{ hello, another update (i’m so sorry for late replies both IM and RP atm btw) - my writing muse is still lacking. it’s probably in part that i’m getting over a cold i’ve developed thanks to the changes of weather (which always happens around this time of year LMAO). i’m not sure when i’ll get to replies - maybe when i’m feeling a bit better later on with my writing muse cooperating with me. at any rate i intend on responding/writing starters i owe at least by the end of this week.
regardless, if you want to contact me in any way ooc-wise and have twitter, feel free to follow mine. that’s the best way to get a response back asap. cheers ♥ }
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I did this quick drawing to celebrate Jumin’s birthday, I didn’t have time to color it, maybe sometime I will do it >.<
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{ hello! just a update that i’ll try 2 get 2 more replies (+IMs) i owe today. my jumin writing muse has been v uncooperative wit me during weekends for some reason it seems lmao 
as always most responses will end up being queued. i’ll try to juggle some starters i owe in between the replies i owe. i’m hoping i can get at least 1/4 of them out of the way b4 i get distracted by other things. ty 4 ur patience TT____TT }
{ update: my muse is simply not cooperating with me.. i haven’t gotten to much at all OTL le sigh i hate it when that happens. instead of trying to force it and give super mediocre replies i’ll just chance it on a later date. i’m hoping it’ll cooperate on monday. qq }
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Jumin Han Mystic Messenger Fanart High Res: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=59175305
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happy birthday Jumin!!!
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↳ mm aesthetics
jumin han
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cat mom! [speedpaint]
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When you play seven’s route after playing jumin’s and you love jumin. IM SORRY JUMIN I PROMISE TO PLAY YOUR ROUTE AGAIN AFTER!!!!! 😭💔
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Whassup mista trustfundkid
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Mr. Trust Fund Kid
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Escape Journey
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When Jumin, if he ever decided to, got married with someone - he had imagined it would be due to his own desires, not due to business.
He hadn't expected his father to do this to his son, especially since of his father's casanova ways, but he was... slightly agitated that his father threw him in this circumstance without any warnings, and consent. The agitation did not last very long, however, immediately dispelling minutes after the news. Despite everything, he didn't know what he should be feeling about the occasion - anger? happiness? sadness? He felt nothing concerning the marriage itself. He wasn't even informed on which client's daughter he was to be wed with. No information about the business itself. Only reassurance from his father that it would benefit the company.
For the company, he will show no resistance. For the company, his emotions were irrelevant. Suppressing his emotions for efficiency was his forte, and this marriage was simply another assignment for the company he shall put his best efforts into.
Perhaps if he knew the true meaning of a marriage, genuine love, his feelings on the matter would differ; however, such things were a unknown he did not desire to dwell on. What were emotions, anyway?
Having accepting the wedding, he prepared for it exceedingly; ensuring he was dressed in a proper tuxedo, planning the wedding ring his future wife shall wear as a symbol of 'marriage'. The ring was simple by design, showing no love towards it - it was merely efficient, obvious enough to show that his wife would be accounted for.
Currently he was heading to the waiting room, notified that his wife was resting there, passing by joyful chatter and beautiful decorations that held no meaning to the groom. He ended up ignoring all of those sounds and decorations entirely, choosing instead of lingering to hurriedly open the door and venture in the room. It would be ideal to simply get this ordeal over with.
His wife, as stated, was in the room sitting down in her wedding dress. The attire itself was adequate, evoking no real emotions from the business man. He sat down next to her and remained silent, finding no need for idle chatter. Regardless of what was exchanged, they were to be wed.
Jumin hadn't expected her to speak to him first, if at all.
He finally turned his gaze to stare at her profile, eyes inquisitive as he observed her for the first time. She appeared to be younger than him - nineteen at most - and her facial expression, alongside with her voice, did little to hide her disdain for the wedding.
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"In my eyes, I may as well be both." He responded indifferently, eyes glancing away towards the big mirror hanging on the wall. Aesthetically, they both looked compatible, gauging how they looked sitting next to each other. A part of him pondered if their personalities would be compatible as well, in the future.
He sighed. It didn’t matter either way. 
"... This is beneficial for the companies of our parents. The sooner this ceremony is concluded, the sooner we may possess some free time." In the form of a honey moon, no doubt. While Jumin simply felt nothing towards the ordeal, seeing how clearly this affected her he decided to offer some comforting words, "For what it's worth, I apologize for this setback in your early adulthood."
'Some' being the key word. Kind words was not his strong point.
What could be the worst thing on earth? Yes, to get married to someone you don’t even know. Aki had always seen this in movies but never had she thought she would end up in such a situation by herself. As soon as her parents had told her about it, she couldn’t believe it. She thought it was a joke, until some guy showed up and told her that her wedding would be in one week. This was really th worst thing that could happen to her. She had cried the whole night about it, had yelled at her parents and asked them how they could do something like this to her, but they only answered her that it was necessary for their business and for her. 
So now one week has passed and she found herself in front of the mirror, wearing a white, but not too long, wedding dress. Every normally person would be happy about getting married, but she wasn’t. Her face showed her sadness and anger, but at the same time she didn’t want to disapoint her parents and how bad could it be? When the person she would get married to would turn out to be really bad, she always could try to get a hitman. 
The door opened and she was dragged out of the room. Today was the first time she would meet her new future husband. Some people brought her to a room, where she sit down and waited. When she saw another person sitting down beside her, she hesitated for a moment before looking at him. He didn’t look bad, but wasn’t really her type either. He had black hair and was dressed in black. Wait, was this maybe her future husband? 
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“Are you here as a guest or because you’re a part of this wedding?” she asked, pure sarcasm in her voice. At least she would meet him some minutes before they would official get married, what a relieve. 
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the thirst for jumin… is real… ||||OTL // Reposting cause the previous version had some minor mistakes in it *throws self into the trash can
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those master piece made my day <3 
I think this is her or his account : https://twitter.com/freerotary
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Okok....I'll call you daddy instead~
SECURITY !!!!!!!!!!!
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