inyourmindsworld · 1 year
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Affirmations For Being Spoiled By The Universe ✨
repeat every morning in the mirror for the best results!
"I am so spoiled"
"I am so lucky"
"I get everything I want and more"
"Everyone is always giving me gifts"
"Every experience always works out for my highest good no matter what"
"The universe clears my path and fills it with luck"
"Everything works out in my favour no matter what"
"Money always comes to me like i'm a magnet for it"
"Everyone always looks at me with admiration because of how blessed i am by the universe"
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inyourmindsworld · 1 year
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This is the lucky clover cat. reblog this in 30 seconds & he will bring u good luck and fortune.
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inyourmindsworld · 1 year
MERCURY IN THE 10th HOUSE; Observations
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Those with this placement advance within their careers at a young age and at an incredible speed. They are intelligent and are known for their brilliant minds. Their analytical abilities are well respected and needed within the world. They act as messengers and use their communication skills to bridge minds. Their rhetorical skills are well renowned and they are excellent public speakers. Networking comes easy to them and they know how to charm the public. These types can manipulate people in power effortlessly and are very persuasive with authority figures. They are usually rather popular and often talked about by others. Their outgoing nature is well received for the most part, but some try to claim that is fake and inauthentic. However, they always have some sort of credibility to back them up and these rumors are put out quickly. Education is very important for those with this placement. They take great pride in their academic achievements and use these to get ahead. This does not mean that learning comes naturally to these types. However, they understand the importance of it and its role within gaining power and advancement. This pushes them to work hard in school and the awards they gain from these efforts are very much deserved. This same type of mentality is also applied to their talents. People with their Mercury in the tenth house are perfectionist and dedicated to the growth of their craftsmanship. They have high ambitions and detailed plans. These types work well under pressure and prefer careers involving fast-paced environments that are fluid and ever changing. Mercury tenth housers have no issues hopping from one job to another until they find out what is best for them. They need a lot of excitement within their lives and will become bored of routine. Their many ideas need to be fostered through a job. Sometimes, they may lack follow through. But, hard deadlines and responsibilities reel them in and give them no other option but to commit. It also offers them an opportunity to properly use their strategic mind. They love outwitting mental games and enjoy figuring out ways to remain five steps ahead of everyone else. Their ever-changing persona keeps up with the ever-changing attitudes of the public, allowing for them to flourish. They are especially well-received by the media. 
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inyourmindsworld · 2 years
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Lucky 7 cow reblog for good luck
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inyourmindsworld · 2 years
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inyourmindsworld · 2 years
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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inyourmindsworld · 2 years
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inyourmindsworld · 2 years
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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inyourmindsworld · 2 years
“You still have a lot of time to make yourself be what you want.”
— S.E. Hinton
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inyourmindsworld · 2 years
“If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.”
— Lemony Snicket
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inyourmindsworld · 2 years
23 sentences that will improve your life more than any self-help book:
1. Discipline, consistency, and perseverance will take you places motivation never could.
2. Depend on yourself, never on others.
3. The quieter you become, the more you can hear.
4. Chase your dreams, not people.
5. No matter the situation, never let your emotion overpower your intelligence.
6. Your strongest muscle and worst enemy is your mind. Train it well.
7. One day you will thank yourself for never giving up.
8. Don't rush anything. When the time is right, it will happen.
9. Don't stop when you're tired. Stop when you're done.
10. No one is coming to save you. This life is 100% your responsibility.
11. Trust yourself. You've survived a lot, and you'll survive whatever is coming.
12. You are always one decision away from a totally different life.
13. Don't let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life.
14. Re-set, re-adjust, re-start, re-focus. As many times as you need to.
15. Detachment is power. Release anything that doesn’t bring you peace.
16. If you want to be taken seriously, be consistent.
17. Minding your own business will take you very far in life.
18. Promise yourself, no matter how hard it gets, you'll never give up on your dreams.
19. Don't lower your standards for anyone or anything.
20. Allow yourself to be a beginner. No one starts out being excellent.
21. Be crazy enough to know you can do anything you want in life.
22. Be busy improving yourself that you have not time to criticize others.
23. You get what you focus on. So focus on what you want.
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inyourmindsworld · 2 years
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inyourmindsworld · 2 years
You will have days where you feel better, and you will have days where you want to die. Both are okay. There is no magical cure. You just need to close your eyes, and trust that the waves will pass, and soon you’ll be able to breathe again.
Unknown (via thoughtkick)
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inyourmindsworld · 2 years
Your 11th House Sign & How You Gain The Most In Life 🍀🏆💸🥇
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🥇The 11th house rules #gainssss🥇
The 11H is considered very auspicious in astrology and it’s known to bestow opportunities, success, income influence, fame, financial gain, and so on.
It’s the house that represents fulfillment of our desires.
It’s the part of our chart where we reap the benefits of all of our efforts. Our “karmic rewards” if you will. Subsequently, the house right after (the 12H) rules loss. ✂️
By looking at the sign of your 11th house we can see how you can stand to gain in life based on the themes of that Zodiac sign & planetary ruler.
The 2nd & 11th house are also both houses that deal directly with our income, finances & wealth.
💰 Think of 2nd house “wealth” as: investments, assets or savings
🤑 Think of 11th house “wealth” as: liquid cash, profit, or something tangible
Ultimately, the Zodiac sign ruling your 11th house can show ways your gains manifest in a material sense. Usually the 11th house brings massive unexpected gains. It can also bring raise in status, popularity, opportunity, or success in general. Prominent 11th house transits is usually when you receive the most gains in life. (For example expect major gain whenever Jupiter transits your 11H)
* Can read from Ascendant or Moon sign *
Aries: Aquarius 11H
Taurus: Pisces 11H
Gemini: Aries 11H
Cancer: Taurus 11H
Leo: Gemini 11H
Virgo: Cancer 11H
Libra: Leo 11H
Scorpio: Virgo 11H
Sagittarius: Libra 11H
Capricorn: Scorpio 11H
Aquarius: Sagittarius 11H
Pisces: Capricorn 11H
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Aries 11H:
You can gain the most through…
When you are the first to do something
Being blunt/aggressive/assertive
Using physical body 
S3x w0rk
Starting trends
Sounds extreme but: fighting, or using physical force. A lot of boxers and professional fighters have this placement for example.
Taurus 11H:
You can gain the most through…
Endeavors that require persistence and patience
Beauty/aesthetic related endeavors
Farming/ agriculture
Real estate & property
This is Forsure a wealth placement! A lot of you guys are destined to be wealthy, but can gain the most wealth through the things listed above or doing anything “Taurean” in nature.
Gemini 11H:
You can gain the most through…
Anything communication related
Media related endeavors
Social media/internet
Being an influencer or content creator
Using voice/speech in any way
Y’all really gain when it comes to the internet! Especially TikTok these days or any social media really. You would succeed with a commentary related YouTube channel or podcast. Or even gossip related content can suit you too. A lot of gossip/tea bloggers are likely to have this placement.
Cancer 11H:
You can gain the most through…
Whenever you follow your intuition
Nursing/healthcare profession
Helping women/children
Music/ being a musician/ music industry
Real Estate/property/hospitality
Any industry dealing with liquids: sea/aquatics etc, selling liquids
Interior decorating
Y’all can gain the most through family. It’s not necessarily ur own, perhaps your friends family, significant others family etc. I’ve seen people with this placement gain through a sort of “surrogate” family that they create.
Leo 11H:
You gain the most through…
Authentic self expression
Your hobbies
Entertainment & movie industry
Having your own personal brand
Being famous/celebrity/influencer
Creative self expression
Being independent
Work involving children or through your own children
Not gonna lie a lot of y’all are destined for fame! You gain a lot from being a celebrity/being noticed. Some of the worlds most famous people have this placement (Libra Risings)
Virgo 11H:
You gain the most through…
Specializing in something specific
Endeavors related to healing or health
Being a specialist or and “expert” in something
Writing or media
Working with animals or veterinary industry
Being of service
Honing in a specific skill or craft
Being a doctor/nurse/medical professional
Y’all gain the most when you pick something specific and really become “perfect” at your craft! Whether it be music, arts, writing etc.
Libra 11H:
You gain the most through…
Collaboration with other people
Likely to gain through marriage (or have a wealthy spouse)
Business collaborations
Beauty-related endeavors or beauty/cosmetics industry
Fashion industry
Through fairness
Y’all gain a lot through networking and collaboration with people, you can be someone who is independent but find that you gain more in a team or partnership. You make a really good business person or entrepreneur bc of this ! A lot of the worlds wealthiest people have this placement.
Scorpio 11H:
You gain the most though…
Taking risks or go through extremes/turbulence
Occult related endeavors
S3x w0rk
“Crime” or illegal activities 
Other people’s money
Gaining through karma
Y’all can gain from controversy or being controversial
You can gain through the negative aspects of life: like profiting off of people hating you, humiliation, death etc. (aka Alchemy)
*this is a interesting placement, since Scorpio can represent “negative” things, immoral deeds, scarcity, violence, danger etc. So ironically enough if any of you have every been in “Scorpionic” situations you inadvertently gain from them since you have this since in the 11th house* karma tends to work in your favor! I think that’s where that “Capricorn karma” myth comes from. Since Capricorns (ascendant) have a Scorpio 11H.
Sagittarius 11H:
You can gain the most through…
Expansion and going beyond comfort zone
Being open minded
Spreading truth
Teaching/education/giving advice
Giving or gaining knowledge
Foreign relations
Living in foreign lands
Being spontaneous
Y’all gain a lot through spreading wisdom! When you follow your own “truth” or “purpose” you find yourself on a path of fulfillment. You gain by teaching others through your own experiences. A lot of travel bloggers or lifestyle content creators have this placement too. Even public speakers, spiritual leaders etc
Capricorn 11H:
You gain the most through…
Dedication, effort, perseverance
Being involved in big business/starting your own business
You could be one to excel on the “corporate ladder”
The placement generally brings good karma
Being in an authority position
Repetitive action/dedication
Hard work/discipline
Doing things in a ethical way
Service related endeavors or industries
You guys gain a lot through mentorship or leadership positions. Many people with this placement gain success “later” in life or you can see a delay at first with gains. However, when it do receive it, it’s permanent!
Aquarius 11H:
You can gain the most through:
Breaking the status quo
Being innovative, different or unique
Social media/internet
Being a influencer/ content creator
Architectural endeavors
Having a taboo or outlandish approach to life
Y’all gain a lot from being different ! You thrive and gain the most in life when you’re literally doing your own thing/ different from what society tells you to do. Your world, your rules. A lot of inventors/pioneers have this placement.
Pisces 11H:
You gain the most through:
Spiritual practice, faith and using intuition
Music related endeavors/careers
Doing something where you advise people
Religious industries or positions
Living in foreign lands
The drug/pharmaceutical/alcohol industry
Aquatic industries
You guys gain a lot through sacrifice or generosity. Ironically you gin where you’re able to give! The spiritual/religious industry or activities is a place where you can gain the most. Many preachers, or motivational sort of leaders have this placement.
-starsandsuch ✌️💕
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inyourmindsworld · 2 years
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inyourmindsworld · 2 years
Things you don’t believe yet but are true:
- you will make it through this
- your struggles are very real
- your pain is real
- you’re worth the trouble of getting help
- you’re worth the effort
- you’re not a burden
- you deserve to be here
- anxiety lies to you
- depression lies to you
- anger lies to you
- loneliness lies to you
- disorders lie to you
- insecurities lie to you
- you are not a failure
- you are not a bad person
- you are not meant to be alone
- you are not ugly
- you’re not useless 
- you are not worthless
- you are loved
- you are good enough
- you are valuable
- you are beautiful
- you are lovable
- nothing can replace you
- no one can replace you
- you make people happy
- you make people smile
- you give great hugs
- you changed people for the better
- you brighten someone’s day
- dogs love you too
- you are cute
- you are intelligent
- you are appreciated
- you deserve so many warm hugs
- you deserve affection
- you deserve to be a priority
- you deserve new beginnings
- you deserve to stop hurting yourself
- you deserve to forgive yourself
- you deserve things that are too good to be true
- you deserve lasting happiness
- you deserve a life worth living
- you will meet new people
- you will go to new places
- you will find your way again
- you will find a new home
- you will find belonging
- you will find meaning 
- you will find new things to obsess over
- you will find new passions
- you will fall in love again
- you will learn from mistakes
- you will have realizations
- you will grow
- your best is yet to come
- your problems will lose 
- you will love yourself
- you will accept things you can’t change 
- you will care about yourself again
- you will be happy 
- you will achieve great things
- every part of you will heal
- love will come back
- happiness will come back
- peace will come back
- excitement will come back
- good things and blue skies will come back
- you will get another chance
- your future is bright
- you will reach your goals
- you will pass that test
- you will overcome your fears
- you will get better
- you will heal completely
- you will be stronger
- you will find a way
- this will pass
- things will get easier
- keep trying
- you’re growing from this
- you’re doing amazing 💛
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inyourmindsworld · 2 years
🌹 A little post about pace 🩰
For those who feel that life is getting a little too complicated, take your time and pace in life. Your pace is solidly yours. Ignore the hustle culture that is trending at the moment. If you feel slow, you’re probably too fast. If you feel a little too comfortable, get your ass up and start pushing harder and moving forward. Life is short but long. Anything can happen within a day, it’s enough time to do many things. There’s always enough time, you just need to organise your priorities. There’s always second chances, and everything is temporary ❤️. 
With that said, happy Easter everyone 💓
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