indiacater · 4 days
Ichigo's winning Sourire de l'Ange
Anime: Yumeiro Patissiere Appearance: Episode 50 Time: About 17-18 hours (because over night cooling) Serving: 12 tarts
So sorry about being late.. when I made the update I totally didnt realize Monday was labor day! So I lost a cooking day and someone ate the overnight custard part… so I had to remake that on Tuesday but everything is made now! So finding ingredients was a bit of a pain and the cornmeal as a tart was actually mildly annoying, I decided to just make the tart crust with the cornmeal instead of putting it with the rhubarb. I wanted to get wild strawberries but at last I couldn’t find any. The small plant we had in the garden wasnt about to produce enough fruit for me to work with. So I used normal strawberries you get at the supermarket. I’m actually super happy about how this came out and I’m excited to find out what you all think! I really hope you try it! I can see why Ichigo won with this yummy tart! Also warning there are a lot of parts to this so the post is kind of long!
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indiacater · 4 days
Green Witch Healing Tea Blends ☕️🌿✨
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Migraine Relief Blend 🍵
Holy Basil
Green Tea
Ginger Root
Hibiscus Flowers
Anxiety Calming Blend ☺️
Lemon Balm
Chamomile Flowers
Sore Throat Blend 😷
Lemon Balm
Upset Stomach Relief Tea 🤢
Lemon Balm
Chamomile Flowers
Fresh Lemon Slice
Immune Boosting Tea Blend ☕️
Calendula Flowers
Orange or Lemon Peel
Menstrual Relief Blend 👩🏽‍🦱
Chamomile Flowers
Lemon Balm
Winter Cold Relief Tea Blend 🌲
Pine Needles
Fennel Seeds
Allergy Relief Tea 😪
Purple Dead Nettle
Cinnamon Bark
Lemon Peel
Full Moon Dreams Blend 🌕
Black Tea
Chamomile Flowers
Peaceful Sleep Tea Blend 😴
Chamomile Flowers
Passion Flowers
Jasmine Buds
Rose Petals
Psychic Protection Tea 🔮
Black Tea
Chamomile Flowers
Rose Petals
Happiness Honey Milk Tea 🌞
Sun Water
Autumn Nostalgia Tea Blend 🍂
Black Tea
Orange Peel
Fennel Seeds
Forest Dweller’s Comfort Tea 🍄
Cinnamon Bark
Fennel Seeds
Ginger Root
Licorice Root
Orange Peel
Marshmallow Root
White Oak Bark
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indiacater · 4 days
watch the wilds on prime for some random shit like this
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indiacater · 4 days
This kind of bread could be dangerous because when you start eating it you won’t stop.. But it’s delicious
How to make it /youtube
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indiacater · 4 days
What makes me crazy about the Nightmares chapter/episode is that Marcille doesn’t just see Laios as a dog, she sees him as Dustrag. He’s Dustrag, his childhood dog. His childhood dog that was the unwanted, accidental mutt puppy of a village neighbor that his father begrudgingly took in. Guys he’s fucking Dustrag
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32K notes · View notes
indiacater · 4 days
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Looking respectfully
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indiacater · 4 days
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Smashed Raspberry White Chocolate Layer Cake
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indiacater · 5 days
I can't wait for object of affection. I miss your brand of suspense and drama
WIP Update 5.27.24--Holiday Treats Edition
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Hi-de-ho, tumblrs! It is Memorial Day Weekend here in the US, and I am spending the beginnings of the last day  of a 3-day weekend posting WIPs for the first time in what seems like forever!
And I have a lot of WIPs for you today; however, half of them DO NOT HAVE WORDS. I’ll make that up to you by posting extra-long snippets of the ones that do. It’s gonna be a mixed bag, with the majority of these stories being ideas I am unsure popped in my brain or shot themselves out of my ass.
If you have ever read at least one of my WIP updates, you know the drill: all works are in very rough draft and a state of flux; published/posted works may vary. No promises on when anything will be posted, but everything is in an extremely active state of progress.
Everything is below the cut; please enjoy!
Rating is M for Mature because it's me
9 Days a Queen: Based upon the painting The Execution of Lady Jane Grey, and a crapton  of historical dramas, this is the story of the brief yet impactful reign of Queen Riley Brooks of Cordonia.
Object of Affection, Chapter 9: Hard Day’s Night: The Mermaids are on the comeback trail!
Untitled KTAW fic: The suitor from House Theron takes a meeting with the Duke of Ramsford.
The Real Housewives of Cordonia: Lorelei and Hana: The RHOC will be a once-in-awhile series that will focus on a pivotal moment in the lives of the mother/mother-in-law and daughter/daughter-in-law of the ladies of my favorite gang. Except they’re in Cordonia, Connecticut. Once completed, this will be my #HLAW submission.
Dolos: This fic is inspired by my absolute LOVE of Homeland, a now-defunct Showtime series. The subject matter may be triggering to some, so reader discretion is advised. FYI, Dolos is the Greek God of deception, craftiness, and treachery:
“Except one player is notably absent. King Liam of Cordonia,” the host replied.
The visitor slowly lowered his fork. “You have power players such as the United States, Britain, Canada, France … Cordonia will hardly be missed.”
“You’re either stupid or think I am,” the host retorted with the slightest edge to his tone. “Cordonia is in the middle of this maelstrom and trying to play neutral. Which they cannot.”
“You’re still not explaining why I am here with you.”
“King Liam is half Auvernese, his bride is Hidaran. He will have to enter the fray, and when he does, he will be on the wrong side of history. There is a … faction that is willing to ensure that doesn’t happen.”
“Terrorist cells are forming a dime a dozen. It would seem to me that they would jump for joy at a wealthy country financing the winners.”
The host pushed away his plate, his eyes staring into mirrored lenses. “There are no winners here. It’s a complete suicide mission whoever enters the fray; the death of the Supreme One illustrates that. The fact is Cordonia will back the aggressors, regardless of how they spin it, and they have the money and resources to ensure both wars continue for years.”
The visitor lifted his teacup. “And?”
“While this is quite the distraction, other wheels are already in motion that need to be addressed now. In order for that to happen, funding must be cut and diverted. Already, the first-world countries are scaling back. There cannot be a fallback to take their place.”
The visitor sat his cup down, and leaned forward, his elbows on the table. “What are you saying?”
“King Liam must be assassinated; the faction is offering $50 million US dollars to make it happen. Do you want the job?”
This Little Life (Versions Edit): Leo Rhys has died, and his wife and lover finally have the confrontation they’ve waited 20 years for:
We’ve spent the last two decades as an unassuming family living a quiet life in the town of Rury, located in Duchy Krona.  When we were looking for a place to live, I argued returning to my home country of America, but Rury was my husband’s mother’s birth town and seemed the perfect place to escape life in the royal limelight without changing continents.
Yet another compromise I made in the name of our relationship.
Leo spent the first half of our marriage fulfilling his motocross passions and rebuilding with his love, all while using me as a depository for his seed when things went sideways with the one who held his heart. I was essentially a single mother who had hit the child support lottery. I suggested several times we divorce; those were our worst arguments.
When Asher was three, my husband agreed we needed to settle down and focus on raising our family.
We purchased a large farmhouse that sits on the banks of Kingsman River. He used his savings to buy a local farm and construction equipment company that serviced all of Krona and Valtoria to save it from being sold to developers. With his charisma and leadership skills, he was the boss everyone wanted to work for.
I’m Vice-President of Commercial Acquisitions for Cordonia Commerce, the nation’s largest financial institution, a position I was promoted to five years ago. 
We were both active in our community: volunteering at local food banks, and participants in the Krona school system: book drives, bake sales, pestering neighbors and co-workers when it came to fundraisers, coaching soccer and track & field.
There were family dinners and vacations, Sunday feasts, road trips, and pizza nights.
We have four children: twin girls Hope and Joy, who are 19; our son Luca, 15; and our youngest, Asher, who is 13. I love each of them a little harder, hug them a little tighter, and kiss their cheeks a little more often, much to their embarrassment. But I can’t help it; all of them were conceived in drunken indifference, my husband pouring his every misery into my waiting womb after arguments and rejections from another.
It's been a good life, filled with care, respect, and friendship. Honestly, Leo was my best friend. But there was no romantic love, no passion.
Because all we had built together as friends and co-parents, he was supposed to have with his lover, not with me.
I fasten my robe more tightly around my waist as I traipse downstairs; in the living room, reserved for company only, I push apart curtains and twist open venetian blinds. I frown at what passes for dusting in Luca’s world before moving on past the family room where we binge television shows and celebrate holidays.
I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine.
Finally, I am in the kitchen, the heart of our home. Arguments, homework, meals, birthday celebrations … they all happen here.  I brew a single cup of the coffee my husband loved; it’s a dark roast from Comery Isle with hints of praline and coconut, which I douse liberally with sugar and cream.
Breakfast will be simple: slices of fried ham; tomatoes, eggs, and yesterday’s rice; yogurt; fruit. I begin pulling dishes and pans from cabinets, food from the refrigerator; my body is rigid, my movements almost robotic. I silently count eggs as I place them in mixing bowl.
Routine, routine, routine.
But suddenly, I can no longer do anything, and I feel the bowl of eggs slip from my hands; I hear it crash against the hardwood flooring.
Grief for so many things overwhelm me, and I slide down a cream-colored wall to the floor, my eyes flooded with tears.
I’m not ready to say goodbye.
Stormholt: Based upon Saltburn. That is all:
My orgasm erupts from the engorged head of my dick like creamy lava from a pornographic volcano. Ropes of seed spurt into the air only to splash back against my member and increasingly sticky hand. My hips thrust against air one last time, and I feel my body shudder.
If you knew Jesus, you wouldn’t be doing that!
Riley’s voice in my mind pushes the last vestiges of the sexual fantasy that awoken me away; with still- closed eyes, I try to calm my labored breathing.
My eyes open, and I study the intricate canopy above my four-poster bed while I lay still. There’s nothing on my agenda this morning except be rich, look good, and suntan: breakfast, workout, pool.
This is the life of the Lord of Stormholt Manor.
The semen and lube are beginning to congeal on my hand, and the tip of my cock feels gummy resting against my thigh. I sit up and shift to the side of the bed; I frown at the sight of sunrise coming through closed, sheer, crimson-colored curtains.
It’s the color of fresh blood.
With the slightest twinge of guilt, I stand and push the drapes open with my clean hand before lighting a cigarette. I stare out the window, seeing my friends and lovers below.  There’s Riley and the baby; Maxwell; Constantine. Regina is in the great room; she enjoys the view of the south gardens from the windows there.
My eyes fall on HIM; anger still roils my stomach at what he did to me.
I turn away from them; I may or may not stop by to say hello. I begin heading into the bathroom, not bothering with the bed sheets; Gladys will change them. The house is quiet, but that’s to be expected. It’s only 7am; the day officially begins at Stormholt in exactly one hour.
I make short order of my morning’s hygiene; my outfit today will be robe and swim shorts. I’m fastening the sash on robe as I make my way down an immense, window-lined hallway that is in serious need of dusting.
Doors are half-open to bedrooms that currently sit unoccupied. I give cursory glances inside them: beds neatly made, light coatings of dust on furniture, bloody light leaking through closed curtains. Photographs sit on night tables and dresser tops, faces frozen in time. Their eyes look into nothingness, and their lips smile into emptiness.
Tagging: @mom2000aggie @kingliam2019 @bebepac @angelasscribbles @charlotteg234
@tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @indiacater @lovingchoices14
@umccall71 @busywoman @beezm @mainstreetreader
@walkerdrakewalker @superharriet @choicesficwriterscreations
In case you're interested: @lizzybeth1986 @daily-haley
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indiacater · 7 days
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lemon key lime pie bars
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indiacater · 8 days
That was fast. It was overdue that Riley put Olivia on a short leash. We're now just beginning to tear down all these walls. Even though Olivia doesn't love Liam, she's addicted to the attention he gives her, and she would continue to string Liam along because he's not going to do anything about it.
All That She Wants Chapter 9: Confrontation
Series: All That She Wants
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings for this chapter: Riley x Liam, Riley x Drake, Liam x Olivia, Drake x Olivia (past)
Word Count: 929
Rating: M
Warnings for this chapter: none
My other stuff: Master List.
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Olivia let herself into her suite after returning from the palace spa. Since she was here, she might as well take advantage of it. It was a long drive back to Lythikos, after all.
She dropped her clutch onto the chair nearest the door and flipped on the light switch.
“I was beginning to wonder if you were ever coming back.”
Olivia nearly jumped out of her skin but did her level best to disguise that fact. “What are you doing in my room?”
“Your room?” the voice snorted. “That’s rich. You are a guest in my home.”
Olivia rubbed the bridge of her nose as annoyance sparked through her. “But it’s my space when I’m here and you entered it without asking. For no apparent reason. You and I aren’t close, so I’ll ask you again Riley, why are you here?”
“Don’t you think you and I are long overdue for a conversation?”
Olivia snorted dismissively as she sat and pulled her heels off. “I can’t image what about.”
“Oh, how about the fact that you’ve been fucking my husband for the entirety of my marriage?”
“Oh, honey.” Olivia’s voice dripped with saccharine sweetness. “I’ve been fucking him a lot longer than that.”
Riley tamped down the rage that surged through her. She refused to give the redhead the satisfaction. “Why is that? You don’t love him. You have plenty of other options, so why him?”
“How do you know I don’t love him?”
“Because I offered him a divorce, and you didn’t jump at the chance to be with him for real.”
Olivia’s eyes narrowed. “He told you that?”
She would never admit it, but she had expected him to come back to her rooms last night, or at least to call or text her.
But he hadn’t.
She hadn’t heard from him this morning either. It was starting to annoy her. She felt upset, a little ignored, uncomfortable.
Riley smirked at her, with no intention of answering that question. Instead, she changed the subject. “You know he asked me to stay married to him and have another baby.”
“I thought you had Drake for that.” Olivia snapped.
Something in her tone drew Riley’s attention and curiosity. “Why do you care what Drake and I are doing?”
“I don’t.” She stood, picking the shoes up and stalking toward her closet. “I just thought he had better taste than that.”
Riley regarded her thoughtfully. “You and Drake were an item for a little while, weren’t you?”
“Like you don’t know the answer to that.” Olivia rolled her eyes.
“Why did you break up?”
“That’s really none of your concern.” The truth was they had never been officially dating, just sleeping together regularly. Very regularly. Until he had broken things off without warning or explanation.
Riley took in Olivia’s expression, her body language, the way her steps became a little heavier as she strode back across the room.
She sat straight upright with a gasp. “Is that why you’ve always been such a bitch to me?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I assumed it was over Liam. Are you telling me that you’ve hated me all this time because Drake had feelings for me?”
“Please.” Olivia huffed. “Why would I care that Drake was in love with you?”
“Wait. You knew he was in love with me?”
Olivia turned to face the queen with fury dancing in her eyes. “Everyone in the entire kingdom knew! Except you, apparently. Let me ask you this. Are you blind or just that fucking stupid?”
“I was focused on my husband!” Riley hissed as she rose from her seat. “And I want to know from you if you’re a threat to my marriage.”
A malicious smile spread across her face. “If I wanted him, I could have had him. Twice now.”
“But you don’t want him?”
Olivia was taken aback. She had expected anger, maybe even tears, but Riley looked…hopeful. “Are you asking me if I’m going to interfere in your pathetic reconciliation?”
“Are you?”
“Don’t you feel pitiful having to beg another woman for your husband?”
Riley’s hand moved so fast that Olivia didn’t see the slap coming until her head had snapped to the side and her ears were ringing. It was with great effort that she restrained herself from hitting back. She cupped her check and turned her head back to look the queen directly in the eye. “I deserved that one. It’s the only pass you’ll get, though. Hit me again and queen or not, you’ll be bleeding out on the ground.”
Riley leaned closer to her. “Tell me, Liv. Which would bother you more…. if I reconcile with Liam, or if I don’t.”
Olivia mirrored Riley’s movements, leaning in even closer. “Why the fuck would I care either way?”
For the first time since entering Olivia’s room, Riley smiled. “Because if I don’t, then I’ll be running straight into Drake’s waiting arms.”
Olivia’s eyes widened and her nails dug into her palms, drawing blood. She struggled to keep her voice even. “I don’t care what you do.”
Riley’s eyes flicked down to Olivia’s clenched fists with a smirk. “Sure, you don’t.”
For the first time in eight years, the queen had the upper hand with the duchess, and she knew it. Riley made it all the way to the door before Olivia called out, “What the fuck does he see in you?”
Riley paused, hand on the knob, to turn back to Olivia. “Liam?”
Her only response was a laugh as she exited the room.
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indiacater · 8 days
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Ube Brownies
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indiacater · 8 days
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Coconut Rice Pudding with Mint Mulberry Compote
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indiacater · 8 days
Though so short this chapter has given a lot to unpack. Riley is at a crossroads. On one hand there's Drake, willing to get his vasectomy reversed to make Riley happy and keep her in his life. (I wonder who that reminds us of? 🤔). Then she has Liam, who claims he was willing to make the marriage work only because Olivia rejected him. Once again made to feel she is never a priority to Liam and will never love her. Yet Liam, doubles down and brings up a trip they had. Riley knows that she can't be happy with either guy and it makes her no better than Olivia. Maybe it's time the ladies had a very serious talk while the men have a talk of their own
All That She Wants Chapter 8: Conversations
Series: All That She Wants
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings for this chapter: Riley x Drake, Riley x Liam
Word Count: 1,026
Rating: M
Warnings for this chapter: none
My other stuff: Master List.
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Riley x Drake
Riley lay on her back, chest heaving, sweat glistening on her skin. Drake flopped down on the mattress next to her, equally satiated.
When she caught her breath, she broached the subject that had kept her up last night. “Why did you get a vasectomy in the first place?”
He rolled up on his side so he could watch her face as he answered. “I didn’t want kids.”
Riley’s eyes stayed locked on the ceiling. “Then why would you agree to have a reversal?”
He reached out to twirl an errant strand of her hair around his finger. “Because you want a baby.”
She finally turned her head to look at him. “But you don’t.”
He froze for a second, then resumed playing with her hair. “I want you to be happy.”
“That’s it?”
He blew out a sigh as he unwound and released the lock that was twisted around his index finger. He dropped his eyes from hers to stare, instead, at the blue and white stripes of the sheets on his bed. “What do you want me to say, Riley? That I’ve waited eight years for you to notice me? That I’m willing to do whatever it takes to keep you in my life?”
“But why?”
“Because I love you, okay?” He exploded in exasperation. “I fucking love you and I will do anything I have to do to prove that to you!”
Maybe then she’d take him seriously.
He hated the pity in her voice as she responded. “Drake…. I don’t know what to say. I—”
“You don’t have to say anything.” He interrupted her as he rolled abruptly in the other direction and sat up, swinging his legs off the bed. “If you want a baby, I’ll give you one. I don’t hate the idea, which frankly astounds and terrifies me a little. I will be as involved, or not, as you want me to be. I know you don’t feel the same way about me. All I ask is that you continue to give me the chance to change that.”
“Okay.” She agreed quietly as she watched him stand and quickly redress.
“I have to get back to work.” He made it to the door before turning back to her. With an intensity that scared her a little, he told her, “He doesn’t love you, Riley. Not like I do.”
Riley x Liam
She looked up from the three dresses she was trying to choose between when the bedroom door opened. “Liam! I thought you were in meetings all day today.”
“I canceled them.”
She eyed him suspiciously. “Why?”
“Because we need to talk.”
She carefully lowered the dress she was holding on the bed, her heart beating wildly in her chest. She straightened up and faced him, twisting her fingers together to disguise the shaking of her hands.
This was it.
“Have you come to a decision?”
“I have.” He crossed the room in several long strides and drew her into his arms. “I want to make our marriage work, Riley. I’ll give you a baby if that’s what you want. I’m sorry for disregarding your feelings. I take full responsibility for the distance between us. Please let me fix this.”
Joy surged through her, followed closely by suspicion. She pushed out of his arms. “Why? I figured you’d already have a ring on Olivia’s finger.”
Pain and anger flashed through his eyes.
“Oh. My. God!” Riley’s fingers flew up to cover her mouth. “She rejected you, didn’t she?”
“I realized what I stood to lose, Riley. Isn’t that what you wanted?”
She shook her head back and forth as laughter, indignation, and pain fought for dominance.
He hadn’t chosen her. She was the default. “I wanted you to love me, Liam. Like you used to. Or was it always a lie?”
“Riley, I want this marriage to work. For our children, for Cordonia—”
“But not because you love me.” It wasn’t a question.
“I do love you!”
“No, you don’t!”
“Riley, I’m offering you everything you said you wanted. Our marriage back. Like it used to be. Remember the first time we left Ellie with Regina and the nannies and took that trip to Ireland?”
She smiled in spite of herself at the memory. He had taken her on a tour of historic Celtic castles. Something she had always wanted to do. He had been nothing less than a perfect, attentive husband, doting on his wife for the entire trip.
He was right. When it was good, it was the most amazing thing in the world. He had made her feel like the only woman in existence.
Of course, he’d been fucking Olivia behind her back the entire time.
Every time she looked at him, her heart still stuttered in her chest. Every time they appeared together in public, she felt like the luckiest woman alive.
Liam Rys might be selfish, and he might be a cheater, but he was also the smartest man she’d ever met, he had a way of making her laugh no matter how dire the situation, and watching him with their children never failed to melt her heart. As a father, he was attentive, patient, and loving.
He always presented a united front to the public and the media. He never criticized her, he never forgot birthdays or anniversaries, and he never curtailed her access to their now shared resources.
But he was a lying, cheating bastard who had ripped her heart out by not returning all the love she had poured into him.
It was complicated.
“I’m going to need a minute to think about it.”
For the first time, Liam’s confidence faltered. “What?”
“You heard me.” She grabbed the two dresses she had decided against and returned them to the closet. “I gave you time to make your decision. I’m going to need some time to make mine.”
“How much time?”
She gave him a gloating smirk. “Doesn’t feel so great to be on the waiting end of it, does it?”
“No.” He gave his wife a long, contemplating look as he reassessed his life choices.
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indiacater · 11 days
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Salted Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
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indiacater · 11 days
Apple Cider Roast Chicken
Ingredients: Whole chicken, apple cider, garlic, rosemary, thyme, salt, pepper
Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C).
Stuff cavity with garlic and herbs.
Rub outside with apple cider, salt, and pepper.
Roast for 1 hour and 20 minutes.
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indiacater · 11 days
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Lamb Korma
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indiacater · 11 days
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Grilled Chicken Salad with Avocado and Lime Dressing (Under 500 Calories)
• For the Salad:
• 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
• 1 tablespoon olive oil
• 1 teaspoon garlic powder
• 1 teaspoon paprika
• Salt and pepper to taste
• 4 cups mixed greens (such as arugula, spinach, and lettuce)
• 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
• 1/2 cucumber, sliced
• 1/4 red onion, thinly sliced
• 1/2 cup corn kernels (fresh or canned)
• 1/2 cup black beans, rinsed and drained
• 1 ripe avocado, sliced
• For the Avocado and Lime Dressing:
• 1 ripe avocado
• 2 tablespoons Greek yogurt
• 2 tablespoons lime juice
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• 1 clove garlic, minced
• 1 tablespoon fresh cilantro, chopped
• Salt and pepper to taste
• Water (to thin, if necessary)
1. Prepare the Chicken:
• Preheat your grill to medium-high heat.
• Rub the chicken breasts with olive oil, garlic powder, paprika, salt, and pepper.
• Grill the chicken for about 6-7 minutes on each side, or until the internal temperature reaches 165°F (74°C) and the chicken is cooked through.
• Remove from the grill and let it rest for a few minutes before slicing into strips.
2. Prepare the Salad:
• In a large bowl, combine the mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, corn, and black beans.
• Toss gently to mix.
3. Prepare the Avocado and Lime Dressing:
• In a blender or food processor, combine the avocado, Greek yogurt, lime juice, olive oil, minced garlic, and fresh cilantro.
• Blend until smooth. If the dressing is too thick, add water, a tablespoon at a time, until the desired consistency is reached.
• Season with salt and pepper to taste.
4. Assemble the Salad:
• Arrange the salad mixture on a large serving platter or individual plates.
• Top with the sliced grilled chicken and avocado slices.
• Drizzle the avocado and lime dressing over the salad.
5. Serve:
• Serve immediately, garnished with additional cilantro if desired.
• For a bit of heat, you can add a pinch of cayenne pepper to the dressing or sprinkle red pepper flakes over the salad.
• This salad can also be prepared with grilled shrimp or tofu for a different protein option.
• To make it a complete meal, add a side of whole grain bread or quinoa.
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