i should sleep more
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Did i just smell someone who didn't get 8 hours of sleep last night?
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Devotional art but like also high key want to get it embroidered on a hoodie or something.
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go to sleep / blanketed by the enchanted prose / in which the babe falls quiet among / gentle soul / why does sleep seem so rough? / rough as the grass / on a lukewarm day / gentle soul / why does He whisper? / hushed melancholic music / hums perhaps / of a peaceful soul / gentle soul / why do I ache? / aching for a rest of what is / missing / dreaming of what is / missing / to find what is / missing / cold-tipped fingers slide lids closed / darkness surrounding / swallowing / gentle soul
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sleep well
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‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅ ⋯ 𝙿𝚊𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚗 𝚍𝚎𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚜; 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚜
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‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅ ⋯ 𝙰𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜
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Identified with Mors (Roman), and Letum (Roman)
Greek God/Personification of Non-Violent Death and mortality
Known Symbols: Inverted Torch, Sword, Theta (θ), Wreath, Wings
Plants and Trees: Poppy and Cypress
Animals: Butterflies
Stones/Crystals: Onyx, Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Amethyst
Incense: Frankincense, Myrrh, Cypress
Colors: Black, Silver, White, Purple
Death 13 Tarot card
‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅ ⋯ 𝙴𝚙𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚝𝚜
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Paean "Healer"
Makar "Blessed one"
Leukokhrotos "White-skinned"
Acherontis "Woeful"
‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅ ⋯ 𝙵𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢
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Son of Nyx, Night Incarnate
Grandson of Primordial Chaos
Twin Brother of Hypnos, Sleep Incarnate
Brother of The Moirai (Fates), Charon, The Keres, Nemesis
‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅ ⋯ 𝙾𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜
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Common offerings include: Red wine, olive oil, water, honey, milk, fruit, poppy seeds, black tea, dark chocolate
Other than that, play around a bit with different types of offerings and figure out what he likes, I've only offered him dark chocolate which was also torture to myself since I enjoy it as well, but thankfully he was understanding that I mean no disrespect if I ended up eating it (which I did), though now I have two bags of dark chocolate I got for Easter just sitting in my room unopened.
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The rest of this will be of my own personal experiences with interacting with Thanatos, everyone has their own experiences so yours is likely not going to be the same. I will also include some things I personally associate with him.
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‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅ ⋯ 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚜
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As soon as I had reached out to Thanatos through my Tarot he answered almost immediately, however as someone who had only done a reading once and correctly translated Hestia's message to a friend who was confused on what she was trying to say I am not good with any other Tarot spread as the friend had used a custom spread that was similar in layout to a Yes/No spread. The type of spread I use is the Yes/No spread, where you lay out five (5) cards with Major Arcana and even number Minor Arcana being for "yes" and the Suits and odd numbered Minor Arcana being "no". Personally I prefer this as it's easier for me to understand with my silly little Autistic brain.
The first thing I did after connecting with him through Tarot was actually ask him how he was doing, I don't know why I chose to ask him that, but I said "yes is for if you're doing good, and no is for if you aren't" and then placed out my cards. His answer to me was "No" with a hidden message within the cards in order to explain to me that something didn't go well that day and he was upset, to which I replied with an apology for the fact he was feeling upset and then I asked him if he'd like to just hangout and sit with me the rest of the day, his answer was a yes and as soon as he answered I began crying. I'm naturally sensitive to the presences of beings that aren't exactly within our plane of existence; such as ghosts, spirits, demons, and deities, it's just with everything else besides deities I get a shortness of breath but all presences give me that same sort of tingly feeling one might get when they look down from somewhere up high or are in an elevator and it's going up/down.
From that single interaction alone I've learned that Thanatos is a rather kind individual and enjoys interacting with others. I always thought he was more of a reserved and quiet individual as one may think Death to be, and while he is rather quiet he's far from reserved. The best way to explain him is someone who wants to be around others but can easily become a bit anxious if he feels as if he's making the person uncomfortable and depending on his mood he can become rather introverted. If you feel like he's possibly becoming anxious over something the first time interacting with you, especially if you're as sensitive as I am to the presence of other beings, the best thing to do is reassure him that it's alright and he doesn't have to limit his interactions with you. I had told him near the end of the day that from now on he can come and hangout whenever he wants without me getting his attention first, but he instantly became unsure and worried that he'd overwhelm me due to my sensitivity. Thankfully he calmed down after I explained to him that I'm not overwhelmed and explained my sensitivity to him.
I've only seen him twice in some dreams, the first time he had gotten lost in it (as my dreams are chaotic and I can't control them if they choose to shift to something else) after like 10-20 minutes into the dream, but from that first appearance, he chose to appear as a mix of how he really looks like and the design of the character Thanatos from the game Hades. Turns out, after asking him about it the next day, he had chosen to appear that way just to mess with me and to be funny. Second dream I remember nothing about other than the fact he was there looking normal. Third dream he wasn't there but at the end of it he did send some butterflies in order to say hello.
Normally, Thanatos doesn't need to try and reach out to me, he's done so once through a butterfly, a few days after our dog had passed away but that was just to say hi and for no other reason. I had also drawn the Death Tarot, which was reversed but there was no hidden message. He seems content enough to come and sit with me without me knowing or to watch over me, plus most the time I'm the one suddenly getting his attention by talking to him at random and he's fully aware that due to my Autism and ADHD I wont exactly go and grab my Tarot to talk to him and is content with just listening, dealing with me being extremely random, or, something he did yesterday (28th) and yesterday night (27th) was sit directly next to me on my bed and lean in extremely close just to stare at my laptop screen. I'm unsure if he was trying to comfort me after Hecate scared the fuck out of me with a spider because I was paranoid and refused to sleep at all even after coming to an agreement that no more spiders will be sent into my bedroom with Hecate.
Based on that interaction, I feel as if Thanatos can become rather protective over people he's taken a liking to, his presence itself being rather warm, comforting, sometimes it's enough to make me feel like crying because suddenly all my anxieties, everything is just gone and I feel as if I don't have to worry about anything. Sometimes I'm unsure if I'm smelling lavender or some other floral scent, or even chamomile, which sometimes makes me think he's literally gone and gotten into my teas. I believe at times he's also gone and woken up Hypnos some nights just in order to get me to sleep. While writing this, I've felt warmth against my ear, cheek, felt peaceful, I smell a familiar scent that smells floral of some sort, so another thing is that Thanatos also seems to be rather curious once he's gotten used to someone. Although, as I don't find many people talking about their interactions with him, and based on how he told me that no one had ever really offered to let him just hangout whenever he wants with them before, I have a feeling that a lot of this is actually Thanatos feeling as if he is free to just be himself and that he's in a safe place because when I interact with him I don't see him as Death itself or as a literal Greek God/Deity, instead I treat him as if he's just like anyone else, I don't reach out to him for advice or help, I reach out to him because I genuinely enjoy interacting with him and I'm one of those few people who aren't afraid of death or dying, at least, not the concept of dying, as I would never do anything that actually puts me at a risk of death out of fear of being forgotten and also because I want to enjoy life as much as I can before it comes naturally.
I've also had a natural affinity towards death and the concept of an afterlife and Gods of Death, so to me, Death is a friend and is my friend, which I believe is why Thanatos interacts differently with me.
‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅ ⋯ 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜
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Blue colored butterflies, specifically the Blue Morpho (for those who play Animal Crossing, it's the Emperor Butterfly, literally just learned it's actually called a Blue Morpho. Although the Ulysses Butterfly is also called an Emperor Butterfly or the Blue Emperor and is a swallowtail butterfly)
Red Spider Lilies (Japanese flowers associated with death)
That silly "guh-dong" sound that happens when you get a "Death Approaches" area in the game Hades.
White roses
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Low energy Devotional Acts for when you don’t have a lot of energy (or time, or money, etc.)
- listen to a devotional playlist for Him
- listens to ‘dark ambient’ soundscapes
- learn about butterflies
- if able, visit a cemetery
- learn about the work that death doulas, hospice workers, funeral directors, morticians, cemetery caretakers, and grief counselors do
- if able tend to the grave of a loved one (tidy it up, bring new flowers/decorations, etc.)
- talk to deceased loved ones (doesn’t have to be anything fancy- I talk to my dead dog all the time I say good morning to him and when we leave I tell him we’ll be back etc. whatever you wanna tell them you tell them!)
- learn the stages of grief and how complex grief is
- if interested and able (I know this can be touchy) learn about the process of dying and what happens to the body after death
- learn about what you can have done to your body after death- there’s lots of interesting options out there! Burial at sea is still very much a thing that can be done, I didn’t know that until I got curious and looked this stuff up!
- if able and willing talk to your loved ones about what your wishes are for when you die- what do you want to happen to your body, what do you want your funeral to be like, etc. (I include this because I used to work in assisted living and nothing is worse than your family just not knowing what your wishes are for when you die, I’ve heard too many horror stories)
- learn about death magic and spirit work
- learn about the Victorian era spirituality craze (like the uptick in things like seances and all that, it’s all very interesting)
- learn about the many ways to communicate with the dead
- destigmatize death- death has become a very hush-hush subject which doesn’t really do us any favors in my opinion so don’t be afraid to talk about it, talk about your wishes, etc.
- learn about funerary practices throughout history and around the world
- learn about the meaning of death throughout history and around the world
- listen to songs about death
- read poems, books, plays about death- there’s a lot of them and they’re quite interesting
- watch movies/shows about death (my personal favorite is the seventh seal)
- if able and willing reflect on your own thoughts and feelings on death (can be death in general, about your own mortality, etc.)
- look up cemetery symbols and symbolism! And whenever able do a cemetery scavenger hunt
- wear black
- learn about how to help someone who is grieving
- listen to goth music
- be kind to spirits
- learn about haunted locations
- read ghost stories (idk if this counts but my personal favorite is The Legend of Sleepy Hollow)
- listen to a devotional playlist for Him
- listen to calming soundscapes
- learn about symbolism in dreams
- learn about the stages of sleep
- if able establish and practice good sleep hygiene
- learn about good sleep hygiene
- if unable (or you have a hard time sleeping) look up calming and quiet activities you can do instead
- listen to calming music
- if able make your bedroom into a cozy safe space
- learn about herbs and plants with calming and/or sleep inducing properties
- if able donate some bedding you don’t use anymore (even animal shelters will take some! Bedding is always in high demand in all sorts of places so if you’re needing to unload some this is the chance to do it!)
- learn about our sleep cycles and the circadian rhythm
- if you have young family members (kids, little siblings) tuck them in and/or read them a bedtime story
- if able slow down and rest
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Sleep Well - Prayer to Hypnos
Hypnos Makar, Hypnos Paean, Hypnos Epidôtês,
Hypnos Blessed One, Hypnos Healer, Hypnos Bountiful,
Please grant me swift and sweet rest tonight, Cloud-Stepper. Allow my eyes to close heavily and for lovely dreams to play in my mind. Please allow for a restful night filled with rejuvenation and peace. I wish to be undisturbed, sleeping as deeply as a puppy after a day full of play. I wish for rest so healing that I awake the next morning with a smile on my face. Please, Kindly Hypnos, grant me these things.
Thank you, Fair Hypnos, for hearing my prayer. Your compassion is boundless, and your sympathy, touching. May your night be as peaceful and restful as my own. May all your dreams be sweet, and may your own Lovely Mind always find reprieve from its worries. May every day bring a smile to your Rosy Cheeks with something good always laid down at your feet.
Take care, Lord Hypnos, and may peace be with you. Praised be to the name Hypnos!
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