inrrelephant-blog · 7 years
When I was 7 I got banned from earth. As I ran I found myself in a forest. Dark, humid, the shadows threading me trying to slow me down. Screaming, yelling at me with evil eyes of different colors. I run for my life the screams from the demons are extremely painful. The devil want to posses me. I can not support the pain, my heart is so cold solid, when i try to cut my veins only crystals fall out. What’s the point. In the distant I see myself as a child like when I was 7. I ran faster I can almost touch him but I can’t. He is crying, I am crying. But, the kid is not sad crying or depressed crying or mad crying. He cries because he misses me. He wants to play tagg, running or whole my hand. I choose a high 5. And he tells me your hand is too cold and “The forest” is not real burn it. I burned it. but now I am in hell. I thought it was flames but no. I am talking to Satan he is telling me that I am banned from Hell. I am furiously mad I want to stay in here I tell him. I will be any sin, i can be sex, alcohol, money, drugs, sports, one of the slaves, a master of pain, I promise I won’t make a sound. I’ll be a cat, or puddle of water but, please let me stay. What about that wall with the people making weird faces, suffering, begging. or what about those that love to eat the worms and maggets from the infected wounds of the slaves I can be one of those. Satan tells me no you have to go. Leave me alone!. FUCK! Can you tell me why I can’t!stay!?. I love the place. The true is. Satan said to me. you need to be more INDIFFERENT he whisper. I reply, What! Bullshit!. Satan said yes beacuse I saw you when you were 7 and you really liked that kid you gave him a high 5. NO, I DID NOT. Now I want to leave. Satan said, no you have to stay now. But I tought….. I started running again. The Demons tried to hold my feet but I grew wings I was flying for 777 days back to earth. Now I can be anything. May be I will be a roach. may be it will be easy to die. I’ll come out at night and wait for someone to step on me. But I forgot my exoskeleton is strong and my body is segmented. So I survived the human weight. And if I chopped my head off I can go days without eating. Maybe another kind of insect may be I’ll a mosquito. I’ll die by sucking the blood of defected humans like from the humans with aids, leukemia, or diabetics. Is not working I am immune to this shit. I know maybe I’ll be a cat, no I hate cats. I know I will be a freak show different animal parts put together so if they see me. the humans will want to kill me. I am the platypus for some reason they love me. Now I want my extinction. But is taking forever. I decided to be a grain of sand with my last breath. Moving with the wind from dessert storms to the beach I can be anywhere irrelevant I will die alone and depressed YES!. But, I am taken. And that one was my last transformation abnormally hot. I thought I was back in Hell with Satan but I am mold into a mirror. Now I have witness countless of humans and their souls. Maybe is not to late to be 7 again.
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