incrediblysadwizard · 6 hours
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incrediblysadwizard · 6 hours
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incrediblysadwizard · 6 hours
rb if you'd let prev cum in your mouth <3
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gonna try a funny trick
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You trying to be next dm me
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big sis getting on top of me, saying that she wants to give me a hug. but then i feel something hard in her pants pressing into my boy parts. i ask her what she’s doing but she says its just a special sibling hug. we roll over and she gives me special sibling cuddles, where i feel her hardness rubbing against my ass. i just ignore what shes doing and try to go to sleep. she keeps rubbing against me until she can’t take it anymore, and gets on top of me, lifts my shirt, and starts fucking my tits while i whine and tell her to stop. she tells me this is what i was made for, mom and dad had me just so that i can please her. she starts rubbing her cock against my lips and then shoves it down my throat and fucks my mouth until she releases a huge load of cum into my mouth and forces me to swallow it. “you’re the best little brother, you always know how to take care of your big sister”
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Repressed mommy who secretly finds her daughters so attractive... or at least, she thinks it's a secret. The two girls have picked up on it and started dressing more provocatively and talking about sex more in her presence. Mommy gets so horny and flustered every time they ask her an intimate question. When they hug her, or pass her, or come close for any reason, they *accidentally* brush her breasts or butt or lower abdomen. At night, when she tucks them in, they kiss her on the mouth, on the chin, and when they can, on her neck. It gets to the point that her pussy throbs and leaks whenever she hears them coming back from whatever outing they went to, knowing they're going to be drunk and handsy. "Gosh, mom. Is it me or are your boobs bigger tonight?" "Fuck, your tummy is so sexy mom." One night the two daughters corral their mom into the bedroom... and mommy isn't proud to say that after the first kiss her resistance vanished. The three of them, so impassioned and yearning for so long, fucked long into the night.
From that night on, mommy doesn't wear pants around the house... her pussy on display for her trans daughters to eat and fuck any time they please. She can't help it... she's needed this for so long. And she loves her daughters, more than anyone in the world... and they love her too.
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At first, Mommy didn't want me... when she first found out the fling she had got her pregnant, she was crushed. She didn't want to be a mother, she thought having me would ruin her life... But she had me anyways. She tells me everything changed once she saw "my handsome face" and held me. Suddenly she started imagining herself as a loving motherly stereotype, similar to an old fashioned housewife. She'd giggle at the idea of doting on me and taking care of me. She pictures herself in a sundress, hair in a ponytail, happy cooking and cleaning while watching me play from the kitchen window. So as I'm growing up she indulges herself and makes herself feel the Mommy she wants to be, single or not. It's a good thing money isn't an issue due to her luck with investing, so she doesn't have to give up any family time to a babysitter, and homeschools me so she can trust my education.
Before I turned two, Mommy asked me what I wanted for my birthday, and i begged her for a little sister. I had seen siblings bonding on TV for years and it being just me and Mommy was fun, but did get lonely when Mommy was busy. Mommy thinks about it long and hard, before deciding she can't say no to her favorite baby boy. Mommy finds a donor, and in 9 months she gives me my belated present. The most adorable little sister ever. The dynamics begin to shift a little bit. I'm such a good helper for Mommy, taking care of my little sister. I spend more time with my sister as we both grow up. Mommy is glad we have each other. Tells us to always stick together.
We do everything together growing up and we still do. Although... maybe we shouldn't be as close as Mommy raised us to be. Mommy never told us to not share a bed. Mommy never told us to stop bathing together. It all stayed very wholesome and innocent for a while until we started getting older. We assumed most siblings must have experimented like we have. Kissing. Touching. Playing house. We never meant anything by it, we just were figuring it out.
But then comes the days where we were both older to know better. I mean we were college aged adults and yet... Sis would ask to cuddle with me to help you sleep still. It's not even awkward if I get hard and let myself push against her, infact she swore she thought it was comfy. We still bath together, washing each other, not minding if we touched certain places, and maybe casually "helping each other out" if one of us gets too excited. Just hands or mouth though, we were aware enough to know where the line was for us
One day Mommy and sis went out shopping. When they came home they both looked so beautiful. Mommy in her yellow floral sundress with white garters, Sis, in a short layered pink miniskirt and a crop top that was, described in a word, skimpy. I smiled and complimented them both. Feeling odd that my own family was sort of making me swoon.
We all sit down to watch TV as a family, but this time when Sis sits in my lap, her new shirt skirt, makes things tense. She's wiggling and squirming as my erection pokes her panties under the skirts. She's blushing and smiling. I'm nervous in my mind. What is she doing? Mommy is right next to us... And then Mommy leans over and put an arm around my shoulder, and rest her head on my shoulder, saying "you know you're such a a good boy? Right? You know Mommy loves you and is proud of you hmmm?" I nod my head, but I'm confused. Clearly Mommy by now can tell my little sister is basically grinding on me as we cuddle as a family.
Suddenly I hear a mischievous little giggle from my little sister... she turns around on my laps and faces me, straddling me while Mommy was still leaning on me. "Yes, your the best, big bro-bro, you make me and Mommy feel so happy and loved..." what... what is going on? I turn to look at my Mommy to ask but before I can I find her lips against mine. Not a simple smooch like I'm used too, but my Mommy exploring my mouth. I melt and can't help it. It feels right so I kiss her back. She coos as she breaks the kiss and says "Mhm yeah a good boy... so good, me and your sister had a heart to heart about you..."
"Big brother... I love you and I need you... I only wanna be held by you... I couldn't keep hiding it anymore... so I told Mommy how I felt... she told me she already knew. Mommy knows we fool around... shes loves that we take care of each other."
"I do... You're love is pure and I feel the same way about you... My baby boy, you're such a a handsome man now... And I did too good raising you to become the perfect man... Now that you are... I don't ever wanna let you go... So tell you what Baby,... You never need another girl again... Why don't you pull your cute little sisters panties aside and my two children finally make the love they've wanted to... Your love is pure, regardless of what people may say and so is mine for you both. If you want this. We want this... Oh yes... Good boy, lemme unzip your jeans... Aaaaand.... Oh yes, here you go sweetie... Put it in your sister's pussy... Mommy made her for you after all.... Goooood boy... Now if you do good and make your sister cum, maybe you can creampie Mommy~"
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Commission for @silverfangblackwingmod !!!
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Hastily made GIF as I test out CSPs animation options
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Art by:  crunchobar
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Better Than Writing An Essay, Huh?
Source (No Guests) https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=724826
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