ipacademy0 · 1 year
Train the Trainer Course – Germany: Helping You to Become a Great Trainer
One of the biggest myths in the learning development world is the following: if you are an expert in a given subject matter, then you can be a trainer in that subject. This is rarely true, as many of us know from experience. Not everyone who really "knows their stuff" makes for a great trainer or facilitator. The key to effective, and therefore, successful training is to become equally qualified in the method of transferring the very knowledge and skills you possess - and needed by your trainees.
Nowadays, many businesses use PowerPoint presentations as their primary format for training. However, research shows that less than 5% of what is presented is actually learned, making it one of the most inefficient endeavours within a company today.
Train the trainer – Germanywill help the participants learn how effectively to structure a training module, introduce a variety of proven training methods, and most of all, involve learners in the subject material from beginning to end. It follows the intuitive insight from Benjamin Franklin who once said, Tell Me and I Forget; Teach Me and I May Remember; Involve Me and I Learn.
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We at the International Presentation Academy have designed interactive training modules, and we will teach you to do the same. Here are a few points we cover on our workshop:
We fully engage our participants in a comprehensive step-by-step and experiential approach to understand different learning styles and use different training methods.
We encourage participants to plan and develop their own training module in the workshop – in order to make it effective and learner-oriented – and most of all, relevant.
Participants learn to develop a seminar structure that is the basis underpinning nearly all effective training modules.
Participants also learn how to train difficult processes in a way that is engaging and highly didactic – and dispenses with the lecture method.
Future trainers will learn how to motivate their class - and create a safe and supportive learning environment to achieve maximum involvement.
A brief introduction to the “Flipped classroom” approach – which will allow trainers to work much more on learning output.
Finally, trainers will learn how to get full class cooperation during class discussions. For our Train the Trainer Courses in English (in Germany), you are invited to bring your own training topics and develop during the course. We promise to fully engage you in our Train the Trainer Workshop in English – Munich, Germany – in the same way you will learn to engage your trainees. Contact us at [email protected]
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ipacademy0 · 1 year
Why a Train the Trainer Course in Germany is the Best Way to Become a Successful Trainer!
Train the Trainer Courses are gaining popularity in Germany as they help individuals to become effective trainers and facilitators. These courses enable participants to acquire the skills and knowledge required to plan, design, deliver and evaluate training programs.
The Train the Trainer Courses in English – Germany provide an opportunity for participants to develop their skills in a range of areas such as communication, problem-solving, facilitation and assessment. They also help participants to understand the key principles of adult learning theory so that they can effectively engage with their audience.
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Participants who attend these courses will gain valuable insights into how to create engaging learning experiences for their students or clients. With these skills, they will be able to create effective and meaningful learning experiences that will help them achieve their goals.
What Are Some of The Best Practices in Conducting a Successful Train The Trainer Seminar?
Train the Trainer seminars are essential for ensuring that trainers are up to date with the latest trends and methods in teaching. They help trainers stay ahead of the competition, improve their skills, and increase their knowledge.
Train the Trainer seminar in English – Germany have become increasingly popular as they help native German speakers to understand and use English more effectively. Through these seminars, trainers can learn how to create effective teaching materials, design engaging activities and lessons, and develop better communication skills. In addition, they can also gain valuable insights into how to conduct successful training sessions in a culturally sensitive manner.
By following some of the best practices in conducting Train The Trainer seminars in English – Germany, trainers can ensure that their seminar is successful and beneficial for both themselves and their students.
Train the Trainer seminars in English – Germany are becoming increasingly popular as more people recognize the need for trainers to be able to communicate effectively in English. These seminars provide trainers with the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to successfully deliver training sessions in an international environment. By attending these seminars, trainers will gain a better understanding of how to best use their language skills and cultural awareness when delivering training programs in a foreign country. Furthermore, they will learn how to create engaging and interactive learning experiences for their students by incorporating different methods of instruction such as group activities, simulations and role-play. With this knowledge and experience, trainers can become more effective at delivering their training sessions no matter where they are located.
Helping you craft a compelling presentation with an unforgettable message. Let us show you how to make your next big presentation impactful and memorable. IP ACADEMY: Crafting Exceptional Presentations!
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ipacademy0 · 1 year
Train the Trainer Seminar in English – Germany
Our Train the Trainer Seminar in English – Germany (also available online) is a 2-day seminar that helps participants design their own interactive training modules that are hands-on and highly didactic. During the seminar participants will develop a clear training structure and numerous activities for every stage of the training cycle (i.e. ice-breakers, opening gap-analysis activities, numerous input methods, debriefing questions, easy-to-use interactive tests, as well as skills and knowledge anchoring).
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ipacademy0 · 1 year
Train the Trainer – Germany
Our Advanced Train the Trainer – Germany (also available online) is a 2-day seminar that helps participants design their own interactive training modules that are hands-on and highly didactic. During the seminar participants will develop a clear training structure and numerous activities for every stage of the training cycle (i.e. ice-breakers, opening gap-analysis activities, numerous input methods, debriefing questions, easy-to-use interactive tests, as well as skills and knowledge anchoring).
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ipacademy0 · 1 year
Train the Trainer – Germany
Our Advanced Train the Trainer – Germany (also available online) is a 2-day seminar that helps participants design their own interactive training modules that are hands-on and highly didactic. During the seminar participants will develop a clear training structure and numerous activities for every stage of the training cycle (i.e. ice-breakers, opening gap-analysis activities, numerous input methods, debriefing questions, easy-to-use interactive tests, as well as skills and knowledge anchoring).
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ipacademy0 · 1 year
Advanced Train the Trainer in English – Germany
Our Advanced Train The Trainer in english – Germany (also available online) is a 2-day seminar that helps participants design their own interactive training modules that are hands-on and highly didactic.  During the seminar participants will develop a clear training structure and numerous activities for every stage of the training cycle (i.e. ice-breakers, opening gap-analysis activities, numerous input methods, debriefing questions, easy-to-use interactive tests, as well as skills and knowledge anchoring).
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ipacademy0 · 2 years
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Our Advanced Train the Trainer Course – Germany (also available online) is a 2-day seminar that helps participants design their own interactive training modules that are hands-on and highly didactic.  During the seminar participants will develop a clear training structure and numerous activities for every stage of the training cycle (i.e. ice-breakers, opening gap-analysis activities, numerous input methods, debriefing questions, easy-to-use interactive tests, as well as skills and knowledge anchoring).
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ipacademy0 · 2 years
Train the trainer workshop – Munich
Our Train the trainer workshop – Munich (also available online) is a 2-day seminar that helps participants design their own interactive training modules that are hands-on and highly didactic.  During the seminar participants will develop a clear training structure and numerous activities for every stage of the training cycle (i.e. ice-breakers, opening gap-analysis activities, numerous input methods, debriefing questions, easy-to-use interactive tests, as well as skills and knowledge anchoring).
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ipacademy0 · 2 years
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Our Advanced Train the Trainer – Germany (also available online) is a 2-day seminar that helps participants design their own interactive training modules that are hands-on and highly didactic.  During the seminar participants will develop a clear training structure and numerous activities for every stage of the training cycle (i.e. ice-breakers, opening gap-analysis activities, numerous input methods, debriefing questions, easy-to-use interactive tests, as well as skills and knowledge anchoring).
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ipacademy0 · 2 years
Train the Trainer Course – Germany
Summary: Training your in-house employees can be difficult. But even more challenging is to build an effective training module. This article below will show you how to significantly raise the bar on both.
Train the trainer courses in Germany offer experts in their respective field the tools to transmit that knowledge in a way that is instructionally sound and highly effective. To do this, however, requires an understanding the learning cycle adult learners universally move through when acquiring new knowledge and skills – as well as the different learning styles that are unique to each individual. The learning cycle is the structure underpinning your training module. And knowing about the different learning styles means that a trainer will bring a variety of teaching methods to the classroom as s/he moves through the structure (i.e. the learning structure). A metaphor for this can be seen in manufacturing a car. The structure is like the different parts of the car (i.e. the chassis, the motor, the interior, the body, etc.). The methods correspond to the tools used to manufacture and assemble each part.  The result is a learner that is fully engaged with the topic at hand – and achieves a level of learning effectiveness that far exceeds the lecture method (with PowerPoint) typically used in many training programs.
Making your training module hands-on and interactive is the key way to engage the learner and raise learning effectiveness. If you are planning to enrol in our train the trainer workshop (online or face to face), be assured that we practice the very approach we advocate. The seminar will be interactive from beginning to end. The whole seminar is oriented toward the learner. Participants are even asked to bring their own topics to develop them, with individual feedback, during the workshop.
This 2-day Train the Trainer seminar in English – Germany, will explore the following points in our exclusive Train the Trainer Skills Workshop online
●       Learning styles and training methods
●       How to structure your training module to maximize learning effectiveness
●       How to create a seminar design that is highly didactic and engaging
●       How to train complicated processes
●       Adult learning needs and motivation: what really works
●       Designing and using interactive tests
●       Creating learning objectives that motivate learners
●       Designing simulations for your training module
●       How to design viewer-friendly visual support
●       Final tips: How to get full class participation in discussions.
Learners who complete our Train the Trainer course in Germany will be fully prepared in designing interactive training modules for their own areas of expertise. At the International Presentation Academy, we do training – and we do it differently. We will share our over 30 years of training experience with you – while guiding you through a step-by-step process until it is internalized in you. We guarantee it. We invite you to contact us at: [email protected]
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ipacademy0 · 2 years
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Train the Trainer Courses in English – Germany 
Our Train the Trainer Courses in English – Germany (also available online) is a 2-day seminar that helps participants design their own interactive training modules that are hands-on and highly didactic.  During the seminar participants will develop a clear training structure and numerous activities for every stage of the training cycle (i.e. ice-breakers, opening gap-analysis activities, numerous input methods, debriefing questions, easy-to-use interactive tests, as well as skills and knowledge anchoring).
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ipacademy0 · 2 years
Storytelling Coaching – Munich, Germany
Storytelling Coaching – Munich, Germany is a concept created by International Presentation Academy. to work with traditional storytelling in Coaching Practice. It is a winning combination that is very powerful in business and personal life to motivate, inspire and achieve outstanding results.
 We were talking about the change of the story as it moves from composed structure to the oral story. What happens when we recount to the story that we have quite recently perused? Or on the other hand that somebody has recently told us? How does the story change?
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A piece of the conversation helped me to remember that game we used to play as children 'Chinese murmurs' - where somebody would murmur a message to another person and it would be passed down the line. The final product was a totally mutilated and as a rule extremely interesting message.
 At the point when I recount a story, I recount my story.
 Regardless of whether I'm recounting the account of Little Red Riding Hood, it's my adaptation. The manner in which I recall it told to me as a kid, or the book that I read later and afterward a wide range of different impacts. In truth, the manner in which I decide to recount a story will incorporate my perspectives and my convictions. My character and my qualities generally follow through in the story.
 At the point when I recount a story, I recount my story.
 I tell who I am, or possibly, how I see myself.
 In the event that I feel solid and good, it's in my story.
 Assuming I feel hurt or misinterpreted, it's in my story. In the event that I feel like a triumph or a disappointment, it's in my story. In the event that I feel successful or like a casualty, it's in my story.
 But, so frequently we are negligent of the tales we tell. We as a whole have individuals in our lives that recount similar stories over and over. You know the scene, you're lounging around the supper table, the fundamental course has recently been served and Uncle Tom begins saying, 'it helps me to remember when I made a trip to Paris in 1974' and you understand coming Storytelling Seminar - Munich.
 On the off chance that reality you've heard the Paris tale multiple times! For what reason would he say he is trapped in his story? For what reason do we stall out in our own accounts, and particularly the narratives that truly don't serve us excessively well?
 On the off chance that we stop briefly and ponder how we recount our accounts, and obviously why we tell them, we can start to recount additional engaging stories, accounts of tomfoolery and giggling, stories that lead us to a more certain encounter of our own lives.
 It truly is just basic. At the point when we recount stories that are entertaining and stories that are inspiring, we truly can make our lives more tomfoolery and more euphoric. At the point when we recount accounts of flexibility and strength, we truly feel more grounded.
 So we should make a wish, at the present time, that we will hear and recount to great stories this week. Believe it or not, switch off the TV and PC, overlap up the paper, go for a stroll in nature or take a gander at something lovely, pay attention to some great music and afterward go recount to somebody the tale of that exceptional second.
 Also, when this works like sorcery, rehash it tomorrow, and the following day! You'll be amazed the way in which awesome you feel!
  At the International Presentation Academy we offer a workshop (or personal coaching)that will guide you in a step-by-step technique to developing your own story-based presentation. These storytelling coaching - Munich, Germany and training programs are designed for founders, change makers and thought leaders to better effect the change they want to see. Visit us:- https://ip-academy.de/services/storytelling/
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ipacademy0 · 2 years
Presentation Skills Training in English
Get  the Top Presentation Skills Training in English. Our highly interactive virtual presentation skills training include real-life practice that'll give you the winning edge! Say bye to public speaking fear.  At the International Presentation Academy our Presentation Skills Seminar we will guide you step-by-step in developing tightly structured, authentically delivered, and compelling presentations – onsite or in our open seminars in Germany.
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ipacademy0 · 2 years
Presentation Skills Course for Leaders - Germany
What is presentation skills training, and what presentation skills course for leaders - germany? Leadership is a phenomenon that is extremely hard to define, but equally easy to identify. Though there is a great deal of discussion centering round the quality of leadership, it has, by no means, made it easier to pin down.
The question that comes to all of our minds when we surf through the maze of websites offering online programs in all streams of study, including that of the ubiquitous leadership skills, is simply whether these things can be taught to people. Or indeed, do they bring about a significant transformation in the behaviors of the people taking these programs?
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Let's take a look at what these programs are offering in order to decide. Most of the programs offering to hone your presentation skills training acknowledge that to be a leader, you must possess some natural tendencies, and these can be sharpened and enhanced, not taught from scratch.
They then break down the presentation skills course into several sub-skills: presentation skills training in house course – Germany, Presenting in English (important in the modern corporation), team building (a new perspective to this age-old skill has been added to corporation structures), etc. Some of the programs and workshops have sessions in team dynamics and team resources.
The presentation skills training in english programs promise to sharpen your skills to structure, measure, and tune performances in a team environment in an organization. The workshops organize sessions that simulate real life situations, so that candidates can practice problem solving, using feedback effectively, and exercising your EI (emotional intelligence) in team situations.
Though typically used in corporate situations, leadership skills programs are also designed to train youths to take on leadership roles effectively. This kind of training is especially popular in the Boy Scouts movement, and target young men between the ages of 14 and 21. Sometimes organized over weekends, the programs center round the modules of Vision, Communication, Organization, and Synergism.
If you are thinking of taking a program that presentation skills training, ask yourself whether you have some makings of a leader in you already. Sometimes you may not be very aware of your own leadership traits but your friends, colleagues, or superiors may have recognized them in you.
Once convinced that you have the capacity to motivate and lead people to make a difference, ask yourself what exactly you are seeking to achieve, and where you propose to employ these skills. If you plan to use your skills in the workplace to manage and lead your team, you will have to pick a corporate leadership training that focuses on the issues that face leaders in companies. Watch out for the methodology of the programs. It would probably be hard to teach leadership entirely out of a textbook or completely out of an online medium. Ask what workshops the programs entail. Critical skills are best taught in real life situations, so programs that simulate these situations are a good idea.
Remember, it's a maze out there. Pick your presentation skills course well, and you have already displayed some wisdom of a good leader!
Enroll for best presentation skills course for leaders - germany At the International Presentation Academy. At the International Presentation Academy our Presentation Skills Seminar we will guide you step-by-step in developing tightly structured, authentically delivered, and compelling presentations – onsite or in our open seminars in Germany visit here for more info [https://ip-academy.de/].
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ipacademy0 · 2 years
Presenting in English - Germany
At the International Presentation Academy our Presentation Skills Seminar we will guide you step-by-step in developing tightly structured, authentically delivered, and compelling presentations – onsite or in our open seminars in Germany. For non-native speakers presenting in English - Germany can be quite a challenge. There are just so many aspects to consider.
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ipacademy0 · 2 years
Presenting in English
At the International Presentation Academy our Presentation Skills Seminar we will guide you step-by-step in developing tightly structured, authentically delivered, and compelling presentations – onsite or in our open seminars in Germany. For non-native speakers presenting in English - Germany can be quite a challenge. There are just so many aspects to consider.
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ipacademy0 · 2 years
Why Being A Confident Speaker May Not Be Enough
When giving a presentation in front of an audience do you worry if you are able to inspire confidence in the audience?  After all, it is often said that if the speaker is not confident, the audience won’t believe the “content” of what’s being presented.
This sounds logical; it rings true. But for the most part, audiences are rarely convinced by the confidence a speaker gives off. The average audience is just not that easily impressed. Most audiences can easily distinguish between the veracity of what a speaker presents and how that speaker presents it. In fact, it’s not confidence from a speaker audiences are really looking for, but rather, trust. They want to know if they can trust the person in front of them. Indeed, the confidence many novice presenters think they need to project often has the opposite effect, especially if it’s too much. It can come across as inauthentic, as fake. This ends up creating a wall between the speaker and listener; it impedes trust.
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Trust comes from sensing you listening to someone who is honest, authentic and truly competent in what he or she is talking about. How you speak will have an effect, but it has less to do with an overt display of confidence, and much more to do with if you can communicate authenticity and expertise.  
5 levels of Presentation Speakers: which one are you?
Level 1 (the lowest) - The nervous reader The speaker uses notes, but is not able to use them discretely, in a genuinely supportive way. Rather, he stumbles verbally, pauses in the wrong places to look for his ideas, needs to repeat sentences, and comes off as unorganized and terribly unprepared. It’s uncomfortable for the audience who suffers through the talk and also agonizes on behalf of the speaker. The audience, at the subconscious level, thinks that this person cannot in anyway be an expert. For all they know, and genuinely suspect, the talk may belong to this speaker’s colleague - who is absent for some reason – and turned the presentation over to him to give in his absence. The nervous reader tells the audience, “I’m the stand in”.
 Level 2 – The not-so-nervous reader This is definitely better than a nervous reader. The reading flows and the audience feels the speaker is better prepared. However, the speaker is still JUST READING, albeit more competently. And usually, he’s reading from a PowerPoint slide that is full of text. The fact that he can read fluidly does not mean that the knowledge is truly internalized. It could be a case of just having a better stand in than a level 1 reader. Level 2 is a classic case of PowerPoint Karaoke. Though this speaker doesn’t provoke mistrust, he doesn’t establish trust either. In the final analysis, reading gets a thumbs-down, because it is incapable of igniting the fuse of trust when your input is coming from some external text.
Level 3 - The polished presenter There is a saying in Hollywood often given to young actors: “never get caught acting.” When the audience can see an actor playing the role - then it means their career will probably be doomed. Likewise, there are some speakers, fresh from a presentation skills seminar that are doing all the right things they learned in that seminar (i.e. speaking fluidly, standing up straight, making eye contact, punctuating words, using clean gestures, etc. but it is still not very convincing. Why? Because the audience can see them acting. It is a little too contrived, too polished. The speaker is caught up in his own world, concentrating too hard on the performance. One can imagine that if the audience were to quietly leave, the speaker wouldn’t notice. The polished speaker is for sure better than the either of the two readers. But connecting with his audience still falls way short of its potential.
Level 4 – The authentic speaker The authentic speaker doesn’t “present”. Rather, he talks with his audience in an authentic manner. He also stands straight, speaks with an easy flow, punctuates words, pauses, has eye contact and all the rest. But it comes from within; there is no forced energy or contrived conviction. The authentic speaker has also broken free of PowerPoint, using it sparingly. When he does use a slide, it’s only for visual support, almost always for the purpose of making a complex or complicated idea easier to understand. On a subconscious level, the audience trusts the authentic speaker – precisely because he is authentic. He is one with what he is saying – and it comes across in his words and body language.
 Level 5 – The authentic expert With the authentic expert we have reached the summit. He is everything described in at level 4 - and more. Paradoxically, this more is really less. The speaker knows how to filter his information. He can tell you what’s important, and what’s not important. Why? Because only an expert (usually due to lots of experience) can make that distinction. He may say that there are numerous arguments for a position (or features of a product), but he will only talk about the few that are relevant. Those with little expertise and less experience think they need to say everything – which can be burdensome for the audience. He knows what he’s talking about because he’s probably made a few mistakes in the past and has learned from them. His experience comes through. That ability to be authentic and demonstrate your expertise through filtering establishes the deepest form of trust possible with an audience.  
In conclusion, some confidence is important of course, but it is often more important for the speaker and less so for the audience. To cross the line into the realm of your audience, you will need to build the trust that naturally comes from being one with yourself and your topic, authentically.
 At the International Presentation Academy when it comes to a good Presentation Skills Course for Leaders in Munich, Germany – or a Presentations Skills In-house Course in English, we will guide guide you on how to make a powerful and memorable presentation. The seminar will also work with you, step-by-step, to help you write and deliver a presentation authentically, like a pro. For more information, contact us at [email protected].
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