, Ironhide, " She hummed, her voice filled with sincerity. " But I need to hear it from you. Use your words. Tell me how you want me. "
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ironspills · 11 months
Cherrybomb chose wisely as the two gathered inside the abandoned room. He hummed quietly enough for the femme not to notice: deja vu... eh, not worth thinking about. Once the doors are locked, there was no turning back and they get to begin and do anything they so please with each other. It would've started quick if it wasn't for the gentle squeeze from Cherrybomb and her reassurance towards Ironhide prior to arriving. A voice smooth and soothing, one so warm and fuzzy inside his processor when registered. Unsure if to admit it soon, but the femme's voice and speech pattern is delightful to hear, music full of sweet honey spilling on his audials- he likes it. This time it was no different. While Cherrybomb was restricting access from whoever passes by, Ironhide glanced around the storage room; the dim atmosphere was no bother thanks to Ironhide's bright bio lights- or light shows to put it simply at this rate. Since the room is under-used, there are little to no crates or other objects that can support the two if one of them gets to lay down. So far there's a desk and thats pretty much it. Ironhide was focusing too much on what he could do for her and how he could show his genuine gratitude for this occassion, that he finds Cherrybomb's action of locking optic contact positively paralyzing. Standing still he wonders, what was on her mind? Well, it'll be said now: Praise. Ironhide was no stranger to it, not as much really. He's been so used to do it for others, it feels almost foreign to hear it from someone else for him to receive- to process and react accordingly with appreciation or desperation for more. A voice tingling his sensors the more it approached, both frames so close yet so far from touch. A delight, a priviledge and a pleasure-- Cherrybomb thinks these things about the mech. And judging by her tone and nurturing nature showcased along with the tint of playfulness and the soft servo raising to hold his scarred faceplates, she means it; his optics softened quick, his frame warm to the touch as the femme brushed his chassis with a kiss. No expectations, no judgments, just us. His breath hitched due to that. Even with how faint and quickforward it was, his frame jolted slightly as if electrified; he was captivated. Ironhide would be lying if he said that his frame didnt crave for something more, the quick lean toward Cherrybomb's raised servo was the ultimate proof only for that touch to disappear too and lower, earning Cherrybomb a shaky exhale from the mech. Her digits thin but enough to cause a tremor of sensations coursing through his frame, the warmth becoming dominant over the cool temperature of the room. It looks like someone else will take charge. It's-- new, per say. Though not something that Ironhide detests, he appreciates it in fact. He did sense a promise in her, alright. A promise he wants to see it complete; hell, he'll fucking beg if need to. So after her question came to exist, his helm slowly nodded. His servo squeezing hers in response to something similar she did. He couldn't bring himself to speak. If actions could talk, he spoke only one word at first, so full of intense rush and anticipation that he pretty much forgot about the challenge he bestowed upon the femme: Please. To further prove his point, Ironhide held Cherrybomb's servo gently, raising it back up again on his chassis. All in the purpose for the femme to feel his quickened spark beat and the heat from his armor while also shooting a half lid gaze at her that whispered without sound: Please keep touching me.
Cherrybomb's grip tightened ever so slightly on Ironhide's servos, her gaze meeting his over her shoulder with a mixture of sincerity, playfulness but also the smallest bit of concern or was it understanding? She wasn't sure either. Her voice, though soft, held a tinge of determination as she responded.
" Trust me, Ironhide, the honor is all mine, "
She could feel the weight of his questions and uncertainties, and she wanted to say more, to bury his simple insecurity in a mountain of reassurances, but she continued to lead him through the halls of the agency, their hands still intertwined, thinking it better to wait until they arrived instead of walk and talk.
As they arrived at the old storage room, she tapped a code into the lock panel, and with a soft click, the door swung open. She pulled him inside, and the moment they were concealed from view, the atmosphere shifted. The dim lighting in the room gave it an intimate ambiance, and the thick (although not fully soundproof. They would still need to make an effort to stay somewhat quiet) walls ensured their meetup would remain secret. And once the door was locked behind them, Cherrybomb turned to face Ironhide, her optics locking with his. The playful spark was still there, but there was also a genuine warmth in her gaze.
" Ironhide," she said softly, her voice tinged with sincerity, "you might not see it, but you're one of the most extraordinary mechs I've ever met. There's a strength in you that goes far beyond your frame, and a kindness that draws others to you. You've seen and experienced so much, and it shows in the way you carry yourself with wisdom and grace. "
She stepped closer to him, their frames almost touching, her left servo slipping from where it grasped his to reach up and caress his cheek, her thumb gently tracing his faceplates. An action of habit truly, but that didn't change anything.
" And I assure you, spending time with you is not just an honor; it's a delight, a privilege, and a pleasure. " She continued, a soft smile on her lips.
She paused for a moment, to let the weight of her words settled, before she leaned down just slightly, her lips pressing the faintest and softest kiss to his chasis, pulling back just enough to speak, " So, how about we put those doubts aside for now and enjoy this moment? No expectations, no judgments, just us. "
Her voice held a promise, a promise of exploration and intimacy without pressure. And as she leaned back, servo drifting from holding his cheek to lower, tracing this seams of his chasis, that mischievous glint returning to her optics, although subtle.
" Let me fulfil my promise? Please? " she added in a semi faux beg as her gaze lifted to meet his again, optics full of desire and warmth and anticipation, giving his servo a gentle squeeze.
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ironspills · 11 months
*The thought of Ironhide having to be taken care of instead of the usual opposite...... him being so confused yet flattered that someone is willing to do such a thing despite his size or his strong yet selfless personality..... look i want him to feel loved-
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ironspills · 11 months
❤️‍🔥what’s their most erogenous zone? 💋do they like to kiss while having sex? do they cuddle afterward?
❤️‍🔥. Want to turn Ironhide into a puddle? Take the bio lights of his stomach and waist to your advantage. With the right touch, they’re quite sensitive.
💋. YES, A HUNDRED TIMES, YES. Ironhide will only kiss if his partner is ok with it, though; and usually he does it for further praise or a sweeter version of feeling their sounds escape their dermas while connected to his. After they’re done, bringing them into his arms is his first step to aftercare.
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ironspills · 11 months
👄do they prefer oral or penetrative sex more? ↕️are they a sub, dom, or switch? top, bottom, or switch?
👄. Ironhide usually focuses on pleasuring his partner than himself, so oral is his favorite. At this point he might have some sort of goddamn oral fixation.
↕️. Ironhide is a top switch most of the time, but wouldn’t mind playing other roles.
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ironspills · 11 months
🪢do they have a kink? if so, what is it?
🫂how do they feel about friends with benefits?
🛏️what’s their favorite position?
🪢. As mentioned before, Ironhide doesn’t consider himself kinky by any means since he doesn’t have such a specific list or demands. Although there are kinks such as praise, voice and biting kinks he regularly enjoys. There’s one particular kink that he’s sometimes hesitant to admit: Having his partner playing with his sensors as a way to keep control of him is such a delightful scenario to be in. It can be touch, hearing or even taste- anything that can cause his sensors to dance.
🫂. Friends with benefits is his go-to. These individuals are those that he spends good time with and trust. If they’re on board with it, interface is one of many ways Ironhide can show just how much he appreciates them. He’d fight and even die for the friends that he has.
🛏️. Any position that has his partner on his lap or close to him. He likes to embrace his partners and see their expressions. Cowgirl, spooning and missionary are top favorites.
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ironspills · 11 months
👀how do they feel about voyeurism? exhibitionism?
👀. For exhibitionism, Ironhide isn’t enthusiastic on being the center of attention and thus doesn’t partake in it. As for voyeurism? Well- he wouldn’t mind watching his partner pleasure themselves while he’s next to them- or hear their sounds and ecstasy via voice call while he’s away, even if it’s such torture having to hear but not be there. But it’s an uncommon situation and a kink he usually keeps on the sidelines; he would rather discuss it with their partner about it if they want to do it.
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ironspills · 11 months
🧑‍🤝‍🧑🧑‍🤝‍🧑how do they feel about having multiple partners at once? have they ever done it? 🪢do they have a kink? if so, what is it? 💸have they ever or would they ever accept money or gifts in exchange for sex? 🍆how do they feel about toys? do they have any? what’s their favorite? do they use them with partners? 🌙do they need an emotional connection or are one-night-stands an option? 🫂how do they feel about friends with benefits? 🍒how old were they when they lost their virginity? to whom? was it significant? 🏳️‍🌈what’s their sexual orientation? have they ever experimented outside of that [for more binary orientations such as heterosexual/homosexual]? 👄do they prefer oral or penetrative sex more? ↕️are they a sub, dom, or switch? top, bottom, or switch? 🛏️what’s their favorite position? 🔢what’s their body count? 🕒what’s the longest time they went without engaging in sexual activity with a partner? [masturbation doesn’t count] 👀how do they feel about voyeurism? exhibitionism? 🏬would they have sex in public? if so, how public is too public? 🤪what’s the wildest place they’ve ever done something sexual? ❤️‍🔥what’s their most erogenous zone? 💋do they like to kiss while having sex? do they cuddle afterward? 💦what’s their immediate post-orgasm reaction? 🫶what does after care look like for them?
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ironspills · 11 months
Ironhide lived for millions of years that were full of experiences on many scenarios, intimacy was no exception. However, there is one thing— well, more like a type of interface he has never done before: Plug’n’Play.
Cords, ports, anything related to intense, intertwined connections or even involving sparks into the mix if lucky. It’s odd, really, Ironhide interfaced many times throughout his life and yet he’s oblivious of what this sort of connection feels. Although, he isn’t at fault. Before the war, this form of intimacy was considered taboo, he isn’t sure if it was true worldwide, but at least he’s certain it was where he lived, restricted for those with a strong bond- conjux worthy; it’s mostly due to the strong intensity and how overall delicate the whole thing is. Like come on, having your partner manage, touch and embrace your most precious sensors and the most vital component a cybertronian can have? That requires a whole lot of trust. And because of how unlucky Ironhide was to find his perfect match, this experience never came to be.
But oh how he sometimes wishes to do so. If he ever believes he has found his perfect match, it would be his first request— of course, if the partner is willing.
Not only does he want to experience it, he wants to experience them; feel their emotions, feel their pleasure just like they’re feeling his. He wants to feel the synchronization work it’s magnificent magic.
Will that day come however? Who knows.
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