inalesslethaldress · 2 years
watching the nanny and god this british fuck really just spends everyday he knows fran like “ah yes ms fine is gorgeous and funny and sexy and incredible and i will say all of this out loud and occasionally on television but if you DARE insinuate i am attracted to her i will get very defensive because that is preposterous!!!!” like no fucking wonder niles was literally BEGGING him to admit it goddamn
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inalesslethaldress · 2 years
yes, fran fine is and forever will be a fashion icon. but I want to dress like cc babcock. sue me, I’m different
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inalesslethaldress · 3 years
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Chloé Zhao, who just won an Oscar for best director, writes fanfiction.
That's the kind of validation I needed in my life. Thank you, ma'am.
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inalesslethaldress · 3 years
From now on and until the end of time Im going to say that Buffy The Vampire Slayer was created by Sarah Michelle Gellar.
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inalesslethaldress · 3 years
I’ve been scrolling through the Joss Whedon tag and other related tags to see if I can find some posts that reflect my views that I can reblog. But I eventually decided to make my own as I’m not seeing a lot that I fully agree with. There are a lot of people saying “Joss Whedon is a piece of shit, everything he ever did is trash, and it’s immoral to watch or reblog anything to do with him.” And then there are a lot of other people saying “Buffy and Angel and Firefly and Dollhouse were so important and formative for me and I love them and I’ll always love them so I’ve decided the best approach is death of the author and pretending that SMG created Buffy.” There are very few people in the middle, looking at it with nuance, and I’m frustrated by it.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer has been my favorite show for 8 years, and it still is. I still love it with all of my heart, and I probably always will. It has fantastic, nuanced characters, including some incredible portrayals of complicated women. The show does an amazing job of exploring a lot of important, difficult issues such as the effects of trauma and depression. It featured the first lesbian kiss on primetime TV. It did a lot of things with women that were very progressive for the 90s. Many wonderful, non abusive people worked on the show, and even though it was created and heavily shaped by Joss it is the product of a lot of different talented people. SMG is still proud to have her name associated with Buffy, even though she condemns Joss.
But at the same time, Joss is abusive, racist, and misogynistic. We see this very clearly in the way he’s treated Charisma Carpenter and Ray Fisher, but it also shows up in his work itself. I’ll be using Buffy as an example as it’s the show I’m most familiar with, but these issues show up in all of his work. People have rightly criticized Buffy for a long time now for being racist. There are very very few characters of color, when they do show up they’re usually walking stereotypes, and the anti-Romani racism that’s at the center of Angel’s backstory is horrific. Whedon’s misogyny is also very present in Buffy, if in slightly more subtle ways. The way the show handles consent and assault is questionable at best (look at how Xander gets away with his attempted assault in The Pack). Buffy is punished narratively for having sex in season 2, season 4, and season 6. Xander’s misogyny and fetishization of Willow and Tara is treated either as a joke or as completely acceptable throughout the show, and it’s very clear that Xander is Whedon’s self insert. Whedon’s objectification of women is present throughout all 7 seasons.
I am a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. That has not changed. Part of being a fan, for me, is being able to criticize the show and acknowledge its flaws without disregarding its values and contributions. It is possible to see both, to hold both at the same time, and for me it is necessary. The only two options are not “Joss ruined everything he touched and I will never watch his shows or engage in his fandom again” or “Joss Whedon sucked so I’ll ignore his role in his creations so I can keep loving them without moral complexity.” There is a middle ground, and I encourage people to feel comfortable taking it.
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inalesslethaldress · 3 years
Okay I'm crushing real hard on principal Wood. Hope Giles forgives me
And I hope he doesnt do anything questionable >,>
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inalesslethaldress · 3 years
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Anthony Stewart Head as Rupert Giles in Buffy the Vampire Slayer 
Episode 40-49 (Band Candy - Consequences)
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inalesslethaldress · 3 years
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inalesslethaldress · 3 years
The original girlboss/malewife dynamic
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inalesslethaldress · 3 years
They way I SCREAMED after 'I'd like to test that theory'.
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inalesslethaldress · 3 years
Watching Buffy for the first time and wondering how is Spike going to redeem himself after Seeing Red that there are still people shipping him and Buffy.
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inalesslethaldress · 3 years
The least believable thing in Buffyverse isn't the vampires, magic, zombies, apocalypses. It's the fact that all these women fell in love with Xander.
*checks IMDb* "Joss Whedon based Xander Harris on himself".
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inalesslethaldress · 4 years
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It’s finally happening! Can you believe it? Jongin is about to release his VERY FIRST Solo Mini Album, called [KAI (开)]. Something we have been waiting for - as it seems like - forever, and the waiting after the official announcement earlier this year felt even longer… But now that moment is near, and we’re all so excited about it! Mark that date in your calendars, because November 30th of 2020 is going to change the whole game! Because I am this excited I decided to hold another Giveaway this year, Yaaay! And also a big thanks to AYU for making this lovely header for the Giveaway! The Giveaway will end on Sunday, December 27th, 2:00 PM, GERMAN TIME! ➨ This is what you can win ;; Winner 1 ;;
2 Copies of [KAI (开)] (Flipbook Version + 1 Photobook Version of your choice)
Winner 2 ;;
1 Copy of [KAI (开)] (You can chose from the 2 remaining Versions)
Winner 3 ;;
1 Copy of [KAI (开)] (You’ll get the last remaining Version)
Please note that the albums still will be sealed when I sent them to you, so you will get a random photocard. Posters (if there will be any) will be included as well and will be sent in the same package, folded. Once you have chosen you will get that exact version, you can’t change your mind later. ➨ Rules ;;
There will be three (!!!) winners.
All you have to do is to reblog this post! DON’T spam your followers! (Spamming means reblogging the post more than 5 times each day.)
You can get disqualified if I see you spamming this post, also NO-Giveaway-Blogs! Don’t create side-blogs just to reblog this post over and over again.
You should be EXO and/ or Jongin-biased (I don’t want you to make any profit out of those things when the Giveaway is over).
I will ship worldwide and you don’t have to pay for anything. Because of the current situation shipping might take longer than usual tho :// I might get a tracking number for your package too.
If you’re under 18 please ask your parents for permission to participate in this Giveaway and to later give me your address.
I will chose the winner with a random number generator.
I won’t publish the winner. I will write you a message. So please keep your Ask Box open. You’ll have 48 hours to answer.
The Giveaway will end on Sunday, December 27th, 2:00 PM, GERMAN TIME!
I wish you all the best luck!
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inalesslethaldress · 4 years
Wherever you go Miss Fisher, trouble follows
Crypt of Tears Trailer
Got to say I disagree here.
If Phryne Fisher goes somewhere, trouble has by definition already arrived. What follows is a harassed looking policeman making sexy bedroom eyes and trying to hold back a heart attack long enough to see her naked.
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inalesslethaldress · 4 years
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∞ Jack Robinson 212. Unnatural Habits.
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inalesslethaldress · 4 years
I can't be the only one disappointed by the crypt of tears????
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inalesslethaldress · 4 years
A reminder for fellow Polish mfmm fans (are there any???) that you can watch The Crypt of Tears this Saturday on Alekino plus, at 8:10pm
P.s. if anyone knows if it'll be available on VOD straight away let me know!
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